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synced 2025-03-01 16:05:25 -05:00
Merge pull request #291 from vanous/cz-translation
Initial work at czech translation
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 133 additions and 133 deletions
@ -1,153 +1,153 @@
module.exports = nativeDescription: "čeština", englishDescription: "Czech", translation:
module.exports = nativeDescription: "čeština", englishDescription: "Czech", translation:
loading: "Loading..."
loading: "Načítání..."
# saving: "Saving..."
saving: "Ukládání..."
# sending: "Sending..."
sending: "Odesílání..."
# cancel: "Cancel"
cancel: "Zrušit"
# save: "Save"
save: "Uložit"
# delay_1_sec: "1 second"
delay_1_sec: "1 vteřina"
# delay_3_sec: "3 seconds"
delay_3_sec: "3 vteřiny"
# delay_5_sec: "5 seconds"
delay_5_sec: "5 vteřin"
# manual: "Manual"
manual: "Ručně"
# fork: "Fork"
fork: "Fork - klonovat"
# play: "Play"
play: "Přehrát"
# modal:
# close: "Close"
close: "Zavřít"
# okay: "Okay"
okay: "Budiž"
# not_found:
# page_not_found: "Page not found"
page_not_found: "Stránka nenalezena"
# nav:
# play: "Levels"
play: "Úrovně"
# editor: "Editor"
editor: "Editor"
# blog: "Blog"
blog: "Blog"
# forum: "Forum"
forum: "Fórum"
# admin: "Admin"
admin: "Admin"
# home: "Home"
home: "Domů"
# contribute: "Contribute"
contribute: "Přispívat"
# legal: "Legal"
legal: "Licence"
# about: "About"
about: "O programu"
# contact: "Contact"
contact: "Kontakt"
# twitter_follow: "Follow"
twitter_follow: "Sledovat"
# employers: "Employers"
employers: "Zaměstnavatelé"
# versions:
# save_version_title: "Save New Version"
save_version_title: "Uložit Novou Verzi"
# new_major_version: "New Major Version"
new_major_version: "Nová Hlavní Verze"
# cla_prefix: "To save changes, first you must agree to our"
cla_prefix: "Před uložením musíte souhlasit s"
# cla_url: "CLA"
cla_url: "licencí"
# cla_suffix: "."
cla_suffix: "."
# cla_agree: "I AGREE"
cla_agree: "SOUHLASÍM"
# login:
# sign_up: "Create Account"
sign_up: "Vytvořit účet"
# log_in: "Log In"
log_in: "Přihlásit"
# log_out: "Log Out"
log_out: "Odhlásit"
# recover: "recover account"
recover: "obnovit účet"
# recover:
# recover_account_title: "Recover Account"
recover_account_title: "Obnovení účtu"
# send_password: "Send Recovery Password"
send_password: "Zaslat nové heslo"
# signup:
# create_account_title: "Create Account to Save Progress"
create_account_title: "Vytvořit účet k uložení úrovně"
# description: "It's free. Just need a couple things and you'll be good to go:"
description: "Registrace je zdarma. Vyplňte pouze pár věcí:"
# email_announcements: "Receive announcements by email"
email_announcements: "Dostávat novinky emailem"
# coppa: "13+ or non-USA "
coppa: "starší než 13let nebo nejste z USA "
# coppa_why: "(Why?)"
coppa_why: "(Proč?)"
# creating: "Creating Account..."
creating: "Vytvářím účet..."
# sign_up: "Sign Up"
sign_up: "Přihlášení"
# log_in: "log in with password"
log_in: "zadejte vaše heslo"
# home:
# slogan: "Learn to Code JavaScript by Playing a Game"
slogan: "Naučte se programovat v JavaScriptu během hraní"
# no_ie: "CodeCombat does not run in Internet Explorer 9 or older. Sorry!"
no_ie: "CodeCombat nefunguje Internet Exploreru 9 nebo starším. Promiňte!"
# no_mobile: "CodeCombat wasn't designed for mobile devices and may not work!"
no_mobile: "CodeCombat není navržen pro mobilní zařízení a nemusí fungovat správně!"
# play: "Play"
play: "Hrát"
# play:
# choose_your_level: "Choose Your Level"
choose_your_level: "Zvolte si úroveň"
# adventurer_prefix: "You can jump to any level below, or discuss the levels on "
adventurer_prefix: "Můžete přejít do dalších úrovních, nebo debatovat o úrovních na "
# adventurer_forum: "the Adventurer forum"
adventurer_forum: "fóru Dobrodruhů (Adventurer)"
# adventurer_suffix: "."
adventurer_suffix: "."
# campaign_beginner: "Beginner Campaign"
campaign_beginner: "Začátečnická úroveň"
# campaign_beginner_description: "... in which you learn the wizardry of programming."
campaign_beginner_description: "...ve které se naučíte kouzla programování."
# campaign_dev: "Random Harder Levels"
campaign_dev: "Náhodné težší úrovně"
# campaign_dev_description: "... in which you learn the interface while doing something a little harder."
campaign_dev_description: "...ve kterých se dozvíte více o prostředí při plnění těžších úkolů."
# campaign_multiplayer: "Multiplayer Arenas"
campaign_multiplayer: "Multiplayer Aréna"
# campaign_multiplayer_description: "... in which you code head-to-head against other players."
campaign_multiplayer_description: "...ve které programujete proti jiným hráčům."
# campaign_player_created: "Player-Created"
campaign_player_created: "Uživatelsky vytvořené úrovně"
# campaign_player_created_description: "... in which you battle against the creativity of your fellow <a href=\"/contribute#artisan\">Artisan Wizards</a>."
campaign_player_created_description: "...ve kterých bojujete proti kreativitě ostatních <a href=\"/contribute#artisan\">Zdatných Kouzelníků</a>."
# level_difficulty: "Difficulty: "
level_difficulty: "Obtížnost: "
# contact:
# contact_us: "Contact CodeCombat"
contact_us: "Konktujte CodeCombat"
# welcome: "Good to hear from you! Use this form to send us email. "
welcome: "Rádi od vás uslyšíme. Použijte tento formulář pro odeslání emailu. "
# contribute_prefix: "If you're interested in contributing, check out our "
contribute_prefix: "Chcete-li nám přispět, prohlédněte si naši stránku "
# contribute_page: "contribute page"
contribute_page: "přispivatelů"
# contribute_suffix: "!"
contribute_suffix: "!"
# forum_prefix: "For anything public, please try "
forum_prefix: "Pro ostatní veřejné věci, prosím zkuste "
# forum_page: "our forum"
forum_page: "naše fórum"
# forum_suffix: " instead."
forum_suffix: "."
# send: "Send Feedback"
send: "Odeslat připomínku"
# title: "Help translate CodeCombat!"
title: "Pomozte přeložit CodeCombat!"
# sub_heading: "We need your language skills."
sub_heading: "Potřebujeme vaše dovednosti."
pitch_body: "We develop CodeCombat in English, but we already have players all over the world. Many of them want to play in Czech but don't speak English, so if you can speak both, please consider signing up to be a Diplomat and help translate both the CodeCombat website and all the levels into Czech."
pitch_body: "Vyvíjíme CodeCombat v angličtině, ale máme spoustu hráčů z celého světa. Mnozí z nich by hráli v češtině, protože neumí anglicky, takže pokud anglicky umíte, přihlaště se prosím jako Diplomata pomozte v překladu webu i jednotlivých úrovní."
missing_translations: "Until we can translate everything into Czech, you'll see English when Czech isn't available."
missing_translations: "Dokud nebude vše přeloženo, bude se vám na zatím nepřeložených místech zobrazovat text anglicky."
# learn_more: "Learn more about being a Diplomat"
learn_more: "Dozvědět se více o Diplomatech"
# subscribe_as_diplomat: "Subscribe as a Diplomat"
subscribe_as_diplomat: "Přihlásit se jako Diplomat"
# wizard_settings:
# title: "Wizard Settings"
title: "Nastavení Kouzelníka"
# customize_avatar: "Customize Your Avatar"
customize_avatar: "Upravte vás Avatar"
# account_settings:
# title: "Account Settings"
title: "Nastavení účtu"
# not_logged_in: "Log in or create an account to change your settings."
not_logged_in: "Přihlašte se, nebo vytvořte si účet pro uložení nastavení."
# autosave: "Changes Save Automatically"
autosave: "Automatické ukládání změn"
# me_tab: "Me"
me_tab: "O mne"
# picture_tab: "Picture"
picture_tab: "Obrázek"
# wizard_tab: "Wizard"
wizard_tab: "Kouzelník"
# password_tab: "Password"
password_tab: "Heslo"
# emails_tab: "Emails"
emails_tab: "Emaily"
# gravatar_select: "Select which Gravatar photo to use"
gravatar_select: "Zvolte kterou Gravatarfotografii použít"
# gravatar_add_photos: "Add thumbnails and photos to a Gravatar account for your email to choose an image."
gravatar_add_photos: "Přidat náhledy a fotografie do Gravatar účtu pro zvolení obrázku"
# gravatar_add_more_photos: "Add more photos to your Gravatar account to access them here."
gravatar_add_more_photos: "Přidat do vašeho Gravatar účtu další fotografie."
# wizard_color: "Wizard Clothes Color"
wizard_color: "Barva Kouzelníkova oblečení"
# new_password: "New Password"
new_password: "Nové heslo"
# new_password_verify: "Verify"
new_password_verify: "Potvrdit"
# email_subscriptions: "Email Subscriptions"
email_subscriptions: "Doručovat emailem"
# email_announcements: "Announcements"
email_announcements: "Oznámení"
# email_notifications_description: "Get periodic notifications for your account."
email_notifications_description: "Zasílat na váš účet opakovaná oznámení."
# email_announcements_description: "Get emails on the latest news and developments at CodeCombat."
email_announcements_description: "Zasílat emaily o posledních novinkách a o postupu ve vývoji CodeCombat."
# contributor_emails: "Contributor Class Emails"
contributor_emails: "Emaily pro přispivatele"
# contribute_prefix: "We're looking for people to join our party! Check out the "
contribute_prefix: "Hledáme další přispivatele! Čtěte prosím "
# contribute_page: "contribute page"
contribute_page: "stránku přispivatelům"
# contribute_suffix: " to find out more."
contribute_suffix: " pro více informací."
# email_toggle: "Toggle All"
email_toggle: "Zvolit vše"
# error_saving: "Error Saving"
error_saving: "Chyba při ukládání"
# saved: "Changes Saved"
saved: "Změny uloženy"
# password_mismatch: "Password does not match."
password_mismatch: "Hesla nesouhlasí."
# account_profile:
# edit_settings: "Edit Settings"
edit_settings: "Editovat Nastavení"
# profile_for_prefix: "Profile for "
profile_for_prefix: "Profil pro "
# profile_for_suffix: ""
profile_for_suffix: ""
# profile: "Profile"
profile: "Profil"
# user_not_found: "No user found. Check the URL?"
user_not_found: "Uživatel nenalezen. Zkontrolujte adresu URL?"
# gravatar_not_found_mine: "We couldn't find your profile associated with:"
gravatar_not_found_mine: "Nenalezli jsme profil asociovaný s:"
# gravatar_not_found_email_suffix: "."
gravatar_not_found_email_suffix: "."
# gravatar_signup_prefix: "Sign up at "
gravatar_signup_prefix: "Přihlásit se "
# gravatar_signup_suffix: " to get set up!"
gravatar_signup_suffix: " k nastavení!"
# gravatar_not_found_other: "Alas, there's no profile associated with this person's email address."
gravatar_not_found_other: "Bohužel, neexistuje profil asociovaný s touto emailovou adresou."
# gravatar_contact: "Contact"
gravatar_contact: "Kontakt"
# gravatar_websites: "Websites"
gravatar_websites: "Weby"
# gravatar_accounts: "As Seen On"
gravatar_accounts: "Jak zobrazeno na"
# gravatar_profile_link: "Full Gravatar Profile"
gravatar_profile_link: "Účet Gravatar"
# play_level:
# play_level:
# level_load_error: "Level could not be loaded."
# level_load_error: "Level could not be loaded."
Reference in a new issue