mirror of
synced 2025-03-25 12:20:32 -04:00
A bit of error handling.
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 52 additions and 45 deletions
@ -47,14 +47,14 @@ module.exports = GPlusHandler = class GPlusHandler extends CocoClass
'client_id' : clientID
'scope' : scope
gapi.auth.authorize params, @onGPlusLogin
onGPlusLogin: (e) =>
@loggedIn = true
storage.save(GPLUS_TOKEN_KEY, e)
@accessToken = e
@trigger 'logged-in'
return if (not me) or me.get 'gplusID' # so only get more data
return if (not me) or me.get 'gplusID' # so only get more data
# email and profile data loaded separately
@responsesComplete = 0
gapi.client.request(path:plusURL, callback:@onPersonEntityReceived)
@ -104,12 +104,13 @@ module.exports = GPlusHandler = class GPlusHandler extends CocoClass
success: (model) ->
window.location.reload() if wasAnonymous and not model.get('anonymous')
loadFriends: (friendsCallback) ->
return friendsCallback() unless @loggedIn
expires_in = if @accessToken then parseInt(@accessToken.expires_at) - new Date().getTime()/1000 else -1
expiresIn = if @accessToken then parseInt(@accessToken.expires_at) - new Date().getTime()/1000 else -1
onReauthorized = => gapi.client.request({path:'/plus/v1/people/me/people/visible', callback: friendsCallback})
if expires_in < 0
if expiresIn < 0
# TODO: this tries to open a popup window, which might not ever finish or work, so the callback may never be called.
@listenToOnce(@, 'logged-in', onReauthorized)
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ class CocoModel extends Backbone.Model
type: ->
clone: (withChanges=true) ->
# Backbone does not support nested documents
clone = super()
@ -207,20 +207,20 @@ class CocoModel extends Backbone.Model
return true if permission.access in ['owner', 'write']
return false
getDelta: ->
differ = deltasLib.makeJSONDiffer()
differ.diff @_revertAttributes, @attributes
applyDelta: (delta) ->
newAttributes = $.extend(true, {}, @attributes)
jsondiffpatch.patch newAttributes, delta
@set newAttributes
getExpandedDelta: ->
delta = @getDelta()
deltasLib.expandDelta(delta, @_revertAttributes, @schema())
addPatchToAcceptOnSave: (patch) ->
@acceptedPatches ?= []
@acceptedPatches.push patch
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ module.exports = class LevelSaveView extends SaveVersionModal
context.hasChanges = (context.levelNeedsSave or context.modifiedComponents.length or context.modifiedSystems.length)
@lastContext = context
afterRender: ->
changeEls = @$el.find('.changes-stub')
@ -37,8 +37,11 @@ module.exports = class LevelSaveView extends SaveVersionModal
models = models.concat @lastContext.modifiedSystems
for changeEl, i in changeEls
model = models[i]
deltaView = new DeltaView({model:model})
@insertSubView(deltaView, $(changeEl))
deltaView = new DeltaView({model:model})
@insertSubView(deltaView, $(changeEl))
catch e
console.error "Couldn't create delta view:", e
shouldSaveEntity: (m) ->
return true if m.hasLocalChanges()
@ -31,8 +31,11 @@ module.exports = class SaveVersionModal extends ModalView
@$el.find(if me.get('signedCLA') then '#accept-cla-wrapper' else '#save-version-button').hide()
changeEl = @$el.find('.changes-stub')
deltaView = new DeltaView({model:@model})
@insertSubView(deltaView, changeEl)
deltaView = new DeltaView({model:@model})
@insertSubView(deltaView, changeEl)
catch e
console.error "Couldn't create delta view:", e
@$el.find('.commit-message input').attr('placeholder', $.i18n.t('general.commit_msg'))
onClickSaveButton: ->
@ -61,7 +64,7 @@ module.exports = class SaveVersionModal extends ModalView
res.success =>
onClickCLALink: ->
window.open('/cla', 'cla', 'height=800,width=900')
@ -79,4 +82,4 @@ module.exports = class SaveVersionModal extends ModalView
onAgreeFailed: =>
@$el.find('#agreement-button').text('Failed').prop('disabled', false)
@$el.find('#agreement-button').text('Failed').prop('disabled', false)
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ module.exports = class LadderTabView extends CocoView
checkFriends: ->
return if @checked or (not window.FB) or (not window.gapi)
@checked = true
FB.getLoginStatus (response) =>
@facebookStatus = response.status
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ module.exports = class LadderTabView extends CocoView
loadFacebookFriends: ->
FB.api '/me/friends', @onFacebookFriendsLoaded
onFacebookFriendsLoaded: (response) =>
@facebookData = response.data
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ module.exports = class LadderTabView extends CocoView
friend.otherTeam = if friend.team is 'humans' then 'ogres' else 'humans'
friend.imageSource = "http://graph.facebook.com/#{friend.facebookID}/picture"
@facebookFriendSessions = result
onConnectGPlus: ->
@ -98,10 +98,10 @@ module.exports = class LadderTabView extends CocoView
onConnectedWithGPlus: -> location.reload() if @connecting
gplusSessionStateLoaded: ->
if application.gplusHandler.loggedIn
@addSomethingToLoad("gplus_friends", 0) # this might not load ever, so we can't wait for it
application.gplusHandler.loadFriends @gplusFriendsLoaded
gplusFriendsLoaded: (friends) =>
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ module.exports = class LadderTabView extends CocoView
friend.otherTeam = if friend.team is 'humans' then 'ogres' else 'humans'
friend.imageSource = friendsMap[friend.gplusID].image.url
@gplusFriendSessions = result
refreshLadder: ->
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ module.exports = class LadderTabView extends CocoView
render: ->
@$el.find('.histogram-display').each (i, el) =>
histogramWrapper = $(el)
team = _.find @teams, name: histogramWrapper.data('team-name')
@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ module.exports = class LadderTabView extends CocoView
$.get("/db/level/#{@level.get('slug')}/histogram_data?team=#{team.name.toLowerCase()}", (data) -> histogramData = data)
).then =>
@generateHistogram(histogramWrapper, histogramData, team.name.toLowerCase())
getRenderData: ->
ctx = super()
ctx.level = @level
@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ module.exports = class LadderTabView extends CocoView
#renders twice, hack fix
if $("#"+histogramElement.attr("id")).has("svg").length then return
histogramData = histogramData.map (d) -> d*100
margin =
top: 20
right: 20
@ -175,17 +175,17 @@ module.exports = class LadderTabView extends CocoView
width = 300 - margin.left - margin.right
height = 125 - margin.top - margin.bottom
formatCount = d3.format(",.0")
x = d3.scale.linear().domain([-3000,6000]).range([0,width])
data = d3.layout.histogram().bins(x.ticks(20))(histogramData)
y = d3.scale.linear().domain([0,d3.max(data, (d) -> d.y)]).range([height,0])
#create the x axis
xAxis = d3.svg.axis().scale(x).orient("bottom").ticks(5).outerTickSize(0)
svg = d3.select("#"+histogramElement.attr("id")).append("svg")
.attr("width", width + margin.left + margin.right)
.attr("height", height + margin.top + margin.bottom)
@ -194,25 +194,25 @@ module.exports = class LadderTabView extends CocoView
barClass = "bar"
if teamName.toLowerCase() is "ogres" then barClass = "ogres-bar"
if teamName.toLowerCase() is "humans" then barClass = "humans-bar"
bar = svg.selectAll(".bar")
.attr("transform", (d) -> "translate(#{x(d.x)},#{y(d.y)})")
.attr("transform", (d) -> "translate(#{x(d.x)},#{y(d.y)})")
.attr("height", (d) -> height - y(d.y))
if @leaderboards[teamName].session?
playerScore = @leaderboards[teamName].session.get('totalScore') * 100
if playerScore = @leaderboards[teamName].session?.get('totalScore')
playerScore *= 100
scorebar = svg.selectAll(".specialbar")
.attr("transform", "translate(#{x(playerScore)},#{y(9001)})")
@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ module.exports = class LadderTabView extends CocoView
rankClass = "rank-text"
if teamName.toLowerCase() is "ogres" then rankClass = "rank-text ogres-rank-text"
if teamName.toLowerCase() is "humans" then rankClass = "rank-text humans-rank-text"
message = "#{histogramData.length} players"
if @leaderboards[teamName].session? then message="#{@leaderboards[teamName].myRank}/#{histogramData.length}"
@ -230,14 +230,14 @@ module.exports = class LadderTabView extends CocoView
#Translate the x-axis up
.attr("class", "x axis")
.attr("transform","translate(0," + height + ")")
consolidateFriends: ->
allFriendSessions = (@facebookFriendSessions or []).concat(@gplusFriendSessions or [])
sessions = _.uniq allFriendSessions, false, (session) -> session._id
@ -249,11 +249,11 @@ class LeaderboardData extends CocoClass
Consolidates what you need to load for a leaderboard into a single Backbone Model-like object.
constructor: (@level, @team, @session) ->
fetch: ->
@topPlayers = new LeaderboardCollection(@level, {order:-1, scoreOffset: HIGHEST_SCORE, team: @team, limit: 20})
promises = []
@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ class LeaderboardData extends CocoClass
@trigger 'sync', @
# TODO: cache user ids -> names mapping, and load them here as needed,
# and apply them to sessions. Fetching each and every time is too costly.
onFail: (resource, jqxhr) =>
return if @destroyed
@trigger 'error', @, jqxhr
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ module.exports = class TomeView extends View
@thangSpells[thang.id].push spellKey
unless method.cloneOf
skipProtectAPI = @getQueryVariable "skip_protect_api", not @options.ladderGame
skipFlow = @getQueryVariable "skip_flow", @options.levelID is 'brawlwood'
skipFlow = @getQueryVariable "skip_flow", @options.levelID is 'brawlwood' or @options.levelID is 'resource-gathering-multiplayer'
spell = @spells[spellKey] = new Spell programmableMethod: method, spellKey: spellKey, pathComponents: pathPrefixComponents.concat(pathComponents), session: @options.session, supermodel: @supermodel, skipFlow: skipFlow, skipProtectAPI: skipProtectAPI, worker: @worker
for thangID, spellKeys of @thangSpells
thang = world.getThangByID thangID
Add table
Reference in a new issue