mirror of
synced 2025-02-17 08:50:58 -05:00
A bit of error handling.
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 52 additions and 45 deletions
@ -107,9 +107,10 @@ module.exports = GPlusHandler = class GPlusHandler extends CocoClass
loadFriends: (friendsCallback) ->
return friendsCallback() unless @loggedIn
expires_in = if @accessToken then parseInt(@accessToken.expires_at) - new Date().getTime()/1000 else -1
expiresIn = if @accessToken then parseInt(@accessToken.expires_at) - new Date().getTime()/1000 else -1
onReauthorized = => gapi.client.request({path:'/plus/v1/people/me/people/visible', callback: friendsCallback})
if expires_in < 0
if expiresIn < 0
# TODO: this tries to open a popup window, which might not ever finish or work, so the callback may never be called.
@listenToOnce(@, 'logged-in', onReauthorized)
@ -37,8 +37,11 @@ module.exports = class LevelSaveView extends SaveVersionModal
models = models.concat @lastContext.modifiedSystems
for changeEl, i in changeEls
model = models[i]
deltaView = new DeltaView({model:model})
@insertSubView(deltaView, $(changeEl))
catch e
console.error "Couldn't create delta view:", e
shouldSaveEntity: (m) ->
return true if m.hasLocalChanges()
@ -31,8 +31,11 @@ module.exports = class SaveVersionModal extends ModalView
@$el.find(if me.get('signedCLA') then '#accept-cla-wrapper' else '#save-version-button').hide()
changeEl = @$el.find('.changes-stub')
deltaView = new DeltaView({model:@model})
@insertSubView(deltaView, changeEl)
catch e
console.error "Couldn't create delta view:", e
@$el.find('.commit-message input').attr('placeholder', $.i18n.t('general.commit_msg'))
onClickSaveButton: ->
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ module.exports = class LadderTabView extends CocoView
gplusSessionStateLoaded: ->
if application.gplusHandler.loggedIn
@addSomethingToLoad("gplus_friends", 0) # this might not load ever, so we can't wait for it
application.gplusHandler.loadFriends @gplusFriendsLoaded
gplusFriendsLoaded: (friends) =>
@ -205,8 +205,8 @@ module.exports = class LadderTabView extends CocoView
.attr("height", (d) -> height - y(d.y))
if @leaderboards[teamName].session?
playerScore = @leaderboards[teamName].session.get('totalScore') * 100
if playerScore = @leaderboards[teamName].session?.get('totalScore')
playerScore *= 100
scorebar = svg.selectAll(".specialbar")
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ module.exports = class TomeView extends View
@thangSpells[thang.id].push spellKey
unless method.cloneOf
skipProtectAPI = @getQueryVariable "skip_protect_api", not @options.ladderGame
skipFlow = @getQueryVariable "skip_flow", @options.levelID is 'brawlwood'
skipFlow = @getQueryVariable "skip_flow", @options.levelID is 'brawlwood' or @options.levelID is 'resource-gathering-multiplayer'
spell = @spells[spellKey] = new Spell programmableMethod: method, spellKey: spellKey, pathComponents: pathPrefixComponents.concat(pathComponents), session: @options.session, supermodel: @supermodel, skipFlow: skipFlow, skipProtectAPI: skipProtectAPI, worker: @worker
for thangID, spellKeys of @thangSpells
thang = world.getThangByID thangID
Reference in a new issue