Merge pull request #961 from gosnat/patch-3

This commit is contained in:
Nick Winter 2014-05-04 21:12:50 -07:00
commit 9dc66c1568

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@ -237,12 +237,12 @@ module.exports = class GoalManager extends CocoClass
# saveThangs: by default we would want to save all the Thangs, which means that we would want none of them to be "done"
numNeeded = _.size(stateThangs) - Math.min((goal.howMany ? 1), _.size stateThangs) + 1
numDone = _.filter(stateThangs).length
#console.log "needed", numNeeded, "done", numDone, "of total", _.size(stateThangs), "with how many", goal.howMany, "and stateThangs", stateThangs
console.log "needed", numNeeded, "done", numDone, "of total", _.size(stateThangs), "with how many", goal.howMany, "and stateThangs", stateThangs
return unless numDone >= numNeeded
return if state.status and not success # already failed it; don't wipe keyframe
state.status = if success then "success" else "failure"
state.keyFrame = frameNumber
#console.log goalID, "became", success, "on frame", frameNumber, "with overallStatus", @checkOverallStatus true
console.log goalID, "became", success, "on frame", frameNumber, "with overallStatus", @checkOverallStatus true
if overallStatus = @checkOverallStatus true
matchedGoals = (_.find(@goals, {id: goalID}) for goalID, goalState of @goalStates when goalState.status is overallStatus)
mostEagerGoal = _.min matchedGoals, 'worldEndsAfter'