Patch modal handles invalid patches.

This commit is contained in:
Scott Erickson 2014-06-24 17:25:01 -04:00
parent 2cdd7c4115
commit 9b873cfab4
4 changed files with 25 additions and 17 deletions

View file

@ -18,6 +18,6 @@ class NameLoader extends CocoClass
loadedNames: (newNames) =>
_.extend namesCache, newNames
getName: (id) -> namesCache[id].name
getName: (id) -> namesCache[id]?.name or id
module.exports = new NameLoader()

View file

@ -211,7 +211,9 @@ class CocoModel extends Backbone.Model
jsondiffpatch.patch newAttributes, delta
catch error
console.error "Error applying delta", delta, "to attributes", newAttributes, error
return false
@set newAttributes
return true
getExpandedDelta: ->
delta = @getDelta()

View file

@ -7,7 +7,10 @@ block modal-header-content
block modal-body-content
p= patch.get('commitMessage')
if deltaWorked
.alert.alert-danger Could not apply this delta to the current version.
block modal-footer

View file

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ module.exports = class PatchModal extends ModalView
template: template
plain: true
modalWidthPercent: 60
@DOC_SKIP_PATHS = ['_id','version', 'commitMessage', 'parent', 'created', 'slug', 'index', '__v', 'patches']
@DOC_SKIP_PATHS = ['_id','version', 'commitMessage', 'parent', 'created', 'slug', 'index', '__v', 'patches', 'creator']
'click #withdraw-button': 'withdrawPatch'
@ -24,29 +24,32 @@ module.exports = class PatchModal extends ModalView
@originalSource = new @targetModel.constructor({_id:targetID})
@supermodel.loadModel @originalSource, 'source_document'
onLoaded: ->
@headModel = null
if @targetModel.hasWriteAccess()
@headModel = @originalSource.clone(false)
@headModel.markToRevert true
@headModel.loaded = true
@pendingModel = @originalSource.clone(false)
@pendingModel.markToRevert true
@deltaWorked = @pendingModel.applyDelta(@patch.get('delta'))
@pendingModel.loaded = true
getRenderData: ->
c = super()
c.isPatchCreator = @patch.get('creator') is
c.isPatchRecipient = @targetModel.hasWriteAccess()
c.status = @patch.get 'status'
c.patch = @patch
c.deltaWorked = @deltaWorked
afterRender: ->
return unless @supermodel.finished()
headModel = null
if @targetModel.hasWriteAccess()
headModel = @originalSource.clone(false)
headModel.markToRevert true
headModel.loaded = true
pendingModel = @originalSource.clone(false)
pendingModel.markToRevert true
pendingModel.loaded = true
@deltaView = new DeltaView({model:pendingModel, headModel:headModel, skipPaths: PatchModal.DOC_SKIP_PATHS})
return super() unless @supermodel.finished() and @deltaWorked
@deltaView = new DeltaView({model:@pendingModel, headModel:@headModel, skipPaths: PatchModal.DOC_SKIP_PATHS})
changeEl = @$el.find('.changes-stub')
@insertSubView(@deltaView, changeEl)