Merge branch 'master' into production

This commit is contained in:
Matt Lott 2016-08-15 13:37:53 -07:00
commit 9ad181bc10
12 changed files with 368 additions and 54 deletions

View file

@ -79,6 +79,11 @@ module.exports = class LevelLoader extends CocoClass
@listenToOnce @level, 'sync', @onLevelLoaded
reportLoadError: ->
window.tracker?.trackEvent 'LevelLoadError',
category: 'Error',
levelSlug: @work?.level?.slug,
unloaded: JSON.stringify( (m) -> _.result(m.model, 'url'))
return if me.isAdmin() or /dev=true/.test(window.location?.href ? '') or reportedLoadErrorAlready
reportedLoadErrorAlready = true
context = email: me.get('email')

View file

@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Türkçe", englishDescription: "Turkish", t
sign_up: "Hesap Oluştur"
# email_or_username: "Email or username"
email_or_username: "E-posta veya kullanıcı adı"
log_in: "Giriş Yap"
logging_in: "Giriş Yapılıyor"
log_out: "Çıkış Yap"
@ -256,13 +256,13 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Türkçe", englishDescription: "Turkish", t
signup_switch: "Hesap oluşturmak istiyor musun?"
# create_student_header: "Create Student Account"
# create_teacher_header: "Create Teacher Account"
# create_individual_header: "Create Individual Account"
# create_header: "Create Account"
create_student_header: "Öğrenci Hesabı Oluştur"
create_teacher_header: "Öğretmen Hesabı Oluştur"
create_individual_header: "Bireysel Hesap Oluştur"
create_header: "Hesap Oluştur"
email_announcements: "E-posta duyurularını almak istiyorum" # {change}
creating: "Hesap oluşturuluyor..."
# create_account: "Create Account"
create_account: "Hesap Oluştur"
sign_up: "Kaydol"
log_in: "buradan giriş yapabilirsiniz."
required: "Buraya gidebilmeniz için oturum açmanız gerekli."
@ -278,46 +278,46 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Türkçe", englishDescription: "Turkish", t
connected_facebook_p: "Kayıt işlemini bitir, artık Facebook hesabınla giriş yapabilirsin."
facebook_exists: "Zaten Facebook ile ilişkilendirilmiş bir hesabın bulunuyor!"
hey_students: "Öğrenciler, öğretmeninizin verdiği sınıf kodunu girin."
# birthday: "Birthday"
birthday: "Doğum günü"
# parent_email_blurb: "We know you can't wait to learn programming — we're excited too! Your parents will receive an email with further instructions on how to create an account for you. Email {{email_link}} if you have any questions."
# classroom_not_found: "No classes exist with this Class Code. Check your spelling or ask your teacher for help."
# checking: "Checking..."
checking: "Kontrol ediliyor..."
# account_exists: "This email is already in use:" # {change}
# sign_in: "Sign in"
# email_good: "Email looks good!"
sign_in: "Oturum aç"
email_good: "E-posta iyi görünüyor!"
# name_taken: "Username already taken! Try {{suggestedName}}?"
# name_available: "Username available!"
name_available: "Kullanıcı adı müsait!"
# name_is_email: "Username may not be an email"
# choose_type: "Choose your account type:"
choose_type: "Hesabınızın türünü seçin:"
# teacher_type_1: "Teach programming using CodeCombat!"
# teacher_type_2: "Set up your class"
# teacher_type_3: "Access Course Guides"
# teacher_type_4: "View student progress"
# signup_as_teacher: "Sign up as a Teacher"
# student_type_1: "Learn to program while playing an engaging game!"
# student_type_2: "Play with your class"
# student_type_3: "Compete in arenas"
# student_type_4: "Choose your hero!"
signup_as_teacher: "Öğretmen olarak Kaydol"
student_type_1: "İlgi çekici bir oyun oynarken program öğren!"
student_type_2: "Sınıfınla oyna"
student_type_3: "Arenalarda rekabet et"
student_type_4: "Kahramanını seç!"
# student_type_5: "Have your Class Code ready!"
# signup_as_student: "Sign up as a Student"
signup_as_student: "Öğrenci olarak Kaydol"
# individuals_or_parents: "Individuals & Parents"
# individual_type: "For players learning to code outside of a class. Parents should sign up for an account here."
# signup_as_individual: "Sign up as an Individual"
# enter_class_code: "Enter your Class Code"
# enter_birthdate: "Enter your birthdate:"
# ask_teacher_1: "Ask your teacher for your Class Code."
signup_as_individual: "Bireysel olarak Kaydol"
enter_class_code: "Sınıf Kodunu Gir"
enter_birthdate: "Doğum tarihini gir:"
ask_teacher_1: "Sınıf kodun için öğretmenine sor."
# ask_teacher_2: "Not part of a class? Create an "
# ask_teacher_3: "Individual Account"
ask_teacher_3: "Bireysel Hesap"
# ask_teacher_4: " instead."
# about_to_join: "You're about to join:"
# enter_parent_email: "Enter your parents email address:"
# parent_email_error: "Something went wrong when trying to send the email. Check the email address and try again."
# parent_email_sent: "Weve sent an email with further instructions on how to create an account. Ask your parent to check their inbox."
# account_created: "Account Created!"
account_created: "Hesap Oluşturuldu!"
# confirm_student_blurb: "Write down your information so that you don't forget it. Your teacher can also help you reset your password at any time."
# confirm_individual_blurb: "Write down your login information in case you need it later. Verify your email so you can recover your account if you ever forget your password - check your inbox!"
# write_this_down: "Write this down:"
# start_playing: "Start Playing!"
start_playing: "Oynamaya Başla!"
# sso_connected: "Successfully connected with:"

View file

@ -309,6 +309,8 @@ class CocoModel extends Backbone.Model
sum = 0
data ?= $.extend true, {}, @attributes
schema ?= @schema() or {}
if schema.oneOf # get populating the Programmable component config to work
schema = _.find(schema.oneOf, {type: 'object'})
addedI18N = false
if and _.isPlainObject(data) and not data.i18n?
data.i18n = {'-':{'-':'-'}} # mongoose doesn't work with empty objects
@ -318,7 +320,11 @@ class CocoModel extends Backbone.Model
if _.isPlainObject data
for key, value of data
numChanged = 0
numChanged = @populateI18N(value, childSchema, path+'/'+key) if childSchema =[key]
childSchema =[key]
if not childSchema and _.isObject(schema.additionalProperties)
childSchema = schema.additionalProperties
if childSchema
numChanged = @populateI18N(value, childSchema, path+'/'+key)
if numChanged and not path # should only do this for the root object
@set key, value
sum += numChanged

View file

@ -164,7 +164,6 @@
content: " "
display: inline-block
position: relative
left: -49px
width: 49px
top: -30px
height: 38px
@ -172,6 +171,20 @@
background-image: url()
opacity: 0.5
left: -25px
left: 5px
left: 33px
left: 61px
left: 89px
@ -179,9 +192,6 @@
background-image: none
opacity: 0.5
// Override faint gray

View file

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ RootView = require 'views/core/RootView'
template = require 'templates/editor/level/edit'
Level = require 'models/Level'
LevelSystem = require 'models/LevelSystem'
LevelComponent = require 'models/LevelComponent'
World = require 'lib/world/world'
DocumentFiles = require 'collections/DocumentFiles'
LevelLoader = require 'lib/LevelLoader'
@ -217,6 +218,19 @@ module.exports = class LevelEditView extends RootView
onPopulateI18N: ->
levelComponentMap = _(currentView.supermodel.getModels(LevelComponent))
.map((c) -> [c.get('original'), c])
for thang, thangIndex in @level.get('thangs')
for thangComponent, thangComponentIndex in thang.components
component = levelComponentMap[thangComponent.original]
configSchema = component.get('configSchema')
path = "/thangs/#{thangIndex}/components/#{thangComponentIndex}/config"
@level.populateI18N(thangComponent.config, configSchema, path)
f = -> document.location.reload()
setTimeout(f, 2000)

View file

@ -641,25 +641,7 @@ module.exports = class PlayLevelView extends RootView
# Real-time playback
onRealTimePlaybackStarted: (e) ->
if @level.isType('game-dev')
panel = @$('#how-to-play-game-dev-panel')
# TODO: Remove this once these levels have studentPlayInstructions set.
if not @level.get('studentPlayInstructions')
lines = switch @level.get('slug')
when 'over-the-garden-wall' then ['Watch to see if the peasants are properly protected.']
when 'click-gait' then ['Move to each red "X".', 'Click on the screen to move the Knight there.']
when 'heros-journey' then ['Move to each red "X".', 'Click on the screen to move the Knight there.']
when 'a-maze-ing' then ['Move to the chest of gems.', 'Click on the screen to move the Duelist there.']
when 'gemtacular' then ['Move to each of the gems.', 'Click on the screen to move the Captain there.']
when 'vorpal-mouse' then ['Slay the ogres.', 'Click on the screen to move the Guardian there.', 'Click on the munchkins to attack them!']
when 'crushing-it' then ['Slay the ogres.', 'Click on the screen to move the Goliath there.', 'Click on the munchkins to attack them!']
when 'tabula-rasa' then ['Slay any ogres.', 'Collect any coins.', 'Click on the screen to move the Raider there.', 'Click on any munchkins to attack them!']
else null
if lines
html =, (line) -> "<p>#{line}</p>").join('')
@$('#how-to-play-game-dev-panel').removeClass('hide') if @level.isType('game-dev')
onRealTimePlaybackEnded: (e) ->

View file

@ -803,7 +803,7 @@ module.exports = class SpellView extends CocoView
# This function itself removes the unwanted annotations on a later tick.
onChangeAnnotation: (event, session) ->
unfilteredAnnotations = session.getAnnotations()
filteredAnnotations = _.remove unfilteredAnnotations, (annotation) ->
filteredAnnotations = _.reject unfilteredAnnotations, (annotation) ->
annotation.text is 'Start tag seen without seeing a doctype first. Expected e.g. <!DOCTYPE html>.'
if filteredAnnotations.length < unfilteredAnnotations.length
@ -1113,6 +1113,7 @@ module.exports = class SpellView extends CocoView
for line, index in lines
session.removeGutterDecoration index, 'entry-point'
session.removeGutterDecoration index, 'next-entry-point'
session.removeGutterDecoration index, "entry-point-indent-#{i}" for i in [0, 4, 8, 12, 16]
lineHasComment = @singleLineCommentRegex().test line
lineHasCode = line.trim()[0] and not @singleLineCommentOnlyRegex().test line
@ -1146,6 +1147,13 @@ module.exports = class SpellView extends CocoView
session.addGutterDecoration index, 'next-entry-point'
seenAnEntryPoint = true
# Shift pointer right based on current indentation
# TODO: tabs probably need different horizontal offsets than spaces
indent = 0
indent++ while /\s/.test(line[indent])
indent = Math.min(16, Math.floor(indent / 4) * 4)
session.addGutterDecoration index, "entry-point-indent-#{indent}"
previousLine = line
previousLineHadComment = lineHasComment
previousLineHadCode = lineHasCode

View file

@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
# Usage:
# > coffee -c scripts/node/; node scripts/node/fixEmailFormattedUsernames.js run
_ = require 'lodash'
sendwithus = require '../../server/sendwithus'
log = require 'winston'
str = require 'underscore.string'
co = require 'co'
filter = /^[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,63}$/i
changedUsernameTemplate = _.template("
Hi, CodeCombat user!
Just letting you know we've made a change to your account settings which may change how you log in. Here are your old settings:
<li>Old username: <%= oldUsername %></li>
<li>Old email: <%= oldEmail %></li>
Your old username was an email address, but to reduce confusion, we now make sure email addresses can't be used as usernames.
<b><%= specialMessage %></b>
Here are your new settings:
<li>New username: <%= newUsername %></li>
<li>New email: <%= newEmail %></li>
Please <a href=''>visit the site</a> if you would like to update your settings.
And let us know if you have any questions!
") = ->
co ->
mongoose = require 'mongoose'
User = require '../../server/models/User'
users = yield User.find({nameLower: {$regex: filter}}).select({name:1, email:1, anonymous:1, slug:1})
console.log 'found', users.length, 'users'
for user in users
oldUsername = user.get('name')
oldEmail = user.get('email')
newUsername = null
newEmail = null
specialMessage = ''
if not oldEmail
otherUser = yield User.findByEmail(oldUsername)
if otherUser
specialMessage = "Since you had no email set, we would have made your old username your new email.
But '#{oldUsername}' is already used by another account as an email by another account,
so instead we changed your username."
newUsername = str.slugify(oldUsername)
newEmail = ''
specialMessage = "Since you had no email set, we simply made your old username your new email instead."
newEmail = oldUsername
newUsername = ''
else if oldEmail is oldUsername
specialMessage = "Since your email and username are the same, we simply removed your username."
newUsername = ''
newEmail = oldEmail
else if not filter.test(oldEmail)
otherEmailUser = yield User.findByEmail(oldUsername)
otherUsernameUser = yield User.findByName(oldEmail)
if otherEmailUser
specialMessage = "Since your old email looks like a username and your old username looks like an email,
we would have swapped them on your account.
But '#{oldUsername}' is already used as an email by another account,
so instead we changed your username."
newUsername = str.slugify(oldUsername)
newEmail = oldEmail
else if otherUsernameUser
specialMessage = "Since your old email looks like a username and your old username looks like an email,
we would have swapped them on your account.
But '#{oldEmail}' is already used as a username by another account,
so instead we changed your username."
newUsername = str.slugify(oldUsername)
newEmail = oldEmail
specialMessage = "Since your old email looks like a username and your old username looks like an email,
we swapped them on your account."
newUsername = oldEmail
newEmail = oldUsername
else if oldUsername and oldEmail
# Since oldEmail passed the email filter,
specialMessage = "Since your old email is valid, we simply removed your username."
newUsername = ''
newEmail = oldEmail
console.log('unhandled user', user.toObject())
throw new Error('Unhandled user')
user.set({name: newUsername, email: newEmail})
console.log JSON.stringify({
oldUsername, oldEmail, newUsername, newEmail, specialMessage, _id:
content = changedUsernameTemplate({
oldUsername: oldUsername or '<i>(no username)</i>'
oldEmail: oldEmail or '<i>(no email)</i>'
newUsername: newUsername or '<i>(no username)</i>'
newEmail: newEmail or '<i>(no email)</i>'
context =
template: sendwithus.templates.plain_text_email
address: oldUsername
address: ''
name: 'CodeCombat Team'
subject: 'Your Username Has Changed'
contentHTML: content
# Also send to the original email if it's valid
if filter.test(oldEmail) = [
{ address: oldEmail }
yield sendwithus.api.sendAsync(context)
return 'Done'
if _.last(process.argv) is 'run'
database = require '../../server/commons/database'
mongoose = require 'mongoose'
### SET UP ###
do (setupLodash = this) ->
GLOBAL._ = require 'lodash'
_.str = require 'underscore.string'
_.mixin _.str.exports()
GLOBAL.tv4 = require('tv4').tv4
co ->

View file

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ Classroom = require '../models/Classroom'
languages = require '../routes/languages'
_ = require 'lodash'
errors = require '../commons/errors'
Promise = require 'bluebird'
config = require '../../server_config'
stripe = require('stripe')(config.stripe.secretKey)
@ -270,6 +271,8 @@ UserSchema.statics.unconflictName = unconflictName = (name, done) ->
suffix = _.random(0, 9) + ''
unconflictName name + suffix, done
UserSchema.statics.unconflictNameAsync = Promise.promisify(unconflictName)
UserSchema.methods.sendWelcomeEmail = ->
return if not @get('email')
{ welcome_email_student, welcome_email_user } = sendwithus.templates
@ -361,9 +364,10 @@ UserSchema.pre('save', (next) ->
@set('email', undefined)
@set('emailLower', undefined)
if name = @get('name')
filter = /^[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,63}$/i #
if filter.test(name)
return next(new errors.UnprocessableEntity('Name may not be an email'))
if not @allowEmailNames # for testing
filter = /^[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,63}$/i #
if filter.test(name)
return next(new errors.UnprocessableEntity('Name may not be an email'))
@set('nameLower', name.toLowerCase())

View file

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ config = require '../server_config'
sendwithusAPI = require 'sendwithus'
swuAPIKey = config.mail.sendwithusAPIKey
log = require 'winston'
Promise = require 'bluebird'
module.exports.setupRoutes = (app) ->
@ -15,6 +16,8 @@ module.exports.api =
if swuAPIKey
module.exports.api = new sendwithusAPI swuAPIKey, debug
module.exports.templates =
parent_subscribe_email: 'tem_2APERafogvwKhmcnouigud'
coppa_deny_parent_signup: 'tem_d5fCpXS8V7jgff2sYKCinX'

View file

@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
# Don't need to run this regularly, only running script once.
#utils = require '../utils'
#User = require '../../../server/models/User'
#request = require '../request'
#sendwithus = require '../../../server/sendwithus'
#fixEmailFormattedUsernames = require '../../../scripts/node/fixEmailFormattedUsernames'
#describe '/scripts/node/fixEmailFormattedUsernames', ->
# beforeEach utils.wrap (done) ->
# yield utils.clearModels([User])
# console.log('spy on send async')
# spyOn(sendwithus.api, 'sendAsync').and.callThrough()
# done()
# afterEach ->
# expect(sendwithus.api.sendAsync).toHaveBeenCalled()
# describe "when a user has no email set", ->
# beforeEach utils.wrap (done) ->
# @user = new User({name: '', points:100})
# @user.allowEmailNames = true
# yield
# done()
# it 'moves the email-formatted username to be the user\'s email', utils.wrap (done) ->
# yield
# user = yield User.findById(
# expect(user.get('email')).toBe('')
# expect(user.get('name')).toBeUndefined()
# expect(user.get('points')).toBe(100) # make sure properties aren't removed
# done()
# describe "when another user exists with that email", ->
# beforeEach utils.wrap (done) ->
# @otherUser = new User({email: ''})
# yield
# done()
# it "slugifies the target user's username", utils.wrap (done) ->
# yield
# user = yield User.findById(
# expect(user.get('email')).toBeUndefined()
# expect(user.get('name')).toBe('anemailcom')
# done()
# describe "when a user has the same email and username", ->
# beforeEach utils.wrap (done) ->
# @user = new User({name: '', email: ''})
# @user.allowEmailNames = true
# yield
# done()
# it "removes the user's username", utils.wrap (done) ->
# yield
# user = yield User.findById(
# expect(user.get('email')).toBe('')
# expect(user.get('name')).toBeUndefined()
# done()
# describe "when the user has an email that isn't formatted like an email", ->
# beforeEach utils.wrap (done) ->
# @user = new User({name: '', email: 'a name'})
# @user.allowEmailNames = true
# yield
# done()
# it "swaps the two", utils.wrap (done) ->
# yield
# user = yield User.findById(
# expect(user.get('email')).toBe('')
# expect(user.get('name')).toBe('a name')
# done()
# describe "when another user already has the email-formatted name as an email", ->
# beforeEach utils.wrap (done) ->
# @otherUser = new User({email: ''})
# yield
# done()
# it "slugifies the target user's username", utils.wrap (done) ->
# yield
# user = yield User.findById(
# expect(user.get('email')).toBe('a name')
# expect(user.get('name')).toBe('anemailcom')
# done()
# describe "when another user already has the non-email-formatted email as a username", ->
# beforeEach utils.wrap (done) ->
# @otherUser = new User({name: 'a name'})
# yield
# done()
# it "slugifies the target user's username", utils.wrap (done) ->
# yield
# user = yield User.findById(
# expect(user.get('email')).toBe('a name')
# expect(user.get('name')).toBe('anemailcom')
# done()
# describe "when the user has a different but well formatted email set", ->
# beforeEach utils.wrap (done) ->
# @user = new User({name: '', email: ''})
# @user.allowEmailNames = true
# yield
# done()
# it "removes the target user's username", utils.wrap (done) ->
# yield
# user = yield User.findById(
# expect(user.get('email')).toBe('')
# expect(user.get('name')).toBeUndefined()
# done()