Much improved the mailchimp webhook.

This commit is contained in:
Scott Erickson 2014-01-24 12:23:14 -08:00
parent b2366c50af
commit 95186cc5ae

View file

@ -5,24 +5,42 @@ errors = require '../commons/errors'
request = require 'request'
badLog = (text) ->
options.text = text
console.log text '', { form: {log: text} }
module.exports.setupRoutes = (app) ->
app.all '/mail/webhook', (req, res) ->
post = req.body
unless post['data[email]'] is ''
unless post.type in ['unsubscribe', 'profile']
badLog("Bad post type: #{post.type}")
return res.end()
unless post['data[email]']
badLog("Ignoring because no email: #{JSON.stringify(req.body, null, '\t')}")
return res.end()
return handleProfileUpdate(post, res) if post.type is 'profile'
return handleUnsubscribe(post, res) if post.type is 'unsubscribe'
console.log 'unrecognized...', post
unless post['data[email]'] is ''
badLog("Ignoring because this is a test: #{JSON.stringify(req.body, null, '\t')}")
return res.end()
handleProfileUpdate: (data, res) ->
User.findOne {'mailChimp.euid':data['data[id]']}, (err, user) ->
User.findOne {'mailChimp.euid':post['data[id]']}, (err, user) ->
return errors.serverError(res) if err
if not user
badLog("could not find user for...: #{{'mailChimp.euid':post['data[id]']}}")
return res.end()
handleProfileUpdate(post, user) if post.type is 'profile'
handleUnsubscribe(post, user) if post.type is 'unsubscribe'
user.updatedMailChimp = true # so as not to echo back to mailchimp (err) ->
badLog("Error updating profile: #{error.message or error}") if err
handleProfileUpdate = (data, user) ->
groups = data['data[merges][INTERESTS]'].split(', ')
groups = (map[g] for g in groups when map[g])
user.set 'emailSubscriptions', groups
@ -32,15 +50,8 @@ handleProfileUpdate: (data, res) ->
user.set 'mailChimp', mailChimpInfo
badLog("Updating user object to: #{JSON.stringify(user.toObject(), null, '\t')}")
handleUnsubscribe: (data) ->
User.findOne {'mailChimp.euid':data['data[id]']}, (err, user) ->
return errors.serverError(res) if err
handleUnsubscribe = (data, user) ->
user.set 'emailSubscriptions', []
user.set 'mailChimp', undefined
badLog("Unsubscribing user object to: #{JSON.stringify(user.toObject(), null, '\t')}")