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synced 2025-03-27 05:11:29 -04:00
Fix zh-HANS.coffee merge
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 231 additions and 219 deletions
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
teacher: "教师"
student: "学生"
play_now: "开始游戏"
im_a_teacher: "我是老师"
im_a_teacher: "我是教师"
im_a_student: "我是学生"
learn_more: "了解更多"
classroom_in_a_box: "教授计算机科学的一站式课堂。"
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
help_suff: " 我们会很快与您联系!"
# cancel: "Cancel"
cancel: "取消"
close: "关闭"
okay: "好的"
@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
sign_up: "注册"
# email_or_username: "Email or username"
email_or_username: "邮箱或用户名"
log_in: "登录"
logging_in: "正在登录"
log_out: "登出"
@ -255,13 +255,13 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
signup_switch: "是否创建新账户?"
# create_student_header: "Create Student Account"
# create_teacher_header: "Create Teacher Account"
# create_individual_header: "Create Individual Account"
# create_header: "Create Account"
email_announcements: "通过邮件接收通知" # {change}
create_student_header: "创建学生账号"
create_teacher_header: "创建教师账号"
create_individual_header: "创建独立账号"
create_header: "创建账号"
email_announcements: "通过邮件接收新关卡和功能通知!"
creating: "账户创建中……"
# create_account: "Create Account"
create_account: "创建账号"
sign_up: "注册"
log_in: "登录"
required: "在做这件事情之前您必须先注册。"
@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
school_name: "就读学校及所在城市"
optional: "选填"
school_name_placeholder: "范例: XX中学, 上海"
# connect_with: "Connect with:"
connect_with: "与下列账号连接:"
connected_gplus_header: "成功连接 Google+ !"
connected_gplus_p: "完成注册后即可使用您的 Google+ 账号登陆。"
gplus_exists: "此 Google+ 账号已与其他账号绑定!"
@ -278,49 +278,49 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
facebook_exists: "此 Facebook 账号已与其他账号绑定!"
hey_students: "同学,请输入教师提供的班级码。"
birthday: "生日"
# parent_email_blurb: "We know you can't wait to learn programming — we're excited too! Your parents will receive an email with further instructions on how to create an account for you. Email {{email_link}} if you have any questions."
# classroom_not_found: "No classes exist with this Class Code. Check your spelling or ask your teacher for help."
# checking: "Checking..."
# account_exists: "This email is already in use:"
# sign_in: "Sign in"
# email_good: "Email looks good!"
# name_taken: "Username already taken! Try {{suggestedName}}?"
# name_available: "Username available!"
# name_is_email: "Username may not be an email"
# choose_type: "Choose your account type:"
# teacher_type_1: "Teach programming using CodeCombat!"
# teacher_type_2: "Set up your class"
# teacher_type_3: "Access Course Guides"
# teacher_type_4: "View student progress"
# signup_as_teacher: "Sign up as a Teacher"
# student_type_1: "Learn to program while playing an engaging game!"
# student_type_2: "Play with your class"
# student_type_3: "Compete in arenas"
# student_type_4: "Choose your hero!"
# student_type_5: "Have your Class Code ready!"
# signup_as_student: "Sign up as a Student"
# individuals_or_parents: "Individuals & Parents"
# individual_type: "For players learning to code outside of a class. Parents should sign up for an account here."
# signup_as_individual: "Sign up as an Individual"
# enter_class_code: "Enter your Class Code"
# enter_birthdate: "Enter your birthdate:"
# parent_use_birthdate: "Parents, use your own birthdate."
# ask_teacher_1: "Ask your teacher for your Class Code."
# ask_teacher_2: "Not part of a class? Create an "
# ask_teacher_3: "Individual Account"
# ask_teacher_4: " instead."
# about_to_join: "You're about to join:"
# enter_parent_email: "Enter your parent’s email address:"
# parent_email_error: "Something went wrong when trying to send the email. Check the email address and try again."
# parent_email_sent: "We’ve sent an email with further instructions on how to create an account. Ask your parent to check their inbox."
# account_created: "Account Created!"
# confirm_student_blurb: "Write down your information so that you don't forget it. Your teacher can also help you reset your password at any time."
# confirm_individual_blurb: "Write down your login information in case you need it later. Verify your email so you can recover your account if you ever forget your password - check your inbox!"
# write_this_down: "Write this down:"
# start_playing: "Start Playing!"
# sso_connected: "Successfully connected with:"
# select_your_starting_hero: "Select Your Starting Hero:"
# you_can_always_change_your_hero_later: "You can always change your hero later."
parent_email_blurb: "我知道你坐不住准备学编程啦!— 我们也很兴奋!你的家长会收到一封邮件,上面写着为你注册账号要注意的事情。如果有问题就发邮件到 {{email_link}} 吧。"
classroom_not_found: "班级代码不正确。请检查是否打错或者寻求教师的帮助。"
checking: "检查中..."
account_exists: "这个邮箱已被使用:"
sign_in: "登陆"
email_good: "邮箱可用!"
name_taken: "用户名已被其他人使用。要不使用 {{suggestedName}} ?"
name_available: "用户名可用!"
name_is_email: "用户名不能是邮箱"
choose_type: "选择账号类型:"
teacher_type_1: "用 CodeCombat 教编程!"
teacher_type_2: "建立班级"
teacher_type_3: "取得课程教案"
teacher_type_4: "查看学生进度"
signup_as_teacher: "注册教师账号"
student_type_1: "玩好玩游戏,同时学编程!"
student_type_2: "和班级同学一起玩"
student_type_3: "与同学一决高下"
student_type_4: "自行选择英雄!"
student_type_5: "要准备班级码哦!"
signup_as_student: "注册学生账号"
individuals_or_parents: "独立者和家长"
individual_type: "为课堂外学习编程设计。家长可在此注册账号。"
signup_as_individual: "注册独立账号"
enter_class_code: "输入班级码:"
enter_birthdate: "请选择生日:"
parent_use_birthdate: "尊敬的家长,请用您自己的生日。"
ask_teacher_1: "向你的老师获取班级码。"
ask_teacher_2: "不是班级成员?那就注册 "
ask_teacher_3: "独立账号"
ask_teacher_4: " 吧。"
about_to_join: "你即将加入:"
enter_parent_email: "输入家长邮箱地址:"
parent_email_error: "发邮件时出了点问题。请检查邮箱地址并再试一次。"
parent_email_sent: "我们已经向你的家长发邮件了哦。让你的家长检查一下收件箱吧。"
account_created: "账号已创建!"
confirm_student_blurb: "记下信息避免忘记。你的老师也可随时帮你重置密码。"
confirm_individual_blurb: "记下这些信息,等会可能用得上。我们已在您的邮箱发送了验证邮件,验证后可用其重置密码!"
write_this_down: "记下来:"
start_playing: "开玩!"
sso_connected: "成功与以下账号连接:"
select_your_starting_hero: "选择你的起始英雄:"
you_can_always_change_your_hero_later: "之后你可以随时更换英雄。"
recover_account_title: "找回账户"
@ -337,18 +337,18 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
back: "返回" # When used as an action verb, like "Navigate backward"
# coming_soon: "Coming soon!"
coming_soon: "敬请期待!"
continue: "继续" # When used as an action verb, like "Continue forward"
# default_code: "Default Code"
default_code: "默认代码"
loading: "读取中……"
# overview: "Overview"
# solution: "Solution"
# intro: "Intro"
overview: "概览"
solution: "解法"
intro: "简介"
saving: "保存中……"
sending: "发送中……"
send: "发送"
# sent: "Sent"
# type: "Type"
sent: "已发送"
type: "类型"
cancel: "取消"
save: "保存"
publish: "发布"
@ -416,8 +416,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
warrior: "战士"
ranger: "游骑兵"
wizard: "巫师"
# first_name: "First Name"
# last_name: "Last Name"
first_name: "姓"
last_name: "名"
# last_initial: "Last Initial"
username: "用户名"
@ -444,9 +444,9 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
done: "完成"
next_level: "下一个关卡"
next_game: "下一场游戏"
# language: "Language"
# languages: "Languages"
# programming_language: "Programming language"
language: "语言"
languages: "语言"
programming_language: "编程语言"
show_menu: "显示游戏菜单"
home: "主页" # Not used any more, will be removed soon.
level: "关卡" # Like "Level: Dungeons of Kithgard"
@ -481,7 +481,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
victory_experience_gained: "获得经验"
victory_gems_gained: "获得宝石"
victory_new_item: "新的物品"
# victory_new_hero: "New Hero"
victory_new_hero: "新的英雄"
victory_viking_code_school: "这关真的超难! 如果您想成为一个软件开发人员,您就应该去试一下Viking Code School。在这里您可以把您的知识增长到另一个台阶。只需要14周您就能成为一个专业的网页开发人员。"
victory_become_a_viking: "成为一个维京人吧"
victory_no_progress_for_teachers: "教师不能保存进度。但您可在您的班级为自己添加一个学生账号。"
@ -490,12 +490,12 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
tome_cast_button_running: "正在运行"
tome_cast_button_ran: "运行过"
tome_submit_button: "提交"
tome_reload_method: "重载该方法的原始代码" # {change}
tome_reload_method: "恢复关卡初始代码"
tome_available_spells: "可用的法术"
tome_your_skills: "您的技能"
tome_current_method: "当前方法"
# hints: "Hints"
# hints_title: "Hint {{number}}"
hints: "提示"
hints_title: "提示 {{number}}"
code_saved: "代码已保存"
skip_tutorial: "跳过(esc)"
keyboard_shortcuts: "快捷键"
@ -571,13 +571,25 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
tip_sharpening_swords: "宝剑锋从磨砺出。"
tip_ratatouille: "不要因为出身低微就让别人决定你的未来。你的成败在于你的心。 - 厨神《美食总动员》"
tip_nemo: "当你在生活遇到挫折时怎么办?一直游,一直游就对了。 - 多莉《海底总动员》"
# tip_internet_weather: "Just move to the internet, it's great here. We get to live inside where the weather is always awesome. - John Green"
# tip_nerds: "Nerds are allowed to love stuff, like jump-up-and-down-in-the-chair-can't-control-yourself love it. - John Green"
# tip_self_taught: "I taught myself 90% of what I've learned. And that's normal! - Hank Green"
# tip_luna_lovegood: "Don't worry, you're just as sane as I am. - Luna Lovegood"
# tip_good_idea: "The best way to have a good idea is to have a lot of ideas. - Linus Pauling"
# tip_programming_not_about_computers: "Computer Science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes. - Edsger Dijkstra"
# tip_mulan: "Believe you can, then you will. - Mulan"
tip_internet_weather: "拥抱美好的因特网吧,我们早已习惯了这个晴朗的天空。 - 约翰·格林"
tip_nerds: "没人反对疯子的爱好,比如“在椅子上蹿下跳不能自已”这样的。 - 约翰·格林"
tip_self_taught: "我教会自己90%的知识,再正常不过了! - Hank Green"
tip_luna_lovegood: "别担心,你和我一样理智。 - 卢娜·洛夫古德《哈利波特》"
tip_good_idea: "想到一个好主意的最佳方法是想到一堆主意。 - 莱纳斯·卡尔·鲍林"
tip_programming_not_about_computers: "计算机科学就是有关计算机的,正如天文学就是有关望远镜的。 - 艾兹格·迪杰斯特拉"
tip_mulan: "相信你能行,你就能做到。 - 迪士尼《花木兰》"
created_by: "由 {{name}} 创建"
how_to_play_title: "游戏规则:"
how_to_play_1: "使用鼠标控制英雄!"
how_to_play_2: "点击地图任意一处让英雄移动。"
how_to_play_3: "点击食人魔开始攻击。"
restart: "重新开始关卡"
play: "开始关卡"
play_more_codecombat: "玩更多 CodeCombat 关卡"
default_student_instructions: "单击控制英雄,并取得胜利!"
back_to_coding: "回到编程"
# play_game_dev_level:
# created_by: "Created by {{name}}"
@ -823,9 +835,9 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
phoenix_title: "软件工程师"
nolan_title: "区域经理"
elliot_title: "客户经理"
# elliot_blurb: "Mindreader"
# lisa_title: "Market Development Rep"
# sean_title: "Territory Manager"
elliot_blurb: "读心者"
lisa_title: "市场开发代表"
sean_title: "领土经理"
retrostyle_title: "插画师"
retrostyle_blurb: "复古风格的游戏"
jose_title: "音乐"
@ -886,7 +898,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
more_info_1: "我们的"
more_info_2: "教师论坛"
more_info_3: "是个与其他使用CodeCombat的教育工作者联系的良好平台。"
# licenses_needed: "Licenses needed"
licenses_needed: "需要许可"
name: "试用申请表"
@ -909,9 +921,9 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
# evaluate_recommend: "Evaluate/Recommend"
# approve_funds: "Approve Funds"
# no_purchaser_role: "No role in purchase decisions"
# district_label: "District"
# district_na: "Enter N/A if not applicable"
organization_label: "学校/地区的名字" # {change}
district_label: "地区"
district_na: "不可用时请输入 N/A"
organization_label: "学校:"
city: "城市"
state: "州"
country: "国家"
@ -921,7 +933,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
education_level_help: "选择即将教导的程度"
elementary_school: "小学"
high_school: "高中"
please_explain: "(请解释)"
please_explain: "(请注明)"
middle_school: "初中"
college_plus: "大学以上"
anything_else: "您还有什么建议?"
@ -934,11 +946,11 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
signup_with: "通过以下方式创建账号:"
connect_with: "与已有账号连接:"
conversion_warning: "警告:您的当前账号为 <em>学生账号</em>。一旦提交表格,您的账号将会升级为教师账号。"
learn_more_modal: "在 CodeCombat 中,教师账号可以观察学生进度、分配名额以及管理教室。教师账号不能加入班级 - 如果您使用当前账号加入了班级,升级后将不能访问所加入的班级。" # {change}
learn_more_modal: "在 CodeCombat 中,教师账号可以观察学生进度、分配名额以及管理教室。教师账号不能加入班级 - 如果您使用当前账号加入了班级,升级后将不能访问所加入的班级。"
create_account: "创建教师账号"
create_account_subtitle: "在 CodeCombat 班级中使用教师专用工具。 <strong>创建班级</strong>添加学生、<strong>观察学生进度</strong>!"
convert_account_title: "升级为教师账号"
not: "不"
not: "不是"
setup_a_class: "建立一个班级"
@ -987,8 +999,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
manage_subscription: "点此管理您的订阅"
new_password: "新密码"
new_password_verify: "再次输入密码"
type_in_email: "输入您的邮箱地址" # {change}
type_in_email_progress: "输入邮箱地址来确认删除"
type_in_email: "输入您的邮箱地址或用户名删除账号。"
type_in_email_progress: "输入邮箱地址来确认重置游戏进度。"
type_in_password: "同样的,输入您的密码。"
email_subscriptions: "邮箱订阅"
email_subscriptions_none: "取消订阅"
@ -1188,14 +1200,14 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
get_free: "取得免费课程!"
enroll_paid: "招收学生到已付费课程"
you_have1: "你有"
you_have2: "未使用的已付费课程。" # {change}
use_one: "使用一个付费名额于" # {change}
use_multiple: "为下列学生使用付费名额:" # {change}
you_have2: "未使用的学生许可。"
use_one: "使用一个学生许可于"
use_multiple: "为下列学生使用许可:"
already_enrolled: "已注册"
licenses_remaining: "证书剩余:"
insufficient_enrollments: "付费名额不足" # {change}
get_enrollments: "获取更多招收名额"
change_language: "修改课程预言"
insufficient_enrollments: "学生许可数不足"
get_enrollments: "获取更多学生许可"
change_language: "修改课程语言"
keep_using: "继续使用"
switch_to: "切换到"
greetings: "欢迎!"
@ -1203,11 +1215,11 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
back_courses: "回到我的课程"
edit_details: "编辑课程详情"
enrolled_courses: "报名付费课程:"
purchase_enrollments: "购买名额" # {change}
purchase_enrollments: "购买学生许可"
remove_student: "删除学生"
assign: "分派"
to_assign: "去分派付费课程。"
# student: "Student"
student: "学生"
teacher: "老师"
complete: "完成"
none: "无"
@ -1248,14 +1260,14 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
view_class: "浏览课程"
view_levels: "浏览关卡"
join_class: "加入课程"
# join_class_2: "Join class"
join_class_2: "加入班级"
ask_teacher_for_code: "从你的老师领取CodeCombat课程码!领取后请在下方输入:"
enter_c_code: "<输入课程码>"
join: "加入"
joining: "加入课程中"
course_complete: "课程完成"
play_arena: "玩竞技场"
# view_project: "View Project"
view_project: "查看项目"
start: "开始"
last_level: "上一关卡"
welcome_to_hoc: "探险者,欢迎来到我们的编码之时!"
@ -1276,10 +1288,10 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
return_to_course_man: "回到课程管理。"
students_not_enrolled: "未注册的学生"
total_all_classes: "所有课程总数"
how_many_enrollments: "你需要多少额外的付费名额?" # {change}
how_many_enrollments: "你需要多少额外的学生许可?"
each_student_access: "课程中的学生可以访问课程2-4,一旦他们注册了付费课程。你可以为每个学生单独分配任何课程。"
purchase_now: "现在购买"
enrollments: "名额" # {change}
enrollments: "许可"
remove_student1: "删除学生"
are_you_sure: "你确定要从该课程中删除该学生吗?"
remove_description1: "学生将失去访问该课堂和被分派课程的权利。游戏进度不会丢失,该学生可以在任何时间被添加回该教室。"
@ -1314,8 +1326,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
no_classes: "还没有任何课程!"
create_new_class1: "创建新课程"
available_courses: "可用课程"
unused_enrollments: "未使用的可用名额:" # {change}
students_access: "所有的学生都可以免费访问Introduction to Computer Science。每个学生需要一个名额以被分派到付费的CodeCombat课程。每个学生并不需要多个名额来访问所有的付费课程。" # {change}
unused_enrollments: "可用许可:"
students_access: "所有的学生都可以免费访问 计算机科学入门。每个学生需要一个许可加入付费的CodeCombat课程。单个学生无需多个许可就能访问所有的付费课程。"
active_courses: "已激活课程"
no_students: "还没有学生!"
add_students1: "添加学生"
@ -1323,17 +1335,17 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
students_enrolled: "已注册学生"
students_assigned: "已分配学生"
length: "长度:"
title: "标题" # Flat style redesign
subtitle: "复习课程指导、解法和关卡" # {change}
title: "课程" # Flat style redesign
subtitle: "复习课程指导、解法和关卡"
changelog: "查看课程关卡的最新改动。"
select_language: "选择语言"
select_level: "选择关卡"
play_level: "开始关卡"
concepts_covered: "课目覆盖"
print_guide: "打印手册 (PDF)"
view_guide_online: "在线查看手册 (PDF)" # {change}
grants_lifetime_access: "取得所有课程的权限。"
enrollment_credits_available: "可用名额:" # {change}
view_guide_online: "关卡概览和解法"
grants_lifetime_access: "取得所有关卡权限。"
enrollment_credits_available: "可用许可:"
description: "描述" # ClassroomSettingsModal
language_select: "选择语言"
language_cannot_change: "一旦学生加入课程后则不可修改课程语言。"
@ -1353,59 +1365,59 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
student_age_range_to: "到"
create_class: "创建班级"
class_name: "班级名称"
teacher_account_restricted: "你的账号是教师账号,不能访问学生内容。" # {change}
# account_restricted: "A student account is required to access this page."
# update_account_login_title: "Log in to update your account"
# update_account_title: "Your account needs attention!"
# update_account_blurb: "Before you can access your classes, choose how you want to use this account."
# update_account_current_type: "Current Account Type:"
# update_account_account_email: "Account Email/Username:"
# update_account_am_teacher: "I am a teacher"
# update_account_keep_access: "Keep access to classes I've created"
# update_account_teachers_can: "Teacher accounts can:"
# update_account_teachers_can1: "Create/manage/add classes"
# update_account_teachers_can2: "Assign/enroll students in courses"
# update_account_teachers_can3: "Unlock all course levels to try out"
# update_account_teachers_can4: "Access new teacher-only features as we release them"
# update_account_teachers_warning: "Warning: You will be removed from all classes that you have previously joined and will not be able to play as a student."
# update_account_remain_teacher: "Remain a Teacher"
# update_account_update_teacher: "Update to Teacher"
# update_account_am_student: "I am a student"
# update_account_remove_access: "Remove access to classes I have created"
# update_account_students_can: "Student accounts can:"
# update_account_students_can1: "Join classes"
# update_account_students_can2: "Play through courses as a student and track your own progress"
# update_account_students_can3: "Compete against classmates in arenas"
# update_account_students_can4: "Access new student-only features as we release them"
# update_account_students_warning: "Warning: You will not be able to manage any classes that you have previously created or create new classes."
# update_account_remain_student: "Remain a Student"
# update_account_update_student: "Update to Student"
# need_a_class_code: "You'll need a Class Code for the class you're joining:"
# update_account_not_sure: "Not sure which one to choose? Email"
# update_account_confirm_update_student: "Are you sure you want to update your account to a Student experience?"
# update_account_confirm_update_student2: "You will not be able to manage any classes that you have previously created or create new classes. Your previously created classes will be removed from CodeCombat and cannot be restored."
# instructor: "Instructor: "
# youve_been_invited_1: "You've been invited to join "
# youve_been_invited_2: ", where you'll learn "
# youve_been_invited_3: " with your classmates in CodeCombat."
# by_joining_1: "By joining "
# by_joining_2: "will be able to help reset your password if you forget or lose it. You can also verify your email address so that you can reset the password yourself!"
# sent_verification: "We've sent a verification email to:"
teacher_account_restricted: "你的账号是教师账号,不能访问学生内容。"
account_restricted: "此页面需要学生账号访问。"
update_account_login_title: "登陆并升级账号"
update_account_title: "请留意您的账号!"
update_account_blurb: "在访问班级前,请选择您的账号的用途。"
update_account_current_type: "当前账号类型:"
update_account_account_email: "账号邮箱/用户名:"
update_account_am_teacher: "我是教师"
update_account_keep_access: "保持所创建班级的权限"
update_account_teachers_can: "教师账号能:"
update_account_teachers_can1: "创建/管理/添加 班级"
update_account_teachers_can2: "添加学生到课程中"
update_account_teachers_can3: "解锁所有课程关卡以便测试"
update_account_teachers_can4: "推出教师专用功能时获得使用权"
update_account_teachers_warning: "警告:你将会退出以前加入的每个班级,并且也不能以学生身份游玩。"
update_account_remain_teacher: "保持教师身份"
update_account_update_teacher: "升级为教师账号"
update_account_am_student: "我是学生"
update_account_remove_access: "取消所创建班级的权限"
update_account_students_can: "学生账号能:"
update_account_students_can1: "加入班级"
update_account_students_can2: "以学生身份完成课程,查看自己的进度"
update_account_students_can3: "与同学一决高下"
update_account_students_can4: "推出学生专用功能时获得使用权"
update_account_students_warning: "警告:你将不能再创建新班级或管理已创建的班级"
update_account_remain_student: "保持学生身份"
update_account_update_student: "升级为学生账号"
need_a_class_code: "您需要拥有以下班级的班级码:"
update_account_not_sure: "不确定选择哪个?给以下邮箱发送邮件:"
update_account_confirm_update_student: "确定要将账号升级为学生账号吗?"
update_account_confirm_update_student2: "你将不能再创建新班级或管理已创建的班级。你在 CodeCombat 创建的班级将会被删除且无法恢复!"
instructor: "邀请人: "
youve_been_invited_1: "您被邀请加入 "
youve_been_invited_2: ",在 CodeCombat 中与您的同学一起学习 "
youve_been_invited_3: " 。"
by_joining_1: "加入 "
by_joining_2: " 后您可以通过它重置密码。您也可以验证邮箱自行完成!"
sent_verification: "我们已向以下邮箱发送验证邮件:"
# you_can_edit: "You can edit your email address in "
# account_settings: "Account Settings"
# select_your_hero: "Select Your Hero"
# select_your_hero_description: "You can always change your hero by going to your Courses page and clicking \"Select Hero\""
# select_this_hero: "Select this Hero"
# current_hero: "Current Hero:"
# change_hero: "Change Hero"
account_settings: "账户设置"
select_your_hero: "选择英雄"
select_your_hero_description: "您可随时在课程页面更改英雄,只需点击 \"选择英雄\""
select_this_hero: "选择英雄"
current_hero: "当前英雄:"
change_hero: "更改英雄"
# course_solution: "Course Solution"
# level_overview_solutions: "Level Overview and Solutions"
course_solution: "关卡解法"
level_overview_solutions: "关卡概览和解法"
teacher_dashboard: "教师面板" # Navbar
my_classes: "我的教室"
courses: "课程" # {change}
enrollments: "注册名额" # {change}
courses: "课程指导"
enrollments: "学生许可"
resources: "资源"
help: "帮助"
students: "学生" # Shared
@ -1416,7 +1428,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
teacher_account_required: "只有教师账号才能访问。"
create_teacher_account: "创建教师账号"
what_is_a_teacher_account: "什么是教师账号?"
teacher_account_explanation: "教师账号可以创建教师、跟踪学生学习进展、管理注册名额,并且可以查看相应的帮助文档以辅助构建课堂。" # {change}
teacher_account_explanation: "教师账号可以创建教师、跟踪学生学习进展、管理注册许可,并且可以查看相应的帮助文档以辅助构建课堂。"
current_classes: "当前课堂"
archived_classes: "已归档的课堂"
archived_classes_blurb: "您可以把课堂归档,便于后续查阅。课程可以解档课程,并在当前课程列表中再次查看。"
@ -1425,7 +1437,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
unarchive_class: "解档课堂"
unarchive_this_class: "解档本课堂"
no_students_yet: "该课堂尚未有学生加入。"
# try_refreshing: "(You may need to refresh the page)"
try_refreshing: "(您可能需要刷新页面)"
add_students: "添加学生"
create_new_class: "创建新课堂"
class_overview: "课堂概览" # View Class page
@ -1442,7 +1454,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
course_progress: "课程进度"
not_applicable: "N/A"
edit: "修改"
# edit_2: "Edit"
edit_2: "修改"
remove: "移除"
latest_completed: "最近通关" # {change}
sort_by: "排列依据"
@ -1469,17 +1481,17 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
enroll_the_following_students: "注册下列学生"
all_students: "所有学生"
enroll_students: "注册学生"
not_enough_enrollments: "没有足够名额注册。" # {change}
enrollments_blurb_1: "计算机科学学习的学生段位" # {change}
enrollments_blurb_2: "需要注册名额来加入课程。" # {change}
credits_available: "可用额度" # {change}
total_unique_students: "参与的总学生人数" # {change}
total_enrolled_students: "总注册人次" # {change}
not_enough_enrollments: "没有足够许可注册。"
enrollments_blurb_1: "学习计算机科学的学生"
enrollments_blurb_2: "需要一个许可加入课程。"
credits_available: "可用许可数"
total_unique_students: "总学生人数"
total_enrolled_students: "总注册人次"
unenrolled_students: "取消注册学生"
add_enrollment_credits: "购买注册名额" # {change}
add_enrollment_credits: "购买许可"
purchasing: "正在购买……"
purchased: "购买成功!"
purchase_now: "现在买"
purchase_now: "现在购买"
how_to_enroll: "如何注册学生?"
how_to_enroll_blurb_1: "如果学生尚未注册,在他们加入你的课堂之后,课程进度后面有一个『注册』按钮。"
how_to_enroll_blurb_2: "如果要批量注册多名学生,在教室页面中勾选学生,然后点击『注册选中的学生』按钮。"
@ -1487,50 +1499,50 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
bulk_pricing_blurb: "需要购买超过25个学生名额?请联系我们获取建议。"
total_unenrolled: "取消注册总数"
export_student_progress: "导出学生进度 (CSV)"
# send_email_to: "Send Recover Password Email to:"
# email_sent: "Email sent"
# send_recovery_email: "Send recovery email"
# enter_new_password_below: "Enter new password below:"
# change_password: "Change Password"
# changed: "Changed"
# available_credits: "Available Licenses"
# pending_credits: "Pending Licenses"
# credits: "licenses"
# start_date: "start date:"
# end_date: "end date:"
# num_enrollments_needed: "Number of licenses needed:"
# get_enrollments_blurb: " We'll help you build a solution that meets the needs of your class, school or district."
# enroll_request_sent_blurb1: "Thanks! Your request has been sent."
# enroll_request_sent_blurb2: "Our classroom success team will be in touch shortly to help you find the best solution for your students' needs!"
# enroll_request_sent_blurb3: "Please reach out to <a href='mailto:schools@codecombat.com'>schools@codecombat.com</a> if you have additional questions at this time."
# request_sent: "Request Sent!"
# enrollment_status: "Enrollment Status"
# status_expired: "Expired on {{date}}"
# status_not_enrolled: "Not Enrolled"
# status_enrolled: "Expires on {{date}}"
# select_all: "Select All"
# projects: "Projects"
send_email_to: "将重置密码邮件发送到以下邮箱:"
email_sent: "邮件已发送"
send_recovery_email: "发送重置密码邮件"
enter_new_password_below: "在下面输入您的新密码:"
change_password: "更改密码"
changed: "已更改"
available_credits: "可用许可"
pending_credits: "评估许可"
credits: "许可"
start_date: "起始日期:"
end_date: "结束日期:"
num_enrollments_needed: "所需许可数:"
get_enrollments_blurb: " 我们会帮您解决您的班级、学校或地区的需求。"
enroll_request_sent_blurb1: "非常感谢!您的申请已经发送!"
enroll_request_sent_blurb2: "我们的班级队伍会很快和您取得联系,以您的学生之需量身定做方案!"
enroll_request_sent_blurb3: "仍有疑问可向 <a href='mailto:schools@codecombat.com'>schools@codecombat.com</a> 发送邮件。"
request_sent: "申请已发送!"
enrollment_status: "名额状态"
status_expired: "在 {{date}} 过期"
status_not_enrolled: "未分配名额"
status_enrolled: "在 {{date}} 过期"
select_all: "全选"
projects: "项目"
# sharing:
# game: "Game"
# webpage: "Webpage"
# share_game: "Share This Game"
# share_web: "Share This Webpage"
# victory_share_prefix: "Share this link to invite your friends & family to"
# victory_share_game: "play your game level"
# victory_share_web: "view your webpage"
# victory_share_suffix: "."
# victory_course_share_prefix: "This link will let your friends & family"
# victory_course_share_game: "play the game"
# victory_course_share_web: "view the webpage"
# victory_course_share_suffix: "you just created."
# copy_url: "Copy URL"
game: "游戏"
webpage: "网页"
share_game: "分享此游戏"
share_web: "分享此网页"
victory_share_prefix: "将这个链接分享给亲朋好友,让他们"
victory_share_game: "玩你的游戏关卡"
victory_share_web: "看你制作的网页"
victory_share_suffix: "吧。"
victory_course_share_prefix: "此链接将你刚制作的"
victory_course_share_game: "游戏"
victory_course_share_web: "网页"
victory_course_share_suffix: "分享给亲朋好友。"
copy_url: "复制 URL"
# game_dev:
# creator: "Creator"
creator: "创建者"
# web_dev:
# image_gallery_title: "Image Gallery"
image_gallery_title: "图库"
# select_an_image: "Select an image you want to use"
# scroll_down_for_more_images: "(Scroll down for more images)"
# copy_the_url: "Copy the URL below"
@ -1700,7 +1712,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
scribe_introduction_url_mozilla: "Mozilla开发者社区"
scribe_introduction_suf: " 被建成。如果您那有趣的想法能把编程的理论简易的带出来,那么这里就是您的所属了。"
scribe_attribute_1: "您需要具备在文字语言上的技能。不仅仅是语法和拼音,重要的是能传达各种各样想法给别人。"
contact_us_url: "联系我们" # {change}
contact_us_url: "联系我们"
scribe_join_description: "介绍下您自己, 比如您的编程经历和您喜欢的东西, 我们将会努力的去了解您!!"
scribe_subscribe_desc: "通过电子邮件获得写作新文档的通知。"
diplomat_introduction_pref: "如果说我们从"
@ -1843,15 +1855,15 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
card: "银行卡"
status_unsubscribed_active: "您还没有订阅所以不会被收费,但您的帐号还可以正常使用"
status_unsubscribed: "只要一个CodeCombat订阅,您就可以玩转全部新关卡,用遍全部英雄,物品,以及获得更多的宝石哦!"
# not_yet_verified: "Not yet verified."
# resend_email: "Resend email"
# email_sent: "Email sent! Check your inbox."
# verifying_email: "Verifying your email address..."
# successfully_verified: "You've successfully verified your email address!"
# back_to_student_page: "Go back to student things"
# back_to_teacher_page: "Go to My Classes"
# back_to_game: "Go play some more levels!"
# verify_error: "Something went wrong when verifying your email :("
not_yet_verified: "尚未验证。"
resend_email: "重发验证邮件"
email_sent: "邮件已发送!检查您的收件箱"
verifying_email: "验证邮箱地址中..."
successfully_verified: "验证成功!"
back_to_student_page: "回到学生页面"
back_to_teacher_page: "访问我的班级"
back_to_game: "探索更多关卡!"
verify_error: "验证时出了点问题 :("
amount: "金额(美元)"
@ -1887,7 +1899,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
text1: "迫不及待学习编程?"
text2: "让你的家长为你创建一个账号!" # {change}
text2: "你的家长需要为你创建一个账号!若有疑问请发送邮件至 team@codecombat.com"
close: "关闭窗口"
@ -1919,7 +1931,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
component: "组件"
components: "组件"
hero: "英雄"
campaigns: "任务"
campaigns: "战役"
advanced_strings: "高级字符串"
Add table
Reference in a new issue