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synced 2025-03-13 22:49:51 -04:00
Merge pull request #1766 from iAladdin/master
improved Chinese localization zh-HANS.coffee
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 98 additions and 98 deletions
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
for_developers: "适合开发者" # Not currently shown on home page.
play: "开始游戏" # The top nav bar entry where players choose which levels to play
play: "关卡选择" # The top nav bar entry where players choose which levels to play
community: "社区"
editor: "编辑器"
blog: "博客"
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
authenticate_gplus: "使用 G+ 授权"#Authenticate G+"
load_profile: "载入 G+ 档案" # Load G+ Profile"
load_email: "载入 G+ 电子邮件" #Load G+ Email"
finishing: "完成" #Finishing"
finishing: "完成..." #Finishing"
create_account_title: "创建一个账户来保存进度"
@ -243,13 +243,13 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
tome_select_a_thang: "选择人物来 "
tome_available_spells: "可用的法术"
tome_your_skills: "你的技能"
# tome_current_method: "Current Method"
tome_current_method: "当前方法"
hud_continue_short: "继续"
code_saved: "代码已保存"
skip_tutorial: "跳过(esc)"
keyboard_shortcuts: "快捷键"
loading_ready: "载入完成!"
loading_start: "关卡开始"
loading_start: "开战"
problem_alert_title: "修正你的代码"
time_current: "现在:"
time_total: "最大:"
@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
tip_baby_coders: "在未来,就算小孩都能成为大法师."
tip_morale_improves: "在士气提升之前会一直进行读取."
tip_all_species: "我们相信学习编程的机会对任何种族都是平等的。"
# tip_reticulating: "Reticulating spines."
tip_reticulating: "网格状锯齿。(指 Maxis 开发的许多游戏,如《模拟城市》、《孢子》中,加载进程中跑动时出现的卡顿现象)"
tip_harry: "巫师, "
tip_great_responsibility: "更高的编程技巧也意味着更大的调试责任。"
tip_munchkin: "如果你不吃掉你的蔬菜, 一个小矮人将在你睡着之后来找你。"
@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
equip: "装备"
unequip: "取消装备"
# buy_gems:
few_gems: "几个宝石"
pile_gems: "一堆宝石"
chest_gems: "一箱宝石"
@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
choose_hero: "请选择您的英雄"
programming_language: "编程语言"
programming_language_description: "您希望使用那门编程语言?"
# default: "默认"
default: "默认"
experimental: "实验性的"
python_blurb: "简单而强大, Python是一个伟大的通用编程语言。"
javascript_blurb: "为web开发而生的语言。"
@ -350,23 +350,23 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
granularity_change_history: "历史记录"
# general_options: "General Options" # Check out the Options tab in the Game Menu while playing a level
general_options: "一般设置" # Check out the Options tab in the Game Menu while playing a level
volume_label: "音量"
music_label: "音乐"
music_description: "开/关背景音乐"
autorun_label: "自动运行"
# autorun_description: "Control automatic code execution."
autorun_description: "控制是否自动运行代码"
editor_config: "编辑器配置"
editor_config_title: "编辑器配置"
editor_config_level_language_label: "这个等级的语言"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
editor_config_level_language_label: "本关卡编程语言"
editor_config_level_language_description: "针对本关设定使用的编程语言。"
editor_config_default_language_label: "默认编程语言"
editor_config_default_language_description: "在开始新游戏前确认你要在这个等级的游戏中使用的编程语言。"
editor_config_keybindings_label: "按键设置s"
editor_config_keybindings_label: "快捷键绑定"
editor_config_keybindings_default: "默认 (Ace)"
editor_config_keybindings_description: "在命令编辑器中增加已知的快捷键。"
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
editor_config_livecompletion_label: "实时代码补全"
editor_config_livecompletion_description: "当输入代码时显示代码自动补全建议。"
editor_config_invisibles_label: "显示空白字符"
editor_config_invisibles_description: "显示空格或TAB键等空白字符。"
editor_config_indentguides_label: "显示缩进提示"
@ -376,8 +376,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
why_codecombat: "为什么选择 CodeCombat?"
why_paragraph_1: "你想学编程?你不用上课。你需要的是写好多代码,并且享受这个过程。"
why_paragraph_2_prefix: "这才是编程的要义。编程必须要好玩。不是"
why_paragraph_1: "如果你想学习如何编程,你根本不需要上课。你需要的是写好多代码,并且享受这个过程。"
why_paragraph_2_prefix: "这才是编程的要义。编程应该是有趣的过程。不该是"
why_paragraph_2_italic: "哇又一个奖章诶"
why_paragraph_2_center: "那种“好玩”,而是"
why_paragraph_2_italic_caps: "老妈,我得先把这关打完!"
@ -388,16 +388,16 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
press_paragraph_1_link: "成套宣传包"
press_paragraph_1_suffix: "里的所有材料. 所有商标和图像的使用都不必事先联系我们。"
team: "团队"
# george_title: "CEO"
# george_blurb: "Businesser"
# scott_title: "Programmer"
# scott_blurb: "Reasonable One"
# nick_title: "Programmer"
# nick_blurb: "Motivation Guru"
# michael_title: "Programmer"
# michael_blurb: "Sys Admin"
# matt_title: "Programmer"
# matt_blurb: "Bicyclist"
george_title: "CEO"
george_blurb: "商人"
scott_title: "程序员"
scott_blurb: "理性至上"
nick_title: "程序员"
nick_blurb: "充满动力的大牛"
michael_title: "程序员"
michael_blurb: "系统管理员"
matt_title: "程序员"
matt_blurb: "自行车爱好者"
save_version_title: "保存新版本"
@ -461,22 +461,22 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
wizard_color: "巫师 衣服 颜色"
keyboard_shortcuts: "热键"
keyboard_shortcuts: "快捷键"
space: "空格"
enter: "回车"
escape: "Esc"
shift: "Shift"
run_code: "运行当前代码"
run_real_time: "实时运行"
# continue_script: "Continue past current script."
# skip_scripts: "Skip past all skippable scripts."
continue_script: "继续运行当前脚本。"
skip_scripts: "跳过所有能跳过的脚本。"
toggle_playback: "继续/暂停按钮"
# scrub_playback: "Scrub back and forward through time."
# single_scrub_playback: "Scrub back and forward through time by a single frame."
# scrub_execution: "Scrub through current spell execution."
# toggle_debug: "Toggle debug display."
# toggle_grid: "Toggle grid overlay."
# toggle_pathfinding: "Toggle pathfinding overlay."
scrub_playback: "向前/向后移动一段时间"
single_scrub_playback: "向前/向后移动一帧"
scrub_execution: "向前/向后移动一句语句"
toggle_debug: "显示/关闭调试信息"
toggle_grid: "显示/关闭网格提示"
toggle_pathfinding: "显示/关闭路径寻找提示"
beautify: "利用标准编码格式美化你的代码。"
maximize_editor: "最大化/最小化代码编辑器"
move_wizard: "在关卡中移动你的巫师角色。"
@ -486,7 +486,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
introduction: "看看下面这些你可以参与的项目,如果有你喜欢的就加入进来吧。 我们期待着与您一起工作。"
level_editor_prefix: "使用"
level_editor_suffix: "来创建和编辑关卡。你可以通过这个工具来给你的同学,朋友,兄弟姐妹们设计谜题,或者用于教学或比赛。如果你觉得直接开始建立一个关卡可能非常困难,那么可以先从一个现成(但尚未完成)的关卡开始做起。"
thang_editor_prefix: "我们管游戏中的单位叫 '实体'。 利用"
thang_editor_prefix: "我们管游戏中的单位叫 '物品'。 利用"
thang_editor_suffix: "来改良 CodeCombat 中的原材料。让游戏中的东西可以被捡起来扔出去,改变游戏动画的指向,调整一些东西的生命值,或上传您自制的素材。"
article_editor_prefix: "你在游戏中发现了错误了吗?想要自己设计一些指令吗?来看看我们的"
article_editor_suffix: "来帮助玩家从游戏中学到更多的知识。"
@ -516,7 +516,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
main_title: "CodeCombat 编辑器"
article_title: "指令编辑器"
thang_title: "实体编辑器"
thang_title: "物品编辑器"
level_title: "关卡编辑器"
achievement_title: "目标编辑器"
back: "后退"
@ -527,7 +527,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
grassy: "草地"
fork_title: "派生新版本"
fork_creating: "正在执行派生..."
# generate_terrain: "Generate Terrain"
generate_terrain: "Generate Terrain"
more: "更多"
wiki: "维基"
live_chat: "在线聊天"
@ -537,14 +537,14 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
level_tab_settings: "设定"
level_tab_components: "组件"
level_tab_systems: "系统"
# level_tab_docs: "Documentation"
level_tab_docs: "文档"
level_tab_thangs_title: "目前所有物体"
level_tab_thangs_all: "所有"
level_tab_thangs_conditions: "启动条件"
level_tab_thangs_add: "增加物体"
delete: "删除"
duplicate: "复制"
# rotate: "Rotate"
rotate: "旋转"
level_settings_title: "设置"
level_component_tab_title: "目前所有组件"
level_component_btn_new: "创建新的组件"
@ -564,7 +564,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
new_thang_title: "创建一个新物品类型"
new_level_title: "创建一个新关卡"
new_article_title_login: "登录以创建新指令"
new_thang_title_login: "登录以创建新实体"
new_thang_title_login: "登录以创建新物品"
new_level_title_login: "登录以创建新关卡"
new_achievement_title: "创建新目标"
new_achievement_title_login: "登录以创建新目标"
@ -577,7 +577,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
# achievement_query_misc: "Key achievement off of miscellanea"
# achievement_query_goals: "Key achievement off of level goals"
level_completion: "关卡完成"
# pop_i18n: "Populate I18N"
pop_i18n: "填写 I18N"
edit_btn_preview: "预览"
@ -611,12 +611,12 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
archmage_subscribe_desc: "通过电子邮件获得新的编码机会和公告。"
artisan_summary_pref: "想要设计 CodeCombat 的关卡吗?人们玩的比我们做的快多了!现在我们的关卡编辑器还很基本,所以做起关卡来会有点麻烦,还会有bug。只要你有制作关卡的灵感,不管是简单的for循环还是"
artisan_summary_suf: "这种东西,这个职业都很适合你。"
# artisan_introduction_pref: "We must construct additional levels! People be clamoring for more content, and we can only build so many ourselves. Right now your workstation is level one; our level editor is barely usable even by its creators, so be wary. If you have visions of campaigns spanning for-loops to"
# artisan_introduction_suf: ", then this class might be for you."
# artisan_attribute_1: "Any experience in building content like this would be nice, such as using Blizzard's level editors. But not required!"
# artisan_attribute_2: "A hankering to do a whole lot of testing and iteration. To make good levels, you need to take it to others and watch them play it, and be prepared to find a lot of things to fix."
# artisan_attribute_3: "For the time being, endurance en par with an Adventurer. Our Level Editor is super preliminary and frustrating to use. You have been warned!"
# artisan_join_desc: "Use the Level Editor in these steps, give or take:"
artisan_introduction_pref: "我们必须设计更多的关卡! 大家为了更多的游戏内容在高声呐喊,但是我们靠自己只能创建这些。现在你的电脑就是一关!我们的关卡编辑器刚刚完成了基本功能,所以创造关卡的时候请小心使用。只要你有制作关卡的灵感,不管是简单的for循环还是"
artisan_introduction_suf: "这种东西,这个职业都很适合你。"
artisan_attribute_1: "任何类似的创建内容经验都有加分,无论是暴雪的关卡编辑器,但这不是必须的条件。"
artisan_attribute_2: "渴望完成全部的测试和迭代。要做一个优秀的关卡,你需要把它给别的玩家观察他们怎么玩,然后时刻准备着找到很多细节去打磨。"
artisan_attribute_3: "探险家般的忍耐力。我们的关卡编辑器非常的初级,还会有很多不好用的地方。唔,我已经提前告诉你了~"
artisan_join_desc: "如下步骤使用关卡编辑器:"
artisan_join_step1: "阅读文档."
artisan_join_step2: "创建一个新关卡 以及探索已经存在的关卡."
artisan_join_step3: "来我们的 HipChat 聊天室寻求帮助."
@ -649,7 +649,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
diplomat_attribute_1: "既会说流利的英语,也熟悉自己的语言。编程是一件很复杂的事情,而要翻译复杂的概念,你必须对两种语言都在行!"
diplomat_i18n_page_prefix: "你可以在我们的"
diplomat_i18n_page: "翻译页面"
diplomat_i18n_page_suffix: "开始翻译游戏,或者在GibHub我们的页面上进行。"
diplomat_i18n_page_suffix: "开始翻译游戏,或者在 GitHub 我们的页面上进行。"
diplomat_join_pref_github: "在"
diplomat_github_url: " GitHub "
diplomat_join_suf_github: "找到你的语言文件 (中文的是: codecombat/app/locale/zh-HNAS.coffee),在线编辑它,然后提交一个合并请求。同时,选中下面这个复选框来关注最新的国际化开发!"
@ -675,13 +675,13 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
please_login: "请在对奕之前先登录."
my_matches: "我的对手"
simulate: "模拟"
# simulation_explanation: "By simulating games you can get your game ranked faster!"
simulate_games: "模拟游戏!"
# simulate_all: "RESET AND SIMULATE GAMES"
# games_simulated_by: "Games simulated by you:"
# games_simulated_for: "Games simulated for you:"
# games_simulated: "Games simulated"
# games_played: "Games played"
simulation_explanation: "通过模拟游戏,你可以让你的游戏更快的得到评分。"
simulate_games: "模拟游戏!"
simulate_all: "重置并模拟游戏!"
games_simulated_by: "你模拟玩过的游戏:"
games_simulated_for: "待你模拟玩的游戏:"
games_simulated: "游戏已模拟"
games_played: "已玩过"
# ratio: "Ratio"
leaderboard: "排行榜"
battle_as: "我要加入这一方 "
@ -692,13 +692,13 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
rank_no_code: "没有新代码可供评分"
rank_my_game: "为我的游戏评分!"
rank_submitting: "正在提交..."
# rank_submitted: "Submitted for Ranking"
rank_submitted: "提交评分"
rank_failed: "评分失败"
rank_being_ranked: "已评价"
rank_last_submitted: "已提交"
# help_simulate: "Help simulate games?"
# code_being_simulated: "Your new code is being simulated by other players for ranking. This will refresh as new matches come in."
# no_ranked_matches_pre: "No ranked matches for the "
help_simulate: "模拟游戏需要帮助?"
code_being_simulated: "你的新代码正在被其他玩家模拟评分。这个将会刷新,作为一个新游戏开始。"
# no_ranked_matches_pre: "No ranked matches for the "
# no_ranked_matches_post: " team! Play against some competitors and then come back here to get your game ranked."
choose_opponent: "选择一个对手"
select_your_language: "选择你使用的语言!"
@ -714,13 +714,13 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
social_connect_blurb: "连接然后与朋友对战!"
invite_friends_to_battle: "邀请你的朋友参加战斗!"
fight: "战斗!"
# watch_victory: "Watch your victory"
# defeat_the: "Defeat the"
watch_victory: "观看你的胜利"
defeat_the: "击败了"
# tournament_ends: "Tournament ends"
# tournament_ended: "Tournament ended"
# tournament_rules: "Tournament Rules"
tournament_rules: "锦标赛规则"
# tournament_blurb: "Write code, collect gold, build armies, crush foes, win prizes, and upgrade your career in our $40,000 Greed tournament! Check out the details"
# tournament_blurb_criss_cross: "Win bids, construct paths, outwit opponents, grab gems, and upgrade your career in our Criss-Cross tournament! Check out the details"
tournament_blurb_criss_cross: "赢得竞拍,建造道路,智胜对手,夺取宝石,在纵横交错锦标赛中完成生涯晋级! 现在就查看详情!"
# tournament_blurb_blog: "on our blog"
rules: "规则"
winners: "胜利者"
@ -745,16 +745,16 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
amount_achieved: "数量"
achievement: "成就"
category_contributor: "贡献"
# category_miscellaneous: "Miscellaneous"
category_miscellaneous: "其他"
category_levels: "等级"
# category_undefined: "Uncategorized"
# current_xp_prefix: ""
# current_xp_postfix: " in total"
# new_xp_prefix: ""
new_xp_postfix: "获取"
# left_xp_prefix: ""
# left_xp_infix: " until level "
# left_xp_postfix: ""
category_undefined: "未分类"
current_xp_prefix: "当前总共"
current_xp_postfix: "经验"
new_xp_prefix: "获得"
new_xp_postfix: "经验"
left_xp_prefix: "还需要"
left_xp_infix: "经验"
left_xp_postfix: "到下一等级"
recently_played: "最近玩过的关卡"
@ -787,25 +787,25 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
user_schema: "用户模式"
user_profile: "用户信息"
patches: "补丁"
# patched_model: "Source Document"
# model: "Model"
# system: "System"
# systems: "Systems"
# component: "Component"
# components: "Components"
# thang: "Thang"
# thangs: "Thangs"
patched_model: "源文档"
model: "型号"
system: "系统"
systems: "系统"
component: "组件"
components: "组件"
thang: "物品"
thangs: "物品"
# level_session: "Your Session"
# opponent_session: "Opponent Session"
# article: "Article"
article: "文章"
user_names: "用户名"
# thang_names: "Thang Names"
thang_names: "物品名称"
files: "文件"
# top_simulators: "Top Simulators"
# source_document: "Source Document"
# document: "Document"
# sprite_sheet: "Sprite Sheet"
# employers: "Employers"
document: "文档"
sprite_sheet: "SpriteSheet"
employers: "Employers"
# candidates: "Candidates"
# candidate_sessions: "Candidate Sessions"
# user_remark: "User Remark"
@ -944,23 +944,23 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
done_editing: "完成编辑"
profile_for_prefix: "关于他的基本资料:"
profile_for_suffix: ""
# featured: "Featured"
# not_featured: "Not Featured"
featured: "被推荐"
not_featured: "未入选"
looking_for: "寻找"
last_updated: "最后一次更新:"
contact: "联系"
active: "正期待面试offer"
inactive: "并不期待面试offer"
# complete: "complete"
# next: "Next"
# next_city: "city?"
# next_country: "pick your country."
# next_name: "name?"
# next_short_description: "write a short description."
# next_long_description: "describe your desired position."
# next_skills: "list at least five skills."
# next_work: "chronicle your work history."
# next_education: "recount your educational ordeals."
complete: "完成"
next: "下一步"
next_city: "城市?"
next_country: "选择你的城市。"
next_name: "姓名?"
next_short_description: "写一个简短的描述"
next_long_description: "描述你渴望的职位。"
next_skills: "列出至少五个技能。"
next_work: "你的过往工作经验"
next_education: "教育经历"
# next_projects: "show off up to three projects you've worked on."
# next_links: "add any personal or social links."
# next_photo: "add an optional professional photo."
Reference in a new issue