Improved Mongo queueing and various refactors

This commit is contained in:
Michael Schmatz 2014-02-10 10:30:08 -08:00
parent 8c2926c300
commit 824af18e39
4 changed files with 193 additions and 135 deletions

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@ -7,18 +7,23 @@ testing = '--unittest' in process.argv
module.exports.connect = () ->
address = module.exports.generateMongoConnectionString() "Connecting to standalone server #{address}"
mongoose.connect address
mongoose.connection.once 'open', ->
Grid.gfs = Grid(mongoose.connection.db, mongoose.mongo)
module.exports.generateMongoConnectionString = ->
if config.mongo.mongoose_replica_string
address = config.mongo.mongoose_replica_string "Connecting to replica set: #{address}"
dbName = config.mongo.db
dbName += '_unittest' if testing
address = + ":" + config.mongo.port
if config.mongo.username and config.mongo.password
address = config.mongo.username + ":" + config.mongo.password + "@" + address
# address = config.mongo.username + "@" + address # if connecting to production server
address = "mongodb://#{address}/#{dbName}" "Connecting to standalone server #{address}"
mongoose.connect address
mongoose.connection.once 'open', ->
Grid.gfs = Grid(mongoose.connection.db, mongoose.mongo)
return address

View file

@ -1,131 +1,129 @@
config = require '../../server_config'
winston = require 'winston'
log = require 'winston'
mongoose = require 'mongoose'
async = require 'async'
errors = require './errors'
aws = require 'aws-sdk'
db = require './../routes/db'
db = require './database'
mongoose = require 'mongoose'
events = require 'events'
crypto = require 'crypto'
module.exports.queueClient = undefined
module.exports.sendwithusQueue = undefined
defaultMessageVisibilityTimeoutInSeconds = 20
defaultMessageReceiptTimeout = 10
module.exports.initializeQueueClient = (cb) ->
module.exports.queueClient = module.exports.generateQueueClient() unless queueClient?
module.exports.queueClient = generateQueueClient() unless queueClient?
module.exports.initializeSendwithusQueue = (cb) ->
queueClient = module.exports.generateQueueClient() unless queueClient?
queueClient.registerQueue "sendwithus", {}, (err,data) ->
if err?
errorString = "There was an error registering the sendwithus queue."
winston.error errorString
throw new Error errorString
module.exports.sendwithusQueue = data
cb? err, module.exports.sendwithusQueue
module.exports.generateQueueClient = ->
generateQueueClient = ->
if config.queue.accessKeyId
queueClient = new SQSQueueClient()
queueClient = new MongoQueueClient()
return queueClient
class MessageObject
constructor: () ->
getBody: ->
getID: ->
removeFromQueue: ->
requeue: ->
changeMessageVisibilityTimeout: (secondsFromFunctionCall) ->
class SQSQueueClient
constructor: ->
@sqs = @generateSQSInstance()
###Public API###
registerQueue: (queueName, options, callback) ->
#returns new queue in data argument of callback
@sqs.createQueue {QueueName: queueName}, (err,data) =>
if err?
winston.error("There was an error creating a new SQS queue, reason: #{JSON.stringify err}")
throw new Error("Fatal SQS error, see Winston output")
newQueue = new SQSQueue(queueName, data.QueueUrl, @sqs)
callback err, newQueue
###Public API###
configure: ->
queueCreationOptions =
QueueName: queueName
@sqs.createQueue queueCreationOptions, (err,data) =>
@_logAndThrowFatalException "There was an error creating a new SQS queue, reason: #{JSON.stringify err}" if err?
newQueue = new SQSQueue queueName, data.QueueUrl, @sqs
callback? err, newQueue
constructor: ->
@sqs = @_generateSQSInstance()
_configure: ->
accessKeyId: config.queue.accessKeyId
secretAccessKey: config.queue.secretAccessKey
region: config.queue.region
generateSQSInstance: ->
new aws.SQS()
_generateSQSInstance: -> new aws.SQS()
_logAndThrowFatalException: (errorMessage) ->
log.error errorMessage
throw new Error errorMessage
class SQSQueue extends events.EventEmitter
constructor: (@queueName, @queueUrl, @sqs) ->
subscribe: (eventName, callback) -> @on eventName, callback
unsubscribe: (eventName, callback) -> @removeListener eventName, callback
publish: (messageBody,delayInSeconds, callback) ->
@sendMessage messageBody, delayInSeconds, callback
receiveMessage: (callback) ->
@sqs.receiveMessage {QueueUrl: @queueUrl, WaitTimeSeconds: 20}, (err, data) =>
originalData = data
data = new SQSMessage originalData, this
queueReceiveOptions =
QueueUrl: @queueUrl
WaitTimeSeconds: defaultMessageReceiptTimeout
@sqs.receiveMessage queueReceiveOptions, (err, data) =>
if err?
@emit 'error',err,originalData
originalData = data
data = new SQSMessage originalData, this
@emit 'message',err,data
if err? then @emit 'error',err,originalData else @emit 'message',err,data
callback? err,data
deleteMessage: (receiptHandle, callback) ->
@sqs.deleteMessage {QueueUrl: @queueUrl, ReceiptHandle: receiptHandle}, (err, data) =>
queueDeletionOptions =
QueueUrl: @queueUrl
ReceiptHandle: receiptHandle
@sqs.deleteMessage queueDeletionOptions, (err, data) =>
if err? then @emit 'error',err,data else @emit 'message',err,data
callback? err,data
changeMessageVisibilityTimeout: (secondsFromNow, receiptHandle, callback) ->
@sqs.changeMessageVisibility {QueueUrl: @queueUrl, ReceiptHandle: receiptHandle, VisibilityTimeout: secondsFromNow}, (err, data) =>
messageVisibilityTimeoutOptions =
QueueUrl: @queueUrl
ReceiptHandle: receiptHandle
VisibilityTimeout: secondsFromNow
@sqs.changeMessageVisibility messageVisibilityTimeoutOptions, (err, data) =>
if err? then @emit 'error',err,data else @emit 'edited',err,data
callback? err,data
sendMessage: (messageBody, delaySeconds, callback) ->
@sqs.sendMessage {QueueUrl: @queueUrl, MessageBody: messageBody, DelaySeconds: delaySeconds}, (err, data) =>
queueSendingOptions =
QueueUrl: @queueUrl
MessageBody: messageBody
DelaySeconds: delaySeconds
@sqs.sendMessage queueSendingOptions, (err, data) =>
if err? then @emit 'error',err,data else @emit 'sent',err, data
callback? err,data
listenForever: =>
async.forever (asyncCallback) =>
@receiveMessage (err, data) ->
class SQSMessage extends MessageObject
listenForever: => async.forever (asyncCallback) => @receiveMessage (err, data) -> asyncCallback(null)
class SQSMessage
constructor: (@originalMessage, @parentQueue) ->
isEmpty: -> not @originalMessage.Messages?[0]?
@ -143,44 +141,38 @@ class SQSMessage extends MessageObject
getReceiptHandle: -> @originalMessage.Messages[0].ReceiptHandle
class MongoQueueClient
constructor: ->
@messageModel = @generateMessageModel()
###Public API###
registerQueue: (queueName, options, callback) ->
newQueue = new MongoQueue queueName,options,@messageModel
callback(null, newQueue)
###Public API###
configure: ->
@databaseAddress = db.generateDatabaseAddress()
@mongoDatabaseName = config.mongoQueue.queueDatabaseName;
createMongoConnection: ->
@mongooseConnection = mongoose.createConnection "mongodb://#{@databaseAddress}/#{@mongoDatabaseName}"
@mongooseConnection.on 'error', ->
winston.error "There was an error connecting to the queue in MongoDB"
@mongooseConnection.once 'open', -> "Successfully connected to MongoDB queue!"
constructor: ->
@messageModel = @_generateMessageModel()
generateMessageModel: ->
#do find something like: messages not processing, queue as current queue, visibility time before now, sort by insertion time, findOne
_configure: -> @databaseAddress = db.generateMongoConnectionString()
_createMongoConnection: ->
@mongooseConnection = mongoose.createConnection @databaseAddress
@mongooseConnection.on 'error', -> log.error "There was an error connecting to the queue in MongoDB"
@mongooseConnection.once 'open', -> "Successfully connected to MongoDB queue!"
_generateMessageModel: ->
schema = new mongoose.Schema
messageBody: Object,
processing: false,
insertionTime: {type: Date, default: }
queue: String
scheduledVisibilityTime: Date
@mongooseConnection.model 'Message',schema
queue: {type: String, index:true}
scheduledVisibilityTime: {type: Date, index: true}
receiptHandle: {type: String, index: true}
@mongooseConnection.model 'MessageQueue',schema
class MongoQueue extends events.EventEmitter
@ -192,54 +184,96 @@ class MongoQueue extends events.EventEmitter
subscribe: (eventName, callback) -> @on eventName, callback
unsubscribe: (eventName, callback) -> @removeListener eventName, callback
publish: (messageBody, delayInSeconds, callback) ->
@sendMessage messageBody, delayInSeconds, callback
receieveMessage: (callback) ->
conditions = {queue: @queueName, processing: false, scheduledVisibilityTime: {$}}
options = {sort: 'scheduledVisibilityTime'}
update = {$set: {processing: true}}
conditions =
queue: @queueName
$lt: new Date()
options =
sort: 'scheduledVisibilityTime'
update =
receiptHandle: @_generateRandomReceiptHandle()
scheduledVisibilityTime: @_constructDefaultVisibilityTimeoutDate()
@Message.findOneAndUpdate conditions, update, options, =>
if err? then @emit 'error',err,data else @emit 'message',err,data
callback? err,data
deleteMessage: (receiptHandle, callback) ->
#receiptHandle in this case is an ID
conditions = {queue: @queueName, _id: receiptHandle}
@Message.findOneAndRemove conditions, {}, =>
if err? then @emit 'error',err,data else @emit 'message',err,data
conditions =
queue: @queueName
receiptHandle: receiptHandle
$lt: new Date()
@Message.findOneAndRemove conditions, {}, (err, data) =>
if err? then @emit 'error',err,data else @emit 'delete',err,data
callback? err,data
sendMessage: (messageBody, delaySeconds, callback) ->
messageToSend = new @Message
messageBody: messageBody
processing: false
queue: @queueName
scheduledVisibilityTime: + (delaySeconds * 1000)
scheduledVisibilityTime: @_constructDefaultVisibilityTimeoutDate delaySeconds (err,data) =>
if err? then @emit 'error',err,data else @emit 'sent',err, data
callback? err,data
listenForever: =>
async.forever (asyncCallback) =>
@recieveMessage (err, data) ->
changeMessageVisibilityTimeout: (secondsFromNow, receiptHandle, callback) ->
conditions =
queue: @queueName
receiptHandle: receiptHandle
$lt: new Date()
update =
scheduledVisibilityTime: @_constructDefaultVisibilityTimeoutDate secondsFromNow
@Message.findOneAndUpdate conditions, update, (err, data) =>
if err? then @emit 'error',err,data else @emit 'update',err,data
callback? err, data
listenForever: => async.forever (asyncCallback) => @recieveMessage (err, data) -> asyncCallback(null)
_constructDefaultVisibilityTimeoutDate: (timeoutSeconds) ->
timeoutSeconds ?= defaultMessageVisibilityTimeoutInSeconds
newDate = new Date()
newDate = new Date(newDate.getTime() + 1000 * timeoutSeconds)
_generateRandomReceiptHandle: -> crypto.randomBytes(20).toString('hex')
class MongoMessage
constructor: (@originalMessage, @parentQueue) ->
isEmpty: -> not @originalMessage
getBody: -> @originalMessage.messageBody
getID: -> @originalMesage._id
removeFromQueue: (callback) -> @parentQueue.deleteMessage @getReceiptHandle(), callbacks
requeue: (callback) -> @parentQueue.changeMessageVisibilityTimeout 0, @getReceiptHandle(), callback
changeMessageVisibilityTimeout: (secondsFromFunctionCall, callback) ->
@parentQueue.changeMessageVisibilityTimeout secondsFromFunctionCall,@getReceiptHandle(), callback
getReceiptHandle: -> @originalMessage.receiptHandle

View file

@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ module.exports.dispatchTaskToConsumer = (req, res) ->
return errors.serverError res, "There was an error constructing the scoring task" if taskConstructionError?
taskProcessingTimeInSeconds = 10
message.changeMessageVisibilityTimeout scoringTaskTimeoutInSeconds + taskProcessingTimeInSeconds
message.changeMessageVisibilityTimeout 10
constructTaskLogObject userID,message.getReceiptHandle(), (taskLogError, taskLogObject) ->
return errors.serverError res, "There was an error creating the task log object." if taskLogError?
@ -135,7 +135,8 @@ module.exports.processTaskResult = (req, res) ->
return errors.serverError res, "There as a problem logging the task computation: #{loggingError}" if loggingError?
updateScores clientResponseObject, (updatingScoresError, newScores) ->
return errors.serverError res, "There was an error updating the scores.#{updatingScoresError}" if updatingScoresError?
sendResponseObject req, res, newScores
sendResponseObject req, res, {"message":"The scores were updated successfully!"}
@ -168,9 +169,29 @@ updateScores = (taskObject,callback) ->
oldScoreArray = _.toArray putRankingFromMetricsIntoScoreObject taskObject, oldScores
newScoreArray = bayes.updatePlayerSkills oldScoreArray
#TODO: database persistence here
callback err, newScoreArray
saveNewScoresToDatabase newScoreArray, callback
saveNewScoresToDatabase = (newScoreArray, callback) ->
async.eachSeries newScoreArray, updateScoreInSession, (err) ->
return callback err, null if err?
callback err, {"message":"All scores were saved successfully."}
updateScoreInSession = (scoreObject,callback) ->
LevelSession.findOne {"_id":}, (err, session) ->
return callback err, null if err?
session.meanStrength = scoreObject.meanStrength
session.standardDeviation = scoreObject.standardDeviation
session.totalScore = scoreObject.meanStrength - 1.8 * scoreObject.standardDeviation "Saving session!" callback
putRankingFromMetricsIntoScoreObject = (taskObject,scoreObject) ->
scoreObject = _.indexBy scoreObject, 'id'

View file

@ -3,8 +3,6 @@ sendwithusAPI = require 'sendwithus'
swuAPIKey = config.mail.sendwithusAPIKey
queues = require './commons/queue'
module.exports.setupQueue = -> queues.initializeSendwithusQueue() unless queues.sendwithusQueue?
module.exports.setupRoutes = (app) ->