Update es-419.coffee

up guys!.
This commit is contained in:
Federico Tomas 2015-07-01 23:06:20 -03:00
parent af612afcdd
commit 7e0c5490e0

View file

@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Español (América Latina)", englishDescrip
unwatch: "No seguir"
submit_patch: "Enviar Parche"
submit_changes: "Enviar cambios"
# save_changes: "Save Changes"
save_changes: "Guardar cambios"
and: "y"
@ -609,7 +609,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Español (América Latina)", englishDescrip
sub_includes_4: "Soporte de correo electronico Premium"
sub_includes_5: "7 heroes nuevos con habilidades unicas que dominar"
sub_includes_6: "bonificación de 3500 gemas cada mes"
# sub_includes_7: "Private Clans"
sub_includes_7: "Clanes privados"
# monitor_progress_title: "How do I monitor student progress?"
# monitor_progress_1: "Student progress can be monitored by creating a"
# monitor_progress_2: "for your class."
@ -635,8 +635,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Español (América Latina)", englishDescrip
# how_much_6: "for more details."
# more_info_title: "Where can I find more information?"
# more_info_1: "Our"
# more_info_2: "teachers forum"
# more_info_3: "is a good place to connect with fellow educators who are using CodeCombat."
more_info_2: "el foro de profesores"
more_info_3: "es un buen lugar para connectarse con los educadores que estan usando CodeCombat."
sys_requirements_title: "Requerimientos del sistema"
sys_requirements_1: "Debido que CodeCombat es un juego, es más difícil para las computadoras correrlo en relación a un tutorial escrito o un video. Para que todos puedan jugar, hemos optimizado la web para correr rápidamente en todos los navegadores modernos y en maquinas antiguas. Dicho esto, aquí están nuestras sugerencias para sacar el máximo provecho de su experiencia en la Hora del Código:" # {change}
sys_requirements_2: "Usar una versión actualizada del navegador Chrome o Firefox." # {change}
@ -648,26 +648,26 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Español (América Latina)", englishDescrip
# being_reviewed_1: "Your application for a free trial subscription is being"
# being_reviewed_2: "reviewed."
# approved_1: "Your application for a free trial subscription was"
# approved_2: "approved."
approved_2: "Aprobada."
# approved_3: "Further instructions have been sent to"
# denied_1: "Your application for a free trial subscription has been"
# denied_2: "denied."
# contact_1: "Please contact"
denied_2: "denegadae."
contact_1: "Porfavor contactarse"
# contact_2: "if you have further questions."
# description_1: "We offer free subscriptions to teachers for evaluation purposes. You can find more information on our"
# description_2: "teachers"
# description_3: "page."
# description_4: "Please fill out this quick survey and well email you setup instructions."
# email: "Email Address"
# school: "Name of School"
# location: "Name of City"
# age_students: "How old are your students?"
email: "Dirección de email"
school: "Nombre del colegio"
location: "Nombre de la ciudad"
age_students: "¿Qué edad tienen tus estudiantes?"
# under: "Under"
# other: "Other:"
# amount_students: "How many students do you teach?"
# hear_about: "How did you hear about CodeCombat?"
# fill_fields: "Please fill out all fields."
# thanks: "Thanks! We'll send you setup instructions shortly."
amount_students: "¿A cuantos alumnos les enseñas?"
hear_about: "¿Donde escuchaste sobre CodeCombat?"
fill_fields: "Porfavor llenar todos los campos."
thanks: "Gracias! Vamos a mandarte instrucciónes para iniciar proximamente."
save_version_title: "Guardar nueva versión"
@ -705,7 +705,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Español (América Latina)", englishDescrip
picture_tab: "Imagen"
delete_account_tab: "Borra tu cuenta"
wrong_email: "Mail Incorrecto"
# wrong_password: "Wrong Password"
wrong_password: "Contraseña incorrecta"
upload_picture: "Sube una imagen"
delete_this_account: "Borrar esta cuenta permanentemente"
god_mode: "Modo Dios"
@ -746,7 +746,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Español (América Latina)", englishDescrip
keyboard_shortcuts: "Atajos de teclado"
space: "Barra espaciadora"
enter: "Enter"
# press_enter: "press enter"
press_enter: "Toca enter"
escape: "Escape"
shift: "Shift"
run_code: "Ejecutar el código."
@ -782,47 +782,47 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Español (América Latina)", englishDescrip
contribute_to_the_project: "Contribuir al proyecto"
# clans:
# clan: "Clan"
# clans: "Clans"
# new_name: "New clan name"
# new_description: "New clan description"
# make_private: "Make clan private"
# subs_only: "subscribers only"
# create_clan: "Create New Clan"
# public_clans: "Public Clans"
# my_clans: "My Clans"
# clan_name: "Clan Name"
# name: "Name"
clan: "Clan"
clans: "Clanes"
new_name: "Nuevo nombre de clan"
new_description: "descripción del clan"
make_private: "Hacer clan privado"
subs_only: "solo suscriptores"
create_clan: "Crear nuevo clan"
public_clans: "Clanes publicos"
my_clans: "Mis Clanes"
clan_name: "Nombre del clan"
name: "Nombre"
# chieftain: "Chieftain"
# type: "Type"
# edit_clan_name: "Edit Clan Name"
# edit_clan_description: "Edit Clan Description"
# edit_name: "edit name"
# edit_description: "edit description"
# private: "(private)"
type: "Tipo"
edit_clan_name: "Editar el nombre del Clan"
edit_clan_description: "Editar descripción del clan"
edit_name: "editar nombre"
edit_description: "editar descripción"
private: "(privado)"
# summary: "Summary"
# average_level: "Average Level"
# average_achievements: "Average Achievements"
# delete_clan: "Delete Clan"
# leave_clan: "Leave Clan"
# join_clan: "Join Clan"
# invite_1: "Invite:"
# invite_2: "*Invite players to this Clan by sending them this link."
# members: "Members"
# progress: "Progress"
# not_started_1: "not started"
# started_1: "started"
# complete_1: "complete"
# exp_levels: "Expand levels"
# rem_hero: "Remove Hero"
# status: "Status"
# complete_2: "Complete"
# started_2: "Started"
# not_started_2: "Not Started"
# view_solution: "Click to view solution."
# latest_achievement: "Latest Achievement"
# playtime: "Playtime"
# last_played: "Last played"
average_level: "Nivel Promedio"
average_achievements: "Logros Promedio"
delete_clan: "Borrar Clan"
leave_clan: "Abandonar Clan"
join_clan: "Ingresar Clan"
invite_1: "Invitar:"
invite_2: "*Invitar jugadores al clan, mandandoles este link."
members: "Miembros"
progress: "Progreso"
not_started_1: "no iniciado"
started_1: "iniciado"
complete_1: "completo"
exp_levels: "Expand levels"
rem_hero: "Remover Heróe"
status: "Stado"
complete_2: "Completo"
started_2: "Iniciado"
not_started_2: "No inciiado"
view_solution: "Click para ver la solución."
latest_achievement: "último logro"
playtime: "Tiempo de juego"
last_played: "Último jugado"
archmage_title: "Archimago"
@ -1074,7 +1074,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Español (América Latina)", englishDescrip
no_achievements: "Sin Logros todavía."
favorite_prefix: "Idioma favorito "
favorite_postfix: "."
# not_member_of_clans: "Not a member of any clans yet."
not_member_of_clans: "No se es miembro de ningún clan todavía."
last_earned: "Último Ganado"
@ -1180,7 +1180,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Español (América Latina)", englishDescrip
user_remarks: "Observaciones del usuario"
versions: "Versiones"
items: "Items"
# hero: "Hero"
hero: "Heróe"
heroes: "Héroes"
achievement: "Logros"
clas: "CLAs"