mirror of
synced 2025-02-17 08:50:58 -05:00
Including leather boots as required gear better. Labeling 'Your Skills'. Not showing a minus for incomplete goals. Adding script triggers for deleting required sample code.
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 40 additions and 5 deletions
@ -120,3 +120,6 @@ module.exports =
'tome:maximize-toggled': c.object {title: 'Maximize Toggled', description: 'Published when the Tome has changed maximize/minimize state.'}
'tome:select-primary-sprite': c.object {title: 'Select Primary Sprite', description: 'Published to get the most important sprite\'s code selected.'}
'tome:required-code-fragment-deleted': c.object {title: 'Required Code Fragment Deleted', description: 'Published when a required code fragment is deleted from the sample code.', required: ['codeFragment']},
codeFragment: {type: 'string'}
@ -14,4 +14,5 @@ if entryGroupSlugs
div(class="properties properties-" + slug + " nano-content")
// Hero; group by items, no tabs.
@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ module.exports = class InventoryView extends CocoView
'simple-boots': '53e237bf53457600003e3f05'
'longsword': '53e218d853457600003e3ebe'
'leather-tunic': '53e22eac53457600003e3efc'
#'leather-boots': '53e2384453457600003e3f07'
'leather-boots': '53e2384453457600003e3f07'
'programmaticon-i': '53e4108204c00d4607a89f78'
'crude-glasses': '53e238df53457600003e3f0b'
'builders-hammer': '53f4e6e3d822c23505b74f42'
@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ module.exports = class InventoryView extends CocoView
inWorldMap = $('#world-map-view').length
for slot, item of necessaryGear
continue if item is 'leather-tunic' and inWorldMap # Don't tell them they need it until they need it in the level
continue if equipment[slot] and not (item is 'builders-hammer' and equipment[slot] is gear.longsword)
continue if equipment[slot] and not ((item is 'builders-hammer' and equipment[slot] is gear.longsword) or (item is 'leather-boots' and equipment[slot] is gear['simple-boots']))
availableSlotSelector = "#available-equipment li[data-item-id='#{gear[item]}']"
@highlightElement availableSlotSelector, delay: 500, sides: ['right'], rotation: Math.PI / 2
@$el.find(availableSlotSelector).addClass 'should-equip'
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ template = require 'templates/play/level/goals'
utils = require 'lib/utils'
stateIconMap =
incomplete: 'glyphicon-minus'
success: 'glyphicon-ok'
failure: 'glyphicon-remove'
@ -61,7 +60,7 @@ module.exports = class LevelGoalsView extends CocoView
# This should really get refactored, along with GoalManager, so that goals have a standard
# representation of how many are done, how many are needed, what that means, etc.
li = $('<li></li>').addClass("status-#{state.status}").text(text)
li.prepend($('<i></i>').addClass('glyphicon').addClass(iconClass) if iconClass = stateIconMap[state.status])
goals.push goal
if not firstRun and state.status is 'success' and @previousGoalStatus[goal.id] isnt 'success'
@ -371,6 +371,7 @@ module.exports = class SpellView extends CocoView
onCodeReload: (e) ->
return unless e.spell is @spell
@reloadCode true
reloadCode: (cast=true) ->
@updateACEText @spell.originalSource
@ -422,6 +423,7 @@ module.exports = class SpellView extends CocoView
_.throttle @notifySpellChanged, 300
_.throttle @updateLines, 500
onSignificantChange.push _.debounce @checkRequiredCode, 1500 if requiredCodePerLevel[@options.level.get('slug')]
@onCodeChangeMetaHandler = =>
return if @eventsSuppressed
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'audio-player:play-sound', trigger: 'code-change', volume: 0.5
@ -564,7 +566,7 @@ module.exports = class SpellView extends CocoView
guessWhetherFinished: (aether) ->
valid = not aether.getAllProblems().length
cursorPosition = @ace.getCursorPosition()
currentLine = _.string.rtrim(@aceDoc.$lines[cursorPosition.row].replace(/[ \t]*\/\/[^"']*/g, '')) # trim // unless inside "
currentLine = _.string.rtrim(@aceDoc.$lines[cursorPosition.row].replace(@singleLineCommentRegex(), '')) # trim // unless inside "
endOfLine = cursorPosition.column >= currentLine.length # just typed a semicolon or brace, for example
beginningOfLine = not currentLine.substr(0, cursorPosition.column).trim().length # uncommenting code, for example
incompleteThis = /^(s|se|sel|self|t|th|thi|this)$/.test currentLine.trim()
@ -575,6 +577,20 @@ module.exports = class SpellView extends CocoView
singleLineCommentRegex: ->
return @_singleLineCommentRegex if @_singleLineCommentRegex
commentStarts =
javascript: '//'
python: '#'
coffeescript: '#'
clojure: ';'
lua: '--'
io: '//'
commentStart = commentStarts[@spell.language] or '//'
@_singleLineCommentRegexp ?= new RegExp "[ \t]*#{commentStart}[^\"'\n]*", 'g'
console.log 'got', @_singleLineCommentRegexp, 'from', "[ \t]*#{commentStart}[^\"']*", 'comment start is', commentStart, 'acuse lang is', @spell.language
preload: ->
# Send this code over to the God for preloading, but don't change the cast state.
oldSource = @spell.source
@ -829,6 +845,16 @@ module.exports = class SpellView extends CocoView
onScriptStateChange: (e) ->
@scriptRunning = if e.currentScript is null then false else true
checkRequiredCode: =>
return if @destroyed
source = @getSource().replace @singleLineCommentRegex(), ''
for requiredCodeFragment in requiredCodePerLevel[@options.level.get('slug')]
if source.indexOf(requiredCodeFragment) is -1
@warnedCodeFragments ?= {}
unless @warnedCodeFragments[requiredCodeFragment]
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'tome:required-code-fragment-deleted', codeFragment: requiredCodeFragment
@warnedCodeFragments[requiredCodeFragment] = true
destroy: ->
$(@ace?.container).find('.ace_gutter').off 'click', '.ace_error, .ace_warning, .ace_info', @onAnnotationClick
@ -840,3 +866,9 @@ module.exports = class SpellView extends CocoView
$(window).off 'resize', @onWindowResize
requiredCodePerLevel =
'true-names': ['Brak']
'the-first-kithmaze': ['loop']
'lowly-kithmen': ['findNearestEnemy']
Reference in a new issue