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synced 2025-03-23 19:32:03 -04:00
1 changed files with 31 additions and 31 deletions
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Português do Brasil", englishDescription:
awaiting_levels_adventurer_prefix: "Nós liberamos cinco níveis por semana."
awaiting_levels_adventurer_prefix: "Nós liberamos cinco níveis por semana."
awaiting_levels_adventurer: "Cadastre-se como um aventureiro"
awaiting_levels_adventurer: "Cadastre-se como um aventureiro"
awaiting_levels_adventurer_suffix: "para ser o primeiro a jogar as novas fases."
awaiting_levels_adventurer_suffix: "para ser o primeiro a jogar as novas fases."
# adjust_volume: "Adjust volume"
adjust_volume: "Ajuste o volume"
choose_your_level: "Escolha seu estágio" # The rest of this section is the old play view at /play-old and isn't very important.
choose_your_level: "Escolha seu estágio" # The rest of this section is the old play view at /play-old and isn't very important.
adventurer_prefix: "Você pode ir para qualquer um dos estágios abaixo, ou discutir sobre eles no "
adventurer_prefix: "Você pode ir para qualquer um dos estágios abaixo, ou discutir sobre eles no "
adventurer_forum: "Fórum do Aventureiro"
adventurer_forum: "Fórum do Aventureiro"
@ -94,14 +94,14 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Português do Brasil", englishDescription:
campaign_classic_algorithms: "Algoritmos Clássicos"
campaign_classic_algorithms: "Algoritmos Clássicos"
campaign_classic_algorithms_description: "...onde você aprende os algoritmos mais conhecidos em Ciência da Computação."
campaign_classic_algorithms_description: "...onde você aprende os algoritmos mais conhecidos em Ciência da Computação."
# share_progress_modal:
# blurb: "You’re making great progress! Tell someone how much you've learned with CodeCombat."
# blurb: "You’re making great progress! Tell someone how much you've learned with CodeCombat."
# email_invalid: "Email address invalid."
email_invalid: "Endereço de email invalido."
# form_blurb: "Enter their email below and we’ll show them!"
# form_blurb: "Enter their email below and we’ll show them!"
# form_label: "Email Address"
form_label: "Endereço de Email"
# placeholder: "email address"
placeholder: "endereço de email"
# title: "Excellent Work, Apprentice"
title: "Excelente Trabalho, Aprendiz"
# tell_friend: "Tell your Friend"
tell_friend: "Diga a seu amigo"
# tell_parent: "Tell your Parent"
# tell_parent: "Tell your Parent"
@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Português do Brasil", englishDescription:
# back: "Back" # When used as an action verb, like "Navigate backward"
# back: "Back" # When used as an action verb, like "Navigate backward"
# continue: "Continue" # When used as an action verb, like "Continue forward"
continue: "Continue" # When used as an action verb, like "Continue forward"
loading: "Carregando..."
loading: "Carregando..."
saving: "Salvando..."
saving: "Salvando..."
sending: "Enviando..."
sending: "Enviando..."
@ -169,9 +169,9 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Português do Brasil", englishDescription:
date: "Data"
date: "Data"
body: "Principal"
body: "Principal"
version: "Versão"
version: "Versão"
# pending: "Pending"
pending: "Pendente"
# accepted: "Accepted"
accepted: "Aceito"
# rejected: "Rejected"
rejected: "Rejeitado"
# withdrawn: "Withdrawn"
# withdrawn: "Withdrawn"
# submitter: "Submitter"
# submitter: "Submitter"
submitted: "Enviado"
submitted: "Enviado"
@ -180,10 +180,10 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Português do Brasil", englishDescription:
version_history: "Histórico de Versão"
version_history: "Histórico de Versão"
version_history_for: "Histórico de Versão para: "
version_history_for: "Histórico de Versão para: "
select_changes: "Selecione duas alterações para ver as diferenças."
select_changes: "Selecione duas alterações para ver as diferenças."
# undo_prefix: "Undo"
undo_prefix: "Desfazer"
# undo_shortcut: "(Ctrl+Z)"
undo_shortcut: "(Ctrl+Z)"
# redo_prefix: "Redo"
redo_prefix: "Refazer"
# redo_shortcut: "(Ctrl+Shift+Z)"
redo_shortcut: "(Ctrl+Shift+Z)"
# play_preview: "Play preview of current level"
# play_preview: "Play preview of current level"
result: "Resultado"
result: "Resultado"
results: "Resultados"
results: "Resultados"
@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Português do Brasil", englishDescription:
loading_ready: "Pronto!"
loading_ready: "Pronto!"
loading_start: "Iniciar fase"
loading_start: "Iniciar fase"
problem_alert_title: "Altere seu Código"
problem_alert_title: "Altere seu Código"
# problem_alert_help: "Help"
problem_alert_help: "Ajuda"
time_current: "Agora:"
time_current: "Agora:"
time_total: "Máximo:"
time_total: "Máximo:"
time_goto: "Ir para:"
time_goto: "Ir para:"
@ -335,8 +335,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Português do Brasil", englishDescription:
# tip_source_code: "I want to change the world but they would not give me the source code."
# tip_source_code: "I want to change the world but they would not give me the source code."
# tip_javascript_java: "Java is to JavaScript what Car is to Carpet. - Chris Heilmann"
# tip_javascript_java: "Java is to JavaScript what Car is to Carpet. - Chris Heilmann"
# tip_move_forward: "Whatever you do, keep moving forward. - Martin Luther King Jr."
# tip_move_forward: "Whatever you do, keep moving forward. - Martin Luther King Jr."
# tip_google: "Have a problem you can't solve? Google it!"
tip_google: "Tem um problema que você não pode solucionar? Google!"
# tip_adding_evil: "Adding a pinch of evil."
tip_adding_evil: "Adicionando uma pitada de maldade."
# tip_miss_lunch: "Anyone who has lost track of time when using a computer knows the propensity to dream, the urge to make dreams come true and the tendency to miss lunch. - Tim Berners-Lee"
# tip_miss_lunch: "Anyone who has lost track of time when using a computer knows the propensity to dream, the urge to make dreams come true and the tendency to miss lunch. - Tim Berners-Lee"
# tip_hate_computers: "That's the thing about people who think they hate computers. What they really hate is lousy programmers. - Larry Niven"
# tip_hate_computers: "That's the thing about people who think they hate computers. What they really hate is lousy programmers. - Larry Niven"
@ -345,8 +345,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Português do Brasil", englishDescription:
save_load_tab: "Salvar/Carregar"
save_load_tab: "Salvar/Carregar"
options_tab: "Opções"
options_tab: "Opções"
guide_tab: "Guia"
guide_tab: "Guia"
# guide_video_tutorial: "Video Tutorial"
guide_video_tutorial: "Vídeo Tutorial"
# guide_tips: "Tips"
guide_tips: "Dicas"
multiplayer_tab: "Multijogador"
multiplayer_tab: "Multijogador"
auth_tab: "Registrar"
auth_tab: "Registrar"
inventory_caption: "Equipar seu herói"
inventory_caption: "Equipar seu herói"
@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Português do Brasil", englishDescription:
choose_inventory: "Equipar itens"
choose_inventory: "Equipar itens"
equipped_item: "Equipado"
equipped_item: "Equipado"
# required_purchase_title: "Required"
required_purchase_title: "Obrigatório"
available_item: "Disponível"
available_item: "Disponível"
restricted_title: "Restrito"
restricted_title: "Restrito"
should_equip: "(dois cliques para equipar)"
should_equip: "(dois cliques para equipar)"
@ -403,10 +403,10 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Português do Brasil", englishDescription:
# feature2: "7 powerful <strong>new heroes</strong> with unique skills!"
# feature2: "7 powerful <strong>new heroes</strong> with unique skills!"
# feature3: "30+ bonus levels"
# feature3: "30+ bonus levels"
# feature4: "<strong>3500 bonus gems</strong> every month!"
# feature4: "<strong>3500 bonus gems</strong> every month!"
# feature5: "Video tutorials"
feature5: "Vídeo tutorials"
# feature6: "Premium email support"
# feature6: "Premium email support"
# free: "Free"
# free: "Free"
# month: "month"
month: "mês"
subscribe_title: "Inscrever-se"
subscribe_title: "Inscrever-se"
unsubscribe: "Desinscrever-se"
unsubscribe: "Desinscrever-se"
# confirm_unsubscribe: "Confirm Unsubscribe"
# confirm_unsubscribe: "Confirm Unsubscribe"
@ -421,8 +421,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Português do Brasil", englishDescription:
# parent_email_input_invalid: "Email address invalid."
# parent_email_input_invalid: "Email address invalid."
# parent_email_input_label: "Parent email address"
# parent_email_input_label: "Parent email address"
# parent_email_input_placeholder: "Enter parent email"
# parent_email_input_placeholder: "Enter parent email"
# parent_email_send: "Send Email"
parent_email_send: "Enviar Email"
# parent_email_sent: "Email sent!"
parent_email_sent: "Email enviado!"
# parent_email_title: "What's your parent's email?"
# parent_email_title: "What's your parent's email?"
parents: "Para os pais"
parents: "Para os pais"
parents_title: "Seus filhos aprenderam código."
parents_title: "Seus filhos aprenderam código."
@ -431,7 +431,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Português do Brasil", englishDescription:
parents_blurb3: "Sem risco: 100% devolução do dinheiro garantida, basta um simples clique em desinscrever-se."
parents_blurb3: "Sem risco: 100% devolução do dinheiro garantida, basta um simples clique em desinscrever-se."
stripe_description: "Inscrição Mensal"
stripe_description: "Inscrição Mensal"
subscription_required_to_play: "Você precisará se inscrever para jogar este nível."
subscription_required_to_play: "Você precisará se inscrever para jogar este nível."
# unlock_help_videos: "Subscribe to unlock all video tutorials."
unlock_help_videos: "Inscreva-se para desbloquear todos os vídeos tutoriais."
choose_hero: "Escolha seu Herói"
choose_hero: "Escolha seu Herói"
@ -534,9 +534,9 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Português do Brasil", englishDescription:
matt_title: "Programador"
matt_title: "Programador"
matt_blurb: "O Ciclista"
matt_blurb: "O Ciclista"
# teachers:
# title: "CodeCombat for Teachers"
title: "CodeCombat para Professores"
# preparation_title: "Preparation"
preparation_title: "Preparação"
# preparation_1: "CodeCombat is free to play for the core level progression and does not require students to sign up. We encourage teachers to"
# preparation_1: "CodeCombat is free to play for the core level progression and does not require students to sign up. We encourage teachers to"
# preparation_play_campaign: "play through the campaign"
# preparation_play_campaign: "play through the campaign"
# preparation_2: "to try it out, but the only thing you absolutely need to do to be ready is ensure students have access to a computer."
# preparation_2: "to try it out, but the only thing you absolutely need to do to be ready is ensure students have access to a computer."
@ -590,7 +590,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Português do Brasil", englishDescription:
forum_page: "nosso fórum"
forum_page: "nosso fórum"
forum_suffix: " ao invés disso."
forum_suffix: " ao invés disso."
# faq_prefix: "There's also a"
# faq_prefix: "There's also a"
# faq: "FAQ"
faq: "FAQ"
# subscribe_prefix: "If you need help figuring out a level, please"
# subscribe_prefix: "If you need help figuring out a level, please"
# subscribe: "buy a CodeCombat subscription"
# subscribe: "buy a CodeCombat subscription"
# subscribe_suffix: "and we'll be happy to help you with your code."
# subscribe_suffix: "and we'll be happy to help you with your code."
@ -773,7 +773,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Português do Brasil", englishDescription:
# achievement_query_goals: "Key achievement off of level goals"
# achievement_query_goals: "Key achievement off of level goals"
level_completion: "Conclusão do Nível"
level_completion: "Conclusão do Nível"
# pop_i18n: "Populate I18N"
# pop_i18n: "Populate I18N"
# tasks: "Tasks"
tasks: "Tarefas"
edit_btn_preview: "Prever"
edit_btn_preview: "Prever"
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