mirror of
synced 2025-03-20 18:10:44 -04:00
+ Merged Simulators
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 89 additions and 405 deletions
@ -124,6 +124,7 @@ class Angel
@shared.busyAngels.push @
console.log "Running world..."
#console.error "worker.postMessage: " + @worker.postMessage + ", work: " + work
@worker.postMessage func: 'runWorld', args: work
console.log @id + ": Setting interval."
clearTimeout @purgatoryTimer
@ -238,6 +239,3 @@ module.exports = class God
@angelsShare.goalManager = null
@angelsShare = null
#TODO: self.world.totalFrames??
#TODO: Don't show arguments.
@ -6,11 +6,16 @@ God = require 'lib/Buddha'
module.exports = class Simulator extends CocoClass
constructor: ->
constructor: (workerCode) ->
_.extend @, Backbone.Events
@trigger 'statusUpdate', 'Starting simulation!'
@retryDelayInSeconds = 10
@taskURL = '/queue/scoring'
@simulatedByYou = 0
if workerCode
@god = new God maxWorkerPoolSize: 1, maxAngels: 1, workerCode: workerCode # Start loading worker.
@god = new God maxWorkerPoolSize: 1, maxAngels: 1
destroy: ->
@ -19,6 +24,17 @@ module.exports = class Simulator extends CocoClass
fetchAndSimulateTask: =>
return if @destroyed
if headless
if @dumpThisTime # The first heapdump would be useless to find leaks.
console.log "Writing snapshot."
@dumpThisTime = true if heapdump
if testing
_.delay @setupSimulationAndLoadLevel, 0, testFile, "Testing...", status: 400
@trigger 'statusUpdate', 'Fetching simulation data!'
url: @taskURL
@ -32,7 +48,9 @@ module.exports = class Simulator extends CocoClass
handleNoGamesResponse: ->
@trigger 'statusUpdate', 'There were no games to simulate--all simulations are done or in process. Retrying in 10 seconds.'
info = 'There were no games to simulate--all simulations are done or in process. Retrying in 10 seconds.'
console.log info
@trigger 'statusUpdate', info
simulateAnotherTaskAfterDelay: =>
@ -54,8 +72,6 @@ module.exports = class Simulator extends CocoClass
@supermodel ?= new SuperModel()
@god = new God maxAngels: 2 # Start loading worker.
@levelLoader = new LevelLoader supermodel: @supermodel, levelID: levelID, sessionID: @task.getFirstSessionID(), headless: true
if @supermodel.finished()
@ -64,7 +80,9 @@ module.exports = class Simulator extends CocoClass
simulateGame: ->
return if @destroyed
@trigger 'statusUpdate', 'All resources loaded, simulating!', @task.getSessions()
info = 'All resources loaded, simulating!'
console.log info
@trigger 'statusUpdate', info, @task.getSessions()
@ -75,6 +93,7 @@ module.exports = class Simulator extends CocoClass
assignWorldAndLevelFromLevelLoaderAndDestroyIt: ->
console.log "Assigning world and level"
@world = @levelLoader.world
@level = @levelLoader.level
@ -82,21 +101,45 @@ module.exports = class Simulator extends CocoClass
setupGod: ->
@god.level = @level.serialize @supermodel
@god.setWorldClassMap = @world.classMap
@god.setWorldClassMap @world.classMap
setupGoalManager: ->
goalManager = new GoalManager @world
goalManager.goals = @god.level.goals
goalManager.goalStates = @manuallyGenerateGoalStates()
@god.setGoalManager goalManager
@god.setGoalManager new GoalManager(@world, @level.get 'goals')
commenceSimulationAndSetupCallback: ->
@god.createWorld @generateSpellsObject()
Backbone.Mediator.subscribeOnce 'god:infinite-loop', @onInfiniteLoop, @
Backbone.Mediator.subscribeOnce 'god:new-world-created', @processResults, @
#Search for leaks, headless-client only.
if headless and leaktest and not @memwatch?
leakcount = 0
maxleakcount = 0
console.log "Setting leak callbacks."
@memwatch = require 'memwatch'
@memwatch.on 'leak', (info) =>
console.warn "LEAK!!\n" + JSON.stringify(info)
unless @hd?
if (leakcount++ is maxleakcount)
@hd = new @memwatch.HeapDiff()
@memwatch.on 'stats', (stats) =>
console.warn "stats callback: " + stats
diff = @hd.end()
console.warn "HeapDiff:\n" + JSON.stringify(diff)
if exitOnLeak
console.warn "Exiting because of Leak."
@hd = new @memwatch.HeapDiff()
onInfiniteLoop: ->
console.warn "Skipping infinitely looping game."
@trigger 'statusUpdate', "Infinite loop detected; grabbing a new game in #{@retryDelayInSeconds} seconds."
@ -110,6 +153,9 @@ module.exports = class Simulator extends CocoClass
@trigger 'statusUpdate', 'Simulation completed, sending results back to server!'
console.log "Sending result back to server!"
if headless and testing
return @fetchAndSimulateTask()
url: "/queue/scoring"
data: results
@ -121,23 +167,19 @@ module.exports = class Simulator extends CocoClass
handleTaskResultsTransferSuccess: (result) =>
console.log "Task registration result: #{JSON.stringify result}"
@trigger 'statusUpdate', 'Results were successfully sent back to server!'
simulatedBy = parseInt($('#simulated-by-you').text(), 10) + 1
console.log "Simulated by you: " + @simulatedByYou
if not headless
simulatedBy = parseInt($('#simulated-by-you').text(), 10) + 1
handleTaskResultsTransferError: (error) =>
@trigger 'statusUpdate', 'There was an error sending the results back to the server.'
console.log "Task registration error: #{JSON.stringify error}"
cleanupAndSimulateAnotherTask: =>
cleanupSimulation: ->
@god = null
@world = null
@level = null
formTaskResultsObject: (simulationResults) ->
taskResults =
taskID: @task.getTaskID()
@ -148,7 +190,6 @@ module.exports = class Simulator extends CocoClass
sessions: []
for session in @task.getSessions()
sessionResult =
sessionID: session.sessionID
submitDate: session.submitDate
@ -178,6 +219,10 @@ module.exports = class Simulator extends CocoClass
return 1
setupGodSpells: ->
@god.spells = @spells
generateSpellsObject: ->
@currentUserCodeMap = @task.generateSpellKeyToSourceMap()
@spells = {}
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ class CocoModel extends Backbone.Model
if @type() is 'ThangType'
@_revertAttributes = _.clone @attributes # No deep clones for these!
@_revertAttributes = _.cloneDeep(@attributes)
@_revertAttributes = $.extend(true, {}, @attributes)
revert: ->
@set(@_revertAttributes, {silent: true}) if @_revertAttributes
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ class CocoModel extends Backbone.Model
not _.isEqual @attributes, @_revertAttributes
cloneNewMinorVersion: ->
newData = _.clone @attributes # needs to be deep?
newData = _.clone @attributes
clone = new @constructor(newData)
@ -114,8 +114,6 @@ module.exports = class PlayLevelView extends View
@loadStartTime = new Date()
@god = new God()
@levelLoader = new LevelLoader supermodel: @supermodel, levelID: @levelID, sessionID: @sessionID, opponentSessionID: @getQueryVariable('opponent'), team: @getQueryVariable("team")
#@listenToOnce(@levelLoader, 'loaded-all', @onLevelLoaderLoaded)
#@listenTo(@levelLoader, 'progress', @onLevelLoaderProgressChanged)
getRenderData: ->
c = super()
@ -171,12 +169,12 @@ module.exports = class PlayLevelView extends View
team = @getQueryVariable("team") ? @world.teamForPlayer(0)
@god.level = @level.serialize @supermodel
@god.worldClassMap = @world.classMap
@god.setWorldClassMap @world.classMap
@setTeam team
@insertSubviews ladderGame: (@level.get('type') is "ladder")
@listenTo(@session, 'change:multiplayer', @onMultiplayerChanged)
@originalSessionState = $.extend(true, {}, @session.get('state'))
@ -429,7 +427,7 @@ module.exports = class PlayLevelView extends View
initGoalManager: ->
@goalManager = new GoalManager(@world, @level.get('goals'))
@god.goalManager = @goalManager
@god.setGoalManager @goalManager
initScriptManager: ->
@scriptManager = new ScriptManager({scripts: @world.scripts or [], view:@, session: @session})
@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ At some point, most of the code can be merged with Simulator.coffee
debug = false # Enable logging of ajax calls mainly
testing = false # Instead of simulating 'real' games, use the same one over and over again. Good for leak hunting.
leaktest = false # Install callback that tries to find leaks automatically
exitOnLeak = false # Exit if leak is found. Only useful if leaktest is set to true, obviously.
heapdump = false # Dumps the whole heap after every pass. The heap dumps can then be viewed in Chrome browser.
GLOBAL.debug = false # Enable logging of ajax calls mainly
GLOBAL.testing = false # Instead of simulating 'real' games, use the same one over and over again. Good for leak hunting.
GLOBAL.leaktest = false # Install callback that tries to find leaks automatically
GLOBAL.exitOnLeak = false # Exit if leak is found. Only useful if leaktest is set to true, obviously.
GLOBAL.heapdump = false # Dumps the whole heap after every pass. The heap dumps can then be viewed in Chrome browser.
server = if testing then "" else "http://codecombat.com"
@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ disable = [
bowerComponents = "./bower_components/"
headlessClient = "./headless_client/"
GLOBAL.bowerComponents = "./bower_components/"
GLOBAL.headlessClient = "./headless_client/"
# Start of the actual code. Setting up the enivronment to match the environment of the browser
@ -45,6 +45,10 @@ JASON = require 'jason'
# Global emulated stuff
GLOBAL.headless = true
GLOBAL.document = location: pathname: "headless_client"
GLOBAL.console.debug = console.log
GLOBAL.Worker = require('webworker-threads').Worker
Worker::removeEventListener = (what) ->
if what is 'message'
@ -71,10 +75,9 @@ GLOBAL.localStorage =
# since it will replace that.
# (Why is there no easier way?)
hookedLoader = (request, parent, isMain) ->
#if request is 'lib/god'
# console.log 'I choose you, SimpleGod.'
# request = './headless_client/SimpleGod'
if request == 'lib/God'
request = 'lib/Buddha'
if request in disable or ~request.indexOf('templates')
console.log 'Ignored ' + request if debug
return class fake
@ -195,7 +198,7 @@ $.ajax
LevelLoader = require 'lib/LevelLoader'
GoalManager = require 'lib/world/GoalManager'
God = require 'lib/Buddha'
workerCode = require headlessClient + 'worker_world'
@ -205,370 +208,10 @@ $.ajax
CocoClass = require 'lib/CocoClass'
class Simulator extends CocoClass
Simulator = require 'lib/simulator/Simulator'
constructor: ->
_.extend @, Backbone.Events
@trigger 'statusUpdate', 'Starting simulation!'
@retryDelayInSeconds = 10
@taskURL = 'queue/scoring'
@simulatedByYou = 0
@god = new God maxWorkerPoolSize: 1, maxAngels: 1, workerCode: workerCode # Start loading worker.
destroy: ->
fetchAndSimulateTask: =>
return if @destroyed
if testing
test = require headlessClient + 'test.js'
console.log test
_.delay @setupSimulationAndLoadLevel, 0, test, "Testing...", status: 400
if @ranonce and heapdump
console.log "Writing snapshot."
@ranonce = true
@trigger 'statusUpdate', 'Fetching simulation data!'
url: @taskURL
type: "GET"
parse: true
error: @handleFetchTaskError
success: @setupSimulationAndLoadLevel
handleFetchTaskError: (errorData) =>
console.error "There was a horrible Error: #{JSON.stringify errorData}"
@trigger 'statusUpdate', 'There was an error fetching games to simulate. Retrying in 10 seconds.'
handleNoGamesResponse: ->
console.log "Nothing to do."
@trigger 'statusUpdate', 'There were no games to simulate--nice. Retrying in 10 seconds.'
simulateAnotherTaskAfterDelay: =>
console.log "Retrying..."
console.log "Retrying in #{@retryDelayInSeconds}"
retryDelayInMilliseconds = @retryDelayInSeconds * 1000
_.delay @fetchAndSimulateTask, retryDelayInMilliseconds
setupSimulationAndLoadLevel: (taskData, textStatus, jqXHR) =>
return @handleNoGamesResponse() if jqXHR.status is 204
@trigger 'statusUpdate', 'Setting up simulation!'
@task = new SimulationTask(taskData)
levelID = @task.getLevelName()
catch err
console.error err
@trigger 'statusUpdate', "Error simulating game: #{err}. Trying another game in #{@retryDelayInSeconds} seconds."
@supermodel ?= new SuperModel()
#console.log "Creating loader with levelID: " + levelID + " and SessionID: " + @task.getFirstSessionID() + " - task: " + JSON.stringify(@task)
@levelLoader = new LevelLoader supermodel: @supermodel, levelID: levelID, sessionID: @task.getFirstSessionID(), headless: true
console.log "Waiting for loaded game"
@listenToOnce(@levelLoader, 'loaded-all', @simulateGame)
simulateGame: ->
console.warn "Simulate game."
return if @destroyed
@trigger 'statusUpdate', 'All resources loaded, simulating!', @task.getSessions()
console.log "assignWorld"
console.log "SetupGod"
catch err
console.log "There was an error in simulation(#{err}). Trying again in #{@retryDelayInSeconds} seconds"
#TODO: Comment out.
throw err
assignWorldAndLevelFromLevelLoaderAndDestroyIt: ->
console.log "Assigning world and level"
@world = @levelLoader.world
@level = @levelLoader.level
@levelLoader = null
setupGod: ->
@god.level = @level.serialize @supermodel
@god.setWorldClassMap @world.classMap
setupGoalManager: ->
goalManager = new GoalManager @world
goalManager.goals = @god.level.goals
goalManager.goalStates = @manuallyGenerateGoalStates()
@god.setGoalManager goalManager
commenceSimulationAndSetupCallback: ->
console.log "Creating World."
Backbone.Mediator.subscribeOnce 'god:infinite-loop', @onInfiniteLoop, @
Backbone.Mediator.subscribeOnce 'god:goals-calculated', @processResults, @
#Search for leaks
if leaktest and not @memwatch?
leakcount = 0
maxleakcount = 0
console.log "Setting leak callbacks."
@memwatch = require 'memwatch'
@memwatch.on 'leak', (info) =>
console.warn "LEAK!!\n" + JSON.stringify(info)
unless @hd?
if (leakcount++ is maxleakcount)
@hd = new @memwatch.HeapDiff()
@memwatch.on 'stats', (stats) =>
console.warn "stats callback: " + stats
diff = @hd.end()
console.warn "HeapDiff:\n" + JSON.stringify(diff)
if exitOnLeak
console.warn "Exiting because of Leak."
@hd = new @memwatch.HeapDiff()
onInfiniteLoop: ->
console.warn "Skipping infinitely looping game."
@trigger 'statusUpdate', "Infinite loop detected; grabbing a new game in #{@retryDelayInSeconds} seconds."
_.delay @cleanupAndSimulateAnotherTask, @retryDelayInSeconds * 1000
processResults: (simulationResults) ->
console.log "Processing Results"
taskResults = @formTaskResultsObject simulationResults
console.warn taskResults
@sendResultsBackToServer taskResults
sendResultsBackToServer: (results) =>
@trigger 'statusUpdate', 'Simulation completed, sending results back to server!'
console.log "Sending result back to server"
if testing
return @fetchAndSimulateTask()
url: "queue/scoring"
data: results
parse: true
type: "PUT"
success: @handleTaskResultsTransferSuccess
error: @handleTaskResultsTransferError
complete: @cleanupAndSimulateAnotherTask
handleTaskResultsTransferSuccess: (result) =>
console.log "Task registration result: #{JSON.stringify result}"
@trigger 'statusUpdate', 'Results were successfully sent back to server!'
console.log "Simulated by you: " + @simulatedByYou
handleTaskResultsTransferError: (error) =>
@trigger 'statusUpdate', 'There was an error sending the results back to the server.'
console.log "Task registration error: #{JSON.stringify error}"
cleanupAndSimulateAnotherTask: =>
#@cleanupSimulation() Not needed for Buddha.
cleanupSimulation: ->
@god = null
@world = null
@level = null
formTaskResultsObject: (simulationResults) ->
taskResults =
taskID: @task.getTaskID()
receiptHandle: @task.getReceiptHandle()
originalSessionID: @task.getFirstSessionID()
originalSessionRank: -1
calculationTime: 500
sessions: []
for session in @task.getSessions()
sessionResult =
sessionID: session.sessionID
submitDate: session.submitDate
creator: session.creator
rank: @calculateSessionRank session.sessionID, simulationResults.goalStates, @task.generateTeamToSessionMap()
if session.sessionID is taskResults.originalSessionID
taskResults.originalSessionRank = sessionResult.metrics.rank
taskResults.originalSessionTeam = session.team
taskResults.sessions.push sessionResult
return taskResults
calculateSessionRank: (sessionID, goalStates, teamSessionMap) ->
humansDestroyed = goalStates["destroy-humans"].status is "success"
ogresDestroyed = goalStates["destroy-ogres"].status is "success"
if humansDestroyed is ogresDestroyed
return 0
else if humansDestroyed and teamSessionMap["ogres"] is sessionID
return 0
else if humansDestroyed and teamSessionMap["ogres"] isnt sessionID
return 1
else if ogresDestroyed and teamSessionMap["humans"] is sessionID
return 0
return 1
manuallyGenerateGoalStates: ->
goalStates =
keyFrame: 0
"Human Base": false
status: "incomplete"
"Ogre Base": false
status: "incomplete"
generateSpellsObject: ->
@currentUserCodeMap = @task.generateSpellKeyToSourceMap()
@spells = {}
for thang in @level.attributes.thangs
continue if @thangIsATemplate thang
@generateSpellKeyToSourceMapPropertiesFromThang thang
thangIsATemplate: (thang) ->
for component in thang.components
continue unless @componentHasProgrammableMethods component
for methodName, method of component.config.programmableMethods
return true if @methodBelongsToTemplateThang method
return false
componentHasProgrammableMethods: (component) -> component.config? and _.has component.config, 'programmableMethods'
methodBelongsToTemplateThang: (method) -> typeof method is 'string'
generateSpellKeyToSourceMapPropertiesFromThang: (thang) =>
for component in thang.components
continue unless @componentHasProgrammableMethods component
for methodName, method of component.config.programmableMethods
spellKey = @generateSpellKeyFromThangIDAndMethodName thang.id, methodName
@createSpellAndAssignName spellKey, methodName
@createSpellThang thang, method, spellKey
@transpileSpell thang, spellKey, methodName
generateSpellKeyFromThangIDAndMethodName: (thang, methodName) ->
spellKeyComponents = [thang, methodName]
spellKeyComponents[0] = _.string.slugify spellKeyComponents[0]
spellKey = spellKeyComponents.join '/'
createSpellAndAssignName: (spellKey, spellName) ->
@spells[spellKey] ?= {}
@spells[spellKey].name = spellName
createSpellThang: (thang, method, spellKey) ->
@spells[spellKey].thangs ?= {}
@spells[spellKey].thangs[thang.id] ?= {}
@spells[spellKey].thangs[thang.id].aether = @createAether @spells[spellKey].name, method
transpileSpell: (thang, spellKey, methodName) ->
slugifiedThangID = _.string.slugify thang.id
source = @currentUserCodeMap[[slugifiedThangID,methodName].join '/'] ? ""
aether = @spells[spellKey].thangs[thang.id].aether
aether.transpile source
catch e
console.log "Couldn't transpile #{spellKey}:\n#{source}\n", e
aether.transpile ''
createAether: (methodName, method) ->
aetherOptions =
functionName: methodName
protectAPI: true
includeFlow: false
requiresThis: true
yieldConditionally: false
jshint_W040: {level: "ignore"}
jshint_W030: {level: "ignore"} # aether_NoEffect instead
aether_MissingThis: {level: 'error'}
if methodName is 'hear'
aetherOptions.functionParameters = ['speaker', 'message', 'data']
#console.log "creating aether with options", aetherOptions
return new Aether aetherOptions
class SimulationTask
constructor: (@rawData) ->
#console.log 'Simulating sessions', (session for session in @getSessions())
getLevelName: ->
levelName = @rawData.sessions?[0]?.levelID
return levelName if levelName?
@throwMalformedTaskError "The level name couldn't be deduced from the task."
generateTeamToSessionMap: ->
teamSessionMap = {}
for session in @rawData.sessions
@throwMalformedTaskError "Two players share the same team" if teamSessionMap[session.team]?
teamSessionMap[session.team] = session.sessionID
throwMalformedTaskError: (errorString) ->
throw new Error "The task was malformed, reason: #{errorString}"
getFirstSessionID: -> @rawData.sessions[0].sessionID
getTaskID: -> @rawData.taskID
getReceiptHandle: -> @rawData.receiptHandle
getSessions: -> @rawData.sessions
generateSpellKeyToSourceMap: ->
spellKeyToSourceMap = {}
for session in @rawData.sessions
teamSpells = session.teamSpells[session.team]
teamCode = {}
for thangName, thangSpells of session.code
for spellName, spell of thangSpells
fullSpellName = [thangName,spellName].join '/'
if _.contains(teamSpells, fullSpellName)
_.merge spellKeyToSourceMap, teamCode
commonSpells = session.teamSpells["common"]
_.merge spellKeyToSourceMap, _.pick(session.code, commonSpells) if commonSpells?
sim = new Simulator()
GLOBAL.testFile = require headlessClient + 'test.js'
sim = new Simulator workerCode
Reference in a new issue