Update nl-NL.coffee (#3918)

This commit is contained in:
Justinschut 2016-09-13 00:19:29 +02:00 committed by Imperadeiro98
parent 318ec778d5
commit 6c4d362210

View file

@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Nederlands (Nederland)", englishDescription
facebook_exists: "Jouw Facebook account is al gekoppeld!"
hey_students: "Leerlingen, voer hier de klassencode van je docent in."
birthday: "Verjaardag"
# parent_email_blurb: "We know you can't wait to learn programming — we're excited too! Your parents will receive an email with further instructions on how to create an account for you. Email {{email_link}} if you have any questions."
parent_email_blurb: "We weten dat je niet kan wachten om te leren programmeren — wij hebben er ook zin in! Je ouders krijgen een email met verdere instructies over hoe ze een account voor je kunnen maken. Email {{email_link}} als je nog vragen hebt."
classroom_not_found: "Er zijn geen klassen met deze klassencode. Controleer je spelling of vraag je leraar om hulp."
checking: "Controleren..."
account_exists: "Dit emailadres bestaat al:" # {change}
@ -304,23 +304,23 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Nederlands (Nederland)", englishDescription
signup_as_individual: "Registreer als een individu (persoonlijk)"
enter_class_code: "Vul je klassencode in"
enter_birthdate: "Vul je geboortedatum in:"
# parent_use_birthdate: "Parents, use your own birthdate."
parent_use_birthdate: "Ouders, gebruik uw eigen geboortedatum."
ask_teacher_1: "Vraag je leraar om een klassencode."
ask_teacher_2: "Maak je geen deel uit een klas? Maak dan een "
ask_teacher_3: "Individuele account"
ask_teacher_4: "."
# about_to_join: "You're about to join:"
# enter_parent_email: "Enter your parents email address:"
# parent_email_error: "Something went wrong when trying to send the email. Check the email address and try again."
# parent_email_sent: "Weve sent an email with further instructions on how to create an account. Ask your parent to check their inbox."
# account_created: "Account Created!"
# confirm_student_blurb: "Write down your information so that you don't forget it. Your teacher can also help you reset your password at any time."
# confirm_individual_blurb: "Write down your login information in case you need it later. Verify your email so you can recover your account if you ever forget your password - check your inbox!"
# write_this_down: "Write this down:"
# start_playing: "Start Playing!"
# sso_connected: "Successfully connected with:"
# select_your_starting_hero: "Select Your Starting Hero:"
# you_can_always_change_your_hero_later: "You can always change your hero later."
about_to_join: "Je voegt je zo bij:"
enter_parent_email: "Vul het email adres van je ouders in:"
parent_email_error: "Er ging iets mis bij het verzenden van de email. Controleer het email adres en probeer het nog eens."
parent_email_sent: "We hebben een email gestuurd met instructies voor het aanmaken van een account. Vraag je ouders hun email te checken."
account_created: "Account Aangemaakt!"
confirm_student_blurb: "Schrijf je gegevens op zodat je ze niet vergeet. Je leraar kan ook op elk moment helpen om je password te herstellen."
confirm_individual_blurb: "Schrijf je login gegevens op voor het geval je ze later nog eens nodig hebt. Bevestig je email adres zodat je je account kan herstellen, mocht je ooit je wachtwoord vergeten - check je inbox!"
write_this_down: "Schrijf dit op:"
start_playing: "Speel Nu!"
sso_connected: "Succesvol verbonden met:"
select_your_starting_hero: "Kies Je Eerste Held:"
you_can_always_change_your_hero_later: "Je kan altijd nog van held veranderen."
recover_account_title: "Herstel Account"
@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Nederlands (Nederland)", englishDescription
back: "Terug" # When used as an action verb, like "Navigate backward"
# coming_soon: "Coming soon!"
continue: "Doorgaan" # When used as an action verb, like "Continue forward"
# default_code: "Default Code"
default_code: "Standaard Code"
loading: "Bezig met laden..."
overview: "Overzicht"
solution: "Oplossing"
@ -444,9 +444,9 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Nederlands (Nederland)", englishDescription
done: "Klaar"
next_level: "Volgende Level"
next_game: "Volgende spel"
# language: "Language"
# languages: "Languages"
# programming_language: "Programming language"
language: "Taal"
languages: "Talen"
programming_language: "Programmeertaal"
show_menu: "Geef spelmenu weer"
home: "Home" # Not used any more, will be removed soon.
level: "Level" # Like "Level: Dungeons of Kithgard"
@ -481,7 +481,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Nederlands (Nederland)", englishDescription
victory_experience_gained: "XP verdiend"
victory_gems_gained: "Edelstenen verdiend"
victory_new_item: "Nieuw Item"
# victory_new_hero: "New Hero"
victory_new_hero: "Nieuwe Held"
victory_viking_code_school: "Wow, jij hebt net een moeilijk level gehaald! Als je nog geen programmeur was, zou je er een moeten worden! Je hebt net versneld toegang gekregen voor de Viking programmeerSchool, waar je je vaardigheden kan opkrikken en binnen 14 weken een professionele webontwikkelaar kunt worden."
victory_become_a_viking: "Word een Viking"
victory_no_progress_for_teachers: "Voortgang voor leraren wordt niet bewaard. Maar u kunt een leerling-account voor uzelf aanmaken in uw eigen klas."
@ -494,8 +494,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Nederlands (Nederland)", englishDescription
tome_available_spells: "Beschikbare spreuken"
tome_your_skills: "Jouw Vaardigheden"
tome_current_method: "Huidige Methode"
# hints: "Hints"
# hints_title: "Hint {{number}}"
hints: "Hints"
hints_title: "Hint {{number}}"
code_saved: "Code Opgeslagen"
skip_tutorial: "Overslaan (esc)"
keyboard_shortcuts: "Sneltoetsen"
@ -767,8 +767,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Nederlands (Nederland)", englishDescription
current_value: "Huidige waarde"
default_value: "Standaard waarde"
parameters: "Parameters"
# required_parameters: "Required Parameters"
# optional_parameters: "Optional Parameters"
required_parameters: "Verplichte Parameters"
optional_parameters: "Optionele Parameters"
returns: "Geeft terug"
granted_by: "Verleend door"
@ -1207,7 +1207,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Nederlands (Nederland)", englishDescription
remove_student: "verwijder leerling"
assign: "Toewijzen"
to_assign: "betaalde cursussen toewijzen."
# student: "Student"
student: "Leerling"
teacher: "Leerkracht"
complete: "voltoooien"
none: "Geen"
@ -1254,7 +1254,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Nederlands (Nederland)", englishDescription
joining: "Doe mee met klas"
course_complete: "Cursus afgerond"
play_arena: "Speel Arena"
# view_project: "View Project"
view_project: "Bekijk Project"
start: "Start"
last_level: "Laatste Level" # {change}
welcome_to_hoc: "Avonturiers, Welkom bij codeuur!"
@ -1349,13 +1349,13 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Nederlands (Nederland)", englishDescription
create_class: "Maak klas aan"
class_name: "Klasnaam"
teacher_account_restricted: "Jouw account is een Docenten Account, daarom heeft dit account geen toegang tot inhoud bedoeld voor leerlingen." # {change}
# account_restricted: "A student account is required to access this page."
# update_account_login_title: "Log in to update your account"
# update_account_title: "Your account needs attention!"
account_restricted: "Je hebt een leerling account nodig om deze pagina te bekijken"
update_account_login_title: "Log in om je account te updaten"
update_account_title: "Je account heeft aandacht nodig!"
# update_account_blurb: "Before you can access your classes, choose how you want to use this account."
# update_account_current_type: "Current Account Type:"
# update_account_account_email: "Account Email/Username:"
# update_account_am_teacher: "I am a teacher"
update_account_current_type: "Huidig Account Type:"
update_account_account_email: "Account Email/Gebruikersnaam:"
update_account_am_teacher: "Ik ben een leraar"
# update_account_keep_access: "Keep access to classes I've created"
# update_account_teachers_can: "Teacher accounts can:"
# update_account_teachers_can1: "Create/manage/add classes"
@ -1363,36 +1363,36 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Nederlands (Nederland)", englishDescription
# update_account_teachers_can3: "Unlock all course levels to try out"
# update_account_teachers_can4: "Access new teacher-only features as we release them"
# update_account_teachers_warning: "Warning: You will be removed from all classes that you have previously joined and will not be able to play as a student."
# update_account_remain_teacher: "Remain a Teacher"
# update_account_update_teacher: "Update to Teacher"
# update_account_am_student: "I am a student"
update_account_remain_teacher: "Blijf Leraar"
update_account_update_teacher: "Update naar Leraar"
update_account_am_student: "Ik ben een leerling"
# update_account_remove_access: "Remove access to classes I have created"
# update_account_students_can: "Student accounts can:"
# update_account_students_can1: "Join classes"
# update_account_students_can2: "Play through courses as a student and track your own progress"
# update_account_students_can3: "Compete against classmates in arenas"
update_account_students_can3: "Strijd tegen klasgenoten in arena's"
# update_account_students_can4: "Access new student-only features as we release them"
# update_account_students_warning: "Warning: You will not be able to manage any classes that you have previously created or create new classes."
# update_account_remain_student: "Remain a Student"
# update_account_update_student: "Update to Student"
update_account_remain_student: "Blijf Leerling"
update_account_update_student: "Update naar Leerling"
# need_a_class_code: "You'll need a Class Code for the class you're joining:"
# update_account_not_sure: "Not sure which one to choose? Email"
update_account_not_sure: "Niet zeker welke je moet kiezen? Email"
# update_account_confirm_update_student: "Are you sure you want to update your account to a Student experience?"
# update_account_confirm_update_student2: "You will not be able to manage any classes that you have previously created or create new classes. Your previously created classes will be removed from CodeCombat and cannot be restored."
# instructor: "Instructor: "
# youve_been_invited_1: "You've been invited to join "
youve_been_invited_1: "Je bent uitgenodigd voor "
# youve_been_invited_2: ", where you'll learn "
# youve_been_invited_3: " with your classmates in CodeCombat."
# by_joining_1: "By joining "
# by_joining_2: "will be able to help reset your password if you forget or lose it. You can also verify your email address so that you can reset the password yourself!"
# sent_verification: "We've sent a verification email to:"
# you_can_edit: "You can edit your email address in "
# account_settings: "Account Settings"
# select_your_hero: "Select Your Hero"
sent_verification: "We hebben een bevestigingsmail gestuurd naar:"
you_can_edit: "Je kan je email adres aanpassen in "
account_settings: "Account Instellingen"
select_your_hero: "Kies Je Held"
# select_your_hero_description: "You can always change your hero by going to your Courses page and clicking \"Change Hero\""
# select_this_hero: "Select this Hero"
# current_hero: "Current Hero:"
# change_hero: "Change Hero"
select_this_hero: "Kies deze Held"
current_hero: "Huidige Held:"
change_hero: "Verander Held"
# course_solution: "Course Solution"
@ -1420,7 +1420,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Nederlands (Nederland)", englishDescription
unarchive_class: "dearchiveer klas"
unarchive_this_class: "Dearchiveer deze klasse"
no_students_yet: "Deze klas heeft nog geen leerlingen."
# try_refreshing: "(You may need to refresh the page)"
try_refreshing: "(Het kan nodig zijn om de pagina opnieuw te laden)"
add_students: "Voeg Leerlingen toe"
create_new_class: "Maak een Nieuwe Klas aan"
class_overview: "Klas Overzicht" # View Class page
@ -1481,29 +1481,29 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Nederlands (Nederland)", englishDescription
bulk_pricing_blurb: "Aanschaffen voor meer dan 25 leerlingen? Neem contact met ons op."
total_unenrolled: "Totaal aantal niet ingeschreven"
export_student_progress: "Exporteer Voortgang Leerlingen (CSV bestand)"
# send_email_to: "Send Recover Password Email to:"
# email_sent: "Email sent"
# send_recovery_email: "Send recovery email"
# enter_new_password_below: "Enter new password below:"
# change_password: "Change Password"
# changed: "Changed"
send_email_to: "Stuur Wachtwoord Herstel Email naar:"
email_sent: "Email verzonden"
send_recovery_email: "Stuur herstel email"
enter_new_password_below: "Voer hier je nieuwe wachtwoord in:"
change_password: "Verander Wachtwoord"
changed: "Veranderd"
# available_credits: "Available Licenses"
# pending_credits: "Pending Licenses"
# credits: "licenses"
# start_date: "start date:"
# end_date: "end date:"
start_date: "start datum:"
end_date: "eind datum:"
# num_enrollments_needed: "Number of licenses needed:"
# get_enrollments_blurb: " We'll help you build a solution that meets the needs of your class, school or district."
# enroll_request_sent_blurb1: "Thanks! Your request has been sent."
enroll_request_sent_blurb1: "Bedankt! Je verzoek is verstuurd."
# enroll_request_sent_blurb2: "Our classroom success team will be in touch shortly to help you find the best solution for your students' needs!"
# enroll_request_sent_blurb3: "Please reach out to <a href='mailto:schools@codecombat.com'>schools@codecombat.com</a> if you have additional questions at this time."
# request_sent: "Request Sent!"
request_sent: "Verzoek Verstuurd!"
# enrollment_status: "Enrollment Status"
# status_expired: "Expired on {{date}}"
status_expired: "Verlopen op {{date}}"
# status_not_enrolled: "Not Enrolled"
# status_enrolled: "Expires on {{date}}"
# select_all: "Select All"
# projects: "Projects"
status_enrolled: "Verloopt op {{date}}"
select_all: "Selecteer Alles"
projects: "Projecten"
# sharing:
# game: "Game"
@ -1520,23 +1520,23 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Nederlands (Nederland)", englishDescription
# victory_course_share_suffix: "you just created."
# copy_url: "Copy URL"
# game_dev:
# creator: "Creator"
creator: "Maker"
# web_dev:
# image_gallery_title: "Image Gallery"
# select_an_image: "Select an image you want to use"
# scroll_down_for_more_images: "(Scroll down for more images)"
# copy_the_url: "Copy the URL below"
# copy_the_url_description: "Useful if you want to replace an existing image."
# copy_the_img_tag: "Copy the <img> tag"
# copy_the_img_tag_description: "Useful if you want to insert a new image."
# copy_url: "Copy URL"
# copy_img: "Copy <img>"
# how_to_copy_paste: "How to Copy/Paste"
# copy: "Copy"
# paste: "Paste"
# back_to_editing: "Back to Editing"
image_gallery_title: "Afbeeldingen"
select_an_image: "Kies een afbeelding die je wil gebruiken"
scroll_down_for_more_images: "(Scroll naar beneden voor meer afbeeldingen)"
copy_the_url: "Kopieer de onderstaande URL"
copy_the_url_description: "Handig als je een bestaande afbeelding wil vervangen."
copy_the_img_tag: "Kopieer de <img> tag"
copy_the_img_tag_description: "Handig als je een nieuwe afbeelding wil toevoegen."
copy_url: "Kopieer URL"
copy_img: "Kopieer <img>"
how_to_copy_paste: "Hoe je kopieert en plakt"
copy: "Kopieer"
paste: "Plak"
back_to_editing: "Terug naar Bewerken"
archmage_title: "Tovenaar"
@ -1838,15 +1838,15 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Nederlands (Nederland)", englishDescription
card: "Kaart"
status_unsubscribed_active: "Je bent niet ingeschreven en krijgt geen factuur, maar je account is nu nog actief."
status_unsubscribed: "Krijg toegang tot nieuwe levels, helden, items, en bonus edelstenen met een abonnement op CodeCombat!"
# not_yet_verified: "Not yet verified."
# resend_email: "Resend email"
# email_sent: "Email sent! Check your inbox."
# verifying_email: "Verifying your email address..."
# successfully_verified: "You've successfully verified your email address!"
not_yet_verified: "Nog niet bevestigd."
resend_email: "Stuur email opnieuw"
email_sent: "Email verstuurd! Check je inbox."
verifying_email: "Email addres bevestigen..."
successfully_verified: "Je hebt succesvol je email adres bevestigd!"
# back_to_student_page: "Go back to student things"
# back_to_teacher_page: "Go to My Classes"
# back_to_game: "Go play some more levels!"
# verify_error: "Something went wrong when verifying your email :("
back_to_game: "Speel nog wat levels!"
verify_error: "Er is iets mis gegaan bij het bevestigen van je email :("
amount: "Aantal in Amerikaanse dollars"