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synced 2025-03-24 19:59:53 -04:00
Merge branch 'AkaKaras-translation'
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 107 additions and 107 deletions
@ -158,10 +158,10 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
pending: "处理中"
accepted: "已接受"
rejected: "未接受"
withdrawn: "撤回"
# accept: "Accept"
# reject: "Reject"
# withdraw: "Withdraw"
withdrawn: "已撤回"
accept: "接受"
reject: "拒絕"
withdraw: "撤回"
submitter: "提交者"
submitted: "已提交"
commit_msg: "提交信息"
@ -217,8 +217,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
done: "完成"
# next_game: "Next game"
# show_menu: "Show game menu"
next_game: "下一场游戏"
show_menu: "显示游戏菜单"
home: "主页" # Not used any more, will be removed soon.
level: "关卡" # Like "Level: Dungeons of Kithgard"
skip: "跳过"
@ -842,91 +842,91 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
course: "课程"
courses: "更多课程"
courses: "课程" #gonna see the script to determine the translation
not_enrolled: "您还没有报名参加本课程。"
visit_pref: "请点击"
visit_suf: "此页面报名参加。"
select_class: "选择其中一项课程"
visit_pref: "请到这个"
visit_suf: "网页注册。"
select_class: "请选其中一门班级"
unnamed: "*未命名*"
select: "选择"
unnamed_class: "未命名班级"
unnamed_class: "班级未命名"
edit_settings: "编辑班级设定"
edit_settings1: "编辑班级设定"
progress: "班级进度"
add_students: "增加学生"
add_students: "添加学生"
stats: "统计"
total_students: "学生总数:"
average_time: "平均游戏时间:"
total_time: "总共游戏时间:"
average_levels: "平均完成关卡:"
total_levels: "总共完成关卡:"
# furthest_level: "Furthest level completed:"
# concepts_covered: "Concepts Covered"
total_students: "学生人数:"
average_time: "平均游戏时间:"
total_time: "总计游戏时间:"
average_levels: "平均完成关卡:"
total_levels: "总共完成关卡:"
furthest_level: "最高关卡完成:"
concepts_covered: "课目覆盖"
students: "学生"
students1: "学生"
expand_details: "扩展细节"
# concepts: "Concepts"
levels: "等级"
# played: "Played"
play_time: "游戏时间:"
completed: "已完成:"
invite_students: "邀请其他学生加入班级。"
invite_link_header: "点击参加课程"
invite_link_p_1: "分享给您想分享的其他人以加入课程"
invite_link_p_2: "或者发送邮件给他们:"
# capacity_used: "Course slots used:"
enter_emails: "输入被邀请的E-mail地址,一行一个"
students1: "个学生"
expand_details: "展开细节"
concepts: "课目"
levels: "关卡"
played: "已通关"
play_time: "游戏时间:"
completed: "完成:"
invite_students: "邀请学生加入此班级。"
invite_link_header: "参与班级的縺结"
invite_link_p_1: "分享给您想分享的其他人以加入课程。" #this translation may need to change
invite_link_p_2: "或让我们代你直接发送电邮:"
capacity_used: "课程插槽已用:" # course slots? kinda in chinese
enter_emails: "输入学生电邮地址来邀请,每行一个"
send_invites: "发送邀请"
title: "标题"
description: "内容描述"
# languages_available: "Select programming languages available to the class:"
all_lang: "所有语言"
# show_progress: "Show student progress to everyone in the class"
creating_class: "创建班级中..."
# purchasing_course: "Purchasing course..."
description: "描述"
languages_available: "选择编程语言:"
all_lang: "所有编程语言"
show_progress: "向所有该班级的人展示学生的进度" # translation may need to change
creating_class: "班级创建中..."
purchasing_course: "购买课程中..."
buy_course: "购买课程"
buy_course1: "购买此课程"
buy_course1: "购买这个课程"
create_class: "创建班级"
# select_all_courses: "Select 'All Courses' for a 50% discount!"
select_all_courses: "可半价一次购买所有课程!"
all_courses: "所有课程"
number_students: "学生数量"
# enter_number_students: "Enter the number of students you need for this class."
# name_class: "Name your class"
# displayed_course_page: "This will be displayed on the course page for you and your students. It can be changed later."
# buy: "Buy"
# purchasing_for: "You are purchasing a license for"
# creating_for: "You are creating a class for"
# for: "for" # Like in 'for 30 students'
# receive_code: "Afterwards you will receive an unlock code to distribute to your students, which they can use to enroll in your class."
# free_trial: "Free trial for teachers!"
# get_access: "to get individual access to all courses for evalutaion purposes."
# questions: "Questions?"
# faq: "Courses FAQ"
# question: "Q:" # Like in 'Question'
# question1: "What's the difference between these courses and the single player game?"
# answer: "A:" # Like in 'Answer'
# answer1: "The single player game is designed for individuals, while the courses are designed for classes."
# answer2: "The single player game has items, gems, hero selection, leveling up, and in-app purchases. Courses have classroom management features and streamlined student-focused level pacing."
# teachers_click: "Teachers Click Here"
# students_click: "Students Click Here"
# courses_on_coco: "Courses on CodeCombat"
# designed_to: "Courses are designed to introduce computer science concepts using CodeCombat's fun and engaging environment. CodeCombat levels are organized around key topics to encourage progressive learning, over the course of 5 hours."
# more_in_less: "Learn more in less time"
# no_experience: "No coding experience necesssary"
# easy_monitor: "Easily monitor student progress"
# purchase_for_class: "Purchase a course for your entire class. It's easy to sign up your students!"
# see_the: "See the"
# more_info: "for more information."
# choose_course: "Choose Your Course:"
# enter_code: "Enter an unlock code to join an existing class"
# enter_code1: "Enter unlock code"
# enroll: "Enroll"
# pick_from_classes: "Pick from your current classes"
# enter: "Enter"
# or: "Or"
# topics: "Topics"
# hours_content: "Hours of content:"
# get_free: "Get FREE course"
number_students: "学生人数"
enter_number_students: "输入该班级的学生上限人数"
name_class: "命名您的班级"
displayed_course_page: "这将会在课程页面显示,可被修改。"
buy: "购买"
purchasing_for: "你正在购买许可证,课程为"
creating_for: "您正在创建一个课程为"
for: "人数上限为" # Like in 'for 30 students'
receive_code: "然后您会收到一个解锁码,把它分发给你的学生用来注册你的班级。"
free_trial: "老师可免费试用"
get_access: "获得个人使用权在评估的目的下来使用所有课程。"
questions: "有疑问?"
faq: "课程FAQ"
question: "问:" # Like in 'Question'
question1: "这些课程和单人游戏之间的有什么区别?"
answer: "答:" # Like in 'Answer'
answer1: "单人游戏是专为个人而设,而课程是专为班级而设。"
answer2: "在單人遊戲中有物品、寶石、英雄選擇、練級、和內購應用。課程有課堂管理功能,和老師可根據學生的水平而調整教學進度。"
teachers_click: "老师点击这里"
students_click: "学生点击这里"
courses_on_coco: "CodeCombat上的课程"
designed_to: "CodeCombat課程的宗旨是在使用CodeCombat生動有趣的環境下教授計算機科學的課目。整個CodeCombat的關卡是圍繞著計算機科學的重點,並激勵學生們自主向上學習在5小時的過程內。"
more_in_less: "以最少的时间学习最多的知识"
no_experience: "无需编程经验"
easy_monitor: "容易管理学生的进程"
purchase_for_class: "为你的班级购买CodeCombat课程,让签到和管理变得更容易!"
see_the: "详细资讯请看"
more_info: "。"
choose_course: "选择您的课程:"
enter_code: "输入一个解锁码来加入已存在的班级"
enter_code1: "输入解锁码"
enroll: "注册"
pick_from_classes: "从目前的课程选择"
enter: "输入"
or: "或"
topics: "题目"
hours_content: "内容时间:"
get_free: "取得免费课程!"
archmage_title: "大法师"
@ -1120,7 +1120,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
simulate_games: "模拟游戏!"
games_simulated_by: "由您模拟过的游戏数:"
games_simulated_for: "为您模拟过的游戏数:"
# games_in_queue: "Games currently in the queue:"
games_in_queue: "游戏正在列队中:"
games_simulated: "模拟次数"
games_played: "被模拟次数"
ratio: "比率"
@ -1157,7 +1157,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
fight: "战斗!"
watch_victory: "观看您的胜利"
defeat_the: "击败了"
# watch_battle: "Watch the battle"
watch_battle: "观看战役"
tournament_started: ",锦标赛已开始"
tournament_ends: "锦标赛结束"
tournament_ended: "锦标赛已结束"
@ -1215,7 +1215,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
no_recent_games: "最近两个星期没有玩过游戏。"
payments: "支付方式"
prepaid: "预付费"
# prepaid_codes: "Prepaid Codes"
prepaid_codes: "预付费码"
purchased: "已购买"
sale: "促销"
subscription: "订阅"
@ -1246,13 +1246,13 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
retrying: "服务器错误,重试中。"
success: "支付成功。谢谢!"
# account_prepaid:
# purchase_code: "Purchase a Subscription Code"
# purchase_amount: "Amount"
# purchase_total: "Total"
# purchase_button: "Submit Purchase"
# your_codes: "Your Codes:"
# redeem_codes: "Redeem a Subscription Code"
purchase_code: "购买订阅码"
purchase_amount: "数量"
purchase_total: "总共"
purchase_button: "提交购买"
your_codes: "你的订阅码:"
redeem_codes: "兑换订阅码"
could_not_load: "载入失败"
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "繁體中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
contact: "聯繫我們"
twitter_follow: "在 Twitter 關注"
teachers: "教師"
# careers: "Careers"
careers: "招聘"
close: "關閉"
@ -158,10 +158,10 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "繁體中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
pending: "處理中"
accepted: "已接受"
rejected: "未接受"
withdrawn: "撤回"
# accept: "Accept"
# reject: "Reject"
# withdraw: "Withdraw"
withdrawn: "已撤回"
accept: "接受"
reject: "拒絕"
withdraw: "撤回"
submitter: "提交者"
submitted: "已提交"
commit_msg: "送出訊息"
@ -217,8 +217,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "繁體中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
done: "完成"
# next_game: "Next game"
# show_menu: "Show game menu"
next_game: "下一個遊戲"
show_menu: "顯示遊戲菜單"
home: "首頁" # Not used any more, will be removed soon.
level: "關卡" # Like "Level: Dungeons of Kithgard"
skip: "跳過"
@ -869,15 +869,15 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "繁體中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
levels: "關卡"
played: "已通關"
play_time: "遊戲時間:"
completed: "遊戲時間:"
completed: "完成:"
invite_students: "邀請學生加入此課堂。"
invite_link_header: "參與課堂的縺結"
invite_link_p_1: "把這個參與課堂的連結發給你認可的學生。"
invite_link_p_1: "把這個參與課堂的連結發給你的學生。"
invite_link_p_2: "或讓我們代你直接發送電郵:"
capacity_used: "Course slots used:"
capacity_used: "課堂插槽己用:"
enter_emails: "輸入學生電郵地址來邀請,每行一個"
send_invites: "發送邀請"
title: "發送邀請"
title: "標題"
description: "描述"
languages_available: "選擇編程語言:"
all_lang: "所有編程語言"
@ -890,7 +890,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "繁體中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
select_all_courses: "可半價一次購買所有課程!"
all_courses: "所有課程"
number_students: "學生人數"
enter_number_students: "輪入該課堂的學生上限人數"
enter_number_students: "輸入該課堂的學生上限人數"
name_class: "命名您的課堂"
displayed_course_page: "這將會在課程頁面顯示,可被修改。"
buy: "購買"
@ -910,7 +910,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "繁體中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
teachers_click: "老師點擊這裡"
students_click: "學生點擊這裡"
courses_on_coco: "CodeCombat上的課程"
designed_to: "CodeCombat課程的宗旨是在使用CodeCombat生動有趣的環境下教授計算機科學的課目。整個CodeCombat的關卡是圍繞著計算機科學的重點並激勵學生們自主向上學習在5小時的過程。"
designed_to: "CodeCombat課程的宗旨是在使用CodeCombat生動有趣的環境下教授計算機科學的課目。整個CodeCombat的關卡是圍繞著計算機科學的重點,並激勵學生們自主向上學習在5小時的過程內。"
more_in_less: "以最少的時間學習最多的知識"
no_experience: "無需編程經驗"
easy_monitor: "容易管理學生的進程"
@ -918,11 +918,11 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "繁體中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
see_the: "詳細資訊請看"
more_info: "。"
choose_course: "選擇您的課程:"
enter_code: "輸入一個解銷碼" # {change}
enter_code1: "輸入解銷碼"
enter_code: "輸入一個解鎖碼來加入已存在的課堂"
enter_code1: "輸入解鎖碼"
enroll: "註冊"
pick_from_classes: "從目前的課程選擇"
enter: "輪入"
enter: "輸入"
or: "或"
topics: "題目"
hours_content: "內容時間:"
@ -1120,7 +1120,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "繁體中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
simulate_games: "模擬遊戲!"
games_simulated_by: "您模擬過的次數:"
games_simulated_for: "替您模擬的次數:"
# games_in_queue: "Games currently in the queue:"
games_in_queue: "遊戲正在列隊中:"
games_simulated: "遊戲已模擬"
games_played: "玩過的遊戲"
ratio: "通過率"
@ -1157,7 +1157,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "繁體中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
fight: "戰鬥!"
watch_victory: "觀看您的勝利"
defeat_the: "擊敗"
# watch_battle: "Watch the battle"
watch_battle: "觀看戰役"
tournament_started: ",錦標賽已開始"
tournament_ends: "錦標賽結束"
tournament_ended: "錦標賽已結束"
@ -1215,7 +1215,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "繁體中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
no_recent_games: "在過去兩個星期沒有玩過遊戲。"
payments: "付款"
prepaid: "充值"
# prepaid_codes: "Prepaid Codes"
prepaid_codes: "充值碼"
purchased: "已購買"
sale: "促銷"
subscription: "訂閱"
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