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synced 2025-03-24 11:50:58 -04:00
Show wev-dev iFrame error messages like Aether's
This heavily refactors SpellView and adds infrastructure for receiving and reporting Errors raised by the web-dev iFrame. The web-dev error system, the Aether error system, and the Ace html-worker avoid disturbing each others' errors/annotations (though currently Aether+web-dev errors won't coexist), and they clear/update their own asynchronously. Show web-dev iFrame errors as Ace annotations Add functional error banners (with poor messages) Improve error banners, don't allow duplicate Problems Refactor setAnnotations override Convert all constructor calls for Problems Add comments, clean up Clean up Don't clear things unnecessarily Clean up error message sending from iFrame Add web-dev:error schema Clarify error message attributes Refactor displaying AetherProblems Refactor displaying user problem banners Refactor onWebDevError Set ace styles on updating @problems Clean up, fix off-by-1 error Add comment Show stale web-dev errors differently Some web-dev errors are generated by "stale" code — code that's still running in the iFrame but doesn't have the player's recent changes. This shows those errors differently than if they weren't "stale", and suggests they re-run their code. Hook up web-dev event schema Destroy ignored duplicate problems Functionalize a bit of stuff Fix ProblemAlertView never loading
This commit is contained in:
12 changed files with 203 additions and 84 deletions
@ -1,5 +1,11 @@
// TODO: don't serve this script from codecombat.com; serve it from a harmless extra domain we don't have yet.
var lastSource = null;
var lastOrigin = null;
window.onerror = function(message, url, line, column, error){
console.log("User script error on line " + line + ", column " + column + ": ", error);
lastSource.postMessage({ type: 'error', message: message, url: url, line: line, column: column }, lastOrigin);
window.addEventListener('message', receiveMessage, false);
var concreteDom;
@ -30,8 +36,9 @@ function receiveMessage(event) {
console.log('Ignoring message from bad origin:', origin);
lastOrigin = origin;
var data = event.data;
var source = event.source;
var source = lastSource = event.source;
switch (data.type) {
case 'create':
create(_.pick(data, 'dom', 'styles', 'scripts'));
@ -79,12 +86,8 @@ function replaceNodes(selector, newNodes){
$newNodes.attr('for', firstNode.attr('for'));
newFirstNode = $newNodes[0];
try {
firstNode.replaceWith(newFirstNode); // Removes newFirstNode from its array (!!)
} catch (e) {
console.log('Failed to update some nodes:', e);
firstNode.replaceWith(newFirstNode); // Removes newFirstNode from its array (!!)
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ channelSchemas =
'tome': require 'schemas/subscriptions/tome'
'god': require 'schemas/subscriptions/god'
'scripts': require 'schemas/subscriptions/scripts'
'web-dev': require 'schemas/subscriptions/web-dev'
'world': require 'schemas/subscriptions/world'
definitionSchemas =
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ module.exports =
'tome:problems-updated': c.object {title: 'Problems Updated', description: 'Published when problems have been updated', required: ['spell', 'problems', 'isCast']},
spell: {type: 'object'}
problems: {type: 'array'}
isCast: {type: 'boolean'}
isCast: {type: 'boolean', description: 'Whether the code has been Run yet. Sometimes determines if error displays as just annotation or as full banner.'}
'tome:change-language': c.object {title: 'Tome Change Language', description: 'Published when the Tome should update its programming language', required: ['language']},
language: {type: 'string'}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
c = require 'schemas/schemas'
module.exports =
'web-dev:error': c.object {title: 'Web Dev Error', description: 'Published when an uncaught error occurs in the web-dev iFrame', required: []},
message: { type: 'string' }
url: { type: 'string', description: 'URL of the host iFrame' }
line: { type: 'integer', description: 'Line number of the start of the code that threw the exception (relative to its <script> tag!)' }
column: { type: 'integer', description: 'Column number of the start of the code that threw the exception' }
error: { type: 'string', description: 'The .toString of the originally thrown exception' }
@ -188,10 +188,6 @@
// NOTE! This hides all info annotations because removing specific annotations with listeners means they flicker. This hides that flicker. see: SpellView.onChangeAnnotation
background-image: none
// Override faint gray
@ -88,8 +88,11 @@ module.exports = class WebSurfaceView extends CocoView
switch event.data.type
when 'goals-updated'
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'god:new-html-goal-states', goalStates: event.data.goalStates, overallStatus: event.data.overallStatus
when 'error'
# NOTE: The line number in this is relative to the script tag, not the user code. The offset is added in SpellView.
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'web-dev:error', _.pick(event.data, ['message', 'line', 'column', 'url'])
console.warn 'Unknown message type', event.data.type, 'for message', e, 'from origin', origin
console.warn 'Unknown message type', event.data.type, 'for message', event, 'from origin', origin
destroy: ->
window.removeEventListener 'message', @onIframeMessage
@ -1,43 +1,96 @@
Range = ace.require('ace/range').Range
# This class can either wrap an AetherProblem,
# or act as a general runtime error container for web-dev iFrame errors.
# TODO: Use subclasses? Might need a factory pattern for that (bleh)
module.exports = class Problem
annotation: null
markerRange: null
constructor: (@aether, @aetherProblem, @ace, isCast=false, @levelID) ->
@buildMarkerRange() if isCast
# Construction with AetherProblem will include all but `error`
# Construction with a standard error will have `error`, `isCast`, `levelID`, `ace`
constructor: ({ @aether, @aetherProblem, @ace, isCast=false, @levelID, error, userCodeHasChangedSinceLastCast }) ->
if @aetherProblem
@annotation = @buildAnnotationFromAetherProblem(@aetherProblem)
{ @lineMarkerRange, @textMarkerRange } = @buildMarkerRangesFromAetherProblem(@aetherProblem) if isCast
{ @level, @range, @message, @hint, @userInfo } = @aetherProblem
{ @row, @column: col } = @aetherProblem.range?[0]
@createdBy = 'aether'
unless userCodeHasChangedSinceLastCast
@annotation = @buildAnnotationFromWebDevError(error)
{ @lineMarkerRange, @textMarkerRange } = @buildMarkerRangesFromWebDevError(error)
@level = 'error'
@row = error.line
@column = error.column
@message = error.message or 'Unknown Error'
if error.line and not userCodeHasChangedSinceLastCast
@message = "Line #{error.line + 1}: " + @message # Ace's gutter numbers are 1-indexed but annotation.rows are 0-indexed
if userCodeHasChangedSinceLastCast
@hint = "This error was generated by old code — Try running your new code first."
@hint = undefined
@userInfo = undefined
@createdBy = 'web-dev-iframe'
# TODO: Include runtime/transpile error types depending on something?
# TODO: get ACE screen line, too, for positioning, since any multiline "lines" will mess up positioning
Backbone.Mediator.publish("problem:problem-created", line: @annotation.row, text: @annotation.text) if application.isIPadApp
isEqual: (problem) ->
_.all ['row', 'column', 'level', 'column', 'message', 'hint'], (attr) =>
@[attr] is problem[attr]
destroy: ->
@userCodeProblem.off() if @userCodeProblem
buildAnnotation: ->
return unless @aetherProblem.range
text = @aetherProblem.message.replace /^Line \d+: /, ''
start = @aetherProblem.range[0]
@annotation =
buildAnnotationFromWebDevError: (error) ->
row: error.line
column: error.column
raw: error.message
text: error.message
type: 'error'
createdBy: 'web-dev-iframe'
buildAnnotationFromAetherProblem: (aetherProblem) ->
return unless aetherProblem.range
text = aetherProblem.message.replace /^Line \d+: /, ''
start = aetherProblem.range[0]
row: start.row,
column: start.col,
raw: text,
text: text,
type: @aetherProblem.level ? 'error'
createdBy: 'aether'
buildMarkerRange: ->
return unless @aetherProblem.range
[start, end] = @aetherProblem.range
textClazz = "problem-marker-#{@aetherProblem.level}"
@textMarkerRange = new Range start.row, start.col, end.row, end.col
@textMarkerRange.start = @ace.getSession().getDocument().createAnchor @textMarkerRange.start
@textMarkerRange.end = @ace.getSession().getDocument().createAnchor @textMarkerRange.end
@textMarkerRange.id = @ace.getSession().addMarker @textMarkerRange, textClazz, 'text'
buildMarkerRangesFromWebDevError: (error) ->
lineMarkerRange = new Range error.line, 0, error.line, 1
lineMarkerRange.start = @ace.getSession().getDocument().createAnchor lineMarkerRange.start
lineMarkerRange.end = @ace.getSession().getDocument().createAnchor lineMarkerRange.end
lineMarkerRange.id = @ace.getSession().addMarker lineMarkerRange, 'problem-line', 'fullLine'
textMarkerRange = undefined # We don't get any per-character info from standard errors
{ lineMarkerRange, textMarkerRange }
buildMarkerRangesFromAetherProblem: (aetherProblem) ->
return {} unless aetherProblem.range
[start, end] = aetherProblem.range
textClazz = "problem-marker-#{aetherProblem.level}"
textMarkerRange = new Range start.row, start.col, end.row, end.col
textMarkerRange.start = @ace.getSession().getDocument().createAnchor textMarkerRange.start
textMarkerRange.end = @ace.getSession().getDocument().createAnchor textMarkerRange.end
textMarkerRange.id = @ace.getSession().addMarker textMarkerRange, textClazz, 'text'
lineClazz = "problem-line"
@lineMarkerRange = new Range start.row, start.col, end.row, end.col
@lineMarkerRange.start = @ace.getSession().getDocument().createAnchor @lineMarkerRange.start
@lineMarkerRange.end = @ace.getSession().getDocument().createAnchor @lineMarkerRange.end
@lineMarkerRange.id = @ace.getSession().addMarker @lineMarkerRange, lineClazz, 'fullLine'
lineMarkerRange = new Range start.row, start.col, end.row, end.col
lineMarkerRange.start = @ace.getSession().getDocument().createAnchor lineMarkerRange.start
lineMarkerRange.end = @ace.getSession().getDocument().createAnchor lineMarkerRange.end
lineMarkerRange.id = @ace.getSession().addMarker lineMarkerRange, lineClazz, 'fullLine'
{ lineMarkerRange, textMarkerRange }
removeMarkerRanges: ->
if @textMarkerRange
@ -20,10 +20,10 @@ module.exports = class ProblemAlertView extends CocoView
'click': -> Backbone.Mediator.publish 'tome:focus-editor', {}
constructor: (options) ->
@supermodel = options.supermodel # Has to go before super so events are hooked up
super options
@level = options.level
@session = options.session
@supermodel = options.supermodel
if options.problem?
@problem = options.problem
@ -38,31 +38,31 @@ module.exports = class ProblemAlertView extends CocoView
afterRender: ->
if @problem?
@$el.addClass('no-hint') unless @problem.aetherProblem.hint
@$el.addClass('no-hint') unless @problem.hint
@playSound 'error_appear'
setProblemMessage: ->
if @problem?
format = (s) -> marked(s.replace(/</g, '<').replace(/>/g, '>')) if s?
message = @problem.aetherProblem.message
message = @problem.message
# Add time to problem message if hint is for a missing null check
# NOTE: This may need to be updated with Aether error hint changes
if @problem.aetherProblem.hint? and /(?:null|undefined)/.test @problem.aetherProblem.hint
age = @problem.aetherProblem.userInfo?.age
if @problem.hint? and /(?:null|undefined)/.test @problem.hint
age = @problem.userInfo?.age
if age?
if /^Line \d+:/.test message
message = message.replace /^(Line \d+)/, "$1, time #{age.toFixed(1)}"
message = "Time #{age.toFixed(1)}: #{message}"
@message = format message
@hint = format @problem.aetherProblem.hint
@hint = format @problem.hint
onShowProblemAlert: (data) ->
return unless $('#code-area').is(":visible")
if @problem?
if @$el.hasClass "alert-#{@problem.aetherProblem.level}"
@$el.removeClass "alert-#{@problem.aetherProblem.level}"
if @$el.hasClass "alert-#{@problem.level}"
@$el.removeClass "alert-#{@problem.level}"
if @$el.hasClass "no-hint"
@$el.removeClass "no-hint"
@problem = data.problem
@ -145,6 +145,7 @@ module.exports = class Spell
@thang?.aether.transpile source
# NOTE: By default, I think this compares the current source code with the source *last saved to the server* (not the last time it was run)
hasChanged: (newSource=null, currentSource=null) ->
(newSource ? @originalSource) isnt (currentSource ? @source)
@ -49,10 +49,12 @@ module.exports = class SpellView extends CocoView
'tome:insert-snippet': 'onInsertSnippet'
'tome:spell-beautify': 'onSpellBeautify'
'tome:maximize-toggled': 'onMaximizeToggled'
'tome:problems-updated': 'onProblemsUpdated'
'script:state-changed': 'onScriptStateChange'
'playback:ended-changed': 'onPlaybackEndedChanged'
'level:contact-button-pressed': 'onContactButtonPressed'
'level:show-victory': 'onShowVictory'
'web-dev:error': 'onWebDevError'
'mouseout': 'onMouseOut'
@ -87,6 +89,14 @@ module.exports = class SpellView extends CocoView
@ace = ace.edit @$el.find('.ace')[0]
@aceSession = @ace.getSession()
# Override setAnnotations so the Ace html worker doesn't clobber our annotations
@reallySetAnnotations = @aceSession.setAnnotations.bind(@aceSession)
@aceSession.setAnnotations = (annotations) =>
previousAnnotations = @aceSession.getAnnotations()
newAnnotations = _.filter previousAnnotations, (annotation) -> annotation.createdBy? # Keep the ones we generated
.concat _.reject annotations, (annotation) -> # Ignore this particular info-annotation the html worker generates
annotation.text is 'Start tag seen without seeing a doctype first. Expected e.g. <!DOCTYPE html>.'
@reallySetAnnotations newAnnotations
@aceDoc = @aceSession.getDocument()
@aceSession.setUseWorker @spell.language in @languagesThatUseWorkers
@aceSession.setMode utils.aceEditModes[@spell.language]
@ -94,7 +104,6 @@ module.exports = class SpellView extends CocoView
@aceSession.setUseWrapMode true
@aceSession.setNewLineMode 'unix'
@aceSession.setUseSoftTabs true
@aceSession.on 'changeAnnotation', @onChangeAnnotation
@ace.setTheme 'ace/theme/textmate'
@ace.setDisplayIndentGuides false
@ace.setShowPrintMargin false
@ -670,7 +679,10 @@ module.exports = class SpellView extends CocoView
cast = @$el.parent().length
@recompile cast, e.realTime
@focus() if cast
@updateHTML create: true if @options.level.isType('web-dev')
if @options.level.isType('web-dev')
@sourceAtLastCast = @getSource()
@ace.setStyle 'spell-cast'
@updateHTML create: true
onCodeReload: (e) ->
return unless e.spell is @spell or not e.spell
@ -736,6 +748,11 @@ module.exports = class SpellView extends CocoView
onCursorActivity: => # Used to refresh autocast delay; doesn't do anything at the moment.
updateHTML: (options={}) =>
# TODO: Merge with onSpellChanged
# NOTE: Consider what goes in onManualCast only
if @spell.hasChanged(@spell.getSource(), @sourceAtLastCast)
@ace.unsetStyle 'spell-cast' # NOTE: Doesn't do anything for web-dev as of this writing, including for consistency
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'tome:html-updated', html: @spell.constructHTML(@getSource()), create: Boolean(options.create)
# Design for a simpler system?
@ -770,6 +787,7 @@ module.exports = class SpellView extends CocoView
# Now that that's figured out, perform the update.
# The web worker Aether won't track state, so don't have to worry about updating it
finishUpdatingAether = (aether) =>
@clearAetherDisplay() # In case problems were added since last clearing
@displayAether aether, codeIsAsCast
@lastUpdatedAetherSpellThang = @spellThang
@guessWhetherFinished aether if fromCodeChange
@ -796,57 +814,92 @@ module.exports = class SpellView extends CocoView
# NOTE! Because this alone causes the doctype annotation to flicker,
# all info annotations have been hidden with CSS in spell.sass
# If we ever want info annotations back, we need to remove that.
# This function itself removes the unwanted annotations on a later tick.
onChangeAnnotation: (event, session) ->
unfilteredAnnotations = session.getAnnotations()
filteredAnnotations = _.reject unfilteredAnnotations, (annotation) ->
annotation.text is 'Start tag seen without seeing a doctype first. Expected e.g. <!DOCTYPE html>.'
if filteredAnnotations.length < unfilteredAnnotations.length
# Clear annotations and highlights generated by Aether, but not by the ACE worker
# Each problem-generating piece (aether, web-dev, ace html worker) clears its own problems/annotations
clearAetherDisplay: ->
problem.destroy() for problem in @problems
@problems = []
nonAetherAnnotations = _.reject @aceSession.getAnnotations(), (annotation) -> annotation.createdBy is 'aether'
@aceSession.setAnnotations nonAetherAnnotations
@clearProblemsCreatedBy 'aether'
@highlightCurrentLine {} # This'll remove all highlights
clearWebDevErrors: ->
@clearProblemsCreatedBy 'web-dev-iframe'
clearProblemsCreatedBy: (createdBy) ->
nonAetherAnnotations = _.reject @aceSession.getAnnotations(), (annotation) -> annotation.createdBy is createdBy
@reallySetAnnotations nonAetherAnnotations
problemsToClear = _.filter @problems, (p) -> p.createdBy is createdBy
problemsToClear.forEach (problem) -> problem.destroy()
@problems = _.difference @problems, problemsToClear
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'tome:problems-updated', spell: @spell, problems: @problems, isCast: false
convertAetherProblems: (aether, aetherProblems, isCast) ->
# TODO: Functional-ify
_.unique(aetherProblems, (p) -> p.userInfo?.key).map (aetherProblem) =>
new Problem { aether, aetherProblem, @ace, isCast, levelID: @options.levelID }
displayAether: (aether, isCast=false) ->
@displayedAether = aether
isCast = isCast or not _.isEmpty(aether.metrics) or _.some aether.getAllProblems(), {type: 'runtime'}
problem.destroy() for problem in @problems # Just in case another problem was added since clearAetherDisplay() ran.
@problems = []
annotations = @aceSession.getAnnotations()
seenProblemKeys = {}
for aetherProblem, problemIndex in aether.getAllProblems()
continue if key = aetherProblem.userInfo?.key and key of seenProblemKeys
seenProblemKeys[key] = true if key
@problems.push problem = new Problem aether, aetherProblem, @ace, isCast, @options.levelID
if isCast and problemIndex is 0
if problem.aetherProblem.range?
lineOffsetPx = 0
for i in [0...problem.aetherProblem.range[0].row]
lineOffsetPx += @aceSession.getRowLength(i) * @ace.renderer.lineHeight
lineOffsetPx -= @ace.session.getScrollTop()
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'tome:show-problem-alert', problem: problem, lineOffsetPx: Math.max lineOffsetPx, 0
@saveUserCodeProblem(aether, aetherProblem) if isCast
annotations.push problem.annotation if problem.annotation
newProblems = @convertAetherProblems(aether, aether.getAllProblems(), isCast)
annotations.push problem.annotation for problem in newProblems when problem.annotation
if isCast
@displayProblemBanner(newProblems[0]) if newProblems[0]
@saveUserCodeProblem(aether, problem.aetherProblem) for problem in newProblems
@problems = @problems.concat(newProblems)
@aceSession.setAnnotations annotations
@highlightCurrentLine aether.flow unless _.isEmpty aether.flow
#console.log ' and we could do the metrics', aether.metrics unless _.isEmpty aether.metrics
#console.log ' and we could do the style', aether.style unless _.isEmpty aether.style
#console.log ' and we could do the visualization', aether.visualization unless _.isEmpty aether.visualization
# Could use the user-code-problem style... or we could leave that to other places.
@ace[if @problems.length then 'setStyle' else 'unsetStyle'] 'user-code-problem'
@ace[if isCast then 'setStyle' else 'unsetStyle'] 'spell-cast'
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'tome:problems-updated', spell: @spell, problems: @problems, isCast: isCast
# Tell ProblemAlertView to display this problem (only)
displayProblemBanner: (problem) ->
lineOffsetPx = 0
if problem.row?
for i in [0...problem.row]
lineOffsetPx += @aceSession.getRowLength(i) * @ace.renderer.lineHeight
lineOffsetPx -= @ace.session.getScrollTop()
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'tome:show-problem-alert', problem: problem, lineOffsetPx: Math.max lineOffsetPx, 0
# Gets the number of lines before the start of <script> content in the usercode
# Because Errors report their line number relative to the <script> tag
linesBeforeScript: (html) ->
# TODO: refactor, make it work with multiple scripts. What to do when error is in level-creator's code?
addAnnotation: (annotation) ->
annotations = @aceSession.getAnnotations()
annotations.push annotation
@reallySetAnnotations annotations
# Handle errors from the web-dev iframe asynchronously
onWebDevError: (error) ->
# TODO: Refactor this and the Aether problem flow to share as much as possible.
# TODO: Handle when the error is in our code, not theirs
# Compensate for line number being relative to <script> tag
offsetError = _.merge {}, error, { line: error.line + @linesBeforeScript(@getSource()) }
userCodeHasChangedSinceLastCast = @spell.hasChanged(@spell.getSource(), @sourceAtLastCast)
problem = new Problem({ error: offsetError, @ace, levelID: @options.levelID, userCodeHasChangedSinceLastCast })
# Ignore the Problem if we already know about it
if _.any(@problems, (preexistingProblem) -> problem.isEqual(preexistingProblem))
else # Ok, the problem is worth keeping
@problems.push problem
# @saveUserCodeProblem(aether, aetherProblem) # TODO: Enable saving of web-dev user code problems
@addAnnotation(problem.annotation) if problem.annotation
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'tome:problems-updated', spell: @spell, problems: @problems, isCast: false
onProblemsUpdated: ({ spell, problems, isCast }) ->
# This just handles some ace styles for now; other things handle @problems changes elsewhere
@ace[if problems.length then 'setStyle' else 'unsetStyle'] 'user-code-problem'
@ace[if isCast then 'setStyle' else 'unsetStyle'] 'spell-cast' # Does this still do anything?
saveUserCodeProblem: (aether, aetherProblem) ->
# Skip duplicate problems
hashValue = aether.raw + aetherProblem.message
@ -939,6 +992,7 @@ module.exports = class SpellView extends CocoView
@spell.thang.aether[key] = value
onSpellChanged: (e) ->
# TODO: Merge with updateHTML
@spellHasChanged = true
onSessionWillSave: (e) ->
@ -206,4 +206,3 @@ module.exports =
return false if index is -1
return false if delta.deltaPath[index+1] in ['en', 'en-US', 'en-GB'] # English speakers are most likely just spamming, so always treat those as patches, not saves.
return true
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ describe 'Problem', ->
# TODO: Problems are no longer saved when creating Problems; instead it's in SpellView. Update tests?
xit 'save user code problem', ->
new Problem aether, aetherProblem, ace, false, true, levelID
new Problem {aether, aetherProblem, ace, isCast: false, levelID}
request = jasmine.Ajax.requests.mostRecent()
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ describe 'Problem', ->
xit 'save user code problem no range', ->
aetherProblem.range = null
new Problem aether, aetherProblem, ace, false, true, levelID
new Problem {aether, aetherProblem, ace, isCast: false, levelID}
request = jasmine.Ajax.requests.mostRecent()
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ describe 'Problem', ->
aether.raw = "this.say('hi');\nthis.sad\n('bye');"
aetherProblem.range = [ { row: 1 }, { row: 2 } ]
new Problem aether, aetherProblem, ace, false, true, levelID
new Problem {aether, aetherProblem, ace, isCast: false, levelID}
request = jasmine.Ajax.requests.mostRecent()
Add table
Reference in a new issue