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synced 2025-03-14 07:00:01 -04:00
Update school counts page with geoip and 10+ buckets
Placing teachers and students in unknown districts and schools if we have geoip countries and states/regions. Placing teachers/students in unknown schools if there are 10+ students.
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 104 additions and 19 deletions
@ -14,8 +14,9 @@ block content
div Untriaged students: #{view.untriagedStudents}
div Untriaged teachers: #{view.untriagedTeachers}
.small Teacher: owns a classroom or has a teacher role
.small Student: member of a classroom or has schoolName set, not in HoC course instance
.small Teacher: teacherish role or owns a classroom
.small Student: student role or member of a classroom or has schoolName set, not in HoC course instance
.small School: trial request data or teacher with 10+ students
.small +3 USA states are GU, PR, DC
@ -7,6 +7,10 @@ User = require 'models/User'
utils = require 'core/utils'
# TODO: match anonymous trial requests with real users via email
# TODO: sanitize and use student.schoolName, can't use it directly
# TODO: example untriaged student: no geo IP, not attached to teacher with school
# TODO: example untriaged teacher: deleted but owner of a classroom
# TODO: use student geoip on their teacher
module.exports = class SchoolCountsView extends RootView
id: 'admin-school-counts-view'
@ -35,7 +39,7 @@ module.exports = class SchoolCountsView extends RootView
studentMap = {} # Used to make sure teachers and students only counted once
studentNonHocMap = {} # Used to exclude HoC users
teacherStudentMap = {} # Used to link students to their teacher locations
countryStateDistrictSchoolCountsMap = {} # Data graph
unknownSchoolCount = 1 # Used to separate unique but unknown schools
console.log(new Date().toISOString(), "Processing #{@courseInstances.models.length} course instances...")
for courseInstance in @courseInstances.models
@ -46,25 +50,29 @@ module.exports = class SchoolCountsView extends RootView
for classroom in @classrooms.models
teacherID = classroom.get('ownerID')
teacherMap[teacherID] ?= {}
teacherMap[teacherID] = true
teacherStudentMap[teacherID] ?= {}
for studentID in classroom.get('members')
continue if teacherMap[studentID]
continue unless studentNonHocMap[studentID]
studentMap[studentID] = true
studentMap[studentID] = {}
teacherStudentMap[teacherID][studentID] = true
console.log(new Date().toISOString(), "Processing #{@teachers.models.length} teachers...")
for teacher in @teachers.models
teacherMap[teacher.id] ?= {}
teacherMap[teacher.id] = teacher.get('geo') ? {}
delete studentMap[teacher.id]
console.log(new Date().toISOString(), "Processing #{@students.models.length} students...")
for student in @students.models when not teacherMap[student.id]
for student in @students.models
continue unless studentNonHocMap[student.id]
schoolName = student.get('schoolName')
studentMap[student.id] = true
continue if teacherMap[student.id]
studentMap[student.id] = {geo: student.get('geo')}
console.log(new Date().toISOString(), "Processing trial #{@trialRequests.models.length} requests...")
orphanStudentMap = _.cloneDeep(studentMap)
orphanTeacherMap = _.cloneDeep(teacherMap)
console.log(new Date().toISOString(), "Processing #{@trialRequests.models.length} trial requests...")
countryStateDistrictSchoolCountsMap = {}
for trialRequest in @trialRequests.models
teacherID = trialRequest.get('applicant')
unless teacherMap[teacherID]
@ -82,8 +90,10 @@ module.exports = class SchoolCountsView extends RootView
countryStateDistrictSchoolCountsMap[country][state][district] ?= {}
countryStateDistrictSchoolCountsMap[country][state][district][school] ?= {students: {}, teachers: {}}
countryStateDistrictSchoolCountsMap[country][state][district][school].teachers[teacherID] = true
for studentID, val of teacherStudentMap[teacherID]
for studentID, val of teacherStudentMap[teacherID] when orphanStudentMap[studentID]
countryStateDistrictSchoolCountsMap[country][state][district][school].students[studentID] = true
delete orphanStudentMap[studentID]
delete orphanTeacherMap[teacherID]
else if not _.isEmpty(props.country)
country = props.country?.trim()
country = country[0].toUpperCase() + country.substring(1).toLowerCase()
@ -102,8 +112,65 @@ module.exports = class SchoolCountsView extends RootView
countryStateDistrictSchoolCountsMap[country][state][district] ?= {}
countryStateDistrictSchoolCountsMap[country][state][district][school] ?= {students: {}, teachers: {}}
countryStateDistrictSchoolCountsMap[country][state][district][school].teachers[teacherID] = true
for studentID, val of teacherStudentMap[teacherID]
for studentID, val of teacherStudentMap[teacherID] when orphanStudentMap[studentID]
countryStateDistrictSchoolCountsMap[country][state][district][school].students[studentID] = true
delete orphanStudentMap[studentID]
delete orphanTeacherMap[teacherID]
console.log(new Date().toISOString(), "Processing #{Object.keys(orphanTeacherMap).length} orphaned teachers with geo IPs...")
for teacherID, val of orphanTeacherMap
continue unless teacherMap[teacherID].country
country = teacherMap[teacherID].countryName or teacherMap[teacherID].country
country = 'UK' if country is 'GB' or country is 'United Kingdom'
country = 'USA' if country is 'US' or country is 'United States'
state = teacherMap[teacherID].region or 'unknown'
district = 'unknown'
school = 'unknown'
if teacherStudentMap[teacherID] and Object.keys(teacherStudentMap[teacherID]).length >= 10
school += unknownSchoolCount++
countryStateDistrictSchoolCountsMap[country] ?= {}
countryStateDistrictSchoolCountsMap[country][state] ?= {}
countryStateDistrictSchoolCountsMap[country][state][district] ?= {}
countryStateDistrictSchoolCountsMap[country][state][district][school] ?= {students: {}, teachers: {}}
countryStateDistrictSchoolCountsMap[country][state][district][school].teachers[teacherID] = true
if teacherStudentMap[teacherID] and Object.keys(teacherStudentMap[teacherID]).length >= 10
for studentID, val of teacherStudentMap[teacherID] when orphanStudentMap[studentID]
countryStateDistrictSchoolCountsMap[country][state][district][school].students[studentID] = true
delete orphanStudentMap[studentID]
delete orphanTeacherMap[teacherID]
console.log(new Date().toISOString(), "Processing #{Object.keys(orphanTeacherMap).length} orphaned teachers with 10+ students...")
for teacherID, val of orphanTeacherMap
continue unless teacherStudentMap[teacherID] and Object.keys(teacherStudentMap[teacherID]).length >= 10
country = 'unknown'
state = 'unknown'
district = 'unknown'
school = "unknown#{unknownSchoolCount++}"
countryStateDistrictSchoolCountsMap[country] ?= {}
countryStateDistrictSchoolCountsMap[country][state] ?= {}
countryStateDistrictSchoolCountsMap[country][state][district] ?= {}
countryStateDistrictSchoolCountsMap[country][state][district][school] ?= {students: {}, teachers: {}}
countryStateDistrictSchoolCountsMap[country][state][district][school].teachers[teacherID] = true
for studentID, val of teacherStudentMap[teacherID] when orphanStudentMap[studentID]
countryStateDistrictSchoolCountsMap[country][state][district][school].students[studentID] = true
delete orphanStudentMap[studentID]
delete orphanTeacherMap[teacherID]
console.log(new Date().toISOString(), "Processing #{Object.keys(orphanStudentMap).length} orphaned students with geo IPs...")
for studentID, val of orphanStudentMap
continue unless studentMap[studentID].geo?.country
country = studentMap[studentID].geo.countryName or studentMap[studentID].geo.country
country = 'UK' if country is 'GB' or country is 'United Kingdom'
country = 'USA' if country is 'US' or country is 'United States'
state = studentMap[studentID].geo.region or 'unknown'
district = 'unknown'
school = 'unknown'
countryStateDistrictSchoolCountsMap[country] ?= {}
countryStateDistrictSchoolCountsMap[country][state] ?= {}
countryStateDistrictSchoolCountsMap[country][state][district] ?= {}
countryStateDistrictSchoolCountsMap[country][state][district][school] ?= {students: {}, teachers: {}}
countryStateDistrictSchoolCountsMap[country][state][district][school].students[studentID] = true
delete orphanStudentMap[studentID]
console.log(new Date().toISOString(), 'Building country graphs...')
@countryGraphs = {}
@ -146,11 +213,16 @@ module.exports = class SchoolCountsView extends RootView
schools: @countryGraphs[country].totalSchools
students: @countryGraphs[country].totalStudents
teachers: @countryGraphs[country].totalTeachers
totalStudents += @countryGraphs[country].totalSchools
totalStudents += @countryGraphs[country].totalStudents
totalTeachers += @countryGraphs[country].totalTeachers
# Compare against orphanStudentMap and orphanTeacherMap to catch bugs
@untriagedStudents = Object.keys(studentMap).length - totalStudents
@untriagedTeachers = Object.keys(teacherMap).length - totalTeachers
console.log(new Date().toISOString(), "teacherMap #{Object.keys(teacherMap).length} totalTeachers #{totalTeachers} orphanTeacherMap #{Object.keys(orphanTeacherMap).length} @untriagedTeachers #{@untriagedTeachers}")
console.log(new Date().toISOString(), "studentMap #{Object.keys(studentMap).length} totalStudents #{totalStudents} orphanStudentMap #{Object.keys(orphanStudentMap).length} @untriagedStudents #{@untriagedStudents}")
for country, graph of @countryGraphs
graph.stateCounts.sort (a, b) ->
b.students - a.students or b.teachers - a.teachers or b.schools - a.schools or b.districts - a.districts or b.state.localeCompare(a.state)
@ -63,6 +63,7 @@
"co-express": "^1.2.1",
"coffee-script": "1.9.x",
"connect": "2.7.x",
"country-list": "0.0.3",
"express": "~3.0.6",
"express-useragent": "~0.0.9",
"geoip-lite": "^1.1.6",
@ -101,7 +102,6 @@
"commonjs-require-definition": "0.2.0",
"compressible": "~1.0.1",
"country-data": "0.0.24",
"country-list": "0.0.3",
"css-brunch": "^1.7.0",
"fs-extra": "^0.26.2",
"http-proxy": "^1.13.2",
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
_ = require 'lodash'
co = require 'co'
countryList = require('country-list')()
errors = require '../commons/errors'
geoip = require 'geoip-lite'
wrap = require 'co-express'
Promise = require 'bluebird'
parse = require '../commons/parse'
@ -10,7 +12,6 @@ sendwithus = require '../sendwithus'
User = require '../models/User'
Classroom = require '../models/Classroom'
module.exports =
fetchByGPlusID: wrap (req, res, next) ->
gpID = req.query.gplusID
@ -97,11 +98,22 @@ module.exports =
getStudents: wrap (req, res, next) ->
throw new errors.Unauthorized('You must be an administrator.') unless req.user?.isAdmin()
students = yield User.find({$and: [{schoolName: {$exists: true}}, {schoolName: {$ne: ''}}, {anonymous: false}]}).select('schoolName').lean()
query = $or: [{role: 'student'}, {$and: [{schoolName: {$exists: true}}, {schoolName: {$ne: ''}}, {anonymous: false}]}]
users = yield User.find(query).select('lastIP schoolName').lean()
for user in users
if ip = user.lastIP
user.geo = geoip.lookup(ip)
if country = user.geo?.country
user.geo.countryName = countryList.getName(country)
getTeachers: wrap (req, res, next) ->
throw new errors.Unauthorized('You must be an administrator.') unless req.user?.isAdmin()
teacherRoles = ['teacher', 'technology coordinator', 'advisor', 'principal', 'superintendent', 'parent']
teachers = yield User.find(anonymous: false, role: {$in: teacherRoles}).select('').lean()
users = yield User.find(anonymous: false, role: {$in: teacherRoles}).select('lastIP').lean()
for user in users
if ip = user.lastIP
user.geo = geoip.lookup(ip)
if country = user.geo?.country
user.geo.countryName = countryList.getName(country)
Reference in a new issue