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Finished CS3 curriculum guide
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###### Last updated: 09/12/2016
###### Last updated: 09/13/2016
##### Lesson Plans
# Computer Science 2
@ -8,9 +8,9 @@
- 6 x 45-60 minute coding sessions
#### Overview
Armed with basic knowledge of the structure and syntax of simple programs, students are ready to tackle more advanced topics. Conditionals, arithmetic, input handling, oh my! Computer Science 2 is where students move past the programming-toy stage into writing code similar to that they would use in the next major software or killer app!
Armed with basic knowledge of the structure and syntax of simple programs, students are ready to tackle more advanced topics. Conditionals, functions, and events, oh my! Computer Science 2 is where students move past the programming-toy stage into writing code similar to that they would use in the next major software or killer app!
In Computer Science 2, students will continue to learn the fundamentals, (basic syntax, arguments, strings, variables, and loops) as well as being introduced to a second level of concepts for them to master. If statements allow the student to perform different actions depending on the state of the battlefield. Arithmetic will help players become more comfortable with using math in programming. All things in CodeCombat are objects, (that's the ‘object’ part of object-oriented programming,) and these things have accessible attributes, such as a Munchkin's position or a coin's value; both are important to begin visualizing the internal structure of the objects that make up their game world. Near the end of the Course there are some levels dedicated to input handling so the students can get introduced to the basic concept of events, and, well, it's just great fun, too!
In Computer Science 2, students will continue to learn the fundamentals, (basic syntax, arguments, strings, variables, and loops) as well as being introduced to a second level of concepts for them to master. If statements allow the student to perform different actions depending on the state of the battlefield. Functions let students organize their code into reusable pieces of logic, and once students can write basic functions, they can start writing code to handle events--which is the basis for lots of coding patterns in game development, web development, and app development.
_This guide is written with Python-language classrooms in mind, but can easily be adapted for JavaScript._
@ -33,16 +33,13 @@ _This guide is written with Python-language classrooms in mind, but can easily b
**Argument** - additional information for a function. Arguments are what we put inside the parentheses of a function. They tell the function more information about what it should do. In `hero.attack(enemy)`, `enemy` is the argument.
**Property** - data about or belonging to an object. You get to it by specifying the object, then a dot, then the name of the property.
**Loop** - code that repeats. A loop is a way of repeating code. One way of writing loops uses the keyword `while`, followed by an expression that can be evaluated as `True` or `False`.
**Variable** - a holder for data. A variable holds your data for later. You create a variable by giving it a name, then saying what value it should hold.
**Conditional** - the building block of modern programming, the conditional. It’s named as such because of its ability to check the conditions at the moment and perform different actions depending on the expression. The player is no longer able to assume there will be an enemy to attack, or if there is a gem to grab. Now, they need to check whether it exists, check if their abilities are ready, and check if an enemy is close enough to attack.
**Input Handling** - Input handling allows players to finally interact with their hero in real-time. After submitting their code, the player will be able to dynamically add flags to the battlefield to assist their hero in solving tough challenges. It helps teach simple event handling as well as being quite fun!
**Event** - an object representing something that happened. Students can write code to respond to events: when this type of event happens, run this function. This is called event handling, and it's a very useful programming pattern and an alternative to an infinite while-loop.
#### Extra activities for students who finish Course 2 early:
@ -153,7 +150,7 @@ Circulate to assist. Draw students’ attention to the instructions and tips. St
**If you could design a CodeCombat level, what would it look like?**
>There would be lots of ogres and you have to attack them, but not the humans. And you would protect the village by building walls and fires.
##### Module 6
## Conditionals (Else)
### Summary
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###### Last updated: 09/12/2016
###### Last updated: 09/13/2016
##### Lesson Plans
# Computer Science 3
### Curriculum Summary
- Recommended Prerequisite: Computer Science 2
- 6 x 45-60 minute coding sessions
- 11 x 45-60 minute coding sessions
#### Overview
Armed with basic knowledge of the structure and syntax of simple programs, students are ready to tackle more advanced topics. Conditionals, arithmetic, input handling, oh my! Computer Science 2 is where students move past the programming-toy stage into writing code similar to that they would use in the next major software or killer app!
Now that students have a solid foundation in the most useful types of control flow (conditionals, functions, and events), they're prepared to level up both their conditional logic skills and their control flow control. Most of the differences in the programs the students want to write and the programs they know how to write start to fall away in Computer Science 3.
In Computer Science 2, students will continue to learn the fundamentals, (basic syntax, arguments, strings, variables, and loops) as well as being introduced to a second level of concepts for them to master. If statements allow the student to perform different actions depending on the state of the battlefield. Arithmetic will help players become more comfortable with using math in programming. All things in CodeCombat are objects, (that's the ‘object’ part of object-oriented programming,) and these things have accessible attributes, such as a Munchkin's position or a coin's value; both are important to begin visualizing the internal structure of the objects that make up their game world. Near the end of the Course there are some levels dedicated to input handling so the students can get introduced to the basic concept of events, and, well, it's just great fun, too!
In this course, students will keep practicing their functions, events, and nested conditionals. On top of those, they'll get into more sophisticated operators and keywords. String concatenation will let players modify strings dynamically in their code to produce whatever text they want. Arithmetic will help players become more comfortable with using math in programming. All things in CodeCombat are objects, (that's the "object" part of object-oriented programming,) and these things have accessible attributes, such as a Munchkin's position or a coin's value; both are important to begin visualizing the internal structure of the objects that make up their game world. Alongside properties, students unlock the additional game mechanic of real-time input handling with flags. They then learn to use functions that return values, to break up computations into smaller pieces. The boolean *equality*, *inequality*, *or*, and *and* operators let them express compound conditionals. Combining those with computer arithmetic and properties lets players finally explore relative movement, directing their hero to dynamic locations. They also learn to work with time programmatically, and to manipulate their while-loops with the *break* and *continue* statements.
_This guide is written with Python-language classrooms in mind, but can easily be adapted for JavaScript._
@ -27,13 +27,13 @@ _This guide is written with Python-language classrooms in mind, but can easily b
| [16. Boolean Or](#boolean-or) | Salted Earth | Execute if-statements if one of two things are true |
| [17. Boolean And](#boolean-and) | Spring Thunder | Execute if-statements if both of two things are true |
| [18. Relative Movement](#relative-movement) | The Mighty Sand Yak | Combine x- and y-properties and arithmetic for movement |
| [19. Time](#time) | Keeping Time | Code based on elapsed time with the now() function |
| [19. Time and Health](#time-and-health) | Minesweeper | Code based on elapsed time and hero health |
| [20. Break and Continue](#break-and-continue) | Hoarding Gold | Skip or end while-loops with break and continue statments |
| [21. Review - Multiplayer Arena](#review-multiplayer-arena) | Cross Bones | Synthesize all CS3 concepts |
### Core Vocabulary
**Concatenation** - String concatenation is used to add two strings together with the **string concatenation operator: `+`**
**Concatenation** - String concatenation is used to add two strings together with the **string concatenation operator:** `+`
**Arithmetic** - Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Course 3 begins to ease the player into using math while coding. Levels catering to basic arithmetic address how to use math as needed in order to perform different actions effectively.
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ _This guide is written with Python-language classrooms in mind, but can easily b
##### Module 11
## String Concatenation
### Summary
**String concatenation** is used to add two strings together. Remember that strings are `"text inside quotes"`. When you want to build a longer string out of two shorter strings, or combine a string and a variable, you can use the **string concatenation operator: `+**`
**String concatenation** is used to add two strings together. Remember that strings are `"text inside quotes"`. When you want to build a longer string out of two shorter strings, or combine a string and a variable, you can use the **string concatenation operator:** `+`
In CodeCombat, using strings and `hero.say()` is useful for communicating with friends in the game. These levels will prepare the student for more sophisticated communication using concatenated strings.
@ -145,9 +145,9 @@ output = "How much cheese would a cheesespray spray if a cheesespray could spray
#### Reflect (2 mins)
**When have you used strings before in CodeCombat?** (To attack by name, like `hero.attack("Treg")`; to `buildXY` by type, like `hero.buildXY("fence", 34, 30)`; to say passwords, like `hero.say("Hush!")`; etc.)
**What kind of text can you put in a string?** (>Any text you want!)
**What does string concatenation mean?** (Adding something to a string.)
**When have you used strings before in CodeCombat?** (To attack by name, like `hero.attack("Treg")`; to `buildXY` by type, like `hero.buildXY("fence", 34, 30)`; to say passwords, like `hero.say("Hush!")`; etc.)
**What kind of text can you put in a string?** (Any text you want!)
**What does string concatenation mean?** (Adding something to a string.)
### Coding Time (30-45 mins)
Allow the students to go through the game at their own pace, keeping notes about every level on paper or digital document. We recommend using following format, which you can also print out as templates: [Progress Journal [PDF]](http://files.codecombat.com/docs/resources/ProgressJournal.pdf)
@ -328,24 +328,25 @@ Once you can get to a property, you can find out its value. Different flags have
#### Interact (5 mins)
Property interview: Give each student a turn to ask something about another student by querying one of their properties. Write the object name and property on the board using Python syntax (dot notation), e.g.
When the syntax is correct, the queried student should should out the value of that property, e.g.
`"Die Hard"`
`4.5 feet`
`"Die Hard"`
`4.5 feet`
Note that everyone has an age property, and the same way of accessing it, but the values of that property are not the same for everyone!
#### Reflect (2 mins)
**What’s a property?** (Something about an object)
**How can you tell the difference between a function and a property?** Functions have parentheses (), properties do not.
**Can two objects have the same property?** (yes)
**Do two objects’ properties always have the same value?** (no)
**How can you tell the difference between a function and a property?** (Functions have parentheses (), properties do not.)
**Can two objects have the same property?** (Yes)
**Do two objects’ properties always have the same value?** (No)
### Coding Time (30-45 mins)
@ -374,11 +375,718 @@ Circulate to assist. Draw students’ attention to the instructions and tips. Fl
##### Module 14
## Functions with Returns
### Summary
**Return statements** let functions `return` a value! Whenever a function is called, it will be equal to whatever value it `returns`. When a function gets to a `return` statement, the function immediately ends.
# Modules 14-20 Coming Soon
### Transfer Goals
- Write functions that `return` answers
- Use `return` statements to exit functions
### Instructive Activity: Vending Machine (12 mins)
#### Explain (2 mins)
Previously, you have been writing functions that make your hero or pet perform an action, like the `goFetch` function that would call `pet.fetch()`. This let you organize your code into different functions and make it easier to understand. Now you're going to learn how to write code that instead of performing an action, performs a computation and returns the result with a `return` statement.
Here's an example:
def howMany(things):
if things == 1:
return "a"
if things == 2:
return "a couple"
if things <= 4:
return "a few"
if things <= 7:
return "several"
return "a lot of"
teacher.say("I see " + howMany(hats) + " hats.")
#### Interact (8 mins)
With the class, code up a simple vending machine.
Draw a picture of a vending machine with four buttons on the board, with buttons labeled A1, A2, B1, and B2 in a 2x2 grid. Walk the class through writing the code for the vending machine. Start with this vending machine skeleton:
def vend(button):
if button == "A1":
return ""
while True:
button = class.pressButton()
food = vend(button)
Ask the class what the vending machine should sell when you press button A1, and write it in as the first string to `return`. Have the class help you choose the rest of the food and write the rest of the `if` and `return` statements. You might end up with something like this:
def vend(button):
if button == "A1":
return "Cheetos"
elif button == "A2":
return "Apple"
elif button == "B1":
return "Slime"
elif button == "B2":
return "A bear"
while True:
button = class.pressButton()
food = vend(button)
Reiterate how the `vend` function is using `return` statements to return food values when the function is called. Functions with `return` statements are a good way to split up and organize computations.
If there's time, add a fifth button to return your change, and show the class how you can modify the code to deal with it by moving all the `return` statements to just `return` a `result` variable:
def vend(button):
result = "money"
if button == "A1":
result = "Cheetos"
elif button == "A2":
result = "Apple"
elif button == "B1":
result = "Slime"
elif button == "B2":
result = "A bear"
return result
while True:
button = class.pressButton()
food = vend(button)
if food != "money":
#### Reflect (2 mins)
**What are some functions you have written functions before in CodeCombat?** (`goFetch()`, `sayName()`, `cleaveOrAttack()`, `maybeBuildTrap(x, y)`, `cleaveWhenClose(target)`, `checkEnemyOrSafe(target)`, `checkTakeHide(item)`, `checkAndDefend(target)`, `checkAndAttack(target)`, `pickUpCoin()`, `attackEnemy()`)
**What are some built-in CodeCombat functions you use that `return` values?** (`hero.findNearestEnemy()`, `hero.isReady("cleave")`, `hero.distanceTo(target)`, `hero.findNearestItem()`)
**Why does a return statement immediately exit a function?** (Because if you called `return` twice, you wouldn't know which value to use.)
### Coding Time (30-45 mins)
Allow the students to go through the game at their own pace, keeping notes about every level on paper or digital document. We recommend using following format, which you can also print out as templates: [Progress Journal [PDF]](http://files.codecombat.com/docs/resources/ProgressJournal.pdf)
Level #: _____ Level Name: ____________________________________
Goal: __________________________________________________________
What I did:
What I learned:
What was challenging:
Circulate to assist. Draw students' attention to the instructions and tips. Whenever a student is having trouble with a function, have them go execute the function themselves so they can say exactly what value it will return. Remind students to make sure that they do something with the return value of the function once they have called it--watch out for mistakes:
# Correct: storing return value in a variable, then using if
canAttack = inAttackRange(nearestEnemy)
if canAttack:
# Correct: using return value directly in if
if inAttackRange(nearestEnemy):
# Incorrect: not doing anything with return value
### Written Reflection (5 mins)
Select appropriate prompt(s) for the students respond to, referring to their notes.
**When are functions with returns useful?**
>When you want to figure something out, like whether to attack an enemy or pick up a coin, instead of just attacking it directly inside the function. Or when you want to get some return value from outside your code, like with findNearestEnemy().
**Naming functions that return values is important. Come up with three function names that would return a value useful in daily life, and write some example values they would return to make sure the names make sense.**
>`whatTimeIsIt()` would return the time, like `"7:30 am"` or `"1:11 pm"`. `findColor(thing)` would return what color something is, like `"red"` or `"mahogany"`. `isFriend(person)` would return whether someone likes you, either `True` or `False`.b
##### Module 15
## Not Equals
### Summary
The **inequality operator** is `!=` (*not equals*) and lets one compare two values to see if they're different. It's the opposite of the **equality operator**, `==` (*equals*). The `!` means *not*.
### Transfer Goals
- Test whether two things are not the same
- Use `!=` and `==` appropriately in code
- Read `!=` as "not equals"
### Instructive Activity: Picky Eating (10 mins)
#### Explain (2 mins)
Remember the equality operator, `==`, which asks if two things are equal? There's also the *in*equality operator, `!=`, which asks if two things are *not* equal. So where `x == 4` asks whether "x equals four", you can use `x != 4` to ask whether "x does not equal four". Or you can use `if enemy.type != "burl":` to do something whenever you see an enemy that isn't a burl.
#### Interact (8 mins)
Tell the class to imagine it's 4:00 am and they wake up for a snack, going to the fridge in zombie mode. As a zombie, they aren't thinking straight, so we need to write a simple algorithm for them to follow in their snacking. Write the following code on the board:
fridge = zombie.findNearestFridge()
zombie.moveXY(fridge.pos.x, fridge.pos.y)
while True:
food = zombie.ransack(fridge)
Ask the class what do to next with the `food` variable, looking for `zombie.eat(food)`. Ask if they want to eat just any food, or if there is a specific food to avoid. Take the first bad food mentioned and add an inequality comparison:
fridge = zombie.findNearestFridge()
zombie.moveXY(fridge.pos.x, fridge.pos.y)
while True:
food = zombie.ransack(fridge)
if food.type != "broccoli":
Add a nested inequality comparison by suggesting that the zombie should just make sure to avoid foods with any given attribute, like shape or color:
fridge = zombie.findNearestFridge()
zombie.moveXY(fridge.pos.x, fridge.pos.y)
while True:
food = zombie.ransack(fridge)
if food.type != "broccoli":
if food.color != "green":
Explain how because you want to eat most foods and don't want to have to explicitly name each food you *do* want to eat with `==`, you instead use `!=` to avoid the ones you *don't* want to eat.
Note that you can't do a compound conditional yet, but if students ask, those are coming up in the next two modules, so you could soon write: `if food.type != "broccoli" and food.color != "green"`.
### Coding Time (30-45 mins)
Allow the students to go through the game at their own pace, keeping notes about every level on paper or digital document. We recommend using following format, which you can also print out as templates: [Progress Journal [PDF]](http://files.codecombat.com/docs/resources/ProgressJournal.pdf)
Level #: _____ Level Name: ____________________________________
Goal: __________________________________________________________
What I did:
What I learned:
What was challenging:
Circulate to assist. Draw students' attention to the instructions and tips. When students are checking `item.type` and `enemy.type`, remind them to make sure they are spelling the types correctly: `if enemy.type != "peon"`, `if item.type != "poison"`, and `if item.type != "gem"`. Have students pay attention to the yellow arrows indicating where to code, since sometimes they need to modify existing `if` conditions.
### Written Reflection (5 mins)
Select appropriate prompt(s) for the students respond to, referring to their notes.
**What are `==` and `!=` and how do you pronounce them?**
>`==` is the equality operator, and you say "is equal to". `!=" is the inequality operator, and you say "is not equal to". `!=` is the opposite of `==`.
**Where do you use `==` and `!=` in your code?**
>You use them in if-statements, because you have to decide whether to do something or not based on whether two values are the same or different.
##### Module 16
## Boolean Or
### Summary
A **boolean** is a variable with two possible values: `True` and `False`. The `conditionals` you use in if-statements and even while-loops are evaluated to boolean results. Boolean logic is the way that boolean values combine to form a single boolean value. The **boolean or** operator, `or`, returns `True` if either the value before or after is `True`, or `False` if both are `False`.
### Transfer Goals
- Execute if-statements if one of two things are true
- Understand what a boolean value is
- Understand how to use the boolean `or` operator
### Instructive Activity: Dance Party (10 mins)
#### Explain (2 mins)
`True` and `False` are called boolean values. Remember the `hero.isReady("cleave")` function? It would return either `True` or `False`. And when you write `enemy.type == "munchkin"`, the expression becomes either `True` or `False`. We're going to introduce the boolean `or` operator, which lets you combine two boolean values into one.
#### Interact (7 mins)
Ask the class to thing of a few dance moves. While they're thinking, write the following code on the board:
def hearSong(song):
dj.on("play", hearSong)
while True:
For each dance move the class came up with, ask for two or more songs or artists that would make them do that dance move. Write the examples in the `hearSong` function:
def hearSong(song):
if song.title == "My Boo" or song.artist == "MC Hammer":
crowd.dance("Running Man")
elif song.artist == "The Chainsmokers" or song.genre = "Electronica":
Save this code for the next module, so you can extend it.
#### Reflect (1 min)
**Why would you want to use `or` in your code?** (To combine two if-statement checks into one.)
**What is a boolean value?** (Either `True` or `False`.)
### Coding Time (30-45 mins)
Allow the students to go through the game at their own pace, keeping notes about every level on paper or digital document. We recommend using following format, which you can also print out as templates: [Progress Journal [PDF]](http://files.codecombat.com/docs/resources/ProgressJournal.pdf)
Level #: _____ Level Name: ____________________________________
Goal: __________________________________________________________
What I did:
What I learned:
What was challenging:
Circulate to assist. Draw students' attention to the instructions and tips. Watch out for mistakes like this, where the students format their code like English and don't repeat both sides of the `or`:
if enemy.type == "thrower" or "munchkin": # Incorrect, since the computer sees (enemy.type == "thrower") or "munchkin"
if enemy.type == "thrower" or enemy.type == "munchkin": # Correct
### Written Reflection (5 mins)
**What is the `type` property? What types of things have you seen in CodeCombat so far?**
>The `type` property is a string telling you what kind of object something is, like `"munchkin"`, `"thrower"`, `"burl"`, `"gem"`, `"coin"`, and `"poison"`.
##### Module 17
## Boolean And
### Summary
Just like the boolean `or` operator lets you combine two boolean values into one, so does the **boolean and** operator, `and`. Whereas `True or False` becomes `True`, `True and False` is `False`--the `and` operator makes sure both values are `True`, `True and True` is `True`.
### Transfer Goals
- Execute if-statements if both of two things are true
- Understand how to use the boolean `and` operator
### Instructive Activity: Dance Party - Extended Mix (10 mins)
#### Explain (2 mins)
Up until now we have been using boolean `or` with things like `==` and `!=`. You can also use the boolean `and` operator, which works just like it sounds: do something if both this *and* that are `True`. Note that if the first part is `False`, then it doesn't even check the second part, to save time, so you can write code like `if enemy and enemy.type == "dragon":` and there won't be an error if there is no `enemy`, since it doesn't get to checking whether `enemy.type` is `"dragon"`. This is called short-circuiting.
Let's use `and` to make our dance party from last time better by taking out some overplayed songs.
#### Interact (6 mins)
Bring back the code the class had from last time:
def hearSong(song):
if song.title == "My Boo" or song.artist == "MC Hammer":
crowd.dance("Running Man")
elif song.artist == "The Chainsmokers" or song.genre = "Electronica":
dj.on("play", hearSong)
while True:
Ask for a favorite artist from the class, and then a crowd reaction that would go with that artist. Then ask for bad or overplayed song by that artist that the crowd shouldn't react to. Turn it into a compound if-statement using `and`, like this:
def hearSong(song):
if song.title == "My Boo" or song.artist == "MC Hammer":
crowd.dance("Running Man")
elif song.artist == "The Chainsmokers" or song.genre = "Electronica":
elif song.artist == "One Direction" and song.title != "Story Of My Life":
crowd.scream("THIS IS MY JAM YO!")
Now ask for some other music that has the same reaction as the previous one. Explain that when you combine `or` and `and`, you should group things with parentheses to make sure the computer knows which parts go together:
elif (song.artist == "One Direction" and song.title != "Story Of My Life") or song.title == "Can't Feel My Face":
crowd.scream("THIS IS MY JAM YO!")
#### Reflect (2 mins)
**What is some code you have written in CodeCombat that you can use `and` to simplify?** (Checking whether there is an enemy and cleave is ready, or if cleave is ready and the enemy is close enough.)
**If you have three `and` or three `or` operators, do you need parentheses to group them?** (No, because the order doesn't matter until you mix `and` and `or`.)
### Coding Time (35-45 mins)
Allow the students to go through the game at their own pace, keeping notes about every level on paper or digital document. We recommend using following format, which you can also print out as templates: [Progress Journal [PDF]](http://files.codecombat.com/docs/resources/ProgressJournal.pdf)
Level #: _____ Level Name: ____________________________________
Goal: __________________________________________________________
What I did:
What I learned:
What was challenging:
Circulate to assist. Draw students' attention to the instructions and tips. Remind students to read their compound if-statements aloud to make sure they make sense.
### Written Reflection (5 mins)
Select appropriate prompt(s) for the students respond to, referring to their notes.
**Challenge: what happens in code like `if item and item.type == "gem":`?**
>`item` gets converted to `True` or `False`, depending on whether it exists, and `item.type == "gem"` gets converted to `True` or `False` depending on whether it's a gem, and then the `and` combines them into `True` if the item exists and is a gem, otherwise `False`.
**Given an `enemy` variable, can you think of a way to use boolean `and` to both check if there's an enemy and to check if the enemy is closer than 10 meters, in one line?**
>`if enemy and hero.distanceTo(enemy) < 10:`
**Make up an `if` example, either in CodeCombat or real life, that uses both `and` and `or` on the same line to combine three boolean values.**
>`if fridge.hasFood() and (me.isHungry() or me.isBored()): me.open(fridge)`
##### Module 18
## Relative Movement
### Summary
**Relative movement** combines computer arithmetic and property access, letting students direct their hero to move to dynamic locations with commands like `hero.moveXY(hero.pos.x + 10, hero.pos.y)` or `hero.buildXY("fence", yak.pos.x, yak.pos.y - 10)`.
### Transfer Goals
- Use `moveXY` to move relative to dynamic positions with coordinate arithmetic
- Internalize how positive and negative `x` and `y` coordinates relate to movement up, down, left, and right
- Combine relative movement with loops and conditionals to produce desired movement patterns
### Instructive Activity: Teacher Patrol (12 mins)
#### Explain (2 mins)
Previously, you have used three types of movement:
hero.moveXY(34, 20)
hero.moveXY(item.pos.x, item.pos.y)
Now that you know how to do computer arithmetic, you can have your hero move relative to something else, whether it's their previous position or an enemy unit. Here's some code that will move up and to the right forever:
while True:
hero.moveXY(hero.pos.x + 5, hero.pos.y + 5)
#### Interact (8 mins)
Explain to the class that the goal is to write a program to make you (the teacher) walk in a square around a student whenever the student claps. Ask for a volunteer to stand in front of the class and clap. Have the class help write the event handler from scratch, prompting them for a function name ("What should we call the function to run when we hear a clap?") and how to start listening for a clap event from a student:
def heardClap():
maria.on("clap", heardClap)
Now draw a diagram on the board of a square with a dot in the middle, and label the dot as `{x: 0, y: 0}`. Say you're going to start in the top right. Label it {x: 5, y: 5}, and write the first line of your function:
def heardClap():
teacher.moveXY(student.pos.x + 5, student.pos.y + 5)
maria.on("clap", heardClap)
Tell the chosen student to clap, and move to the corresponding coordinate five feet to the right and five feet in front of her (if she is facing the board). Have the class work through the rest of the program on the board to get to a solution that correctly has you walking in a square, having the student clap every time a new line of code is added to test the solution. If going clockwise, it might look like this, but it's up to you and the class which order to go (and which way your axes are aligned).
def heardClap():
teacher.moveXY(student.pos.x + 5, student.pos.y + 5)
teacher.moveXY(student.pos.x + 5, student.pos.y - 5)
teacher.moveXY(student.pos.x - 5, student.pos.y - 5)
teacher.moveXY(student.pos.x - 5, student.pos.y + 5)
teacher.moveXY(student.pos.x + 5, student.pos.y + 5)
maria.on("clap", heardClap)
Pay attention to the code they suggest, since it may not be what they mean. The students will probably make mistakes that involve you walking diagonally across the square, bumping into the student in the center. Pretend to throw an error message and then have them debug what happened to fix the code.
#### Reflect (2 mins)
**What would happen if the student moved while the teacher was moving around her?** (The teacher would walk in a different shape depending on where the student was when each `moveXY` started.)
**What two new Course 3 concepts do you have to combine to do relative movement?** (Properties and computer arithmetic.)
**In CodeCombat, which directions are -x, +x, -y, and +y?** (Left, right, down, and up.)
### Coding Time (30-45 mins)
Allow the students to go through the game at their own pace, keeping notes about every level on paper or digital document. We recommend using following format, which you can also print out as templates: [Progress Journal [PDF]](http://files.codecombat.com/docs/resources/ProgressJournal.pdf)
Level #: _____ Level Name: ____________________________________
Goal: __________________________________________________________
What I did:
What I learned:
What was challenging:
Circulate to assist. Draw students' attention to the instructions and tips. If they aren't moving like they expected to, have them drag the time scrubber to the moment where it all went wrong and pause the code, then think about exactly what coordinates are being calculated at that time.
### Written Reflection (5 mins)
Select appropriate prompt(s) for the students respond to, referring to their notes.
**How would you implement `hero.moveRight()`, where the hero moves 12 meters to the right, using `hero.moveXY()` and relative movement? What about `hero.moveLeft()`, `hero.moveUp()`, and `hero.moveDown()`?**
>For `hero.moveRight()`: `hero.moveXY(hero.pos.x + 12, hero.pos.y)`
>For `hero.moveLeft()`: `hero.moveXY(hero.pos.x - 12, hero.pos.y)`
>For `hero.moveUp()`: `hero.moveXY(hero.pos.x, hero.pos.y + 12)`
>For `hero.moveDown()`: `hero.moveXY(hero.pos.x, hero.pos.y - 12)`
**Make up a story: why do you think the yaks are so violent in CodeCombat that they would attack you if you ever got too close to them?**
>Probably they have learned to defend themselves against ogre poachers so they have a built-in fight response when they get close to anything with two legs. Before the ogres came, they would come right up to you and ask for food instead, but now they living in paranoia and fear after the ogres started hunting them.
##### Module 19
## Time and Health
### Summary
**Time** is a basic input to a lot of programs. When it's a certain time, do this. When enough time has passed, do that. In this module, students will learn to respond to time passing with the `hero.now()` function. Also in this module is practice with `hero.health`, which is another way to determine *when* to do something: when your health reaches a certain threshold.
### Transfer Goals
- Code based on elapsed time with the `hero.now()` function
- Code based on the time `hero.health` passes thresholds
- Learn *when* to change overall strategies in code
### Instructive Activity: Breath Stopwatch (12 mins)
#### Explain (2 mins)
You've already used events to determine when to do things in your programs, and you've also used a while-loop with if statements to decide when to do one thing or another. In those if statements, you already know how to check whether there are enemies, if you see items, if things are close by, or if cleave is ready. These levels add two new things you can check: how hurt your hero is with `hero.health` and `hero.maxHealth`, and what time it is with the `hero.now()` function. The current time is a very useful input to all sorts of programs.
#### Interact (8 mins)
Tell the class you're going to write a program to score yourself on how long you can hold your breath. Start with this code on the board:
def calculateScore():
endTime = now()
startTime = now()
teacher.on("exhale", countScore)
Say that you're going to test the program. Announce the current time, including the seconds: "`startTime` is 10:05:30". Hold your breath for a few seconds, then exhale. Now say, "10:05:35. I exhaled, so my countScore event listener fired for the "exhale" event, so I calculate the `endTime` as 10:05:35. In code, how do we figure out how many seconds I held my breath for?" Help the students to figure out to subtract the two times and then start grading yourself:
def calculateScore():
endTime = now()
duration = endTime - startTime
if duration < 10:
score = "baby"
Ask the students for other time thresholds and scores until you have a program like this:
def calculateScore():
endTime = now()
duration = endTime - startTime
if duration < 10:
score = "baby"
elif duration < 20:
score = "senior citizen"
elif duration < 30:
score = "good"
elif duration < 40:
score = "athlete"
score = "robot"
return score
startTime = now()
teacher.on("exhale", countScore)
Once the program is ready, erase `teacher` and write `student`, then help the students time holding their breaths all at once. Once everyone is done, find the longest duration and explain the class that now that you know the range, by using more computer arithmetic, you can adjust the program to adapt to the best score:
maxTime = 55
def calculateScore():
endTime = now()
duration = endTime - startTime
if duration < 1 / 5 * maxTime:
score = "baby"
elif duration < 2 / 5 * maxTime:
score = "senior citizen"
elif duration < 3 / 5 * maxTime:
score = "good"
elif duration < 4 / 5 * maxTime:
score = "athlete"
score = "robot"
return score
startTime = now()
student.on("exhale", countScore)
Explain that if you held your breath for at least four-fifths as long as the longest breath, you would be a robot; if you held it for at least three-fifths as long, you'd be an athlete; and so on.
#### Reflect (2 mins)
**How do you get a time duration from two absolute times?** (Subtract them.)
**How do you pronounce `if duration < 1 / 5 * maxTime:`?** ("If the duration is less than one-fifth of the maxTime...")
### Coding Time (30-45 mins)
Allow the students to go through the game at their own pace, keeping notes about every level on paper or digital document. We recommend using following format, which you can also print out as templates: [Progress Journal [PDF]](http://files.codecombat.com/docs/resources/ProgressJournal.pdf)
Level #: _____ Level Name: ____________________________________
Goal: __________________________________________________________
What I did:
What I learned:
What was challenging:
Circulate to assist. Draw students' attention to the instructions and tips. Remind them to compare their current `hero.health` to some fraction of `hero.maxHealth` and to make sure they are spelling those correctly, since `hero.health < hero.mxahealth` or some other typo will just always return `False` (since a number is not less-than an undefined property).
### Written Reflection (5 mins)
Select appropriate prompt(s) for the students respond to, referring to their notes.
**Apart from choosing when to fight and to get healed, what else do you think you will use `hero.now()` or `hero.health` to do?**
>I would use `hero.now()` to run in a square for the first 30 seconds, and then once all the ogres are chasing me I would stop and cleave them all at once. Or I could shield until I was about to die and then cleave everyone.
**When you call `hero.now()`, it returns a number. What does that number mean? Why doesn't it return today's real-world date and time?**
>The time it returns is the number of seconds since the level started. It is easier to work with than the real time since you don't have to change your code to have a different time threshold every time you run it, and you don't have to keep track of the start time in your code.
##### Module 20
## Break and Continue
### Summary
**Break statements** let you exit out of a while loop early. Break statements say, "Break out the loop, we're done with it." You might use a break statement to move on to the rest of your program after a loop.
**Continue statements** are like break statements, but they skip to the top of the while loop instead of exiting. Continue statements say, "Let's stop this loop here and continue at the top on the next iteration." If you don't need to finish a loop (because it doesn't need to do anything right now), you can use a continue statement.
### Transfer Goals
- End while loops with break statements
- Skip while loop iterations with continue statements
- Understand when break/continue are cleaner than nested if/else
### Instructive Activity: A Day in the Life (17 mins)
#### Explain (5 mins)
You have been writing `while True:` loops this whole time, without any way to end the loops; they are infinite. But what if you want to stop doing a loop and start doing something else, like if you have defeated all the enemies and want to go home? You can use a `break` statement to exit a loop if you don't see any enemies.
while True:
enemy = hero.findNearestEnemy()
if enemy:
hero.say("My job here is done!")
Or what if you have a lot of code to run if there *are* enemies, but you just want to do nothing as long as there are *no* enemies? You could put all your code in an `if enemy:` check, or you could use a `continue` statement at the top of your loop:
while True:
enemy = hero.findNearestEnemy()
if not enemy:
# ...
# ... lots of code here to deal with the enemy
# ...
`Break` and `continue` statements let you control what is happening with your `while` loops.
#### Interact (10 mins)
Write the following schedule on the board, asking students for some information and customizing:
1) What do they do when they aren't in school? (Ex.: play Minecraft and sleep)
2) When does school end? (Ex.: 3:00 pm)
3) How long does a class period last? (Ex.: 45 minutes * 60 seconds per minute)
4) What do students do in between classes? (Ex.: hang out)
# A Day in the Life of a Student
while True:
if today() == "Saturday" or today() == "Sunday":
elif now() < "3:00 pm":
class = student.findNextClass()
if class:
student.moveXY(class.pos.x, class.pos.y)
student.wait(45 * 60)
student.moveXY(student.home.pos.x, student.home.pos.y)
Now say that you are going to use `break` and `else` to transform the program so that we don't have to have any nested `if` statements or use any `else` conditions. This should make the code easier to follow.
# A Day in the Life of a Student
while True:
if today() == "Saturday" or today() == "Sunday":
if now() > "3:00 pm":
student.moveXY(student.home.pos.x, student.home.pos.y)
class = student.findNextClass()
if not class:
student.moveXY(class.pos.x, class.pos.y)
student.wait(45 * 60)
#### Reflect (2 mins)
**When does it make sense to use `break`?** (When you want to stop doing a while loop and do something else.)
**When does it make sense to use `continue`?** (When you don't want to have everything nested inside an `else`.)
### Coding Time (25-40 mins)
Allow the students to go through the game at their own pace, keeping notes about every level on paper or digital document. We recommend using following format, which you can also print out as templates: [Progress Journal [PDF]](http://files.codecombat.com/docs/resources/ProgressJournal.pdf)
Level #: _____ Level Name: ____________________________________
Goal: __________________________________________________________
What I did:
What I learned:
What was challenging:
Circulate to assist. Draw students' attention to the instructions and tips, and if they get stuck, have them drag the timeline scrubber to the point where their code stopped doing what they expected and have them reconstruct what their code is trying to do at that time. To help with debugging, this could be a good time to use the Engineering Cycle worksheet again if students haven't tried that recently.
### Written Reflection (5 mins)
Select appropriate prompt(s) for the students respond to, referring to their notes.
**What's some code that you have been writing in CodeCombat that could be simpler with `break` or `continue`?**
>A lot of times I check whether there is an enemy or an item. If there's not, I could use `continue` to wait until there is instead of using an `else`. Also, if I wanted to break down a strong door and then keep moving afterward, I could use `break`.
**Make up a story: your hero seems to have more and more soldiers and peasants on their side. Why? Who are the humans, who is your hero, and why are they on the same team?**
>My hero is the one who led the human expedition into these lands ten years ago, since our people were being persecuted in our original country and we wanted freedom to listen to the rhythmic drumming music we like 24/7. But our rhythmic drumming attracted the attention of the ogres, who love to mosh, and our people blame my hero and rely on her for protection and to basically do everything for them, like defending them from ogres and powering their entire coin-collecting economy.
@ -438,7 +1146,7 @@ Students must choose a team to join: Red or Blue. It is important to divide the
#### Refining the Code
Code for Power Peak can be submitted more than once. Encourage your students to submit code, observe how it fares against their classmates, and then make improvements and resubmit. In addition, students who have finished the code for one team can go on to create code for the other team.
Code for Cross Bones can be submitted more than once. Encourage your students to submit code, observe how it fares against their classmates, and then make improvements and resubmit. In addition, students who have finished the code for one team can go on to create code for the other team.
### Written Reflection (5 mins)
@ -1495,7 +1495,7 @@
cs1_curriculum_desc: "Scope and sequence, lesson plans, activities and more for Course 1."
cs2_curriculum: "Computer Science 2 - Curriculum Guide"
cs2_curriculum_desc: "Scope and sequence, lesson plans, activities and more for Course 2."
cs3_curriculum: "Computer Science 3 - Curriculum Guide - In Progress"
cs3_curriculum: "Computer Science 3 - Curriculum Guide"
cs3_curriculum_desc: "Scope and sequence, lesson plans, activities and more for Course 3."
cs1_pairprogramming: "Pair Programming Activity"
cs1_pairprogramming_desc: "Introduce students to a pair programming exercise that will help them become better listeners and communicators."
Reference in a new issue