Was confused about achievement collections and categories.

This commit is contained in:
Nick Winter 2015-02-13 17:10:30 -08:00
parent 6cdd6fbc44
commit 578ec6d7d0
2 changed files with 10 additions and 16 deletions

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@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ do (setupLodash = this) ->
GLOBAL._ = require 'lodash'
_.str = require 'underscore.string'
_.mixin _.str.exports()
GLOBAL.tv4 = require('tv4').tv4
@ -20,13 +21,6 @@ Achievement.loadAchievements (achievementCategories) ->
userAchievements = achievementCategories.users
console.log 'There are', userAchievements.length, 'user achievements.'
# 0. Stream all the non-anonymous users.
# 1. Adapt this logic below to fetch the earned achievement to see if it exists.
# 2. If it doesn't exist, make it and add to total.
# 3. Keep other totals, too, for interesting stats.
# 4. Print out how long it's going to take.
# 5. process.exit()
t0 = new Date().getTime()
total = 100000
#testUsers = ['livelily+test31@gmail.com', 'livelily+test37@gmail.com']

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@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ AchievementSchema.methods.getExpFunction = ->
return utils.functionCreators[func.kind](func.parameters) if func.kind of utils.functionCreators
AchievementSchema.statics.jsonschema = jsonschema
AchievementSchema.statics.achievementCategories = {}
AchievementSchema.statics.achievementCollections = {}
# Reloads all achievements into memory.
# TODO might want to tweak this to only load new achievements
@ -57,21 +57,21 @@ AchievementSchema.statics.loadAchievements = (done) ->
query = Achievement.find({collection: {$ne: 'level.sessions'}})
query.exec (err, docs) ->
_.each docs, (achievement) ->
category = achievement.get 'collection'
AchievementSchema.statics.achievementCategories[category] ?= []
if _.find AchievementSchema.statics.achievementCategories[category], ((a) -> a.get('_id').toHexString() is achievement.get('_id').toHexString())
log.warn "Uh oh, we tried to add another copy of the same achievement #{achievement.get('_id')} #{achievement.get('name')} to the #{category} achievement list..."
collection = achievement.get 'collection'
AchievementSchema.statics.achievementCollections[collection] ?= []
if _.find AchievementSchema.statics.achievementCollections[collection], ((a) -> a.get('_id').toHexString() is achievement.get('_id').toHexString())
log.warn "Uh oh, we tried to add another copy of the same achievement #{achievement.get('_id')} #{achievement.get('name')} to the #{collection} achievement list..."
AchievementSchema.statics.achievementCategories[category].push achievement
AchievementSchema.statics.achievementCollections[collection].push achievement
unless achievement.get('query')
log.error "Uh oh, there is an achievement with an empty query: #{achievement}"
AchievementSchema.statics.getLoadedAchievements = ->
AchievementSchema.statics.resetAchievements = ->
delete AchievementSchema.statics.achievementCategories[category] for category of AchievementSchema.statics.achievementCategories
delete AchievementSchema.statics.achievementCollections[collection] for collection of AchievementSchema.statics.achievementCollections
# Queries are stored as JSON strings, objectify them upon loading
AchievementSchema.post 'init', (doc) -> doc.objectifyQuery()