mirror of
synced 2025-03-25 12:20:32 -04:00
Fix fi.coffee merge
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 282 additions and 285 deletions
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "suomi", englishDescription: "Finnish", tran
no_mobile: "CodeCombat ei ole suunniteltu mobiililaitteille ja saattaa sisältää virheitä!" # Warning that shows up on mobile devices
play: "Pelaa" # The big play button that opens up the campaign view.
# play_campaign_version: "Play Campaign Version" # Shows up under big play button if you only play /courses
old_browser: "Voi ei, selaimesi on liian vanha CodeCombatialle. Pahoittelumme!" # Warning that shows up on really old Firefox/Chrome/Safari
old_browser: "Voi ei, selaimesi on liian vanha CodeCombat:ille. Pahoittelumme!" # Warning that shows up on really old Firefox/Chrome/Safari
old_browser_suffix: "Voit toki kokeilla, mutta kohtaat todennäköisesti ongelmia."
ipad_browser: "Huonot uutiset: CodeCombat ei toimi iPad:in selaimella. Hyvät uutiset: CodeCombat app iPad:ille on pian valmis."
campaign: "Kamppanja"
@ -14,16 +14,16 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "suomi", englishDescription: "Finnish", tran
for_developers: "Kehittäjille" # Not currently shown on home page.
or_ipad: "Tai lataa iPad:ille"
# new_home:
# slogan: "The most engaging game for learning programming."
# classroom_edition: "Classroom Edition:"
# learn_to_code: "Learn to code:"
# teacher: "Teacher"
# student: "Student"
# play_now: "Play Now"
# im_a_teacher: "I'm a Teacher"
# im_a_student: "I'm a Student"
# learn_more: "Learn more"
slogan: "Lumoavin peli ohjelmoinnin oppimiseen."
classroom_edition: "Kouluversio:"
learn_to_code: "Opi koodaamaan:"
teacher: "Opettaja"
student: "Oppilas"
play_now: "Pelaa Nyt"
im_a_teacher: "Olen Opettaja"
im_a_student: "Olen Oppilas"
learn_more: "Lue lisää"
# classroom_in_a_box: "A classroom in-a-box for teaching computer science."
# codecombat_is: "CodeCombat is a platform <strong>for students</strong> to learn computer science while playing through a real game."
# our_courses: "Our courses have been specifically playtested to <strong>excel in the classroom</strong>, even by teachers with little to no prior programming experience."
@ -63,35 +63,35 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "suomi", englishDescription: "Finnish", tran
# get_started_subtitle: "Set up a class, add your students, and monitor their progress as they learn computer science."
# request_demo: "Request a Demo"
# setup_a_class: "Set Up a Class"
# have_an_account: "Have an account?"
# logged_in_as: "You are currently logged in as"
have_an_account: "Onko sinulla jo käyttäjä?"
logged_in_as: "Olet kirjautunut sisään käyttäjänä"
# view_my_classes: "View my classes"
# computer_science: "Computer science courses for all ages"
# show_me_lesson_time: "Show me lesson time estimates for:"
# curriculum: "Total curriculum hours:"
# ffa: "Free for all students"
# lesson_time: "Lesson time:"
ffa: "Ilmainen kaikille oppilaille"
lesson_time: "Kesto:"
# coming_soon: "More coming soon!"
# courses_available_in: "Courses are available in JavaScript, Python, and Java (coming soon!)"
# boast: "Boasts riddles that are complex enough to fascinate gamers and coders alike."
# winning: "A winning combination of RPG gameplay and programming homework that pulls off making kid-friendly education legitimately enjoyable."
# run_class: "Everything you need to run a computer science class in your school today, no CS background required."
# teachers: "Teachers!"
teachers: "Opettajat!"
# teachers_and_educators: "Teachers & Educators"
# class_in_box: "Learn how our classroom-in-a-box platform fits into your curriculum."
# get_started: "Get Started"
# students: "Students:"
students: "Oppilaat:"
# join_class: "Join Class"
# role: "Your role:"
# student_count: "Number of students:"
# start_playing_for_free: "Start Playing for Free!"
# students_and_players: "Students & Players"
role: "Roolisi:"
student_count: "Oppilaiden määrä:"
start_playing_for_free: "Aloita pelaamaan ilmaiseksi!"
students_and_players: "Oppilaat ja Pelaajat"
# goto_classes: "Go to My Classes"
# view_profile: "View My Profile"
# view_progress: "View Progress"
# want_coco: "Want CodeCombat at your school?"
want_coco: "Haluatko CodeCombat:in kouluusi?"
# form_select_role: "Select primary role"
# form_select_range: "Select class size"
form_select_range: "Valitse luokan koko"
play: "Tasot" # The top nav bar entry where players choose which levels to play
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "suomi", englishDescription: "Finnish", tran
blog: "Blogi"
forum: "Foorumi"
account: "Tili"
# my_account: "My Account"
my_account: "Oma Tili"
profile: "Profiili"
stats: "Tilastot"
code: "Koodi"
@ -111,27 +111,27 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "suomi", englishDescription: "Finnish", tran
about: "Tietoja"
contact: "Ota yhteyttä"
twitter_follow: "Seuraa"
# students: "Students"
students: "Oppilaat"
teachers: "Opettajat"
careers: "Ura"
# facebook: "Facebook"
# twitter: "Twitter"
# create_a_class: "Create a Class"
# other: "Other"
# learn_to_code: "Learn to Code!"
create_a_class: "Luo luokka"
other: "Muu"
learn_to_code: "Opi koodaamaan!"
# toggle_nav: "Toggle navigation"
# jobs: "Jobs"
# schools: "Schools"
# educator_wiki: "Educator Wiki"
jobs: "Työpaikat"
schools: "Koulut"
educator_wiki: "Opettajan Wiki"
# get_involved: "Get Involved"
# open_source: "Open source (GitHub)"
# support: "Support"
# faqs: "FAQs"
# help_pref: "Need help? Email"
# help_suff: "and we'll get in touch!"
open_source: "Avoin lähdekoodi (GitHub)"
support: "Tuki"
faqs: "UKK"
help_pref: "Tarviksetko apua? lähetä viesti"
help_suff: "ja me autamme!"
# cancel: "Cancel"
cancel: "Peruuta"
close: "Sulje"
okay: "Ok"
@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "suomi", englishDescription: "Finnish", tran
owned: "Omistettu" # For items you own
locked: "Lukittu"
purchasable: "Ostettavissa" # For a hero you unlocked but haven't purchased
available: "Saatavissa"
available: "Saatavilla"
skills_granted: "Taidot" # Property documentation details
heroes: "Sankarit" # Tooltip on hero shop button from /play
achievements: "Saavutukset" # Tooltip on achievement list button from /play
@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "suomi", englishDescription: "Finnish", tran
sign_up: "Luo Tili"
# email_or_username: "Email or username"
email_or_username: "Käyttäjätunnus tai sähköposti"
log_in: "Kirjaudu"
logging_in: "Kirjaudutaan"
log_out: "Kirjaudu Ulos"
@ -255,70 +255,69 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "suomi", englishDescription: "Finnish", tran
signup_switch: "Haluatko luoda tilin?"
# create_student_header: "Create Student Account"
# create_teacher_header: "Create Teacher Account"
# create_individual_header: "Create Individual Account"
# create_header: "Create Account"
create_student_header: "Luo Oppilaan Tili"
create_teacher_header: "Luo Opettajan Tili"
create_individual_header: "Luo Yksittäinen Tili"
create_header: "Luo Tili"
email_announcements: "Haluatko ilmoituksia sähköpostiisi" # {change}
creating: "Luodaan tili..."
# create_account: "Create Account"
sign_up: "Ilmoittaudu"
create_account: "Luo tili"
sign_up: "Luo tili"
log_in: "kirjaudu sisään salasanalla"
required: "Kirjaudu ensin jotta pääset jatkamaan."
login_switch: "Onko sinulla jo tili?"
# school_name: "School Name and City"
# optional: "optional"
school_name: "Koulun Nimi ja Kaupunki"
optional: "vapaaehtoinen"
# school_name_placeholder: "Example High School, Springfield, IL"
# connect_with: "Connect with:"
# connected_gplus_header: "You've successfully connected with Google+!"
# connected_gplus_p: "Finish signing up so you can log in with your Google+ account."
connect_with: "Yhdistä:"
connected_gplus_header: "Google+ on yhdistetty onnistuneesti!"
connected_gplus_p: "Luo tili loppuun kirjautaksesi sisään Google+ käyttäjälläsi."
# gplus_exists: "You already have an account associated with Google+!"
# connected_facebook_header: "You've successfully connected with Facebook!"
# connected_facebook_p: "Finish signing up so you can log in with your Facebook account."
connected_facebook_header: "Facebook on yhdistetty onnistuneesti!"
connected_facebook_p: "Luo tili loppuun kirjautuaksesi Facebook käyttäjälläsi."
# facebook_exists: "You already have an account associated with Facebook!"
# hey_students: "Students, enter the class code from your teacher."
# birthday: "Birthday"
# parent_email_blurb: "We know you can't wait to learn programming — we're excited too! Your parents will receive an email with further instructions on how to create an account for you. Email {{email_link}} if you have any questions."
# classroom_not_found: "No classes exist with this Class Code. Check your spelling or ask your teacher for help."
# checking: "Checking..."
# account_exists: "This email is already in use:"
# sign_in: "Sign in"
# email_good: "Email looks good!"
# name_taken: "Username already taken! Try {{suggestedName}}?"
# name_available: "Username available!"
# name_is_email: "Username may not be an email"
# choose_type: "Choose your account type:"
# teacher_type_1: "Teach programming using CodeCombat!"
# teacher_type_2: "Set up your class"
# teacher_type_3: "Access Course Guides"
# teacher_type_4: "View student progress"
# signup_as_teacher: "Sign up as a Teacher"
# student_type_1: "Learn to program while playing an engaging game!"
# student_type_2: "Play with your class"
# student_type_3: "Compete in arenas"
# student_type_4: "Choose your hero!"
# student_type_5: "Have your Class Code ready!"
# signup_as_student: "Sign up as a Student"
# individuals_or_parents: "Individuals & Parents"
# individual_type: "For players learning to code outside of a class. Parents should sign up for an account here."
# signup_as_individual: "Sign up as an Individual"
# enter_class_code: "Enter your Class Code"
# enter_birthdate: "Enter your birthdate:"
# parent_use_birthdate: "Parents, use your own birthdate."
# ask_teacher_1: "Ask your teacher for your Class Code."
# ask_teacher_2: "Not part of a class? Create an "
# ask_teacher_3: "Individual Account"
# ask_teacher_4: " instead."
# about_to_join: "You're about to join:"
# enter_parent_email: "Enter your parent’s email address:"
# parent_email_error: "Something went wrong when trying to send the email. Check the email address and try again."
# parent_email_sent: "We’ve sent an email with further instructions on how to create an account. Ask your parent to check their inbox."
# account_created: "Account Created!"
# confirm_student_blurb: "Write down your information so that you don't forget it. Your teacher can also help you reset your password at any time."
# confirm_individual_blurb: "Write down your login information in case you need it later. Verify your email so you can recover your account if you ever forget your password - check your inbox!"
# write_this_down: "Write this down:"
# start_playing: "Start Playing!"
# sso_connected: "Successfully connected with:"
hey_students: "Oppilaat, syöttäkää luokkakoodinne jonka saatte opettajalta."
birthday: "Syntymäpäivä"
parent_email_blurb: "Tiedämme että haluat heti opppia ohjelmoimaan — me olemme innoissame myös! Vanhempasi saavat ohjeet tilin luomiseen sähköpostiinsa. Lähetä viesti osoitteeseen {{email_link}} jos sinulla on jotain kysyttävää."
classroom_not_found: "Luokkia ei löytynyt tuolla koodilla. Tarkista oikeinkirjoitus tai kysy apua opettajaltasi."
checking: "Tarikistetaan..."
account_exists: "Sähköposti on jo käytössä:" # {change}
sign_in: "Kirjaudu sisään"
email_good: "Sähköposti toimii!"
name_taken: "Nimi on jo käytössä! Miten olisi {{suggestedName}}?"
name_available: "Käyttäjänimi saatavilla!"
name_is_email: "Käyttäjätunnus ei voi olla sähköpostiosoite"
choose_type: "Valitse tilin tyyppi:"
teacher_type_1: "Opeta ohjelmoimista CodeCombat:in avulla!"
teacher_type_2: "Aseta luokkasi valmiiksi"
teacher_type_3: "Pääsy kurssiohjeisiin"
teacher_type_4: "Näe oppilaan edistyminen"
signup_as_teacher: "Luo Opettajan Tili"
student_type_1: "Opi ohjelmoimaan pelatessasi lumoavaa peliä!"
student_type_2: "Pelaa luokkasi kanssa"
student_type_3: "Taistele areenoilla"
student_type_4: "Valitse sankarisi!"
student_type_5: "Ota Luokkakoodi valmiiksi!"
signup_as_student: "Luo Oppilaan Tili"
individuals_or_parents: "Muut"
individual_type: "Pelaajille jotka eivät ole luokasssa oppimassa koodaamaan. Vanhempien tulisi luoda tili täällä."
signup_as_individual: "Luo Yksittäinen Tili"
enter_class_code: "Syötä Luokkakoodisi"
enter_birthdate: "Syötä syntymäaikasi:"
ask_teacher_1: "Kysy opettajaltasi luokkakoodia."
ask_teacher_2: "Etkö ole osa luokka? Luo "
ask_teacher_3: "Yksittäinen Tili"
ask_teacher_4: " sen sijaan."
about_to_join: "Olet liitymässä:"
enter_parent_email: "Syötä vanhempasi sähköposti:"
parent_email_error: "Jotain meni pieleen sähköpostin lähetyksessä. Tarkista osoite ja koita uudestaan."
parent_email_sent: "Lähetimme sähköpostin jossa on ohjeet tilin luomiseen. Pyydä vanhempaasi tarkistamaan sähköpostinsa."
account_created: "Tili luotu!"
confirm_student_blurb: "Kirjoita ylös tietosi jotta et unohda niitä. Opettajasi voi nollata salasanasi jos unohdat sen."
confirm_individual_blurb: "Kirjoita tietosi ylös saatat tarvita niitä myöhemmin. Vahvista sähköpostiosoiteesi, että voit käyttää sitä salasanasi nollaamiseen tarvittaessa!"
write_this_down: "Kirjoita tämä ylös:"
start_playing: "Aloita pelaaminen!"
sso_connected: "Onnistuneesti yhdistetty:"
# select_your_starting_hero: "Select Your Starting Hero:"
# you_can_always_change_your_hero_later: "You can always change your hero later."
@ -347,8 +346,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "suomi", englishDescription: "Finnish", tran
saving: "Tallennetaan..."
sending: "Lähetetään..."
send: "Lähetä"
# sent: "Sent"
# type: "Type"
sent: "Lähetetty"
type: "Kirjoita"
cancel: "Peruuta"
save: "Tallenna"
publish: "Julkaise"
@ -364,7 +363,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "suomi", englishDescription: "Finnish", tran
submit_patch: "Lähetä paikkaus"
submit_changes: "Lähetä muutos"
save_changes: "Tallenna muutokset"
# required_field: "required"
required_field: "Vaadittu kenttä"
and: "ja"
@ -397,7 +396,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "suomi", englishDescription: "Finnish", tran
subject: "Aihe"
email: "Sähköposti"
password: "Salasana"
# confirm_password: "Confirm Password"
confirm_password: "Vahvista salasana"
message: "Viesti"
code: "Koodi"
ladder: "Liiga"
@ -416,29 +415,29 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "suomi", englishDescription: "Finnish", tran
warrior: "Sotilas"
ranger: "Vartija"
wizard: "Velho"
# first_name: "First Name"
# last_name: "Last Name"
first_name: "Etunimi"
last_name: "Sukunimi"
# last_initial: "Last Initial"
# username: "Username"
username: "Käyttäjätunnus"
second: "sekuntti"
seconds: "sekunnit"
second: "sekunti"
seconds: "sekuntia"
minute: "minuutti"
minutes: "minuutit"
minutes: "minuuttia"
hour: "tunti"
hours: "tunnit"
hours: "tuntia"
day: "päivä"
days: "päivät"
days: "päivää"
week: "viikko"
weeks: "viikot"
weeks: "viikkoa"
month: "kuukausi"
months: "kuukaudet"
months: "kuukautta"
year: "vuosi"
years: "vuodet"
years: "vuotta"
# level_complete: "Level Complete"
level_complete: "Taso suoritettu"
completed_level: "Suoritit tason:"
course: "Kurssi:"
done: "Valmis"
@ -446,7 +445,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "suomi", englishDescription: "Finnish", tran
next_game: "Seuraava peli"
# language: "Language"
# languages: "Languages"
# programming_language: "Programming language"
programming_language: "Ohjelmointikieli"
show_menu: "Näytä pelivalikko"
# home: "Home" # Not used any more, will be removed soon.
level: "Taso" # Like "Level: Dungeons of Kithgard"
@ -468,7 +467,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "suomi", englishDescription: "Finnish", tran
victory: "Voitto"
victory_title_prefix: ""
victory_title_suffix: " Valmis"
victory_sign_up: "Kirjaudu"
victory_sign_up: "Luo tili"
victory_sign_up_poke: "Haluatko tallettaa koodisi? Luo ilmainen tili!"
victory_rate_the_level: "Kuinka hauska tämä taso oli?"
victory_return_to_ladder: "Palaa liigaan"
@ -494,8 +493,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "suomi", englishDescription: "Finnish", tran
tome_available_spells: "Saatavissa olevat taiat"
tome_your_skills: "Taitosi"
tome_current_method: "Vaaditut toimet"
# hints: "Hints"
# hints_title: "Hint {{number}}"
hints: "Vihjeet"
hints_title: "Vihje {{number}}"
code_saved: "Koodi on tallennettu"
skip_tutorial: "Ohita (esc)"
keyboard_shortcuts: "Pikanäppäimet"
@ -566,9 +565,9 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "suomi", englishDescription: "Finnish", tran
# tip_compiler_ignores_comments: "Sometimes I think that the compiler ignores my comments."
# tip_understand_recursion: "The only way to understand recursion is to understand recursion."
# tip_life_and_polymorphism: "Open Source is like a totally polymorphic heterogeneous structure: All types are welcome."
# tip_mistakes_proof_of_trying: "Mistakes in your code are just proof that you are trying."
tip_mistakes_proof_of_trying: "Virheet koodissa ovat vain todiste siitä että yrität."
# tip_adding_orgres: "Rounding up ogres."
# tip_sharpening_swords: "Sharpening the swords."
tip_sharpening_swords: "Teroitetaan miekkoja."
# tip_ratatouille: "You must not let anyone define your limits because of where you come from. Your only limit is your soul. - Gusteau, Ratatouille"
# tip_nemo: "When life gets you down, want to know what you've gotta do? Just keep swimming, just keep swimming. - Dory, Finding Nemo"
# tip_internet_weather: "Just move to the internet, it's great here. We get to live inside where the weather is always awesome. - John Green"
@ -599,7 +598,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "suomi", englishDescription: "Finnish", tran
guide_video_tutorial: "Video-oppaat"
guide_tips: "Vinkkejä"
multiplayer_tab: "Moninpelaaja"
auth_tab: "Kirjaudu"
auth_tab: "Kirjaudu sisään"
inventory_caption: "Varusta sankari"
choose_hero_caption: "Valitse sankari ja kieli"
save_load_caption: "... ja katso historiaa"
@ -655,7 +654,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "suomi", englishDescription: "Finnish", tran
feature5: "Video-oppaat"
feature6: "Premium sähköpostituki"
feature7: "<strong>Yksityisklaanit</strong>"
# feature8: "<strong>No ads!</strong>"
feature8: "<strong>Ei mainoksia!</strong>"
free: "Ilmainen"
month: "kuukausi"
must_be_logged: "Kirjaudu ensin sisään. Ole hyvä, luo tunnus tai kirjaudu sisään yläpuolella olevasta valikosta."
@ -716,7 +715,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "suomi", englishDescription: "Finnish", tran
javascript_blurb: "Netin kieli. (Ei ole sama kuin Java.)"
coffeescript_blurb: "Kivempi JavaScript kirjoitusmuoto."
lua_blurb: "Pelien skriptauskieli."
# java_blurb: "(Subscriber Only) Android and enterprise."
java_blurb: "(Vain Tilaajille) Android ja enterprise."
status: "Tila"
hero_type: "Tyyppi"
weapons: "Aseet"
@ -987,8 +986,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "suomi", englishDescription: "Finnish", tran
manage_subscription: "Klikkaa tässä hallitaksesi tilaustasi."
new_password: "Uusi Salasana"
new_password_verify: "Varmista"
type_in_email: "Anna sähköpostiosoitteesi varmistukseksi"
# type_in_email_progress: "Type in your email to confirm deleting your progress."
type_in_email: "Anna sähköpostiosoitteesi vahvistaaksesi tilin poistamisen."
type_in_email_progress: "Kirjoita sähköpostisi vahvistaaksesi edistymisen tyhjennyksen."
type_in_password: "Kirjoita myös salasanasi."
email_subscriptions: "Sähköpostitiedotteet"
email_subscriptions_none: "Ei sähköpostitiedotteita"
@ -1060,7 +1059,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "suomi", englishDescription: "Finnish", tran
subs_only: "Vain tilanneille"
create_clan: "Luo uusi klaani"
private_preview: "Esikatselu"
# private_clans: "Private Clans"
private_clans: "Yksityiset klaanit"
public_clans: "Julkiset klaanit"
my_clans: "Omat klaanit"
clan_name: "Klaanin nimi"
@ -1111,91 +1110,91 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "suomi", englishDescription: "Finnish", tran
# track_concepts8: "to join"
# private_require_sub: "Private clans require a subscription to create or join."
# courses:
# course: "Course"
# courses: "courses"
# create_new_class: "Create New Class"
# not_enrolled: "You are not enrolled in this course."
# visit_pref: "Please visit the"
# visit_suf: "page to enroll."
# select_class: "Select one of your classes"
course: "Kurssi"
courses: "kurssit"
create_new_class: "Luo uusi luokka"
not_enrolled: "Et ole ilmoittautunut tälle kurssille."
visit_pref: "Vieraile"
visit_suf: "sivulla ilmoittautuaksesi."
select_class: "Valitse yksi luokistasi"
# unnamed: "*unnamed*"
# select: "Select"
# unnamed_class: "Unnamed Class"
# edit_settings: "edit class settings"
# edit_settings1: "Edit Class Settings"
# progress: "Class Progress"
# add_students: "Add Students"
# stats: "Statistics"
# total_students: "Total students:"
# average_time: "Average level play time:"
# total_time: "Total play time:"
select: "Valitse"
unnamed_class: "Nimetön luokka"
edit_settings: "muokkaa luokan asetuksia"
edit_settings1: "Muokkkaa Luokan Asetuksia"
progress: "Luokan Edistyminen"
add_students: "Lisää Oppilaita"
stats: "Tilastot"
total_students: "Oppilaita yhteensä:"
average_time: "Keskimääräinen peliaika:"
total_time: "Peliaika Yhteensä:"
# average_levels: "Average levels completed:"
# total_levels: "Total levels completed:"
total_levels: "Tasoja suoritettu yhteensä:"
# furthest_level: "Furthest level completed:"
# students: "Students"
# students1: "students"
students: "Oppilaat"
students1: "oppilaat"
# concepts: "Concepts"
# levels: "levels"
# played: "Played"
# play_time: "Play time:"
# completed: "Completed:"
# invite_students: "Invite students to join this class."
# invite_link_header: "Link to join course"
# invite_link_p_1: "Give this link to students you would like to have join the course."
# invite_link_p_2: "Or have us email them directly:"
# capacity_used: "Course slots used:"
# enter_emails: "Enter student emails to invite, one per line"
# send_invites: "Send Invites"
# creating_class: "Creating class..."
# purchasing_course: "Purchasing course..."
# buy_course: "Buy Course"
# buy_course1: "Buy this course"
levels: "tasot"
played: "Pelatut"
play_time: "Peliaika:"
completed: "Suoritettu:"
invite_students: "Kutsu oppilaita liittymään luokkaan."
invite_link_header: "Linkki kurssille liittymiseen"
invite_link_p_1: "Anna tämä linkki oppilaille jotka haluat liittää/kutsua kurssille."
invite_link_p_2: "Tai voimme lähettää heille sen sähköpostissa:"
capacity_used: "Kurssipaikkoja käytetty:"
enter_emails: "Kirjoita oppilaiden sähköpostit kutsuaksesi, yksi per rivi"
send_invites: "Lähetä kutsut"
creating_class: "Luodaan luokkaa..."
purchasing_course: "Hankitaan kurssia..."
buy_course: "Osta kurssi"
buy_course1: "Osta tämä kurssi"
# select_all_courses: "Select 'All Courses' for a 50% discount!"
# all_courses: "All Courses"
all_courses: "Kaikki Kurssit"
# number_programming_students: "Number of Programming Students"
# number_total_students: "Total Students in School/District"
# enter_number_students: "Enter the number of students you need for this class."
# name_class: "Name your class"
name_class: "Nimeä luokkasi"
# displayed_course_page: "This will be displayed on the course page for you and your students. It can be changed later."
# buy: "Buy"
buy: "Osta"
# purchasing_for: "You are purchasing a license for"
# creating_for: "You are creating a class for"
# for: "for" # Like in 'for 30 students'
# receive_code: "Afterwards you will receive an unlock code to distribute to your students, which they can use to enroll in your class."
# free_trial: "Free trial for teachers!"
# get_access: "to get individual access to all courses for evalutaion purposes."
# questions: "Questions?"
# teachers_click: "Teachers Click Here"
# students_click: "Students Click Here"
# courses_on_coco: "Courses on CodeCombat"
questions: "Kysymyksiä?"
teachers_click: "Opettajat Painakaa Tästä"
students_click: "Oppilaat Painakaa Tästä"
courses_on_coco: "Kurssit CodeCombat:issa"
# designed_to: "Courses are designed to introduce computer science concepts using CodeCombat's fun and engaging environment. CodeCombat levels are organized around key topics to encourage progressive learning, over the course of 5 hours."
# more_in_less: "Learn more in less time"
# no_experience: "No coding experience necesssary"
# easy_monitor: "Easily monitor student progress"
# purchase_for_class: "Purchase a course for your entire class. It's easy to sign up your students!"
# see_the: "See the"
# more_info: "for more information."
# choose_course: "Choose Your Course:"
see_the: "Katso"
more_info: "saadaksesi lisätietoja."
choose_course: "Valitse kurssisi:"
# enter_code: "Enter an unlock code to join an existing class"
# enter_code1: "Enter unlock code"
# enroll: "Enroll"
# pick_from_classes: "Pick from your current classes"
# enter: "Enter"
# or: "Or"
or: "Tai"
# topics: "Topics"
# hours_content: "Hours of content:"
# get_free: "Get FREE course"
# enroll_paid: "Enroll Students in Paid Courses"
# you_have1: "You have"
# you_have2: "unused student licenses"
you_have1: "Sinulla on"
you_have2: "käyttämätöntä oppilas lisenssiä"
# use_one: "Use 1 student license for"
# use_multiple: "Use licenses for the following students:"
# already_enrolled: "already enrolled"
# licenses_remaining: "licenses remaining:"
# insufficient_enrollments: "insufficient student licenses"
# get_enrollments: "Get More Licenses"
# change_language: "Change Course Language"
# change_language: "Total curriculum"
# keep_using: "Keep Using"
# switch_to: "Switch To"
# greetings: "Greetings!"
@ -1204,65 +1203,65 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "suomi", englishDescription: "Finnish", tran
# edit_details: "Edit class details"
# enrolled_courses: "enrolled in paid courses:"
# purchase_enrollments: "Purchase Student Licenses"
# remove_student: "remove student"
remove_student: "poista oppilas"
# assign: "Assign"
# to_assign: "to assign paid courses."
# student: "Student"
# teacher: "Teacher"
# complete: "Complete"
student: "Oppilas"
teacher: "Opettaja"
complete: "Suoritettu"
# none: "None"
# save: "Save"
save: "Tallenna"
# play_campaign_title: "Play the Campaign"
# play_campaign_description: "You’re ready to take the next step! Explore hundreds of challenging levels, learn advanced programming skills, and compete in multiplayer arenas!"
# create_account_title: "Create an Account"
create_account_title: "Luo Tili"
# create_account_description: "Sign up for a FREE CodeCombat account and gain access to more levels, more programming skills, and more fun!"
# preview_campaign_title: "Preview Campaign"
# preview_campaign_description: "Take a sneak peek at all that CodeCombat has to offer before signing up for your FREE account."
# arena: "Arena"
# arena_soon_title: "Arena Coming Soon"
arena: "Areena"
arena_soon_title: "Areena tulossa pian"
# arena_soon_description: "We are working on a multiplayer arena for classrooms at the end of"
# not_enrolled1: "Not enrolled"
# not_enrolled2: "Ask your teacher to enroll you in the next course."
# next_course: "Next Course"
# coming_soon1: "Coming soon"
next_course: "Seuraava kurssi"
coming_soon1: "Tulossa pian"
# coming_soon2: "We are hard at work making more courses for you!"
# available_levels: "Available Levels"
available_levels: "Saatavilla olevat tasot"
# welcome_to_courses: "Adventurers, welcome to Courses!"
# ready_to_play: "Ready to play?"
# start_new_game: "Start New Game"
ready_to_play: "Valmiina pelaamaan?"
start_new_game: "Aloita uusi peli"
# play_now_learn_header: "Play now to learn"
# play_now_learn_1: "basic syntax to control your character"
# play_now_learn_2: "while loops to solve pesky puzzles"
# play_now_learn_3: "strings & variables to customize actions"
# play_now_learn_4: "how to defeat an ogre (important life skills!)"
# welcome_to_page: "Welcome to your Courses page!"
welcome_to_page: "Tervetuloa Kurssit sivulle!"
# completed_hoc: "Amazing! You've completed the Hour of Code course!"
# ready_for_more_header: "Ready for more? Play the campaign mode!"
# ready_for_more_1: "Use gems to unlock new items!"
# ready_for_more_2: "Play through brand new worlds and challenges"
# ready_for_more_3: "Learn even more programming!"
# saved_games: "Saved Games"
saved_games: "Tallennetut pelit"
# hoc: "Hour of Code"
# my_classes: "My Classes"
# class_added: "Class successfully added!"
my_classes: "Minun luokkani"
class_added: "Luokka lisätty onnistuneesti!"
# view_class: "view class"
# view_levels: "view levels"
# join_class: "Join A Class"
# join_class_2: "Join class"
# ask_teacher_for_code: "Ask your teacher if you have a CodeCombat class code! If so, enter it below:"
# enter_c_code: "<Enter Class Code>"
# join: "Join"
# joining: "Joining class"
# course_complete: "Course Complete"
# play_arena: "Play Arena"
join: "Liity"
joining: "Liitytään luokkaan"
course_complete: "Kurssi Suoritettu"
play_arena: "Pelaa Areena"
# view_project: "View Project"
# start: "Start"
start: "Aloita"
# last_level: "Last Level"
# welcome_to_hoc: "Adventurers, welcome to our Hour of Code!"
# logged_in_as: "Logged in as:"
# not_you: "Not you?"
logged_in_as: "Kirjautunut siään käyttäjänä:"
not_you: "Joku muu?"
# welcome_back: "Hi adventurer, welcome back!"
# continue_playing: "Continue Playing"
continue_playing: "Jatka Pelaamista"
# more_options: "More options:"
# option1_header: "Option 1: Invite students via email"
# option1_body: "Students will automatically be sent an invitation to join this class, and will need to create an account with a username and password."
@ -1278,30 +1277,30 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "suomi", englishDescription: "Finnish", tran
# total_all_classes: "Total Across All Classes"
# how_many_enrollments: "How many additional student licenses do you need?"
# each_student_access: "Each student in a class will get access to Courses 2-4 once they are enrolled in paid courses. You may assign each course to each student individually."
# purchase_now: "Purchase Now"
purchase_now: "Hanki Nyt"
# enrollments: "licenses"
# remove_student1: "Remove Student"
# are_you_sure: "Are you sure you want to remove this student from this class?"
remove_student1: "Poista oppilas"
are_you_sure: "Haluatko varmasti poistaa tämän oppilaan tästä luokasta?"
# remove_description1: "Student will lose access to this classroom and assigned classes. Progress and gameplay is NOT lost, and the student can be added back to the classroom at any time."
# remove_description2: "The activated paid license will not be returned."
# keep_student: "Keep Student"
# removing_user: "Removing user"
keep_student: "Pidä Oppilas"
removing_user: "Poistetaan käyttäjää"
# to_join_ask: "To join a class, ask your teacher for an unlock code."
# join_this_class: "Join Class"
# enter_here: "<enter unlock code here>"
# successfully_joined: "Successfully joined"
# click_to_start: "Click here to start taking"
# my_courses: "My Courses"
my_courses: "Minun kurssit"
# classroom: "Classroom"
# use_school_email: "use your school email if you have one"
# unique_name: "a unique name no one has chosen"
# pick_something: "pick something you can remember"
# class_code: "Class Code"
class_code: "Luokkakoodi"
# optional_ask: "optional - ask your teacher to give you one!"
# optional_school: "optional - what school do you go to?"
# start_playing: "Start Playing"
# skip_this: "Skip this, I'll create an account later!"
# welcome: "Welcome"
start_playing: "Aloita Pelaaminen"
skip_this: "Ohita, Luon Tilin myöhemmin!"
welcome: "Tervetuloa"
# getting_started: "Getting Started with Courses"
# download_getting_started: "Download Getting Started Guide [PDF]"
# getting_started_1: "Create a new class by clicking the green 'Create New Class' button below."
@ -1310,81 +1309,81 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "suomi", englishDescription: "Finnish", tran
# educator_wiki_pref: "Or check out our new"
# educator_wiki_mid: "educator wiki"
# educator_wiki_suff: "to browse the guide online."
# your_classes: "Your Classes"
your_classes: "Sinun luokkasi"
# no_classes: "No classes yet!"
# create_new_class1: "create new class"
create_new_class1: "luo uusi luokka"
# available_courses: "Available Courses"
# unused_enrollments: "Unused licenses available:"
# students_access: "All students get access to Introduction to Computer Science for free. One license per student is required to assign them to paid CodeCombat courses. A single student does not need multiple licenses to access all paid courses."
# active_courses: "active courses"
# no_students: "No students yet!"
# add_students1: "add students"
add_students1: "lisää oppilaita"
# view_edit: "view/edit"
# students_enrolled: "students enrolled"
# students_assigned: "students assigned"
# length: "Length:"
# title: "Courses" # Flat style redesign
# subtitle: "Review course overviews and levels"
title: "Kurssit" # Flat style redesign
# subtitle: "Review course guidelines and levels"
# changelog: "View latest changes to course levels."
# select_language: "Select language"
# select_level: "Select level"
# play_level: "Play Level"
select_language: "Valitse kieli"
select_level: "Valitse taso"
play_level: "Pelaa taso"
# concepts_covered: "Concepts covered"
# print_guide: "Print Guide (PDF)"
# view_guide_online: "Level Overviews and Solutions"
last_updated: "Viimeksi päivitetty:"
# grants_lifetime_access: "Grants access to all Courses."
# enrollment_credits_available: "Licenses Available:"
# description: "Description" # ClassroomSettingsModal
# language_select: "Select a language"
language_select: "Valitse kieli"
# language_cannot_change: "Language cannot be changed once students join a class."
# learn_p: "Learn Python"
# learn_j: "Learn JavaScript"
# avg_student_exp_label: "Average Student Programming Experience"
learn_p: "Opi Python:ia"
learn_j: "Opi JavaScript:ia"
avg_student_exp_label: "Keskimääräinen oppilaiden ohjelmointikokemus"
# avg_student_exp_desc: "This will help us understand how to pace courses better."
# avg_student_exp_select: "Select the best option"
avg_student_exp_select: "Valitse parhaiten kuvaava vaihtoehto"
# avg_student_exp_none: "No Experience - little to no experience"
# avg_student_exp_beginner: "Beginner - some exposure or block-based"
# avg_student_exp_intermediate: "Intermediate - some experience with typed code"
# avg_student_exp_advanced: "Advanced - extensive experience with typed code"
# avg_student_exp_varied: "Varied Levels of Experience"
# student_age_range_label: "Student Age Range"
# student_age_range_younger: "Younger than 6"
# student_age_range_older: "Older than 18"
# student_age_range_to: "to"
# create_class: "Create Class"
# class_name: "Class Name"
# teacher_account_restricted: "Your account is a teacher account and cannot access student content."
# account_restricted: "A student account is required to access this page."
# update_account_login_title: "Log in to update your account"
# update_account_title: "Your account needs attention!"
# update_account_blurb: "Before you can access your classes, choose how you want to use this account."
# update_account_current_type: "Current Account Type:"
# update_account_account_email: "Account Email/Username:"
# update_account_am_teacher: "I am a teacher"
student_age_range_label: "Oppilaiden ikähaarukka"
student_age_range_younger: "Nuorempi kuin 6"
student_age_range_older: "Vanhempi kuin 18"
student_age_range_to: "-"
create_class: "Luo Luokka"
class_name: "Luokan Nimi"
teacher_account_restricted: "Opettajan tililläsi ei voi käyttää oppilassisältöä."
account_restricted: "Oppilaan tili tarvitaan tämän sivun käyttämiseen."
update_account_login_title: "Kirjaudu sisään päivittääksesi Tilisi"
update_account_title: "Tilisi tarvitsee toimenpiteitä!"
update_account_blurb: "Ennen kun pääset käsiksi luokkiisi, valitse miten haluat käyttää tätä tiliä."
update_account_current_type: "Nykyisen Tilin Tyyppi:"
update_account_account_email: "Tilin Sähköposti/Käyttäjänimi:" # {change}
update_account_am_teacher: "Olen Opettaja"
# update_account_keep_access: "Keep access to classes I've created"
# update_account_teachers_can: "Teacher accounts can:"
# update_account_teachers_can1: "Create/manage/add classes"
# update_account_teachers_can2: "Assign/enroll students in courses"
# update_account_teachers_can3: "Unlock all course levels to try out"
# update_account_teachers_can4: "Access new teacher-only features as we release them"
# update_account_teachers_warning: "Warning: You will be removed from all classes that you have previously joined and will not be able to play as a student."
# update_account_remain_teacher: "Remain a Teacher"
# update_account_update_teacher: "Update to Teacher"
# update_account_am_student: "I am a student"
update_account_teachers_can: "Opettajan Tili Pystyy:"
update_account_teachers_can1: "Luoda/Hallita/lisätä luokkia"
update_account_teachers_can2: "Nimittää/ilmoittaa oppilaita kurseille"
update_account_teachers_can3: "Avaamaan kaikki kurssin tasot kokeiluun"
update_account_teachers_can4: "Käyttää uusia vain opettajille toimintoja kun julkaisemme ne"
update_account_teachers_warning: "Varoitus: Sinut poistetaan kaikista luokista johom olet liittynyt ja et voi pelata enää oppilaana."
update_account_remain_teacher: "Pysy Opettajana"
update_account_update_teacher: "Päivitä Tili Opettajaksi"
update_account_am_student: "Olen Oppilas"
# update_account_remove_access: "Remove access to classes I have created"
# update_account_students_can: "Student accounts can:"
# update_account_students_can1: "Join classes"
# update_account_students_can2: "Play through courses as a student and track your own progress"
# update_account_students_can3: "Compete against classmates in arenas"
# update_account_students_can4: "Access new student-only features as we release them"
# update_account_students_warning: "Warning: You will not be able to manage any classes that you have previously created or create new classes."
# update_account_remain_student: "Remain a Student"
# update_account_update_student: "Update to Student"
# need_a_class_code: "You'll need a Class Code for the class you're joining:"
# update_account_not_sure: "Not sure which one to choose? Email"
# update_account_confirm_update_student: "Are you sure you want to update your account to a Student experience?"
# update_account_confirm_update_student2: "You will not be able to manage any classes that you have previously created or create new classes. Your previously created classes will be removed from CodeCombat and cannot be restored."
# instructor: "Instructor: "
update_account_students_can: "Oppilaan Tili Pystyy:"
update_account_students_can1: "Liittyä luokkiin"
update_account_students_can2: "Pelata kursseja oppilaana ja tarkkailla omaa edistymistään"
update_account_students_can3: "Taistella luokkakavereita vastaan areenoilla"
update_account_students_can4: "Käyttää uusia vain oppilaille toimintoja kun julkaisemme ne"
update_account_students_warning: "Varoitus: Et voi hallita luokkia jotka olet luonut tai luoda uusia luokkia."
update_account_remain_student: "Pysy Oppilaaana"
update_account_update_student: "Päivitä Tili Oppilaaksi"
update_account_not_sure: "Etkö ole varma minkä valitset? Lähetä sähköpostia"
update_account_confirm_update_student: "Oletko varma että haluat päivittää tilisi oppilaan tiliksi?"
update_account_confirm_update_student2: "Et voi hallita luokkia jotka olet luonut etkä voi luoda uusia luokkia. Kaikki luokkasi poistetaan CodeCombat:ista eikä niitä voi palauttaa."
instructor: "Ohjaaja: "
# youve_been_invited_1: "You've been invited to join "
# youve_been_invited_2: ", where you'll learn "
# youve_been_invited_3: " with your classmates in CodeCombat."
@ -1392,12 +1391,10 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "suomi", englishDescription: "Finnish", tran
# by_joining_2: "will be able to help reset your password if you forget or lose it. You can also verify your email address so that you can reset the password yourself!"
# sent_verification: "We've sent a verification email to:"
# you_can_edit: "You can edit your email address in "
# account_settings: "Account Settings"
# select_your_hero: "Select Your Hero"
# select_your_hero_description: "You can always change your hero by going to your Courses page and clicking \"Select Hero\""
# select_this_hero: "Select this Hero"
# current_hero: "Current Hero:"
# change_hero: "Change Hero"
account_settings: "Tilin asetukset"
select_your_hero: "Valitse sankarisi"
select_your_hero_description: "Voit vaihtaa sankariasi menemällä kurssit sivulle ja valitsemalla \"Valitse sankarisi\""
select_this_hero: "Valitse tämä sankari"
# teacher:
# course_solution: "Course Solution"
@ -1885,17 +1882,17 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "suomi", englishDescription: "Finnish", tran
# you_can2: "purchase a prepaid code"
# you_can3: "that can be applied to your own account or given to others."
# coppa_deny:
# text1: "Can’t wait to learn programming?"
# text2: "Your parents will need to create an account for you to use! Email team@codecombat.com if you have any questions."
# close: "Close Window"
text1: "Etkö malta odottaa ohjelmoimista?"
text2: "Vanhempiesi täytyy luoda sinulle tili! lähetä viesti osoiteeseen team@codecombat.com jos sinulla on jotain kysyttävää."
close: "Sulje ikkuna"
could_not_load: "Virhe ladattaessa tietoja palvelimelta"
connection_failure: "Yhteysvirhe."
# connection_failure_desc: "It doesn’t look like you’re connected to the internet! Check your network connection and then reload this page."
# login_required: "Login Required"
# login_required_desc: "You need to be logged in to access this page."
login_required: "Kirjautuminen vaaditaan"
login_required_desc: "Sinun täytyy olla kirjautunut sisään nähdäksesi tämän sivun"
unauthorized: "Teidän tulee olla kirjautuneena sisään. Ovatko evästeet sallittuna?"
forbidden: "Ei käyttöoikeuttta."
# forbidden_desc: "Oh no, there’s nothing we can show you here! Make sure you’re logged into the correct account, or visit one of the links below to get back to programming!"
@ -2044,19 +2041,19 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "suomi", englishDescription: "Finnish", tran
# license: "license"
# oreilly: "ebook of your choice"
# calendar:
# year: "Year"
# day: "Day"
# month: "Month"
# january: "January"
# february: "February"
# march: "March"
# april: "April"
# may: "May"
# june: "June"
# july: "July"
# august: "August"
# september: "September"
# october: "October"
# november: "November"
# december: "December"
year: "Vuosi"
day: "Päivä"
month: "Kuukausi"
january: "Tammikuu"
february: "Helmikuu"
march: "Maaliskuu"
april: "Huhtikuu"
may: "Toukokuu"
june: "Kesäkuu"
july: "Heinäkuu"
august: "Elokuu"
september: "Syyskuu"
october: "Lokakuu"
november: "Marraskuu"
december: "Joulukuu"
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