diff --git a/app/locale/en.coffee b/app/locale/en.coffee
index b7b01cad6..9b7c60e79 100644
--- a/app/locale/en.coffee
+++ b/app/locale/en.coffee
@@ -1079,6 +1079,7 @@
     tournament_blurb: "Write code, collect gold, build armies, crush foes, win prizes, and upgrade your career in our $40,000 Greed tournament! Check out the details"
     tournament_blurb_criss_cross: "Win bids, construct paths, outwit opponents, grab gems, and upgrade your career in our Criss-Cross tournament! Check out the details"
     tournament_blurb_zero_sum: "Unleash your coding creativity in both gold gathering and battle tactics in this alpine mirror match between red sorcerer and blue sorcerer. The tournament began on Friday, March 27 and will run until Monday, April 6 at 5PM PDT. Compete for fun and glory! Check out the details"
+    tournament_blurb_ace_of_coders: "Battle it out in the frozen glacier in this domination-style mirror match! The tournament began on Wednesday, September 16 and will run until Wednesday, October 14 at 5PM PDT. Check out the details"
     tournament_blurb_blog: "on our blog"
     rules: "Rules"
     winners: "Winners"
diff --git a/app/templates/play/ladder/ladder.jade b/app/templates/play/ladder/ladder.jade
index af30ff3e7..8484e6c64 100644
--- a/app/templates/play/ladder/ladder.jade
+++ b/app/templates/play/ladder/ladder.jade
@@ -98,6 +98,30 @@ block content
           a(href="http://discourse.codecombat.com/") the forum
           |  and discuss your strategies, your triumphs, and your turmoils.
+    if level.get('name') == 'Ace of Coders'
+      .tournament-blurb
+        h2
+          span(data-i18n="ladder.tournament_ends") Tournament ends
+          //span(data-i18n="ladder.tournament_ended") Tournament ended
+          |  #{tournamentTimeLeft}
+          span(data-i18n="ladder.tournament_started") , started
+          |  #{tournamentTimeElapsed}
+        p
+          span(data-i18n="ladder.tournament_blurb_ace_of_coders") Battle it out in the frozen glacier in this domination-style mirror match! The tournament began on Wednesday, September 16 and will run until Wednesday, October 14 at 5PM PDT. Check out the details
+          |  
+          a(href="http://blog.codecombat.com/ace-of-coders-multiplayer-programming-tournament", data-i18n="ladder.tournament_blurb_blog") on our blog
+          | .
+        //p
+        //  strong Tournament ended! 
+        //  a(href="#winners") Behold the winners
+        //  | . Thanks for playing! You can 
+        //  strong still play
+        //  |  Ace of Coders as long as you like.
+        //p
+        //  | Want to commiserate? Head over to 
+        //  a(href="http://discourse.codecombat.com/") the forum
+        //  |  and discuss your strategies, your triumphs, and your turmoils.
       for team in teams
diff --git a/app/views/ladder/LadderView.coffee b/app/views/ladder/LadderView.coffee
index cb756c7c9..423d54d92 100644
--- a/app/views/ladder/LadderView.coffee
+++ b/app/views/ladder/LadderView.coffee
@@ -66,9 +66,9 @@ module.exports = class LadderView extends RootView
     ctx.leagueType = @leagueType
     ctx.league = @league
     ctx._ = _
-    if tournamentEndDate = {greed: 1402444800000, 'criss-cross': 1410912000000, 'zero-sum': 1428364800000}[@levelID]
+    if tournamentEndDate = {greed: 1402444800000, 'criss-cross': 1410912000000, 'zero-sum': 1428364800000, 'ace-of-coders': 1444867200000}[@levelID]
       ctx.tournamentTimeLeft = moment(new Date(tournamentEndDate)).fromNow()
-    if tournamentStartDate = {'zero-sum': 1427472000000}[@levelID]
+    if tournamentStartDate = {'zero-sum': 1427472000000, 'ace-of-coders': 1442417400000}[@levelID]
       ctx.tournamentTimeElapsed = moment(new Date(tournamentStartDate)).fromNow()
     ctx.winners = require('./tournament_results')[@levelID]