diff --git a/app/locale/zh-HANS.coffee b/app/locale/zh-HANS.coffee
index 36b055bd1..b8ff24575 100644
--- a/app/locale/zh-HANS.coffee
+++ b/app/locale/zh-HANS.coffee
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
     sending: "发送中……"
     cancel: "取消"
     save: "保存"
-#    create: "Create"
+    create: "创建"
     delay_1_sec: "1 秒"
     delay_3_sec: "3 秒"
     delay_5_sec: "5 秒"
@@ -13,13 +13,13 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
     fork: "派生"
     play: "开始"
-#  units:
-#    second: "second"
-#    seconds: "seconds"
-#    minute: "minute"
-#    minutes: "minutes"
-#    hour: "hour"
-#    hours: "hours"
+  units:
+    second: "秒"
+    seconds: "秒"
+    minute: "分钟"
+    minutes: "分钟"
+    hour: "小时"
+    hours: "小时"
     close: "关闭"
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
     sign_up: "注册"
     log_in: "登录"
-#    logging_in: "Logging In"
+    logging_in: "正在登录"
     log_out: "登出"
     recover: "找回账户"
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
     campaign_player_created_description: "……在这里你可以与你的小伙伴的创造力战斗 <a href=\"/contribute#artisan\">技术指导</a>."
     level_difficulty: "难度:"
 #    play_as: "Play As"
-#    spectate: "Spectate"
+    spectate: "旁观他人的游戏"
     contact_us: "联系我们"
@@ -115,8 +115,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
     title: "帮我们翻译 CodeCombat"
     sub_heading: "我们需要您的语言技能"
     pitch_body: "我们开发了 CodeCombat 的英文版,但是现在我们的玩家遍布全球。很多人英语不熟练,所以很想玩简体中文版的游戏,所以如果你中英文都很熟练,请考虑参加我们的翻译工作,帮忙把 CodeCombat 网站还有所有的关卡翻译成简体中文。"
-    missing_translations: "未翻译的文本将显示为英文。"
-    learn_more: "了解更多有关成为翻译人员的说明"
+    missing_translations: "没被翻译的文字将以英文显示。"
+    learn_more: "了解更多成为翻译人员的说明"
     subscribe_as_diplomat: "提交翻译人员申请"
@@ -125,10 +125,10 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
     clothes: "衣服"
     trim: "条纹"
     cloud: "云"
-    spell: "法力球"
+    spell: "魔法球"
     boots: "鞋子"
-    hue: "色彩"
-    saturation: "饱和"
+    hue: "颜色"
+    saturation: "饱和度"
     lightness: "亮度"
@@ -140,18 +140,18 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
     wizard_tab: "巫师"
     password_tab: "密码"
     emails_tab: "邮件"
-#    admin: "Admin"
-    gravatar_select: "选择使用 Gravatar 照片"
-    gravatar_add_photos: "添加小图和照片到一个 Gravatar 账户供你选择。"
-    gravatar_add_more_photos: "添加更多照片到你的 Gravatar 账户并查看。"
+    admin: "管理"
+    gravatar_select: "选择一张 Gravatar 图片"
+    gravatar_add_photos: "添加小图和图片到一个 Gravatar 账户供你选择。"
+    gravatar_add_more_photos: "去 Gravatar 添加图片, 然后回来这里查看。"
     wizard_color: "巫师 衣服 颜色"
     new_password: "新密码"
     new_password_verify: "核实"
     email_subscriptions: "邮箱验证"
     email_announcements: "通知"
-#    email_notifications: "Notifications"
+    email_notifications: "通知"
     email_notifications_description: "接收来自你的账户的定期通知。"
-    email_announcements_description: "接收关于 CodeCombat 最近的新闻和发展的邮件。"
+    email_announcements_description: "接收关于 CodeCombat 的邮件。"
     contributor_emails: "贡献者通知"
     contribute_prefix: "我们在寻找志同道合的人!请到"
     contribute_page: "贡献页面"
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
     victory_sign_up_poke: "想保存你的代码?创建一个免费账户吧!"
     victory_rate_the_level: "评估关卡:"
 #    victory_rank_my_game: "Rank My Game"
-#    victory_ranking_game: "Submitting..."
+    victory_ranking_game: "正在提交..."
 #    victory_return_to_ladder: "Return to Ladder"
     victory_play_next_level: "下一关"
     victory_go_home: "返回主页"
@@ -224,10 +224,10 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
     hud_continue: "继续(按 Shift-空格)"
     spell_saved: "咒语已保存"
     skip_tutorial: "跳过(esc)"
-#    editor_config: "Editor Config"
-#    editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
-#    editor_config_language_label: "Programming Language"
-#    editor_config_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in."
+    editor_config: "编辑器配置"
+    editor_config_title: "编辑器配置"
+    editor_config_language_label: "编程语言"
+    editor_config_language_description: "请输入你想写的编程语言."
 #    editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
 #    editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
 #    editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
@@ -239,12 +239,12 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
 #    editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
 #    loading_ready: "Ready!"
 #    tip_insert_positions: "Shift+Click a point on the map to insert it into the spell editor."
-#    tip_toggle_play: "Toggle play/paused with Ctrl+P."
+    tip_toggle_play: "用 Ctrl+P 来暂停或继续"
 #    tip_scrub_shortcut: "Ctrl+[ and Ctrl+] rewind and fast-forward."
 #    tip_guide_exists: "Click the guide at the top of the page for useful info."
-#    tip_open_source: "CodeCombat is 100% open source!"
+    tip_open_source: "CodeCombat 是 100% 开源的!"
 #    tip_beta_launch: "CodeCombat launched its beta in October, 2013."
-#    tip_js_beginning: "JavaScript is just the beginning."
+    tip_js_beginning: "JavaScript 仅仅只是个开始."
 #    tip_autocast_setting: "Adjust autocast settings by clicking the gear on the cast button."
 #    think_solution: "Think of the solution, not the problem."
 #    tip_theory_practice: "In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But in practice, there is. - Yogi Berra"
@@ -258,17 +258,17 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
 #    tip_harry: "Yer a Wizard, "
 #    tip_great_responsibility: "With great coding skill comes great debug responsibility."
 #    tip_munchkin: "If you don't eat your vegetables, a munchkin will come after you while you're asleep."
-#    tip_binary: "There are only 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary, and those who don't."
+    tip_binary: "这个世界上只有 10 种人: 那些懂二进制的, 还有那些不懂二进制的."
 #    tip_commitment_yoda: "A programmer must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind. ~ Yoda"
 #    tip_no_try: "Do. Or do not. There is no try. - Yoda"
 #    tip_patience: "Patience you must have, young Padawan. - Yoda"
-#    tip_documented_bug: "A documented bug is not a bug; it is a feature."
+    tip_documented_bug: "一个写在文档里的漏洞不算漏洞, 那是个功能."
 #    tip_impossible: "It always seems impossible until it's done. - Nelson Mandela"
-#    tip_talk_is_cheap: "Talk is cheap. Show me the code. - Linus Torvalds"
+    tip_talk_is_cheap: "多说无用, 亮出你的代码. - Linus Torvalds"
 #    tip_first_language: "The most disastrous thing that you can ever learn is your first programming language. - Alan Kay"
-#    time_current: "Now:"
-#    time_total: "Max:"
-#    time_goto: "Go to:"
+    time_current: "现在:"
+    time_total: "最大:"
+    time_goto: "跳到:"
     av_title: "管理员视图"
@@ -294,8 +294,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
     contact_us: "联系我们!"
     hipchat_prefix: "你也可以在这里找到我们"
     hipchat_url: "HipChat 房间。"
-#    revert: "Revert"
-#    revert_models: "Revert Models"
+    revert: "还原"
+    revert_models: "还原模式"
     level_some_options: "有哪些选项?"
     level_tab_thangs: "物体"
     level_tab_scripts: "脚本"
@@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
     level_components_type: "类型"
     level_component_edit_title: "编辑组件"
 #    level_component_config_schema: "Config Schema"
-#    level_component_settings: "Settings"
+    level_component_settings: "设置"
     level_system_edit_title: "编辑系统"
     create_system_title: "创建新的系统"
     new_component_title: "创建新的组件"
@@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
 #    new_level_title: "Create a New Level"
 #    article_search_title: "Search Articles Here"
 #    thang_search_title: "Search Thang Types Here"
-#    level_search_title: "Search Levels Here"
+    level_search_title: "在这里搜索关卡"
     edit_btn_preview: "预览"
@@ -337,27 +337,27 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
     body: "正文"
     version: "版本"
     commit_msg: "提交信息"
-#    history: "History"
+    history: "历史"
     version_history_for: "版本历史: "
-#    result: "Result"
+    result: "结果"
     results: "结果"
     description: "描述"
     or: "或"
     email: "邮件"
-#    password: "Password"
+    password: "密码"
     message: "消息"
 #    code: "Code"
 #    ladder: "Ladder"
 #    when: "When"
-#    opponent: "Opponent"
+    opponent: "对手"
 #    rank: "Rank"
 #    score: "Score"
-#    win: "Win"
-#    loss: "Loss"
+    win: "胜利"
+    loss: "失败"
 #    tie: "Tie"
-#    easy: "Easy"
-#    medium: "Medium"
-#    hard: "Hard"
+    easy: "容易"
+    medium: "中等"
+    hard: "困难"
     who_is_codecombat: "什么是 CodeCombat?"
@@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
     introduction_desc_github_url: "我们把 CodeCombat 完全开源"
     introduction_desc_suf: ",而且我们希望提供尽可能多的方法让你来参加这个项目,与我们一起创造。"
     introduction_desc_ending: "我们希望你也会加入进来!"
-#    introduction_desc_signature: "- Nick, George, Scott, Michael, Jeremy and Glen"
+    introduction_desc_signature: "- Nick, George, Scott, Michael, Jeremy 以及 Glen"
     alert_account_message_intro: "你好!"
     alert_account_message_pref: "要订阅贡献者邮件,你得先"
     alert_account_message_suf: "。"
@@ -553,8 +553,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
     counselor_title: "顾问"
     counselor_title_description: "(专家/导师)"
-#  ladder:
-#    please_login: "Please log in first before playing a ladder game."
+  ladder:
+    please_login: "请在对奕之前先登录."
 #    my_matches: "My Matches"
 #    simulate: "Simulate"
 #    simulation_explanation: "By simulating games you can get your game ranked faster!"
@@ -566,26 +566,26 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
 #    battle_as: "Battle as "
 #    summary_your: "Your "
 #    summary_matches: "Matches - "
-#    summary_wins: " Wins, "
-#    summary_losses: " Losses"
+    summary_wins: " 胜利, "
+    summary_losses: " 失败"
 #    rank_no_code: "No New Code to Rank"
 #    rank_my_game: "Rank My Game!"
-#    rank_submitting: "Submitting..."
+    rank_submitting: "正在提交..."
 #    rank_submitted: "Submitted for Ranking"
-#    rank_failed: "Failed to Rank"
+    rank_failed: "评分失败"
 #    rank_being_ranked: "Game Being Ranked"
 #    code_being_simulated: "Your new code is being simulated by other players for ranking. This will refresh as new matches come in."
 #    no_ranked_matches_pre: "No ranked matches for the "
 #    no_ranked_matches_post: " team! Play against some competitors and then come back here to get your game ranked."
-#    choose_opponent: "Choose an Opponent"
-#    tutorial_play: "Play Tutorial"
+    choose_opponent: "选择一个对手"
+    tutorial_play: "玩教程"
 #    tutorial_recommended: "Recommended if you've never played before"
-#    tutorial_skip: "Skip Tutorial"
+    tutorial_skip: "跳过教材"
 #    tutorial_not_sure: "Not sure what's going on?"
-#    tutorial_play_first: "Play the Tutorial first."
-#    simple_ai: "Simple AI"
+    tutorial_play_first: "先玩一次教材."
+    simple_ai: "简单电脑"
 #    warmup: "Warmup"
-#    vs: "VS"
+    vs: "对决"
 #  multiplayer_launch:
 #    introducing_dungeon_arena: "Introducing Dungeon Arena"