Merge branch 'master' into production

This commit is contained in:
Nick Winter 2016-03-15 15:52:43 -07:00
commit 4f44d4e19d
8 changed files with 461 additions and 429 deletions

View file

@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ class Vector
dot: (other, useZ) -> dot: (other, useZ) ->
sum = @x * other.x + @y * other.y sum = @x * other.x + @y * other.y
sum += @z + other.z if useZ sum += @z * other.z if useZ
sum sum
# Not the strict projection, the other isn't converted to a unit vector first. # Not the strict projection, the other isn't converted to a unit vector first.

View file

@ -72,8 +72,12 @@ module.exports.downTheChain = downTheChain = (obj, keyChain, newValue=undefined) = (if window?.performance?.now? then (-> else (-> new Date())) = (if window?.performance?.now? then (-> else (-> new Date()))
module.exports.consolidateThangs = consolidateThangs = (thangs) -> module.exports.consolidateThangs = consolidateThangs = (thangs) ->
# We can gain a performance increase by consolidating all regular walls into a minimal covering, non-intersecting set a la Gridmancer.
debug = false debug = false
isStructural = (t) -> t.stateless and t.collides and t.collisionCategory is 'obstacles' and t.shape in ['box', 'sheet'] and t.restitution is 1.5 and (t.pos.x - t.width / 2 >= 0) and (t.pos.y - t.height / 2 >= 0) isStructural = (t) ->
t.stateless and t.collides and t.collisionCategory is 'obstacles' and t.shape in ['box', 'sheet'] and # Can only do wall-like obstacle Thangs.
t.spriteName isnt 'Ice Wall' and t.restitution is 1.0 and # Fixed restitution value on 2016-03-15, but it causes discrepancies, so disabled for Kelvintaph levels.
(t.pos.x - t.width / 2 >= 0) and (t.pos.y - t.height / 2 >= 0) # Grid doesn't handle negative numbers, so don't coalesce walls below/left of 0, 0.
structural = _.remove thangs, isStructural structural = _.remove thangs, isStructural
return unless structural.length return unless structural.length
rightmost = _.max structural, (t) -> t.pos.x + t.width / 2 rightmost = _.max structural, (t) -> t.pos.x + t.width / 2
@ -101,7 +105,9 @@ module.exports.consolidateThangs = consolidateThangs = (thangs) ->
thang.pos.y = rect.y thang.pos.y = rect.y
thang.width = rect.width thang.width = rect.width
thang.height = rect.height thang.height = rect.height
thang.createBodyDef() thang.createBodyDef()
dissection.push thang dissection.push thang
dissectRectangles grid, addStructuralThang, false, debug dissectRectangles grid, addStructuralThang, false, debug

View file

@ -36,43 +36,43 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Deutsch (Deutschland)", englishDescription:
teaching_computer_science: "Informatik zu unterrichten benötigt keinen teuren Abschluss, weil wir Tools bereitstellen, die Lehrkräften im Hintergrund helfen." teaching_computer_science: "Informatik zu unterrichten benötigt keinen teuren Abschluss, weil wir Tools bereitstellen, die Lehrkräften im Hintergrund helfen."
accessible_to: "Zugänglich für " accessible_to: "Zugänglich für "
everyone: "jeden" everyone: "jeden"
# democratizing: "Democratizing the process of learning coding is at the core of our philosophy. Everyone should be able to learn to code." democratizing: "Den Prozess programmieren zu erlernen zu demokratisierien steht im Mittelpunkt unserer Philosophie. Jeder sollte die Möglichkeit haben programmieren zu erlernen."
forgot_learning: "Ich glaube sie vergessen sogar, dass sie gerade etwas lernen." forgot_learning: "Ich glaube sie vergessen sogar, dass sie gerade etwas lernen."
wanted_to_do: " Programmieren ist etwas was ich immer wollte und ich hätte nie gedacht, dass ich es in der Schule lernen könnte." wanted_to_do: " Programmieren ist etwas was ich immer wollte und ich hätte nie gedacht, dass ich es in der Schule lernen könnte."
why_games: "Warum ist lernen durch Spiele wichtig?" why_games: "Warum ist lernen durch Spiele wichtig?"
# games_reward: "Games reward the productive struggle." games_reward: "Spiele belohnen die produktive Anstrengung."
# encourage: "Gaming is a medium that encourages interaction, discovery, and trial-and-error. A good game challenges the player to master skills over time, which is the same critical process students go through as they learn." encourage: "Spiele sind ein Medium, das Interaktionen, Entdeckungen und Versuch-und-Irrtum fördert. Ein gutes Spiel fordert den Spieler dazu auf Fähigkeiten über die Zeit hinweg zu erwerben, was der selbe entscheidende Prozess ist, durch den Schüler gehen, während sie etwas lernen."
# excel: "Games excel at rewarding" excel: "Spiele glänzen im belohnen von"
# struggle: "productive struggle" struggle: "produktiven Anstrengungen"
# kind_of_struggle: "the kind of struggle that results in learning thats engaging and" kind_of_struggle: ", also den Anstrengungen die in einem Lernen resultieren, dass gewinnbringend und"
# motivating: "motivating" motivating: "motivierend ist"
# not_tedious: "not tedious." not_tedious: "und nicht langweilig."
gaming_is_good: "Studien legen nahe, dass spielen gut für das kindliche Gehirn ist. (Es ist wahr!)" gaming_is_good: "Studien legen nahe, dass spielen gut für das kindliche Gehirn ist. (Es ist wahr!)"
# game_based: "When game-based learning systems are" game_based: "Wenn spielbasierte Lernsysteme "
# compared: "compared" compared: "verglichen"
# conventional: "against conventional assessment methods, the difference is clear: games are better at helping students retain knowledge, concentrate and" conventional: "werden mit konventionellen Lehrmethoden, ist der Unterschied klar: Spiele sind besser darin den Schülern zu helfen Wissen zu erwerben, sich zu konzentrieren und darin eine"
# perform_at_higher_level: "perform at a higher level of achievement" perform_at_higher_level: "höhere Ebene der Leistung zu erreichen."
# feedback: "Games also provide real-time feedback that allows students to adjust their solution path and understand concepts more holistically, instead of being limited to just “correct” or “incorrect” answers." feedback: "Spiele bieten außerdem ein Echtzeit Feedback, das den Schülern erlaubt ihre Lösungswege anzupassen und Konzepte ganzheitlich zu verstehen, anstelle nur limitiert zu sein auf “Korrekt“ oder “Inkorrekt“ Antworten."
# real_game: "A real game, played with real coding." real_game: "Ein echtes Spiel, gespielt mit echtem programmieren."
# great_game: "A great game is more than just badges and achievements - its about a players journey, well-designed puzzles, and the ability to tackle challenges with agency and confidence." great_game: "In einem guten Spiel geht es um mehr als nur Abzeichen und Erfolge - es geht um die Reise eines Spielers, gut-designte Rätsel, und die Fähigkeit Herausforderungen mit Kraft und Selbsvertrauen anzupacken."
# agency: "CodeCombat is a game that gives players that agency and confidence with our robust typed code engine, which helps beginner and advanced students alike write proper, valid code." agency: "CodeCombat ist ein Spiel, das Spielern die Kraft und das Selbstbewusstsein gibt durch unsere robuste Programmiereingabe-Engine, die sowohl Anfänger als auch fortgeschrittenen Schülern dabei hilft richtigen, validen Code zu schreiben."
# curious: "Curious? Request a demo and we'll show you the ropes" curious: "Neugierig? Fragen Sie nach einer Demo und wir werden Ihnen zeigen wie es geht"
# create_class: "Or create a class and see it for yourself!" create_class: "Oder erstellen Sie eine Klasse und sehen Sie selbst!"
# request_demo: "Request a Demo" request_demo: "Demo anfragen"
create_a_class: "Erstellen Sie eine Klasse" create_a_class: "Erstellen Sie eine Klasse"
have_an_account: "Haben Sie bereits einen Account?" have_an_account: "Haben Sie bereits einen Account?"
logged_in_as: "Sie sind zurzeit eingeloggt als" logged_in_as: "Sie sind zurzeit eingeloggt als"
view_my_classes: "Zeige meine Klassen" view_my_classes: "Zeige meine Klassen"
# computer_science: "Computer science courses for all ages" computer_science: "Informatikkurse für alle Altersgruppen"
# show_me_lesson_time: "Show me lesson time estimates for:" show_me_lesson_time: "Zeig mir die vorgeschlagene Stundenzeit für:"
# curriculum: "Total curriculum hours:" curriculum: "Gesamte Lehrstunden:"
ffa: "Kostenlos für alle Schüler" ffa: "Kostenlos für alle Schüler"
lesson_time: "Lektionszeit:" lesson_time: "Lektionszeit:"
coming_soon: "Coming soon!" coming_soon: "Coming soon!"
courses_available_in: "Kurse sind verfügbar in JavaScript, Python, und Java (coming soon!)" courses_available_in: "Kurse sind verfügbar in JavaScript, Python, und Java (coming soon!)"
# boast: "Boasts riddles that are complex enough to fascinate gamers and coders alike." boast: "Bietet Rätsel die komplex genug sind um Spieler und Programmiere zu faszinieren."
# winning: "A winning combination of RPG gameplay and programming homework that pulls off making kid-friendly education legitimately enjoyable." winning: "Eine gewinnbringende Kombination aus RPG-Gameplay und Programmierhausaufgaben die aufgeht und kindgerechte Bildung berechtigterweise unterhaltsam macht."
# run_class: "Everything you need to run a computer science class in your school today, no CS background required." run_class: "Alles was man braucht um einen Informatikkurs in der Schule zu geben, ohne dass man Hintergrundwissen braucht."
nav: nav:
play: "Spielen" # The top nav bar entry where players choose which levels to play play: "Spielen" # The top nav bar entry where players choose which levels to play
@ -607,89 +607,89 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Deutsch (Deutschland)", englishDescription:
editor_config_behaviors_description: "Vervollständigt automatisch Klammern und Anführungszeichen." editor_config_behaviors_description: "Vervollständigt automatisch Klammern und Anführungszeichen."
about: about:
# main_title: "If you want to learn to program, you need to write (a lot of) code." main_title: "Wenn du das Programmieren erlernen willst, musst du (viel) Code schreiben."
# main_description: "At CodeCombat, our job is to make sure you're doing that with a smile on your face." main_description: "Bei CodeCombat ist es unser Job das du das mit einem Lächeln im Gesicht tust."
# mission_link: "Mission" mission_link: "Mission"
# team_link: "Team" team_link: "Team"
# community_link: "Community" community_link: "Community"
# story_link: "Story" story_link: "Geschichte"
# careers_link: "Careers" careers_link: "Karrieren"
# press_link: "Press" press_link: "Presse"
# mission_title: "Our mission: make programming accessible to every student on Earth." mission_title: "Unsere Mission: Programmieren jedem Schüler auf der Erde zugänglich zu machen."
# mission_description_1: "<strong>Programming is magic</strong>. It's the ability to create things from pure imagination. We started CodeCombat to give learners the feeling of wizardly power at their fingertips by using <strong>typed code</strong>." # {change} mission_description_1: "<strong>Programmieren ist Magie</strong>. Es ist die Fähigkeit Dinge aus purer Vorstellungskraft zu erschaffen. Wir starteten CodeCombat um Lernen dieses Gefühl der Zauberkraft in ihren Fingerspitzen zu geben während sie <strong>getippten Code</strong> benutzen." # {change}
# mission_description_2: "As it turns out, that enables them to learn faster too. WAY faster. It's like having a conversation instead of reading a manual. We want to bring that conversation to every school and to <strong>every student</strong>, because everyone should have the chance to learn the magic of programming." # {change} mission_description_2: "Wie sich herausstellt, können sie dadurch auch schneller lernen. Sehr viel schneller. Es ist mehr wie eine Unterhaltung als das Lesen einer Bedienungsanleitung. Wir wollen diese Unterhaltung in jede Schule zu <strong>jedem Schüler</strong> bringen, weil jeder die Chance haben sollte die Magie des Programmierens zu erlernen." # {change}
# team_title: "Meet the CodeCombat team" team_title: "Triff das CodeCombat Team"
# team_values: "We value open and respectful dialog, where the best idea wins. Our decisions are grounded in customer research and our process is focused on delivering tangible results for them. Everyone is hands-on, from our CEO to our Github contributors, because we value growth and learning in our team." team_values: "Wir legen Wert auf einen offenen und respektvollen Dialog, wo die besten Ideen gewinnen. Unsere Entscheidungen basieren auf Benutzerforschung und unser Fortschritt richtet sich danach ihnen handfeste Resultate zu liefern. Jeder packt mit an von unserem Geschäftsführer bis hin zu unseren Github-Unterstützern, weil wir Wert auf Zuwachs und Lernen in unserem Team legen."
nick_title: "Programmierer" # {change} nick_title: "Mitbegründer, Geschäftsführer" # {changed}
nick_blurb: "Motivationsguru" nick_blurb: "Motivationsguru"
matt_title: "Programmierer" # {change} matt_title: "Mitbegründer, Technischer Leiter" # {changed}
matt_blurb: "Radfahrer" matt_blurb: "Radfahrer"
cat_title: "Chief Artisan" # {change} cat_title: "Game Designerin" # {changed}
cat_blurb: "Luftbändiger" cat_blurb: "Luftbändigerin"
scott_title: "Programmierer" # {change} scott_title: "Mitbegründer, Software Ingeneur" # {changed}
scott_blurb: "Der Vernünftige" scott_blurb: "Der Vernünftige"
# maka_title: "Customer Advocate" maka_title: "Kundenabteilung"
# maka_blurb: "Storyteller" maka_blurb: "Geschichtenerzähler"
# rob_title: "Software Engineer" rob_title: "Software Engineer"
# rob_blurb: "Codes things and stuff" rob_blurb: "Programmiert Zeug und Dinge"
# josh_c_title: "Game Designer" josh_c_title: "Game Designer"
# josh_c_blurb: "Designs games" josh_c_blurb: "Designt Spieler"
# robin_title: "UX Design & Research" robin_title: "Nutzererfahrung Design & Forschung"
# robin_blurb: "Scaffolding" robin_blurb: "Das Gerüst"
josh_title: "Spiel Designer" josh_title: "Game Designer"
josh_blurb: "Boden ist Lava" josh_blurb: "Boden ist Lava"
retrostyle_title: "Illustration" retrostyle_title: "Illustration"
retrostyle_blurb: "RetroStyle Games" retrostyle_blurb: "RetroStyle Games"
jose_title: "Musik" jose_title: "Musik"
jose_blurb: "Taking Off" jose_blurb: "Taking Off"
# carlos_title: "Region Manager, Brazil" carlos_title: "Regional Manager, Brasilien"
# carlos_blurb: "Celery Man" carlos_blurb: "Sellerie Mann"
# community_title: "...and our open-source community" community_title: "...und unsere Open-Source Community"
# community_subtitle: "Over 450 contributors have helped build CodeCombat, with more joining every week!" community_subtitle: "Mehr als 450 Unterstützer haben dabei geholfen CodeCombat zu erstellen, und es werden jede Woche mehr!"
# community_description_1: "CodeCombat is a community project, with hundreds of players volunteering to create levels, contribute to our code to add features, fix bugs, playtest, and even translate the game into 50 languages so far. Employees, contributors and the site gain by sharing ideas and pooling effort, as does the open source community in general. The site is built on numerous open source projects, and we are open sourced to give back to the community and provide code-curious players a familiar project to explore and experiment with. Anyone can join the CodeCombat community! Check out our" community_description_1: "CodeCombat ist ein Communityprojekt, mit hunderten von Spielern die freiwillig Level erstellen, neue Features zum Quellcode beditragen, Bugs beheben, testen und sogar das Spiel in bisher mehr als 50 Sprachen übersetzen. Angestellte, Unterstützer und die Seite profitieren vom Teilen von Ideen und von den gemeinsamen Anstrengungen, so wie die Open-Source-Community im Allgemeinen. Die Seite basiert auf mehreren Open Source Projekten und wir sind Open-Source um der Community etwas zurückzugeben und neugierigen Spielern ein familiäres Projekt zum entdecken und experimentieren verfügbar zu machen. Jeder kann der CodeCombat-Community beitreten! Schau auf unserer"
# community_description_link: "contribute page" community_description_link: " Mitwirken Seite"
# community_description_2: "for more info." community_description_2: "für weitere Informationen vorbei."
# number_contributors: "Over 450 contributors have lent their support and time to this project." number_contributors: "Mehr als 450 Unterstützer haben ihre Zeit und Hilfe für dieses Projekt zur Verfügung gestellt."
# story_title: "Our story so far" story_title: "Unsere bisherige Geschichte"
# story_subtitle: "Since 2013, CodeCombat has grown from a mere set of sketches to a living, thriving game." story_subtitle: "Seit 2013 ist CodeCombat aus einigen Skizzen zu einem lebenden, florierenden Spiel gewachsen."
# story_statistic_1a: "5,000,000+" story_statistic_1a: "Mehr als 5,000,000"
# story_statistic_1b: "total players" story_statistic_1b: "Spieler"
# story_statistic_1c: "have started their programming journey through CodeCombat" story_statistic_1c: "haben ihre Programmierreise durch CodeCombat begonnen."
# story_statistic_2a: "Weve been translated into over 50 languages — our players hail from" story_statistic_2a: "Wir wurden in über 50 Sprachen übersetzt — unsere Spieler kommen aus mehr als"
# story_statistic_2b: "200+ countries" story_statistic_2b: "200 Staaten"
# story_statistic_3a: "Together, they have written" story_statistic_3a: "Zusammen haben sie mehr als"
# story_statistic_3b: "1 billion lines of code and counting" story_statistic_3b: "1 Milliarde Zeilen Code geschrieben"
# story_statistic_3c: "across six different programming languages" story_statistic_3c: "in sechs verschiedenen Programmiersprachen geschrieben"
# story_long_way_1: "Though we've come a long way..." story_long_way_1: "Obwohl wir einen langen Weg gegangen sind..."
# story_sketch_caption: "Nick's very first sketch depicting a programming game in action." story_sketch_caption: "Nick's allererste Skizze zeigt ein Programmierspiel in Aktion."
# story_long_way_2: "we still have much to do before we complete our quest, so..." story_long_way_2: "haben wir noch viel zu tun bevor unser Auftrag abgeschlossen ist, also..."
# jobs_title: "Come work with us and help write CodeCombat history!" jobs_title: "Komm arbeite mit uns und hilf mit CodeCombat Geschichte zu schreiben!"
# jobs_subtitle: "Don't see a good fit but interested in keeping in touch? See our \"Create Your Own\" listing." jobs_subtitle: "Nichts gutes gefunden aber du bist trotzdem interessiert mit uns zu arbeiten? Schau dir unseren \"Kreiere deinen Eigenen\" Eintrag an."
# jobs_benefits: "Employee Benefits" jobs_benefits: "Angestellten Vorteile"
# jobs_benefit_1: "Competitive salary and options" # jobs_benefit_1: "Competitive salary and options"
# jobs_benefit_2: "15 day minimum vacation policy, excluding company holidays" # jobs_benefit_2: "15 day minimum vacation policy, excluding company holidays"
# jobs_benefit_3: "Work from home flexibility" # jobs_benefit_3: "Work from home flexibility"
# jobs_benefit_4: "Unlimited sick/personal days" # jobs_benefit_4: "Unlimited sick/personal days"
# jobs_benefit_5: "Professional development and continuing education support" # jobs_benefit_5: "Professional development and continuing education support"
# jobs_benefit_6: "Medical/dental/vision insurance" # jobs_benefit_6: "Medical/dental/vision insurance"
# learn_more: "Learn More" learn_more: "Erfahre mehr"
# jobs_custom_title: "Create Your Own" jobs_custom_title: "Kreiere deinen Eigenen"
# jobs_custom_description: "Are you passionate about CodeCombat but don't see a job listed that matches your qualifications? Write us and show how you think you can contribute to our team. We'd love to hear from you!" jobs_custom_description: "Du bist fasziniert von CodeCombat aber siehst keinen Job aufgeführt, der zu deinen Qualifikationen passt? Schreib uns und überzeuge uns wie du denkst, wie du in unserem Team mitwirken kannst. Wir freuen uns von dir zu hören!"
# jobs_custom_contact_1: "Send us a note at" jobs_custom_contact_1: "Sende uns eine Nachricht in der du "
# jobs_custom_contact_2: "introducing yourself and we might get in touch in the future!" jobs_custom_contact_2: "dich vorstellst und wir sehen uns vielleicht in naher Zukunft!"
# contact_title: "Press & Contact" contact_title: "Presse & Kontakt"
# contact_subtitle: "Need more information? Get in touch with us at" contact_subtitle: "Brauchst du weitere Informationen? Melde dich bei uns unter"
# screenshots_title: "Game Screenshots" screenshots_title: "Game Screenshots"
# screenshots_hint: "(click to view full size)" screenshots_hint: "(Klicken um in Vollbild zu betrachten)"
# downloads_title: "Download Assets & Information" downloads_title: "Downloade Vorzüge & Informationen"
# about_codecombat: "About CodeCombat" about_codecombat: "Über CodeCombat"
# logo: "Logo" logo: "Logo"
# screenshots: "Screenshots" screenshots: "Screenshots"
# character_art: "Character Art" character_art: "Character Art"
# download_all: "Download All" download_all: "Downloade Alles"
# previous: "Previous" previous: "Vorheriges"
# next: "Next" next: "Nächstes"
# location_title: "We're located in downtown SF:" location_title: "Wir haben unseren Sitz in Downtown SanFrancisco:"
teachers: teachers:
who_for_title: "An wen richtet sich CodeCombat?" who_for_title: "An wen richtet sich CodeCombat?"
@ -700,35 +700,35 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Deutsch (Deutschland)", englishDescription:
more_info_2: "Lehrerforum" more_info_2: "Lehrerforum"
more_info_3: "ist eine gute Anlaufstelle, um mit anderen Lehrer in Kontakt zu treten, die CodeCombat benutzen." more_info_3: "ist eine gute Anlaufstelle, um mit anderen Lehrer in Kontakt zu treten, die CodeCombat benutzen."
# teachers_quote: teachers_quote:
# name: "Quote Form" # name: "Quote Form"
# title: "Request a Quote" # title: "Request a Quote"
# subtitle: "Get CodeCombat in your classroom, club, school or district!" # subtitle: "Get CodeCombat in your classroom, club, school or district!"
# email_exists: "User exists with this email." # email_exists: "User exists with this email."
# phone_number: "Phone number" phone_number: "Telephonnummer"
# phone_number_help: "Where can we reach you during the workday?" # phone_number_help: "Where can we reach you during the workday?"
# role_label: "Your role" role_label: "Ihre Rolle"
# role_help: "Select your primary role." role_help: "Wählen Sie ihre primäre Rolle."
# tech_coordinator: "Technology coordinator" # tech_coordinator: "Technology coordinator"
# advisor: "Advisor" # advisor: "Advisor"
# principal: "Principal" # principal: "Principal"
# superintendent: "Superintendent" # superintendent: "Superintendent"
# parent: "Parent" parent: "Elternteil"
# organization_label: "Name of School/District" organization_label: "Name der Schule/Bezirk"
# city: "City" city: "Stadt"
# state: "State" state: "Bundesland"
# country: "Country" country: "Land"
# num_students_help: "How many do you anticipate enrolling in CodeCombat?" # num_students_help: "How many do you anticipate enrolling in CodeCombat?"
# education_level_label: "Education Level of Students" # education_level_label: "Education Level of Students"
# education_level_help: "Choose as many as apply." # education_level_help: "Choose as many as apply."
# elementary_school: "Elementary School" elementary_school: "Grundschule"
# high_school: "High School" high_school: "Gymnasium"
# please_explain: "(please explain)" please_explain: "(bitte erklären)"
# middle_school: "Middle School" middle_school: "Mittelschule"
# college_plus: "College or higher" college_plus: "Hochschule oder höher"
# anything_else: "Anything else we should know?" anything_else: "Weitere Dinge die wir wissen sollten?"
# thanks_header: "Thanks for requesting a quote!" # thanks_header: "Thanks for requesting a quote!"
# thanks_p: "We'll be in touch soon. Questions? Email us:" thanks_p: "Wir melden uns bald. Fragen? Schreiben Sie uns eine Email :"
# thanks_anon: "Login or sign up with your account below to access your two free enrollments (well notify you by email when they have been approved, which usually takes less than 48 hours). As always, the first hour of content is free for an unlimited number of students." # thanks_anon: "Login or sign up with your account below to access your two free enrollments (well notify you by email when they have been approved, which usually takes less than 48 hours). As always, the first hour of content is free for an unlimited number of students."
# thanks_logged_in: "Your two free enrollments are pending approval. Well notify you by email when they have been approved (usually within 48 hours). As always, the first hour of content is free for an unlimited number of students." # thanks_logged_in: "Your two free enrollments are pending approval. Well notify you by email when they have been approved (usually within 48 hours). As always, the first hour of content is free for an unlimited number of students."
@ -740,7 +740,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Deutsch (Deutschland)", englishDescription:
cla_url: "CLA" cla_url: "CLA"
cla_suffix: ") akzeptieren." cla_suffix: ") akzeptieren."
cla_agree: "Ich stimme zu" cla_agree: "Ich stimme zu"
# owner_approve: "An owner will need to approve it before your changes will become visible." owner_approve: "Ein Eigentümer muss deine Änderungen genehmigen, bevor sie sichtbar werden."
contact: contact:
contact_us: "Kontaktiere CodeCombat" contact_us: "Kontaktiere CodeCombat"
@ -996,13 +996,13 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Deutsch (Deutschland)", englishDescription:
greetings: "Grüße!" greetings: "Grüße!"
learn_p: "Erlerne Python" learn_p: "Erlerne Python"
learn_j: "Erlerne JavaScript" learn_j: "Erlerne JavaScript"
# language_cannot_change: "Language cannot be changed once students join a class." language_cannot_change: "Die Sprache kann nicht geändert werden sobald ein Schüler der Klasse beigetreten ist."
# back_classrooms: "Back to my classrooms" back_classrooms: "Zurück zu meinem Klassenraum"
# back_courses: "Back to my courses" back_courses: "Zurück zu meinen Kursen"
# edit_details: "Edit class details" # edit_details: "Edit class details"
# enrolled_courses: "enrolled in paid courses:" # enrolled_courses: "enrolled in paid courses:"
# purchase_enrollments: "Purchase Enrollments" # purchase_enrollments: "Purchase Enrollments"
# remove_student: "remove student" remove_student: "Schüler entfernen"
# assign: "Assign" # assign: "Assign"
# to_assign: "to assign paid courses." # to_assign: "to assign paid courses."
teacher: "Lehrer" teacher: "Lehrer"
@ -1021,7 +1021,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Deutsch (Deutschland)", englishDescription:
# not_enrolled1: "Not enrolled" # not_enrolled1: "Not enrolled"
# not_enrolled2: "Ask your teacher to enroll you in the next course." # not_enrolled2: "Ask your teacher to enroll you in the next course."
next_course: "Nächster Kurs" next_course: "Nächster Kurs"
# coming_soon1: "Coming soon" coming_soon1: "Coming soon"
# coming_soon2: "We are hard at work making more courses for you!" # coming_soon2: "We are hard at work making more courses for you!"
# available_levels: "Available Levels" # available_levels: "Available Levels"
# welcome_to_courses: "Adventurers, welcome to Courses!" # welcome_to_courses: "Adventurers, welcome to Courses!"
@ -1308,7 +1308,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Deutsch (Deutschland)", englishDescription:
ambassador_join_note_strong: "Anmerkung" ambassador_join_note_strong: "Anmerkung"
ambassador_join_note_desc: "Eine unserer Top Prioritäten ist Mehrspieler Level zu entwerfen. Dort können Spieler, die noch Probleme mit bestimmten Themen haben erfahrenere Zauberer beschwören um ihnen zu helfen. Dies wird ein hervorragender Weg für unsere Botschafter sein, um ihren Job zu erledigen. Wir halten dich auf dem Laufenden!" ambassador_join_note_desc: "Eine unserer Top Prioritäten ist Mehrspieler Level zu entwerfen. Dort können Spieler, die noch Probleme mit bestimmten Themen haben erfahrenere Zauberer beschwören um ihnen zu helfen. Dies wird ein hervorragender Weg für unsere Botschafter sein, um ihren Job zu erledigen. Wir halten dich auf dem Laufenden!"
ambassador_subscribe_desc: "Erhalte Emails über Support-Updates und Mehrspieler-Entwicklungen." ambassador_subscribe_desc: "Erhalte Emails über Support-Updates und Mehrspieler-Entwicklungen."
# teacher_subscribe_desc: "Get emails on updates and announcements for teachers." teacher_subscribe_desc: "Erhalte Emails über Updates und Ankündigungen für Lehrkräfte."
changes_auto_save: "Änderungen an Checkboxen werden automatisch gespeichert." changes_auto_save: "Änderungen an Checkboxen werden automatisch gespeichert."
diligent_scribes: "Unsere fleißigen Schreiber:" diligent_scribes: "Unsere fleißigen Schreiber:"
powerful_archmages: "Unsere mächtigen Erzmagier:" powerful_archmages: "Unsere mächtigen Erzmagier:"
@ -1321,7 +1321,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Deutsch (Deutschland)", englishDescription:
please_login: "Bitte logge dich zunächst ein, bevor du ein Ladder-Game spielst." please_login: "Bitte logge dich zunächst ein, bevor du ein Ladder-Game spielst."
my_matches: "Meine Matches" my_matches: "Meine Matches"
simulate: "Simuliere" simulate: "Simuliere"
simulation_explanation: "Durch das Simulieren von Spielen kannst du deine Spiele schneller rangiert bekommen!" # simulation_explanation: "Durch das Simulieren von Spielen kannst du deine Spiele schneller rangiert bekommen!"{to change}
# simulation_explanation_leagues: "You will mainly help simulate games for allied players in your clans and courses." # simulation_explanation_leagues: "You will mainly help simulate games for allied players in your clans and courses."
simulate_games: "Simuliere Spiele!" simulate_games: "Simuliere Spiele!"
games_simulated_by: "Spiele die durch dich simuliert worden:" games_simulated_by: "Spiele die durch dich simuliert worden:"
@ -1354,7 +1354,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Deutsch (Deutschland)", englishDescription:
tutorial_skip: "Überspringe Tutorial" tutorial_skip: "Überspringe Tutorial"
tutorial_not_sure: "Nicht sicher was hier ab geht?" tutorial_not_sure: "Nicht sicher was hier ab geht?"
tutorial_play_first: "Spiele zuerst das Tutorial." tutorial_play_first: "Spiele zuerst das Tutorial."
simple_ai: "Einfache KI" # {change} # simple_ai: "Einfache KI" # {change}
warmup: "Aufwärmen" warmup: "Aufwärmen"
friends_playing: "spielende Freunde" friends_playing: "spielende Freunde"
log_in_for_friends: "Melde dich an, um mit deinen Freunden zu spielen!" log_in_for_friends: "Melde dich an, um mit deinen Freunden zu spielen!"
@ -1468,8 +1468,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Deutsch (Deutschland)", englishDescription:
could_not_load: "Fehler beim Laden vom Server" could_not_load: "Fehler beim Laden vom Server"
connection_failure: "Verbindung fehlgeschlagen." # {change} connection_failure: "Verbindung fehlgeschlagen." # {change}
# connection_failure_desc: "It doesnt look like youre connected to the internet! Check your network connection and then reload this page." # connection_failure_desc: "It doesnt look like youre connected to the internet! Check your network connection and then reload this page."
# login_required: "Login Required" login_required: "Login benötigt"
# login_required_desc: "You need to be logged in to access this page." login_required_desc: "Du musst eingeloggt sein um auf diese Seite zuzugreifen."
unauthorized: "Du musst angemeldet sein. Hast du Cookies ausgeschaltet?" unauthorized: "Du musst angemeldet sein. Hast du Cookies ausgeschaltet?"
forbidden: "Sie haben nicht die nötigen Berechtigungen." # {change} forbidden: "Sie haben nicht die nötigen Berechtigungen." # {change}
# forbidden_desc: "Oh no, theres nothing we can show you here! Make sure youre logged into the correct account, or visit one of the links below to get back to programming!" # forbidden_desc: "Oh no, theres nothing we can show you here! Make sure youre logged into the correct account, or visit one of the links below to get back to programming!"
@ -1512,7 +1512,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Deutsch (Deutschland)", englishDescription:
if_statements: "If Anweisungen" if_statements: "If Anweisungen"
input_handling: "Eingabebehandlung" input_handling: "Eingabebehandlung"
math_operations: "Mathematische Operationen" math_operations: "Mathematische Operationen"
# object_literals: "Object Literals" object_literals: "Objekt Literale"
parameters: "Parameter" parameters: "Parameter"
strings: "Strings" strings: "Strings"
variables: "Variablen" variables: "Variablen"

View file

@ -607,19 +607,19 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Español (América Latina)", englishDescrip
editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompleta corchetes, llaves y comillas." editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompleta corchetes, llaves y comillas."
about: about:
# main_title: "If you want to learn to program, you need to write (a lot of) code." main_title: "Si queres aprender a programar, necesitas escribir (un montón de) código."
# main_description: "At CodeCombat, our job is to make sure you're doing that with a smile on your face." main_description: "En CodeCombat, nuestro trabajo es asegurarnos que estás haciendo eso con una sonrisa en tu cara."
# mission_link: "Mission" mission_link: "Misión"
# team_link: "Team" team_link: "Equipo"
# community_link: "Community" community_link: "Comunidad"
# story_link: "Story" story_link: "Historia"
# careers_link: "Careers" careers_link: "Carreras"
# press_link: "Press" press_link: "Prensa"
# mission_title: "Our mission: make programming accessible to every student on Earth." mission_title: "Nuestra misión: hacer accesible la programación para cada estudiante en la Tierra."
# mission_description_1: "<strong>Programming is magic</strong>. It's the ability to create things from pure imagination. We started CodeCombat to give learners the feeling of wizardly power at their fingertips by using <strong>typed code</strong>." # {change} mission_description_1: "<strong>La programación es mágica</strong>. Es la habilidad de crear cosas desde la pura imaginación. Empezamos CodeCombat para dar a los estudiantes la sensación de poder de la magia en la punta de sus dedos mediante el <strong>tipeo de código</strong>."
# mission_description_2: "As it turns out, that enables them to learn faster too. WAY faster. It's like having a conversation instead of reading a manual. We want to bring that conversation to every school and to <strong>every student</strong>, because everyone should have the chance to learn the magic of programming." # {change} mission_description_2: "Como resultado, eso les permite tambien aprender más rápido. De una FORMA más rápida. Es como tener una conversación en vez de leer un manual. Queremos llevar esa conversación a todas las escuelas y a <strong>cada estudiante</strong>, porque todos deberían tener la oportunidad de aprender la magia de la programación"
# team_title: "Meet the CodeCombat team" team_title: "Conoce al equipo de CodeCombat"
# team_values: "We value open and respectful dialog, where the best idea wins. Our decisions are grounded in customer research and our process is focused on delivering tangible results for them. Everyone is hands-on, from our CEO to our Github contributors, because we value growth and learning in our team." team_values: "Valoramos el diálogo abierto y respetuoso, donde gana la mejor idea. Nuestras decisiones se basan en la investigación del cliente y nuestro método se centra en obtener resultados tangibles para ellas. Todos están echando una mano, desde nuestro CEO hasta nuestros contribuidores en GitHub, porque en nuestro equipo valoramos el crecimiento y el aprendizaje. "
nick_title: "Cofundador, CEO" nick_title: "Cofundador, CEO"
nick_blurb: "Gurú motivacional" nick_blurb: "Gurú motivacional"
matt_title: "Cofundador, CTO" matt_title: "Cofundador, CTO"
@ -644,52 +644,52 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Español (América Latina)", englishDescrip
jose_blurb: "Despegar" jose_blurb: "Despegar"
carlos_title: "Manager de Región, Brasil" carlos_title: "Manager de Región, Brasil"
carlos_blurb: "Hombre apio" carlos_blurb: "Hombre apio"
# community_title: "...and our open-source community" community_title: "...y nuestra comunidad open-source"
# community_subtitle: "Over 450 contributors have helped build CodeCombat, with more joining every week!" community_subtitle: "¡Más de 450 contribuidores que ayudaron a contruir CodeCombat, y más uniendose cada semana!"
# community_description_1: "CodeCombat is a community project, with hundreds of players volunteering to create levels, contribute to our code to add features, fix bugs, playtest, and even translate the game into 50 languages so far. Employees, contributors and the site gain by sharing ideas and pooling effort, as does the open source community in general. The site is built on numerous open source projects, and we are open sourced to give back to the community and provide code-curious players a familiar project to explore and experiment with. Anyone can join the CodeCombat community! Check out our" community_description_1: "CodeCombat es un proyecto comunitario, con cientos de jugadores haciendo trabajo voluntario al crear niveles, contribuir a nuestro código para añadir características, arreglar bugs, testear, e incluso traducir el juego a 50 idiomas hasta ahora. Empleados, contribuidores y la página ganan al compartir las ideas Echa un vistazo a nuestra"
# community_description_link: "contribute page" community_description_link: "página de contribución"
# community_description_2: "for more info." community_description_2: "para más información."
# number_contributors: "Over 450 contributors have lent their support and time to this project." number_contributors: "Más de 450 contribuidores dieron su apoyo y tiempo a este proyecto."
# story_title: "Our story so far" story_title: "Nuestra historia hasta ahora"
# story_subtitle: "Since 2013, CodeCombat has grown from a mere set of sketches to a living, thriving game." story_subtitle: "Desde 2013, CodeCombat creció desde un mero conjunto de bocetos hasta un juego próspero, vivo."
# story_statistic_1a: "5,000,000+" story_statistic_1a: "+5,000,000"
# story_statistic_1b: "total players" story_statistic_1b: "jugadores totales"
# story_statistic_1c: "have started their programming journey through CodeCombat" story_statistic_1c: "comenzaron su viaje en la programación mediante CodeCombat"
# story_statistic_2a: "Weve been translated into over 50 languages — our players hail from" story_statistic_2a: "Weve been translated into over 50 languages — nuestros jugadores son de"
# story_statistic_2b: "200+ countries" story_statistic_2b: "+200 países"
# story_statistic_3a: "Together, they have written" story_statistic_3a: "Juntos, escribieron"
# story_statistic_3b: "1 billion lines of code and counting" story_statistic_3b: "1 mil millones de líneas de código, y contando"
# story_statistic_3c: "across six different programming languages" story_statistic_3c: "en seis lenguajes de programación distintos"
# story_long_way_1: "Though we've come a long way..." story_long_way_1: "Aunque hemos recorrido un largo camino..."
# story_sketch_caption: "Nick's very first sketch depicting a programming game in action." story_sketch_caption: "El primer boceto de Nick representando un juego de programación en acción."
# story_long_way_2: "we still have much to do before we complete our quest, so..." story_long_way_2: "todavía nos queda mucho por hacer antes de que completemos nuestra misión, asi que..."
# jobs_title: "Come work with us and help write CodeCombat history!" jobs_title: "¡Ven a trabajar con nosotros y ayuda a escribir la historia de CodeCombat!"
# jobs_subtitle: "Don't see a good fit but interested in keeping in touch? See our \"Create Your Own\" listing." jobs_subtitle: "¿No encontras una buena opción pero estás interesado en mantener el contacto? Mirá nuestra entrada \"Crear Tu Propio\"."
# jobs_benefits: "Employee Benefits" jobs_benefits: "Beneficios del empleado"
# jobs_benefit_1: "Competitive salary and options" jobs_benefit_1: "Salario competitivo y opciones"
# jobs_benefit_2: "15 day minimum vacation policy, excluding company holidays" jobs_benefit_2: "Política vacacional de 15 días, como mínimo, excepto los feriados de la compañia "
# jobs_benefit_3: "Work from home flexibility" jobs_benefit_3: "Flexibilidad para trabajar desde casa"
# jobs_benefit_4: "Unlimited sick/personal days" jobs_benefit_4: "Días personales/enfermo ilimitados"
# jobs_benefit_5: "Professional development and continuing education support" jobs_benefit_5: "Desarrollo profesional y soporte de formación continua"
# jobs_benefit_6: "Medical/dental/vision insurance" jobs_benefit_6: "Seguro médico/dental/vista"
# learn_more: "Learn More" learn_more: "Aprender Más"
# jobs_custom_title: "Create Your Own" jobs_custom_title: "Crear Tu Propio"
# jobs_custom_description: "Are you passionate about CodeCombat but don't see a job listed that matches your qualifications? Write us and show how you think you can contribute to our team. We'd love to hear from you!" jobs_custom_description: "¿Te apasiona CodeCombat pero nos ves un puesto de trabajo que coincida con tus cualificaciones? Escríbenos y muestrenos como cree que puede contribuir a nuestro equipo. ¡Nos encantaría saber de vos!"
# jobs_custom_contact_1: "Send us a note at" jobs_custom_contact_1: "¡Envíanos una nota a"
# jobs_custom_contact_2: "introducing yourself and we might get in touch in the future!" jobs_custom_contact_2: "presentándote y podremos estar en contacto en el futuro!"
# contact_title: "Press & Contact" contact_title: "Prensa & Contacto"
# contact_subtitle: "Need more information? Get in touch with us at" contact_subtitle: "¿Necesitas más información? Contáctanos en"
# screenshots_title: "Game Screenshots" screenshots_title: "Capturas de pantalla del Juego"
# screenshots_hint: "(click to view full size)" screenshots_hint: "(click para ver en tamaño completo)"
# downloads_title: "Download Assets & Information" downloads_title: "Descargar Recursos & Información"
# about_codecombat: "About CodeCombat" about_codecombat: "Acerca de CodeCombat"
# logo: "Logo" logo: "Logo"
# screenshots: "Screenshots" screenshots: "Capturas de pantalla"
# character_art: "Character Art" character_art: "Arte de Personajes"
# download_all: "Download All" download_all: "Descargar Todo"
# previous: "Previous" previous: "Anterior"
# next: "Next" next: "Siguiente"
# location_title: "We're located in downtown SF:" location_title: "Nos encontramos en el centro de SF:"
teachers: teachers:
who_for_title: "¿Para quienes es CodeCombat?" who_for_title: "¿Para quienes es CodeCombat?"
@ -700,37 +700,37 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Español (América Latina)", englishDescrip
more_info_2: "el foro de profesores" more_info_2: "el foro de profesores"
more_info_3: "es un buen lugar para connectarse con los educadores que estan usando CodeCombat." more_info_3: "es un buen lugar para connectarse con los educadores que estan usando CodeCombat."
# teachers_quote: teachers_quote:
# name: "Quote Form" name: "Formulario de Presupuesto"
# title: "Request a Quote" title: "Solicitar un Presupuesto"
# subtitle: "Get CodeCombat in your classroom, club, school or district!" subtitle: "¡Obtén CodeCombat en tu clase, club, escuela o distrito!"
# email_exists: "User exists with this email." email_exists: "Existe un usuario con este email."
# phone_number: "Phone number" phone_number: "Teléfono"
# phone_number_help: "Where can we reach you during the workday?" phone_number_help: "¿Dónde podemos contactarte durante el horario de trabajo ?"
# role_label: "Your role" role_label: "Tu función"
# role_help: "Select your primary role." role_help: "Seleccione su función principal."
# tech_coordinator: "Technology coordinator" tech_coordinator: "Coordinador de tecnología"
# advisor: "Advisor" advisor: "Tutor"
# principal: "Principal" principal: "Director"
# superintendent: "Superintendent" superintendent: "Supervisor"
# parent: "Parent" parent: "Padre"
# organization_label: "Name of School/District" organization_label: "Escuela / Distrito"
# city: "City" city: "Ciudad"
# state: "State" state: "Estado"
# country: "Country" country: "País"
# num_students_help: "How many do you anticipate enrolling in CodeCombat?" num_students_help: "¿Cuántos prevees inscribir en CodeCombat?"
# education_level_label: "Education Level of Students" education_level_label: "Nivel Educativo de los Estudiantes"
# education_level_help: "Choose as many as apply." education_level_help: "Elegí todas las que correspondan."
# elementary_school: "Elementary School" elementary_school: "Escuela Primaria"
# high_school: "High School" high_school: "Escuela Secundaria"
# please_explain: "(please explain)" please_explain: "(describa, por favor)"
# middle_school: "Middle School" middle_school: "Escuela Intermedia"
# college_plus: "College or higher" college_plus: "Universidad o superior"
# anything_else: "Anything else we should know?" anything_else: "¿Algo más que deberíamos saber?"
# thanks_header: "Thanks for requesting a quote!" thanks_header: "¡Gracias por solicitar un presupuesto!"
# thanks_p: "We'll be in touch soon. Questions? Email us:" thanks_p: "Estaremos en contacto pronto. ¿Preguntas? Escríbenos:"
# thanks_anon: "Login or sign up with your account below to access your two free enrollments (well notify you by email when they have been approved, which usually takes less than 48 hours). As always, the first hour of content is free for an unlimited number of students." thanks_anon: "Inicia sesión o regístrate con tu cuenta más abajo para acceder a tus dos suscripciones gratuitas (te notificaremos por email cuando hayan sido aprobadas, que por lo general tarda menos de 48 horas). Como siempre, la primera hora de contenido es gratuita para un número ilimitado de estudiantes."
# thanks_logged_in: "Your two free enrollments are pending approval. Well notify you by email when they have been approved (usually within 48 hours). As always, the first hour of content is free for an unlimited number of students." thanks_logged_in: "Tus dos suscripciones gratuitas están pendientes de aprobación. Te notificaremos por email cuando hayan sido aprobadas (por lo general dentro de las 48 horas). Como siempre, la primera hora de contenido es gratuita para un número ilimitado de estudiantes."
versions: versions:
save_version_title: "Guardar nueva versión" save_version_title: "Guardar nueva versión"

View file

@ -664,18 +664,18 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Nederlands (Nederland)", englishDescription
story_sketch_caption: "Nick's eerste schets die een programmeer spel in actie weergeeft." story_sketch_caption: "Nick's eerste schets die een programmeer spel in actie weergeeft."
story_long_way_2: "hebben we nog veel te doen voordat we onze zoektocht af hebben, dus..." story_long_way_2: "hebben we nog veel te doen voordat we onze zoektocht af hebben, dus..."
jobs_title: "Kom met ons werken en help om CodeCombat geschiedenis te laten scrhijven!" jobs_title: "Kom met ons werken en help om CodeCombat geschiedenis te laten scrhijven!"
# jobs_subtitle: "Don't see a good fit but interested in keeping in touch? See our \"Create Your Own\" listing." jobs_subtitle: "Zie je niets dat bij je past maar wil je toch contact houden? Bekijk onze \"Maak eigen\" vermelding."
jobs_benefits: "Arbeidsvoorwaarden" jobs_benefits: "Arbeidsvoorwaarden"
jobs_benefit_1: "Competitief salaris en mogelijkheden" jobs_benefit_1: "Competitief salaris en mogelijkheden"
jobs_benefit_2: "15 dagen minimaal vakantie beleid, exclusief bedrijfs feestdagen" jobs_benefit_2: "15 dagen minimaal vakantie beleid, exclusief bedrijfs feestdagen"
jobs_benefit_3: "Werk vanuit huis flexibiliteit" jobs_benefit_3: "Werk vanuit huis flexibiliteit"
jobs_benefit_4: "Onbeperkte ziek/persoonlijke dagen" jobs_benefit_4: "Onbeperkte ziek/persoonlijke dagen"
jobs_benefit_5: "Professionele ontwikkeling en voortgezette onderwijs steun" jobs_benefit_5: "Professionele ontwikkeling en voortgezette onderwijs steun"
# jobs_benefit_6: "Medical/dental/vision insurance" jobs_benefit_6: "Medisch/tandarts/oog verzekering"
learn_more: "Lees verder" learn_more: "Lees verder"
# jobs_custom_title: "Create Your Own" # jobs_custom_title: "Create Your Own"
# jobs_custom_description: "Are you passionate about CodeCombat but don't see a job listed that matches your qualifications? Write us and show how you think you can contribute to our team. We'd love to hear from you!" # jobs_custom_description: "Are you passionate about CodeCombat but don't see a job listed that matches your qualifications? Write us and show how you think you can contribute to our team. We'd love to hear from you!"
# jobs_custom_contact_1: "Send us a note at" jobs_custom_contact_1: "Stuur ons een bericht"
# jobs_custom_contact_2: "introducing yourself and we might get in touch in the future!" # jobs_custom_contact_2: "introducing yourself and we might get in touch in the future!"
contact_title: "Media & Contact" contact_title: "Media & Contact"
contact_subtitle: "Zoek je meer informatie? Neem contact met ons op!" contact_subtitle: "Zoek je meer informatie? Neem contact met ons op!"
@ -720,17 +720,17 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Nederlands (Nederland)", englishDescription
country: "Land" country: "Land"
num_students_help: "Hoeveel leerlingen verwacht u in te schrijven voor CodeCombat?" num_students_help: "Hoeveel leerlingen verwacht u in te schrijven voor CodeCombat?"
education_level_label: "Opleidingsniveau van de leerlingen" education_level_label: "Opleidingsniveau van de leerlingen"
# education_level_help: "Choose as many as apply." education_level_help: "Kies hoeveel van toepassing is."
elementary_school: "Lager Onderwijs" elementary_school: "Lager Onderwijs"
high_school: "Voortgezet Onderwijs" high_school: "Voortgezet Onderwijs"
# please_explain: "(please explain)" please_explain: "(licht a.u.b. toe)"
# middle_school: "Middle School" # middle_school: "Middle School" # N/A in the Netherlands
college_plus: "Hoger Onderwijs" college_plus: "Hoger Onderwijs"
anything_else: "Is er verder nog iets dat we moeten weten?" anything_else: "Is er verder nog iets dat we moeten weten?"
thanks_header: "Bedankt voor het aanvragen van een citaat!" thanks_header: "Bedankt voor het aanvragen van een citaat!"
thanks_p: "Wij zullen spoedig contact met u opnemen. Vragen? Mail ons:" thanks_p: "Wij zullen spoedig contact met u opnemen. Vragen? Mail ons:"
# thanks_anon: "Login or sign up with your account below to access your two free enrollments (well notify you by email when they have been approved, which usually takes less than 48 hours). As always, the first hour of content is free for an unlimited number of students." thanks_anon: "Log hieronder in of geef je op met je account voor twee gratis inschrijvingen (wij zullen je per e-mail op de hoogte stellen zo gauw de aanmeldingen zijn goedgekeurd, wat meestal binnen 48 uur gebeurt). Zoals altijd is het eerste uur van het programma gratis voor alle leerlingen."
# thanks_logged_in: "Your two free enrollments are pending approval. Well notify you by email when they have been approved (usually within 48 hours). As always, the first hour of content is free for an unlimited number of students." thanks_logged_in: "Jouw twee gratis inschrijvingen zijn in afwachting van goedkeuring. Wij zullen je per e-mail op de hoogte stellen zo gouw deze zijn goedgekeurd (meestal binnen 48 uur). Zoals altijd is het eerste uur van het programma gratis voor alle leerlingen."
versions: versions:
save_version_title: "Nieuwe versie opslaan" save_version_title: "Nieuwe versie opslaan"
@ -817,7 +817,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Nederlands (Nederland)", englishDescription
scrub_playback: "reis door de tijd." scrub_playback: "reis door de tijd."
single_scrub_playback: "reis per frame door de tijd." single_scrub_playback: "reis per frame door de tijd."
# scrub_execution: "Scrub through current spell execution." # scrub_execution: "Scrub through current spell execution."
toggle_debug: "Toggle debug display." toggle_debug: "Toggle debug scherm."
toggle_grid: "Toggle rooster weergave." toggle_grid: "Toggle rooster weergave."
toggle_pathfinding: "Toggle padvind weergave." toggle_pathfinding: "Toggle padvind weergave."
beautify: "Verfraai je code door de opmaak overal gelijk te maken." beautify: "Verfraai je code door de opmaak overal gelijk te maken."
@ -887,12 +887,12 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Nederlands (Nederland)", englishDescription
latest_achievement: "Laatst behaalde prestatie" latest_achievement: "Laatst behaalde prestatie"
playtime: "Speeltijd" playtime: "Speeltijd"
last_played: "Laatst gespeeld" last_played: "Laatst gespeeld"
# leagues_explanation: "Play in a league against other clan members in these multiplayer arena instances." leagues_explanation: "Speel in een competitie tegen andere clanleden in deze multiplayer arena."
track_concepts1: "Traject concepten" track_concepts1: "Traject concepten"
track_concepts2a: "geleerd door elke leerling" track_concepts2a: "geleerd door elke leerling"
track_concepts2b: "geleerd door elk lid" track_concepts2b: "geleerd door elk lid"
# track_concepts3a: "Track levels completed for each student" track_concepts3a: "Traject-levels voltooid door alle leerlingen"
# track_concepts3b: "Track levels completed for each member" track_concepts3b: "Traject-levels voltooid door alle deelnemers"
track_concepts4a: "Zie jouw leerlingen'" track_concepts4a: "Zie jouw leerlingen'"
track_concepts4b: "Zie jouw deelnemers'" track_concepts4b: "Zie jouw deelnemers'"
track_concepts5: "Oplossingen" track_concepts5: "Oplossingen"
@ -1014,7 +1014,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Nederlands (Nederland)", englishDescription
create_account_title: "Maak een account" create_account_title: "Maak een account"
create_account_description: "Schrijf je in voor een GRATIS CodeCombat account en krijg toegang tot meer levels, meer programmeervaardigheden, en veel plezier!" create_account_description: "Schrijf je in voor een GRATIS CodeCombat account en krijg toegang tot meer levels, meer programmeervaardigheden, en veel plezier!"
preview_campaign_title: "Campagne demo" preview_campaign_title: "Campagne demo"
preview_campaign_description: "Spiek even naar alles wat CodeCombat aanbied, voor je je inschrijft voor een gratis account." preview_campaign_description: "Spiek even naar alles wat CodeCombat aanbiedt, voor je je inschrijft voor een gratis account."
arena: "Arena" arena: "Arena"
arena_soon_title: "Arena komt binnenkort" arena_soon_title: "Arena komt binnenkort"
arena_soon_description: "We werken aan een multiplayer arena voor klaslokalen aan het eind van" arena_soon_description: "We werken aan een multiplayer arena voor klaslokalen aan het eind van"
@ -1029,9 +1029,9 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Nederlands (Nederland)", englishDescription
start_new_game: "Start Nieuw spel" start_new_game: "Start Nieuw spel"
play_now_learn_header: "Speel nu en leer" play_now_learn_header: "Speel nu en leer"
play_now_learn_1: "basiszinnen om je karakter te besturen" play_now_learn_1: "basiszinnen om je karakter te besturen"
# play_now_learn_2: "while loops to solve pesky puzzles" play_now_learn_2: "while loops om lastige puzzels op te lossen"
# play_now_learn_3: "strings & variables to customize actions" play_now_learn_3: "strings & variabelen om acties te aan te passen"
# play_now_learn_4: "how to defeat an ogre (important life skills!)" play_now_learn_4: "hoe versla je een ogre (belangerijke levenslessen!)"
welcome_to_page: "Welkom op jhe cursus-pagina!" welcome_to_page: "Welkom op jhe cursus-pagina!"
completed_hoc: "Geweldig! Je hebt de Codeuur-cursus af!" completed_hoc: "Geweldig! Je hebt de Codeuur-cursus af!"
ready_for_more_header: "Wil je meer? Speel de campagne-mode!" ready_for_more_header: "Wil je meer? Speel de campagne-mode!"
@ -1045,7 +1045,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Nederlands (Nederland)", englishDescription
view_class: "Bekijk klas" view_class: "Bekijk klas"
view_levels: "bekijk levels" view_levels: "bekijk levels"
join_class: "doe mee met een klas" join_class: "doe mee met een klas"
ask_teacher_for_code: "Vraag je juf/meester Of je een CodeCombat klassencode hebt! Als dat zo is, vul het hieronder in:" ask_teacher_for_code: "Vraag je juf/meester of je een CodeCombat klassencode hebt! Als dat zo is, vul die dan hieronder in:"
enter_c_code: "<voer klassencode in>" enter_c_code: "<voer klassencode in>"
join: "Doe mee" join: "Doe mee"
joining: "Doe mee met klas" joining: "Doe mee met klas"
@ -1055,20 +1055,20 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Nederlands (Nederland)", englishDescription
last_level: "Laatste Level" last_level: "Laatste Level"
welcome_to_hoc: "Avonturiers, Welkom bij codeuur!" welcome_to_hoc: "Avonturiers, Welkom bij codeuur!"
logged_in_as: "Ingelogd als:" logged_in_as: "Ingelogd als:"
not_you: "Ben je dit niet?" not_you: "Ben jij dit niet?"
welcome_back: "Hallo avonturier, welkom terug!" welcome_back: "Hallo avonturier, welkom terug!"
continue_playing: "Doorgaan met spelen" continue_playing: "Doorgaan met spelen"
more_options: "Meer opties:" more_options: "Meer opties:"
option1_header: "Optie 1: Nodig leerlingen uit via mail" option1_header: "Optie 1: Nodig leerlingen uit via e-mail"
option1_body: "Leerlingen krijgen automatisch een uitnodiging om met de klas mee te doen, en de leerlingen moeten een account maken met gebruikersnaam en wachtwoord." option1_body: "Leerlingen krijgen automatisch een uitnodiging om met de klas mee te doen, en de leerlingen moeten een account maken met gebruikersnaam en wachtwoord."
option2_header: "Optie 2: Stuur leerlingen een link" option2_header: "Optie 2: Stuur leerlingen een link"
option2_body: "Leerlingen wordt gevraagd een account te maken met hun e-mailadres, gebruikersnaam en een wachtwoord." option2_body: "Leerlingen worden gevraagd een account te maken met hun e-mailadres, gebruikersnaam en een wachtwoord."
option3_header: "Optie 3: Stuur leerlingen naar" option3_header: "Optie 3: Stuur leerlingen naar"
option3_body: "Geef leerlingen de volgende pincode welke ze samen met een emailadres, gebruikersnaam en wachtwoord moeten invullen, bij het aanmaken van een account." option3_body: "Geef leerlingen de volgende pincode welke ze samen met een e-mailadres, gebruikersnaam en wachtwoord moeten invullen, bij het aanmaken van een account."
thank_you_pref: "Bedankt voor je aankoop! Je kunt nu meer leerlingen" thank_you_pref: "Bedankt voor je aankoop! Je kunt nu meer leerlingen"
thank_you_suff: "aan betaalde cursussen toevoegen." thank_you_suff: "aan betaalde cursussen toevoegen."
return_to_class: "Terug naar het klaslokaal" return_to_class: "Terug naar het klaslokaal"
return_to_course_man: "Terug naar cusrsubeheer." return_to_course_man: "Terug naar cursusbeheer."
students_not_enrolled: "leerlingen niet ingeschreven" students_not_enrolled: "leerlingen niet ingeschreven"
total_all_classes: "Totaal over alle klassen" total_all_classes: "Totaal over alle klassen"
how_many_enrollments: "Hoeveel extra inschrijvingen heb je nodig?" how_many_enrollments: "Hoeveel extra inschrijvingen heb je nodig?"
@ -1076,12 +1076,12 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Nederlands (Nederland)", englishDescription
purchase_now: "Koop nu" purchase_now: "Koop nu"
enrollments: "inschrijvingen" enrollments: "inschrijvingen"
remove_student1: "Verwijder leerling" remove_student1: "Verwijder leerling"
are_you_sure: "Weet je zeker dat je de leerling uit de klas wil halen?" are_you_sure: "Weet je zeker dat je de leerling uit de klas wilt halen?"
remove_description1: "De toegang tot dit klaslokaalen de toegewezen klassen wordt geblokkeerd. Voortgang wordt NIET verwijderd, en de leerling kan altijd weer worden toegevoegd." remove_description1: "De toegang tot dit klaslokaal en de toegewezen klassen wordt geblokkeerd. Voortgang wordt NIET verwijderd, en de leerling kan altijd weer worden toegevoegd."
remove_description2: "De geactiveerde betaalde licenties worden niet teruggegeven." remove_description2: "De geactiveerde betaalde licenties worden niet teruggegeven."
keep_student: "bewaar leerling" keep_student: "bewaar leerling"
removing_user: "Verwijder gebruiker" removing_user: "Verwijder gebruiker"
to_join_ask: "Om met de klas mee te doen, Moet je je juf/meester om de code vragen." to_join_ask: "Om met de klas mee te doen, moet je jouw juf/meester om de code vragen."
join_this_class: "Doe mee met de klas" join_this_class: "Doe mee met de klas"
enter_here: "<Voer klassencode in>" enter_here: "<Voer klassencode in>"
successfully_joined: "Je doet nu mee" successfully_joined: "Je doet nu mee"
@ -1089,17 +1089,17 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Nederlands (Nederland)", englishDescription
my_courses: "Mijn cursussen" my_courses: "Mijn cursussen"
classroom: "klaslokaal" classroom: "klaslokaal"
use_school_email: "Gebruik je schoolmail, als je er een hebt" use_school_email: "Gebruik je schoolmail, als je er een hebt"
unique_name: "een unieke naam die nog niemand heeft genomen" unique_name: "een unieke naam die nog niemand heeft gekozen"
pick_something: "kies iets dat je kunt onthouden" pick_something: "kies iets dat je kunt onthouden"
class_code: "Klassencode" class_code: "Klassencode"
optional_ask: "Als je wilt - Vraag je juf/meester om je een te geven!" optional_ask: "Als je wilt - Vraag je juf/meester om je er een te geven!"
optional_school: "Als je wilt - Naar welke school ga je?" optional_school: "Als je wilt - Naar welke school ga je?"
start_playing: "Start met spelen" start_playing: "Start met spelen"
skip_this: "Sla dit over! Ik maak later een account" skip_this: "Sla dit over! Ik maak later een account"
welcome: "Welkom" welcome: "Welkom"
getting_started: "Introductie voor de cursussen" getting_started: "Introductie voor de cursussen"
download_getting_started: "Download de introductiehandleiding [PDF]" download_getting_started: "Download de introductiehandleiding [PDF]"
getting_started_1: "Maak een nieuwe kjlas door te drukken op de groune 'Maak nieuwe klas'-klop hieronder." getting_started_1: "Maak een nieuwe klas door te drukken op de groene 'Maak nieuwe klas'-knop hieronder."
getting_started_2: "Wanneer je een klas hebt gemaakt, klik dan op de 'Voeg leerlingen toe'-knop." getting_started_2: "Wanneer je een klas hebt gemaakt, klik dan op de 'Voeg leerlingen toe'-knop."
getting_started_3: "Je ziet dan de voortgang van de leerlingen, wanneer ze zich inschrijven en aanmelden voor uw klas." getting_started_3: "Je ziet dan de voortgang van de leerlingen, wanneer ze zich inschrijven en aanmelden voor uw klas."
additional_resources: "Extra bronnen" additional_resources: "Extra bronnen"
@ -1115,7 +1115,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Nederlands (Nederland)", englishDescription
additional_resources_3_suff: "Om contact te leggen met andere leerkrachten die CodeCombat gebruiken." additional_resources_3_suff: "Om contact te leggen met andere leerkrachten die CodeCombat gebruiken."
additional_resources_4_pref: "Bekijk onze" additional_resources_4_pref: "Bekijk onze"
additional_resources_4_mid: "Scholenpagina" additional_resources_4_mid: "Scholenpagina"
additional_resources_4_suff: "Om meer te leren over CodeCombat's klaslokaalaanbiedingen." additional_resources_4_suff: "Om meer te leren over CodeCombat's klaslokaal-aanbiedingen."
educator_wiki_pref: "Of bekijk onze nieuwe" educator_wiki_pref: "Of bekijk onze nieuwe"
educator_wiki_mid: "docenten wiki" educator_wiki_mid: "docenten wiki"
educator_wiki_suff: "om de gids online te bekijken." educator_wiki_suff: "om de gids online te bekijken."
@ -1124,7 +1124,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Nederlands (Nederland)", englishDescription
create_new_class1: "Maak nieuwe klas" create_new_class1: "Maak nieuwe klas"
available_courses: "Beschikbare cursussen" available_courses: "Beschikbare cursussen"
unused_enrollments: "Ongebruikte inschrijvingen beschikbaar:" unused_enrollments: "Ongebruikte inschrijvingen beschikbaar:"
students_access: "Elke leerling krijgt gratis toegang tot de introductie op informatica. Een inschrijving per student is nodig om ze toegang te geven tot betaalde cursussen. een leerling heeft niet meerdere inschrijvingen nodig voor meerdere betaalde cursussen." students_access: "Elke leerling krijgt gratis toegang tot de introductie tot informatica. Een inschrijving per student is nodig om ze toegang te geven tot betaalde cursussen. Een leerling hoeft maar één keer in te schrijven en kan worden toegewezen aan meerdere betaalde cursussen."
active_courses: "actieve cursussen" active_courses: "actieve cursussen"
no_students: "Nog geen leerlingen!" no_students: "Nog geen leerlingen!"
add_students1: "leerlingen toevoegen" add_students1: "leerlingen toevoegen"
@ -1135,7 +1135,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Nederlands (Nederland)", englishDescription
classes: classes:
archmage_title: "Tovenaar" archmage_title: "Tovenaar"
archmage_title_description: "(Programmeur)" archmage_title_description: "(Programmeur)"
archmage_summary: "Als je een programmeur met interesse in het maken van educatieve spellen, word dan Tovernaar en help ons CodeCombat te ontwikkelen!" archmage_summary: "Als je een programmeur bent met interesse in het maken van educatieve spellen, word dan Tovernaar en help ons CodeCombat te ontwikkelen!"
artisan_title: "Ambachtsman" artisan_title: "Ambachtsman"
artisan_title_description: "(Level Bouwer)" artisan_title_description: "(Level Bouwer)"
artisan_summary: "Bouw en deel levels die je alleen of met vrienden kan spelen. Word een Ambachtsman om anderen te helpen leren programmeren." artisan_summary: "Bouw en deel levels die je alleen of met vrienden kan spelen. Word een Ambachtsman om anderen te helpen leren programmeren."
@ -1195,7 +1195,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Nederlands (Nederland)", englishDescription
level_tab_thangs_search: "Zoek dingen" level_tab_thangs_search: "Zoek dingen"
add_components: "Voeg Componenten Toe" add_components: "Voeg Componenten Toe"
component_configs: "Componenten Configuraties" component_configs: "Componenten Configuraties"
config_thang: "Double click om een thang te configureren" config_thang: "Dubbel-klik om een thang te configureren"
delete: "Verwijder" delete: "Verwijder"
duplicate: "Dupliceer" duplicate: "Dupliceer"
stop_duplicate: "Stop Dupliceren" stop_duplicate: "Stop Dupliceren"
@ -1237,8 +1237,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Nederlands (Nederland)", englishDescription
level_completion: "Level Voltooiing" level_completion: "Level Voltooiing"
# pop_i18n: "Populate I18N" # pop_i18n: "Populate I18N"
tasks: "Taken" tasks: "Taken"
# clear_storage: "Clear your local changes" clear_storage: "Verwijder jouw lokale aanpassingen"
# add_system_title: "Add Systems to Level" add_system_title: "Voeg Systeem toe aan Level"
done_adding: "Klaar met toevoegen" done_adding: "Klaar met toevoegen"
article: article:
@ -1252,11 +1252,11 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Nederlands (Nederland)", englishDescription
page_title: "Bijdragen" page_title: "Bijdragen"
intro_blurb: "CodeCombat is 100% open source! Honderden toegewijde spelers hebben ons geholpen bij het maken van dit spel. Doe mee en help CodeCombat in zijn epische missie de wereld te leren programmeren!" intro_blurb: "CodeCombat is 100% open source! Honderden toegewijde spelers hebben ons geholpen bij het maken van dit spel. Doe mee en help CodeCombat in zijn epische missie de wereld te leren programmeren!"
alert_account_message_intro: "Hallo!" alert_account_message_intro: "Hallo!"
alert_account_message: "Om je aan te melden voor klasse emails, moest je eerst inloggen." alert_account_message: "Om je aan te melden voor klasse-mails, moest je eerst inloggen."
archmage_introduction: "Een van de beste aspecten aan het maken van spelletjes is dat zij zoveel verschillende zaken omvatten. Visualisaties, geluid, real-time netwerken, sociale netwerken, en natuurlijk enkele veelvoorkomende aspecten van programmeren, van low-level database beheer en server administratie tot gebruiksvriendelijke interfaces maken. Er is veel te doen, en als jij een ervaren programmeur bent met de motivatie om je volledig te verdiepen in de details van CodeCombat, dan ben je de tovenaar die wij zoeken! We zouden graag jouw hulp krijgen bij het bouwen van het allerbeste programmeerspel ooit." archmage_introduction: "Een van de beste aspecten aan het maken van spelletjes is dat zij zoveel verschillende zaken omvatten. Visualisaties, geluid, real-time netwerken, sociale netwerken, en natuurlijk enkele veelvoorkomende aspecten van programmeren, van low-level database beheer en server administratie tot gebruiksvriendelijke interfaces maken. Er is veel te doen, en als jij een ervaren programmeur bent met de motivatie om je volledig te verdiepen in de details van CodeCombat, dan ben je de tovenaar die wij zoeken! We zouden graag jouw hulp krijgen bij het bouwen van het allerbeste programmeerspel ooit."
class_attributes: "Klasse kenmerken" class_attributes: "Klasse kenmerken"
archmage_attribute_1_pref: "Ervaring met " archmage_attribute_1_pref: "Ervaring met "
archmage_attribute_1_suf: ", of de wil om het te leren. De meeste van onze code is in deze taal. Indien je een fan van Ruby of Python bent, zal je je meteen thuis voelen! Het is zoals JavaScript, maar met een mooiere syntax." archmage_attribute_1_suf: ", of de wil om het te leren. De meeste van onze code is in deze taal. Indien je een fan van Ruby of Python bent, zul je je meteen thuis voelen! Het is zoals JavaScript, maar met een mooiere syntax."
archmage_attribute_2: "Ervaring in programmeren en individueel initiatief. We kunnen jou helpen bij het opstarten, maar kunnen niet veel tijd spenderen om je op te leiden." archmage_attribute_2: "Ervaring in programmeren en individueel initiatief. We kunnen jou helpen bij het opstarten, maar kunnen niet veel tijd spenderen om je op te leiden."
how_to_join: "Hoe deel te nemen" how_to_join: "Hoe deel te nemen"
join_desc_1: "Iedereen kan helpen! Bekijk onze " join_desc_1: "Iedereen kan helpen! Bekijk onze "
@ -1300,9 +1300,9 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Nederlands (Nederland)", englishDescription
diplomat_i18n_page_suffix: ", of onze interface en website op GitHub." diplomat_i18n_page_suffix: ", of onze interface en website op GitHub."
diplomat_join_pref_github: "Vind van jouw taal het locale bestand " diplomat_join_pref_github: "Vind van jouw taal het locale bestand "
diplomat_github_url: "op GitHub" diplomat_github_url: "op GitHub"
diplomat_join_suf_github: ", edit het online, en submit een pull request. Daarnaast kun je hieronder aanvinken als je up-to-date wilt worden gehouden met nieuwe internationalisatie-ontwikkelingen." diplomat_join_suf_github: ", edit het online, en dien een pull request in. Daarnaast kun je hieronder aanvinken dat je up-to-date gehouden wilt worden over de nieuwe internationale ontwikkelingen."
diplomat_subscribe_desc: "Ontvang e-mails over i18n ontwikkelingen en levels om te vertalen." diplomat_subscribe_desc: "Ontvang e-mails over i18n ontwikkelingen en levels om te vertalen."
ambassador_introduction: "We zijn een gemeenschap aan het uitbouwen, en jij maakt er deel van uit. We hebben Olark chatkamers, emails, en sociale netwerken met veel andere mensen waarmee je kan praten en hulp aan kan vragen over het spel of om bij te leren. Als jij mensen wil helpen en te werken nabij de hartslag van CodeCombat in het bijsturen van onze toekomstvisie, dan is dit de geknipte klasse voor jou!" ambassador_introduction: "We zijn een gemeenschap aan het uitbouwen, en jij maakt er deel van uit. We hebben Olark chatkamers, e-mails, en sociale netwerken met veel andere mensen waarmee je kan praten en hulp aan kan vragen over het spel of om bij te leren. Als jij mensen wil helpen en te werken nabij de hartslag van CodeCombat in het bijsturen van onze toekomstvisie, dan is dit de geknipte klasse voor jou!"
ambassador_attribute_1: "Communicatieskills. Problemen die spelers hebben kunnen identificeren en ze helpen deze op te lossen. Verder zul je ook de rest van ons geïnformeerd houden over wat de spelers zeggen, wat ze leuk vinden, wat ze minder vinden en waar er meer van moet zijn!" ambassador_attribute_1: "Communicatieskills. Problemen die spelers hebben kunnen identificeren en ze helpen deze op te lossen. Verder zul je ook de rest van ons geïnformeerd houden over wat de spelers zeggen, wat ze leuk vinden, wat ze minder vinden en waar er meer van moet zijn!"
ambassador_join_desc: "vertel ons wat over jezelf, wat je hebt gedaan en wat je graag zou doen. We zien verder wel!" ambassador_join_desc: "vertel ons wat over jezelf, wat je hebt gedaan en wat je graag zou doen. We zien verder wel!"
ambassador_join_note_strong: "Opmerking" ambassador_join_note_strong: "Opmerking"
@ -1318,11 +1318,11 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Nederlands (Nederland)", englishDescription
helpful_ambassadors: "Onze behulpzame Ambassadeurs:" helpful_ambassadors: "Onze behulpzame Ambassadeurs:"
ladder: ladder:
please_login: "Log alstublieft eerst in voordat u een ladderspel speelt." please_login: "Log alstublieft eerst in voordat je een ladderspel speelt."
my_matches: "Mijn Wedstrijden" my_matches: "Mijn Wedstrijden"
simulate: "Simuleer" simulate: "Simuleer"
simulation_explanation: "Door spellen te simuleren kan je zelf sneller beoordeeld worden!" simulation_explanation: "Door spellen te simuleren kan je zelf sneller beoordeeld worden!"
# simulation_explanation_leagues: "You will mainly help simulate games for allied players in your clans and courses." simulation_explanation_leagues: "Je zult voornamelijk spellen simuleren voor vriendschappelijke spelers uit je clan of cursusgenoten."
simulate_games: "Simuleer spellen!" simulate_games: "Simuleer spellen!"
games_simulated_by: "Door jou gesimuleerde spellen:" games_simulated_by: "Door jou gesimuleerde spellen:"
games_simulated_for: "Voor jou gesimuleerde spellen:" games_simulated_for: "Voor jou gesimuleerde spellen:"
@ -1343,8 +1343,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Nederlands (Nederland)", englishDescription
rank_failed: "Beoordeling mislukt" rank_failed: "Beoordeling mislukt"
rank_being_ranked: "Spel wordt Beoordeeld" rank_being_ranked: "Spel wordt Beoordeeld"
rank_last_submitted: "Verzonden " rank_last_submitted: "Verzonden "
help_simulate: "Helpen spellen te simuleren?" help_simulate: "Helpen met spellen simuleren?"
code_being_simulated: "Uw nieuwe code wordt gesimuleerd door andere spelers om te beoordelen. Dit wordt vernieuwd zodra nieuwe matches binnenkomen." code_being_simulated: "Je nieuwe code wordt gesimuleerd door andere spelers ter beoordeling. Dit wordt vernieuwd zodra nieuwe wedstrijden binnenkomen."
no_ranked_matches_pre: "Geen beoordeelde wedstrijden voor het" no_ranked_matches_pre: "Geen beoordeelde wedstrijden voor het"
no_ranked_matches_post: " team! Speel tegen enkele tegenstanders en kom terug hier om uw spel te laten beoordelen." no_ranked_matches_post: " team! Speel tegen enkele tegenstanders en kom terug hier om uw spel te laten beoordelen."
choose_opponent: "Kies een tegenstander" choose_opponent: "Kies een tegenstander"
@ -1375,7 +1375,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Nederlands (Nederland)", englishDescription
tournament_blurb_blog: "op ons blog" tournament_blurb_blog: "op ons blog"
rules: "Regels" rules: "Regels"
winners: "Winnaars" winners: "Winnaars"
# league: "League" league: "Competitie"
red_ai: "KI rood" # "Red AI Wins", at end of multiplayer match playback red_ai: "KI rood" # "Red AI Wins", at end of multiplayer match playback
blue_ai: "KI blauw" # {change} blue_ai: "KI blauw" # {change}
wins: "Wint" # At end of multiplayer match playback wins: "Wint" # At end of multiplayer match playback
@ -1467,14 +1467,14 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Nederlands (Nederland)", englishDescription
loading_error: loading_error:
could_not_load: "Fout bij het laden van de server" could_not_load: "Fout bij het laden van de server"
connection_failure: "Verbinding mislukt." # {change} connection_failure: "Verbinding mislukt." # {change}
# connection_failure_desc: "It doesnt look like youre connected to the internet! Check your network connection and then reload this page." connection_failure_desc: "Het ziet ernaar uit dat je niet verbonden bent met het internet! Controlleer je netwerkverbinding en herlaad de pagina."
# login_required: "Login Required" login_required: "Inloggen vereist"
# login_required_desc: "You need to be logged in to access this page." login_required_desc: "Je moet ingelogd zijn om deze pagina te kunnen openen."
unauthorized: "Je moet ingelogd zijn. Heb je de cookies uitgeschakeld?" unauthorized: "Je moet ingelogd zijn. Heb je de cookies uitgeschakeld?"
forbidden: "Je hebt hier geen toestemming voor." # {change} forbidden: "Je hebt hier geen toestemming voor." # {change}
# forbidden_desc: "Oh no, theres nothing we can show you here! Make sure youre logged into the correct account, or visit one of the links below to get back to programming!" forbidden_desc: "Oh nee, er is niets dat we je hier kunnen laten zien. Zorg dat je bent ingelogd op de juiste account, of klik op een van de volgende links om verder te gaan met programmeren!"
not_found: "Niet gevonden." # {change} not_found: "Niet gevonden." # {change}
# not_found_desc: "Hm, theres nothing here. Visit one of the following links to get back to programming!" not_found_desc: "Hm, hier is niets. Klik op een van de volgende links om verder te gaan met programmeren!"
not_allowed: "Methode niet toegestaan." not_allowed: "Methode niet toegestaan."
timeout: "Server timeout." # {change} timeout: "Server timeout." # {change}
conflict: "Conflict van resources" conflict: "Conflict van resources"
@ -1482,7 +1482,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Nederlands (Nederland)", englishDescription
server_error: "Fout van de server." server_error: "Fout van de server."
unknown: "Onbekende fout." # {change} unknown: "Onbekende fout." # {change}
error: "ERROR" error: "ERROR"
# general_desc: "Something went wrong, and its probably our fault. Try waiting a bit and then refreshing the page, or visit one of the following links to get back to programming!" general_desc: "Oeps er ging iets mis, en dat ligt waarschijnlijk aan ons. Probeer de pagina straks opnieuw te laden, of klik op een van de volgende links om verder te gaan met programmeren!"
resources: resources:
level: "Level" level: "Level"
@ -1536,7 +1536,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Nederlands (Nederland)", englishDescription
multiplayer_toggle_description: "Sta anderen toe mee te doen met je spel." multiplayer_toggle_description: "Sta anderen toe mee te doen met je spel."
multiplayer_link_description: "Geef deze url aan iemand om hem/haar te laten meedoen met jou." multiplayer_link_description: "Geef deze url aan iemand om hem/haar te laten meedoen met jou."
multiplayer_hint_label: "Hint:" multiplayer_hint_label: "Hint:"
multiplayer_hint: " Klik de link om alles te selecteren, druk dan op Apple-C of Ctrl-C om de link te kopiëren." multiplayer_hint: " Klik op de link om alles te selecteren, druk dan op cmd-C of Ctrl-C om de link te kopiëren."
multiplayer_coming_soon: "Binnenkort komen er meer Multiplayermogelijkheden!" multiplayer_coming_soon: "Binnenkort komen er meer Multiplayermogelijkheden!"
multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Log in of maak een account om je score te verzenden." multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Log in of maak een account om je score te verzenden."
@ -1549,26 +1549,26 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Nederlands (Nederland)", englishDescription
archmage_wiki_url: "onze Tovenaar wiki" archmage_wiki_url: "onze Tovenaar wiki"
opensource_description_suffix: "voor een lijst van de software die dit spel mogelijk maakt." opensource_description_suffix: "voor een lijst van de software die dit spel mogelijk maakt."
practices_title: "Goede Respectvolle gewoonten" practices_title: "Goede Respectvolle gewoonten"
practices_description: "Dit zijn onze beloften aan u, de speler, in een iets minder juridische jargon." practices_description: "Dit zijn onze beloften aan u, de speler, in een iets minder juridisch jargon."
privacy_title: "Privacy" privacy_title: "Privacy"
privacy_description: "We zullen je persoonlijke informatie niet verkopen." privacy_description: "We zullen jouw persoonlijke informatie niet verkopen."
security_title: "Beveiliging" security_title: "Beveiliging"
security_description: "We streven ernaar om jouw persoonlijke informatie veilig te bewaren. Onze website is open en beschikbaar voor iedereen, opdat ons beveiliging systeem kan worden nagekeken en geoptimaliseerd door iedereen die dat wil. Dit alles is mogelijk doordat we volledig open source en transparant zijn." security_description: "We streven ernaar om jouw persoonlijke informatie veilig te bewaren. Onze website is open en beschikbaar voor iedereen, opdat ons beveiliging systeem kan worden nagekeken en geoptimaliseerd door iedereen die dat wil. Dit alles is mogelijk doordat we volledig open source en transparant zijn."
email_title: "E-mail" email_title: "E-mail"
email_description_prefix: "We zullen je niet overspoelen met spam. Door" email_description_prefix: "We zullen je niet overspoelen met spam. Door"
email_settings_url: "jouw e-mail instellingen" email_settings_url: "jouw e-mail instellingen"
email_description_suffix: "of via urls in de emails die wij verzenden, kan je jouw instellingen wijzigen en ten allen tijden uitschrijven." email_description_suffix: "of via urls in de e-mails die wij verzenden, kan je jouw instellingen wijzigen en ten allen tijden uitschrijven."
cost_title: "Kosten" cost_title: "Kosten"
# cost_description: "CodeCombat is free to play for all of its core levels, with a ${{price}} USD/mo subscription for access to extra level branches and {{gems}} bonus gems per month. You can cancel with a click, and we offer a 100% money-back guarantee." cost_description: "De kern-levels van CodeCombat zijn gratis door iedereen te spelen, en daarnaast krijg je voor ${{price}} USD/maand een abonnement waarmee je toegang hebt tot extra levens en je {{gems}} bonus gems per maand ontvangt. Met een druk op de knop ben je weer uitgeschreven, en we bieden 100% geld-terug garantie."
copyrights_title: "Auteursrechten en licenties" copyrights_title: "Auteursrechten en licenties"
contributor_title: "Licentieovereenkomst voor vrijwilligers" contributor_title: "Licentieovereenkomst voor vrijwilligers"
contributor_description_prefix: "Alle bijdragen, zowel op de website als op onze GitHub repository, vallen onder onze" contributor_description_prefix: "Alle bijdragen, zowel op de website als op onze GitHub repository, vallen onder onze"
cla_url: "CLA" cla_url: "CLA"
contributor_description_suffix: "waarmee je moet akkoord gaan voordat wij jouw bijdragen kunnen gebruiken." contributor_description_suffix: "waarmee je akkoord moet gaan voordat wij jouw bijdragen kunnen gebruiken."
code_title: "Code - MIT" code_title: "Code - MIT"
code_description_prefix: "Alle code in het bezit van CodeCombat of aanwezig op, zowel in de GitHub respository als in de database, is erkend onder de" code_description_prefix: "Alle code in het bezit van CodeCombat of aanwezig op, zowel in de GitHub respository als in de database, is erkend onder de"
mit_license_url: "MIT licentie" mit_license_url: "MIT licentie"
code_description_suffix: "Dit geldt ook voor code in Systemen en Componenten dat publiek is gemaakt met als doel het maken van levels." code_description_suffix: "Dit geldt ook voor code in Systemen en Componenten die publiekelijk zijn gemaakt met als doel het maken van levels."
art_title: "Art/Music - Creative Commons " art_title: "Art/Music - Creative Commons "
art_description_prefix: "Alle gemeenschappelijke inhoud valt onder de" art_description_prefix: "Alle gemeenschappelijke inhoud valt onder de"
cc_license_url: "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Internationale Licentie" cc_license_url: "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Internationale Licentie"
@ -1577,7 +1577,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Nederlands (Nederland)", englishDescription
art_sound: "Geluid" art_sound: "Geluid"
art_artwork: "Illustraties" art_artwork: "Illustraties"
art_sprites: "Sprites" art_sprites: "Sprites"
art_other: "Eender wat en al het creatief werk dat niet als code aanzien wordt en verkrijgbaar is bij het aanmaken van levels." art_other: "Eender wat en al het creatief werk dat niet als code aanzien wordt en verkrijgbaar is bij het aanmaken van levels." #Not sure what this Dutch sentence should say, but it's definitely not correctly translated.
art_access: "Momenteel is er geen universeel en gebruiksvriendelijk systeem voor het ophalen van deze assets. In het algemeen, worden deze opgehaald via de links zoals gebruikt door de website. Contacteer ons voor assistentie, of help ons met de website uit te breiden en de assets bereikbaarder te maken." art_access: "Momenteel is er geen universeel en gebruiksvriendelijk systeem voor het ophalen van deze assets. In het algemeen, worden deze opgehaald via de links zoals gebruikt door de website. Contacteer ons voor assistentie, of help ons met de website uit te breiden en de assets bereikbaarder te maken."
art_paragraph_1: "Voor toekenning, gelieve de naam en link naar te plaatsen waar dit passend is voor de vorm waarin het voorkomt. Bijvoorbeeld:" art_paragraph_1: "Voor toekenning, gelieve de naam en link naar te plaatsen waar dit passend is voor de vorm waarin het voorkomt. Bijvoorbeeld:"
use_list_1: "Wanneer gebruikt in een film of een ander spel, voeg toe in de credits." use_list_1: "Wanneer gebruikt in een film of een ander spel, voeg toe in de credits."
@ -1619,9 +1619,9 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Nederlands (Nederland)", englishDescription
admin: admin:
av_espionage: "spionage" # Really not important to translate /admin controls. av_espionage: "spionage" # Really not important to translate /admin controls.
av_espionage_placeholder: "Email of gebruikersnaam" av_espionage_placeholder: "E-mail of gebruikersnaam"
av_usersearch: "Zoek gebruiker" av_usersearch: "Zoek gebruiker"
av_usersearch_placeholder: "Email, gebruikersnaam, naam, whatever" av_usersearch_placeholder: "E-mail, gebruikersnaam, naam, whatever"
av_usersearch_search: "Zoeken" av_usersearch_search: "Zoeken"
av_title: "Administrator panels" av_title: "Administrator panels"
av_entities_sub_title: "Entiteiten" av_entities_sub_title: "Entiteiten"

View file

@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
classroom_in_a_box: "教授计算机科学的一站式课堂。" classroom_in_a_box: "教授计算机科学的一站式课堂。"
codecombat_is: "CodeCombat是一个使学生通过玩游戏来学习计算机科学的平台。" codecombat_is: "CodeCombat是一个使学生通过玩游戏来学习计算机科学的平台。"
our_courses: "我们的课程经历特殊测验,足够满足教学需求。无编程经验的教师也可掌控。" our_courses: "我们的课程经历特殊测验,足够满足教学需求。无编程经验的教师也可掌控。"
top_screenshots_hint: "学生编写代码后可即时查看改动。"
designed_with: "从教育者角度设计" designed_with: "从教育者角度设计"
real_code: "真实可行的代码" real_code: "真实可行的代码"
from_the_first_level: "从第一关起" from_the_first_level: "从第一关起"
@ -40,31 +41,38 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
forgot_learning: "我觉得他们甚至忘了自己在学东西。" forgot_learning: "我觉得他们甚至忘了自己在学东西。"
wanted_to_do: "写代码是我一直想做的事情。我从没想过我能在学校学习它。" wanted_to_do: "写代码是我一直想做的事情。我从没想过我能在学校学习它。"
why_games: "为什么通过游戏来学习编程很重要?" why_games: "为什么通过游戏来学习编程很重要?"
games_reward: "Games reward the productive struggle." games_reward: "游戏能获得有效的奋斗。"
encourage: "游戏是鼓励交流、发现、试错的媒介。好的游戏能够让玩家学习到技能,正如学生在学习过程中所做的那样。" encourage: "游戏是鼓励交流、发现、试错的媒介。好的游戏能够让玩家学习到技能,正如学生在学习过程中所做的那样。"
# excel: "Games excel at rewarding" excel: "游戏能提供奖励"
# struggle: "productive struggle" struggle: "有效的奋斗"
# kind_of_struggle: "the kind of struggle that results in learning thats engaging and" kind_of_struggle: "这种奋斗能为学习提供动力并"
motivating: "富有激励性" motivating: "富有激励性"
not_tedious: "而不单调乏味。" not_tedious: "而不单调乏味。"
gaming_is_good: "研究表明游戏有益儿童大脑。(这是真的!)" gaming_is_good: "研究表明游戏有益儿童大脑。(这是真的!)"
# game_based: "When game-based learning systems are" game_based: "当将基于游戏的学习方式与传统教学方式"
# compared: "compared" compared: "比较"
# conventional: "against conventional assessment methods, the difference is clear: games are better at helping students retain knowledge, concentrate and" conventional: "时,区别毋庸置疑:游戏能帮助学生记住知识,集中精力,以及"
# perform_at_higher_level: "perform at a higher level of achievement" perform_at_higher_level: "取得更高级的成就"
feedback: "游戏同时提供实时反馈,使得学生调整他们的解决方法,并且从整体理解概念,而不是局限于“正确”或者“错误”的答案。" feedback: "游戏同时提供实时反馈,使得学生调整他们的解决方法,并且从整体理解概念,而不是局限于“正确”或者“错误”的答案。"
real_game: "一个真正的游戏,用真正的代码来玩耍。" real_game: "一个真正的游戏,用真正的代码来玩耍。"
great_game: "一个伟大的游戏不仅仅是勋章和成就。它关于玩家的旅程,设计良好的关卡,以及用帮助和信心迎接挑战的能力。" great_game: "一个伟大的游戏不仅仅是勋章和成就。它包括了玩家的旅程,设计良好的关卡,以及用帮助和信心迎接挑战的能力。"
agency: "CodeCombat是一款这样的游戏它通过我们的完善的代码引擎给玩家提供帮助和信心使得初学者和高级学生都可以编写合适、有效的代码。" agency: "CodeCombat是一款这样的游戏它通过我们的完善的代码引擎给玩家提供帮助和信心使得初学者和高级学生都可以编写合适、有效的代码。"
curious: "感兴趣吗?申请一个示例,我们将提供给你们诀窍。" curious: "感兴趣吗?申请一个试用版,我们将提供给你们诀窍。"
request_demo_title: "让你的学生今天就行动起来!"
request_demo_subtitle: "申请试用版并在一小时内让你的学生开始使用。"
get_started_title: "今天建立您的班级"
get_started_subtitle: "配置班级,添加学生,观察他们学习计算机科学的进度。"
create_class: "或者创建一个班级,自己亲眼看一看!" create_class: "或者创建一个班级,自己亲眼看一看!"
request_demo: "申请示例" teacher_screenshots_hint: "学生编写代码后可即时查看改动"
request_demo: "申请试用版"
create_a_class: "创建班级" create_a_class: "创建班级"
setup_a_class: "配置班级"
have_an_account: "已有帐号?" have_an_account: "已有帐号?"
log_in: "登陆"
logged_in_as: "您现在的登录身份:" logged_in_as: "您现在的登录身份:"
view_my_classes: "查看我的班级" view_my_classes: "查看我的班级"
computer_science: "适合全年龄段的计算机科学课程" computer_science: "适合全年龄段的计算机科学课程"
show_me_lesson_time: "展示预估课程时间:" show_me_lesson_time: "显示估计课程时间:"
curriculum: "总计课程时间" curriculum: "总计课程时间"
ffa: "对所有学生免费" ffa: "对所有学生免费"
lesson_time: "课程时间:" lesson_time: "课程时间:"
@ -72,7 +80,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
courses_available_in: "课程可用如下语言JavaScriptPython还有Java即将推出" courses_available_in: "课程可用如下语言JavaScriptPython还有Java即将推出"
boast: "以难解的谜题为豪,它们复杂到可以吸引游戏玩家和程序员。" boast: "以难解的谜题为豪,它们复杂到可以吸引游戏玩家和程序员。"
winning: "RPG游戏和编程作业的完美结合使得教育充满乐趣。" winning: "RPG游戏和编程作业的完美结合使得教育充满乐趣。"
run_class: "计算机科学课程的所有东西都在这里,无需相关背景。" ruu_class: "管理计算机科学课程的所有东西都在这里,无需相关背景。"
nav: nav:
play: "关卡选择" # The top nav bar entry where players choose which levels to play play: "关卡选择" # The top nav bar entry where players choose which levels to play
@ -94,11 +102,11 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
twitter_follow: "关注" twitter_follow: "关注"
teachers: "教师" teachers: "教师"
careers: "招聘" careers: "招聘"
# facebook: "Facebook" facebook: "Facebook"
# twitter: "Twitter" twitter: "Twitter"
# create_a_class: "Create a Class" create_a_class: "创建一个班级"
# other: "Other" other: "其他"
# learn_to_code: "Learn to Code!" learn_to_code: "学会编程!"
modal: modal:
close: "关闭" close: "关闭"
@ -182,6 +190,14 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
school_name: "就读学校及所在城市" school_name: "就读学校及所在城市"
optional: "选填" optional: "选填"
school_name_placeholder: "范例: XX中学, 上海" school_name_placeholder: "范例: XX中学, 上海"
or_sign_up_with: "或者用以下方式登陆"
connected_gplus_header: "成功连接 Google+ "
connected_gplus_p: "完成注册后即可使用您的 Google+ 账号登陆。"
gplus_exists: "此 Google+ 账号已与其他账号绑定!"
connected_facebook_header: "成功连接 Facebook "
connected_facebook_p: "完成注册后即可使用您的 Facebook 账号登陆。"
facebook_exists: "此 Facebook 账号已与其他账号绑定!"
hey_students: "同学,请输入教师提供的班级码。"
recover: recover:
recover_account_title: "找回账户" recover_account_title: "找回账户"
@ -230,7 +246,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
rejected: "未接受" rejected: "未接受"
withdrawn: "已撤回" withdrawn: "已撤回"
accept: "接受" accept: "接受"
reject: "" reject: ""
withdraw: "撤回" withdraw: "撤回"
submitter: "提交者" submitter: "提交者"
submitted: "已提交" submitted: "已提交"
@ -316,7 +332,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
victory_title_suffix: " 完成" victory_title_suffix: " 完成"
victory_sign_up: "保存进度" victory_sign_up: "保存进度"
victory_sign_up_poke: "想保存您的代码?创建一个免费账户吧!" victory_sign_up_poke: "想保存您的代码?创建一个免费账户吧!"
victory_rate_the_level: "评估关卡:" # {change} victory_rate_the_level: "这个关卡有多好玩?"
victory_return_to_ladder: "返回" victory_return_to_ladder: "返回"
victory_saving_progress: "保存进度" victory_saving_progress: "保存进度"
victory_go_home: "返回主页" victory_go_home: "返回主页"
@ -352,12 +368,12 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
time_goto: "跳到:" time_goto: "跳到:"
non_user_code_problem_title: "不能读入关卡" non_user_code_problem_title: "不能读入关卡"
infinite_loop_title: "有无限循环" infinite_loop_title: "有无限循环"
infinite_loop_description: "建立世界的初始代码永远不会运行完毕。这可能是真的运行的很慢或者陷入了一个死循环。又或者可能存在bug。您可以尝试再次运行该代码或者将代码重置为默认状态。如果仍旧解决不了请告诉我们。" infinite_loop_description: "建立世界的初始代码永远不会运行完毕。这代码可能非常慢或者陷入了死循环,也可能是个bug。您可以尝试再次运行该代码或者将代码重置为默认状态。如果仍旧解决不了请告诉我们。"
check_dev_console: "您也可以打开开发者界面查看有什么东西出错了。" check_dev_console: "您也可以打开开发者界面查看有什么东西出错了。"
check_dev_console_link: "(说明)" check_dev_console_link: "(说明)"
infinite_loop_try_again: "重试" infinite_loop_try_again: "重试"
infinite_loop_reset_level: "重置关卡" infinite_loop_reset_level: "重置关卡"
infinite_loop_comment_out: "为我的代码添加注释" infinite_loop_comment_out: "注释掉我的代码"
tip_toggle_play: "用 Ctrl+P 来暂停或继续" tip_toggle_play: "用 Ctrl+P 来暂停或继续"
tip_scrub_shortcut: "用 Ctrl+[ 和 Ctrl+] 来倒退和快进。" tip_scrub_shortcut: "用 Ctrl+[ 和 Ctrl+] 来倒退和快进。"
tip_guide_exists: "点击页面上方的指南, 可以获得更多有用信息。" tip_guide_exists: "点击页面上方的指南, 可以获得更多有用信息。"
@ -408,9 +424,9 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
tip_strong_opponents: "即使是最强大的对手也是有弱点的。- 宇智波鼬《火影忍者》" tip_strong_opponents: "即使是最强大的对手也是有弱点的。- 宇智波鼬《火影忍者》"
tip_paper_and_pen: "在您开始编程之前,您可以随时用一张纸和一支笔提前规划。" tip_paper_and_pen: "在您开始编程之前,您可以随时用一张纸和一支笔提前规划。"
tip_solve_then_write: "要先想清楚问题如何解决, 再进行编码的动作. - John Johnson" tip_solve_then_write: "要先想清楚问题如何解决, 再进行编码的动作. - John Johnson"
# tip_compiler_ignores_comments: "Sometimes I think that the compiler ignores my comments." tip_compiler_ignores_comments: "有时我总觉得编译器忽视了我的注释。"
# tip_understand_recursion: "The only way to understand recursion is to understand recursion." tip_understand_recursion: "了解递归的唯一途径是了解递归。"
# tip_life_and_polymorphism: "Open Source is like a totally polymorphic heterogeneous structure: All types are welcome." tip_life_and_polymorphism: "开源就像是一个彻头彻尾的多边形结构:海纳百川。"
game_menu: game_menu:
inventory_tab: "道具箱" inventory_tab: "道具箱"
@ -504,12 +520,12 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
parents_blurb3: "无风险承诺100%退款,一键取消订阅。" parents_blurb3: "无风险承诺100%退款,一键取消订阅。"
payment_methods: "付费方式" payment_methods: "付费方式"
payment_methods_title: "可接受的付款方式" payment_methods_title: "可接受的付款方式"
payment_methods_blurb1: "我们现有的付费方式有信用卡和支付宝" # {change} payment_methods_blurb1: "我们现有的付费方式有信用卡和支付宝,您也可以用 PayPal 付款 {{three_month_price}} 美元(含三个月的订阅和宝石)到 ,并在备注写上游戏账号的电子邮件,年费订阅只需 ${{year_price}} 美元哦。"
payment_methods_blurb2: "如果您想用其他付费方式,请联系我们" payment_methods_blurb2: "如果您想用其他付费方式,请联系我们"
sale_button: "促销" sale_button: "促销"
sale_button_title: "年费订阅能节省 ${{discount}} 的费用" sale_button_title: "年费订阅能节省 ${{discount}} 的费用"
stripe_description: "每月订阅" stripe_description: "每月订阅"
stripe_description_year_sale: "年费订阅 (优惠 ${{discount}})" # {change} stripe_description_year_sale: "年费订阅 (优惠 ${{discount}})"
subscription_required_to_play: "订阅后才可开始本关" subscription_required_to_play: "订阅后才可开始本关"
unlock_help_videos: "订阅后才可以解锁视频教学哦!" unlock_help_videos: "订阅后才可以解锁视频教学哦!"
personal_sub: "个人订阅" # Accounts Subscription View below personal_sub: "个人订阅" # Accounts Subscription View below
@ -522,7 +538,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
managed_subs: "管理订阅" managed_subs: "管理订阅"
subscribing: "订阅中..." subscribing: "订阅中..."
current_recipients: "当前收件人" current_recipients: "当前收件人"
unsubscribing: "取消订阅中..." # {change} unsubscribing: "取消订阅中"
subscribe_prepaid: "点击订阅来使用预付费代码" subscribe_prepaid: "点击订阅来使用预付费代码"
using_prepaid: "使用预付费代码进行每月订阅" using_prepaid: "使用预付费代码进行每月订阅"
@ -607,30 +623,30 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
editor_config_behaviors_description: "自动匹配括号、大括号和引号。" editor_config_behaviors_description: "自动匹配括号、大括号和引号。"
about: about:
# main_title: "If you want to learn to program, you need to write (a lot of) code." main_title: "如果你想学习编程,你需要写(一大堆)代码。"
# main_description: "At CodeCombat, our job is to make sure you're doing that with a smile on your face." main_description: "在CodeCombat里我们的职责就是为了让你面带微笑完成这项任务。"
# mission_link: "Mission" mission_link: "任务"
# team_link: "Team" team_link: "团队"
# community_link: "Community" community_link: "社区"
# story_link: "Story" story_link: "历程"
# careers_link: "Careers" careers_link: "招聘"
# press_link: "Press" press_link: "联系方式"
# mission_title: "Our mission: make programming accessible to every student on Earth." mission_title: "我们的任务:让世上每个学生都有机会接触编程。"
# mission_description_1: "<strong>Programming is magic</strong>. It's the ability to create things from pure imagination. We started CodeCombat to give learners the feeling of wizardly power at their fingertips by using <strong>typed code</strong>." # {change} mission_description_1: "<strong>编程是一种魔法</strong>。这是一种从想象中创造万物的能力。我们开始了 CodeCombat 这个项目,是为了让学习者通过<strong>编写代码</strong>感受到他们感受到指尖上的魔力。"
# mission_description_2: "As it turns out, that enables them to learn faster too. WAY faster. It's like having a conversation instead of reading a manual. We want to bring that conversation to every school and to <strong>every student</strong>, because everyone should have the chance to learn the magic of programming." # {change} mission_description_2: "同时,他们也能迅速学习。学习的方式变快了。就像是交谈而不是阅读手册。我们想将这种对话带给每所学校和<strong>每个学生</strong>,因为每个人都应有机会学习编程的魔法。"
# team_title: "Meet the CodeCombat team" team_title: "与CodeCombat团队见面"
# team_values: "We value open and respectful dialog, where the best idea wins. Our decisions are grounded in customer research and our process is focused on delivering tangible results for them. Everyone is hands-on, from our CEO to our Github contributors, because we value growth and learning in our team." team_values: "我们期待开放的、互相尊敬的对话,好点子会得到采纳。我们决定深入市场调研,我们集中于提供实际性的结果。从我们的 CEO 到 Github 上的贡献者,每个人都亲历亲为,因为在团队中我们收获了成长与经验。"
nick_title: "共同创始人" # {change} nick_title: "共同创始人CEO"
nick_blurb: "充满动力的大牛" nick_blurb: "充满动力的大牛"
matt_title: "共同创始人" # {change} matt_title: "共同创始人CTO"
matt_blurb: "自行车爱好者" matt_blurb: "自行车爱好者"
cat_title: "首席关卡设计师" # {change} cat_title: "关卡设计师"
cat_blurb: "气宗" cat_blurb: "气宗"
scott_title: "共同创始人" # {change} scott_title: "共同创始人,软件工程师"
scott_blurb: "理性至上" scott_blurb: "理性至上"
maka_title: "客户律师" maka_title: "客户律师"
maka_blurb: "故事作者" maka_blurb: "故事作者"
rob_title: "编译器工程师" # {change} rob_title: "软件工程师"
rob_blurb: "编代码之类的" rob_blurb: "编代码之类的"
josh_c_title: "游戏设计师" josh_c_title: "游戏设计师"
josh_c_blurb: "设计游戏" josh_c_blurb: "设计游戏"
@ -644,93 +660,94 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
jose_blurb: "放轻松" jose_blurb: "放轻松"
carlos_title: "地区经理, 巴西" carlos_title: "地区经理, 巴西"
carlos_blurb: "食草男" carlos_blurb: "食草男"
# community_title: "...and our open-source community" community_title: "...以及我们的开源社区"
# community_subtitle: "Over 450 contributors have helped build CodeCombat, with more joining every week!" community_subtitle: "超过 450 个志愿者帮助我们建设 CodeCombat每周都有新成员加入"
# community_description_1: "CodeCombat is a community project, with hundreds of players volunteering to create levels, contribute to our code to add features, fix bugs, playtest, and even translate the game into 50 languages so far. Employees, contributors and the site gain by sharing ideas and pooling effort, as does the open source community in general. The site is built on numerous open source projects, and we are open sourced to give back to the community and provide code-curious players a familiar project to explore and experiment with. Anyone can join the CodeCombat community! Check out our" community_description_1: "CodeCombat 是一个开放项目上百名玩家创建了各种关卡给我们的源代码添砖加瓦添加新功能、修复Bug、测试、甚至是将其翻译为50种语言。职员、贡献者以及网站本身都在分享创意并奋斗中成长这就是开源社区的力量。此网站在众多开源项目之上建立我们为表感恩也将网站开源奉献给社区给好奇源码的玩家提供探索和实验的项目。每个人都能加入CodeCombat社区看一下我们的"
# community_description_link: "contribute page" community_description_link: "贡献者页面"
# community_description_2: "for more info." community_description_2: "了解更多信息。"
# number_contributors: "Over 450 contributors have lent their support and time to this project." number_contributors: "超过 450 个志愿者将他们的知识和时间投入到这个项目中。"
# story_title: "Our story so far" story_title: "我们已走过的历程"
# story_subtitle: "Since 2013, CodeCombat has grown from a mere set of sketches to a living, thriving game." story_subtitle: "从2013年至今CodeCombat已经从一组小草图成长为一个生动的、蓬勃发展的游戏。"
# story_statistic_1a: "5,000,000+" story_statistic_1a: "5,000,000+"
# story_statistic_1b: "total players" story_statistic_1b: "总玩家"
# story_statistic_1c: "have started their programming journey through CodeCombat" story_statistic_1c: "已经通过CodeCombat开始了他么的编程之旅"
# story_statistic_2a: "Weve been translated into over 50 languages — our players hail from" story_statistic_2a: "我们将这个游戏翻译为超过 50 种语言 —— 得益于来自"
# story_statistic_2b: "200+ countries" story_statistic_2b: "200+ 个国家"
# story_statistic_3a: "Together, they have written" story_statistic_3a: "的玩家,他们总共写下了"
# story_statistic_3b: "1 billion lines of code and counting" story_statistic_3b: "10亿行代码和说明"
# story_statistic_3c: "across six different programming languages" story_statistic_3c: "涵盖了6种编程语言。"
# story_long_way_1: "Though we've come a long way..." story_long_way_1: "尽管我们已经走了很远……"
# story_sketch_caption: "Nick's very first sketch depicting a programming game in action." story_sketch_caption: "Nick在非常早期时描绘即将制作的编程游戏的草图。"
# story_long_way_2: "we still have much to do before we complete our quest, so..." story_long_way_2: "我们仍需不断努力才能完成我们的使命,所以……"
# jobs_title: "Come work with us and help write CodeCombat history!" jobs_title: "和我们一起工作,一起书写 CodeCombat 的历史!"
# jobs_subtitle: "Don't see a good fit but interested in keeping in touch? See our \"Create Your Own\" listing." jobs_subtitle: "没看到适合的工作却想密切关注?查看我们的 \"创造你自己的工作\" 列表了解更多。"
# jobs_benefits: "Employee Benefits" jobs_benefits: "职员福利"
# jobs_benefit_1: "Competitive salary and options" jobs_benefit_1: "充满竞争力的薪水和条件"
# jobs_benefit_2: "15 day minimum vacation policy, excluding company holidays" jobs_benefit_2: "最少15天的假期政策不包括公司节日"
# jobs_benefit_3: "Work from home flexibility" jobs_benefit_3: "在家也能轻松工作"
# jobs_benefit_4: "Unlimited sick/personal days" jobs_benefit_4: "无病假、事假限制"
# jobs_benefit_5: "Professional development and continuing education support" jobs_benefit_5: "专业开发的同时能继续支持教育"
# jobs_benefit_6: "Medical/dental/vision insurance" jobs_benefit_6: "医疗/牙科/视觉保险"
# learn_more: "Learn More" learn_more: "了解更多"
# jobs_custom_title: "Create Your Own" jobs_custom_title: "创造你自己的工作"
# jobs_custom_description: "Are you passionate about CodeCombat but don't see a job listed that matches your qualifications? Write us and show how you think you can contribute to our team. We'd love to hear from you!" jobs_custom_description: "对 CodeCombat 充满激情却没找到适合自己的职业?给我们写信说明你该如何做出贡献。我们期待你的建议!"
# jobs_custom_contact_1: "Send us a note at" jobs_custom_contact_1: "向以下地址给我们发送简介:"
# jobs_custom_contact_2: "introducing yourself and we might get in touch in the future!" jobs_custom_contact_2: ",我们可能会和你联系!"
# contact_title: "Press & Contact" contact_title: "联系方式"
# contact_subtitle: "Need more information? Get in touch with us at" contact_subtitle: "想了解更多资讯?请通过以下方式联系我们:"
# screenshots_title: "Game Screenshots" screenshots_title: "游戏截图"
# screenshots_hint: "(click to view full size)" screenshots_hint: "(点击查看大图)"
# downloads_title: "Download Assets & Information" downloads_title: "下载更多信息"
# about_codecombat: "About CodeCombat" about_codecombat: "关于 CodeCombat"
# logo: "Logo" logo: "商标"
# screenshots: "Screenshots" screenshots: "截图"
# character_art: "Character Art" character_art: "人物形象"
# download_all: "Download All" download_all: "全部下载"
# previous: "Previous" previous: "上一页"
# next: "Next" next: "下一页"
# location_title: "We're located in downtown SF:" location_title: "我们在旧金山市区工作:"
teachers: teachers:
who_for_title: "谁是CodeCombat的使用对象呢" who_for_title: "谁是CodeCombat的使用对象呢"
who_for_1: "我们建议让9岁及以上的学生使用CodeCombat。无需任何编程经验。" # {change} who_for_1: "我们建议让9岁及以上的学生使用CodeCombat。无需经验,无论男女,都能愉快学习编程。"
who_for_2: "我们设计CodeCombat来吸引男生女生。" # {change} who_for_2: "我们设计的 课程 系统允许老师在友好的界面上建立班级,跟踪进度,为学生添加额外内容。"
more_info_title: "我可以在哪里找到更多信息?" more_info_title: "我可以在哪里找到更多信息?"
more_info_1: "我们的" more_info_1: "我们的"
more_info_2: "教师论坛" more_info_2: "教师论坛"
more_info_3: "是个与其他使用CodeCombat的教育工作者联系的良好平台。" more_info_3: "是个与其他使用CodeCombat的教育工作者联系的良好平台。"
# teachers_quote: teachers_quote:
# name: "Quote Form" name: "试用申请表"
# title: "Request a Quote" title: "申请一个试用版"
# subtitle: "Get CodeCombat in your classroom, club, school or district!" subtitle: "将 CodeCombat 带到您的班级、俱乐部、学校甚至地区!"
# email_exists: "User exists with this email." email_exists: "使用该账号的电子邮箱"
# phone_number: "Phone number" phone_number: "电话号码"
# phone_number_help: "Where can we reach you during the workday?" phone_number_help: "工作日时我们在哪可以找到您?"
# role_label: "Your role" role_label: "您的身份"
# role_help: "Select your primary role." role_help: "选择您的主要身份。"
# tech_coordinator: "Technology coordinator" tech_coordinator: "技术负责人"
# advisor: "Advisor" advisor: "顾问"
# principal: "Principal" principal: "校长"
# superintendent: "Superintendent" superintendent: "主管"
# parent: "Parent" parent: "家长"
# organization_label: "Name of School/District" organization_label: "学校/地区的名字"
# city: "City" city: "城市"
# state: "State" state: ""
# country: "Country" country: "国家"
# num_students_help: "How many do you anticipate enrolling in CodeCombat?" num_students_help: "您估计有多少学生加入CodeCombat"
# education_level_label: "Education Level of Students" education_level_label: "学生的教育程度"
# education_level_help: "Choose as many as apply." education_level_help: "选择即将教导的程度"
# elementary_school: "Elementary School" elementary_school: "小学"
# high_school: "High School" high_school: "高中"
# please_explain: "(please explain)" please_explain: "(请解释)"
# middle_school: "Middle School" middle_school: "初中"
# college_plus: "College or higher" college_plus: "大学以上"
# anything_else: "Anything else we should know?" anything_else: "您还有什么建议?"
# thanks_header: "Thanks for requesting a quote!" thanks_header: "感谢您填写这份表格。"
# thanks_p: "We'll be in touch soon. Questions? Email us:" thanks_p: "我们不久会和你联系。仍有疑问?给我们发电子邮件:"
# thanks_anon: "Login or sign up with your account below to access your two free enrollments (well notify you by email when they have been approved, which usually takes less than 48 hours). As always, the first hour of content is free for an unlimited number of students." thanks_anon: "登陆或注册在下方的账号会给您两个免费的名额(验证通过后会给您发送通知邮件这通常会在48小时内完成)。和往常一样,第一个小时的内容对任意数量的学生都是免费的。"
# thanks_logged_in: "Your two free enrollments are pending approval. Well notify you by email when they have been approved (usually within 48 hours). As always, the first hour of content is free for an unlimited number of students." thanks_logged_in: "您的两个免费名额正在审核。通过后我们会用邮件通知您(通常在48小时内)。和往常一样,第一个小时的内容对任意数量的学生都是免费的。"
setup_a_class: "建立一个班级"
versions: versions:
save_version_title: "保存新版本" save_version_title: "保存新版本"
@ -866,7 +883,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
summary: "综述" summary: "综述"
average_level: "平均等级" average_level: "平均等级"
average_achievements: "平均成就" average_achievements: "平均成就"
delete_clan: "除部落" delete_clan: "除部落"
leave_clan: "离开部落" leave_clan: "离开部落"
join_clan: "加入部落" join_clan: "加入部落"
invite_1: "邀请:" invite_1: "邀请:"
@ -1078,7 +1095,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
remove_student1: "删除学生" remove_student1: "删除学生"
are_you_sure: "你确定要从该课程中删除该学生吗?" are_you_sure: "你确定要从该课程中删除该学生吗?"
remove_description1: "学生将失去访问该课堂和被分派课程的权利。游戏进度不会丢失,该学生可以在任何时间被添加回该教室。" remove_description1: "学生将失去访问该课堂和被分派课程的权利。游戏进度不会丢失,该学生可以在任何时间被添加回该教室。"
remove_description2: "被激活的付费将无法返还。" remove_description2: "被激活的付费许可证将无法返还。"
keep_student: "保留学生" keep_student: "保留学生"
removing_user: "删除用户" removing_user: "删除用户"
to_join_ask: "为了加入课程,问你的老师得到一个解锁码。" to_join_ask: "为了加入课程,问你的老师得到一个解锁码。"
@ -1104,21 +1121,21 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
getting_started_3: "你将会在下面看到学生的进度,当他们注册和加入你的课程。" getting_started_3: "你将会在下面看到学生的进度,当他们注册和加入你的课程。"
additional_resources: "额外资源" additional_resources: "额外资源"
additional_resources_1_pref: "下载/打印我们的" additional_resources_1_pref: "下载/打印我们的"
additional_resources_1_mid: "课程1老师的讲义" # {change} additional_resources_1_mid: "课程 1"
# additional_resources_1_mid2: "and" additional_resources_1_mid2: ""
# additional_resources_1_mid3: "Course 2" additional_resources_1_mid3: "课程 2"
additional_resources_1_suff: "到各个关卡的解释和攻略。" # {change} additional_resources_1_suff: "的教师手册,内含各个关卡的解释和攻略。"
additional_resources_2_pref: "完成我们的" additional_resources_2_pref: "完成我们的"
additional_resources_2_suff: "以获得两个额外的我们后续付费课程的免费名额。" additional_resources_2_suff: "以获得两个额外的我们后续付费课程的免费名额。"
additional_resources_3_pref: "访问我们的" additional_resources_3_pref: "访问我们的"
additional_resources_3_mid: "教室论坛" additional_resources_3_mid: "教室论坛"
additional_resources_3_suff: "以连接那些使用CodeCombat的伙伴教育者" additional_resources_3_suff: "与那些使用CodeCombat的教育者伙伴们一起交流"
additional_resources_4_pref: "检出我们的" additional_resources_4_pref: "阅览我们的"
additional_resources_4_mid: "学校页面" additional_resources_4_mid: "学校页面"
additional_resources_4_suff: "学得更多关于CodeCombat的教室供应" additional_resources_4_suff: "获得更多关于CodeCombat教室的信息"
# educator_wiki_pref: "Or check out our new" educator_wiki_pref: "您也可阅读"
# educator_wiki_mid: "educator wiki" educator_wiki_mid: "教育者wiki"
# educator_wiki_suff: "to browse the guide online." educator_wiki_suff: "在线阅读指南。"
your_classes: "你的课程" your_classes: "你的课程"
no_classes: "还没有任何课程!" no_classes: "还没有任何课程!"
create_new_class1: "创建新课程" create_new_class1: "创建新课程"
@ -1129,7 +1146,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
no_students: "还没有学生!" no_students: "还没有学生!"
add_students1: "添加学生" add_students1: "添加学生"
view_edit: "查看/编辑" view_edit: "查看/编辑"
students_enrolled: "学生已注册" students_enrolled: "已注册学生"
students_assigned: "已分配学生"
length: "长度:" length: "长度:"
classes: classes:
@ -1151,7 +1169,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
ambassador_title: "使节" ambassador_title: "使节"
ambassador_title_description: "(用户支持人员)" ambassador_title_description: "(用户支持人员)"
ambassador_summary: "指导我们亲爱的论坛用户并为他们的问题引出一个正确的方向。我们的使节将CodeCombat带到这个世界上。" ambassador_summary: "指导我们亲爱的论坛用户并为他们的问题引出一个正确的方向。我们的使节将CodeCombat带到这个世界上。"
# teacher_title: "Teacher" teacher_title: "教师"
editor: editor:
main_title: "CodeCombat编辑器" main_title: "CodeCombat编辑器"
@ -1308,7 +1326,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
ambassador_join_note_strong: "注意" ambassador_join_note_strong: "注意"
ambassador_join_note_desc: "我们其中一个想法是要制造一个当玩家们在解决问题上有难度时可以要求其他比较强的玩家来协助他们的多人游戏。这将会是一个很好的办法让使节们可以更容易地协助玩家!如有任何更新,我们会在第一时间通知您!" ambassador_join_note_desc: "我们其中一个想法是要制造一个当玩家们在解决问题上有难度时可以要求其他比较强的玩家来协助他们的多人游戏。这将会是一个很好的办法让使节们可以更容易地协助玩家!如有任何更新,我们会在第一时间通知您!"
ambassador_subscribe_desc: "通过电子邮件获得支持系统的现状,以及多人游戏方面的新进展。" ambassador_subscribe_desc: "通过电子邮件获得支持系统的现状,以及多人游戏方面的新进展。"
# teacher_subscribe_desc: "Get emails on updates and announcements for teachers." teacher_subscribe_desc: "接收针对教师的更新和公告邮件。"
changes_auto_save: "在您勾选复选框后,更改将自动保存。" changes_auto_save: "在您勾选复选框后,更改将自动保存。"
diligent_scribes: "我们勤奋的文书:" diligent_scribes: "我们勤奋的文书:"
powerful_archmages: "我们强力的大法师:" powerful_archmages: "我们强力的大法师:"
@ -1354,7 +1372,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
tutorial_skip: "跳过教材" tutorial_skip: "跳过教材"
tutorial_not_sure: "不知道怎么玩?" tutorial_not_sure: "不知道怎么玩?"
tutorial_play_first: "先玩一次教程。" tutorial_play_first: "先玩一次教程。"
simple_ai: "简单电脑" # {change} simple_ai: "简单电脑"
warmup: "热身" warmup: "热身"
friends_playing: "联机" friends_playing: "联机"
log_in_for_friends: "登陆然后跟朋友一起玩!" log_in_for_friends: "登陆然后跟朋友一起玩!"
@ -1451,7 +1469,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
months: "月份" months: "月份"
purchase_total: "总共" purchase_total: "总共"
purchase_button: "提交购买" purchase_button: "提交购买"
your_codes: "你的订阅码" # {change} your_codes: "你的订阅码"
redeem_codes: "兑换订阅码" redeem_codes: "兑换订阅码"
prepaid_code: "预购码" prepaid_code: "预购码"
lookup_code: "查看预购码" lookup_code: "查看预购码"
@ -1466,23 +1484,23 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
loading_error: loading_error:
could_not_load: "载入失败" could_not_load: "载入失败"
connection_failure: "连接失败" # {change} connection_failure: "连接失败"
# connection_failure_desc: "It doesnt look like youre connected to the internet! Check your network connection and then reload this page." connection_failure_desc: "看起来你还没连接网络!检查网络连接后刷新此页面。"
# login_required: "Login Required" login_required: "需要登录"
# login_required_desc: "You need to be logged in to access this page." login_required_desc: "你需要登录才能访问此页面。"
unauthorized: "您需要登录才行。您是不是禁用了cookie" unauthorized: "您需要登录才行。您是不是禁用了cookie"
forbidden: "您没有权限。" # {change} forbidden: "权限不足"
# forbidden_desc: "Oh no, theres nothing we can show you here! Make sure youre logged into the correct account, or visit one of the links below to get back to programming!" forbidden_desc: "啊,这里没什么可看的。确保你登录了正确的账户,或者点击下面的链接继续编程!"
not_found: "没找到。" # {change} not_found: "页面不存在"
# not_found_desc: "Hm, theres nothing here. Visit one of the following links to get back to programming!" not_found_desc: "嗯,这里什么都没有。点击下面的链接继续编程!"
not_allowed: "方法不允许。" not_allowed: "方法不允许。"
timeout: "服务器超时" # {change} timeout: "服务器超时"
conflict: "资源冲突。" conflict: "资源冲突。"
bad_input: "错误输入。" bad_input: "错误输入。"
server_error: "服务器错误。" server_error: "服务器错误。"
unknown: "未知错误" # {change} unknown: "未知错误"
error: "错误" error: "错误"
# general_desc: "Something went wrong, and its probably our fault. Try waiting a bit and then refreshing the page, or visit one of the following links to get back to programming!" general_desc: "出了点问题,估计是我们的错。请您稍后刷新页面,或者点击下面的链接继续编程!"
resources: resources:
level: "等级" level: "等级"
@ -1517,7 +1535,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
strings: "字符串" strings: "字符串"
variables: "变量" variables: "变量"
vectors: "向量" vectors: "向量"
while_loops: "循环" # {change} while_loops: "While 循环"
recursion: "递归" recursion: "递归"
delta: delta:
@ -1611,7 +1629,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
custom_wizard: "定制CodeCombat巫师" custom_wizard: "定制CodeCombat巫师"
custom_avatar: "定制CodeCombat头像" custom_avatar: "定制CodeCombat头像"
heap: "给六个月的\"Startup\"访问" heap: "给六个月的\"Startup\"访问"
credits: "" credits: "用卡"
one_month_coupon: "优惠: 选择 Rails 或者 HTML" one_month_coupon: "优惠: 选择 Rails 或者 HTML"
one_month_discount: "折扣 30% : 选择 Rails 或者 HTML" one_month_discount: "折扣 30% : 选择 Rails 或者 HTML"
license: "许可证" license: "许可证"

View file

@ -8,6 +8,13 @@
$headline-font: 'Arvo', serif $headline-font: 'Arvo', serif
$body-font: 'Open Sans', sans-serif $body-font: 'Open Sans', sans-serif
body[lang='ru'], body[lang='uk'], body[lang='bg'], body[lang^='mk'], body[lang='sr']
// Google Fonts version of Arvo only has Latin glyphs, not Cyrillic
// TODO: figure out font fallbacks for other languages not covered by Arvo
//$headline-font: 'Open Sans', serif // Doesn't work
h1, .text-h1, h3, .text-h3, h5, .text-h5
font-family: 'Open Sans', serif
$burgandy: #7D0101 $burgandy: #7D0101
$gold: #F2BE19 $gold: #F2BE19
$navy: #0E4C60 $navy: #0E4C60

View file

@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ class Lead {
} }
this.trial_created = trialRequest.created; this.trial_created = trialRequest.created;
this.trial_userID = trialRequest.applicant; this.trial_userID = trialRequest.applicant;
if (this.trial_name) = this.trial_name;
this.userID = trialRequest.applicant; this.userID = trialRequest.applicant;
} }
addUser(user) { addUser(user) {