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synced 2025-03-22 10:55:19 -04:00
Update nl-NL.coffee
Added some translations to the file
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 37 additions and 37 deletions
@ -198,9 +198,9 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Nederlands (Nederland)", englishDescription
hard: "Moeilijk"
player: "Speler"
player_level: "Niveau" # Like player level 5, not like level: Dungeons of Kithgard
# warrior: "Warrior"
# warrior: "Krijger"
# ranger: "Ranger"
# wizard: "Wizard"
# wizard: "Tovenaar"
second: "seconde"
@ -269,16 +269,16 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Nederlands (Nederland)", englishDescription
# tome_see_all_methods: "See all methods you can edit" # Title text for method list selector (shown when there are multiple programmable methdos).
tome_select_a_thang: "Selecteer Iemand voor "
tome_available_spells: "Beschikbare spreuken"
# tome_your_skills: "Your Skills"
# tome_your_skills: "Jouw Vaardigheden"
# tome_help: "Help"
# tome_current_method: "Current Method"
# hud_continue_short: "Continue"
# code_saved: "Code Saved"
# hud_continue_short: "Doorgaan"
# code_saved: "Code Opgeslagen"
skip_tutorial: "Overslaan (esc)"
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Key Shortcuts"
loading_ready: "Klaar!"
# loading_start: "Start Level"
# problem_alert_title: "Fix Your Code"
# problem_alert_title: "Verbeter je Code"
# problem_alert_help: "Help"
time_current: "Nu:"
time_total: "Maximum:"
@ -312,34 +312,34 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Nederlands (Nederland)", englishDescription
tip_talk_is_cheap: "Je kunt het goed uitleggen, maar toon me de code. - Linus Torvalds"
tip_first_language: "Het ergste dat je kan leren is je eerste programmeertaal. - Alan Kay"
# tip_hardware_problem: "Q: How many programmers does it take to change a light bulb? A: None, it's a hardware problem."
# tip_hofstadters_law: "Hofstadter's Law: It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's Law."
# tip_hofstadters_law: "De Wet van Hofstadter: Het duurt altijd langer dan je verwacht, zelfs wanneer je rekening houdt met de Wet van Hofstadter."
# tip_premature_optimization: "Premature optimization is the root of all evil. - Donald Knuth"
# tip_brute_force: "When in doubt, use brute force. - Ken Thompson"
# tip_extrapolation: "There are only two kinds of people: those that can extrapolate from incomplete data..."
# tip_superpower: "Coding is the closest thing we have to a superpower."
# inventory_tab: "Inventory"
# save_load_tab: "Save/Load"
# options_tab: "Options"
# guide_tab: "Guide"
# inventory_tab: "Inventaris"
# save_load_tab: "Opslaan/Laden"
# options_tab: "Opties"
# guide_tab: "Handleiding"
# guide_video_tutorial: "Video Tutorial"
# guide_tips: "Tips"
multiplayer_tab: "Multiplayer"
# auth_tab: "Sign Up"
# auth_tab: "Inschrijven"
# inventory_caption: "Equip your hero"
# choose_hero_caption: "Choose hero, language"
# choose_hero_caption: "Kies held, taal"
# save_load_caption: "... and view history"
# options_caption: "Configure settings"
# options_caption: "Instellingen"
# guide_caption: "Docs and tips"
# multiplayer_caption: "Play with friends!"
# auth_caption: "Save your progress."
# multiplayer_caption: "Speel met vrienden!"
# auth_caption: "Bewaar je voortgang."
# inventory:
# choose_inventory: "Equip Items"
# equipped_item: "Equipped"
# required_purchase_title: "Required"
# available_item: "Available"
# required_purchase_title: "Verplicht"
# available_item: "Beschikbaar"
# restricted_title: "Restricted"
# should_equip: "(double-click to equip)"
# equipped: "(equipped)"
@ -349,15 +349,15 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Nederlands (Nederland)", englishDescription
# unequip: "Unequip"
# buy_gems:
# few_gems: "A few gems"
# pile_gems: "Pile of gems"
# chest_gems: "Chest of gems"
# purchasing: "Purchasing..."
# declined: "Your card was declined"
# few_gems: "Een paar edelstenen"
# pile_gems: "Berg edelstenen"
# chest_gems: "Schatkist met edelstenen"
# purchasing: "Aan het kopen..."
# declined: "Je kaart is geweigerd"
# retrying: "Server error, retrying."
# prompt_title: "Not Enough Gems"
# prompt_title: "Niet genoeg edelstenen"
# prompt_body: "Do you want to get more?"
# prompt_button: "Enter Shop"
# prompt_button: "Naar de winkel"
# recovered: "Previous gems purchase recovered. Please refresh the page."
# subscribe:
@ -365,9 +365,9 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Nederlands (Nederland)", englishDescription
# unsubscribe: "Unsubscribe"
# levels: "Get more practice with bonus levels!"
# heroes: "More powerful heroes!"
# gems: "3500 bonus gems every month!"
# items: "Over 250 bonus items!"
# parents: "For Parents"
# gems: "3500 extra edelstenen elke maand!"
# items: "Meer dan 250 bonus items!"
# parents: "Voor ouders"
# parents_title: "Your child will learn to code."
# parents_blurb1: "With CodeCombat, your child learns by writing real code. They start by learning simple commands, and progress to more advanced topics."
# parents_blurb2: "For $9.99 USD/mo, they get new challenges every week and personal email support from professional programmers."
@ -377,11 +377,11 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Nederlands (Nederland)", englishDescription
# subscription_required_to_play: "You'll need a subscription to play this level."
# choose_hero:
# choose_hero: "Choose Your Hero"
# programming_language: "Programming Language"
# programming_language_description: "Which programming language do you want to use?"
# default: "Default"
# experimental: "Experimental"
# choose_hero: "Kies je held"
# programming_language: "Programmeertaal"
# programming_language_description: "Welke programmeertaal wil je gebruiken?"
# default: "standaard"
# experimental: "Experimenteel"
# python_blurb: "Simple yet powerful, great for beginners and experts."
# javascript_blurb: "The language of the web. (Not the same as Java.)"
# coffeescript_blurb: "Nicer JavaScript syntax."
@ -389,18 +389,18 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Nederlands (Nederland)", englishDescription
# lua_blurb: "Game scripting language."
# io_blurb: "Simple but obscure."
# status: "Status"
# weapons: "Weapons"
# weapons: "Wapens"
# weapons_warrior: "Swords - Short Range, No Magic"
# weapons_ranger: "Crossbows, Guns - Long Range, No Magic"
# weapons_wizard: "Wands, Staffs - Long Range, Magic"
# attack: "Damage" # Can also translate as "Attack"
# health: "Health"
# speed: "Speed"
# health: "Gezondheid"
# speed: "Snelheid"
# regeneration: "Regeneration"
# range: "Range" # As in "attack or visual range"
# blocks: "Blocks" # As in "this shield blocks this much damage"
# backstab: "Backstab" # As in "this dagger does this much backstab damage"
# skills: "Skills"
# skills: "Vaardigheden"
# available_for_purchase: "Available for Purchase" # Shows up when you have unlocked, but not purchased, a hero in the hero store
# level_to_unlock: "Level to unlock:" # Label for which level you have to beat to unlock a particular hero (click a locked hero in the store to see)
# restricted_to_certain_heroes: "Only certain heroes can play this level."
Reference in a new issue