mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 07:00:01 -04:00
Analytics data revamp
Add analytics per-day aggregation collection. Add analytics strings collection. Add per-day aggregation mongo insertion script. Update campaign editor to use aggregation collection. Update queries to use _id instead of created field.
This commit is contained in:
18 changed files with 542 additions and 51 deletions
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ module.exports.kindaEqual = compare = (l, r) ->
return false
# Return UTC string "YYYY-MM-DD" for today + offset
# Return UTC string "YYYYMMDD" for today + offset
module.exports.getUTCDay = (offset=0) ->
day = new Date()
day.setDate(day.getUTCDate() + offset)
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ module.exports.getUTCDay = (offset=0) ->
partMonth = "0" + partMonth if partMonth < 10
partDay = day.getUTCDate()
partDay = "0" + partDay if partDay < 10
# Fast, basic way to replace text in an element when you don't need much.
# http://stackoverflow.com/a/4962398/540620
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
c = require './../schemas'
AnalyticsPerDaySchema = c.object {
title: 'Analytics per-day data'
description: 'Analytics data aggregated into per-day chunks.'
_.extend AnalyticsPerDaySchema.properties,
d: {type: 'string'} # yyyymmdd day, e.g. '20150123'
l: {type: 'integer'} # level (analytics ID from analytics.strings)
f: {type: 'integer'} # filter (analytics ID from analytics.strings)
fv: {type: 'integer'} # filter value (analytics ID from analytics.strings)
c: {type: 'integer'} # count
c.extendBasicProperties AnalyticsPerDaySchema, 'analytics.perday'
module.exports = AnalyticsPerDaySchema
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
c = require './../schemas'
AnalyticsStringSchema = c.object {
title: 'Analytics String'
description: 'Maps strings to number IDs for improved performance.'
_.extend AnalyticsStringSchema.properties,
v: {type: 'string'} # value
c.extendBasicProperties AnalyticsStringSchema, 'analytics.string'
module.exports = AnalyticsStringSchema
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ block outer_content
if campaignDropOffs
if campaignCompletions
button.btn.btn-default#analytics-button(title="Analytics", data-toggle="modal" data-target="#analytics-modal") Analytics
.modal.fade#analytics-modal(tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="myModalLabel" aria-hidden="true")
@ -50,33 +50,25 @@ block outer_content
span(aria-hidden="true") ×
h4.modal-title Analytics
if campaignDropOffs.startDay
if campaignDropOffs.endDay
div #{campaignDropOffs.startDay} to #{campaignDropOffs.endDay}
if campaignCompletions.startDay
if campaignCompletions.endDay
div #{campaignCompletions.startDay} to #{campaignCompletions.endDay}
div #{campaignDropOffs.startDay} to today
div #{campaignCompletions.startDay} to yesterday
td Level
td Started
td Dropped
td Drop %
td Finished
td Dropped
td Drop %
td Completion %
- for (var i = 0; i < campaignDropOffs.levels.length; i++)
- for (var i = 0; i < campaignCompletions.levels.length; i++)
td= campaignDropOffs.levels[i].level
td= campaignDropOffs.levels[i].started
td= campaignDropOffs.levels[i].startDropped
td= campaignDropOffs.levels[i].startDropRate
td= campaignDropOffs.levels[i].finished
td= campaignDropOffs.levels[i].finishDropped
td= campaignDropOffs.levels[i].finishDropRate
td= campaignDropOffs.levels[i].completionRate
td= campaignCompletions.levels[i].level
td= campaignCompletions.levels[i].started
td= campaignCompletions.levels[i].finished
td= campaignCompletions.levels[i].completionRate
button.btn.btn-default.disabled#analytics-button Analytics Loading...
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ module.exports = class CampaignEditorView extends RootView
@listenToOnce @levels, 'sync', @onFundamentalLoaded
@listenToOnce @achievements, 'sync', @onFundamentalLoaded
#_.delay @getCampaignCompletions, 1000 # Roughly never finishes loading, nearly kills server.
_.delay @getCampaignCompletions, 500
loadThangTypeNames: ->
# Load the names of the ThangTypes that this level's Treema nodes might want to display.
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ module.exports = class CampaignEditorView extends RootView
getRenderData: ->
c = super()
c.campaign = @campaign
c.campaignDropOffs = @campaignDropOffs
c.campaignCompletions = @campaignCompletions
onClickSaveButton: ->
@ -241,26 +241,24 @@ module.exports = class CampaignEditorView extends RootView
@toSave.add achievement
getCampaignCompletions: =>
# Fetch last 7 days of campaign drop-off rates
# Fetch last 14 days of campaign drop-off rates
startDay = utils.getUTCDay -6
startDay = utils.getUTCDay -14
endDay = utils.getUTCDay -1
success = (data) =>
return if @destroyed
# API returns all the campaign data currently
@campaignDropOffs = data[@campaignHandle]
mapFn = (item) ->
item.startDropRate = (item.startDropped / item.started * 100).toFixed(2)
item.finishDropRate = (item.finishDropped / item.finished * 100).toFixed(2)
item.completionRate = (item.finished / item.started * 100).toFixed(2)
@campaignDropOffs.levels = _.map @campaignDropOffs.levels, mapFn, @
@campaignDropOffs.startDay = startDay
@campaignCompletions = levels: _.map data, mapFn, @
@campaignCompletions.startDay = "#{startDay[0..3]}-#{startDay[4..5]}-#{startDay[6..7]}"
@campaignCompletions.endDay = "#{endDay[0..3]}-#{endDay[4..5]}-#{endDay[6..7]}"
# TODO: Why do we need this url dash?
request = @supermodel.addRequestResource 'campaign_completions', {
url: '/db/analytics_log_event/-/campaign_completions'
url: '/db/analytics_perday/-/campaign_completions'
data: {startDay: startDay, slug: @campaignHandle}
method: 'POST'
success: success
@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ module.exports = class CampaignLevelView extends CocoView
getCommonLevelProblems: ->
# Fetch last 30 days of common level problems
startDay = utils.getUTCDay -29
startDay = "#{startDay[0..3]}-#{startDay[4..5]}-#{startDay[6..7]}"
success = (data) =>
return if @destroyed
@ -66,7 +67,7 @@ module.exports = class CampaignLevelView extends CocoView
getLevelCompletions: ->
# Fetch last 7 days of level completion counts
# Fetch last 14 days of level completion counts
success = (data) =>
return if @destroyed
data.sort (a, b) -> if a.created < b.created then 1 else -1
@ -76,11 +77,11 @@ module.exports = class CampaignLevelView extends CocoView
@levelCompletions = _.map data, mapFn, @
startDay = utils.getUTCDay -13
startDay = utils.getUTCDay -14
# TODO: Why do we need this url dash?
request = @supermodel.addRequestResource 'level_completions', {
url: '/db/analytics_log_event/-/level_completions'
url: '/db/analytics_perday/-/level_completions'
data: {startDay: startDay, slug: @levelSlug}
method: 'POST'
success: success
@ -88,13 +89,14 @@ module.exports = class CampaignLevelView extends CocoView
getLevelPlaytimes: ->
# Fetch last 7 days of level average playtimes
# Fetch last 14 days of level average playtimes
success = (data) =>
return if @destroyed
@levelPlaytimes = data.sort (a, b) -> if a.created < b.created then 1 else -1
startDay = utils.getUTCDay -13
startDay = "#{startDay[0..3]}-#{startDay[4..5]}-#{startDay[6..7]}"
# TODO: Why do we need this url dash?
request = @supermodel.addRequestResource 'playtime_averages', {
@ -18,17 +18,27 @@ today = today.toISOString().substr(0, 10);
print("Today is " + today);
var todayMinus6 = new Date();
todayMinus6.setDate(todayMinus6.getUTCDate() - 6);
todayMinus6.setUTCDate(todayMinus6.getUTCDate() - 6);
var startDate = todayMinus6.toISOString().substr(0, 10) + "T00:00:00.000Z";
// startDate = "2014-12-31T00:00:00.000Z";
print("Start date is " + startDate)
// var endDate = "2015-01-06T00:00:00.000Z";
// print("End date is " + endDate)
function objectIdWithTimestamp(timestamp)
// Convert string date to Date object (otherwise assume timestamp is a date)
if (typeof(timestamp) == 'string') timestamp = new Date(timestamp);
// Convert date object to hex seconds since Unix epoch
var hexSeconds = Math.floor(timestamp/1000).toString(16);
// Create an ObjectId with that hex timestamp
var constructedObjectId = ObjectId(hexSeconds + "0000000000000000");
return constructedObjectId
var cursor = db['analytics.log.events'].find({
$and: [
{"created": { $gte: ISODate(startDate)}},
// {"created": { $lt: ISODate(endDate)}},
{_id: {$gte: objectIdWithTimestamp(ISODate(startDate))}},
{$or: [ {"event" : 'Started Level'}, {"event" : 'Saw Victory'}]}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
// Insert per-day analytics into analytics.perdays collection
// Usage:
// mongo <address>:<port>/<database> <script file> -u <username> -p <password>
// Completion rates (funnels) are calculated like Mixpanel
// For a given date range, start count is the number of first steps (e.g. started a level)
// Finish count for the same start date is how many unique users finished the remaining steps in the following ~30 days
// https://mixpanel.com/help/questions/articles/how-are-funnels-calculated
// TODO: Why are Mixpanel level finish events significantly lower?
// TODO: dungeons-of-kithgard completion rate is 62% vs. 77%
// TODO: Similar start events, finish events off by 20% (5334 vs 6486)
// TODO: Are Mixpanel rates accounting for finishing steps likely to be completed in the future?
// TODO: Use Mixpanel export API to investigate
// TODO: Output documents updated/inserted
var scriptStartTime = new Date();
var analyticsStringCache = {};
function log(str) {
print(new Date().toISOString() + " " + str);
function objectIdWithTimestamp(timestamp) {
// Convert string date to Date object (otherwise assume timestamp is a date)
if (typeof(timestamp) == 'string') timestamp = new Date(timestamp);
// Convert date object to hex seconds since Unix epoch
var hexSeconds = Math.floor(timestamp/1000).toString(16);
// Create an ObjectId with that hex timestamp
var constructedObjectId = ObjectId(hexSeconds + "0000000000000000");
return constructedObjectId
function getAnalyticsString(str) {
if (analyticsStringCache[str]) return analyticsStringCache[str];
// Find existing string
var doc = db['analytics.strings'].findOne({v: str});
if (doc) {
analyticsStringCache[str] = doc._id;
return analyticsStringCache[str];
// Insert string
// http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/tutorial/create-an-auto-incrementing-field/#auto-increment-optimistic-loop
doc = {v: str};
while (true) {
var cursor = db['analytics.strings'].find({}, {_id: 1}).sort({_id: -1}).limit(1);
var seq = cursor.hasNext() ? cursor.next()._id + 1 : 1;
doc._id = seq;
var results = db['analytics.strings'].insert(doc);
if (results.hasWriteError()) {
if ( results.writeError.code == 11000 /* dup key */ ) continue;
else throw new Error("ERROR: Unexpected error inserting data: " + tojson(results));
// Find new string entry
doc = db['analytics.strings'].findOne({v: str});
if (doc) {
analyticsStringCache[str] = doc._id;
return analyticsStringCache[str];
throw new Error("ERROR: Did not find analytics.strings insert for: " + str);
function getLevelFunnelData(startDay, eventFunnel) {
if (!startDay || !eventFunnel || eventFunnel.length === 0) return {};
var startObj = objectIdWithTimestamp(ISODate(startDay + "T00:00:00.000Z"));
var queryParams = {$and: [{_id: {$gte: startObj}},{"event": {$in: eventFunnel}}]};
var cursor = db['analytics.log.events'].find(queryParams);
// Map ordering: level, user, event, created
var userDataMap = {};
while (cursor.hasNext()) {
var doc = cursor.next();
var created = doc._id.getTimestamp().toISOString().substring(0, 10);
var event = doc.event;
var properties = doc.properties;
var user = doc.user;
var level;
// TODO: Switch to properties.levelID for 'Saw Victory'
if (event === 'Saw Victory' && properties.level) level = properties.level.toLowerCase().replace(/ /g, '-');
else if (properties.levelID) level = properties.levelID
else continue
if (!userDataMap[level]) userDataMap[level] = {};
if (!userDataMap[level][user]) userDataMap[level][user] = {};
if (!userDataMap[level][user][event] || userDataMap[level][user][event].localeCompare(created) > 0) {
// if (userDataMap[level][user][event]) log("Found earlier date " + level + " " + event + " " + user + " " + userDataMap[level][user][event] + " " + created);
userDataMap[level][user][event] = created;
// Data: level, created, event
var levelFunnelData = {};
for (level in userDataMap) {
for (user in userDataMap[level]) {
// Find first event date
var funnelStartDay = null;
for (event in userDataMap[level][user]) {
var created = userDataMap[level][user][event];
if (!levelFunnelData[level]) levelFunnelData[level] = {};
if (!levelFunnelData[level][created]) levelFunnelData[level][created] = {};
if (!levelFunnelData[level][created][event]) levelFunnelData[level][created][event] = 0;
if (eventFunnel[0] === event) {
// First event gets attributed to current date
funnelStartDay = created;
if (funnelStartDay) {
// Add remaining funnel steps/events to first step's date
for (event in userDataMap[level][user]) {
if (!levelFunnelData[level][funnelStartDay][event]) levelFunnelData[level][funnelStartDay][event] = 0;
if (eventFunnel[0] != event) levelFunnelData[level][funnelStartDay][event]++;
// Zero remaining funnel events
for (var i = 1; i < eventFunnel.length; i++) {
var event = eventFunnel[i];
if (!levelFunnelData[level][funnelStartDay][event]) levelFunnelData[level][funnelStartDay][event] = 0;
// Else no start event in this date range
return levelFunnelData;
function insertEventCount(event, level, day, count) {
// analytics.perdays schema in server/analytics/AnalyticsPeryDay.coffee
day = day.replace(/-/g, '');
var eventID = getAnalyticsString(event);
var levelID = getAnalyticsString(level);
var filterID = getAnalyticsString('all');
var startObj = objectIdWithTimestamp(ISODate(startDay + "T00:00:00.000Z"));
var queryParams = {$and: [{d: day}, {e: eventID}, {l: levelID}, {f: filterID}]};
var doc = db['analytics.perdays'].findOne(queryParams);
if (doc && doc.c === count) return;
if (doc && doc.c !== count) {
// Update existing count, assume new one is more accurate
// log("Updating count in db for " + day + " " + event + " " + level + " " + doc.c + " => " + count);
var results = db['analytics.perdays'].update(queryParams, {$set: {c: count}});
if (results.nMatched !== 1 && results.nModified !== 1) {
log("ERROR: update count failed");
else {
var insertDoc = {d: day, e: eventID, l: levelID, f: filterID, c: count};
var results = db['analytics.perdays'].insert(insertDoc);
if (results.nInserted !== 1) {
log("ERROR: insert event failed");
// else {
// log("Added " + day + " " + event + " " + count + " " + level);
// }
try {
// Look at last 30 days, same as Mixpanel
var numDays = 30;
var startDay = new Date();
today = startDay.toISOString().substr(0, 10);
startDay.setUTCDate(startDay.getUTCDate() - numDays);
startDay = startDay.toISOString().substr(0, 10);
var levelCompletionFunnel = ['Started Level', 'Saw Victory'];
log("Today is " + today);
log("Start day is " + startDay);
log("Funnel events are " + levelCompletionFunnel);
log("Getting level completion data...");
var levelCompletionData = getLevelFunnelData(startDay, levelCompletionFunnel);
log("Inserting aggregated level completion data...");
for (level in levelCompletionData) {
for (created in levelCompletionData[level]) {
if (today === created) continue; // Never save data for today because it's incomplete
for (event in levelCompletionData[level][created]) {
insertEventCount(event, level, created, levelCompletionData[level][created][event]);
catch(err) {
log("ERROR: " + err);
log("Script runtime: " + (new Date() - scriptStartTime));
@ -21,19 +21,28 @@ today = today.toISOString().substr(0, 10);
print("Today is " + today);
var todayMinus6 = new Date();
todayMinus6.setDate(todayMinus6.getUTCDate() - 6);
todayMinus6.setUTCDate(todayMinus6.getUTCDate() - 6);
var startDate = todayMinus6.toISOString().substr(0, 10) + "T00:00:00.000Z";
print("Start date is " + startDate)
// startDate = "2015-01-02T00:00:00.000Z";
// var endDate = "2015-01-09T00:00:00.000Z";
function objectIdWithTimestamp(timestamp)
// Convert string date to Date object (otherwise assume timestamp is a date)
if (typeof(timestamp) == 'string') timestamp = new Date(timestamp);
// Convert date object to hex seconds since Unix epoch
var hexSeconds = Math.floor(timestamp/1000).toString(16);
// Create an ObjectId with that hex timestamp
var constructedObjectId = ObjectId(hexSeconds + "0000000000000000");
return constructedObjectId
function getCompletionRates() {
print("Getting completion rates...");
var queryParams = {
$and: [
{"created": { $gte: ISODate(startDate)}},
// {"created": { $lt: ISODate(endDate)}},
// {$or: [ {"properties.level": {$exists: true}}, {"properties.levelID": {$exists: true}}]},
{_id: {$gte: objectIdWithTimestamp(ISODate(startDate))}},
{$or: [ {"event" : 'Started Level'}, {"event" : 'Saw Victory'}]}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
mongoose = require 'mongoose'
AnalyticsPerDaySchema = new mongoose.Schema({
e: {type: Number} # event (analytics string ID from analytics.strings)
l: {type: Number} # level (analytics string ID from analytics.strings)
f: {type: Number} # filter (analytics string ID from analytics.strings)
fv: {type: Number} # filter value (analytics string ID from analytics.strings)
c: {type: Number} # count
}, {strict: false})
# TODO: Why can't we query against a collection with caps, like 'analytics.perDay'?
module.exports = AnalyticsPerDay = mongoose.model('analytics.perday', AnalyticsPerDaySchema)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
mongoose = require 'mongoose'
# Auto-incrementing number _id
# http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/tutorial/create-an-auto-incrementing-field/#auto-increment-optimistic-loop
# TODO: Why strict:false?
AnalyticsStringSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
_id: {type: Number}
v: {type: String}
}, {strict: false})
module.exports = AnalyticsString = mongoose.model('analytics.string', AnalyticsStringSchema)
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ Campaign = require '../campaigns/Campaign'
Level = require '../levels/Level'
Handler = require '../commons/Handler'
log = require 'winston'
utils = require '../lib/utils'
class AnalyticsLogEventHandler extends Handler
modelClass: AnalyticsLogEvent
@ -60,8 +61,8 @@ class AnalyticsLogEventHandler extends Handler
queryParams = {$and: [
{$or: [{"event" : 'Started Level'}, {"event" : 'Saw Victory'}]}
queryParams["$and"].push created: {$gte: new Date(startDay + "T00:00:00.000Z")} if startDay?
queryParams["$and"].push created: {$lt: new Date(endDay + "T00:00:00.000Z")} if endDay?
queryParams["$and"].push _id: {$gte: utils.objectIdFromTimestamp(startDay + "T00:00:00.000Z")} if startDay?
queryParams["$and"].push _id: {$lt: utils.objectIdFromTimestamp(endDay + "T00:00:00.000Z")} if endDay?
# Query stream is better for large results
# http://mongoosejs.com/docs/api.html#query_Query-stream
@ -221,8 +222,8 @@ class AnalyticsLogEventHandler extends Handler
userProgression = {}
queryParams = {$and: [{$or: [ {"event" : 'Started Level'}, {"event" : 'Saw Victory'}]}]}
queryParams["$and"].push created: {$gte: new Date(startDay + "T00:00:00.000Z")} if startDay?
queryParams["$and"].push created: {$lt: new Date(endDay + "T00:00:00.000Z")} if endDay?
queryParams["$and"].push _id: {$gte: utils.objectIdFromTimestamp(startDay + "T00:00:00.000Z")} if startDay?
queryParams["$and"].push _id: {$lt: utils.objectIdFromTimestamp(endDay + "T00:00:00.000Z")} if endDay?
# Query stream is better for large results
# http://mongoosejs.com/docs/api.html#query_Query-stream
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
AnalyticsPerDay = require './AnalyticsPerDay'
AnalyticsString = require './AnalyticsString'
Campaign = require '../campaigns/Campaign'
Level = require '../levels/Level'
Handler = require '../commons/Handler'
log = require 'winston'
class AnalyticsPerDayHandler extends Handler
modelClass: AnalyticsPerDay
jsonSchema: require '../../app/schemas/models/analytics_perday'
hasAccess: (req) ->
req.method in ['GET'] or req.user?.isAdmin()
getByRelationship: (req, res, args...) ->
return @getCampaignCompletionsBySlug(req, res) if args[1] is 'campaign_completions'
return @getLevelCompletionsBySlug(req, res) if args[1] is 'level_completions'
getCampaignCompletionsBySlug: (req, res) ->
# Send back an array of level starts and finishes
# Parameters:
# slug - campaign slug
# startDay - Inclusive, optional, YYYYMMDD e.g. '20141214'
# endDay - Exclusive, optional, YYYYMMDD e.g. '20141216'
campaignSlug = req.query.slug or req.body.slug
startDay = req.query.startDay or req.body.startDay
endDay = req.query.endDay or req.body.endDay
# log.warn "campaign_completions campaignSlug='#{campaignSlug}' startDay=#{startDay} endDay=#{endDay}"
return @sendSuccess res, [] unless campaignSlug?
# Cache results in app server memory for 1 day
@campaignCompletionsCache ?= {}
@campaignCompletionsCachedSince ?= new Date()
if (new Date()) - @campaignCompletionsCachedSince > 86400 * 1000
@campaignCompletionsCache = {}
@campaignCompletionsCachedSince = new Date()
cacheKey = campaignSlug
cacheKey += 's' + startDay if startDay?
cacheKey += 'e' + endDay if endDay?
return @sendSuccess res, campaignDropOffs if campaignDropOffs = @campaignCompletionsCache[cacheKey]
getCompletions = (orderedLevelSlugs, levelStringIDSlugMap) =>
# 3. Send back an array of level starts and finishes
# Input:
# orderedLevelSlugs - Ordered list of level slugs, used for sorting results
# levelStringIDSlugMap - Maps level string IDs to level slugs
campaignLevelIDs = Object.keys(levelStringIDSlugMap)
AnalyticsString.find({v: {$in: ['Started Level', 'Saw Victory', 'all']}}).exec (err, documents) =>
if err? then return @sendDatabaseError res, err
for doc in documents
startEventID = doc._id if doc.v is 'Started Level'
finishEventID = doc._id if doc.v is 'Saw Victory'
filterEventID = doc._id if doc.v is 'all'
return @sendSuccess res, [] unless startEventID? and finishEventID? and filterEventID?
queryParams = {$and: [
{$or: [{e: startEventID}, {e: finishEventID}]},
{f: filterEventID},
{l: {$in: campaignLevelIDs}}
queryParams["$and"].push {d: {$gte: startDay}} if startDay?
queryParams["$and"].push {d: {$lt: endDay}} if endDay?
AnalyticsPerDay.find(queryParams).exec (err, documents) =>
if err? then return @sendDatabaseError res, err
levelEventCounts = {}
for doc in documents
levelEventCounts[doc.l] ?= {}
levelEventCounts[doc.l][doc.e] ?= 0
levelEventCounts[doc.l][doc.e] += doc.c
completions = []
for levelID of levelEventCounts
level: levelStringIDSlugMap[levelID]
started: levelEventCounts[levelID][startEventID]
finished: levelEventCounts[levelID][finishEventID]
completions.sort (a, b) -> orderedLevelSlugs.indexOf(a.level) - orderedLevelSlugs.indexOf(b.level)
@campaignCompletionsCache[cacheKey] = completions
@sendSuccess res, completions
getLevelData = (campaignLevels) =>
# 2. Get ordered level slugs and string ID to level slug mappping
# Input:
# campaignLevels - array of Level IDs
queryParams = {original: {$in: campaignLevels}, "version.isLatestMajor": true, "version.isLatestMinor": true}
Level.find(queryParams).exec (err, documents) =>
if err? then return @sendDatabaseError res, err
# Save original level ID and slug in array for sorting
campaignOriginalSlugs = []
for doc in documents
slug: doc.get('name').toLowerCase().replace new RegExp(' ', 'g'), '-'
original: doc.get('original').toString()
# Sort slugs against original levels from campaign
campaignOriginalSlugs.sort (a, b) ->
if campaignLevels.indexOf(a.original) < campaignLevels.indexOf(b.original) then -1 else 1
# Lookup analytics string IDs for level slugs
orderedLevelSlugs = []
orderedLevelSlugs.push item.slug for item in campaignOriginalSlugs
AnalyticsString.find({v: {$in: orderedLevelSlugs}}).exec (err, documents) =>
if err? then return @sendDatabaseError res, err
levelStringIDSlugMap = {}
levelStringIDSlugMap[doc._id] = doc.v for doc in documents
getCompletions orderedLevelSlugs, levelStringIDSlugMap
# 1. Get campaign levels
Campaign.find({slug: campaignSlug}).exec (err, documents) =>
if err? then return @sendDatabaseError res, err
campaignLevels = []
campaignLevels.push level for level of doc.get('levels') for doc in documents
getLevelData campaignLevels
getLevelCompletionsBySlug: (req, res) ->
# Returns an array of per-day starts and finishes for given level
# Parameters:
# slug - level slug
# startDay - Inclusive, optional, YYYYMMDD e.g. '20141214'
# endDay - Exclusive, optional, YYYYMMDD e.g. '20141216'
# TODO: Code is similar to getCampaignCompletionsBySlug
levelSlug = req.query.slug or req.body.slug
startDay = req.query.startDay or req.body.startDay
endDay = req.query.endDay or req.body.endDay
return @sendSuccess res, [] unless levelSlug?
# log.warn "level_completions levelSlug='#{levelSlug}' startDay=#{startDay} endDay=#{endDay}"
# Cache results in app server memory for 1 day
@levelCompletionsCache ?= {}
@levelCompletionsCachedSince ?= new Date()
if (new Date()) - @levelCompletionsCachedSince > 86400 * 1000
@levelCompletionsCache = {}
@levelCompletionsCachedSince = new Date()
cacheKey = levelSlug
cacheKey += 's' + startDay if startDay?
cacheKey += 'e' + endDay if endDay?
return @sendSuccess res, levelCompletions if levelCompletions = @levelCompletionsCache[cacheKey]
AnalyticsString.find({v: {$in: ['Started Level', 'Saw Victory', 'all', levelSlug]}}).exec (err, documents) =>
if err? then return @sendDatabaseError res, err
for doc in documents
startEventID = doc._id if doc.v is 'Started Level'
finishEventID = doc._id if doc.v is 'Saw Victory'
filterEventID = doc._id if doc.v is 'all'
levelID = doc._id if doc.v is levelSlug
return @sendSuccess res, [] unless startEventID? and finishEventID? and filterEventID? and levelID?
queryParams = {$and: [{$or: [{e: startEventID}, {e: finishEventID}]},{f: filterEventID},{l: levelID}]}
queryParams["$and"].push {d: {$gte: startDay}} if startDay?
queryParams["$and"].push {d: {$lt: endDay}} if endDay?
AnalyticsPerDay.find(queryParams).exec (err, documents) =>
if err? then return @sendDatabaseError res, err
dayEventCounts = {}
for doc in documents
day = doc.get('d')
eventID = doc.get('e')
count = doc.get('c')
dayEventCounts[day] ?= {}
dayEventCounts[day][eventID] = count
completions = []
for day of dayEventCounts
for eventID of dayEventCounts[day]
eventID = parseInt eventID
started = dayEventCounts[day][eventID] if eventID is startEventID
finished = dayEventCounts[day][eventID] if eventID is finishEventID
created: day
started: started
finished: finished
@levelCompletionsCache[cacheKey] = completions
@sendSuccess res, completions
module.exports = new AnalyticsPerDayHandler()
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
AnalyticsString = require './AnalyticsString'
Handler = require '../commons/Handler'
class AnalyticsStringHandler extends Handler
modelClass: AnalyticsString
jsonSchema: require '../../app/schemas/models/analytics_string'
hasAccess: (req) -> req.method in ['GET'] or req.user?.isAdmin()
module.exports = new AnalyticsStringHandler()
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
module.exports.handlers =
'analytics_log_event': 'analytics/analytics_log_event_handler'
'analytics_perday': 'analytics/analytics_perday_handler'
'analytics_string': 'analytics/analytics_string_handler'
# TODO: Disabling this until we know why our app servers CPU grows out of control.
# 'analytics_users_active': 'analytics/analytics_users_active_handler'
'article': 'articles/article_handler'
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ Feedback = require './feedbacks/LevelFeedback'
Handler = require '../commons/Handler'
mongoose = require 'mongoose'
async = require 'async'
utils = require '../lib/utils'
LevelHandler = class LevelHandler extends Handler
modelClass: Level
@ -375,9 +376,9 @@ LevelHandler = class LevelHandler extends Handler
# Build query
match = {$match: {$and: [{"state.complete": true}, {"playtime": {$gt: 0}}, {levelID: {$in: levelSlugs}}]}}
match["$match"]["$and"].push created: {$gte: new Date(startDay + "T00:00:00.000Z")} if startDay?
match["$match"]["$and"].push created: {$lt: new Date(endDay + "T00:00:00.000Z")} if endDay?
project = {"$project": {"_id": 0, "levelID": 1, "playtime": 1, "created": {"$concat": [{"$substr": ["$created", 0, 4]}, "-", {"$substr": ["$created", 5, 2]}, "-", {"$substr" : ["$created", 8, 2]}]}}}
match["$match"]["$and"].push _id: {$gte: utils.objectIdFromTimestamp(startDay + "T00:00:00.000Z")} if startDay?
match["$match"]["$and"].push _id: {$lt: utils.objectIdFromTimestamp(endDay + "T00:00:00.000Z")} if endDay?
project = {"$project": {"_id": 0, "levelID": 1, "playtime": 1, "created": {"$concat": [{"$substr": ["$created", 0, 10]}]}}}
group = {"$group": {"_id": {"created": "$created", "level": "$levelID"}, "average": {"$avg": "$playtime"}}}
query = Session.aggregate match, project, group
@ -1,3 +1,15 @@
mongoose = require 'mongoose'
module.exports =
isID: (id) -> _.isString(id) and id.length is 24 and id.match(/[a-f0-9]/gi)?.length is 24
objectIdFromTimestamp: (timestamp) ->
# mongoDB ObjectId contains creation date in first 4 bytes
# So, it can be used instead of a redundant created field
# http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/object-id/
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8749971/can-i-query-mongodb-objectid-by-date
# Convert string date to Date object (otherwise assume timestamp is a date)
timestamp = new Date(timestamp) if typeof(timestamp) == 'string'
# Convert date object to hex seconds since Unix epoch
hexSeconds = Math.floor(timestamp/1000).toString(16)
# Create an ObjectId with that hex timestamp
mongoose.Types.ObjectId(hexSeconds + "0000000000000000")
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
UserCodeProblem = require './UserCodeProblem'
Handler = require '../commons/Handler'
utils = require '../lib/utils'
class UserCodeProblemHandler extends Handler
modelClass: UserCodeProblem
@ -53,8 +54,8 @@ class UserCodeProblemHandler extends Handler
# Build query
match = if startDay? or endDay? then {$match: {$and: []}} else {$match: {}}
match["$match"]["$and"].push created: {$gte: new Date(startDay + "T00:00:00.000Z")} if startDay?
match["$match"]["$and"].push created: {$lt: new Date(endDay + "T00:00:00.000Z")} if endDay?
match["$match"]["$and"].push _id: {$gte: utils.objectIdFromTimestamp(startDay + "T00:00:00.000Z")} if startDay?
match["$match"]["$and"].push _id: {$lt: utils.objectIdFromTimestamp(endDay + "T00:00:00.000Z")} if endDay?
group = {"$group": {"_id": {"errMessage": "$errMessageNoLineInfo", "errHint": "$errHint", "language": "$language", "levelID": "$levelID"}, "count": {"$sum": 1}}}
sort = { $sort : { "_id.levelID": 1, count : -1, "_id.language": 1 } }
query = UserCodeProblem.aggregate match, group, sort
Reference in a new issue