Update sr.coffee (#3668)

a small update for teacher, version and contact sections
This commit is contained in:
Ana 2016-05-21 20:05:18 +02:00 committed by Imperadeiro98
parent 1ae2537591
commit 3eadde4007

View file

@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "српски", englishDescription: "Serbian
blog: "Блог"
forum: "Форум"
account: "Налог"
# my_account: "My Account"
my_account: "Мој налог"
profile: "Профил"
stats: "Статистика"
code: "Код"
@ -629,7 +629,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "српски", englishDescription: "Serbian
currently_free: "Тренутно имате бесплатну претплату"
currently_free_until: "Тренутно имате претплату до"
was_free_until: "Имали сте бесплатну претплату до"
# managed_subs: "Managed Subscriptions"
managed_subs: "Успешне претплате"
subscribing: "Претплата је у току..."
current_recipients: "Тренутни примаоци"
unsubscribing: "Одјава претплате"
@ -648,7 +648,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "српски", englishDescription: "Serbian
clojure_blurb: "Модерни Lisp."
lua_blurb: "Скриптни језик за игре."
io_blurb: "Једноставан, али непознат."
# java_blurb: "(Subscriber Only) Android and enterprise."
java_blurb: "(Само за претплатнике) Андроид и предузетништво."
status: "Статус"
hero_type: "Врста"
weapons: "Оружја"
@ -808,75 +808,75 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "српски", englishDescription: "Serbian
next: "Следеће"
location_title: "Налазимо се у центру Сан Франциска:"
# teachers:
# who_for_title: "Who is CodeCombat for?"
# who_for_1: "We recommend CodeCombat for students aged 9 and up. No prior programming experience is needed. We've designed CodeCombat to appeal to both boys and girls."
# who_for_2: "Our Courses system allows teachers to set up classrooms, track progress and assign additional content to students through a dedicated interface."
# more_info_title: "Where can I find more information?"
# more_info_1: "Our"
# more_info_2: "teachers forum"
# more_info_3: "is a good place to connect with fellow educators who are using CodeCombat."
who_for_title: "За кога је CodeCombat?"
who_for_1: "Ми препоручујемо CodeCombat ученицима старости 9 година и више. Претходно искуство у програмирању није потребно. Дизајнирали смо CodeCombat да се допадне и дечацима и девојчицама."
who_for_2: "Наш систем Курсеви омогућава учитељима да подесе разреде, прате напредак и доделе додатни материјал ученицима кроз наменски интерфејс."
more_info_title: "Где могу да нађем више информација?"
more_info_1: "Наш"
more_info_2: "форум за учитеље"
more_info_3: "је добро место да се повежеш са колегама едукаторима који користе CodeCombat."
# teachers_quote:
# name: "Demo Form"
# title: "Request a Demo"
# subtitle: "Get your students started in less than an hour. You'll be able to <strong>create a class, add students, and monitor their progress</strong> as they learn computer science."
# email_exists: "User exists with this email."
# phone_number: "Phone number"
# phone_number_help: "Where can we reach you during the workday?"
# primary_role_label: "Your Primary Role"
# role_default: "Select Role"
# primary_role_default: "Select Primary Role"
# purchaser_role_default: "Select Purchaser Role"
# tech_coordinator: "Technology coordinator"
# advisor: "Advisor"
# principal: "Principal"
# superintendent: "Superintendent"
# parent: "Parent"
# purchaser_role_label: "Your Purchaser Role"
# influence_advocate: "Influence/Advocate"
# evaluate_recommend: "Evaluate/Recommend"
# approve_funds: "Approve Funds"
# no_purchaser_role: "No role in purchase decisions"
# organization_label: "Name of School/District"
# city: "City"
# state: "State"
# country: "Country"
# num_students_help: "How many do you anticipate enrolling in CodeCombat?"
# num_students_default: "Select Range"
# education_level_label: "Education Level of Students"
# education_level_help: "Choose as many as apply."
# elementary_school: "Elementary School"
# high_school: "High School"
# please_explain: "(please explain)"
# middle_school: "Middle School"
# college_plus: "College or higher"
# anything_else: "Anything else we should know?"
# thanks_header: "Request Received!"
# thanks_sub_header: "Thanks for expressing interest in CodeCombat for your school."
# thanks_p: "We'll be in touch soon! If you need to get in contact, you can reach us at:"
# back_to_classes: "Back to Classes"
# finish_signup: "Finish creating your teacher account:"
# finish_signup_p: "Create an account to set up a class, add your students, and monitor their progress as they learn computer science."
# signup_with: "Sign up with:"
# connect_with: "Connect with:"
name: "Демо формулар"
title: "Затражи демо верзију"
subtitle: "Нека твоји ученици почну за мање од једног сата. Моћи ћеш да <strong>направиш разред, додаш ученике и пратиш њихов напредак</strong> док уче компјутерске науке."
email_exists: "Корисник постоји са овим мејлом."
phone_number: "Број телефона"
phone_number_help: "Где можемо да те добијемо током радног дана?"
primary_role_label: "Твоја примарна улога"
role_default: "Изабери улогу"
primary_role_default: "Изабери примарну улогу"
purchaser_role_default: "Изабери куповну улогу"
tech_coordinator: "Технички координатор"
advisor: "Саветннк"
principal: "Директор"
superintendent: "Управник"
parent: "Родитељ"
purchaser_role_label: "Твоја куповна улога"
influence_advocate: "Утицај/заступник"
evaluate_recommend: "Евалуација/препорука"
approve_funds: "Одобрење средстава"
no_purchaser_role: "Без улоге у куповним одлукама"
organization_label: "Име школе/округа"
city: "Град"
state: "Савезна држава"
country: "Држава"
num_students_help: "Колико ученика очекујеш да се упишу на CodeCombat?"
num_students_default: "Изабери опсег"
education_level_label: "Образовни ниво ученика"
education_level_help: "Изабери колико год важи."
elementary_school: "Основна школа"
high_school: "Средња школа"
please_explain: "(објасните)"
middle_school: "Основна школа (виши разреди)"
college_plus: "Факултет или више"
anything_else: "Још нешто што треба да знамо?"
thanks_header: "Захтев је примљен!"
thanks_sub_header: "Хвала на интересовању за CodeCombat за твоју школу."
thanks_p: "Бићемо у контакту ускоро! Ако желиш да ступиш у контакт, можеш нас добити на:"
back_to_classes: "Назад на разреде"
finish_signup: "Заврши креирање свој учитељског налога:"
finish_signup_p: "Направи налог да оснујеш разред, додаш своје ученике и пратиш њихов напредак док уче компјутерске науке."
signup_with: "Пријави се са:"
connect_with: "Повежи се са:"
# conversion_warning: "WARNING: Your current account is a <em>Student Account</em>. Once you submit this form, your account will be updated to a Teacher Account."
# learn_more_modal: "Teacher accounts on CodeCombat have the ability to monitor student progress, assign enrollments and manage classrooms. Teacher accounts cannot be a part of a classroom - if you are currently enrolled in a class using this account, you will no longer be able to access it once you update to a Teacher Account."
# create_account: "Create a Teacher Account"
create_account: "Направи учитељски налог"
# create_account_subtitle: "Get access to teacher-only tools for using CodeCombat in the classroom. <strong>Set up a class</strong>, add your students, and <strong>monitor their progress</strong>!"
# convert_account_title: "Update to Teacher Account"
# not: "Not"
# setup_a_class: "Set Up a Class"
setup_a_class: "Подеси разред"
# versions:
# save_version_title: "Save New Version"
# new_major_version: "New Major Version"
# submitting_patch: "Submitting Patch..."
# cla_prefix: "To save changes, first you must agree to our"
# cla_url: "CLA"
# cla_suffix: "."
# cla_agree: "I AGREE"
# owner_approve: "An owner will need to approve it before your changes will become visible."
save_version_title: "Сачувај нову верзију"
new_major_version: "Нова главна верзија"
submitting_patch: "Подношење измене..."
cla_prefix: "Да би сачувао измене, прво мораш да се сложиш са нашимr"
cla_url: "CLA"
cla_suffix: "."
cla_agree: "СЛАЖЕМ СЕ"
owner_approve: "Власник ће морати да одобри твоје измене пре него што постану видљиве."
contact_us: "Контактирај CodeCombat"
@ -900,18 +900,18 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "српски", englishDescription: "Serbian
autosave: "Измене се чувају аутоматски"
me_tab: "Ја"
picture_tab: "Фотографија"
# delete_account_tab: "Delete Your Account"
# wrong_email: "Wrong Email"
# wrong_password: "Wrong Password"
# upload_picture: "Upload a picture"
# delete_this_account: "Delete this account permanently"
# reset_progress_tab: "Reset All Progress"
# reset_your_progress: "Clear all your progress and start over"
delete_account_tab: "Избриши свој налог"
wrong_email: "Погрешан мејл"
wrong_password: "Погрешна шифра"
upload_picture: "Постави слику"
delete_this_account: "Избриши овај налог заувек"
reset_progress_tab: "Ресетуј цео напредак"
reset_your_progress: "Избриши цео свој напредак и почни поново"
# god_mode: "God Mode"
password_tab: "Шифра"
emails_tab: "Мејлови"
# admin: "Admin"
# manage_subscription: "Click here to manage your subscription."
manage_subscription: "Кликни овде да би управљао својом претплатом."
new_password: "Нова Шифра"
new_password_verify: "Потврди"
# type_in_email: "Type in your email to confirm account deletion."
@ -925,8 +925,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "српски", englishDescription: "Serbian
# email_notifications_summary: "Controls for personalized, automatic email notifications related to your CodeCombat activity."
# email_any_notes: "Any Notifications"
# email_any_notes_description: "Disable to stop all activity notification emails."
# email_news: "News"
# email_recruit_notes: "Job Opportunities"
email_news: "Вести"
email_recruit_notes: "Пословне могућности"
# email_recruit_notes_description: "If you play really well, we may contact you about getting you a (better) job."
contributor_emails: "Мејлови реда сарадника"
contribute_prefix: "Тражимо људе који би нам се придружили! Погледај "
@ -936,7 +936,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "српски", englishDescription: "Serbian
error_saving: "Чување грешке..."
saved: "Измене су сачуване"
password_mismatch: "Шифре се не слажу."
# password_repeat: "Please repeat your password."
password_repeat: "Понови своју шифру."
# keyboard_shortcuts:
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Keyboard Shortcuts"