mirror of
synced 2025-02-17 08:50:58 -05:00
Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/codecombat/codecombat
This commit is contained in:
76 changed files with 821 additions and 66 deletions
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 12 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 12 KiB |
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ module.exports = class CoordinateDisplay extends createjs.Container
'surface:mouse-moved': 'onMouseMove'
'surface:mouse-out': 'onMouseOut'
'surface:mouse-over': 'onMouseOver'
'surface:stage-mouse-down': 'onMouseDown'
'camera:zoom-updated': 'onZoomUpdated'
constructor: (options) ->
@ -30,6 +31,10 @@ module.exports = class CoordinateDisplay extends createjs.Container
onMouseOut: (e) -> @mouseInBounds = false
onMouseMove: (e) ->
if @mouseInBounds and key.shift
$('#surface').addClass('flag-cursor') unless $('#surface').hasClass('flag-cursor')
else if @mouseInBounds
$('#surface').removeClass('flag-cursor') if $('#surface').hasClass('flag-cursor')
wop = @camera.canvasToWorld x: e.x, y: e.y
wop.x = Math.round(wop.x)
wop.y = Math.round(wop.y)
@ -38,6 +43,13 @@ module.exports = class CoordinateDisplay extends createjs.Container
@show() # debounced
onMouseDown: (e) ->
return unless key.shift
wop = @camera.canvasToWorld x: e.x, y: e.y
wop.x = Math.round wop.x
wop.y = Math.round wop.y
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'surface:coordinate-selected', wop
onZoomUpdated: (e) ->
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
CocoClass = require 'lib/CocoClass'
module.exports = class PlaybackoverScreen extends CocoClass
module.exports = class PlaybackOverScreen extends CocoClass
constructor: (options) ->
options ?= {}
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ module.exports = class PlaybackoverScreen extends CocoClass
console.error @toString(), "needs a layer." unless @layer
toString: -> "<PlaybackoverScreen>"
toString: -> "<PlaybackOverScreen>"
build: ->
@dimLayer = new createjs.Container()
@ -23,18 +23,16 @@ module.exports = class PlaybackoverScreen extends CocoClass
@layer.addChild @dimLayer
show: ->
console.log 'show playback over screen', @showing
return if @showing
@showing = true
@dimLayer.alpha = 0
createjs.Tween.removeTweens @dimLayer
createjs.Tween.get(@dimLayer).to({alpha:1}, 500)
hide: ->
console.log 'hide playback over screen', @showing
return unless @showing
@showing = false
createjs.Tween.removeTweens @dimLayer
createjs.Tween.get(@dimLayer).to({alpha:0}, 500)
@ -151,8 +151,10 @@ module.exports = class SpriteBoss extends CocoClass
removeSprite: (sprite) ->
sprite.displayObject.parent.removeChild sprite.displayObject
thang = sprite.thang
delete @sprites[sprite.thang.id]
sprite.thang = thang # Keep around so that we know which thang the destroyed thang was for
updateSounds: ->
sprite.playSounds() for thangID, sprite of @sprites # hmm; doesn't work for sprites which we didn't add yet in adjustSpriteExistence
@ -186,7 +188,6 @@ module.exports = class SpriteBoss extends CocoClass
# mainly for handling selecting thangs from session when the thang is not always in existence
if @willSelectThang and @sprites[@willSelectThang[0]]
@selectThang @willSelectThang...
@willSelectThang = null
cache: (update=false) ->
return if @cached and not update
@ -239,14 +240,14 @@ module.exports = class SpriteBoss extends CocoClass
@dragged += 1
onSpriteMouseUp: (e) ->
return if key.shift and @options.choosing
return if key.shift #and @options.choosing
return @dragged = 0 if @dragged > 3
@dragged = 0
sprite = if e.sprite?.thang?.isSelectable then e.sprite else null
@selectSprite e, sprite
onStageMouseDown: (e) ->
return if key.shift and @options.choosing
return if key.shift #and @options.choosing
@selectSprite e if e.onBackground
selectThang: (thangID, spellName=null) ->
@ -273,6 +274,8 @@ module.exports = class SpriteBoss extends CocoClass
originalEvent: e
worldPos: worldPos
@willSelectThang = null if sprite # Now that we've done a real selection, don't reselect some other Thang later.
if alive and not @suppressSelectionSounds
instance = sprite.playSound 'selected'
if instance?.playState is 'playSucceeded'
@ -280,12 +283,15 @@ module.exports = class SpriteBoss extends CocoClass
instance.addEventListener 'complete', ->
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'thang-finished-talking', thang: sprite?.thang
# Marks
updateSelection: ->
if @selectedSprite?.thang and (not @selectedSprite.thang.exists or not @world.getThangByID @selectedSprite.thang.id)
@selectSprite null, null, null
thangID = @selectedSprite.thang.id
@selectedSprite = null # Don't actually trigger deselection, but remove the selected sprite.
@selectionMark?.toggle false
@willSelectThang = [thangID, null]
return unless @selectionMark
@selectedSprite = null unless @selectedSprite?.thang
@ -117,7 +117,8 @@ module.exports = Surface = class Surface extends CocoClass
@updateState true if @loaded
# TODO: synchronize both ways of choosing whether to show coords (@world via UI System or @options via World Select modal)
if @world.showCoordinates and @options.coords
@surfaceTextLayer.addChild new CoordinateDisplay camera: @camera
@coordinateDisplay = new CoordinateDisplay camera: @camera
@surfaceTextLayer.addChild @coordinateDisplay
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'surface:world-set-up'
@ -322,6 +323,10 @@ module.exports = Surface = class Surface extends CocoClass
@wasPlayingWhenCastingBegan = @playing
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'level-set-playing', { playing: false }
if @coordinateDisplay?
@surfaceTextLayer.removeChild @coordinateDisplay
createjs.Tween.get(@surfaceLayer).to({alpha:0.9}, 1000, createjs.Ease.getPowOut(4.0))
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ module.exports = class Thang
@resetThangIDs: -> Thang.remainingThangNames = {}
isThang: true
apiProperties: ['id', 'spriteName', 'health', 'pos', 'team']
constructor: (@world, @spriteName, @id) ->
@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
{clone} = require './world_utils'
{scriptMatchesEventPrereqs} = require './script_event_prereqs'
Thang = require './thang'
Vector = require './vector'
module.exports = class WorldScriptNote
@className: "WorldScriptNote"
@ -18,11 +16,11 @@ module.exports = class WorldScriptNote
serialize: ->
o = {channel: @channel, event: {}}
for key, value of @event
if value instanceof Thang
if value?.isThang
value = {isThang: true, id: value.id}
else if _.isArray value
for subval, i in value
if subval instanceof Thang
if subval?.isThang
value[i] = {isThang: true, id: subval.id}
o.event[key] = value
@ -39,9 +39,7 @@ module.exports.clone = clone = (obj, skipThangs=false) ->
if (obj instanceof Vector) or (obj instanceof Rectangle)
return obj.copy()
# We don't have Thang class here, but we can fake it to avoid the circular import
#if skipThangs and obj instanceof Thang
if skipThangs and obj.id? and obj.trackedPropertiesKeys?
if skipThangs and obj.isThang
return obj
if ArrayBufferView and obj instanceof ArrayBufferView
@ -207,6 +207,17 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "العربية", englishDescription: "Arabi
# hud_continue: "Continue (shift+space)"
# spell_saved: "Spell Saved"
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# admin:
# av_title: "Admin Views"
@ -207,6 +207,17 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "български език", englishDescri
# hud_continue: "Continue (shift+space)"
# spell_saved: "Spell Saved"
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# admin:
# av_title: "Admin Views"
@ -207,6 +207,17 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "čeština", englishDescription: "Czech", tr
hud_continue: "Pokračovat (stiskněte shift-mezera)"
spell_saved: "Kouzlo uloženo"
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
av_title: "Administrátorský pohled"
@ -207,6 +207,17 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "dansk", englishDescription: "Danish", trans
hud_continue: "Fortsæt (tryk skift-mellemrum)"
spell_saved: "Trylleformularen er gemt"
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# av_title: "Admin Views"
@ -206,7 +206,18 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Deutsch", englishDescription: "German", tra
tome_available_spells: "Verfügbare Zauber"
hud_continue: "Weiter (drücke Shift + Leertaste)"
spell_saved: "Zauber gespeichert"
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
skip_tutorial: "Überspringen (Esc)"
editor_config: "Editor Einstellungen"
editor_config_title: "Editor Einstellungen"
editor_config_keybindings_label: "Tastenbelegung"
editor_config_keybindings_default: "Standard (Ace)"
editor_config_keybindings_description: "Fügt zusätzliche Tastenkombinationen, bekannt aus anderen Editoren, hinzu"
editor_config_invisibles_label: "Zeige unsichtbare Zeichen"
editor_config_invisibles_description: "Zeigt unsichtbare Zeichen wie Leertasten an."
editor_config_indentguides_label: "Zeige Einrückungshilfe"
editor_config_indentguides_description: "Zeigt vertikale Linien an um Einrückungen besser zu sehen."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
av_title: "Administrator Übersicht"
@ -207,6 +207,17 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "ελληνικά", englishDescription: "Gre
# hud_continue: "Continue (shift+space)"
# spell_saved: "Spell Saved"
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# admin:
# av_title: "Admin Views"
@ -207,6 +207,17 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "English (AU)", englishDescription: "English
# hud_continue: "Continue (shift+space)"
# spell_saved: "Spell Saved"
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# admin:
# av_title: "Admin Views"
@ -207,6 +207,17 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "English (UK)", englishDescription: "English
# hud_continue: "Continue (shift+space)"
# spell_saved: "Spell Saved"
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# admin:
# av_title: "Admin Views"
@ -207,6 +207,17 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "English (US)", englishDescription: "English
# hud_continue: "Continue (shift+space)"
# spell_saved: "Spell Saved"
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# admin:
# av_title: "Admin Views"
@ -207,6 +207,17 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "English", englishDescription: "English", tr
hud_continue: "Continue (shift+space)"
spell_saved: "Spell Saved"
skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
editor_config: "Editor Config"
editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
av_title: "Admin Views"
@ -318,6 +329,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "English", englishDescription: "English", tr
nick_description: "Programming wizard, eccentric motivation mage, and upside-down experimenter. Nick can do anything and chooses to build CodeCombat."
jeremy_description: "Customer support mage, usability tester, and community organizer; you've probably already spoken with Jeremy."
michael_description: "Programmer, sys-admin, and undergrad technical wunderkind, Michael is the person keeping our servers online."
glen_description: "Glen, describe thyself!"
page_title: "Legal"
@ -207,6 +207,17 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "español (América Latina)", englishDescrip
hud_continue: "Continuar (presionar shift+space)"
# spell_saved: "Spell Saved"
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# admin:
# av_title: "Admin Views"
@ -207,6 +207,17 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "español (ES)", englishDescription: "Spanis
hud_continue: "Continuar (pulsa Shift+Space)"
spell_saved: "Hechizo guardado"
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# av_title: "Admin Views"
@ -207,6 +207,17 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "español", englishDescription: "Spanish", t
hud_continue: "Continuar (presionar shift+space)"
# spell_saved: "Spell Saved"
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# admin:
# av_title: "Admin Views"
@ -207,6 +207,17 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "فارسی", englishDescription: "Persian",
# hud_continue: "Continue (shift+space)"
# spell_saved: "Spell Saved"
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# admin:
# av_title: "Admin Views"
@ -207,6 +207,17 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "suomi", englishDescription: "Finnish", tran
# hud_continue: "Continue (shift+space)"
# spell_saved: "Spell Saved"
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# admin:
# av_title: "Admin Views"
@ -207,6 +207,17 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "français", englishDescription: "French", t
hud_continue: "Continuer (appuie sur shift ou espace)"
# spell_saved: "Spell Saved"
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
av_title: "Vues d'administrateurs"
@ -207,6 +207,17 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "עברית", englishDescription: "Hebrew",
# hud_continue: "Continue (shift+space)"
# spell_saved: "Spell Saved"
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# admin:
# av_title: "Admin Views"
@ -207,6 +207,17 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "मानक हिन्दी", englishDe
# hud_continue: "Continue (shift+space)"
# spell_saved: "Spell Saved"
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# admin:
# av_title: "Admin Views"
@ -207,6 +207,17 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "magyar", englishDescription: "Hungarian", t
hud_continue: "Folytatás (shift+space)"
# spell_saved: "Spell Saved"
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# admin:
# av_title: "Admin Views"
@ -207,6 +207,17 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Bahasa Indonesia", englishDescription: "Ind
# hud_continue: "Continue (shift+space)"
# spell_saved: "Spell Saved"
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# admin:
# av_title: "Admin Views"
@ -207,6 +207,17 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "italiano", englishDescription: "Italian", t
hud_continue: "Continua (premi Maiusc-Spazio)"
# spell_saved: "Spell Saved"
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
av_title: "Vista amministratore"
@ -207,6 +207,17 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "日本語", englishDescription: "Japanese",
hud_continue: "続く (Shift+Spaceキー)"
# spell_saved: "Spell Saved"
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
av_title: "管理画面"
@ -207,6 +207,17 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "한국어", englishDescription: "Korean", t
# hud_continue: "Continue (shift+space)"
# spell_saved: "Spell Saved"
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# admin:
# av_title: "Admin Views"
@ -207,6 +207,17 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "lietuvių kalba", englishDescription: "Lith
# hud_continue: "Continue (shift+space)"
# spell_saved: "Spell Saved"
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# admin:
# av_title: "Admin Views"
@ -207,6 +207,17 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Bahasa Melayu", englishDescription: "Bahasa
# hud_continue: "Continue (shift+space)"
# spell_saved: "Spell Saved"
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# admin:
# av_title: "Admin Views"
@ -207,6 +207,17 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Norsk Bokmål", englishDescription: "Norweg
hud_continue: "Fortsett (trykk shift-mellomrom)"
# spell_saved: "Spell Saved"
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# admin:
# av_title: "Admin Views"
@ -207,6 +207,17 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Nederlands", englishDescription: "Dutch", t
hud_continue: "Ga verder (druk shift-space)"
spell_saved: "Spreuk Opgeslagen"
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
av_title: "Administrator panels"
@ -207,6 +207,17 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Norwegian Nynorsk", englishDescription: "No
# hud_continue: "Continue (shift+space)"
# spell_saved: "Spell Saved"
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# admin:
# av_title: "Admin Views"
@ -207,6 +207,17 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Norsk", englishDescription: "Norwegian", tr
hud_continue: "Fortsett (trykk shift-mellomrom)"
# spell_saved: "Spell Saved"
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# admin:
# av_title: "Admin Views"
@ -207,6 +207,17 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "język polski", englishDescription: "Polish
hud_continue: "Kontynuuj (Shift + spacja)"
spell_saved: "Czar zapisany"
skip_tutorial: "Pomiń (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
av_title: "Panel administracyjny"
@ -207,6 +207,17 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "português do Brasil", englishDescription:
hud_continue: "Continue (tecle Shift+Space)"
spell_saved: "Feitiço Salvo"
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
av_title: "Visualização de Administrador"
@ -207,6 +207,17 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Português europeu", englishDescription: "P
hud_continue: "Continuar (pressiona shift-space)"
spell_saved: "Feitiço Guardado"
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
av_title: "Visualizações de Admin"
@ -207,6 +207,17 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "português", englishDescription: "Portugues
hud_continue: "Continue (tecle Shift+Space)"
# spell_saved: "Spell Saved"
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# admin:
# av_title: "Admin Views"
@ -207,6 +207,17 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "limba română", englishDescription: "Roman
hud_continue: "Continuă (apasă shift-space)"
spell_saved: "Vrajă salvată"
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
av_title: "Admin vede"
@ -207,6 +207,17 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "русский", englishDescription: "Russi
hud_continue: "Продолжить (Shift+Пробел)"
spell_saved: "Заклинание сохранено"
skip_tutorial: "Пропуск (Esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
av_title: "Админ панель"
@ -207,6 +207,17 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "slovenčina", englishDescription: "Slovak",
# hud_continue: "Continue (shift+space)"
# spell_saved: "Spell Saved"
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# admin:
# av_title: "Admin Views"
@ -207,6 +207,17 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "slovenščina", englishDescription: "Sloven
# hud_continue: "Continue (shift+space)"
# spell_saved: "Spell Saved"
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# admin:
# av_title: "Admin Views"
@ -207,6 +207,17 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "српски", englishDescription: "Serbian
hud_continue: "Настави (притисни ентер)"
# spell_saved: "Spell Saved"
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# admin:
# av_title: "Admin Views"
@ -207,6 +207,17 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Svenska", englishDescription: "Swedish", tr
# hud_continue: "Continue (shift+space)"
# spell_saved: "Spell Saved"
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# admin:
# av_title: "Admin Views"
@ -207,6 +207,17 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "ไทย", englishDescription: "Thai", tra
# hud_continue: "Continue (shift+space)"
# spell_saved: "Spell Saved"
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# admin:
# av_title: "Admin Views"
@ -207,6 +207,17 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Türkçe", englishDescription: "Turkish", t
hud_continue: "Devam (ÜstKarakter+Boşluk)"
spell_saved: "Büyü Kaydedildi"
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
av_title: "Yönetici Görünümleri"
@ -207,6 +207,17 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "українська мова", englishDesc
hud_continue: "Продовжити (натисніть shift-space)"
spell_saved: "Заклинання збережено"
skip_tutorial: "Пропустити (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# av_title: "Admin Views"
@ -207,6 +207,17 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "اُردُو", englishDescription: "Urdu",
# hud_continue: "Continue (shift+space)"
# spell_saved: "Spell Saved"
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# admin:
# av_title: "Admin Views"
@ -207,6 +207,17 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Tiếng Việt", englishDescription: "Vietn
# hud_continue: "Continue (shift+space)"
# spell_saved: "Spell Saved"
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# admin:
# av_title: "Admin Views"
@ -207,6 +207,17 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
hud_continue: "继续(按 Shift-空格)"
spell_saved: "咒语已保存"
skip_tutorial: "跳过(esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
av_title: "管理员视图"
@ -207,6 +207,17 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "繁体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
hud_continue: "繼續 (按 shift-空格)"
spell_saved: "咒語已儲存"
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# admin:
# av_title: "Admin Views"
@ -207,6 +207,17 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "中文", englishDescription: "Chinese", tra
# hud_continue: "Continue (shift+space)"
# spell_saved: "Spell Saved"
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# admin:
# av_title: "Admin Views"
@ -180,3 +180,6 @@ table.table
border: 1px solid black
border: 1px solid black !important
cursor: crosshair
@ -95,6 +95,9 @@
height: 100px
@include user-select(text)
visibility: hidden
width: 50%
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
display: block
min-height: 20px
margin-top: 10px
margin-bottom: 10px
padding-left: 20px
vertical-align: middle
font-weight: normal
margin-right: 20px
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
@include opacity(80)
@include opacity(20)
background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.25)
width: 40px
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
.executing, .executed, .problem-marker-info, .problem-marker-warning, .problem-marker-error
position: absolute
background-color: rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.20)
background-color: rgba(50, 255, 80, 0.35)
@include gradient-striped()
background-color: rgba(110, 110, 110, 0.12)
@ -86,14 +86,15 @@
background-size: 40px 40px
text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #000
@include animation(progress-bar-stripes 2s linear infinite)
margin-left: 1px
background-image: url()
background-position: 0px center
margin-left: 1px
background-position: 0px center
@ -112,5 +113,3 @@
.ace_text-layer .ace_comment
color: darken(rgb(103, 164, 200), 5%)
@ -151,4 +151,15 @@ block content
| and community organizer; you've probably
| already spoken with Jeremy.
h3 Glen De Cauwsemaecker
| Glen, describe thyself!
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ div#columns.row
if team.chartData
th(colspan=4, style="color: #{team.primaryColor}")
th(data-i18n="general.result") Result
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
button(type='button', data-dismiss="modal", aria-hidden="true").close ×
h3(data-i18n="play_level.editor_config_title") Editor Configuration
label.control-label(for="tome-key-bindings" data-i18n="play_level.editor_config_keybindings_label") Key Bindings
select#tome-key-bindings(name="keyBindings", type="checkbox", checked=multiplayer)
option(value="default" selected=(keyBindings === "default") data-i18n="play_level.editor_config_keybindings_default") Default (Ace)
option(value="vim" selected=(keyBindings === "vim")) Vim
option(value="emacs" selected=(keyBindings === "emacs")) Emacs
span.help-block(data-i18n="play_level.editor_config_keybindings_description") Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors.
input#tome-invisibles(name="invisibles", type="checkbox", checked=invisibles)
span(data-i18n="play_level.editor_config_invisibles_label") Show Invisibles
span.help-block(data-i18n="play_level.editor_config_invisibles_description") Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs.
input#tome-indent-guides(name="indentGuides", type="checkbox", checked=indentGuides)
span(data-i18n="play_level.editor_config_indentguides_label") Show Indent Guides
span.help-block(data-i18n="play_level.editor_config_indentguides_description") Displays vertical lines to see indentation better.
input#tome-behaviors(name="behaviors", type="checkbox", checked=behaviors)
span(data-i18n="play_level.editor_config_behaviors_label") Smart Behaviors
span.help-block(data-i18n="play_level.editor_config_behaviors_description") Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes.
a(href='#', data-dismiss="modal", aria-hidden="true", data-i18n="modal.close").btn.btn-primary Close
@ -37,3 +37,6 @@ button.btn.btn-xs.btn-inverse#music-button(title="Toggle Music")
span(data-i18n="play_level.customize_wizard") Customize Wizard
span(data-i18n="play_level.editor_config") Editor Config
@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ module.exports = class ArchmageView extends ContributeClassView
contributors: [
{name: "Tom Steinbrecher", avatar: "tom"}
{name: "Glen De Cauwsemaecker", avatar: "glen"}
{name: "Sébastien Moratinos", avatar: "sebastien"}
{name: "deepak1556", avatar: "deepak"}
{name: "Ronnie Cheng", avatar: "ronald"}
@ -78,17 +78,22 @@ module.exports = class MyMatchesTabView extends CocoView
team.wins = _.filter(team.matches, {state: 'win'}).length
team.ties = _.filter(team.matches, {state: 'tie'}).length
team.losses = _.filter(team.matches, {state: 'loss'}).length
team.scoreHistory = team.session?.get('scoreHistory')
if team.scoreHistory?.length > 1
team.currentScore = Math.round team.scoreHistory[team.scoreHistory.length - 1][1] * 100
scoreHistory = team.session?.get('scoreHistory')
if scoreHistory?.length > 1
scoreHistory = _.last scoreHistory, 100 # Chart URL needs to be under 2048 characters for GET
team.currentScore = Math.round scoreHistory[scoreHistory.length - 1][1] * 100
team.chartColor = team.primaryColor.replace '#', ''
times = (s[0] for s in team.scoreHistory)
times = ((100 * (t - times[0]) / (times[times.length - 1] - times[0])).toFixed(1) for t in times)
scores = (s[1] for s in team.scoreHistory)
lowest = _.min scores
highest = _.max scores
#times = (s[0] for s in scoreHistory)
#times = ((100 * (t - times[0]) / (times[times.length - 1] - times[0])).toFixed(1) for t in times)
# Let's try being independent of time.
times = (i for s, i in scoreHistory)
scores = (s[1] for s in scoreHistory)
lowest = _.min scores.concat([0])
highest = _.max scores.concat(50)
scores = (Math.round(100 * (s - lowest) / (highest - lowest)) for s in scores)
team.chartData = times.join(',') + '|' + scores.join(',')
team.minScore = Math.round(100 * lowest)
team.maxScore = Math.round(100 * highest)
@ -238,8 +238,9 @@ module.exports = class HUDView extends View
update: ->
return unless @thang and not @speaker
# Update properties
@updatePropElement(prop, @thang[prop]) for prop in @thang.hudProperties ? []
@$el.find('.thang-props-column').toggleClass 'nonexistent', not @thang.exists
if @thang.exists
@updatePropElement(prop, @thang[prop]) for prop in @thang.hudProperties ? []
# Update action timeline
@ -305,7 +306,7 @@ module.exports = class HUDView extends View
for actionName, action of @thang.actions
@updateActionElement(actionName, @timespans[actionName], @thang.action is actionName)
tableContainer = @$el.find('.table-container')
timelineWidth = tableContainer.find('.action-timeline').width()
timelineWidth = tableContainer.find('tr:not(.secret) .action-timeline').width()
right = (1 - (@timeProgress ? 0)) * timelineWidth
arrow = tableContainer.find('.progress-arrow')
arrow.css 'right', right - arrow.width() / 2
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
View = require 'views/kinds/ModalView'
template = require 'templates/play/level/modal/editor_config'
{me} = require('lib/auth')
module.exports = class EditorConfigModal extends View
id: 'level-editor-config-modal'
template: template
aceConfig: {}
keyBindings: 'default'
invisibles: false
indentGuides: false
behaviors: false
'change #tome-invisibles': 'updateInvisiblesSelection'
'change #tome-key-bindings': 'updateKeyBindingsSelection'
'change #tome-indent-guides': 'updateIndentGuides'
'change #tome-behaviors': 'updateBehaviors'
constructor: (options) ->
getRenderData: ->
@aceConfig = _.cloneDeep me.get('aceConfig') ? {}
@aceConfig = _.defaults @aceConfig, @defaultConfig
c = super()
c.keyBindings = @aceConfig.keyBindings
c.invisibles = @aceConfig.invisibles
c.indentGuides = @aceConfig.indentGuides
c.behaviors = @aceConfig.behaviors
updateInvisiblesSelection: ->
@aceConfig.invisibles = @$el.find('#tome-invisibles').prop('checked')
updateKeyBindingsSelection: ->
@aceConfig.keyBindings = @$el.find('#tome-key-bindings').val()
updateIndentGuides: ->
@aceConfig.indentGuides = @$el.find('#tome-indent-guides').prop('checked')
updateBehaviors: ->
@aceConfig.behaviors = @$el.find('#tome-behaviors').prop('checked')
afterRender: ->
onHidden: ->
@aceConfig.invisibles = @$el.find('#tome-invisibles').prop('checked')
@aceConfig.keyBindings = @$el.find('#tome-key-bindings').val()
@aceConfig.indentGuides = @$el.find('#tome-indent-guides').prop('checked')
@aceConfig.behaviors = @$el.find('#tome-behaviors').prop('checked')
me.set 'aceConfig', @aceConfig
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'change:editor-config'
destroy: ->
@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ View = require 'views/kinds/CocoView'
template = require 'templates/play/level/playback'
{me} = require 'lib/auth'
EditorConfigModal = require './modal/editor_config_modal'
module.exports = class PlaybackView extends View
id: "playback-view"
template: template
@ -25,6 +27,7 @@ module.exports = class PlaybackView extends View
'click #debug-toggle': 'onToggleDebug'
'click #grid-toggle': 'onToggleGrid'
'click #edit-wizard-settings': 'onEditWizardSettings'
'click #edit-editor-config': 'onEditEditorConfig'
'click #music-button': 'onToggleMusic'
'click #zoom-in-button': -> Backbone.Mediator.publish('camera-zoom-in') unless @disabled
'click #zoom-out-button': -> Backbone.Mediator.publish('camera-zoom-out') unless @disabled
@ -77,6 +80,9 @@ module.exports = class PlaybackView extends View
onEditWizardSettings: ->
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'edit-wizard-settings'
onEditEditorConfig: ->
@openModalView(new EditorConfigModal())
onDisableControls: (e) ->
if not e.controls or 'playback' in e.controls
@disabled = true
@ -15,10 +15,16 @@ module.exports = class SpellView extends View
eventsSuppressed: true
writable: true
'default': null
'vim': 'ace/keyboard/vim'
'emacs': 'ace/keyboard/emacs'
'level-disable-controls': 'onDisableControls'
'level-enable-controls': 'onEnableControls'
'surface:frame-changed': 'onFrameChanged'
'surface:coordinate-selected': 'onCoordinateSelected'
'god:new-world-created': 'onNewWorld'
'god:user-code-problem': 'onUserCodeProblem'
'tome:manual-cast': 'onManualCast'
@ -29,6 +35,7 @@ module.exports = class SpellView extends View
'focus-editor': 'focus'
'tome:spell-statement-index-updated': 'onStatementIndexUpdated'
'spell-beautify': 'onSpellBeautify'
'change:editor-config': 'onChangeEditorConfig'
'mouseout': 'onMouseOut'
@ -55,6 +62,7 @@ module.exports = class SpellView extends View
createACE: ->
# Test themes and settings here: http://ace.ajax.org/build/kitchen-sink.html
aceConfig = me.get('aceConfig') ? {}
@ace = ace.edit @$el.find('.ace')[0]
@aceSession = @ace.getSession()
@aceDoc = @aceSession.getDocument()
@ -65,11 +73,12 @@ module.exports = class SpellView extends View
@aceSession.setNewLineMode "unix"
@aceSession.setUseSoftTabs true
@ace.setTheme 'ace/theme/textmate'
@ace.setDisplayIndentGuides false
@ace.setDisplayIndentGuides aceConfig.indentGuides
@ace.setShowPrintMargin false
@ace.setShowInvisibles false
@ace.setBehavioursEnabled false
@ace.setShowInvisibles aceConfig.invisibles
@ace.setBehavioursEnabled aceConfig.behaviors
@ace.setAnimatedScroll true
@ace.setKeyboardHandler @keyBindings[aceConfig.keyBindings ? 'default']
@toggleControls null, @writable
@aceSession.selection.on 'changeCursor', @onCursorActivity
$(@ace.container).find('.ace_gutter').on 'click', '.ace_error, .ace_warning, .ace_info', @onAnnotationClick
@ -419,10 +428,15 @@ module.exports = class SpellView extends View
onFrameChanged: (e) ->
return unless e.selectedThang?.id is @thang?.id
return unless @spellThang and e.selectedThang?.id is @spellThang?.thang.id
@thang = e.selectedThang # update our thang to the current version
onCoordinateSelected: (e) ->
return unless e.x? and e.y?
@ace.insert "{x: #{e.x}, y: #{e.y}}"
onStatementIndexUpdated: (e) ->
return unless e.ace is @ace
@ -545,6 +559,12 @@ module.exports = class SpellView extends View
pretty = @spellThang.aether.beautify ugly
@ace.setValue pretty
onChangeEditorConfig: (e) ->
aceConfig = me.get 'aceConfig'
@ace.setDisplayIndentGuides (aceConfig.indentGuides || false)
@ace.setShowInvisibles (aceConfig.invisibles || false)
@ace.setKeyboardHandler (@keyBindings[aceConfig.keyBindings] || null)
dismiss: ->
@recompile() if @spell.hasChangedSignificantly @getSource()
@ -423,14 +423,30 @@ module.exports = class SpectateLevelView extends View
onNextGamePressed: (e) ->
console.log "You want to see the next game!"
@sessionOne = "53193c8f7a89df21c4d968e9"
@sessionTwo = "531aa613026834331eac5e7e"
url = "/play/spectate/dungeon-arena?session-one=#{@sessionOne}&session-two=#{@sessionTwo}"
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'router:navigate', {
route: url,
viewClass: SpectateLevelView,
viewArgs: [{spectateSessions:{sessionOne: @sessionOne, sessionTwo: @sessionTwo}}, "dungeon-arena"]}
@fetchRandomSessionPair (err, data) =>
if err? then return console.log "There was an error fetching the random session pair: #{data}"
@sessionOne = data[0]._id
@sessionTwo = data[1]._id
console.log "Playing session #{@sessionOne} against #{@sessionTwo}"
url = "/play/spectate/dungeon-arena?session-one=#{@sessionOne}&session-two=#{@sessionTwo}"
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'router:navigate', {
route: url,
viewClass: SpectateLevelView,
viewArgs: [{spectateSessions:{sessionOne: @sessionOne, sessionTwo: @sessionTwo}}, "dungeon-arena"]}
fetchRandomSessionPair: (cb) ->
console.log "Fetching random session pair!"
randomSessionPairURL = "/db/level/#{@level.get('original')}.#{@level.get('version').major}/random_session_pair"
url: randomSessionPairURL
type: "GET"
complete: (jqxhr, textStatus) ->
if textStatus isnt "success"
cb("error", jqxhr.statusText)
cb(null, $.parseJSON(jqxhr.responseText))
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
"firepad": "~0.1.2",
"marked": "~0.3.0",
"moment": "~2.5.0",
"aether": "~0.1.9",
"aether": "~0.1.10",
"underscore.string": "~2.3.3",
"firebase": "~1.0.2",
"catiline": "~2.9.3"
@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ LevelHandler = class LevelHandler extends Handler
return @getLeaderboard(req, res, args[0]) if args[1] is 'leaderboard'
return @getMySessions(req, res, args[0]) if args[1] is 'my_sessions'
return @getFeedback(req, res, args[0]) if args[1] is 'feedback'
return @getRandomSessionPair(req,res,args[0]) if args[1] is 'random_session_pair'
return @sendNotFoundError(res)
fetchLevelByIDAndHandleErrors: (id, req, res, callback) ->
@ -147,6 +149,41 @@ LevelHandler = class LevelHandler extends Handler
return @sendDatabaseError(res, err) if err
resultSessions ?= []
@sendSuccess res, resultSessions
getRandomSessionPair: (req, res, id) ->
findParameters = {}
[original,version] = id.split '.'
version = parseInt(version) ? 0
sessionsQueryParameters =
original: original
majorVersion: version
query = Session
query.exec (err, resultSessions) =>
return @sendDatabaseError res, err if err? or not resultSessions
teamSessions = _.groupBy resultSessions, 'team'
sessions = []
numberOfTeams = 0
for team of teamSessions
numberOfTeams += 1
sessions.push _.sample(teamSessions[team])
if numberOfTeams != 2 then return @sendDatabaseError res, "There aren't sessions of 2 teams, so cannot choose random opponents!"
@sendSuccess res, sessions
validateLeaderboardRequestParameters: (req) ->
req.query.order = parseInt(req.query.order) ? -1
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ sendwithus = require '../sendwithus'
module.exports.setup = (app) ->
app.all config.mail.mailchimpWebhook, handleMailchimpWebHook
app.get '/mail/cron/ladder-update', handleLadderUpdate
getAllLadderScores = (next) ->
query = Level.find({type: 'ladder'})
@ -28,21 +28,24 @@ getAllLadderScores = (next) ->
for level in levels
for team in ['humans', 'ogres']
'I ... am not doing this.'
# Query to get sessions to make histogram
# db.level.sessions.find({"submitted":true,"levelID":"brawlwood",team:"ogres"},{"_id":0,"totalScore":1})
isRequestFromDesignatedCronHandler = (req, res) ->
if req.ip isnt config.mail.cronHandlerPublicIP and req.ip isnt config.mail.cronHandlerPrivateIP
console.log "RECEIVED REQUEST FROM IP #{req.ip}(headers indicate #{req.headers['x-forwarded-for']}"
res.send("You aren't authorized to perform that action. Only the specified Cron handler may perform that action.")
return true
return false
return false
return true
handleLadderUpdate = (req, res) ->
log.info("Going to see about sending ladder update emails.")
requestIsFromDesignatedCronHandler = isRequestFromDesignatedCronHandler req, res
unless requestIsFromDesignatedCronHandler then return
#unless requestIsFromDesignatedCronHandler then return
res.send('Great work, Captain Cron! I can take it from here.')
# TODO: somehow fetch the histograms
@ -97,8 +100,8 @@ sendLadderUpdateEmail = (session, daysAgo) ->
context =
email_id: sendwithus.templates.ladder_update_email
address: user.email
#address: 'nick@codecombat.com' # Debugging
#address: user.email
address: 'nick@codecombat.com' # Debugging
name: name
name: name
@ -149,15 +152,18 @@ getScoreHistoryGraphURL = (session, daysAgo) ->
since = new Date() - 86400 * 1000 * daysAgo
scoreHistory = (s for s in session.scoreHistory ? [] when s[0] >= since)
return '' unless scoreHistory.length > 1
scoreHistory = _.last scoreHistory, 100 # Chart URL needs to be under 2048 characters for GET
times = (s[0] for s in scoreHistory)
times = ((100 * (t - times[0]) / (times[times.length - 1] - times[0])).toFixed(1) for t in times)
scores = (s[1] for s in scoreHistory)
lowest = _.min scores
highest = _.max scores
lowest = _.min scores.concat([0])
highest = _.max scores.concat(50)
scores = (Math.round(100 * (s - lowest) / (highest - lowest)) for s in scores)
currentScore = Math.round scoreHistory[scoreHistory.length - 1][1] * 100
minScore = Math.round(100 * lowest)
maxScore = Math.round(100 * highest)
chartData = times.join(',') + '|' + scores.join(',')
handleMailchimpWebHook = (req, res) ->
post = req.body
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ errors = require '../commons/errors'
async = require 'async'
serverProperties = ['passwordHash', 'emailLower', 'nameLower', 'passwordReset']
privateProperties = ['permissions', 'email', 'firstName', 'lastName', 'gender', 'facebookID', 'music', 'volume']
privateProperties = ['permissions', 'email', 'firstName', 'lastName', 'gender', 'facebookID', 'music', 'volume', 'aceConfig']
UserHandler = class UserHandler extends Handler
modelClass: User
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ UserHandler = class UserHandler extends Handler
'name', 'photoURL', 'password', 'anonymous', 'wizardColor1', 'volume',
'firstName', 'lastName', 'gender', 'facebookID', 'emailSubscriptions',
'testGroupNumber', 'music', 'hourOfCode', 'hourOfCodeComplete', 'preferredLanguage',
'wizard', 'aceConfig'
jsonSchema: schema
@ -45,6 +45,12 @@ UserSchema = c.object {},
wizard: c.object {},
colorConfig: c.object {additionalProperties: c.colorConfig()}
aceConfig: c.object {},
keyBindings: {type: 'string', 'default': 'default', 'enum': ['default', 'vim', 'emacs']}
invisibles: {type: 'boolean', 'default': false}
indentGuides: {type: 'boolean', 'default': false}
behaviors: {type: 'boolean', 'default': false}
c.extendBasicProperties UserSchema, 'user'
module.exports = UserSchema
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ describe 'utils library', ->
expect(util.i18n(this.fixture1, 'text', 'en')).toEqual(this.fixture1.text)
expect(util.i18n(this.fixture1, 'blurb', 'en')).toEqual(this.fixture1.blurb)
delete this.fixture1.blurb
expect(util.i18n(this.fixture1, 'blurb', 'en')).toEqual(this.fixture1.text)
expect(util.i18n(this.fixture1, 'blurb', 'en')).toEqual(null)
it 'i18n can fall forward if a general language is not found', ->
expect(util.i18n(this.fixture1, 'text', 'pt')).toEqual(this.fixture1.i18n['pt-BR'].text)
Reference in a new issue