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synced 2025-03-25 12:20:32 -04:00
Merge pull request #3530 from jozadaquebatista/master
Update pt-BR.coffee
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 163 additions and 163 deletions
@ -15,30 +15,30 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Português do Brasil", englishDescription:
or_ipad: "Ou baixe para iPad"
# new_home:
# slogan: "The most engaging game for learning programming."
slogan: "O game mais envolvente para aprender programação."
# classroom_edition: "Classroom Edition:"
# learn_to_code: "Learn to code:"
# teacher: "Teacher"
# student: "Student"
# play_now: "Play Now"
# im_a_teacher: "I'm a Teacher"
# im_a_student: "I'm a Student"
# learn_more: "Learn more"
# classroom_in_a_box: "A classroom in-a-box for teaching computer science."
learn_to_code: "Aprenda a programar:"
teacher: "Professor"
student: "Aluno"
play_now: "Jogue Agora"
im_a_teacher: "Eu sou um professor(a)"
im_a_student: "Eu sou um Aluno"
learn_more: "Aprenda mais"
classroom_in_a_box: "Uma sala de aula in-a-box para o ensino de ciência da computação."
# codecombat_is: "CodeCombat is a platform <strong>for students</strong> to learn computer science while playing through a real game."
# our_courses: "Our courses have been specifically playtested to <strong>excel in the classroom</strong>, even by teachers with little to no prior programming experience."
# top_screenshots_hint: "Students write code and see their changes update in real-time"
# designed_with: "Designed with teachers in mind"
top_screenshots_hint: "Alunos escrevem seus códigos e veem suas mudanças em tempo real."
designed_with: "Desenhado com professores em mente"
# real_code: "Real, typed code"
# from_the_first_level: "from the first level"
from_the_first_level: "do primeiro nível"
# getting_students: "Getting students to typed code as quickly as possible is critical to learning programming syntax and proper structure."
# educator_resources: "Educator resources"
# course_guides: "and course guides"
educator_resources: "Recursos do educador"
course_guides: "e guia dos cursos"
# teaching_computer_science: "Teaching computer science does not require a costly degree, because we provide tools to support educators of all backgrounds."
# accessible_to: "Accessible to"
# everyone: "everyone"
# democratizing: "Democratizing the process of learning coding is at the core of our philosophy. Everyone should be able to learn to code."
# forgot_learning: "I think they actually forgot that they were actually learning something."
accessible_to: "Acessível à"
everyone: "todos"
democratizing: "Democratizar o processo de aprendizagem de codificação é o objectivo da nossa filosofia. Qualquer um deve ser capaz de aprender a programar."
forgot_learning: "Eu acho que eles na realidade esqueceram que eles estão na realidade aprendendo alguma coisa."
# wanted_to_do: " Coding is something I've always wanted to do, and I never thought I would be able to learn it in school."
# why_games: "Why is learning through games important?"
# games_reward: "Games reward the productive struggle."
@ -46,11 +46,11 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Português do Brasil", englishDescription:
# excel: "Games excel at rewarding"
# struggle: "productive struggle"
# kind_of_struggle: "the kind of struggle that results in learning that’s engaging and"
# motivating: "motivating"
motivating: "motivador"
# not_tedious: "not tedious."
# gaming_is_good: "Studies suggest gaming is good for children’s brains. (it’s true!)"
# gaming_is_good: "Estudos indicam que jogos são bons para o cérebro das crianças. (é verdade!)"
# game_based: "When game-based learning systems are"
# compared: "compared"
compared: "comparado"
# conventional: "against conventional assessment methods, the difference is clear: games are better at helping students retain knowledge, concentrate and"
# perform_at_higher_level: "perform at a higher level of achievement"
# feedback: "Games also provide real-time feedback that allows students to adjust their solution path and understand concepts more holistically, instead of being limited to just “correct” or “incorrect” answers."
@ -67,17 +67,17 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Português do Brasil", englishDescription:
# request_demo: "Request a Demo"
# create_a_class: "Create a Class"
# setup_a_class: "Set Up a Class"
# have_an_account: "Have an account?"
# log_in: "Log In"
# logged_in_as: "You are currently logged in as"
have_an_account: "Tem uma conta?"
log_in: "Entrar"
logged_in_as: "Você está logado como"
# view_my_classes: "View my classes"
# computer_science: "Computer science courses for all ages"
# show_me_lesson_time: "Show me lesson time estimates for:"
# curriculum: "Total curriculum hours:"
# ffa: "Free for all students"
ffa: "Gratuito para todos os estudantes"
# lesson_time: "Lesson time:"
# coming_soon: "Coming soon!"
# courses_available_in: "Courses are available in JavaScript, Python, and Java (coming soon!)"
coming_soon: "Em breve!"
courses_available_in: "Os cursos estão disponíveis em JavaScript, Python e Java (em breve!)"
# boast: "Boasts riddles that are complex enough to fascinate gamers and coders alike."
# winning: "A winning combination of RPG gameplay and programming homework that pulls off making kid-friendly education legitimately enjoyable."
# run_class: "Everything you need to run a computer science class in your school today, no CS background required."
@ -101,22 +101,22 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Português do Brasil", englishDescription:
twitter_follow: "Seguir"
teachers: "Professores"
careers: "Carreiras"
# facebook: "Facebook"
# twitter: "Twitter"
facebook: "Facebook"
twitter: "Twitter"
# create_a_class: "Create a Class"
# other: "Other"
# learn_to_code: "Learn to Code!"
# toggle_nav: "Toggle navigation"
# jobs: "Jobs"
# schools: "Schools"
other: "Outro"
learn_to_code: "Aprenda a programar!"
toggle_nav: "Alternar navegação"
jobs: "Empregos"
schools: "Escolas"
# educator_wiki: "Educator Wiki"
# request_quote: "Request a Quote"
# get_involved: "Get Involved"
# open_source: "Open source (GitHub)"
# support: "Support"
# faqs: "FAQs"
# help_pref: "Need help? Email"
# help_suff: "and we'll get in touch!"
get_involved: "Involva-se"
open_source: "Código aberto (GitHub)"
support: "Suporte"
faqs: "FAQs"
help_pref: "Precisa de ajuda? Email"
help_suff: "e nós entraremos em contato!"
close: "Fechar"
@ -200,14 +200,14 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Português do Brasil", englishDescription:
school_name: "Nome da Escola e da cidade"
optional: "Opcional"
school_name_placeholder: "Escola de exemplo, Cotia, SP"
# or_sign_up_with: "or sign up with"
# connected_gplus_header: "You've successfully connected with Google+!"
# connected_gplus_p: "Finish signing up so you can log in with your Google+ account."
# gplus_exists: "You already have an account associated with Google+!"
# connected_facebook_header: "You've successfully connected with Facebook!"
# connected_facebook_p: "Finish signing up so you can log in with your Facebook account."
# facebook_exists: "You already have an account associated with Facebook!"
# hey_students: "Students, enter the class code from your teacher."
or_sign_up_with: "ou inscreva-se com"
connected_gplus_header: "Você se conectou com sucesso ao Google+!"
connected_gplus_p: "Conclua sua inscrição para que você possa fazer login com sua conta do Google+."
gplus_exists: "Você já tem uma conta associada com o Google+!"
connected_facebook_header: "Você se conectou com sucesso ao Facebook!"
connected_facebook_p: "Conclua sua inscrição para que você possa fazer login com sua conta do Facebook."
facebook_exists: "Você já tem uma conta associada com o Facebook!"
hey_students: "Estudantes, insira o código de classe do seu professor."
recover_account_title: "Recuperar conta"
@ -434,12 +434,12 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Português do Brasil", englishDescription:
tip_strong_opponents: "Mesmo o mais forte dos adversários tem sua fraqueza. - Itachi Uchiha"
tip_paper_and_pen: "Antes de começar a programar, você sempre deve planejar com papel e caneta."
tip_solve_then_write: "Primeiro, resolva o problema. Então, escreva o código. - John Johnson"
# tip_compiler_ignores_comments: "Sometimes I think that the compiler ignores my comments."
# tip_understand_recursion: "The only way to understand recursion is to understand recursion."
tip_compiler_ignores_comments: "Em alguns momentos acho que o compilador ignora meus comentários."
tip_understand_recursion: "A única maneira de entender a recursividade é entender recursão."
# tip_life_and_polymorphism: "Open Source is like a totally polymorphic heterogeneous structure: All types are welcome."
# tip_mistakes_proof_of_trying: "Mistakes in your code are just proof that you are trying."
tip_mistakes_proof_of_trying: "Erros no seu código apenas provam que você está tentando."
# tip_adding_orgres: "Rounding up ogres."
# tip_sharpening_swords: "Sharpening the swords."
tip_sharpening_swords: "Afiando as espadas."
# tip_ratatouille: "You must not let anyone define your limits because of where you come from. Your only limit is your soul. - Gusteau, Ratatouille"
# tip_nemo: "When life gets you down, want to know what you've gotta do? Just keep swimming, just keep swimming. - Dory, Finding Nemo"
# tip_internet_weather: "Just move to the internet, it's great here. We get to live inside where the weather is always awesome. - John Green"
@ -448,7 +448,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Português do Brasil", englishDescription:
# tip_luna_lovegood: "Don't worry, you're just as sane as I am. - Luna Lovegood"
# tip_good_idea: "The best way to have a good idea is to have a lot of ideas. - Linus Pauling"
# tip_programming_not_about_computers: "Computer Science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes. - Edsger Dijkstra"
# tip_mulan: "Believe you can, then you will. - Mulan"
tip_mulan: "Acredite que você pode, então você será. - Mulan"
inventory_tab: "Inventário"
@ -514,7 +514,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Português do Brasil", englishDescription:
feature5: "Vídeo tutorials"
feature6: "Suporte via e-mail Premium"
feature7: "<strong>Clãs</strong> Privados"
# feature8: "<strong>No ads!</strong>"
feature8: "<strong>Sem anúncios!</strong>"
free: "Grátis"
month: "mês"
must_be_logged: "Você deve estar logado primeiro. Por gentileza crie uma conta ou faça o log in no menu acima."
@ -646,18 +646,18 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Português do Brasil", englishDescription:
editor_config_behaviors_description: "Completar automaticamente colchetes, chaves e aspas."
# main_title: "If you want to learn to program, you need to write (a lot of) code."
# main_description: "At CodeCombat, our job is to make sure you're doing that with a smile on your face."
# mission_link: "Mission"
# team_link: "Team"
# community_link: "Community"
# story_link: "Story"
# careers_link: "Careers"
# press_link: "Press"
# mission_title: "Our mission: make programming accessible to every student on Earth."
# mission_description_1: "<strong>Programming is magic</strong>. It's the ability to create things from pure imagination. We started CodeCombat to give learners the feeling of wizardly power at their fingertips by using <strong>typed code</strong>."
main_title: "Se você quer aprender a programar, você precisa escrever (bastante) código."
main_description: "No CodeCombat, nosso trabalho é assegurar que você está fazendo isso com um sorriso no rosto."
mission_link: "Missão"
team_link: "Time"
community_link: "Comunidade"
story_link: "História"
careers_link: "Carreiras"
press_link: "Pressione"
mission_title: "Nossa missão: fazer programação acessível para todos os estudantes."
mission_description_1: "<strong>Programação é mágica</strong>. É a habilidade de criar coisas apartir da pura imaginação. Criamos o CodeCombat para dar aos alunos a sensação de poder de um mago na ponta de seus dedos enquanto <strong>digita códigos</strong>."
# mission_description_2: "As it turns out, that enables them to learn faster too. WAY faster. It's like having a conversation instead of reading a manual. We want to bring that conversation to every school and to <strong>every student</strong>, because everyone should have the chance to learn the magic of programming."
# team_title: "Meet the CodeCombat team"
team_title: "Conheça o time do CodeCombat"
# team_values: "We value open and respectful dialog, where the best idea wins. Our decisions are grounded in customer research and our process is focused on delivering tangible results for them. Everyone is hands-on, from our CEO to our Github contributors, because we value growth and learning in our team."
nick_title: "Cofundador" # {change}
nick_blurb: "Guru Motivacional"
@ -673,7 +673,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Português do Brasil", englishDescription:
rob_blurb: "Os paranauês dos códigos"
josh_c_title: "Game Designer"
josh_c_blurb: "Desenha jogos"
# robin_title: "UX Design & Research"
robin_title: "UX Design & Pesquisa"
# robin_blurb: "Scaffolding"
josh_title: "Game Designer"
josh_blurb: "O chão vai tremer"
@ -709,23 +709,23 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Português do Brasil", englishDescription:
# jobs_benefit_4: "Unlimited sick/personal days"
# jobs_benefit_5: "Professional development and continuing education support"
# jobs_benefit_6: "Medical/dental/vision insurance"
# learn_more: "Learn More"
# jobs_custom_title: "Create Your Own"
learn_more: "Aprenda Mais"
jobs_custom_title: "Crie seu próprio"
# jobs_custom_description: "Are you passionate about CodeCombat but don't see a job listed that matches your qualifications? Write us and show how you think you can contribute to our team. We'd love to hear from you!"
# jobs_custom_contact_1: "Send us a note at"
jobs_custom_contact_1: "Envie-nos uma nota em"
# jobs_custom_contact_2: "introducing yourself and we might get in touch in the future!"
# contact_title: "Press & Contact"
# contact_subtitle: "Need more information? Get in touch with us at"
# screenshots_title: "Game Screenshots"
# screenshots_hint: "(click to view full size)"
contact_subtitle: "Need more information? Get in touch with us atPrecisa de mais informações? Entre em contato conosco em"
screenshots_title: "Game Screenshots"
screenshots_hint: "(clique para ver em tamanho grande)"
# downloads_title: "Download Assets & Information"
# about_codecombat: "About CodeCombat"
about_codecombat: "Sobre CodeCombat"
# logo: "Logo"
# screenshots: "Screenshots"
screenshots: "Screenshots"
# character_art: "Character Art"
# download_all: "Download All"
# previous: "Previous"
# next: "Next"
download_all: "Baixar Tudo"
previous: "Anterior"
next: "Próximo"
# location_title: "We're located in downtown SF:"
@ -741,20 +741,20 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Português do Brasil", englishDescription:
# name: "Demo Form"
# title: "Request a Demo"
# subtitle: "Get your students started in less than an hour. You'll be able to <strong>create a class, add students, and monitor their progress</strong> as they learn computer science."
# email_exists: "User exists with this email."
# phone_number: "Phone number"
email_exists: "Existe um usuário com este email."
phone_number: "Número de telefone"
# phone_number_help: "Where can we reach you during the workday?"
# role_label: "Your role"
# role_help: "Select your primary role."
# tech_coordinator: "Technology coordinator"
# advisor: "Advisor"
# principal: "Principal"
# superintendent: "Superintendent"
advisor: "Orientador"
principal: "Principal"
superintendent: "Superintendente"
# parent: "Parent"
# organization_label: "Name of School/District"
# city: "City"
# state: "State"
# country: "Country"
organization_label: "Nome da escola/Distrito"
city: "Cidade"
state: "Estado"
country: "País"
# num_students_help: "How many do you anticipate enrolling in CodeCombat?"
# education_level_label: "Education Level of Students"
# education_level_help: "Choose as many as apply."
@ -877,7 +877,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Português do Brasil", englishDescription:
social_facebook: "Curta o CodeCombat no Facebook"
social_twitter: "Siga o CodeCombat no Twitter"
social_gplus: "Ingresse no CodeCombat no Google+"
# social_slack: "Chat with us in the public CodeCombat Slack channel"
social_slack: "Converse conosco usando o canal público Slack do CodeCombat"
contribute_to_the_project: "Contribuir para o projeto"
@ -889,7 +889,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Português do Brasil", englishDescription:
subs_only: "Apenas para assinantes"
create_clan: "Criar novo clã"
private_preview: "Visualizar"
# private_clans: "Private Clans"
private_clans: "Clãs Privados"
public_clans: "Clãs Públicos"
my_clans: "Meus Clãs"
clan_name: "Nome do Clã"
@ -995,31 +995,31 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Português do Brasil", englishDescription:
creating_for: "Você esta criando uma classe para"
for: "para" # Like in 'for 30 students'
# receive_code: "Afterwards you will receive an unlock code to distribute to your students, which they can use to enroll in your class."
# free_trial: "Free trial for teachers!"
free_trial: "Teste gratuito para professores!"
# get_access: "to get individual access to all courses for evalutaion purposes."
# questions: "Questions?"
# teachers_click: "Teachers Click Here"
# students_click: "Students Click Here"
# courses_on_coco: "Courses on CodeCombat"
questions: "Questões?"
teachers_click: "Professores cliquem aqui"
students_click: "Alunos cliquem aqui"
courses_on_coco: "Cursos no CodeCombat"
# designed_to: "Courses are designed to introduce computer science concepts using CodeCombat's fun and engaging environment. CodeCombat levels are organized around key topics to encourage progressive learning, over the course of 5 hours."
# more_in_less: "Learn more in less time"
more_in_less: "Aprenda mais em menos tempo"
# no_experience: "No coding experience necesssary"
# easy_monitor: "Easily monitor student progress"
# purchase_for_class: "Purchase a course for your entire class. It's easy to sign up your students!"
# see_the: "See the"
# more_info: "for more information."
# choose_course: "Choose Your Course:"
see_the: "Veja o"
more_info: "para mais informação."
choose_course: "Escolha seu Curso:"
# enter_code: "Enter an unlock code to join an existing class"
# enter_code1: "Enter unlock code"
enter_code1: "Insira o código de desbloqueio"
# enroll: "Enroll"
# pick_from_classes: "Pick from your current classes"
# enter: "Enter"
enter: "Entrar"
or: "Ou"
topics: "Tópicos"
hours_content: "Horas de conteúdo:"
get_free: "Obtenha um curso GRÁTIS"
# enroll_paid: "Enroll Students in Paid Courses"
# you_have1: "You have"
you_have1: "Você tem"
# you_have2: "unused paid enrollments"
# use_one: "Use 1 paid enrollment for"
# use_multiple: "Use paid enrollments for the following students:"
@ -1030,23 +1030,23 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Português do Brasil", englishDescription:
# get_enrollments: "Get More Enrollments"
# change_language: "Change Course Language"
# keep_using: "Keep Using"
# switch_to: "Switch To"
# greetings: "Greetings!"
# learn_p: "Learn Python"
# learn_j: "Learn JavaScript"
switch_to: "Mudar para"
greetings: "Saudações!"
learn_p: "Aprenda Python"
learn_j: "Aprenda JavaScript"
# language_cannot_change: "Language cannot be changed once students join a class."
# back_classrooms: "Back to my classrooms"
# back_courses: "Back to my courses"
back_courses: "Voltar aos meus cursos"
# edit_details: "Edit class details"
# enrolled_courses: "enrolled in paid courses:"
# purchase_enrollments: "Purchase Enrollments"
# remove_student: "remove student"
remove_student: "remover aluno"
# assign: "Assign"
# to_assign: "to assign paid courses."
# teacher: "Teacher"
# complete: "Complete"
# none: "None"
# save: "Save"
teacher: "Professor"
complete: "Completo"
none: "Nenhum"
save: "Salvar"
# play_campaign_title: "Play the Campaign"
# play_campaign_description: "You’re ready to take the next step! Explore hundreds of challenging levels, learn advanced programming skills, and compete in multiplayer arenas!"
# create_account_title: "Create an Account"
@ -1054,54 +1054,54 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Português do Brasil", englishDescription:
# preview_campaign_title: "Preview Campaign"
# preview_campaign_description: "Take a sneak peek at all that CodeCombat has to offer before signing up for your FREE account."
# arena: "Arena"
# arena_soon_title: "Arena Coming Soon"
arena_soon_title: "Arena Em breve"
# arena_soon_description: "We are working on a multiplayer arena for classrooms at the end of"
# not_enrolled1: "Not enrolled"
# not_enrolled2: "Ask your teacher to enroll you in the next course."
# next_course: "Next Course"
# coming_soon1: "Coming soon"
next_course: "Próximo Curso"
coming_soon1: "Em breve"
# coming_soon2: "We are hard at work making more courses for you!"
# available_levels: "Available Levels"
# welcome_to_courses: "Adventurers, welcome to Courses!"
# ready_to_play: "Ready to play?"
# start_new_game: "Start New Game"
# play_now_learn_header: "Play now to learn"
# play_now_learn_1: "basic syntax to control your character"
available_levels: "Fases disponíveis"
welcome_to_courses: "Aventureiros, bem vindos aos Cursos!"
ready_to_play: "Pronto para jogar?"
start_new_game: "Começar um novo jogo"
play_now_learn_header: "Jogue agora para aprender"
play_now_learn_1: "sintaxe básica para controlar seu personagem"
# play_now_learn_2: "while loops to solve pesky puzzles"
# play_now_learn_3: "strings & variables to customize actions"
# play_now_learn_4: "how to defeat an ogre (important life skills!)"
# welcome_to_page: "Welcome to your Courses page!"
# completed_hoc: "Amazing! You've completed the Hour of Code course!"
# ready_for_more_header: "Ready for more? Play the campaign mode!"
# ready_for_more_1: "Use gems to unlock new items!"
completed_hoc: "Incrível, você completou o curso Hora do Código!"
ready_for_more_header: "Pronto para mais? Jogue o modo campanha!"
ready_for_more_1: "Use gemas para desbloquear novos items!"
# ready_for_more_2: "Play through brand new worlds and challenges"
# ready_for_more_3: "Learn even more programming!"
# saved_games: "Saved Games"
# hoc: "Hour of Code"
saved_games: "Jogos Salvos"
hoc: "Hora do Código"
# my_classes: "My Classes"
# class_added: "Class successfully added!"
# view_class: "view class"
# view_levels: "view levels"
# join_class: "Join A Class"
# ask_teacher_for_code: "Ask your teacher if you have a CodeCombat class code! If so, enter it below:"
# enter_c_code: "<Enter Class Code>"
# join: "Join"
enter_c_code: "<Insira o código da sala>"
join: "Junte-se"
# joining: "Joining class"
# course_complete: "Course Complete"
# play_arena: "Play Arena"
# start: "Start"
# last_level: "Last Level"
# welcome_to_hoc: "Adventurers, welcome to our Hour of Code!"
# logged_in_as: "Logged in as:"
# not_you: "Not you?"
# welcome_back: "Hi adventurer, welcome back!"
# continue_playing: "Continue Playing"
# more_options: "More options:"
# option1_header: "Option 1: Invite students via email"
course_complete: "Curso Completo"
play_arena: "Jogue Arena"
start: "Começar"
last_level: "Última Fase"
welcome_to_hoc: "Aventureiros, bem vindo à nossa Hora de Código!"
logged_in_as: "Logado como:"
not_you: "Não é você?"
welcome_back: "Olá aventureiro, bem vindo de volta!"
continue_playing: "Continue Jogando"
more_options: "Mais Opções:"
option1_header: "Opção 1: Convide alunos por Email"
# option1_body: "Students will automatically be sent an invitation to join this class, and will need to create an account with a username and password."
# option2_header: "Option 2: Send URL to your students"
option2_header: "Opção 2: Mande a URL para seus alunos"
# option2_body: "Students will be asked to enter an email address, username and password to create an account."
# option3_header: "Option 3: Direct students to codecombat.com/courses"
option3_header: "Opção 3: Direcione alunos para codecombat.com/courses"
# option3_body: "Give students the following passcode to enter along with an email address, username and password when they create an account."
# thank_you_pref: "Thank you for your purchase! You can now assign"
# thank_you_suff: "more students to paid courses."
@ -1113,11 +1113,11 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Português do Brasil", englishDescription:
# each_student_access: "Each student in a class will get access to Courses 2-4 once they are enrolled in paid courses. You may assign each course to each student individually."
# purchase_now: "Purchase Now"
# enrollments: "enrollments"
# remove_student1: "Remove Student"
remove_student1: "Remover Aluno"
# are_you_sure: "Are you sure you want to remove this student from this class?"
# remove_description1: "Student will lose access to this classroom and assigned classes. Progress and gameplay is NOT lost, and the student can be added back to the classroom at any time."
# remove_description2: "The activated paid license will not be returned."
# keep_student: "Keep Student"
keep_student: "Manter Aluno"
# removing_user: "Removing user"
# to_join_ask: "To join a class, ask your teacher for an unlock code."
# join_this_class: "Join Class"
@ -1160,16 +1160,16 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Português do Brasil", englishDescription:
# your_classes: "Your Classes"
# no_classes: "No classes yet!"
# create_new_class1: "create new class"
# available_courses: "Available Courses"
available_courses: "Cursos Disponíveis"
# unused_enrollments: "Unused enrollments available:"
# students_access: "All students get access to Introduction to Computer Science for free. One enrollment per student is required to assign them to paid CodeCombat courses. A single student does not need multiple enrollments to access all paid courses."
# active_courses: "active courses"
# no_students: "No students yet!"
# add_students1: "add students"
# view_edit: "view/edit"
active_courses: "cursos ativos"
no_students: "Nenhum aluno ainda!"
add_students1: "adicionar alunos"
view_edit: "ver/editar"
# students_enrolled: "students enrolled"
# students_assigned: "students assigned"
# length: "Length:"
length: "Comprimento:"
archmage_title: "Arquimago"
@ -1303,7 +1303,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Português do Brasil", englishDescription:
join_desc_3: ", ou encontre-nos em nosso "
join_desc_4: "e começaremos a partir de lá!"
join_url_email: "Envie-nos um email"
# join_url_slack: "public Slack channel"
join_url_slack: "canal público do Slack"
archmage_subscribe_desc: "Receba email sobre novas oportunidades para codificar e anúncios."
artisan_introduction_pref: "Nós devemos contruir níveis adicionais! Pessoas estão clamando por mais conteúdo, e só podemos contruir tantos de nós mesmos. Agora sua estação de trabalho é o nível um; nosso Editor de Níveis é pouco utilizável até mesmo para seus criadores, então fique esperto. Se você tem visões de campanhas abrangendo for-loops para"
artisan_introduction_suf: ", esta classe pode ser para você."
@ -1347,7 +1347,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Português do Brasil", englishDescription:
ambassador_join_note_strong: "Nota"
ambassador_join_note_desc: "Uma das nossas principais prioridades é a construção de um multijogador onde os jogadores que estão com dificuldade para resolver um nível podem invocar feitiçeiros com nível mais alto para ajudá-los. Esta será uma ótima maneira para os embaixadores fazerem suas tarefas. Vamos mantê-lo informado!"
ambassador_subscribe_desc: "Receba emails sobre atualização do suporte e desenvolvimento do multijogador."
# teacher_subscribe_desc: "Get emails on updates and announcements for teachers."
teacher_subscribe_desc: "Obter e-mails sobre atualizações e anúncios para professores."
changes_auto_save: "As alterações são salvas automaticamente quando você marcar as caixas de seleção."
diligent_scribes: "Nossos Aplicados Escribas:"
powerful_archmages: "Nossos Poderosos Arquimagos:"
@ -1365,7 +1365,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Português do Brasil", englishDescription:
simulate_games: "Simular Partidas!"
games_simulated_by: "Partidas simuladas por você:"
games_simulated_for: "Partidas simuladas para você:"
# games_in_queue: "Games currently in the queue:"
games_in_queue: "Jogos atualmente na fila:"
games_simulated: "Partidas simuladas"
games_played: "Partidas jogadas"
ratio: "Taxa"
@ -1402,7 +1402,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Português do Brasil", englishDescription:
fight: "Lutem!"
watch_victory: "Assista sua vitória"
defeat_the: "Derrote"
# watch_battle: "Watch the battle"
watch_battle: "Assista a luta"
tournament_started: ", iniciado"
tournament_ends: "Fim do torneio"
tournament_ended: "Torneio encerrado"
@ -1482,24 +1482,24 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Português do Brasil", englishDescription:
success: "A transação foi completada com sucesso. Obrigado!"
# account_prepaid:
# purchase_code: "Purchase a Subscription Code"
purchase_code: "Adquira um código de inscrição"
# purchase_code1: "Subscription Codes can be redeemed to add premium subscription time to one or more CodeCombat accounts."
# purchase_code2: "Each CodeCombat account can only redeem a particular Subscription Code once."
# purchase_code3: "Subscription Code months will be added to the end of any existing subscription on the account."
# users: "Users"
# months: "Months"
# purchase_total: "Total"
users: "Usuários"
months: "Meses"
purchase_total: "Total"
# purchase_button: "Submit Purchase"
# your_codes: "Your Codes"
your_codes: "Seus códigos"
# redeem_codes: "Redeem a Subscription Code"
# prepaid_code: "Prepaid Code"
# lookup_code: "Lookup prepaid code"
# apply_account: "Apply to your account"
# copy_link: "You can copy the code's link and send it to someone."
# quantity: "Quantity"
quantity: "Quantidade"
# redeemed: "Redeemed"
# no_codes: "No codes yet!"
# you_can1: "You can"
no_codes: "Sem códigos ainda!"
you_can1: "Você pode"
# you_can2: "purchase a prepaid code"
# you_can3: "that can be applied to your own account or given to others."
@ -1520,8 +1520,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Português do Brasil", englishDescription:
bad_input: "Problema de entrada (bad input)."
server_error: "Erro do servidor."
unknown: "Erro desconhecido." # {change}
# error: "ERROR"
# general_desc: "Something went wrong, and it’s probably our fault. Try waiting a bit and then refreshing the page, or visit one of the following links to get back to programming!"
error: "ERRO"
general_desc: "Algo deu errado, e provavelmente é nossa falha. Tente aguardar um momento e tente novamente atualizando a página, ou visite um dos seguintes links para voltar à programação!"
level: "Nível"
@ -1633,8 +1633,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Português do Brasil", englishDescription:
nutshell_title: "Em poucas palavras"
nutshell_description: "Todos os recursos que oferecemos no Editor de Níveis é livre para usar como quiser para a criação de níveis. Mas nós nos reservamos o direito de restringir a distribuição dos próprios níveis (que são criados em codecombat.com) para que possam ser cobrados no futuro, se é que isso precise acontecer."
canonical: "A versão em inglês deste documento é a versão canônica definitiva. Se houver discrepâncias entre traduções, o documento em inglês tem precedência."
# third_party_title: "Third Party Services"
# third_party_description: "CodeCombat uses the following third party services (among others):"
third_party_title: "Serviços de terceiros"
third_party_description: "CodeCombat usa os seguintes serviços de terceiros(entre outros):"
title: "Prêmios do Torneio" # This section was for an old tournament and doesn't need new translations now.
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