Disable body scrolling in Thang List

This overwrites the native scrolling behavior for the
thangs-list div by manually setting the value of
This commit is contained in:
Philipp Hansch 2014-01-20 12:15:20 +01:00
parent 882302d66e
commit 2c6c60307b

View file

@ -70,12 +70,17 @@ module.exports = class ThangsTabView extends View
return if @startsLoading
$('.tab-content').click @selectAddThang
$('#thangs-list').bind 'mousewheel', @preventBodyScrollingInThangList
key 'left', _.bind @moveAddThangSelection, @, -1
key 'right', _.bind @moveAddThangSelection, @, 1
key 'delete, del, backspace', @deleteSelectedExtantThang
key 'f', => Backbone.Mediator.publish('level-set-debug', debug: not @surface.debug)
key 'g', => Backbone.Mediator.publish('level-set-grid', grid: not @surface.gridShowing())
preventBodyScrollingInThangList: (e) ->
@scrollTop += (if e.deltaY < 0 then 1 else -1) * 30
onLevelLoaded: (e) ->
@level = e.level
return if @startsLoading