From 14af5c309d11c10d82228066ab83e98be7ef5b29 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Long Shao <>
Date: Thu, 29 Jan 2015 18:13:10 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] add some translation for tips

Update : add some translation for tips
 app/locale/ | 32 ++++++++++++++++----------------
 1 file changed, 16 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

diff --git a/app/locale/ b/app/locale/
index 1cc44e510..7db1db0bb 100644
--- a/app/locale/
+++ b/app/locale/
@@ -317,14 +317,14 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
     tip_brute_force: "拿不准时就用穷举法。 - Ken Thompson"
     tip_extrapolation: "世界上只有两类人:一类人能够根据不完整的数据进行推断……"
     tip_superpower: "编程是我们拥有的最接近超能力的技能"
-#    tip_control_destiny: "In real open source, you have the right to control your own destiny. - Linus Torvalds"
-#    tip_no_code: "No code is faster than no code."
-#    tip_code_never_lies: "Code never lies, comments sometimes do. — Ron Jeffries"
-#    tip_reusable_software: "Before software can be reusable it first has to be usable."
-#    tip_optimization_operator: "Every language has an optimization operator. In most languages that operator is ‘//’"
-#    tip_lines_of_code: "Measuring programming progress by lines of code is like measuring aircraft building progress by weight. — Bill Gates"
-#    tip_source_code: "I want to change the world but they would not give me the source code."
-#    tip_javascript_java: "Java is to JavaScript what Car is to Carpet. - Chris Heilmann"
+    tip_control_destiny: "拥有控制自己命运的权利才是真正的开源。 - Linus Torvalds"
+    tip_no_code: "没有什么比不写代码来的更快。"
+    tip_code_never_lies: "代码从来不会说谎,但是注释有时候会. — Ron Jeffries"
+    tip_reusable_software: "软件能够重用的前提是,这货必须能用。"
+    tip_optimization_operator: "每个编程语言都有注释符号,大多数语言采用的是‘//’"
+    tip_lines_of_code: "以代码行数为标准管理程序开发的进度跟用重量为标准管理飞船建造的进度一样愚蠢. — Bill Gates"
+    tip_source_code: "我想改变世界,但是他们不给我源代码。"
+    tip_javascript_java: "Java和JavaScript的关系就好比是马和马云. - Chris Heilmann"
     inventory_tab: "道具箱"
@@ -371,13 +371,13 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
     subscribe_title: "订阅"
     unsubscribe: "取消订阅"
-#    confirm_unsubscribe: "Confirm Unsubscribe"
-#    never_mind: "Never Mind, I Still Love You"
-#    thank_you_months_prefix: "Thank you for supporting us these last"
-#    thank_you_months_suffix: "months."
-#    thank_you: "Thank you for supporting CodeCombat."
-#    sorry_to_see_you_go: "Sorry to see you go! Please let us know what we could have done better."
-#    unsubscribe_feedback_placeholder: "O, what have we done?"
+    confirm_unsubscribe: "确认取消订阅"
+    never_mind: "没关系,我们依然喜欢你"
+    thank_you_months_prefix: "感谢您这"
+    thank_you_months_suffix: "个月以来对我们的支持."
+    thank_you: "感谢您支持CodeCombat."
+    sorry_to_see_you_go: "真舍不得亲离开啊! 请一定要让我们知道哪里做的还不够好。"
+    unsubscribe_feedback_placeholder: "O, 我们做了神马?"
     levels: "多解锁17个关卡!每周解锁5个新关卡!"
     heroes: "更多强大的英雄!"
     gems: "每月多3500宝石奖励!"
@@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
     weapons_warrior: "刀剑 - 近程物理攻击"
     weapons_ranger: "弓弩,火枪 - 远程物理攻击"
     weapons_wizard: "魔棒,法杖 - 远程魔法攻击"
-    attack: "伤害" # Can also translate as "Attack"
+    attack: "攻击" # Can also translate as "Attack"
     health: "健康值"
     speed: "速度"
     regeneration: "恢复"