mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 07:00:01 -04:00
Moved world map level info to click from hover.
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 32 additions and 44 deletions
@ -116,13 +116,9 @@ $gameControlMargin: 30px
display: none
position: absolute
z-index: 3
padding: 10px 10px 30px 10px
padding: 10px
border-image: url(/images/level/popover_background.png) 18 fill round
border-width: 15px
float: left
margin-right: 20px
.level-info.complete h3:after
content: " - Complete!"
@ -133,9 +129,6 @@ $gameControlMargin: 30px
color: desaturate(green, 50%)
width: 330px
float: left
margin-top: 0
margin-bottom: 0px
@ -146,6 +139,11 @@ $gameControlMargin: 30px
text-shadow: 0 1px 0 white
display: block
margin: 10px auto 0 auto
width: 200px
position: absolute
@ -9,11 +9,7 @@
div(style="left: #{level.x}%; bottom: #{level.y}%; background-color: #{campaign.color}", class="level" + (next ? " next" : "") + (level.disabled ? " disabled" : "") + " " + levelStatusMap[level.id] || "", data-level-id=level.id)
a(href=level.type == 'hero' ? '#' : level.disabled ? "/play" : "/play/#{level.levelPath || 'level'}/#{level.id}", disabled=level.disabled, data-level-id=level.id, data-level-path=level.levelPath || 'level', data-level-name=level.name)
div(style="left: #{level.x}%; bottom: #{level.y}%", class="level-shadow" + (next ? " next" : "") + " " + levelStatusMap[level.id] || "")
//if level.image
// img.level-image(src="#{level.image}", alt="#{level.name}")
// img.level-image(src="/images/generic-icon.png", alt="#{level.name}")
.level-info-container(data-level-id=level.id, data-level-path=level.levelPath || 'level', data-level-name=level.name)
div(class="level-info " + (levelStatusMap[level.id] || ""))
h3= level.name + (level.disabled ? " (Coming soon!)" : "")
.level-description= level.description
@ -28,6 +24,7 @@
span.spr , #{Math.round(playCount.playtime / 3600)}
span(data-i18n="play.hours_played") hours played
.campaign-label(style="color: #{campaign.color}")= campaign.name
button.btn.btn-success.btn-lg.start-level(data-i18n="common.play") Play
if me.isAdmin()
@ -18,11 +18,12 @@ module.exports = class WorldMapView extends RootView
template: template
'click .map': 'onClickMap'
'click .map-background': 'onClickMap'
'click .level a': 'onClickLevel'
'mouseenter .level a': 'onMouseEnterLevel'
'mouseleave .level a': 'onMouseLeaveLevel'
'mousemove .map': 'onMouseMoveMap'
'click .level-info-container .start-level': 'onClickStartLevel'
#'mouseenter .level a': 'onMouseEnterLevel'
#'mouseleave .level a': 'onMouseLeaveLevel'
#'mousemove .map': 'onMouseMoveMap'
constructor: (options) ->
super options
@ -78,6 +79,7 @@ module.exports = class WorldMapView extends RootView
onClickMap: (e) ->
# Easy-ish way of figuring out coordinates for placing level dots.
x = e.offsetX / @$el.find('.map-background').width()
y = (1 - e.offsetY / @$el.find('.map-background').height())
@ -85,21 +87,30 @@ module.exports = class WorldMapView extends RootView
onClickLevel: (e) ->
return if $(e.target).attr('disabled')
playLevelModal = new PlayLevelModal supermodel: @supermodel, levelID: $(e.target).data('level-id'), levelPath: $(e.target).data('level-path'), levelName: $(e.target).data('level-name')
@openModalView playLevelModal
onMouseEnterLevel: (e) ->
levelID = $(e.target).parents('.level').data('level-id')
@$levelInfo = @$el.find(".level-info-container[data-level-id=#{levelID}]").show()
@adjustLevelInfoPosition e
onMouseLeaveLevel: (e) ->
levelID = $(e.target).parents('.level').data('level-id')
onClickStartLevel: (e) ->
container = $(e.target).parents('.level-info-container')
playLevelModal = new PlayLevelModal supermodel: @supermodel, levelID: container.data('level-id'), levelPath: container.data('level-path'), levelName: container.data('level-name')
@openModalView playLevelModal
onMouseMoveMap: (e) ->
@adjustLevelInfoPosition e
#onMouseEnterLevel: (e) ->
# levelID = $(e.target).parents('.level').data('level-id')
# @$levelInfo = @$el.find(".level-info-container[data-level-id=#{levelID}]").show()
# @adjustLevelInfoPosition e
#onMouseLeaveLevel: (e) ->
# levelID = $(e.target).parents('.level').data('level-id')
# @$el.find(".level-info-container[data-level-id='#{levelID}']").hide()
#onMouseMoveMap: (e) ->
# @adjustLevelInfoPosition e
adjustLevelInfoPosition: (e) ->
return unless @$levelInfo
@ -476,7 +487,6 @@ hero = [
type: 'hero'
difficulty: 1
id: 'dungeons-of-kithgard'
image: '/file/db/level/52740644904ac0411700067c/rescue_mission_icon.png'
description: 'Grab the gem, but touch nothing else. Start here.'
x: 17.23
y: 36.94
@ -486,7 +496,6 @@ hero = [
type: 'hero'
difficulty: 1
id: 'gems-in-the-deep'
image: '/file/db/level/529662dfe0df8f0000000007/grab_the_mushroom_icon.png'
description: 'Quickly collect the gems; you will need them.'
x: 22.6
y: 35.1
@ -496,7 +505,6 @@ hero = [
type: 'hero'
difficulty: 1
id: 'shadow-guard'
image: '/file/db/level/525dc5589a0765e496000006/drink_me_icon.png'
description: 'Evade the Kithgard minion.'
x: 27.74
y: 35.17
@ -506,7 +514,6 @@ hero = [
type: 'hero'
difficulty: 1
id: 'true-names'
image: '/file/db/level/5276c9bdcf83207a2801ff8f/taunt_icon.png'
description: 'Learn an enemy\'s true name to defeat it.'
x: 32.7
y: 36.7
@ -516,7 +523,6 @@ hero = [
type: 'hero'
difficulty: 1
id: 'the-raised-sword'
image: '/file/db/level/528aea2d7f37fc4e0700016b/its_a_trap_icon.png'
description: 'Learn to equip yourself for combat.'
x: 36.6
y: 39.5
@ -526,7 +532,6 @@ hero = [
type: 'hero'
difficulty: 1
id: 'the-first-kithmaze'
image: '/file/db/level/5275272c69abdcb12401216e/break_the_prison_icon.png'
description: 'The builders of Kith constructed many mazes to confuse travelers.'
x: 38.4
y: 43.5
@ -536,7 +541,6 @@ hero = [
type: 'hero'
difficulty: 1
id: 'the-second-kithmaze'
image: '/file/db/level/525f150306e1ab0962000018/taunt_icon.png'
description: 'Many have tried, few have found their way through this maze.'
x: 38.9
y: 48.1
@ -546,7 +550,6 @@ hero = [
type: 'hero'
difficulty: 1
id: 'new-sight'
image: '/file/db/level/525abfd9b12777d78e000009/cowardly_taunt_icon.png'
description: 'A true name can only be seen with the correct lenses.'
x: 39.3
y: 53.1
@ -556,7 +559,6 @@ hero = [
type: 'hero'
difficulty: 1
id: 'lowly-kithmen'
image: '/file/db/level/525ef8ef06e1ab0962000003/commanding_followers_icon.png'
description: 'Use your glasses to seek out and attack the Kithmen.'
x: 39.4
y: 57.7
@ -566,7 +568,6 @@ hero = [
type: 'hero'
difficulty: 1
id: 'a-bolt-in-the-dark'
image: '/file/db/level/525085419851b83f4b000001/mobile_artillery_icon.png'
description: 'Kithmen are not the only ones to stand in your way.'
x: 40.0
y: 63.2
@ -576,7 +577,6 @@ hero = [
type: 'hero'
difficulty: 1
id: 'the-final-kithmaze'
image: '/file/db/level/526bda3fe79aefde2a003e36/mobile_artillery_icon.png'
description: 'To escape you must find your way through an Elder Kithman\'s maze.'
x: 42.67
y: 67.98
@ -586,7 +586,6 @@ hero = [
type: 'hero'
difficulty: 1
id: 'kithgard-gates'
image: '/file/db/level/526fd3043c637ece50001bb2/the_herd_icon.png'
description: 'Escape the Kithgard dungeons and don\'t let the guardians get you.'
x: 47.38
y: 70.55
@ -596,7 +595,6 @@ hero = [
type: 'hero'
difficulty: 1
id: 'defence-of-plainswood'
image: '/file/db/level/525dc5589a0765e496000006/drink_me_icon.png'
description: 'Protect the peasants from the pursuing ogres.'
x: 52.66
y: 69.66
@ -606,7 +604,6 @@ hero = [
# type: 'hero'
# difficulty: 1
# id: ''
# image: '/file/db/level/529662dfe0df8f0000000007/grab_the_mushroom_icon.png'
# description: ''
# x: 58.46
# y: 66.38
@ -616,7 +613,6 @@ hero = [
# type: 'hero'
# difficulty: 1
# id: ''
# image: '/file/db/level/526ae95c1e5cd30000000008/zone_of_danger_icon.png'
# description: ''
# x: 63.11
# y: 62.74
@ -626,7 +622,6 @@ hero = [
# type: 'hero'
# difficulty: 1
# id: ''
# image: '/file/db/level/529662dfe0df8f0000000007/grab_the_mushroom_icon.png'
# description: ''
# x: 69.19
# y: 60.61
@ -636,7 +631,6 @@ hero = [
# type: 'hero'
# difficulty: 1
# id: ''
# image: '/file/db/level/52740644904ac0411700067c/rescue_mission_icon.png'
# description: ''
# x: 77.54
# y: 65.94
@ -646,7 +640,6 @@ hero = [
# type: 'hero'
# difficulty: 1
# id: ''
# image: '/file/db/level/526711d9add4f8965f000002/hunter_triplets_icon.png'
# description: ''
# x: 84.29
# y: 61.23
Reference in a new issue