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synced 2025-03-24 19:59:53 -04:00
Merge branch 'Titounkle-patch-4'
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 59 additions and 59 deletions
@ -652,21 +652,21 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "español (ES)", englishDescription: "Spanis
why_paragraph_2_italic_caps: "¡NO MAMA, TENGO QUE TERMINAR EL NIVEL!"
why_paragraph_2_suffix: "Por eso Codecombat es multijugador, no un curso con lecciones \"gamificadas\" . No pararemos hasta que tú no puedas parar... pero esta vez, eso será buena señal."
why_paragraph_3: "Si vas a engancharte a algún juego, engánchate a este y conviértete en uno de los magos de la era tecnológica."
# press_title: "Bloggers/Press"
# press_paragraph_1_prefix: "Want to write about us? Feel free to download and use all of the resources included in our"
# press_paragraph_1_link: "press packet"
# press_paragraph_1_suffix: ". All logos and images may be used without contacting us directly."
# team: "Team"
# george_title: "CEO"
# george_blurb: "Businesser"
# scott_title: "Programmer"
# scott_blurb: "Reasonable One"
# nick_title: "Programmer"
# nick_blurb: "Motivation Guru"
# michael_title: "Programmer"
# michael_blurb: "Sys Admin"
# matt_title: "Programmer"
# matt_blurb: "Bicyclist"
press_title: "Blogueros/Prensa"
press_paragraph_1_prefix: "Quieres escribir sobre nosotros? Bajate y usa todos los recursos incluidos en nuestro"
press_paragraph_1_link: "paquete de prensa"
press_paragraph_1_suffix: ". Todos los logos y las imagenes pueden ser usados sin necesidad de contactarnos directamente."
team: "Equipo"
george_title: "CEO"
george_blurb: "Hombre de Negocios"
scott_title: "Programador"
scott_blurb: "Razonable"
nick_title: "Programador"
nick_blurb: "Guru Motivacional"
michael_title: "Programador"
michael_blurb: "Administrador de Sistemas"
matt_title: "Programador"
matt_blurb: "Ciclista"
page_title: "Legal"
@ -878,7 +878,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "español (ES)", englishDescription: "Spanis
tournament_ended: "El torneo ha terminado"
tournament_rules: "Reglas del Torneo"
tournament_blurb: "Escribe codigo, recolecta oro, construye ejercitos, aplasta a los malos, gana premios, y sube en tu carrera en nuestro Torneo de la Avaricia con $40,000! Ver los detalles"
# tournament_blurb_criss_cross: "Win bids, construct paths, outwit opponents, grab gems, and upgrade your career in our Criss-Cross tournament! Check out the details"
tournament_blurb_criss_cross: "Gana pujas, construye caminos, aniquila a tus oponentes, recoge gemas, y mejora tu carrera en nuestro torneo Criss-Cross! Mira los detalles"
tournament_blurb_blog: "en nuestro blog"
rules: "Reglas"
winners: "Ganadores"
@ -896,7 +896,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "español (ES)", englishDescription: "Spanis
in_cash: "en dinero"
custom_wizard: "Personaliza tu Mago de CodeCombat"
custom_avatar: "Personaliza tu avatar de CoceCombat"
# heap: "for six months of \"Startup\" access"
heap: "Por seis meses de acceso \"Startup\""
credits: "creditos"
one_month_coupon: "cupon: elige entre Rails o HTML"
one_month_discount: "descuento del 30%: elige entre Rails o HTML"
@ -946,61 +946,61 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "español (ES)", englishDescription: "Spanis
files: "Archivos"
top_simulators: "Top simuladores"
source_document: "Documento fuente"
# document: "Document"
document: "Documento"
# sprite_sheet: "Sprite Sheet"
# employers: "Employers"
# candidates: "Candidates"
# candidate_sessions: "Candidate Sessions"
employers: "Empleados"
candidates: "Candidatos"
candidate_sessions: "Sesiones de Candidato"
# user_remark: "User Remark"
# user_remarks: "User Remarks"
# versions: "Versions"
# items: "Items"
# wizard: "Wizard"
# achievement: "Achievement"
versions: "Versiones"
items: "Objetos"
wizard: "Mago"
achievement: "Logro"
# clas: "CLAs"
# play_counts: "Play Counts"
play_counts: "Contador de Juegos"
# feedback: "Feedback"
added: "Añadido"
modified: "Modificado"
deleted: "Eliminado"
# moved_index: "Moved Index"
moved_index: "Indice Movido"
# text_diff: "Text Diff"
# merge_conflict_with: "MERGE CONFLICT WITH"
no_changes: "Sin Cambios"
# user:
# stats: "Stats"
# singleplayer_title: "Singleplayer Levels"
# multiplayer_title: "Multiplayer Levels"
# achievements_title: "Achievements"
# last_played: "Last Played"
# status: "Status"
# status_completed: "Completed"
# status_unfinished: "Unfinished"
# no_singleplayer: "No Singleplayer games played yet."
# no_multiplayer: "No Multiplayer games played yet."
# no_achievements: "No Achievements earned yet."
# favorite_prefix: "Favorite language is "
# favorite_postfix: "."
stats: "Estadisticas"
singleplayer_title: "Niveles Individuales"
multiplayer_title: "Niveles Multijugador"
achievements_title: "Logros"
last_played: "Ultimo Jugado"
status: "Estatus"
status_completed: "Completado"
status_unfinished: "Sin Terminar"
no_singleplayer: "No has jugado ningun nivel individual todavia."
no_multiplayer: "No has jugado ningun nivel multijugador todavia."
no_achievements: "No has alcanzado ningun logro todavia."
favorite_prefix: "Favorite language is "
favorite_postfix: "."
# achievements:
# last_earned: "Last Earned"
# amount_achieved: "Amount"
# achievement: "Achievement"
# category_contributor: "Contributor"
# category_miscellaneous: "Miscellaneous"
# category_levels: "Levels"
# category_undefined: "Uncategorized"
# current_xp_prefix: ""
# current_xp_postfix: " in total"
# new_xp_prefix: ""
# new_xp_postfix: " earned"
# left_xp_prefix: ""
# left_xp_infix: " until level "
# left_xp_postfix: ""
last_earned: "Ganado la ultima vez"
amount_achieved: "Cantidad"
achievement: "Logro"
category_contributor: "Contribuidor"
category_miscellaneous: "Miscelanea"
category_levels: "Niveles"
category_undefined: "Sin categorizar"
current_xp_prefix: ""
current_xp_postfix: " en total"
new_xp_prefix: ""
new_xp_postfix: " ganado"
left_xp_prefix: ""
left_xp_infix: " hasta el nivel"
left_xp_postfix: ""
# account:
# recently_played: "Recently Played"
# no_recent_games: "No games played during the past two weeks."
recently_played: "Jugado Recientemente"
no_recent_games: "No he jugado juegos en las ultimas dos semanas."
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