mirror of
synced 2025-03-20 18:10:44 -04:00
Adds rooms and doors to dungeon preset
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 87 additions and 3 deletions
@ -39,13 +39,17 @@ clusters = {
'thangs': ['Gargoyle', 'Rock Cluster 1', 'Rock Cluster 2', 'Rock Cluster 3']
'margin': 1
'doors': {
'thangs': ['Dungeon Door']
'margin': -1
'grass_floor': {
'thangs': ['Grass01', 'Grass02', 'Grass03', 'Grass04', 'Grass05']
'margin': -1
'dungeon_wall': {
'thangs': ['Dungeon Wall']
'margin': 0
'margin': -1
'dungeon_floor': {
'thangs': ['Dungeon Floor']
@ -63,13 +67,20 @@ presets = {
'decorations': {
'cave': {
'width': 20
'height': 20
'width': 10
'height': 10
'clusters': {
'Room': {
'num': [1,1]
'width': [12, 20]
'height': [8, 16]
'thickness': [2,2]
'cluster': 'dungeon_wall'
'grassy': {
@ -152,6 +163,7 @@ module.exports = class TerrainRandomizeModal extends ModalView
randomizeThangs: (presetName, presetSize) ->
@falseCount = 0
preset = presets[presetName]
presetSize = presetSizes[presetSize]
@thangs = []
@ -218,6 +230,9 @@ module.exports = class TerrainRandomizeModal extends ModalView
if presetSize is presetSizes['small'] then sizeFactor = 1 else sizeFactor = 2
for name, decoration of preset.decorations
for num in _.range(sizeFactor * _.random(decoration.num[0], decoration.num[1]))
if @['build'+name] isnt undefined
@['build'+name](preset, presetSize, decoration)
rect = {
'x':_.random(decoration.width/2 + preset.borderSize/2 + thangSizes.borderSize.x, presetSize.x - decoration.width/2 - preset.borderSize/2 - thangSizes.borderSize.x),
'y':_.random(decoration.height/2 + preset.borderSize/2 + thangSizes.borderSize.y, presetSize.y - decoration.height/2 - preset.borderSize/2 - thangSizes.borderSize.y)
@ -236,11 +251,80 @@ module.exports = class TerrainRandomizeModal extends ModalView
buildRoom: (preset, presetSize, room) ->
if presetSize is presetSizes['small'] then sizeFactor = 1 else sizeFactor = 2
rect = {
'width':sizeFactor * (room.width[0] + preset.borderSize * _.random(0, (room.width[1] - room.width[0])/preset.borderSize))
'height':sizeFactor * (room.height[0] + preset.borderSize * _.random(0, (room.height[1] - room.height[0])/preset.borderSize))
roomThickness = _.random(room.thickness[0], room.thickness[1])
rect.x = _.random(rect.width/2 + preset.borderSize * (roomThickness+2), presetSize.x - rect.width/2 - preset.borderSize * (roomThickness+2))
rect.y = _.random(rect.height/2 + preset.borderSize * (roomThickness+2), presetSize.y - rect.height/2 - preset.borderSize * (roomThickness+2))
xRange = _.range(rect.x - rect.width/2 + preset.borderSize, rect.x + rect.width/2, preset.borderSize)
topDoor = _.random(1) > 0.5
topDoorX = xRange[_.random(0, xRange.length-1)]
bottomDoor = if not topDoor then true else _.random(1) > 0.5
bottomDoorX = xRange[_.random(0, xRange.length-1)]
for t in _.range(0, roomThickness+1)
for i in _.range(rect.x - rect.width/2 - (t-1) * preset.borderSize, rect.x + rect.width/2 + t * preset.borderSize, preset.borderSize)
thang = {
'id': @getRandomThang(clusters[room.cluster].thangs)
'pos': {
'x': i
'y': rect.y - rect.height/2 - t * preset.borderSize
'margin': clusters[room.cluster].margin
if i is bottomDoorX and bottomDoor
thang.id = @getRandomThang(clusters['doors'].thangs)
thang.pos.y -= preset.borderSize/3
@addThang thang unless i is bottomDoorX and t isnt roomThickness and bottomDoor
thang = {
'id': @getRandomThang(clusters[room.cluster].thangs)
'pos': {
'x': i
'y': rect.y + rect.height/2 + t * preset.borderSize
'margin': clusters[room.cluster].margin
if i is topDoorX and topDoor
thang.id = @getRandomThang(clusters['doors'].thangs)
thang.pos.y -= preset.borderSize
@addThang thang unless i is topDoorX and t isnt roomThickness and topDoor
for t in _.range(0, roomThickness)
for i in _.range(rect.y - rect.height/2 - t * preset.borderSize, rect.y + rect.height/2 + (t+1) * preset.borderSize, preset.borderSize)
@addThang {
'id': @getRandomThang(clusters[room.cluster].thangs)
'pos': {
'x': rect.x - rect.width/2 - t * preset.borderSize
'y': i
'margin': clusters[room.cluster].margin
@addThang {
'id': @getRandomThang(clusters[room.cluster].thangs)
'pos': {
'x': rect.x + rect.width/2 + t * preset.borderSize
'y': i
'margin': clusters[room.cluster].margin
addThang: (thang) ->
# if @falseCount > 20
# console.log 'infinite loop', thang
# @falseCount = 0
# return true
for existingThang in @thangs
if existingThang.margin is -1 or thang.margin is -1
if Math.abs(existingThang.pos.x - thang.pos.x) <= thang.margin + existingThang.margin and Math.abs(existingThang.pos.y - thang.pos.y) <= thang.margin + existingThang.margin
# @falseCount++
return false
@thangs.push thang
Reference in a new issue