Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'

This commit is contained in:
Dominik Kundel 2014-08-11 15:30:05 +02:00
commit 14f96a7eac
164 changed files with 5275 additions and 3215 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View file

@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ bin/mongo/
# windows
# local settings

Binary file not shown.


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Binary file not shown.


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Binary file not shown.


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Binary file not shown.


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Binary file not shown.


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Binary file not shown.


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Binary file not shown.


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Binary file not shown.


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Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 118 KiB

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View file

return matching_requests;
this.sendResponses = function(responseMap) {
var urls = Object.keys(responseMap);
for(var i in urls) {
var url = urls[i];
var responseBody = responseMap[url];
var responded = false;
var requests = jasmine.Ajax.requests.all();
for(var j in requests) {
var request = requests[j];
if(request.url.startsWith(url)) {
request.response({status: 200, responseText: JSON.stringify(responseBody)});
responded = true;
if(!responded) {
var allRequests = jasmine.Ajax.requests.all();
urls = [];
for(var k in allRequests) urls.push(allRequests[k].url);
console.error('could not find response for', url, 'in', urls, allRequests);
function RequestStub(url, stubData) {

View file

@ -32,8 +32,9 @@ module.exports = class LevelLoader extends CocoClass
@team =
@headless = options.headless
@spectateMode = options.spectateMode ? false
@editorMode = options.editorMode # TODO: remove when the surface can load ThangTypes itself
@worldNecessities = []
@listenTo @supermodel, 'resource-loaded', @onWorldNecessityLoaded
@ -65,12 +66,23 @@ module.exports = class LevelLoader extends CocoClass
session = new LevelSession().setURL url
@sessionResource = @supermodel.loadModel(session, 'level_session', {cache: false})
@session = @sessionResource.model
@session.once 'sync', -> @url = -> '/db/level.session/' + @id
@listenToOnce @session, 'sync', @onSessionLoaded
if @opponentSessionID
opponentSession = new LevelSession().setURL "/db/level_session/#{@opponentSessionID}"
@opponentSessionResource = @supermodel.loadModel(opponentSession, 'opponent_session')
@opponentSession = @opponentSessionResource.model
@listenToOnce @opponentSession, 'sync', @onSessionLoaded
onSessionLoaded: (session) ->
session.url = -> '/db/level.session/' + @id
if heroConfig = session.get('heroConfig')
url = "/db/thang.type/#{heroConfig.thangType}/version?project=name,components"
@worldNecessities.push @maybeLoadURL(url, ThangType, 'thang')
for itemThangType in _.values(heroConfig.inventory)
url = "/db/thang.type/#{itemThangType}/version?project=name,components"
@worldNecessities.push @maybeLoadURL(url, ThangType, 'thang')
# Supermodel (Level) Loading
@ -93,6 +105,7 @@ module.exports = class LevelLoader extends CocoClass
for thang in @level.get('thangs') or []
thangIDs.push thang.thangType
for comp in thang.components or []
componentVersions.push _.pick(comp, ['original', 'majorVersion'])
@ -113,6 +126,7 @@ module.exports = class LevelLoader extends CocoClass
@thangIDs = _.uniq thangIDs
@thangNames = new ThangNamesCollection(@thangIDs)
worldNecessities.push @supermodel.loadCollection(@thangNames, 'thang_names')
@listenToOnce @thangNames, 'sync', @onThangNamesLoaded
worldNecessities.push @sessionResource if @sessionResource?.isLoading
worldNecessities.push @opponentSessionResource if @opponentSessionResource?.isLoading
@ -129,18 +143,63 @@ module.exports = class LevelLoader extends CocoClass
url = "/db/level/#{obj.original}/version/#{obj.majorVersion}"
@maybeLoadURL url, Level, 'level'
unless @headless and not @editorMode
unless @headless
wizard = ThangType.loadUniversalWizard()
@supermodel.loadModel wizard, 'thang'
jqxhrs = (resource.jqxhr for resource in worldNecessities when resource?.jqxhr)
@worldNecessities = @worldNecessities.concat worldNecessities
loadItemThangsEquippedByLevelThang: (levelThang) ->
return unless levelThang.components
for component in levelThang.components
if component.original is LevelComponent.EquipsID and inventory = component.config?.inventory
for itemThangType in _.values(inventory)
unless itemThangType
console.warn "Empty item in inventory for", levelThang
url = "/db/thang.type/#{itemThangType}/version?project=name,components"
@worldNecessities.push @maybeLoadURL(url, ThangType, 'thang')
onThangNamesLoaded: (thangNames) ->
if @level.get('type') is 'hero'
for thangType in thangNames.models
loadDefaultComponentsForThangType: (thangType) ->
return unless components = thangType.get('components')
for component in components
url = "/db/level.component/#{component.original}/version/#{component.majorVersion}"
@worldNecessities.push @maybeLoadURL(url, LevelComponent, 'component')
loadEquippedItemsInheritedFromThangType: (thangType) ->
for levelThang in @level.get('thangs') or []
if levelThang.thangType is thangType.get('original')
levelThang = $.extend true, {}, levelThang
@level.denormalizeThang(levelThang, @supermodel)
equipsComponent = _.find levelThang.components, {original: LevelComponent.EquipsID}
inventory = equipsComponent.config?.inventory
continue unless inventory
for itemThangType in _.values inventory
url = "/db/thang.type/#{itemThangType}/version?project=name,components"
@worldNecessities.push @maybeLoadURL(url, ThangType, 'thang')
onWorldNecessityLoaded: (resource) ->
index = @worldNecessities.indexOf(resource)
if (@level?.loading or (@level?.get('type') is 'hero')) and is 'thang'
return unless index >= 0
@worldNecessities.splice(index, 1)
@worldNecessities = (r for r in @worldNecessities when r?)
@onWorldNecessitiesLoaded() if @worldNecessities.length is 0
onWorldNecessitiesLoaded: =>
@trigger 'world-necessities-loaded'
return if @headless and not @editorMode
return if @headless
thangsToLoad = _.uniq( (t.spriteName for t in @world.thangs when t.exists) )
nameModelTuples = ([thangType.get('name'), thangType] for thangType in @thangNames.models)
nameModelMap = _.zipObject nameModelTuples

View file

@ -391,7 +391,7 @@ module.exports = CocoSprite = class CocoSprite extends CocoClass
rotationType = @thangType.get('rotationType')
return if rotationType is 'fixed'
rotation = @getRotation()
if @thangType.get('name') in ['Arrow', 'Spear']
if @thangType.get('name') in ['Arrow', 'Spear'] and @thang.velocity
# Rotates the arrow to see it arc based on velocity.z.
# Notice that rotation here does not affect thang's state - it is just the effect.
# Thang's rotation is always pointing where it is heading.

View file

@ -149,6 +149,7 @@ module.exports = class SpriteBoss extends CocoClass
return false unless m.get('actions') or m.get('raster')
return m.get('name') is thang.spriteName
thangType ?= _.find @options.thangTypes, (m) -> return m.get('name') is thang.spriteName
return console.error "Couldn't find ThangType for", thang unless thangType
options = @createSpriteOptions thang: thang
options.resolutionFactor = if thangType.get('kind') is 'Floor' then 2 else SPRITE_RESOLUTION_FACTOR
@ -180,7 +181,11 @@ module.exports = class SpriteBoss extends CocoClass
adjustSpriteExistence: ->
# Add anything new, remove anything old, update everything current
updateCache = false
itemsJustEquipped = []
for thang in @world.thangs when thang.exists
if thang.equip and not thang.equipped
thang.equip() # Pretty hacky, since initialize may not be called
itemsJustEquipped.push thang
if sprite = @sprites[]
sprite.setThang thang # make sure Sprite has latest Thang
@ -188,6 +193,7 @@ module.exports = class SpriteBoss extends CocoClass
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'surface:new-thang-added', thang:thang, sprite:sprite
updateCache = updateCache or sprite.imageObject.parent is @spriteLayers['Obstacle']
item.modifyStats() for item in itemsJustEquipped
for thangID, sprite of @sprites
missing = not (sprite.notOfThisWorld or @world.thangMap[thangID]?.exists)
isObstacle = sprite.imageObject.parent is @spriteLayers['Obstacle']

View file

@ -143,6 +143,7 @@ module.exports = class World
@aborted = true
loadFromLevel: (level, willSimulate=true) ->
@level = level
@loadSystemsFromLevel level
@loadThangsFromLevel level, willSimulate
@loadScriptsFromLevel level
@ -240,7 +241,7 @@ module.exports = class World
calculateBounds: ->
bounds = {left: 0, top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0}
hasLand = _.some @thangs, 'isLand'
for thang in @thangs when thang.isLand or not hasLand # Look at Lands only
for thang in @thangs when thang.isLand or (not hasLand and thang.rectangle) # Look at Lands only
rect = thang.rectangle().axisAlignedBoundingBox()
bounds.left = Math.min(bounds.left, rect.x - rect.width / 2)
bounds.right = Math.max(bounds.right, rect.x + rect.width / 2)

View file

@ -353,8 +353,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "العربية", englishDescription: "Arabi
# grid: "Grid"
# customize_wizard: "Customize Wizard"
# home: "Home"
# game_menu: "Game Menu"
# guide: "Guide"
# multiplayer: "Multiplayer"
# restart: "Restart"
# goals: "Goals"
# success: "Success!"
@ -377,12 +377,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "العربية", englishDescription: "Arabi
# victory_review: "Tell us more!"
# victory_hour_of_code_done: "Are You Done?"
# victory_hour_of_code_done_yes: "Yes, I'm finished with my Hour of Code™!"
# multiplayer_title: "Multiplayer Settings"
# multiplayer_link_description: "Give this link to anyone to have them join you."
# multiplayer_hint_label: "Hint:"
# multiplayer_hint: " Click the link to select all, then press ⌘-C or Ctrl-C to copy the link."
# multiplayer_coming_soon: "More multiplayer features to come!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
# guide_title: "Guide"
# tome_minion_spells: "Your Minions' Spells"
# tome_read_only_spells: "Read-Only Spells"
@ -390,30 +384,12 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "العربية", englishDescription: "Arabi
# tome_cast_button_castable: "Cast Spell"
# tome_cast_button_casting: "Casting"
# tome_cast_button_cast: "Spell Cast"
# tome_autocast_delay: "Autocast Delay"
# tome_select_spell: "Select a Spell"
# tome_select_a_thang: "Select Someone for "
# tome_available_spells: "Available Spells"
# hud_continue: "Continue (shift+space)"
# spell_saved: "Spell Saved"
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Key Shortcuts"
# loading_ready: "Ready!"
# tip_insert_positions: "Shift+Click a point on the map to insert it into the spell editor."
@ -423,7 +399,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "العربية", englishDescription: "Arabi
# tip_open_source: "CodeCombat is 100% open source!"
# tip_beta_launch: "CodeCombat launched its beta in October, 2013."
# tip_js_beginning: "JavaScript is just the beginning."
# tip_autocast_setting: "Adjust autocast settings by clicking the gear on the cast button."
# think_solution: "Think of the solution, not the problem."
# tip_theory_practice: "In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But in practice, there is. - Yogi Berra"
# tip_error_free: "There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works. - Alan Perlis"
@ -452,6 +427,67 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "العربية", englishDescription: "Arabi
# infinite_loop_reset_level: "Reset Level"
# infinite_loop_comment_out: "Comment Out My Code"
# game_menu:
# inventory_tab: "Inventory"
# choose_hero_tab: "Restart Level"
# save_load_tab: "Save/Load"
# options_tab: "Options"
# guide_tab: "Guide"
# multiplayer_tab: "Multiplayer"
# inventory_caption: "Equip your hero"
# choose_hero_caption: "Choose hero, language"
# save_load_caption: "... and view history"
# options_caption: "Configure settings"
# guide_caption: "Docs and tips"
# multiplayer_caption: "Play with friends!"
# inventory:
# temp: "Temp"
# choose_hero:
# temp: "Temp"
# save_load:
# granularity_saved_games: "Saved"
# granularity_change_history: "History"
# options:
# general_options: "General Options"
# music_label: "Music"
# music_description: "Turn background music on/off."
# autorun_label: "Autorun"
# autorun_description: "Control automatic code execution."
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# guide:
# temp: "Temp"
# multiplayer:
# multiplayer_title: "Multiplayer Settings"
# multiplayer_toggle: "Enable multiplayer"
# multiplayer_toggle_description: "Allow others to join your game."
# multiplayer_link_description: "Give this link to anyone to have them join you."
# multiplayer_hint_label: "Hint:"
# multiplayer_hint: " Click the link to select all, then press ⌘-C or Ctrl-C to copy the link."
# multiplayer_coming_soon: "More multiplayer features to come!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
# keyboard_shortcuts:
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Keyboard Shortcuts"
# space: "Space"
@ -847,20 +883,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "العربية", englishDescription: "Arabi
# license: "license"
# oreilly: "ebook of your choice"
# multiplayer_launch:
# introducing_dungeon_arena: "Introducing Dungeon Arena"
# new_way: "The new way to compete with code."
# to_battle: "To Battle, Developers!"
# modern_day_sorcerer: "You know how to code? That's badass. You're a modern-day sorcerer! Isn't about time that you used your magic coding powers to command your minions in epic combat? And we're not talking robots here."
# arenas_are_here: "CodeCombat head-to-head multiplayer arenas are here."
# ladder_explanation: "Choose your heroes, enchant your human or ogre armies, and climb your way over defeated fellow Wizards to reach the top of the laddersthen challenge your friends in our glorious, asynchronous multiplayer coding arenas. If you're feeling creative, you can even"
# fork_our_arenas: "fork our arenas"
# create_worlds: "and create your own worlds."
# javascript_rusty: "JavaScript a bit rusty? Don't worry; there's a"
# tutorial: "tutorial"
# new_to_programming: ". New to programming? Hit our beginner campaign to skill up."
# so_ready: "I Am So Ready for This"
# loading_error:
# could_not_load: "Error loading from server"
# connection_failure: "Connection failed."

View file

@ -353,8 +353,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "български език", englishDescri
# grid: "Grid"
# customize_wizard: "Customize Wizard"
# home: "Home"
# game_menu: "Game Menu"
# guide: "Guide"
# multiplayer: "Multiplayer"
# restart: "Restart"
# goals: "Goals"
# success: "Success!"
@ -377,12 +377,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "български език", englishDescri
# victory_review: "Tell us more!"
# victory_hour_of_code_done: "Are You Done?"
# victory_hour_of_code_done_yes: "Yes, I'm finished with my Hour of Code™!"
# multiplayer_title: "Multiplayer Settings"
# multiplayer_link_description: "Give this link to anyone to have them join you."
# multiplayer_hint_label: "Hint:"
# multiplayer_hint: " Click the link to select all, then press ⌘-C or Ctrl-C to copy the link."
# multiplayer_coming_soon: "More multiplayer features to come!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
# guide_title: "Guide"
# tome_minion_spells: "Your Minions' Spells"
# tome_read_only_spells: "Read-Only Spells"
@ -390,30 +384,12 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "български език", englishDescri
# tome_cast_button_castable: "Cast Spell"
# tome_cast_button_casting: "Casting"
# tome_cast_button_cast: "Spell Cast"
# tome_autocast_delay: "Autocast Delay"
# tome_select_spell: "Select a Spell"
# tome_select_a_thang: "Select Someone for "
# tome_available_spells: "Available Spells"
# hud_continue: "Continue (shift+space)"
# spell_saved: "Spell Saved"
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Key Shortcuts"
# loading_ready: "Ready!"
# tip_insert_positions: "Shift+Click a point on the map to insert it into the spell editor."
@ -423,7 +399,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "български език", englishDescri
# tip_open_source: "CodeCombat is 100% open source!"
# tip_beta_launch: "CodeCombat launched its beta in October, 2013."
# tip_js_beginning: "JavaScript is just the beginning."
# tip_autocast_setting: "Adjust autocast settings by clicking the gear on the cast button."
# think_solution: "Think of the solution, not the problem."
# tip_theory_practice: "In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But in practice, there is. - Yogi Berra"
# tip_error_free: "There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works. - Alan Perlis"
@ -452,6 +427,67 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "български език", englishDescri
# infinite_loop_reset_level: "Reset Level"
# infinite_loop_comment_out: "Comment Out My Code"
# game_menu:
# inventory_tab: "Inventory"
# choose_hero_tab: "Restart Level"
# save_load_tab: "Save/Load"
# options_tab: "Options"
# guide_tab: "Guide"
# multiplayer_tab: "Multiplayer"
# inventory_caption: "Equip your hero"
# choose_hero_caption: "Choose hero, language"
# save_load_caption: "... and view history"
# options_caption: "Configure settings"
# guide_caption: "Docs and tips"
# multiplayer_caption: "Play with friends!"
# inventory:
# temp: "Temp"
# choose_hero:
# temp: "Temp"
# save_load:
# granularity_saved_games: "Saved"
# granularity_change_history: "History"
# options:
# general_options: "General Options"
# music_label: "Music"
# music_description: "Turn background music on/off."
# autorun_label: "Autorun"
# autorun_description: "Control automatic code execution."
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# guide:
# temp: "Temp"
# multiplayer:
# multiplayer_title: "Multiplayer Settings"
# multiplayer_toggle: "Enable multiplayer"
# multiplayer_toggle_description: "Allow others to join your game."
# multiplayer_link_description: "Give this link to anyone to have them join you."
# multiplayer_hint_label: "Hint:"
# multiplayer_hint: " Click the link to select all, then press ⌘-C or Ctrl-C to copy the link."
# multiplayer_coming_soon: "More multiplayer features to come!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
# keyboard_shortcuts:
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Keyboard Shortcuts"
# space: "Space"
@ -847,20 +883,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "български език", englishDescri
# license: "license"
# oreilly: "ebook of your choice"
# multiplayer_launch:
# introducing_dungeon_arena: "Introducing Dungeon Arena"
# new_way: "The new way to compete with code."
# to_battle: "To Battle, Developers!"
# modern_day_sorcerer: "You know how to code? That's badass. You're a modern-day sorcerer! Isn't about time that you used your magic coding powers to command your minions in epic combat? And we're not talking robots here."
# arenas_are_here: "CodeCombat head-to-head multiplayer arenas are here."
# ladder_explanation: "Choose your heroes, enchant your human or ogre armies, and climb your way over defeated fellow Wizards to reach the top of the laddersthen challenge your friends in our glorious, asynchronous multiplayer coding arenas. If you're feeling creative, you can even"
# fork_our_arenas: "fork our arenas"
# create_worlds: "and create your own worlds."
# javascript_rusty: "JavaScript a bit rusty? Don't worry; there's a"
# tutorial: "tutorial"
# new_to_programming: ". New to programming? Hit our beginner campaign to skill up."
# so_ready: "I Am So Ready for This"
# loading_error:
# could_not_load: "Error loading from server"
# connection_failure: "Connection failed."

View file

@ -353,8 +353,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Català", englishDescription: "Catalan", tr
# grid: "Grid"
# customize_wizard: "Customize Wizard"
# home: "Home"
# game_menu: "Game Menu"
# guide: "Guide"
# multiplayer: "Multiplayer"
# restart: "Restart"
# goals: "Goals"
# success: "Success!"
@ -377,12 +377,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Català", englishDescription: "Catalan", tr
# victory_review: "Tell us more!"
# victory_hour_of_code_done: "Are You Done?"
# victory_hour_of_code_done_yes: "Yes, I'm finished with my Hour of Code™!"
# multiplayer_title: "Multiplayer Settings"
# multiplayer_link_description: "Give this link to anyone to have them join you."
# multiplayer_hint_label: "Hint:"
# multiplayer_hint: " Click the link to select all, then press ⌘-C or Ctrl-C to copy the link."
# multiplayer_coming_soon: "More multiplayer features to come!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
# guide_title: "Guide"
# tome_minion_spells: "Your Minions' Spells"
# tome_read_only_spells: "Read-Only Spells"
@ -390,30 +384,12 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Català", englishDescription: "Catalan", tr
# tome_cast_button_castable: "Cast Spell"
# tome_cast_button_casting: "Casting"
# tome_cast_button_cast: "Spell Cast"
# tome_autocast_delay: "Autocast Delay"
# tome_select_spell: "Select a Spell"
# tome_select_a_thang: "Select Someone for "
# tome_available_spells: "Available Spells"
# hud_continue: "Continue (shift+space)"
# spell_saved: "Spell Saved"
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Key Shortcuts"
# loading_ready: "Ready!"
# tip_insert_positions: "Shift+Click a point on the map to insert it into the spell editor."
@ -423,7 +399,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Català", englishDescription: "Catalan", tr
# tip_open_source: "CodeCombat is 100% open source!"
# tip_beta_launch: "CodeCombat launched its beta in October, 2013."
# tip_js_beginning: "JavaScript is just the beginning."
# tip_autocast_setting: "Adjust autocast settings by clicking the gear on the cast button."
# think_solution: "Think of the solution, not the problem."
# tip_theory_practice: "In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But in practice, there is. - Yogi Berra"
# tip_error_free: "There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works. - Alan Perlis"
@ -452,6 +427,67 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Català", englishDescription: "Catalan", tr
# infinite_loop_reset_level: "Reset Level"
# infinite_loop_comment_out: "Comment Out My Code"
# game_menu:
# inventory_tab: "Inventory"
# choose_hero_tab: "Restart Level"
# save_load_tab: "Save/Load"
# options_tab: "Options"
# guide_tab: "Guide"
# multiplayer_tab: "Multiplayer"
# inventory_caption: "Equip your hero"
# choose_hero_caption: "Choose hero, language"
# save_load_caption: "... and view history"
# options_caption: "Configure settings"
# guide_caption: "Docs and tips"
# multiplayer_caption: "Play with friends!"
# inventory:
# temp: "Temp"
# choose_hero:
# temp: "Temp"
# save_load:
# granularity_saved_games: "Saved"
# granularity_change_history: "History"
# options:
# general_options: "General Options"
# music_label: "Music"
# music_description: "Turn background music on/off."
# autorun_label: "Autorun"
# autorun_description: "Control automatic code execution."
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# guide:
# temp: "Temp"
# multiplayer:
# multiplayer_title: "Multiplayer Settings"
# multiplayer_toggle: "Enable multiplayer"
# multiplayer_toggle_description: "Allow others to join your game."
# multiplayer_link_description: "Give this link to anyone to have them join you."
# multiplayer_hint_label: "Hint:"
# multiplayer_hint: " Click the link to select all, then press ⌘-C or Ctrl-C to copy the link."
# multiplayer_coming_soon: "More multiplayer features to come!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
# keyboard_shortcuts:
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Keyboard Shortcuts"
# space: "Space"
@ -847,20 +883,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Català", englishDescription: "Catalan", tr
# license: "license"
# oreilly: "ebook of your choice"
# multiplayer_launch:
# introducing_dungeon_arena: "Introducing Dungeon Arena"
# new_way: "The new way to compete with code."
# to_battle: "To Battle, Developers!"
# modern_day_sorcerer: "You know how to code? That's badass. You're a modern-day sorcerer! Isn't about time that you used your magic coding powers to command your minions in epic combat? And we're not talking robots here."
# arenas_are_here: "CodeCombat head-to-head multiplayer arenas are here."
# ladder_explanation: "Choose your heroes, enchant your human or ogre armies, and climb your way over defeated fellow Wizards to reach the top of the laddersthen challenge your friends in our glorious, asynchronous multiplayer coding arenas. If you're feeling creative, you can even"
# fork_our_arenas: "fork our arenas"
# create_worlds: "and create your own worlds."
# javascript_rusty: "JavaScript a bit rusty? Don't worry; there's a"
# tutorial: "tutorial"
# new_to_programming: ". New to programming? Hit our beginner campaign to skill up."
# so_ready: "I Am So Ready for This"
# loading_error:
# could_not_load: "Error loading from server"
# connection_failure: "Connection failed."

View file

@ -353,8 +353,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "čeština", englishDescription: "Czech", tr
grid: "Mřížka"
customize_wizard: "Upravit Kouzelníka"
home: "Domů"
# game_menu: "Game Menu"
guide: "Průvodce"
multiplayer: "Multiplayer"
restart: "Restartovat"
goals: "Cíl"
# success: "Success!"
@ -377,12 +377,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "čeština", englishDescription: "Czech", tr
victory_review: "Připomínky!"
victory_hour_of_code_done: "Skončili jste?"
victory_hour_of_code_done_yes: "Ano, pro dnešek jsem skončil!"
multiplayer_title: "Nastavení Multiplayeru"
multiplayer_link_description: "Sdílejte tento odkaz s lidmi, kteří se k vám mohou přidat ve hře."
multiplayer_hint_label: "Tip:"
multiplayer_hint: " Klikněte na odkaz pro jeho výběr, poté stiskněte ⌘-C nebo Ctrl-C pro kopírování odkazu."
multiplayer_coming_soon: "Další vlastnosti multiplayeru jsou na cestě!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
guide_title: "Průvodce"
tome_minion_spells: "Vaše oblíbená kouzla"
tome_read_only_spells: "Kouzla jen pro čtení"
@ -390,30 +384,12 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "čeština", englishDescription: "Czech", tr
tome_cast_button_castable: "Spustit"
tome_cast_button_casting: "Spouštění"
tome_cast_button_cast: "Spustit Kouzlo"
tome_autocast_delay: "Prodleva Autospouštení"
tome_select_spell: "Zvolte Kouzlo"
tome_select_a_thang: "Zvolte někoho pro "
tome_available_spells: "Dostupná kouzla"
hud_continue: "Pokračovat (stiskněte shift-mezera)"
spell_saved: "Kouzlo uloženo"
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Key Shortcuts"
# loading_ready: "Ready!"
# tip_insert_positions: "Shift+Click a point on the map to insert it into the spell editor."
@ -423,7 +399,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "čeština", englishDescription: "Czech", tr
# tip_open_source: "CodeCombat is 100% open source!"
# tip_beta_launch: "CodeCombat launched its beta in October, 2013."
# tip_js_beginning: "JavaScript is just the beginning."
# tip_autocast_setting: "Adjust autocast settings by clicking the gear on the cast button."
# think_solution: "Think of the solution, not the problem."
# tip_theory_practice: "In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But in practice, there is. - Yogi Berra"
# tip_error_free: "There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works. - Alan Perlis"
@ -452,6 +427,67 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "čeština", englishDescription: "Czech", tr
# infinite_loop_reset_level: "Reset Level"
# infinite_loop_comment_out: "Comment Out My Code"
# inventory_tab: "Inventory"
# choose_hero_tab: "Restart Level"
# save_load_tab: "Save/Load"
# options_tab: "Options"
# guide_tab: "Guide"
multiplayer_tab: "Multiplayer"
# inventory_caption: "Equip your hero"
# choose_hero_caption: "Choose hero, language"
# save_load_caption: "... and view history"
# options_caption: "Configure settings"
# guide_caption: "Docs and tips"
# multiplayer_caption: "Play with friends!"
# inventory:
# temp: "Temp"
# choose_hero:
# temp: "Temp"
# save_load:
# granularity_saved_games: "Saved"
# granularity_change_history: "History"
# options:
# general_options: "General Options"
# music_label: "Music"
# music_description: "Turn background music on/off."
# autorun_label: "Autorun"
# autorun_description: "Control automatic code execution."
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# guide:
# temp: "Temp"
multiplayer_title: "Nastavení Multiplayeru"
# multiplayer_toggle: "Enable multiplayer"
# multiplayer_toggle_description: "Allow others to join your game."
multiplayer_link_description: "Sdílejte tento odkaz s lidmi, kteří se k vám mohou přidat ve hře."
multiplayer_hint_label: "Tip:"
multiplayer_hint: " Klikněte na odkaz pro jeho výběr, poté stiskněte ⌘-C nebo Ctrl-C pro kopírování odkazu."
multiplayer_coming_soon: "Další vlastnosti multiplayeru jsou na cestě!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
# keyboard_shortcuts:
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Keyboard Shortcuts"
# space: "Space"
@ -847,20 +883,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "čeština", englishDescription: "Czech", tr
# license: "license"
# oreilly: "ebook of your choice"
# multiplayer_launch:
# introducing_dungeon_arena: "Introducing Dungeon Arena"
# new_way: "The new way to compete with code."
# to_battle: "To Battle, Developers!"
# modern_day_sorcerer: "You know how to code? That's badass. You're a modern-day sorcerer! Isn't about time that you used your magic coding powers to command your minions in epic combat? And we're not talking robots here."
# arenas_are_here: "CodeCombat head-to-head multiplayer arenas are here."
# ladder_explanation: "Choose your heroes, enchant your human or ogre armies, and climb your way over defeated fellow Wizards to reach the top of the laddersthen challenge your friends in our glorious, asynchronous multiplayer coding arenas. If you're feeling creative, you can even"
# fork_our_arenas: "fork our arenas"
# create_worlds: "and create your own worlds."
# javascript_rusty: "JavaScript a bit rusty? Don't worry; there's a"
# tutorial: "tutorial"
# new_to_programming: ". New to programming? Hit our beginner campaign to skill up."
# so_ready: "I Am So Ready for This"
# loading_error:
# could_not_load: "Error loading from server"
# connection_failure: "Connection failed."

View file

@ -353,8 +353,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "dansk", englishDescription: "Danish", trans
grid: "Gitter"
customize_wizard: "Tilpas troldmand"
home: "Hjem"
# game_menu: "Game Menu"
guide: "Guide"
multiplayer: "Flere spillere"
restart: "Start forfra"
goals: "Mål"
# success: "Success!"
@ -377,12 +377,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "dansk", englishDescription: "Danish", trans
victory_review: "Fortæl os mere!"
victory_hour_of_code_done: "Er du færdig?"
victory_hour_of_code_done_yes: "Ja, jeg er færdig med min Kodetime!"
multiplayer_title: "Flerspillerinstillinger"
multiplayer_link_description: "Del dette link med andre deltagere."
multiplayer_hint_label: "Tip:"
multiplayer_hint: " Klik på linket for markere alt; tryk derefter ⌘-C eller Ctrl-C tfr at kopiere linket."
multiplayer_coming_soon: "Yderligere flerspillermuligheder er på vej!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
guide_title: "Instruktioner"
# tome_minion_spells: "Your Minions' Spells"
# tome_read_only_spells: "Read-Only Spells"
@ -390,30 +384,12 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "dansk", englishDescription: "Danish", trans
tome_cast_button_castable: "Kast Trylleformular"
# tome_cast_button_casting: "Casting"
# tome_cast_button_cast: "Spell Cast"
# tome_autocast_delay: "Autocast Delay"
tome_select_spell: "Vælg en trylleformular"
tome_select_a_thang: "Vælg nogen til at "
tome_available_spells: "Tilgængelige trylleformularer"
hud_continue: "Fortsæt (tryk skift-mellemrum)"
spell_saved: "Trylleformularen er gemt"
skip_tutorial: "Spring over (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
editor_config_keybindings_label: "Tastaturgenveje"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Key Shortcuts"
# loading_ready: "Ready!"
# tip_insert_positions: "Shift+Click a point on the map to insert it into the spell editor."
@ -423,7 +399,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "dansk", englishDescription: "Danish", trans
# tip_open_source: "CodeCombat is 100% open source!"
# tip_beta_launch: "CodeCombat launched its beta in October, 2013."
# tip_js_beginning: "JavaScript is just the beginning."
# tip_autocast_setting: "Adjust autocast settings by clicking the gear on the cast button."
# think_solution: "Think of the solution, not the problem."
# tip_theory_practice: "In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But in practice, there is. - Yogi Berra"
# tip_error_free: "There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works. - Alan Perlis"
@ -452,6 +427,67 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "dansk", englishDescription: "Danish", trans
# infinite_loop_reset_level: "Reset Level"
# infinite_loop_comment_out: "Comment Out My Code"
# inventory_tab: "Inventory"
# choose_hero_tab: "Restart Level"
# save_load_tab: "Save/Load"
# options_tab: "Options"
# guide_tab: "Guide"
multiplayer_tab: "Flere spillere"
# inventory_caption: "Equip your hero"
# choose_hero_caption: "Choose hero, language"
# save_load_caption: "... and view history"
# options_caption: "Configure settings"
# guide_caption: "Docs and tips"
# multiplayer_caption: "Play with friends!"
# inventory:
# temp: "Temp"
# choose_hero:
# temp: "Temp"
# save_load:
# granularity_saved_games: "Saved"
# granularity_change_history: "History"
# general_options: "General Options"
# music_label: "Music"
# music_description: "Turn background music on/off."
# autorun_label: "Autorun"
# autorun_description: "Control automatic code execution."
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
editor_config_keybindings_label: "Tastaturgenveje"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# guide:
# temp: "Temp"
multiplayer_title: "Flerspillerinstillinger"
# multiplayer_toggle: "Enable multiplayer"
# multiplayer_toggle_description: "Allow others to join your game."
multiplayer_link_description: "Del dette link med andre deltagere."
multiplayer_hint_label: "Tip:"
multiplayer_hint: " Klik på linket for markere alt; tryk derefter ⌘-C eller Ctrl-C tfr at kopiere linket."
multiplayer_coming_soon: "Yderligere flerspillermuligheder er på vej!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
# keyboard_shortcuts:
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Keyboard Shortcuts"
# space: "Space"
@ -847,20 +883,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "dansk", englishDescription: "Danish", trans
# license: "license"
# oreilly: "ebook of your choice"
# multiplayer_launch:
# introducing_dungeon_arena: "Introducing Dungeon Arena"
# new_way: "The new way to compete with code."
# to_battle: "To Battle, Developers!"
# modern_day_sorcerer: "You know how to code? That's badass. You're a modern-day sorcerer! Isn't about time that you used your magic coding powers to command your minions in epic combat? And we're not talking robots here."
# arenas_are_here: "CodeCombat head-to-head multiplayer arenas are here."
# ladder_explanation: "Choose your heroes, enchant your human or ogre armies, and climb your way over defeated fellow Wizards to reach the top of the laddersthen challenge your friends in our glorious, asynchronous multiplayer coding arenas. If you're feeling creative, you can even"
# fork_our_arenas: "fork our arenas"
# create_worlds: "and create your own worlds."
# javascript_rusty: "JavaScript a bit rusty? Don't worry; there's a"
# tutorial: "tutorial"
# new_to_programming: ". New to programming? Hit our beginner campaign to skill up."
# so_ready: "I Am So Ready for This"
# loading_error:
# could_not_load: "Error loading from server"
# connection_failure: "Connection failed."

View file

@ -353,8 +353,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Deutsch (Österreich)", englishDescription:
# grid: "Grid"
# customize_wizard: "Customize Wizard"
# home: "Home"
# game_menu: "Game Menu"
# guide: "Guide"
# multiplayer: "Multiplayer"
# restart: "Restart"
# goals: "Goals"
# success: "Success!"
@ -377,12 +377,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Deutsch (Österreich)", englishDescription:
# victory_review: "Tell us more!"
# victory_hour_of_code_done: "Are You Done?"
# victory_hour_of_code_done_yes: "Yes, I'm finished with my Hour of Code™!"
# multiplayer_title: "Multiplayer Settings"
# multiplayer_link_description: "Give this link to anyone to have them join you."
# multiplayer_hint_label: "Hint:"
# multiplayer_hint: " Click the link to select all, then press ⌘-C or Ctrl-C to copy the link."
# multiplayer_coming_soon: "More multiplayer features to come!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
# guide_title: "Guide"
# tome_minion_spells: "Your Minions' Spells"
# tome_read_only_spells: "Read-Only Spells"
@ -390,30 +384,12 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Deutsch (Österreich)", englishDescription:
# tome_cast_button_castable: "Cast Spell"
# tome_cast_button_casting: "Casting"
# tome_cast_button_cast: "Spell Cast"
# tome_autocast_delay: "Autocast Delay"
# tome_select_spell: "Select a Spell"
# tome_select_a_thang: "Select Someone for "
# tome_available_spells: "Available Spells"
# hud_continue: "Continue (shift+space)"
# spell_saved: "Spell Saved"
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Key Shortcuts"
# loading_ready: "Ready!"
# tip_insert_positions: "Shift+Click a point on the map to insert it into the spell editor."
@ -423,7 +399,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Deutsch (Österreich)", englishDescription:
# tip_open_source: "CodeCombat is 100% open source!"
# tip_beta_launch: "CodeCombat launched its beta in October, 2013."
# tip_js_beginning: "JavaScript is just the beginning."
# tip_autocast_setting: "Adjust autocast settings by clicking the gear on the cast button."
# think_solution: "Think of the solution, not the problem."
# tip_theory_practice: "In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But in practice, there is. - Yogi Berra"
# tip_error_free: "There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works. - Alan Perlis"
@ -452,6 +427,67 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Deutsch (Österreich)", englishDescription:
# infinite_loop_reset_level: "Reset Level"
# infinite_loop_comment_out: "Comment Out My Code"
# game_menu:
# inventory_tab: "Inventory"
# choose_hero_tab: "Restart Level"
# save_load_tab: "Save/Load"
# options_tab: "Options"
# guide_tab: "Guide"
# multiplayer_tab: "Multiplayer"
# inventory_caption: "Equip your hero"
# choose_hero_caption: "Choose hero, language"
# save_load_caption: "... and view history"
# options_caption: "Configure settings"
# guide_caption: "Docs and tips"
# multiplayer_caption: "Play with friends!"
# inventory:
# temp: "Temp"
# choose_hero:
# temp: "Temp"
# save_load:
# granularity_saved_games: "Saved"
# granularity_change_history: "History"
# options:
# general_options: "General Options"
# music_label: "Music"
# music_description: "Turn background music on/off."
# autorun_label: "Autorun"
# autorun_description: "Control automatic code execution."
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# guide:
# temp: "Temp"
# multiplayer:
# multiplayer_title: "Multiplayer Settings"
# multiplayer_toggle: "Enable multiplayer"
# multiplayer_toggle_description: "Allow others to join your game."
# multiplayer_link_description: "Give this link to anyone to have them join you."
# multiplayer_hint_label: "Hint:"
# multiplayer_hint: " Click the link to select all, then press ⌘-C or Ctrl-C to copy the link."
# multiplayer_coming_soon: "More multiplayer features to come!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
# keyboard_shortcuts:
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Keyboard Shortcuts"
# space: "Space"
@ -847,20 +883,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Deutsch (Österreich)", englishDescription:
# license: "license"
# oreilly: "ebook of your choice"
# multiplayer_launch:
# introducing_dungeon_arena: "Introducing Dungeon Arena"
# new_way: "The new way to compete with code."
# to_battle: "To Battle, Developers!"
# modern_day_sorcerer: "You know how to code? That's badass. You're a modern-day sorcerer! Isn't about time that you used your magic coding powers to command your minions in epic combat? And we're not talking robots here."
# arenas_are_here: "CodeCombat head-to-head multiplayer arenas are here."
# ladder_explanation: "Choose your heroes, enchant your human or ogre armies, and climb your way over defeated fellow Wizards to reach the top of the laddersthen challenge your friends in our glorious, asynchronous multiplayer coding arenas. If you're feeling creative, you can even"
# fork_our_arenas: "fork our arenas"
# create_worlds: "and create your own worlds."
# javascript_rusty: "JavaScript a bit rusty? Don't worry; there's a"
# tutorial: "tutorial"
# new_to_programming: ". New to programming? Hit our beginner campaign to skill up."
# so_ready: "I Am So Ready for This"
# loading_error:
# could_not_load: "Error loading from server"
# connection_failure: "Connection failed."

View file

@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Deutsch (Schweiz)", englishDescription: "Ge
example_blog: "Blog"
example_personal_site: "Eigeni Websiite"
links_header: "Eigeni Links"
links_blurb: "Verlinke anderi Sitene oder Profil wo du willsch hervorhebe, wie zum Bispiel dis GitHub, dis LinkedIn Profil oder din Blog."
links_blurb: "Verlinke anderi Sitene oder Profil wo du willsch hervorhebe, wie zum Bispiel dis GitHub, dis LinkedIn Profil oder din Blog."
links_name: "Link Name"
links_name_help: "Woane verlinksch?"
links_link_blurb: "Link URL"
@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Deutsch (Schweiz)", englishDescription: "Ge
project_link_help: "Link zum Projekt."
# player_code: "Player Code"
# employers:
hire_developers_not_credentials: "Stell Entwickler ah, nid Zügnis."
# get_started: "Get Started"
# already_screened: "We've already technically screened all our candidates"
@ -353,8 +353,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Deutsch (Schweiz)", englishDescription: "Ge
grid: "Gitter"
customize_wizard: "Zauberer apasse"
home: "Home"
# game_menu: "Game Menu"
guide: "Aleitig"
multiplayer: "Multiplayer"
restart: "Neu starte"
goals: "Ziel"
success: "Erfolg!"
@ -377,12 +377,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Deutsch (Schweiz)", englishDescription: "Ge
victory_review: "Verzell üs meh!"
victory_hour_of_code_done: "Bisch fertig?"
victory_hour_of_code_done_yes: "Jo, ich bin fertig mit mim Hour of Code™!"
multiplayer_title: "Multiplayer Istellige"
multiplayer_link_description: "Gib de Link jedem, wo mit dir will spiele."
multiplayer_hint_label: "Hiiwis:"
multiplayer_hint: " Klick uf de Link zum alles uswähle und druck ⌘-C or Ctrl-C zum de Link kopiere"
multiplayer_coming_soon: "Meh Multiplayer Features chömed no!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
guide_title: "Handbuech"
tome_minion_spells: "Zaubersprüch vo dine Minions"
tome_read_only_spells: "Read-Only Zaubersprüch"
@ -390,30 +384,12 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Deutsch (Schweiz)", englishDescription: "Ge
tome_cast_button_castable: "Zauber beschwöre"
tome_cast_button_casting: "Wird beschwore"
# tome_cast_button_cast: "Spell Cast"
# tome_autocast_delay: "Autocast Delay"
tome_select_spell: "Wähl en Zauberspruch us"
tome_select_a_thang: "Wähl öpper us für"
tome_available_spells: "Verfüegbari Zaubersprüch"
hud_continue: "Wiiter (shift+space)"
spell_saved: "Zauberspruch gspeicheret"
skip_tutorial: "Überspringe (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
editor_config_title: "Editor Konfiguration"
editor_config_level_language_label: "Sproch für das Level"
editor_config_level_language_description: "Wähl d Programmiersproch us für das bestimmte Level."
editor_config_default_language_label: "Vorigstellti Programmiersproch"
editor_config_default_language_description: "Wähl us i welere Programmiersproch du willsch code wenn du es neus Level startisch."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
editor_config_keybindings_default: "Voristellig (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Auto-Vervollständigung"
editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Schlot dir möglichi Wortvervollständigunge vor während du tippsch."
editor_config_invisibles_label: "Unsichtbari Zeiche azeige"
editor_config_invisibles_description: "Zeigt unsichtbari Zeiche ah wie z.B. space und tab."
editor_config_indentguides_label: "Izüg azeige"
editor_config_indentguides_description: "Zeigt vertikali Linie zum de Zeileizug besser gseh."
editor_config_behaviors_label: "Intelligents Verhalte"
editor_config_behaviors_description: "Auto-vervollständigt Chlammere und Ahfüerigszeiche."
keyboard_shortcuts: "Shortcuts"
# loading_ready: "Ready!"
tip_insert_positions: "Shift+Klick uf en Punkt uf de Charte zums in Zauberspruch-Editor ifüege."
@ -423,7 +399,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Deutsch (Schweiz)", englishDescription: "Ge
tip_open_source: "CodeCombat isch 100% Open Source!"
tip_beta_launch: "D CodeCombat Beta isch im Oktober 2013 online gange."
tip_js_beginning: "JavaScript isch nur de Afang."
tip_autocast_setting: "Passe d Auto-Beschwöre Istellige ah, indem du ufs Zahrad bim Beschwöre-Chnopf drucksch."
think_solution: "Denk über d Lösig noh, nid über s Problem."
tip_theory_practice: "Theoretisch gits kein Unterschied zwüsche Theorie und Praxis. Praktisch aber scho. - Yogi Berra"
tip_error_free: "Es git zwei Arte zum fehlerfreii Programm schriibe; nur di dritt funktioniert. - Alan Perils"
@ -452,6 +427,67 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Deutsch (Schweiz)", englishDescription: "Ge
infinite_loop_reset_level: "Level zrugsetze"
infinite_loop_comment_out: "Min Code uskommentiere"
# inventory_tab: "Inventory"
# choose_hero_tab: "Restart Level"
# save_load_tab: "Save/Load"
# options_tab: "Options"
# guide_tab: "Guide"
multiplayer_tab: "Multiplayer"
# inventory_caption: "Equip your hero"
# choose_hero_caption: "Choose hero, language"
# save_load_caption: "... and view history"
# options_caption: "Configure settings"
# guide_caption: "Docs and tips"
# multiplayer_caption: "Play with friends!"
# inventory:
# temp: "Temp"
# choose_hero:
# temp: "Temp"
# save_load:
# granularity_saved_games: "Saved"
# granularity_change_history: "History"
# general_options: "General Options"
# music_label: "Music"
# music_description: "Turn background music on/off."
# autorun_label: "Autorun"
# autorun_description: "Control automatic code execution."
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
editor_config_title: "Editor Konfiguration"
editor_config_level_language_label: "Sproch für das Level"
editor_config_level_language_description: "Wähl d Programmiersproch us für das bestimmte Level."
editor_config_default_language_label: "Vorigstellti Programmiersproch"
editor_config_default_language_description: "Wähl us i welere Programmiersproch du willsch code wenn du es neus Level startisch."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
editor_config_keybindings_default: "Voristellig (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Auto-Vervollständigung"
editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Schlot dir möglichi Wortvervollständigunge vor während du tippsch."
editor_config_invisibles_label: "Unsichtbari Zeiche azeige"
editor_config_invisibles_description: "Zeigt unsichtbari Zeiche ah wie z.B. space und tab."
editor_config_indentguides_label: "Izüg azeige"
editor_config_indentguides_description: "Zeigt vertikali Linie zum de Zeileizug besser gseh."
editor_config_behaviors_label: "Intelligents Verhalte"
editor_config_behaviors_description: "Auto-vervollständigt Chlammere und Ahfüerigszeiche."
# guide:
# temp: "Temp"
multiplayer_title: "Multiplayer Istellige"
# multiplayer_toggle: "Enable multiplayer"
# multiplayer_toggle_description: "Allow others to join your game."
multiplayer_link_description: "Gib de Link jedem, wo mit dir will spiele."
multiplayer_hint_label: "Hiiwis:"
multiplayer_hint: " Klick uf de Link zum alles uswähle und druck ⌘-C or Ctrl-C zum de Link kopiere"
multiplayer_coming_soon: "Meh Multiplayer Features chömed no!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
keyboard_shortcuts: "Shortcuts uf de Tastatur"
space: "Space"
@ -847,20 +883,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Deutsch (Schweiz)", englishDescription: "Ge
# license: "license"
# oreilly: "ebook of your choice"
# multiplayer_launch:
# introducing_dungeon_arena: "Introducing Dungeon Arena"
# new_way: "The new way to compete with code."
# to_battle: "To Battle, Developers!"
# modern_day_sorcerer: "You know how to code? That's badass. You're a modern-day sorcerer! Isn't about time that you used your magic coding powers to command your minions in epic combat? And we're not talking robots here."
# arenas_are_here: "CodeCombat head-to-head multiplayer arenas are here."
# ladder_explanation: "Choose your heroes, enchant your human or ogre armies, and climb your way over defeated fellow Wizards to reach the top of the laddersthen challenge your friends in our glorious, asynchronous multiplayer coding arenas. If you're feeling creative, you can even"
# fork_our_arenas: "fork our arenas"
# create_worlds: "and create your own worlds."
# javascript_rusty: "JavaScript a bit rusty? Don't worry; there's a"
# tutorial: "tutorial"
# new_to_programming: ". New to programming? Hit our beginner campaign to skill up."
# so_ready: "I Am So Ready for This"
# loading_error:
# could_not_load: "Error loading from server"
# connection_failure: "Connection failed."

View file

@ -353,8 +353,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Deutsch (Deutschland)", englishDescription:
grid: "Raster"
customize_wizard: "Bearbeite den Zauberer"
home: "Startseite"
# game_menu: "Game Menu"
guide: "Hilfe"
multiplayer: "Multiplayer"
restart: "Neustart"
goals: "Ziele"
# success: "Success!"
@ -377,12 +377,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Deutsch (Deutschland)", englishDescription:
victory_review: "Erzähl uns davon!"
victory_hour_of_code_done: "Bist Du fertig?"
victory_hour_of_code_done_yes: "Ja, ich bin mit meiner Code-Stunde fertig!"
multiplayer_title: "Multiplayer Einstellungen"
multiplayer_link_description: "Gib diesen Link jedem, der mitmachen will."
multiplayer_hint_label: "Hinweis:"
multiplayer_hint: " Klick den Link, um alles auszuwählen, dann drück ⌘-C oder Strg-C um den Link zu kopieren."
multiplayer_coming_soon: "Mehr Multiplayerfeatures werden kommen!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
guide_title: "Anleitung"
tome_minion_spells: "Die Zaubersprüche Deiner Knechte"
tome_read_only_spells: "Nur-lesen Zauberspüche"
@ -390,30 +384,12 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Deutsch (Deutschland)", englishDescription:
tome_cast_button_castable: "Führe aus"
tome_cast_button_casting: "Ausführen"
tome_cast_button_cast: "Zauberspuch ausführen"
tome_autocast_delay: "Verzögerung der automatischen Ausführung"
tome_select_spell: "Wähle einen Zauber"
tome_select_a_thang: "Wähle jemanden aus, um "
tome_available_spells: "Verfügbare Zauber"
hud_continue: "Weiter (drücke Shift + Leertaste)"
spell_saved: "Zauber gespeichert"
skip_tutorial: "Überspringen (Esc)"
editor_config: "Editor Einstellungen"
editor_config_title: "Editor Einstellungen"
editor_config_level_language_label: "Sprache für dieses Level"
editor_config_level_language_description: "Lege die Programmiersprache für dieses bestimmte Level fest."
editor_config_default_language_label: "Voreinstellung Programmiersprache"
editor_config_default_language_description: "Definiere die Programmiersprache in der du programmieren möchtest wenn du ein neues Level beginnst."
editor_config_keybindings_label: "Tastenbelegung"
editor_config_keybindings_default: "Standard (Ace)"
editor_config_keybindings_description: "Fügt zusätzliche Tastenkombinationen, bekannt aus anderen Editoren, hinzu"
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
editor_config_invisibles_label: "Zeige unsichtbare Zeichen"
editor_config_invisibles_description: "Zeigt unsichtbare Zeichen wie Leertasten an."
editor_config_indentguides_label: "Zeige Einrückungshilfe"
editor_config_indentguides_description: "Zeigt vertikale Linien an um Einrückungen besser zu sehen."
editor_config_behaviors_label: "Intelligentes Verhalten"
editor_config_behaviors_description: "Vervollständigt automatisch Klammern und Anführungszeichen."
keyboard_shortcuts: "Tastenkürzel"
loading_ready: "Bereit!"
tip_insert_positions: "Halte 'Umschalt' gedrückt und klicke auf die Karte um die Koordinaten einzufügen."
@ -423,7 +399,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Deutsch (Deutschland)", englishDescription:
tip_open_source: "CodeCombat ist 100% quelloffen!"
tip_beta_launch: "CodeCombat startete seine Beta im Oktober 2013."
tip_js_beginning: "JavaScript ist nur der Anfang."
tip_autocast_setting: "Ändere die Einstellungen für das automatische Ausführen über das Zahnrad neben dem Ausführen Knopf"
think_solution: "Denke über die Lösung nach, nicht über das Problem."
tip_theory_practice: "In der Theorie gibt es keinen Unterschied zwischen Theorie und Praxis. In der Praxis schon. - Yogi Berra"
tip_error_free: "Es gibt zwei Wege fehlerfreie Programme zu schreiben; nur der Dritte funktioniert. - Alan Perlis"
@ -452,6 +427,67 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Deutsch (Deutschland)", englishDescription:
# infinite_loop_reset_level: "Reset Level"
infinite_loop_comment_out: "Meinen Code auskommentieren"
# inventory_tab: "Inventory"
# choose_hero_tab: "Restart Level"
# save_load_tab: "Save/Load"
# options_tab: "Options"
# guide_tab: "Guide"
multiplayer_tab: "Multiplayer"
# inventory_caption: "Equip your hero"
# choose_hero_caption: "Choose hero, language"
# save_load_caption: "... and view history"
# options_caption: "Configure settings"
# guide_caption: "Docs and tips"
# multiplayer_caption: "Play with friends!"
# inventory:
# temp: "Temp"
# choose_hero:
# temp: "Temp"
# save_load:
# granularity_saved_games: "Saved"
# granularity_change_history: "History"
# general_options: "General Options"
# music_label: "Music"
# music_description: "Turn background music on/off."
# autorun_label: "Autorun"
# autorun_description: "Control automatic code execution."
editor_config: "Editor Einstellungen"
editor_config_title: "Editor Einstellungen"
editor_config_level_language_label: "Sprache für dieses Level"
editor_config_level_language_description: "Lege die Programmiersprache für dieses bestimmte Level fest."
editor_config_default_language_label: "Voreinstellung Programmiersprache"
editor_config_default_language_description: "Definiere die Programmiersprache in der du programmieren möchtest wenn du ein neues Level beginnst."
editor_config_keybindings_label: "Tastenbelegung"
editor_config_keybindings_default: "Standard (Ace)"
editor_config_keybindings_description: "Fügt zusätzliche Tastenkombinationen, bekannt aus anderen Editoren, hinzu"
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
editor_config_invisibles_label: "Zeige unsichtbare Zeichen"
editor_config_invisibles_description: "Zeigt unsichtbare Zeichen wie Leertasten an."
editor_config_indentguides_label: "Zeige Einrückungshilfe"
editor_config_indentguides_description: "Zeigt vertikale Linien an um Einrückungen besser zu sehen."
editor_config_behaviors_label: "Intelligentes Verhalten"
editor_config_behaviors_description: "Vervollständigt automatisch Klammern und Anführungszeichen."
# guide:
# temp: "Temp"
multiplayer_title: "Multiplayer Einstellungen"
# multiplayer_toggle: "Enable multiplayer"
# multiplayer_toggle_description: "Allow others to join your game."
multiplayer_link_description: "Gib diesen Link jedem, der mitmachen will."
multiplayer_hint_label: "Hinweis:"
multiplayer_hint: " Klick den Link, um alles auszuwählen, dann drück ⌘-C oder Strg-C um den Link zu kopieren."
multiplayer_coming_soon: "Mehr Multiplayerfeatures werden kommen!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
keyboard_shortcuts: "Tastaturkürzel"
space: "Leertaste"
@ -847,20 +883,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Deutsch (Deutschland)", englishDescription:
license: "Lizenz"
oreilly: "Ebook deiner Wahl"
# multiplayer_launch:
# introducing_dungeon_arena: "Introducing Dungeon Arena"
# new_way: "The new way to compete with code."
# to_battle: "To Battle, Developers!"
# modern_day_sorcerer: "You know how to code? That's badass. You're a modern-day sorcerer! Isn't about time that you used your magic coding powers to command your minions in epic combat? And we're not talking robots here."
# arenas_are_here: "CodeCombat head-to-head multiplayer arenas are here."
# ladder_explanation: "Choose your heroes, enchant your human or ogre armies, and climb your way over defeated fellow Wizards to reach the top of the laddersthen challenge your friends in our glorious, asynchronous multiplayer coding arenas. If you're feeling creative, you can even"
# fork_our_arenas: "fork our arenas"
# create_worlds: "and create your own worlds."
# javascript_rusty: "JavaScript a bit rusty? Don't worry; there's a"
# tutorial: "tutorial"
# new_to_programming: ". New to programming? Hit our beginner campaign to skill up."
# so_ready: "I Am So Ready for This"
could_not_load: "Fehler beim Laden vom Server"
connection_failure: "Verbindung fehlgeschlagen."

View file

@ -353,8 +353,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Deutsch", englishDescription: "German", tra
grid: "Raster"
customize_wizard: "Bearbeite den Zauberer"
home: "Startseite"
# game_menu: "Game Menu"
guide: "Hilfe"
multiplayer: "Multiplayer"
restart: "Neustart"
goals: "Ziele"
# success: "Success!"
@ -377,12 +377,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Deutsch", englishDescription: "German", tra
victory_review: "Erzähl uns davon!"
victory_hour_of_code_done: "Bist Du fertig?"
victory_hour_of_code_done_yes: "Ja, ich bin mit meiner Code-Stunde fertig!"
multiplayer_title: "Multiplayer Einstellungen"
multiplayer_link_description: "Gib diesen Link jedem, der mitmachen will."
multiplayer_hint_label: "Hinweis:"
multiplayer_hint: " Klick den Link, um alles auszuwählen, dann drück ⌘-C oder Strg-C um den Link zu kopieren."
multiplayer_coming_soon: "Mehr Multiplayerfeatures werden kommen!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
guide_title: "Anleitung"
tome_minion_spells: "Die Zaubersprüche Deiner Knechte"
tome_read_only_spells: "Nur-lesen Zauberspüche"
@ -390,30 +384,12 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Deutsch", englishDescription: "German", tra
tome_cast_button_castable: "Führe aus"
tome_cast_button_casting: "Ausführen"
tome_cast_button_cast: "Zauberspuch ausführen"
tome_autocast_delay: "Verzögerung der automatischen Ausführung"
tome_select_spell: "Wähle einen Zauber"
tome_select_a_thang: "Wähle jemanden aus, um "
tome_available_spells: "Verfügbare Zauber"
hud_continue: "Weiter (drücke Shift + Leertaste)"
spell_saved: "Zauber gespeichert"
skip_tutorial: "Überspringen (Esc)"
editor_config: "Editor Einstellungen"
editor_config_title: "Editor Einstellungen"
editor_config_level_language_label: "Sprache für dieses Level"
editor_config_level_language_description: "Lege die Programmiersprache für dieses bestimmte Level fest."
editor_config_default_language_label: "Voreinstellung Programmiersprache"
editor_config_default_language_description: "Definiere die Programmiersprache in der du programmieren möchtest wenn du ein neues Level beginnst."
editor_config_keybindings_label: "Tastenbelegung"
editor_config_keybindings_default: "Standard (Ace)"
editor_config_keybindings_description: "Fügt zusätzliche Tastenkombinationen, bekannt aus anderen Editoren, hinzu"
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
editor_config_invisibles_label: "Zeige unsichtbare Zeichen"
editor_config_invisibles_description: "Zeigt unsichtbare Zeichen wie Leertasten an."
editor_config_indentguides_label: "Zeige Einrückungshilfe"
editor_config_indentguides_description: "Zeigt vertikale Linien an um Einrückungen besser zu sehen."
editor_config_behaviors_label: "Intelligentes Verhalten"
editor_config_behaviors_description: "Vervollständigt automatisch Klammern und Anführungszeichen."
keyboard_shortcuts: "Tastenkürzel"
loading_ready: "Bereit!"
tip_insert_positions: "Halte 'Umschalt' gedrückt und klicke auf die Karte um die Koordinaten einzufügen."
@ -423,7 +399,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Deutsch", englishDescription: "German", tra
tip_open_source: "CodeCombat ist 100% quelloffen!"
tip_beta_launch: "CodeCombat startete seine Beta im Oktober 2013."
tip_js_beginning: "JavaScript ist nur der Anfang."
tip_autocast_setting: "Ändere die Einstellungen für das automatische Ausführen über das Zahnrad neben dem Ausführen Knopf"
think_solution: "Denke über die Lösung nach, nicht über das Problem."
tip_theory_practice: "In der Theorie gibt es keinen Unterschied zwischen Theorie und Praxis. In der Praxis schon. - Yogi Berra"
tip_error_free: "Es gibt zwei Wege fehlerfreie Programme zu schreiben; nur der Dritte funktioniert. - Alan Perlis"
@ -452,6 +427,67 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Deutsch", englishDescription: "German", tra
# infinite_loop_reset_level: "Reset Level"
infinite_loop_comment_out: "Meinen Code auskommentieren"
# game_menu:
# inventory_tab: "Inventory"
# choose_hero_tab: "Restart Level"
# save_load_tab: "Save/Load"
# options_tab: "Options"
# guide_tab: "Guide"
# multiplayer_tab: "Multiplayer"
# inventory_caption: "Equip your hero"
# choose_hero_caption: "Choose hero, language"
# save_load_caption: "... and view history"
# options_caption: "Configure settings"
# guide_caption: "Docs and tips"
# multiplayer_caption: "Play with friends!"
# inventory:
# temp: "Temp"
# choose_hero:
# temp: "Temp"
# save_load:
# granularity_saved_games: "Saved"
# granularity_change_history: "History"
# general_options: "General Options"
# music_label: "Music"
# music_description: "Turn background music on/off."
# autorun_label: "Autorun"
# autorun_description: "Control automatic code execution."
editor_config: "Editor Einstellungen"
editor_config_title: "Editor Einstellungen"
editor_config_level_language_label: "Sprache für dieses Level"
editor_config_level_language_description: "Lege die Programmiersprache für dieses bestimmte Level fest."
editor_config_default_language_label: "Voreinstellung Programmiersprache"
editor_config_default_language_description: "Definiere die Programmiersprache in der du programmieren möchtest wenn du ein neues Level beginnst."
editor_config_keybindings_label: "Tastenbelegung"
editor_config_keybindings_default: "Standard (Ace)"
editor_config_keybindings_description: "Fügt zusätzliche Tastenkombinationen, bekannt aus anderen Editoren, hinzu"
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
editor_config_invisibles_label: "Zeige unsichtbare Zeichen"
editor_config_invisibles_description: "Zeigt unsichtbare Zeichen wie Leertasten an."
editor_config_indentguides_label: "Zeige Einrückungshilfe"
editor_config_indentguides_description: "Zeigt vertikale Linien an um Einrückungen besser zu sehen."
editor_config_behaviors_label: "Intelligentes Verhalten"
editor_config_behaviors_description: "Vervollständigt automatisch Klammern und Anführungszeichen."
# guide:
# temp: "Temp"
multiplayer_title: "Multiplayer Einstellungen"
# multiplayer_toggle: "Enable multiplayer"
# multiplayer_toggle_description: "Allow others to join your game."
multiplayer_link_description: "Gib diesen Link jedem, der mitmachen will."
multiplayer_hint_label: "Hinweis:"
multiplayer_hint: " Klick den Link, um alles auszuwählen, dann drück ⌘-C oder Strg-C um den Link zu kopieren."
multiplayer_coming_soon: "Mehr Multiplayerfeatures werden kommen!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
keyboard_shortcuts: "Tastaturkürzel"
space: "Leertaste"
@ -847,20 +883,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Deutsch", englishDescription: "German", tra
license: "Lizenz"
oreilly: "Ebook deiner Wahl"
# multiplayer_launch:
# introducing_dungeon_arena: "Introducing Dungeon Arena"
# new_way: "The new way to compete with code."
# to_battle: "To Battle, Developers!"
# modern_day_sorcerer: "You know how to code? That's badass. You're a modern-day sorcerer! Isn't about time that you used your magic coding powers to command your minions in epic combat? And we're not talking robots here."
# arenas_are_here: "CodeCombat head-to-head multiplayer arenas are here."
# ladder_explanation: "Choose your heroes, enchant your human or ogre armies, and climb your way over defeated fellow Wizards to reach the top of the laddersthen challenge your friends in our glorious, asynchronous multiplayer coding arenas. If you're feeling creative, you can even"
# fork_our_arenas: "fork our arenas"
# create_worlds: "and create your own worlds."
# javascript_rusty: "JavaScript a bit rusty? Don't worry; there's a"
# tutorial: "tutorial"
# new_to_programming: ". New to programming? Hit our beginner campaign to skill up."
# so_ready: "I Am So Ready for This"
could_not_load: "Fehler beim Laden vom Server"
connection_failure: "Verbindung fehlgeschlagen."

View file

@ -353,8 +353,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "ελληνικά", englishDescription: "Gre
grid: "Πλέγμα"
customize_wizard: "Προσαρμόστε τον Μάγο"
home: "Αρχική"
# game_menu: "Game Menu"
guide: "Οδηγός"
multiplayer: "Πολλαπλοί παίχτες"
# restart: "Restart"
goals: "Στόχοι"
# success: "Success!"
@ -377,12 +377,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "ελληνικά", englishDescription: "Gre
victory_review: "Πείτε μας περισσότερα!"
victory_hour_of_code_done: "Τελείωσες;"
victory_hour_of_code_done_yes: "Ναι, έχω τελειώσει με την Hour of Code!"
multiplayer_title: "Ρυθμίσεις multiplayer"
multiplayer_link_description: "Δώστε αυτό τον τον σύνδεσμο σε οποιονδήποτε για να ενταχθούν στο παιχνίδι σου."
multiplayer_hint_label: "Συμβουλή:"
multiplayer_hint: " Κάντε κλικ στο σύνδεσμο για να επιλέξετε όλα, στη συνέχεια, πατήστε την Apple-C ή Ctrl-C για να αντιγράψετε το σύνδεσμο."
multiplayer_coming_soon: "Περισσότερα multiplayer χαρακτιριστηκα προσεχως!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
guide_title: "Οδηγός"
tome_minion_spells: "Ξόρκια για τα τσιράκια σας"
tome_read_only_spells: "Ξορκια μονο για αναγνωση"
@ -390,30 +384,12 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "ελληνικά", englishDescription: "Gre
tome_cast_button_castable: "Μαγεψε"
# tome_cast_button_casting: "Casting"
# tome_cast_button_cast: "Spell Cast"
# tome_autocast_delay: "Autocast Delay"
# tome_select_spell: "Select a Spell"
# tome_select_a_thang: "Select Someone for "
# tome_available_spells: "Available Spells"
# hud_continue: "Continue (shift+space)"
# spell_saved: "Spell Saved"
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Key Shortcuts"
# loading_ready: "Ready!"
# tip_insert_positions: "Shift+Click a point on the map to insert it into the spell editor."
@ -423,7 +399,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "ελληνικά", englishDescription: "Gre
# tip_open_source: "CodeCombat is 100% open source!"
# tip_beta_launch: "CodeCombat launched its beta in October, 2013."
# tip_js_beginning: "JavaScript is just the beginning."
# tip_autocast_setting: "Adjust autocast settings by clicking the gear on the cast button."
# think_solution: "Think of the solution, not the problem."
# tip_theory_practice: "In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But in practice, there is. - Yogi Berra"
# tip_error_free: "There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works. - Alan Perlis"
@ -452,6 +427,67 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "ελληνικά", englishDescription: "Gre
# infinite_loop_reset_level: "Reset Level"
# infinite_loop_comment_out: "Comment Out My Code"
# inventory_tab: "Inventory"
# choose_hero_tab: "Restart Level"
# save_load_tab: "Save/Load"
# options_tab: "Options"
# guide_tab: "Guide"
multiplayer_tab: "Πολλαπλοί παίχτες"
# inventory_caption: "Equip your hero"
# choose_hero_caption: "Choose hero, language"
# save_load_caption: "... and view history"
# options_caption: "Configure settings"
# guide_caption: "Docs and tips"
# multiplayer_caption: "Play with friends!"
# inventory:
# temp: "Temp"
# choose_hero:
# temp: "Temp"
# save_load:
# granularity_saved_games: "Saved"
# granularity_change_history: "History"
# options:
# general_options: "General Options"
# music_label: "Music"
# music_description: "Turn background music on/off."
# autorun_label: "Autorun"
# autorun_description: "Control automatic code execution."
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# guide:
# temp: "Temp"
multiplayer_title: "Ρυθμίσεις multiplayer"
# multiplayer_toggle: "Enable multiplayer"
# multiplayer_toggle_description: "Allow others to join your game."
multiplayer_link_description: "Δώστε αυτό τον τον σύνδεσμο σε οποιονδήποτε για να ενταχθούν στο παιχνίδι σου."
multiplayer_hint_label: "Συμβουλή:"
multiplayer_hint: " Κάντε κλικ στο σύνδεσμο για να επιλέξετε όλα, στη συνέχεια, πατήστε την Apple-C ή Ctrl-C για να αντιγράψετε το σύνδεσμο."
multiplayer_coming_soon: "Περισσότερα multiplayer χαρακτιριστηκα προσεχως!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
# keyboard_shortcuts:
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Keyboard Shortcuts"
# space: "Space"
@ -847,20 +883,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "ελληνικά", englishDescription: "Gre
# license: "license"
# oreilly: "ebook of your choice"
# multiplayer_launch:
# introducing_dungeon_arena: "Introducing Dungeon Arena"
# new_way: "The new way to compete with code."
# to_battle: "To Battle, Developers!"
# modern_day_sorcerer: "You know how to code? That's badass. You're a modern-day sorcerer! Isn't about time that you used your magic coding powers to command your minions in epic combat? And we're not talking robots here."
# arenas_are_here: "CodeCombat head-to-head multiplayer arenas are here."
# ladder_explanation: "Choose your heroes, enchant your human or ogre armies, and climb your way over defeated fellow Wizards to reach the top of the laddersthen challenge your friends in our glorious, asynchronous multiplayer coding arenas. If you're feeling creative, you can even"
# fork_our_arenas: "fork our arenas"
# create_worlds: "and create your own worlds."
# javascript_rusty: "JavaScript a bit rusty? Don't worry; there's a"
# tutorial: "tutorial"
# new_to_programming: ". New to programming? Hit our beginner campaign to skill up."
# so_ready: "I Am So Ready for This"
# loading_error:
# could_not_load: "Error loading from server"
# connection_failure: "Connection failed."

View file

@ -353,8 +353,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "English (AU)", englishDescription: "English
# grid: "Grid"
# customize_wizard: "Customize Wizard"
# home: "Home"
# game_menu: "Game Menu"
# guide: "Guide"
# multiplayer: "Multiplayer"
# restart: "Restart"
# goals: "Goals"
# success: "Success!"
@ -377,12 +377,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "English (AU)", englishDescription: "English
# victory_review: "Tell us more!"
# victory_hour_of_code_done: "Are You Done?"
# victory_hour_of_code_done_yes: "Yes, I'm finished with my Hour of Code™!"
# multiplayer_title: "Multiplayer Settings"
# multiplayer_link_description: "Give this link to anyone to have them join you."
# multiplayer_hint_label: "Hint:"
# multiplayer_hint: " Click the link to select all, then press ⌘-C or Ctrl-C to copy the link."
# multiplayer_coming_soon: "More multiplayer features to come!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
# guide_title: "Guide"
# tome_minion_spells: "Your Minions' Spells"
# tome_read_only_spells: "Read-Only Spells"
@ -390,30 +384,12 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "English (AU)", englishDescription: "English
# tome_cast_button_castable: "Cast Spell"
# tome_cast_button_casting: "Casting"
# tome_cast_button_cast: "Spell Cast"
# tome_autocast_delay: "Autocast Delay"
# tome_select_spell: "Select a Spell"
# tome_select_a_thang: "Select Someone for "
# tome_available_spells: "Available Spells"
# hud_continue: "Continue (shift+space)"
# spell_saved: "Spell Saved"
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Key Shortcuts"
# loading_ready: "Ready!"
# tip_insert_positions: "Shift+Click a point on the map to insert it into the spell editor."
@ -423,7 +399,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "English (AU)", englishDescription: "English
# tip_open_source: "CodeCombat is 100% open source!"
# tip_beta_launch: "CodeCombat launched its beta in October, 2013."
# tip_js_beginning: "JavaScript is just the beginning."
# tip_autocast_setting: "Adjust autocast settings by clicking the gear on the cast button."
# think_solution: "Think of the solution, not the problem."
# tip_theory_practice: "In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But in practice, there is. - Yogi Berra"
# tip_error_free: "There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works. - Alan Perlis"
@ -452,6 +427,67 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "English (AU)", englishDescription: "English
# infinite_loop_reset_level: "Reset Level"
# infinite_loop_comment_out: "Comment Out My Code"
# game_menu:
# inventory_tab: "Inventory"
# choose_hero_tab: "Restart Level"
# save_load_tab: "Save/Load"
# options_tab: "Options"
# guide_tab: "Guide"
# multiplayer_tab: "Multiplayer"
# inventory_caption: "Equip your hero"
# choose_hero_caption: "Choose hero, language"
# save_load_caption: "... and view history"
# options_caption: "Configure settings"
# guide_caption: "Docs and tips"
# multiplayer_caption: "Play with friends!"
# inventory:
# temp: "Temp"
# choose_hero:
# temp: "Temp"
# save_load:
# granularity_saved_games: "Saved"
# granularity_change_history: "History"
# options:
# general_options: "General Options"
# music_label: "Music"
# music_description: "Turn background music on/off."
# autorun_label: "Autorun"
# autorun_description: "Control automatic code execution."
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# guide:
# temp: "Temp"
# multiplayer:
# multiplayer_title: "Multiplayer Settings"
# multiplayer_toggle: "Enable multiplayer"
# multiplayer_toggle_description: "Allow others to join your game."
# multiplayer_link_description: "Give this link to anyone to have them join you."
# multiplayer_hint_label: "Hint:"
# multiplayer_hint: " Click the link to select all, then press ⌘-C or Ctrl-C to copy the link."
# multiplayer_coming_soon: "More multiplayer features to come!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
# keyboard_shortcuts:
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Keyboard Shortcuts"
# space: "Space"
@ -847,20 +883,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "English (AU)", englishDescription: "English
# license: "license"
# oreilly: "ebook of your choice"
# multiplayer_launch:
# introducing_dungeon_arena: "Introducing Dungeon Arena"
# new_way: "The new way to compete with code."
# to_battle: "To Battle, Developers!"
# modern_day_sorcerer: "You know how to code? That's badass. You're a modern-day sorcerer! Isn't about time that you used your magic coding powers to command your minions in epic combat? And we're not talking robots here."
# arenas_are_here: "CodeCombat head-to-head multiplayer arenas are here."
# ladder_explanation: "Choose your heroes, enchant your human or ogre armies, and climb your way over defeated fellow Wizards to reach the top of the laddersthen challenge your friends in our glorious, asynchronous multiplayer coding arenas. If you're feeling creative, you can even"
# fork_our_arenas: "fork our arenas"
# create_worlds: "and create your own worlds."
# javascript_rusty: "JavaScript a bit rusty? Don't worry; there's a"
# tutorial: "tutorial"
# new_to_programming: ". New to programming? Hit our beginner campaign to skill up."
# so_ready: "I Am So Ready for This"
# loading_error:
# could_not_load: "Error loading from server"
# connection_failure: "Connection failed."

View file

@ -353,8 +353,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "English (UK)", englishDescription: "English
# grid: "Grid"
customize_wizard: "Customise Wizard"
# home: "Home"
# game_menu: "Game Menu"
# guide: "Guide"
# multiplayer: "Multiplayer"
# restart: "Restart"
# goals: "Goals"
# success: "Success!"
@ -377,12 +377,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "English (UK)", englishDescription: "English
# victory_review: "Tell us more!"
# victory_hour_of_code_done: "Are You Done?"
# victory_hour_of_code_done_yes: "Yes, I'm finished with my Hour of Code™!"
# multiplayer_title: "Multiplayer Settings"
# multiplayer_link_description: "Give this link to anyone to have them join you."
# multiplayer_hint_label: "Hint:"
# multiplayer_hint: " Click the link to select all, then press ⌘-C or Ctrl-C to copy the link."
# multiplayer_coming_soon: "More multiplayer features to come!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
# guide_title: "Guide"
# tome_minion_spells: "Your Minions' Spells"
# tome_read_only_spells: "Read-Only Spells"
@ -390,30 +384,12 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "English (UK)", englishDescription: "English
# tome_cast_button_castable: "Cast Spell"
# tome_cast_button_casting: "Casting"
# tome_cast_button_cast: "Spell Cast"
# tome_autocast_delay: "Autocast Delay"
# tome_select_spell: "Select a Spell"
# tome_select_a_thang: "Select Someone for "
# tome_available_spells: "Available Spells"
# hud_continue: "Continue (shift+space)"
# spell_saved: "Spell Saved"
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviours"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Key Shortcuts"
# loading_ready: "Ready!"
# tip_insert_positions: "Shift+Click a point on the map to insert it into the spell editor."
@ -423,7 +399,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "English (UK)", englishDescription: "English
# tip_open_source: "CodeCombat is 100% open source!"
# tip_beta_launch: "CodeCombat launched its beta in October, 2013."
# tip_js_beginning: "JavaScript is just the beginning."
# tip_autocast_setting: "Adjust autocast settings by clicking the gear on the cast button."
# think_solution: "Think of the solution, not the problem."
# tip_theory_practice: "In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But in practice, there is. - Yogi Berra"
# tip_error_free: "There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works. - Alan Perlis"
@ -452,6 +427,67 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "English (UK)", englishDescription: "English
# infinite_loop_reset_level: "Reset Level"
# infinite_loop_comment_out: "Comment Out My Code"
# game_menu:
# inventory_tab: "Inventory"
# choose_hero_tab: "Restart Level"
# save_load_tab: "Save/Load"
# options_tab: "Options"
# guide_tab: "Guide"
# multiplayer_tab: "Multiplayer"
# inventory_caption: "Equip your hero"
# choose_hero_caption: "Choose hero, language"
# save_load_caption: "... and view history"
# options_caption: "Configure settings"
# guide_caption: "Docs and tips"
# multiplayer_caption: "Play with friends!"
# inventory:
# temp: "Temp"
# choose_hero:
# temp: "Temp"
# save_load:
# granularity_saved_games: "Saved"
# granularity_change_history: "History"
# general_options: "General Options"
# music_label: "Music"
# music_description: "Turn background music on/off."
# autorun_label: "Autorun"
# autorun_description: "Control automatic code execution."
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviours"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# guide:
# temp: "Temp"
# multiplayer:
# multiplayer_title: "Multiplayer Settings"
# multiplayer_toggle: "Enable multiplayer"
# multiplayer_toggle_description: "Allow others to join your game."
# multiplayer_link_description: "Give this link to anyone to have them join you."
# multiplayer_hint_label: "Hint:"
# multiplayer_hint: " Click the link to select all, then press ⌘-C or Ctrl-C to copy the link."
# multiplayer_coming_soon: "More multiplayer features to come!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
# keyboard_shortcuts:
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Keyboard Shortcuts"
# space: "Space"
@ -847,20 +883,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "English (UK)", englishDescription: "English
# license: "license"
# oreilly: "ebook of your choice"
# multiplayer_launch:
# introducing_dungeon_arena: "Introducing Dungeon Arena"
# new_way: "The new way to compete with code."
# to_battle: "To Battle, Developers!"
# modern_day_sorcerer: "You know how to code? That's badass. You're a modern-day sorcerer! Isn't about time that you used your magic coding powers to command your minions in epic combat? And we're not talking robots here."
# arenas_are_here: "CodeCombat head-to-head multiplayer arenas are here."
# ladder_explanation: "Choose your heroes, enchant your human or ogre armies, and climb your way over defeated fellow Wizards to reach the top of the laddersthen challenge your friends in our glorious, asynchronous multiplayer coding arenas. If you're feeling creative, you can even"
# fork_our_arenas: "fork our arenas"
# create_worlds: "and create your own worlds."
# javascript_rusty: "JavaScript a bit rusty? Don't worry; there's a"
# tutorial: "tutorial"
# new_to_programming: ". New to programming? Hit our beginner campaign to skill up."
# so_ready: "I Am So Ready for This"
# loading_error:
# could_not_load: "Error loading from server"
# connection_failure: "Connection failed."

View file

@ -353,8 +353,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "English (US)", englishDescription: "English
# grid: "Grid"
# customize_wizard: "Customize Wizard"
# home: "Home"
# game_menu: "Game Menu"
# guide: "Guide"
# multiplayer: "Multiplayer"
# restart: "Restart"
# goals: "Goals"
# success: "Success!"
@ -377,12 +377,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "English (US)", englishDescription: "English
# victory_review: "Tell us more!"
# victory_hour_of_code_done: "Are You Done?"
# victory_hour_of_code_done_yes: "Yes, I'm finished with my Hour of Code™!"
# multiplayer_title: "Multiplayer Settings"
# multiplayer_link_description: "Give this link to anyone to have them join you."
# multiplayer_hint_label: "Hint:"
# multiplayer_hint: " Click the link to select all, then press ⌘-C or Ctrl-C to copy the link."
# multiplayer_coming_soon: "More multiplayer features to come!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
# guide_title: "Guide"
# tome_minion_spells: "Your Minions' Spells"
# tome_read_only_spells: "Read-Only Spells"
@ -390,30 +384,12 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "English (US)", englishDescription: "English
# tome_cast_button_castable: "Cast Spell"
# tome_cast_button_casting: "Casting"
# tome_cast_button_cast: "Spell Cast"
# tome_autocast_delay: "Autocast Delay"
# tome_select_spell: "Select a Spell"
# tome_select_a_thang: "Select Someone for "
# tome_available_spells: "Available Spells"
# hud_continue: "Continue (shift+space)"
# spell_saved: "Spell Saved"
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Key Shortcuts"
# loading_ready: "Ready!"
# tip_insert_positions: "Shift+Click a point on the map to insert it into the spell editor."
@ -423,7 +399,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "English (US)", englishDescription: "English
# tip_open_source: "CodeCombat is 100% open source!"
# tip_beta_launch: "CodeCombat launched its beta in October, 2013."
# tip_js_beginning: "JavaScript is just the beginning."
# tip_autocast_setting: "Adjust autocast settings by clicking the gear on the cast button."
# think_solution: "Think of the solution, not the problem."
# tip_theory_practice: "In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But in practice, there is. - Yogi Berra"
# tip_error_free: "There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works. - Alan Perlis"
@ -452,6 +427,67 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "English (US)", englishDescription: "English
# infinite_loop_reset_level: "Reset Level"
# infinite_loop_comment_out: "Comment Out My Code"
# game_menu:
# inventory_tab: "Inventory"
# choose_hero_tab: "Restart Level"
# save_load_tab: "Save/Load"
# options_tab: "Options"
# guide_tab: "Guide"
# multiplayer_tab: "Multiplayer"
# inventory_caption: "Equip your hero"
# choose_hero_caption: "Choose hero, language"
# save_load_caption: "... and view history"
# options_caption: "Configure settings"
# guide_caption: "Docs and tips"
# multiplayer_caption: "Play with friends!"
# inventory:
# temp: "Temp"
# choose_hero:
# temp: "Temp"
# save_load:
# granularity_saved_games: "Saved"
# granularity_change_history: "History"
# options:
# general_options: "General Options"
# music_label: "Music"
# music_description: "Turn background music on/off."
# autorun_label: "Autorun"
# autorun_description: "Control automatic code execution."
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# guide:
# temp: "Temp"
# multiplayer:
# multiplayer_title: "Multiplayer Settings"
# multiplayer_toggle: "Enable multiplayer"
# multiplayer_toggle_description: "Allow others to join your game."
# multiplayer_link_description: "Give this link to anyone to have them join you."
# multiplayer_hint_label: "Hint:"
# multiplayer_hint: " Click the link to select all, then press ⌘-C or Ctrl-C to copy the link."
# multiplayer_coming_soon: "More multiplayer features to come!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
# keyboard_shortcuts:
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Keyboard Shortcuts"
# space: "Space"
@ -847,20 +883,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "English (US)", englishDescription: "English
# license: "license"
# oreilly: "ebook of your choice"
# multiplayer_launch:
# introducing_dungeon_arena: "Introducing Dungeon Arena"
# new_way: "The new way to compete with code."
# to_battle: "To Battle, Developers!"
# modern_day_sorcerer: "You know how to code? That's badass. You're a modern-day sorcerer! Isn't about time that you used your magic coding powers to command your minions in epic combat? And we're not talking robots here."
# arenas_are_here: "CodeCombat head-to-head multiplayer arenas are here."
# ladder_explanation: "Choose your heroes, enchant your human or ogre armies, and climb your way over defeated fellow Wizards to reach the top of the laddersthen challenge your friends in our glorious, asynchronous multiplayer coding arenas. If you're feeling creative, you can even"
# fork_our_arenas: "fork our arenas"
# create_worlds: "and create your own worlds."
# javascript_rusty: "JavaScript a bit rusty? Don't worry; there's a"
# tutorial: "tutorial"
# new_to_programming: ". New to programming? Hit our beginner campaign to skill up."
# so_ready: "I Am So Ready for This"
# loading_error:
# could_not_load: "Error loading from server"
# connection_failure: "Connection failed."

View file

@ -353,8 +353,8 @@
grid: "Grid"
customize_wizard: "Customize Wizard"
home: "Home"
game_menu: "Game Menu"
guide: "Guide"
multiplayer: "Multiplayer"
restart: "Restart"
goals: "Goals"
success: "Success!"
@ -377,12 +377,6 @@
victory_review: "Tell us more!"
victory_hour_of_code_done: "Are You Done?"
victory_hour_of_code_done_yes: "Yes, I'm finished with my Hour of Code™!"
multiplayer_title: "Multiplayer Settings"
multiplayer_link_description: "Give this link to anyone to have them join you."
multiplayer_hint_label: "Hint:"
multiplayer_hint: " Click the link to select all, then press ⌘-C or Ctrl-C to copy the link."
multiplayer_coming_soon: "More multiplayer features to come!"
multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
guide_title: "Guide"
tome_minion_spells: "Your Minions' Spells"
tome_read_only_spells: "Read-Only Spells"
@ -390,30 +384,12 @@
tome_cast_button_castable: "Cast Spell"
tome_cast_button_casting: "Casting"
tome_cast_button_cast: "Spell Cast"
tome_autocast_delay: "Autocast Delay"
tome_select_spell: "Select a Spell"
tome_select_a_thang: "Select Someone for "
tome_available_spells: "Available Spells"
hud_continue: "Continue (shift+space)"
spell_saved: "Spell Saved"
skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
editor_config: "Editor Config"
editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
keyboard_shortcuts: "Key Shortcuts"
loading_ready: "Ready!"
tip_insert_positions: "Shift+Click a point on the map to insert it into the spell editor."
@ -423,7 +399,6 @@
tip_open_source: "CodeCombat is 100% open source!"
tip_beta_launch: "CodeCombat launched its beta in October, 2013."
tip_js_beginning: "JavaScript is just the beginning."
tip_autocast_setting: "Adjust autocast settings by clicking the gear on the cast button."
think_solution: "Think of the solution, not the problem."
tip_theory_practice: "In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But in practice, there is. - Yogi Berra"
tip_error_free: "There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works. - Alan Perlis"
@ -452,6 +427,67 @@
infinite_loop_reset_level: "Reset Level"
infinite_loop_comment_out: "Comment Out My Code"
inventory_tab: "Inventory"
choose_hero_tab: "Restart Level"
save_load_tab: "Save/Load"
options_tab: "Options"
guide_tab: "Guide"
multiplayer_tab: "Multiplayer"
inventory_caption: "Equip your hero"
choose_hero_caption: "Choose hero, language"
save_load_caption: "... and view history"
options_caption: "Configure settings"
guide_caption: "Docs and tips"
multiplayer_caption: "Play with friends!"
temp: "Temp"
temp: "Temp"
granularity_saved_games: "Saved"
granularity_change_history: "History"
general_options: "General Options"
music_label: "Music"
music_description: "Turn background music on/off."
autorun_label: "Autorun"
autorun_description: "Control automatic code execution."
editor_config: "Editor Config"
editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
temp: "Temp"
multiplayer_title: "Multiplayer Settings"
multiplayer_toggle: "Enable multiplayer"
multiplayer_toggle_description: "Allow others to join your game."
multiplayer_link_description: "Give this link to anyone to have them join you."
multiplayer_hint_label: "Hint:"
multiplayer_hint: " Click the link to select all, then press ⌘-C or Ctrl-C to copy the link."
multiplayer_coming_soon: "More multiplayer features to come!"
multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
keyboard_shortcuts: "Keyboard Shortcuts"
space: "Space"
@ -847,20 +883,6 @@
license: "license"
oreilly: "ebook of your choice"
introducing_dungeon_arena: "Introducing Dungeon Arena"
new_way: "The new way to compete with code."
to_battle: "To Battle, Developers!"
modern_day_sorcerer: "You know how to code? That's badass. You're a modern-day sorcerer! Isn't about time that you used your magic coding powers to command your minions in epic combat? And we're not talking robots here."
arenas_are_here: "CodeCombat head-to-head multiplayer arenas are here."
ladder_explanation: "Choose your heroes, enchant your human or ogre armies, and climb your way over defeated fellow Wizards to reach the top of the laddersthen challenge your friends in our glorious, asynchronous multiplayer coding arenas. If you're feeling creative, you can even"
fork_our_arenas: "fork our arenas"
create_worlds: "and create your own worlds."
javascript_rusty: "JavaScript a bit rusty? Don't worry; there's a"
tutorial: "tutorial"
new_to_programming: ". New to programming? Hit our beginner campaign to skill up."
so_ready: "I Am So Ready for This"
could_not_load: "Error loading from server"
connection_failure: "Connection failed."

View file

@ -353,8 +353,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "español (América Latina)", englishDescrip
grid: "Cuadricula"
customize_wizard: "Personalizar Hechicero"
home: "Inicio"
# game_menu: "Game Menu"
guide: "Guia"
multiplayer: "Multijugador"
restart: "Reiniciar"
goals: "Objetivos"
# success: "Success!"
@ -377,12 +377,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "español (América Latina)", englishDescrip
victory_review: "¡Cuéntanos más!"
victory_hour_of_code_done: "¿Has acabado?"
victory_hour_of_code_done_yes: "¡Si, he terminado con mi Hora de Código!"
multiplayer_title: "Configuración de Multijugador"
multiplayer_link_description: "Da este enlace a cualquiera para que se te una."
multiplayer_hint_label: "Consejo:"
multiplayer_hint: " Cliquea el enlace para seleccionar todo, luego presiona ⌘-C o Ctrl-C para copiar el enlace."
multiplayer_coming_soon: "¡Más características de multijugador por venir!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
guide_title: "Guía"
tome_minion_spells: "Hechizos de tus Secuaces"
tome_read_only_spells: "Hechizos de Sólo Lectura"
@ -390,30 +384,12 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "español (América Latina)", englishDescrip
tome_cast_button_castable: "Invocable"
tome_cast_button_casting: "Invocando"
tome_cast_button_cast: "Invocar"
tome_autocast_delay: "Demora de Autolanzamiento"
tome_select_spell: "Selecciona un Hechizo"
tome_select_a_thang: "Selecciona Alguien para "
tome_available_spells: "Hechizos Disponibles"
hud_continue: "Continuar (presionar shift+space)"
spell_saved: "Hechizo Guardado"
skip_tutorial: "Saltar (esc)"
editor_config: "Config. de Editor"
editor_config_title: "Configuración del Editor"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
editor_config_keybindings_label: "Atajos de Teclado"
editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (As)"
editor_config_keybindings_description: "Añade atajos adicionales conocidos de los editores comunes."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
editor_config_invisibles_label: "Mostrar Invisibles"
editor_config_invisibles_description: "Visualiza invisibles tales como espacios o tabulaciones."
editor_config_indentguides_label: "Mostrar guías de indentación"
editor_config_indentguides_description: "Visualiza líneas verticales para ver mejor la indentación."
editor_config_behaviors_label: "Comportamientos Inteligentes"
editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompleta corchetes, llaves y comillas."
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Key Shortcuts"
loading_ready: "¡Listo!"
tip_insert_positions: "Shift+Clic un punto en el mapa para insertarlo en el editor de hechizos."
@ -423,7 +399,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "español (América Latina)", englishDescrip
tip_open_source: "¡CodeCombat es 100% código abierto!"
tip_beta_launch: "CodeCombat lanzó su beta en Octubre del 2013."
tip_js_beginning: "JavaScript es sólo el principio."
tip_autocast_setting: "Ajusta la configuración de autoinvocación cliqueando el engranaje en el botón de invocación."
think_solution: "Piensa en la solución, no en el problema."
tip_theory_practice: "En teoría, no hay diferencia entre la teoría y la práctica. Pero en la práctica, si la hay. - Yogi Berra"
tip_error_free: "Hay dos formas de escribir programas libres de errores; sólo la tercera funciona. - Alan Perlis"
@ -452,6 +427,67 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "español (América Latina)", englishDescrip
infinite_loop_reset_level: "Reiniciar Nivel"
infinite_loop_comment_out: "Comente Mi Código"
# inventory_tab: "Inventory"
# choose_hero_tab: "Restart Level"
# save_load_tab: "Save/Load"
# options_tab: "Options"
# guide_tab: "Guide"
multiplayer_tab: "Multijugador"
# inventory_caption: "Equip your hero"
# choose_hero_caption: "Choose hero, language"
# save_load_caption: "... and view history"
# options_caption: "Configure settings"
# guide_caption: "Docs and tips"
# multiplayer_caption: "Play with friends!"
# inventory:
# temp: "Temp"
# choose_hero:
# temp: "Temp"
# save_load:
# granularity_saved_games: "Saved"
# granularity_change_history: "History"
# general_options: "General Options"
# music_label: "Music"
# music_description: "Turn background music on/off."
# autorun_label: "Autorun"
# autorun_description: "Control automatic code execution."
editor_config: "Config. de Editor"
editor_config_title: "Configuración del Editor"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
editor_config_keybindings_label: "Atajos de Teclado"
editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (As)"
editor_config_keybindings_description: "Añade atajos adicionales conocidos de los editores comunes."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
editor_config_invisibles_label: "Mostrar Invisibles"
editor_config_invisibles_description: "Visualiza invisibles tales como espacios o tabulaciones."
editor_config_indentguides_label: "Mostrar guías de indentación"
editor_config_indentguides_description: "Visualiza líneas verticales para ver mejor la indentación."
editor_config_behaviors_label: "Comportamientos Inteligentes"
editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompleta corchetes, llaves y comillas."
# guide:
# temp: "Temp"
multiplayer_title: "Configuración de Multijugador"
# multiplayer_toggle: "Enable multiplayer"
# multiplayer_toggle_description: "Allow others to join your game."
multiplayer_link_description: "Da este enlace a cualquiera para que se te una."
multiplayer_hint_label: "Consejo:"
multiplayer_hint: " Cliquea el enlace para seleccionar todo, luego presiona ⌘-C o Ctrl-C para copiar el enlace."
multiplayer_coming_soon: "¡Más características de multijugador por venir!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
# keyboard_shortcuts:
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Keyboard Shortcuts"
# space: "Space"
@ -847,20 +883,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "español (América Latina)", englishDescrip
# license: "license"
# oreilly: "ebook of your choice"
introducing_dungeon_arena: "Introduciendo la Arena de Calabozo"
new_way: "La nueva forma de competir con código."
to_battle: "¡A la batalla, desarrolladores!"
modern_day_sorcerer: "¿Sabes cómo escribir código? Eso es rudo. ¡Eres un hechicero moderno! ¿No es tiempo ya de que uses tus poderes mágicos de código para comandar a tus secuaces en combate épico? Y no estamos hablando de robots aquí."
arenas_are_here: "Las arenas cara-a-cara de CodeCombat están aquí."
ladder_explanation: "Elige tus héroes, encanta tus ejercitos humanos u ogros, y escala tu camino sobre compañeros Hechiceros derrotados para alcanzar la cima de la escaleraluego reta a tus amigos en nuestras gloriosas, asincrónicas arenas de código multijugador. Si te sientes creativo, incluso puedes"
fork_our_arenas: "bifurcar nuestras arenas"
create_worlds: "y crear tus propios mundos."
javascript_rusty: "¿Un poco oxidado tu JavaScript? No te preocupes; hay un"
tutorial: "tutorial"
new_to_programming: ". ¿Nuevo en la programación? Empieza nuestra campaña de principiantes para mejorar tu habilidad."
so_ready: "Estoy Listo para Esto"
could_not_load: "Error cargando del servidor"
connection_failure: "Fallo de conexión."

View file

@ -353,8 +353,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "español (ES)", englishDescription: "Spanis
grid: "Cuadrícula"
customize_wizard: "Personalizar Mago"
home: "Inicio"
# game_menu: "Game Menu"
guide: "Guía"
multiplayer: "Multijugador"
restart: "Reiniciar"
goals: "Objetivos"
# success: "Success!"
@ -377,12 +377,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "español (ES)", englishDescription: "Spanis
victory_review: "¡Cuéntanos más!"
victory_hour_of_code_done: "¿Ya terminaste?"
victory_hour_of_code_done_yes: "Si, ¡He terminado con mi hora de código!"
multiplayer_title: "Ajustes de Multijugador"
multiplayer_link_description: "Pasa este enlace a alguien para que se una a ti."
multiplayer_hint_label: "Pista:"
multiplayer_hint: " Haz un click en el link para que se seleccione, después utiliza Ctrl-C o ⌘-C para copiar el link."
multiplayer_coming_soon: "¡Más opciones de Multijugador están por venir!"
multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Logueate o crea una cuentra para guardar tus resultados en la tabla de clasificación."
guide_title: "Guía"
tome_minion_spells: "Los hechizos de tus súbditos"
tome_read_only_spells: "Hechizos de solo lectura"
@ -390,30 +384,12 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "español (ES)", englishDescription: "Spanis
tome_cast_button_castable: "Invocable"
tome_cast_button_casting: "Invocando"
tome_cast_button_cast: "Invocar"
tome_autocast_delay: "Retardo de autoinvocación"
tome_select_spell: "Selecciona un Hechizo"
tome_select_a_thang: "Selecciona a alguien para "
tome_available_spells: "Hechizos disponibles"
hud_continue: "Continuar (pulsa Shift+Space)"
spell_saved: "Hechizo guardado"
skip_tutorial: "Saltar (esc)"
editor_config: "Conf. editor"
editor_config_title: "Configuración del editor"
editor_config_level_language_label: "Lenguaje para este nivel"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
editor_config_default_language_label: "Lenguaje de programación por defecto"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
editor_config_keybindings_label: "Atajos de teclado"
editor_config_keybindings_default: "Actual (Ace)"
editor_config_keybindings_description: "Permite el uso de atajos de teclado de algunos editores conocidos."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
editor_config_invisibles_label: "Mostrar elementos invisibles"
editor_config_invisibles_description: "Se pueden ver elementos invisibles como espacios o tabulaciones."
editor_config_indentguides_label: "Mostrar guías de sangría"
editor_config_indentguides_description: "Se puede ver las líneas verticales que definen el sangrado de una forma más claraDisplays vertical lines to see indentation better."
editor_config_behaviors_label: "Comportamientos inteligentes"
editor_config_behaviors_description: "Se completan automáticamente corchetes, paréntesis y comillas."
keyboard_shortcuts: "Atajos de teclado"
loading_ready: "¡Listo!"
tip_insert_positions: "Shift+Clic en un punto del mapa para insertarlo en el editor de hechizos."
@ -423,7 +399,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "español (ES)", englishDescription: "Spanis
tip_open_source: "¡CodeCombat es 100% open source!"
tip_beta_launch: "CodeCombat lanzó su beta en Octubre de 2013."
tip_js_beginning: "JavaScript es solo el principio."
tip_autocast_setting: "Ajusta la configuración de autoinvocación haciendo clic en el engranaje del botón invocar."
think_solution: "Piensa en la solución, no en el problema."
tip_theory_practice: "En teoría, no hay diferencia entre la teoría y la práctica. Pero en la práctica, la hay. - Yogi Berra"
tip_error_free: "Hay dos formas de escribir programas sin errores; solo la tercera funciona. - Alan Perlis"
@ -452,6 +427,67 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "español (ES)", englishDescription: "Spanis
infinite_loop_reset_level: "Reiniciar nivel"
infinite_loop_comment_out: "Comenta mi código"
# inventory_tab: "Inventory"
# choose_hero_tab: "Restart Level"
# save_load_tab: "Save/Load"
# options_tab: "Options"
# guide_tab: "Guide"
multiplayer_tab: "Multijugador"
# inventory_caption: "Equip your hero"
# choose_hero_caption: "Choose hero, language"
# save_load_caption: "... and view history"
# options_caption: "Configure settings"
# guide_caption: "Docs and tips"
# multiplayer_caption: "Play with friends!"
# inventory:
# temp: "Temp"
# choose_hero:
# temp: "Temp"
# save_load:
# granularity_saved_games: "Saved"
# granularity_change_history: "History"
# general_options: "General Options"
# music_label: "Music"
# music_description: "Turn background music on/off."
# autorun_label: "Autorun"
# autorun_description: "Control automatic code execution."
editor_config: "Conf. editor"
editor_config_title: "Configuración del editor"
editor_config_level_language_label: "Lenguaje para este nivel"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
editor_config_default_language_label: "Lenguaje de programación por defecto"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
editor_config_keybindings_label: "Atajos de teclado"
editor_config_keybindings_default: "Actual (Ace)"
editor_config_keybindings_description: "Permite el uso de atajos de teclado de algunos editores conocidos."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
editor_config_invisibles_label: "Mostrar elementos invisibles"
editor_config_invisibles_description: "Se pueden ver elementos invisibles como espacios o tabulaciones."
editor_config_indentguides_label: "Mostrar guías de sangría"
editor_config_indentguides_description: "Se puede ver las líneas verticales que definen el sangrado de una forma más claraDisplays vertical lines to see indentation better."
editor_config_behaviors_label: "Comportamientos inteligentes"
editor_config_behaviors_description: "Se completan automáticamente corchetes, paréntesis y comillas."
# guide:
# temp: "Temp"
multiplayer_title: "Ajustes de Multijugador"
# multiplayer_toggle: "Enable multiplayer"
# multiplayer_toggle_description: "Allow others to join your game."
multiplayer_link_description: "Pasa este enlace a alguien para que se una a ti."
multiplayer_hint_label: "Pista:"
multiplayer_hint: " Haz un click en el link para que se seleccione, después utiliza Ctrl-C o ⌘-C para copiar el link."
multiplayer_coming_soon: "¡Más opciones de Multijugador están por venir!"
multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Logueate o crea una cuentra para guardar tus resultados en la tabla de clasificación."
keyboard_shortcuts: "Atajos de teclado"
space: "Barra espaciadora (Espacio)"
@ -847,20 +883,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "español (ES)", englishDescription: "Spanis
# license: "license"
# oreilly: "ebook of your choice"
introducing_dungeon_arena: "Presentando Dungeon Arena"
new_way: "La nueva manera de competir con código."
to_battle: "Para luchar, Developers!"
modern_day_sorcerer: "¿Sabes escribir código? Eso es genial. ¡Eres un mago del mundo moderno! ¿No es hora de usar tus poderes mágicos de codificación para comandar a tus esbirros en épicos combates? Y no estamos hablando de robots."
arenas_are_here: "Las arenas multijugador de CodeCombat para combatir uno contra otro están aquí."
ladder_explanation: "Elige a tus heroes, hechiza a tus ejércitos orco o humano y escala a la cima de la clasificación pasando sobre los cuerpos derrotados de tus compañeros magos. Luego desafía a tus amigos en nuestras gloriosas y asíncronas arenas de multijugador. Si te sientes creativo, puedes incluso"
fork_our_arenas: "Bifurca nuestras arenas"
create_worlds: "y crea tus propios mundos."
javascript_rusty: "¿Tienes JavaScript un poco oxidado? No te preocupes, hay un"
tutorial: "tutorial"
new_to_programming: ". ¿Nuevo en el mundo de la programación? Dale caña a nuestra campaña para principiantes para aumentar tus habilidades."
so_ready: "Estoy muy listo para esto."
could_not_load: "Error al cargar desde el servidor."
connection_failure: "Fallo en la conexión."

View file

@ -353,8 +353,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "español", englishDescription: "Spanish", t
grid: "Cuadrícrula"
customize_wizard: "Personalizar Mago"
home: "Inicio"
# game_menu: "Game Menu"
guide: "Guía"
multiplayer: "Multijugador"
restart: "Reiniciar"
goals: "Objetivos"
# success: "Success!"
@ -377,12 +377,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "español", englishDescription: "Spanish", t
victory_review: "¡Cuéntanos más!"
victory_hour_of_code_done: "¿Has acabado?"
victory_hour_of_code_done_yes: "Si, ¡He terminado con mi hora de código!"
multiplayer_title: "Configuración de Multijugador"
multiplayer_link_description: "Da este enlace a cualquiera para que se te una."
multiplayer_hint_label: "Consejo:"
multiplayer_hint: " Cliquea el enlace para seleccionar todo, luego presiona ⌘-C o Ctrl-C para copiar el enlace."
multiplayer_coming_soon: "¡Más características de multijugador por venir!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
guide_title: "Guía"
tome_minion_spells: "Hechizos de tus Secuaces"
tome_read_only_spells: "Hechizos de Sólo Lectura"
@ -390,30 +384,12 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "español", englishDescription: "Spanish", t
tome_cast_button_castable: "Invocable"
tome_cast_button_casting: "Invocando"
tome_cast_button_cast: "Invocar"
tome_autocast_delay: "Demora de Autolanzamiento"
tome_select_spell: "Selecciona un Hechizo"
tome_select_a_thang: "Selecciona Alguien para "
tome_available_spells: "Hechizos Disponibles"
hud_continue: "Continuar (presionar shift+space)"
spell_saved: "Hechizo guardado"
skip_tutorial: "Saltar (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Key Shortcuts"
# loading_ready: "Ready!"
# tip_insert_positions: "Shift+Click a point on the map to insert it into the spell editor."
@ -423,7 +399,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "español", englishDescription: "Spanish", t
# tip_open_source: "CodeCombat is 100% open source!"
# tip_beta_launch: "CodeCombat launched its beta in October, 2013."
# tip_js_beginning: "JavaScript is just the beginning."
# tip_autocast_setting: "Adjust autocast settings by clicking the gear on the cast button."
# think_solution: "Think of the solution, not the problem."
# tip_theory_practice: "In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But in practice, there is. - Yogi Berra"
# tip_error_free: "There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works. - Alan Perlis"
@ -452,6 +427,67 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "español", englishDescription: "Spanish", t
# infinite_loop_reset_level: "Reset Level"
# infinite_loop_comment_out: "Comment Out My Code"
# inventory_tab: "Inventory"
# choose_hero_tab: "Restart Level"
# save_load_tab: "Save/Load"
# options_tab: "Options"
# guide_tab: "Guide"
multiplayer_tab: "Multijugador"
# inventory_caption: "Equip your hero"
# choose_hero_caption: "Choose hero, language"
# save_load_caption: "... and view history"
# options_caption: "Configure settings"
# guide_caption: "Docs and tips"
# multiplayer_caption: "Play with friends!"
# inventory:
# temp: "Temp"
# choose_hero:
# temp: "Temp"
# save_load:
# granularity_saved_games: "Saved"
# granularity_change_history: "History"
# options:
# general_options: "General Options"
# music_label: "Music"
# music_description: "Turn background music on/off."
# autorun_label: "Autorun"
# autorun_description: "Control automatic code execution."
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# guide:
# temp: "Temp"
multiplayer_title: "Configuración de Multijugador"
# multiplayer_toggle: "Enable multiplayer"
# multiplayer_toggle_description: "Allow others to join your game."
multiplayer_link_description: "Da este enlace a cualquiera para que se te una."
multiplayer_hint_label: "Consejo:"
multiplayer_hint: " Cliquea el enlace para seleccionar todo, luego presiona ⌘-C o Ctrl-C para copiar el enlace."
multiplayer_coming_soon: "¡Más características de multijugador por venir!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
# keyboard_shortcuts:
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Keyboard Shortcuts"
# space: "Space"
@ -847,20 +883,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "español", englishDescription: "Spanish", t
# license: "license"
# oreilly: "ebook of your choice"
# multiplayer_launch:
# introducing_dungeon_arena: "Introducing Dungeon Arena"
# new_way: "The new way to compete with code."
# to_battle: "To Battle, Developers!"
# modern_day_sorcerer: "You know how to code? That's badass. You're a modern-day sorcerer! Isn't about time that you used your magic coding powers to command your minions in epic combat? And we're not talking robots here."
# arenas_are_here: "CodeCombat head-to-head multiplayer arenas are here."
# ladder_explanation: "Choose your heroes, enchant your human or ogre armies, and climb your way over defeated fellow Wizards to reach the top of the laddersthen challenge your friends in our glorious, asynchronous multiplayer coding arenas. If you're feeling creative, you can even"
# fork_our_arenas: "fork our arenas"
# create_worlds: "and create your own worlds."
# javascript_rusty: "JavaScript a bit rusty? Don't worry; there's a"
# tutorial: "tutorial"
# new_to_programming: ". New to programming? Hit our beginner campaign to skill up."
# so_ready: "I Am So Ready for This"
# loading_error:
# could_not_load: "Error loading from server"
# connection_failure: "Connection failed."

View file

@ -353,8 +353,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "فارسی", englishDescription: "Persian",
# grid: "Grid"
# customize_wizard: "Customize Wizard"
# home: "Home"
# game_menu: "Game Menu"
# guide: "Guide"
# multiplayer: "Multiplayer"
# restart: "Restart"
# goals: "Goals"
# success: "Success!"
@ -377,12 +377,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "فارسی", englishDescription: "Persian",
# victory_review: "Tell us more!"
# victory_hour_of_code_done: "Are You Done?"
# victory_hour_of_code_done_yes: "Yes, I'm finished with my Hour of Code™!"
# multiplayer_title: "Multiplayer Settings"
# multiplayer_link_description: "Give this link to anyone to have them join you."
# multiplayer_hint_label: "Hint:"
# multiplayer_hint: " Click the link to select all, then press ⌘-C or Ctrl-C to copy the link."
# multiplayer_coming_soon: "More multiplayer features to come!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
# guide_title: "Guide"
# tome_minion_spells: "Your Minions' Spells"
# tome_read_only_spells: "Read-Only Spells"
@ -390,30 +384,12 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "فارسی", englishDescription: "Persian",
# tome_cast_button_castable: "Cast Spell"
# tome_cast_button_casting: "Casting"
# tome_cast_button_cast: "Spell Cast"
# tome_autocast_delay: "Autocast Delay"
# tome_select_spell: "Select a Spell"
# tome_select_a_thang: "Select Someone for "
# tome_available_spells: "Available Spells"
# hud_continue: "Continue (shift+space)"
# spell_saved: "Spell Saved"
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Key Shortcuts"
# loading_ready: "Ready!"
# tip_insert_positions: "Shift+Click a point on the map to insert it into the spell editor."
@ -423,7 +399,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "فارسی", englishDescription: "Persian",
# tip_open_source: "CodeCombat is 100% open source!"
# tip_beta_launch: "CodeCombat launched its beta in October, 2013."
# tip_js_beginning: "JavaScript is just the beginning."
# tip_autocast_setting: "Adjust autocast settings by clicking the gear on the cast button."
# think_solution: "Think of the solution, not the problem."
# tip_theory_practice: "In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But in practice, there is. - Yogi Berra"
# tip_error_free: "There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works. - Alan Perlis"
@ -452,6 +427,67 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "فارسی", englishDescription: "Persian",
# infinite_loop_reset_level: "Reset Level"
# infinite_loop_comment_out: "Comment Out My Code"
# game_menu:
# inventory_tab: "Inventory"
# choose_hero_tab: "Restart Level"
# save_load_tab: "Save/Load"
# options_tab: "Options"
# guide_tab: "Guide"
# multiplayer_tab: "Multiplayer"
# inventory_caption: "Equip your hero"
# choose_hero_caption: "Choose hero, language"
# save_load_caption: "... and view history"
# options_caption: "Configure settings"
# guide_caption: "Docs and tips"
# multiplayer_caption: "Play with friends!"
# inventory:
# temp: "Temp"
# choose_hero:
# temp: "Temp"
# save_load:
# granularity_saved_games: "Saved"
# granularity_change_history: "History"
# options:
# general_options: "General Options"
# music_label: "Music"
# music_description: "Turn background music on/off."
# autorun_label: "Autorun"
# autorun_description: "Control automatic code execution."
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# guide:
# temp: "Temp"
# multiplayer:
# multiplayer_title: "Multiplayer Settings"
# multiplayer_toggle: "Enable multiplayer"
# multiplayer_toggle_description: "Allow others to join your game."
# multiplayer_link_description: "Give this link to anyone to have them join you."
# multiplayer_hint_label: "Hint:"
# multiplayer_hint: " Click the link to select all, then press ⌘-C or Ctrl-C to copy the link."
# multiplayer_coming_soon: "More multiplayer features to come!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
# keyboard_shortcuts:
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Keyboard Shortcuts"
# space: "Space"
@ -847,20 +883,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "فارسی", englishDescription: "Persian",
# license: "license"
# oreilly: "ebook of your choice"
# multiplayer_launch:
# introducing_dungeon_arena: "Introducing Dungeon Arena"
# new_way: "The new way to compete with code."
# to_battle: "To Battle, Developers!"
# modern_day_sorcerer: "You know how to code? That's badass. You're a modern-day sorcerer! Isn't about time that you used your magic coding powers to command your minions in epic combat? And we're not talking robots here."
# arenas_are_here: "CodeCombat head-to-head multiplayer arenas are here."
# ladder_explanation: "Choose your heroes, enchant your human or ogre armies, and climb your way over defeated fellow Wizards to reach the top of the laddersthen challenge your friends in our glorious, asynchronous multiplayer coding arenas. If you're feeling creative, you can even"
# fork_our_arenas: "fork our arenas"
# create_worlds: "and create your own worlds."
# javascript_rusty: "JavaScript a bit rusty? Don't worry; there's a"
# tutorial: "tutorial"
# new_to_programming: ". New to programming? Hit our beginner campaign to skill up."
# so_ready: "I Am So Ready for This"
# loading_error:
# could_not_load: "Error loading from server"
# connection_failure: "Connection failed."

View file

@ -353,8 +353,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "suomi", englishDescription: "Finnish", tran
# grid: "Grid"
# customize_wizard: "Customize Wizard"
# home: "Home"
# game_menu: "Game Menu"
# guide: "Guide"
# multiplayer: "Multiplayer"
# restart: "Restart"
# goals: "Goals"
# success: "Success!"
@ -377,12 +377,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "suomi", englishDescription: "Finnish", tran
# victory_review: "Tell us more!"
# victory_hour_of_code_done: "Are You Done?"
# victory_hour_of_code_done_yes: "Yes, I'm finished with my Hour of Code™!"
# multiplayer_title: "Multiplayer Settings"
# multiplayer_link_description: "Give this link to anyone to have them join you."
# multiplayer_hint_label: "Hint:"
# multiplayer_hint: " Click the link to select all, then press ⌘-C or Ctrl-C to copy the link."
# multiplayer_coming_soon: "More multiplayer features to come!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
# guide_title: "Guide"
# tome_minion_spells: "Your Minions' Spells"
# tome_read_only_spells: "Read-Only Spells"
@ -390,30 +384,12 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "suomi", englishDescription: "Finnish", tran
# tome_cast_button_castable: "Cast Spell"
# tome_cast_button_casting: "Casting"
# tome_cast_button_cast: "Spell Cast"
# tome_autocast_delay: "Autocast Delay"
# tome_select_spell: "Select a Spell"
# tome_select_a_thang: "Select Someone for "
# tome_available_spells: "Available Spells"
# hud_continue: "Continue (shift+space)"
# spell_saved: "Spell Saved"
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Key Shortcuts"
# loading_ready: "Ready!"
# tip_insert_positions: "Shift+Click a point on the map to insert it into the spell editor."
@ -423,7 +399,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "suomi", englishDescription: "Finnish", tran
# tip_open_source: "CodeCombat is 100% open source!"
# tip_beta_launch: "CodeCombat launched its beta in October, 2013."
# tip_js_beginning: "JavaScript is just the beginning."
# tip_autocast_setting: "Adjust autocast settings by clicking the gear on the cast button."
# think_solution: "Think of the solution, not the problem."
# tip_theory_practice: "In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But in practice, there is. - Yogi Berra"
# tip_error_free: "There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works. - Alan Perlis"
@ -452,6 +427,67 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "suomi", englishDescription: "Finnish", tran
# infinite_loop_reset_level: "Reset Level"
# infinite_loop_comment_out: "Comment Out My Code"
# game_menu:
# inventory_tab: "Inventory"
# choose_hero_tab: "Restart Level"
# save_load_tab: "Save/Load"
# options_tab: "Options"
# guide_tab: "Guide"
# multiplayer_tab: "Multiplayer"
# inventory_caption: "Equip your hero"
# choose_hero_caption: "Choose hero, language"
# save_load_caption: "... and view history"
# options_caption: "Configure settings"
# guide_caption: "Docs and tips"
# multiplayer_caption: "Play with friends!"
# inventory:
# temp: "Temp"
# choose_hero:
# temp: "Temp"
# save_load:
# granularity_saved_games: "Saved"
# granularity_change_history: "History"
# options:
# general_options: "General Options"
# music_label: "Music"
# music_description: "Turn background music on/off."
# autorun_label: "Autorun"
# autorun_description: "Control automatic code execution."
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# guide:
# temp: "Temp"
# multiplayer:
# multiplayer_title: "Multiplayer Settings"
# multiplayer_toggle: "Enable multiplayer"
# multiplayer_toggle_description: "Allow others to join your game."
# multiplayer_link_description: "Give this link to anyone to have them join you."
# multiplayer_hint_label: "Hint:"
# multiplayer_hint: " Click the link to select all, then press ⌘-C or Ctrl-C to copy the link."
# multiplayer_coming_soon: "More multiplayer features to come!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
# keyboard_shortcuts:
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Keyboard Shortcuts"
# space: "Space"
@ -847,20 +883,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "suomi", englishDescription: "Finnish", tran
# license: "license"
# oreilly: "ebook of your choice"
# multiplayer_launch:
# introducing_dungeon_arena: "Introducing Dungeon Arena"
# new_way: "The new way to compete with code."
# to_battle: "To Battle, Developers!"
# modern_day_sorcerer: "You know how to code? That's badass. You're a modern-day sorcerer! Isn't about time that you used your magic coding powers to command your minions in epic combat? And we're not talking robots here."
# arenas_are_here: "CodeCombat head-to-head multiplayer arenas are here."
# ladder_explanation: "Choose your heroes, enchant your human or ogre armies, and climb your way over defeated fellow Wizards to reach the top of the laddersthen challenge your friends in our glorious, asynchronous multiplayer coding arenas. If you're feeling creative, you can even"
# fork_our_arenas: "fork our arenas"
# create_worlds: "and create your own worlds."
# javascript_rusty: "JavaScript a bit rusty? Don't worry; there's a"
# tutorial: "tutorial"
# new_to_programming: ". New to programming? Hit our beginner campaign to skill up."
# so_ready: "I Am So Ready for This"
# loading_error:
# could_not_load: "Error loading from server"
# connection_failure: "Connection failed."

View file

@ -353,8 +353,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "français", englishDescription: "French", t
grid: "Grille"
customize_wizard: "Personnaliser le magicien"
home: "Accueil"
# game_menu: "Game Menu"
guide: "Guide"
multiplayer: "Multijoueur"
restart: "Relancer"
goals: "Objectifs"
success: "Succès"
@ -377,12 +377,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "français", englishDescription: "French", t
victory_review: "Dites-nous en plus!"
victory_hour_of_code_done: "Déjà fini ?"
victory_hour_of_code_done_yes: "Oui, j'ai fini mon heure de code!"
multiplayer_title: "Préférences multijoueurs"
multiplayer_link_description: "Partage ce lien pour que tes amis viennent jouer avec toi."
multiplayer_hint_label: "Astuce:"
multiplayer_hint: " Cliquez sur le lien pour tout sélectionner, puis appuyer sur Pomme-C ou Ctrl-C pour copier le lien."
multiplayer_coming_soon: "Plus de fonctionnalités multijoueurs sont à venir"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
guide_title: "Guide"
tome_minion_spells: "Les sorts de vos soldats"
tome_read_only_spells: "Sorts en lecture-seule"
@ -390,30 +384,12 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "français", englishDescription: "French", t
tome_cast_button_castable: "Jeter le sort"
tome_cast_button_casting: "Sort en court"
tome_cast_button_cast: "Sort jeté"
tome_autocast_delay: "Temps de recharge"
tome_select_spell: "Choisissez un sort"
tome_select_a_thang: "Sélectionnez une unité pour"
tome_available_spells: "Sorts diponibles"
hud_continue: "Continuer (appuie sur shift ou espace)"
spell_saved: "Sort enregistré"
skip_tutorial: "Passer (esc)"
editor_config: "Config de l'éditeur"
editor_config_title: "Configuration de l'éditeur"
editor_config_level_language_label: "Langage pour le niveau"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
editor_config_default_language_label: "Langage de Programmation par défaut"
editor_config_default_language_description: "Choississez le langage de programmation que vous souhaitez dons les nouveaux niveaux"
editor_config_keybindings_label: "Raccourcis clavier"
editor_config_keybindings_default: "Par défault (Ace)"
editor_config_keybindings_description: "Ajouter de nouveaux raccourcis connus depuis l'éditeur commun."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
editor_config_invisibles_label: "Afficher les caractères non-imprimables"
editor_config_invisibles_description: "Permet d'afficher les caractères comme les espaces et les tabulations."
editor_config_indentguides_label: "Montrer les indentations"
editor_config_indentguides_description: "Affiche des guides verticaux qui permettent de visualiser l'indentation."
editor_config_behaviors_label: "Auto-complétion"
editor_config_behaviors_description: "Ferme automatiquement les accolades, parenthèses, et chaînes de caractères."
keyboard_shortcuts: "Raccourcis Clavier"
loading_ready: "Pret!"
tip_insert_positions: "Maj+Clic un point pour insérer les coordonnées dans l'éditeur ."
@ -423,7 +399,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "français", englishDescription: "French", t
tip_open_source: "CodeCombat est 100% open source!"
tip_beta_launch: "La beta de CodeCombat a été lancée en Octobre 2013"
tip_js_beginning: "JavaScript n'est que le commencement."
# tip_autocast_setting: "Adjust autocast settings by clicking the gear on the cast button."
think_solution: "Reflechissez a propos de la solution et non du problème."
tip_theory_practice: "En théorie, il n'y a pas de différence entre la théorie et la pratique. Mais en pratique il y en a. - Yogi Berra"
# tip_error_free: "There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works. - Alan Perlis"
@ -452,6 +427,67 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "français", englishDescription: "French", t
infinite_loop_reset_level: "Redemarrer le niveau"
infinite_loop_comment_out: "Supprimez les commentaire de mon code"
# inventory_tab: "Inventory"
# choose_hero_tab: "Restart Level"
# save_load_tab: "Save/Load"
# options_tab: "Options"
# guide_tab: "Guide"
multiplayer_tab: "Multijoueur"
# inventory_caption: "Equip your hero"
# choose_hero_caption: "Choose hero, language"
# save_load_caption: "... and view history"
# options_caption: "Configure settings"
# guide_caption: "Docs and tips"
# multiplayer_caption: "Play with friends!"
# inventory:
# temp: "Temp"
# choose_hero:
# temp: "Temp"
# save_load:
# granularity_saved_games: "Saved"
# granularity_change_history: "History"
# general_options: "General Options"
# music_label: "Music"
# music_description: "Turn background music on/off."
# autorun_label: "Autorun"
# autorun_description: "Control automatic code execution."
editor_config: "Config de l'éditeur"
editor_config_title: "Configuration de l'éditeur"
editor_config_level_language_label: "Langage pour le niveau"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
editor_config_default_language_label: "Langage de Programmation par défaut"
editor_config_default_language_description: "Choississez le langage de programmation que vous souhaitez dons les nouveaux niveaux"
editor_config_keybindings_label: "Raccourcis clavier"
editor_config_keybindings_default: "Par défault (Ace)"
editor_config_keybindings_description: "Ajouter de nouveaux raccourcis connus depuis l'éditeur commun."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
editor_config_invisibles_label: "Afficher les caractères non-imprimables"
editor_config_invisibles_description: "Permet d'afficher les caractères comme les espaces et les tabulations."
editor_config_indentguides_label: "Montrer les indentations"
editor_config_indentguides_description: "Affiche des guides verticaux qui permettent de visualiser l'indentation."
editor_config_behaviors_label: "Auto-complétion"
editor_config_behaviors_description: "Ferme automatiquement les accolades, parenthèses, et chaînes de caractères."
# guide:
# temp: "Temp"
multiplayer_title: "Préférences multijoueurs"
# multiplayer_toggle: "Enable multiplayer"
# multiplayer_toggle_description: "Allow others to join your game."
multiplayer_link_description: "Partage ce lien pour que tes amis viennent jouer avec toi."
multiplayer_hint_label: "Astuce:"
multiplayer_hint: " Cliquez sur le lien pour tout sélectionner, puis appuyer sur Pomme-C ou Ctrl-C pour copier le lien."
multiplayer_coming_soon: "Plus de fonctionnalités multijoueurs sont à venir"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
keyboard_shortcuts: "Raccourcis Clavier"
space: "Espace"
@ -847,20 +883,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "français", englishDescription: "French", t
license: "Licence"
# oreilly: "ebook of your choice"
# introducing_dungeon_arena: "Introducing Dungeon Arena"
# new_way: "The new way to compete with code."
# to_battle: "To Battle, Developers!"
# modern_day_sorcerer: "You know how to code? That's badass. You're a modern-day sorcerer! Isn't about time that you used your magic coding powers to command your minions in epic combat? And we're not talking robots here."
# arenas_are_here: "CodeCombat head-to-head multiplayer arenas are here."
# ladder_explanation: "Choose your heroes, enchant your human or ogre armies, and climb your way over defeated fellow Wizards to reach the top of the laddersthen challenge your friends in our glorious, asynchronous multiplayer coding arenas. If you're feeling creative, you can even"
# fork_our_arenas: "fork our arenas"
create_worlds: "et créez votre monde"
javascript_rusty: "JavaScript un peu rouillé? Pas de souci; il y a un"
tutorial: "Tutoriel"
new_to_programming: ". Débutant en programmation? Essaie la campagne débutant pour progresser."
so_ready: "Je Suis Prêt Pour Ca"
could_not_load: "Erreur de chargement du serveur"
connection_failure: "La connexion a échouée."

View file

@ -353,8 +353,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "עברית", englishDescription: "Hebrew",
# grid: "Grid"
# customize_wizard: "Customize Wizard"
# home: "Home"
# game_menu: "Game Menu"
# guide: "Guide"
# multiplayer: "Multiplayer"
# restart: "Restart"
# goals: "Goals"
# success: "Success!"
@ -377,12 +377,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "עברית", englishDescription: "Hebrew",
# victory_review: "Tell us more!"
# victory_hour_of_code_done: "Are You Done?"
# victory_hour_of_code_done_yes: "Yes, I'm finished with my Hour of Code™!"
# multiplayer_title: "Multiplayer Settings"
# multiplayer_link_description: "Give this link to anyone to have them join you."
# multiplayer_hint_label: "Hint:"
# multiplayer_hint: " Click the link to select all, then press ⌘-C or Ctrl-C to copy the link."
# multiplayer_coming_soon: "More multiplayer features to come!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
# guide_title: "Guide"
# tome_minion_spells: "Your Minions' Spells"
# tome_read_only_spells: "Read-Only Spells"
@ -390,30 +384,12 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "עברית", englishDescription: "Hebrew",
# tome_cast_button_castable: "Cast Spell"
# tome_cast_button_casting: "Casting"
# tome_cast_button_cast: "Spell Cast"
# tome_autocast_delay: "Autocast Delay"
# tome_select_spell: "Select a Spell"
# tome_select_a_thang: "Select Someone for "
# tome_available_spells: "Available Spells"
# hud_continue: "Continue (shift+space)"
# spell_saved: "Spell Saved"
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Key Shortcuts"
# loading_ready: "Ready!"
# tip_insert_positions: "Shift+Click a point on the map to insert it into the spell editor."
@ -423,7 +399,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "עברית", englishDescription: "Hebrew",
# tip_open_source: "CodeCombat is 100% open source!"
# tip_beta_launch: "CodeCombat launched its beta in October, 2013."
# tip_js_beginning: "JavaScript is just the beginning."
# tip_autocast_setting: "Adjust autocast settings by clicking the gear on the cast button."
# think_solution: "Think of the solution, not the problem."
# tip_theory_practice: "In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But in practice, there is. - Yogi Berra"
# tip_error_free: "There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works. - Alan Perlis"
@ -452,6 +427,67 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "עברית", englishDescription: "Hebrew",
# infinite_loop_reset_level: "Reset Level"
# infinite_loop_comment_out: "Comment Out My Code"
# game_menu:
# inventory_tab: "Inventory"
# choose_hero_tab: "Restart Level"
# save_load_tab: "Save/Load"
# options_tab: "Options"
# guide_tab: "Guide"
# multiplayer_tab: "Multiplayer"
# inventory_caption: "Equip your hero"
# choose_hero_caption: "Choose hero, language"
# save_load_caption: "... and view history"
# options_caption: "Configure settings"
# guide_caption: "Docs and tips"
# multiplayer_caption: "Play with friends!"
# inventory:
# temp: "Temp"
# choose_hero:
# temp: "Temp"
# save_load:
# granularity_saved_games: "Saved"
# granularity_change_history: "History"
# options:
# general_options: "General Options"
# music_label: "Music"
# music_description: "Turn background music on/off."
# autorun_label: "Autorun"
# autorun_description: "Control automatic code execution."
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# guide:
# temp: "Temp"
# multiplayer:
# multiplayer_title: "Multiplayer Settings"
# multiplayer_toggle: "Enable multiplayer"
# multiplayer_toggle_description: "Allow others to join your game."
# multiplayer_link_description: "Give this link to anyone to have them join you."
# multiplayer_hint_label: "Hint:"
# multiplayer_hint: " Click the link to select all, then press ⌘-C or Ctrl-C to copy the link."
# multiplayer_coming_soon: "More multiplayer features to come!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
# keyboard_shortcuts:
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Keyboard Shortcuts"
# space: "Space"
@ -847,20 +883,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "עברית", englishDescription: "Hebrew",
# license: "license"
# oreilly: "ebook of your choice"
# multiplayer_launch:
# introducing_dungeon_arena: "Introducing Dungeon Arena"
# new_way: "The new way to compete with code."
# to_battle: "To Battle, Developers!"
# modern_day_sorcerer: "You know how to code? That's badass. You're a modern-day sorcerer! Isn't about time that you used your magic coding powers to command your minions in epic combat? And we're not talking robots here."
# arenas_are_here: "CodeCombat head-to-head multiplayer arenas are here."
# ladder_explanation: "Choose your heroes, enchant your human or ogre armies, and climb your way over defeated fellow Wizards to reach the top of the laddersthen challenge your friends in our glorious, asynchronous multiplayer coding arenas. If you're feeling creative, you can even"
# fork_our_arenas: "fork our arenas"
# create_worlds: "and create your own worlds."
# javascript_rusty: "JavaScript a bit rusty? Don't worry; there's a"
# tutorial: "tutorial"
# new_to_programming: ". New to programming? Hit our beginner campaign to skill up."
# so_ready: "I Am So Ready for This"
# loading_error:
# could_not_load: "Error loading from server"
# connection_failure: "Connection failed."

View file

@ -353,8 +353,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "मानक हिन्दी", englishDe
# grid: "Grid"
# customize_wizard: "Customize Wizard"
# home: "Home"
# game_menu: "Game Menu"
# guide: "Guide"
# multiplayer: "Multiplayer"
# restart: "Restart"
# goals: "Goals"
# success: "Success!"
@ -377,12 +377,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "मानक हिन्दी", englishDe
# victory_review: "Tell us more!"
# victory_hour_of_code_done: "Are You Done?"
# victory_hour_of_code_done_yes: "Yes, I'm finished with my Hour of Code™!"
# multiplayer_title: "Multiplayer Settings"
# multiplayer_link_description: "Give this link to anyone to have them join you."
# multiplayer_hint_label: "Hint:"
# multiplayer_hint: " Click the link to select all, then press ⌘-C or Ctrl-C to copy the link."
# multiplayer_coming_soon: "More multiplayer features to come!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
# guide_title: "Guide"
# tome_minion_spells: "Your Minions' Spells"
# tome_read_only_spells: "Read-Only Spells"
@ -390,30 +384,12 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "मानक हिन्दी", englishDe
# tome_cast_button_castable: "Cast Spell"
# tome_cast_button_casting: "Casting"
# tome_cast_button_cast: "Spell Cast"
# tome_autocast_delay: "Autocast Delay"
# tome_select_spell: "Select a Spell"
# tome_select_a_thang: "Select Someone for "
# tome_available_spells: "Available Spells"
# hud_continue: "Continue (shift+space)"
# spell_saved: "Spell Saved"
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Key Shortcuts"
# loading_ready: "Ready!"
# tip_insert_positions: "Shift+Click a point on the map to insert it into the spell editor."
@ -423,7 +399,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "मानक हिन्दी", englishDe
# tip_open_source: "CodeCombat is 100% open source!"
# tip_beta_launch: "CodeCombat launched its beta in October, 2013."
# tip_js_beginning: "JavaScript is just the beginning."
# tip_autocast_setting: "Adjust autocast settings by clicking the gear on the cast button."
# think_solution: "Think of the solution, not the problem."
# tip_theory_practice: "In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But in practice, there is. - Yogi Berra"
# tip_error_free: "There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works. - Alan Perlis"
@ -452,6 +427,67 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "मानक हिन्दी", englishDe
# infinite_loop_reset_level: "Reset Level"
# infinite_loop_comment_out: "Comment Out My Code"
# game_menu:
# inventory_tab: "Inventory"
# choose_hero_tab: "Restart Level"
# save_load_tab: "Save/Load"
# options_tab: "Options"
# guide_tab: "Guide"
# multiplayer_tab: "Multiplayer"
# inventory_caption: "Equip your hero"
# choose_hero_caption: "Choose hero, language"
# save_load_caption: "... and view history"
# options_caption: "Configure settings"
# guide_caption: "Docs and tips"
# multiplayer_caption: "Play with friends!"
# inventory:
# temp: "Temp"
# choose_hero:
# temp: "Temp"
# save_load:
# granularity_saved_games: "Saved"
# granularity_change_history: "History"
# options:
# general_options: "General Options"
# music_label: "Music"
# music_description: "Turn background music on/off."
# autorun_label: "Autorun"
# autorun_description: "Control automatic code execution."
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# guide:
# temp: "Temp"
# multiplayer:
# multiplayer_title: "Multiplayer Settings"
# multiplayer_toggle: "Enable multiplayer"
# multiplayer_toggle_description: "Allow others to join your game."
# multiplayer_link_description: "Give this link to anyone to have them join you."
# multiplayer_hint_label: "Hint:"
# multiplayer_hint: " Click the link to select all, then press ⌘-C or Ctrl-C to copy the link."
# multiplayer_coming_soon: "More multiplayer features to come!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
# keyboard_shortcuts:
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Keyboard Shortcuts"
# space: "Space"
@ -847,20 +883,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "मानक हिन्दी", englishDe
# license: "license"
# oreilly: "ebook of your choice"
# multiplayer_launch:
# introducing_dungeon_arena: "Introducing Dungeon Arena"
# new_way: "The new way to compete with code."
# to_battle: "To Battle, Developers!"
# modern_day_sorcerer: "You know how to code? That's badass. You're a modern-day sorcerer! Isn't about time that you used your magic coding powers to command your minions in epic combat? And we're not talking robots here."
# arenas_are_here: "CodeCombat head-to-head multiplayer arenas are here."
# ladder_explanation: "Choose your heroes, enchant your human or ogre armies, and climb your way over defeated fellow Wizards to reach the top of the laddersthen challenge your friends in our glorious, asynchronous multiplayer coding arenas. If you're feeling creative, you can even"
# fork_our_arenas: "fork our arenas"
# create_worlds: "and create your own worlds."
# javascript_rusty: "JavaScript a bit rusty? Don't worry; there's a"
# tutorial: "tutorial"
# new_to_programming: ". New to programming? Hit our beginner campaign to skill up."
# so_ready: "I Am So Ready for This"
# loading_error:
# could_not_load: "Error loading from server"
# connection_failure: "Connection failed."

View file

@ -353,8 +353,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "magyar", englishDescription: "Hungarian", t
grid: "Rács"
customize_wizard: "Varázsló testreszabása"
home: "Kezdőlap"
# game_menu: "Game Menu"
guide: "Segítség"
multiplayer: "Többjátékos"
restart: "Előlről"
goals: "Célok"
success: "Sikerült!"
@ -377,12 +377,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "magyar", englishDescription: "Hungarian", t
victory_review: "Mondd el a véleményedet!"
victory_hour_of_code_done: "Készen vagy?"
victory_hour_of_code_done_yes: "Igen, ez volt életem kódja!"
multiplayer_title: "Többjátékos beállítások"
multiplayer_link_description: "Add oda ezt a linket bárkinek, és csatlakozhatnak hozzád."
multiplayer_hint_label: "Tipp:"
multiplayer_hint: " Kattints a linkre, és Ctrl+C-vel (vagy ⌘+C-vel) másold a vágólapra!"
# multiplayer_coming_soon: "More multiplayer features to come!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
guide_title: "Útmutató"
tome_minion_spells: "Egységeid varázslatai"
tome_read_only_spells: "Csak olvasható varázslatok"
@ -390,30 +384,12 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "magyar", englishDescription: "Hungarian", t
tome_cast_button_castable: "Bocsáss rá varázslatot!"
tome_cast_button_casting: "Varázslat folyamatban"
tome_cast_button_cast: "Varázslat végrehajtva."
tome_autocast_delay: "Automatikus varázslás késleltetés"
tome_select_spell: "Válassz egy varázslatot"
tome_select_a_thang: "Válassz ki valakit "
tome_available_spells: "Elérhető varázslatok"
hud_continue: "Folytatás (shift+space)"
spell_saved: "Varázslat elmentve."
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Key Shortcuts"
# loading_ready: "Ready!"
# tip_insert_positions: "Shift+Click a point on the map to insert it into the spell editor."
@ -423,7 +399,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "magyar", englishDescription: "Hungarian", t
tip_open_source: "A CodeCombat 100%-osan nyitott forráskódu."
# tip_beta_launch: "CodeCombat launched its beta in October, 2013."
tip_js_beginning: "JavaScript csak a kezdet."
# tip_autocast_setting: "Adjust autocast settings by clicking the gear on the cast button."
think_solution: "A megoldásra gondolj, ne a problémára!"
tip_theory_practice: "Elméletben nincs különbség elmélet és gyakorlat között. A gyakorlatban viszont van. - Yogi Berra"
tip_error_free: "Két módon lehet hibátlan programot írni. De csak a harmadik működik. - Alan Perlis"
@ -452,6 +427,67 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "magyar", englishDescription: "Hungarian", t
# infinite_loop_reset_level: "Reset Level"
# infinite_loop_comment_out: "Comment Out My Code"
# inventory_tab: "Inventory"
# choose_hero_tab: "Restart Level"
# save_load_tab: "Save/Load"
# options_tab: "Options"
# guide_tab: "Guide"
multiplayer_tab: "Többjátékos"
# inventory_caption: "Equip your hero"
# choose_hero_caption: "Choose hero, language"
# save_load_caption: "... and view history"
# options_caption: "Configure settings"
# guide_caption: "Docs and tips"
# multiplayer_caption: "Play with friends!"
# inventory:
# temp: "Temp"
# choose_hero:
# temp: "Temp"
# save_load:
# granularity_saved_games: "Saved"
# granularity_change_history: "History"
# options:
# general_options: "General Options"
# music_label: "Music"
# music_description: "Turn background music on/off."
# autorun_label: "Autorun"
# autorun_description: "Control automatic code execution."
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# guide:
# temp: "Temp"
multiplayer_title: "Többjátékos beállítások"
# multiplayer_toggle: "Enable multiplayer"
# multiplayer_toggle_description: "Allow others to join your game."
multiplayer_link_description: "Add oda ezt a linket bárkinek, és csatlakozhatnak hozzád."
multiplayer_hint_label: "Tipp:"
multiplayer_hint: " Kattints a linkre, és Ctrl+C-vel (vagy ⌘+C-vel) másold a vágólapra!"
# multiplayer_coming_soon: "More multiplayer features to come!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
# keyboard_shortcuts:
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Keyboard Shortcuts"
# space: "Space"
@ -847,20 +883,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "magyar", englishDescription: "Hungarian", t
# license: "license"
# oreilly: "ebook of your choice"
# multiplayer_launch:
# introducing_dungeon_arena: "Introducing Dungeon Arena"
# new_way: "The new way to compete with code."
# to_battle: "To Battle, Developers!"
# modern_day_sorcerer: "You know how to code? That's badass. You're a modern-day sorcerer! Isn't about time that you used your magic coding powers to command your minions in epic combat? And we're not talking robots here."
# arenas_are_here: "CodeCombat head-to-head multiplayer arenas are here."
# ladder_explanation: "Choose your heroes, enchant your human or ogre armies, and climb your way over defeated fellow Wizards to reach the top of the laddersthen challenge your friends in our glorious, asynchronous multiplayer coding arenas. If you're feeling creative, you can even"
# fork_our_arenas: "fork our arenas"
# create_worlds: "and create your own worlds."
# javascript_rusty: "JavaScript a bit rusty? Don't worry; there's a"
# tutorial: "tutorial"
# new_to_programming: ". New to programming? Hit our beginner campaign to skill up."
# so_ready: "I Am So Ready for This"
# loading_error:
# could_not_load: "Error loading from server"
# connection_failure: "Connection failed."

View file

@ -353,8 +353,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Bahasa Indonesia", englishDescription: "Ind
# grid: "Grid"
# customize_wizard: "Customize Wizard"
# home: "Home"
# game_menu: "Game Menu"
# guide: "Guide"
# multiplayer: "Multiplayer"
# restart: "Restart"
# goals: "Goals"
# success: "Success!"
@ -377,12 +377,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Bahasa Indonesia", englishDescription: "Ind
# victory_review: "Tell us more!"
# victory_hour_of_code_done: "Are You Done?"
# victory_hour_of_code_done_yes: "Yes, I'm finished with my Hour of Code™!"
# multiplayer_title: "Multiplayer Settings"
# multiplayer_link_description: "Give this link to anyone to have them join you."
# multiplayer_hint_label: "Hint:"
# multiplayer_hint: " Click the link to select all, then press ⌘-C or Ctrl-C to copy the link."
# multiplayer_coming_soon: "More multiplayer features to come!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
# guide_title: "Guide"
# tome_minion_spells: "Your Minions' Spells"
# tome_read_only_spells: "Read-Only Spells"
@ -390,30 +384,12 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Bahasa Indonesia", englishDescription: "Ind
# tome_cast_button_castable: "Cast Spell"
# tome_cast_button_casting: "Casting"
# tome_cast_button_cast: "Spell Cast"
# tome_autocast_delay: "Autocast Delay"
# tome_select_spell: "Select a Spell"
# tome_select_a_thang: "Select Someone for "
# tome_available_spells: "Available Spells"
# hud_continue: "Continue (shift+space)"
# spell_saved: "Spell Saved"
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Key Shortcuts"
# loading_ready: "Ready!"
# tip_insert_positions: "Shift+Click a point on the map to insert it into the spell editor."
@ -423,7 +399,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Bahasa Indonesia", englishDescription: "Ind
# tip_open_source: "CodeCombat is 100% open source!"
# tip_beta_launch: "CodeCombat launched its beta in October, 2013."
# tip_js_beginning: "JavaScript is just the beginning."
# tip_autocast_setting: "Adjust autocast settings by clicking the gear on the cast button."
# think_solution: "Think of the solution, not the problem."
# tip_theory_practice: "In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But in practice, there is. - Yogi Berra"
# tip_error_free: "There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works. - Alan Perlis"
@ -452,6 +427,67 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Bahasa Indonesia", englishDescription: "Ind
# infinite_loop_reset_level: "Reset Level"
# infinite_loop_comment_out: "Comment Out My Code"
# game_menu:
# inventory_tab: "Inventory"
# choose_hero_tab: "Restart Level"
# save_load_tab: "Save/Load"
# options_tab: "Options"
# guide_tab: "Guide"
# multiplayer_tab: "Multiplayer"
# inventory_caption: "Equip your hero"
# choose_hero_caption: "Choose hero, language"
# save_load_caption: "... and view history"
# options_caption: "Configure settings"
# guide_caption: "Docs and tips"
# multiplayer_caption: "Play with friends!"
# inventory:
# temp: "Temp"
# choose_hero:
# temp: "Temp"
# save_load:
# granularity_saved_games: "Saved"
# granularity_change_history: "History"
# options:
# general_options: "General Options"
# music_label: "Music"
# music_description: "Turn background music on/off."
# autorun_label: "Autorun"
# autorun_description: "Control automatic code execution."
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# guide:
# temp: "Temp"
# multiplayer:
# multiplayer_title: "Multiplayer Settings"
# multiplayer_toggle: "Enable multiplayer"
# multiplayer_toggle_description: "Allow others to join your game."
# multiplayer_link_description: "Give this link to anyone to have them join you."
# multiplayer_hint_label: "Hint:"
# multiplayer_hint: " Click the link to select all, then press ⌘-C or Ctrl-C to copy the link."
# multiplayer_coming_soon: "More multiplayer features to come!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
# keyboard_shortcuts:
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Keyboard Shortcuts"
# space: "Space"
@ -847,20 +883,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Bahasa Indonesia", englishDescription: "Ind
# license: "license"
# oreilly: "ebook of your choice"
# multiplayer_launch:
# introducing_dungeon_arena: "Introducing Dungeon Arena"
# new_way: "The new way to compete with code."
# to_battle: "To Battle, Developers!"
# modern_day_sorcerer: "You know how to code? That's badass. You're a modern-day sorcerer! Isn't about time that you used your magic coding powers to command your minions in epic combat? And we're not talking robots here."
# arenas_are_here: "CodeCombat head-to-head multiplayer arenas are here."
# ladder_explanation: "Choose your heroes, enchant your human or ogre armies, and climb your way over defeated fellow Wizards to reach the top of the laddersthen challenge your friends in our glorious, asynchronous multiplayer coding arenas. If you're feeling creative, you can even"
# fork_our_arenas: "fork our arenas"
# create_worlds: "and create your own worlds."
# javascript_rusty: "JavaScript a bit rusty? Don't worry; there's a"
# tutorial: "tutorial"
# new_to_programming: ". New to programming? Hit our beginner campaign to skill up."
# so_ready: "I Am So Ready for This"
# loading_error:
# could_not_load: "Error loading from server"
# connection_failure: "Connection failed."

View file

@ -353,8 +353,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Italiano", englishDescription: "Italian", t
grid: "Griglia"
customize_wizard: "Personalizza stregone"
home: "Pagina iniziale"
# game_menu: "Game Menu"
guide: "Guida"
multiplayer: "Multigiocatore"
restart: "Ricomincia"
goals: "Obiettivi"
# success: "Success!"
@ -377,12 +377,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Italiano", englishDescription: "Italian", t
victory_review: "Dicci di più!"
victory_hour_of_code_done: "Finito?"
victory_hour_of_code_done_yes: "Si, ho finito con la mia ora di programmazione!"
multiplayer_title: "Impostazioni multigiocatore"
multiplayer_link_description: "Dai questo link a chi vuoi che si unisca a te."
multiplayer_hint_label: "Suggerimento:"
multiplayer_hint: " Clicca il link per selezionare tutto, quindi premi CMD-C o Ctrl-C per copiare il link."
multiplayer_coming_soon: "Ulteriori aggiunte per il multigiocatore in arrivo!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
guide_title: "Guida"
tome_minion_spells: "Incantesimi dei tuoi seguaci"
tome_read_only_spells: "Incantesimi in sola lettura"
@ -390,30 +384,12 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Italiano", englishDescription: "Italian", t
tome_cast_button_castable: "Lancia"
tome_cast_button_casting: "Lanciando"
tome_cast_button_cast: "Incantesimi"
tome_autocast_delay: "Ritardo di lancio"
tome_select_spell: "Seleziona un incantesimo"
tome_select_a_thang: "Seleziona qualcuno per "
tome_available_spells: "Incantesimi disponibili"
hud_continue: "Continua (premi Maiusc-Spazio)"
spell_saved: "Magia Salvata"
skip_tutorial: "Salta (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Key Shortcuts"
# loading_ready: "Ready!"
# tip_insert_positions: "Shift+Click a point on the map to insert it into the spell editor."
@ -423,7 +399,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Italiano", englishDescription: "Italian", t
# tip_open_source: "CodeCombat is 100% open source!"
# tip_beta_launch: "CodeCombat launched its beta in October, 2013."
# tip_js_beginning: "JavaScript is just the beginning."
# tip_autocast_setting: "Adjust autocast settings by clicking the gear on the cast button."
# think_solution: "Think of the solution, not the problem."
# tip_theory_practice: "In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But in practice, there is. - Yogi Berra"
# tip_error_free: "There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works. - Alan Perlis"
@ -452,6 +427,67 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Italiano", englishDescription: "Italian", t
# infinite_loop_reset_level: "Reset Level"
# infinite_loop_comment_out: "Comment Out My Code"
# inventory_tab: "Inventory"
# choose_hero_tab: "Restart Level"
# save_load_tab: "Save/Load"
# options_tab: "Options"
# guide_tab: "Guide"
multiplayer_tab: "Multigiocatore"
# inventory_caption: "Equip your hero"
# choose_hero_caption: "Choose hero, language"
# save_load_caption: "... and view history"
# options_caption: "Configure settings"
# guide_caption: "Docs and tips"
# multiplayer_caption: "Play with friends!"
# inventory:
# temp: "Temp"
# choose_hero:
# temp: "Temp"
# save_load:
# granularity_saved_games: "Saved"
# granularity_change_history: "History"
# options:
# general_options: "General Options"
# music_label: "Music"
# music_description: "Turn background music on/off."
# autorun_label: "Autorun"
# autorun_description: "Control automatic code execution."
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# guide:
# temp: "Temp"
multiplayer_title: "Impostazioni multigiocatore"
# multiplayer_toggle: "Enable multiplayer"
# multiplayer_toggle_description: "Allow others to join your game."
multiplayer_link_description: "Dai questo link a chi vuoi che si unisca a te."
multiplayer_hint_label: "Suggerimento:"
multiplayer_hint: " Clicca il link per selezionare tutto, quindi premi CMD-C o Ctrl-C per copiare il link."
multiplayer_coming_soon: "Ulteriori aggiunte per il multigiocatore in arrivo!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
# keyboard_shortcuts:
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Keyboard Shortcuts"
# space: "Space"
@ -847,20 +883,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Italiano", englishDescription: "Italian", t
# license: "license"
# oreilly: "ebook of your choice"
# multiplayer_launch:
# introducing_dungeon_arena: "Introducing Dungeon Arena"
# new_way: "The new way to compete with code."
# to_battle: "To Battle, Developers!"
# modern_day_sorcerer: "You know how to code? That's badass. You're a modern-day sorcerer! Isn't about time that you used your magic coding powers to command your minions in epic combat? And we're not talking robots here."
# arenas_are_here: "CodeCombat head-to-head multiplayer arenas are here."
# ladder_explanation: "Choose your heroes, enchant your human or ogre armies, and climb your way over defeated fellow Wizards to reach the top of the laddersthen challenge your friends in our glorious, asynchronous multiplayer coding arenas. If you're feeling creative, you can even"
# fork_our_arenas: "fork our arenas"
# create_worlds: "and create your own worlds."
# javascript_rusty: "JavaScript a bit rusty? Don't worry; there's a"
# tutorial: "tutorial"
# new_to_programming: ". New to programming? Hit our beginner campaign to skill up."
# so_ready: "I Am So Ready for This"
# loading_error:
# could_not_load: "Error loading from server"
# connection_failure: "Connection failed."

View file

@ -353,8 +353,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "日本語", englishDescription: "Japanese",
grid: "グリッド"
customize_wizard: "魔法使いの設定"
home: "ホーム"
# game_menu: "Game Menu"
guide: "ガイド"
multiplayer: "マルチプレイ"
restart: "再始動"
goals: "目標"
# success: "Success!"
@ -377,12 +377,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "日本語", englishDescription: "Japanese",
victory_review: "フィードバック"
victory_hour_of_code_done: "完了してよろしいですか?"
victory_hour_of_code_done_yes: "はい、構いません"
multiplayer_title: "マルチプレイ設定"
multiplayer_link_description: "このURLを一緒にプレイしたい人に教えてください。"
multiplayer_hint_label: "ヒント:"
multiplayer_hint: " リンクを選択後、 ⌘-C(MacOS) or Ctrl-C(Windows) でリンクをコピーできます。"
multiplayer_coming_soon: "今後より多くのマルチプレイ機能が追加されます。"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
guide_title: "ガイド"
tome_minion_spells: "操作できるキャラクターの呪文"
tome_read_only_spells: "読込専用の呪文"
@ -390,30 +384,12 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "日本語", englishDescription: "Japanese",
tome_cast_button_castable: "キャスト"
tome_cast_button_casting: "キャスト中"
tome_cast_button_cast: "呪文をキャスト"
tome_autocast_delay: "自動実行待機時間"
tome_select_spell: "呪文を選択"
tome_select_a_thang: "誰かを選択: "
tome_available_spells: "利用できる呪文"
hud_continue: "続く Shift+Spaceキー"
spell_saved: "呪文を保存しました"
skip_tutorial: "スキップ (esc)"
editor_config: "エディター設定"
editor_config_title: "エディターの設定"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Key Shortcuts"
# loading_ready: "Ready!"
# tip_insert_positions: "Shift+Click a point on the map to insert it into the spell editor."
@ -423,7 +399,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "日本語", englishDescription: "Japanese",
# tip_open_source: "CodeCombat is 100% open source!"
# tip_beta_launch: "CodeCombat launched its beta in October, 2013."
# tip_js_beginning: "JavaScript is just the beginning."
# tip_autocast_setting: "Adjust autocast settings by clicking the gear on the cast button."
# think_solution: "Think of the solution, not the problem."
# tip_theory_practice: "In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But in practice, there is. - Yogi Berra"
# tip_error_free: "There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works. - Alan Perlis"
@ -452,6 +427,67 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "日本語", englishDescription: "Japanese",
# infinite_loop_reset_level: "Reset Level"
# infinite_loop_comment_out: "Comment Out My Code"
# inventory_tab: "Inventory"
# choose_hero_tab: "Restart Level"
# save_load_tab: "Save/Load"
# options_tab: "Options"
# guide_tab: "Guide"
multiplayer_tab: "マルチプレイ"
# inventory_caption: "Equip your hero"
# choose_hero_caption: "Choose hero, language"
# save_load_caption: "... and view history"
# options_caption: "Configure settings"
# guide_caption: "Docs and tips"
# multiplayer_caption: "Play with friends!"
# inventory:
# temp: "Temp"
# choose_hero:
# temp: "Temp"
# save_load:
# granularity_saved_games: "Saved"
# granularity_change_history: "History"
# general_options: "General Options"
# music_label: "Music"
# music_description: "Turn background music on/off."
# autorun_label: "Autorun"
# autorun_description: "Control automatic code execution."
editor_config: "エディター設定"
editor_config_title: "エディターの設定"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# guide:
# temp: "Temp"
multiplayer_title: "マルチプレイ設定"
# multiplayer_toggle: "Enable multiplayer"
# multiplayer_toggle_description: "Allow others to join your game."
multiplayer_link_description: "このURLを一緒にプレイしたい人に教えてください。"
multiplayer_hint_label: "ヒント:"
multiplayer_hint: " リンクを選択後、 ⌘-C(MacOS) or Ctrl-C(Windows) でリンクをコピーできます。"
multiplayer_coming_soon: "今後より多くのマルチプレイ機能が追加されます。"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
# keyboard_shortcuts:
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Keyboard Shortcuts"
# space: "Space"
@ -847,20 +883,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "日本語", englishDescription: "Japanese",
# license: "license"
# oreilly: "ebook of your choice"
# multiplayer_launch:
# introducing_dungeon_arena: "Introducing Dungeon Arena"
# new_way: "The new way to compete with code."
# to_battle: "To Battle, Developers!"
# modern_day_sorcerer: "You know how to code? That's badass. You're a modern-day sorcerer! Isn't about time that you used your magic coding powers to command your minions in epic combat? And we're not talking robots here."
# arenas_are_here: "CodeCombat head-to-head multiplayer arenas are here."
# ladder_explanation: "Choose your heroes, enchant your human or ogre armies, and climb your way over defeated fellow Wizards to reach the top of the laddersthen challenge your friends in our glorious, asynchronous multiplayer coding arenas. If you're feeling creative, you can even"
# fork_our_arenas: "fork our arenas"
# create_worlds: "and create your own worlds."
# javascript_rusty: "JavaScript a bit rusty? Don't worry; there's a"
# tutorial: "tutorial"
# new_to_programming: ". New to programming? Hit our beginner campaign to skill up."
# so_ready: "I Am So Ready for This"
# loading_error:
# could_not_load: "Error loading from server"
# connection_failure: "Connection failed."

View file

@ -353,8 +353,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "한국어", englishDescription: "Korean", t
grid: "그리드"
customize_wizard: "사용자 정의 마법사"
home: ""
# game_menu: "Game Menu"
guide: "가이드"
multiplayer: "멀티 플레이어"
restart: "재시작"
goals: "목표"
success: "성공!"
@ -377,12 +377,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "한국어", englishDescription: "Korean", t
victory_review: "리뷰를 남겨주세요"
victory_hour_of_code_done: "정말 종료합니까?"
victory_hour_of_code_done_yes: "네 내 Hour of Code™ 완료했습니다!"
multiplayer_title: "멀티 플레이어 설정"
multiplayer_link_description: "당신에게 참여를 원하는 사람에게 이 링크를 주세요."
multiplayer_hint_label: "힌트:"
multiplayer_hint: " 모두 선택하려면 링크를 클릭하세요, 그리고 ⌘-C 또는 Ctrl-C 를 눌러서 링크를 복사하세요."
multiplayer_coming_soon: "곧 좀 더 다양한 멀티플레이어 모드가 업데이트 됩니다!"
multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "로그인하시거나 계정을 만드시고 상위권 순위 차트에 이름을 올려보세요."
guide_title: "가이드"
tome_minion_spells: "미니언의 마법"
tome_read_only_spells: "읽기 전용 마법"
@ -390,30 +384,12 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "한국어", englishDescription: "Korean", t
tome_cast_button_castable: "마법 캐스팅"
tome_cast_button_casting: "캐스팅 중"
tome_cast_button_cast: "마법 캐스팅"
tome_autocast_delay: "자동 마법 캐스팅 딜레이"
tome_select_spell: "마법을 선택 하세요"
tome_select_a_thang: "누군가를 선택하세요. "
tome_available_spells: "사용 가능한 마법"
hud_continue: "계속진행 (shift+space)"
spell_saved: "마법 저장 완료"
skip_tutorial: "넘기기 (esc)"
editor_config: "에디터 설정"
editor_config_title: "에디터 설정"
editor_config_level_language_label: "이 레벨에서 사용할 언어"
editor_config_level_language_description: "이 레벨에서 사용할 언어를 선택하세요."
editor_config_default_language_label: "기본 프로그래밍 언어"
editor_config_default_language_description: "새 레벨을 시작할 때 사용하고 싶은 프로그래밍 언어를 정하세요."
editor_config_keybindings_label: "단축키 설정"
editor_config_keybindings_default: "기본(Ace)"
editor_config_keybindings_description: "일반적인 에디터와 마찬가지인 단축키 설정"
editor_config_livecompletion_label: "자동완성 활성화"
editor_config_livecompletion_description: "입력하는 동안 자동완성 기능을 사용합니다."
editor_config_invisibles_label: "투명 설정"
editor_config_invisibles_description: "스페이스, 탭 설정"
editor_config_indentguides_label: "들여쓰기 가이드 보기"
editor_config_indentguides_description: "들여쓰기 보조용 세로줄 표시하기."
editor_config_behaviors_label: "자동 기능"
editor_config_behaviors_description: "괄호, 인용부호, 따옴표 자동 완성."
keyboard_shortcuts: "단축키"
loading_ready: "준비!"
# tip_insert_positions: "Shift+Click a point on the map to insert it into the spell editor."
@ -423,7 +399,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "한국어", englishDescription: "Korean", t
tip_open_source: "코드 컴뱃은 100% 오픈 소스 기반입니다!"
tip_beta_launch: "코드 컴뱃은 2013년 10월에 베타 서비스를 출시했습니다."
tip_js_beginning: "JavaScript는 단지 시작일 뿐입니다."
# tip_autocast_setting: "Adjust autocast settings by clicking the gear on the cast button."
think_solution: "해결 방법을 고민해보세요, 문제를 고민하지 말구요."
# tip_theory_practice: "In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But in practice, there is. - Yogi Berra"
# tip_error_free: "There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works. - Alan Perlis"
@ -452,6 +427,67 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "한국어", englishDescription: "Korean", t
infinite_loop_reset_level: "레벨 리셋"
infinite_loop_comment_out: "내 코드를 일시적 주석처리하기"
# inventory_tab: "Inventory"
# choose_hero_tab: "Restart Level"
# save_load_tab: "Save/Load"
# options_tab: "Options"
# guide_tab: "Guide"
multiplayer_tab: "멀티 플레이"
# inventory_caption: "Equip your hero"
# choose_hero_caption: "Choose hero, language"
# save_load_caption: "... and view history"
# options_caption: "Configure settings"
# guide_caption: "Docs and tips"
# multiplayer_caption: "Play with friends!"
# inventory:
# temp: "Temp"
# choose_hero:
# temp: "Temp"
# save_load:
# granularity_saved_games: "Saved"
# granularity_change_history: "History"
# general_options: "General Options"
# music_label: "Music"
# music_description: "Turn background music on/off."
# autorun_label: "Autorun"
# autorun_description: "Control automatic code execution."
editor_config: "에디터 설정"
editor_config_title: "에디터 설정"
editor_config_level_language_label: "이 레벨에서 사용할 언어"
editor_config_level_language_description: "이 레벨에서 사용할 언어를 선택하세요."
editor_config_default_language_label: "기본 프로그래밍 언어"
editor_config_default_language_description: "새 레벨을 시작할 때 사용하고 싶은 프로그래밍 언어를 정하세요."
editor_config_keybindings_label: "단축키 설정"
editor_config_keybindings_default: "기본(Ace)"
editor_config_keybindings_description: "일반적인 에디터와 마찬가지인 단축키 설정"
editor_config_livecompletion_label: "자동완성 활성화"
editor_config_livecompletion_description: "입력하는 동안 자동완성 기능을 사용합니다."
editor_config_invisibles_label: "투명 설정"
editor_config_invisibles_description: "스페이스, 탭 설정"
editor_config_indentguides_label: "들여쓰기 가이드 보기"
editor_config_indentguides_description: "들여쓰기 보조용 세로줄 표시하기."
editor_config_behaviors_label: "자동 기능"
editor_config_behaviors_description: "괄호, 인용부호, 따옴표 자동 완성."
# guide:
# temp: "Temp"
multiplayer_title: "멀티 플레이어 설정"
# multiplayer_toggle: "Enable multiplayer"
# multiplayer_toggle_description: "Allow others to join your game."
multiplayer_link_description: "당신에게 참여를 원하는 사람에게 이 링크를 주세요."
multiplayer_hint_label: "힌트:"
multiplayer_hint: " 모두 선택하려면 링크를 클릭하세요, 그리고 ⌘-C 또는 Ctrl-C 를 눌러서 링크를 복사하세요."
multiplayer_coming_soon: "곧 좀 더 다양한 멀티플레이어 모드가 업데이트 됩니다!"
multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "로그인하시거나 계정을 만드시고 상위권 순위 차트에 이름을 올려보세요."
keyboard_shortcuts: "단축키"
space: "스페이스"
@ -847,20 +883,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "한국어", englishDescription: "Korean", t
license: "라이센스"
# oreilly: "ebook of your choice"
# multiplayer_launch:
# introducing_dungeon_arena: "Introducing Dungeon Arena"
# new_way: "The new way to compete with code."
# to_battle: "To Battle, Developers!"
# modern_day_sorcerer: "You know how to code? That's badass. You're a modern-day sorcerer! Isn't about time that you used your magic coding powers to command your minions in epic combat? And we're not talking robots here."
# arenas_are_here: "CodeCombat head-to-head multiplayer arenas are here."
# ladder_explanation: "Choose your heroes, enchant your human or ogre armies, and climb your way over defeated fellow Wizards to reach the top of the laddersthen challenge your friends in our glorious, asynchronous multiplayer coding arenas. If you're feeling creative, you can even"
# fork_our_arenas: "fork our arenas"
# create_worlds: "and create your own worlds."
# javascript_rusty: "JavaScript a bit rusty? Don't worry; there's a"
# tutorial: "tutorial"
# new_to_programming: ". New to programming? Hit our beginner campaign to skill up."
# so_ready: "I Am So Ready for This"
could_not_load: "서버로부터 로딩하는 데 문제가 발생했습니다."
connection_failure: "연결 실패"

View file

@ -353,8 +353,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "lietuvių kalba", englishDescription: "Lith
# grid: "Grid"
# customize_wizard: "Customize Wizard"
# home: "Home"
# game_menu: "Game Menu"
# guide: "Guide"
# multiplayer: "Multiplayer"
# restart: "Restart"
# goals: "Goals"
# success: "Success!"
@ -377,12 +377,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "lietuvių kalba", englishDescription: "Lith
# victory_review: "Tell us more!"
# victory_hour_of_code_done: "Are You Done?"
# victory_hour_of_code_done_yes: "Yes, I'm finished with my Hour of Code™!"
# multiplayer_title: "Multiplayer Settings"
# multiplayer_link_description: "Give this link to anyone to have them join you."
# multiplayer_hint_label: "Hint:"
# multiplayer_hint: " Click the link to select all, then press ⌘-C or Ctrl-C to copy the link."
# multiplayer_coming_soon: "More multiplayer features to come!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
# guide_title: "Guide"
# tome_minion_spells: "Your Minions' Spells"
# tome_read_only_spells: "Read-Only Spells"
@ -390,30 +384,12 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "lietuvių kalba", englishDescription: "Lith
# tome_cast_button_castable: "Cast Spell"
# tome_cast_button_casting: "Casting"
# tome_cast_button_cast: "Spell Cast"
# tome_autocast_delay: "Autocast Delay"
# tome_select_spell: "Select a Spell"
# tome_select_a_thang: "Select Someone for "
# tome_available_spells: "Available Spells"
# hud_continue: "Continue (shift+space)"
# spell_saved: "Spell Saved"
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Key Shortcuts"
# loading_ready: "Ready!"
# tip_insert_positions: "Shift+Click a point on the map to insert it into the spell editor."
@ -423,7 +399,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "lietuvių kalba", englishDescription: "Lith
# tip_open_source: "CodeCombat is 100% open source!"
# tip_beta_launch: "CodeCombat launched its beta in October, 2013."
# tip_js_beginning: "JavaScript is just the beginning."
# tip_autocast_setting: "Adjust autocast settings by clicking the gear on the cast button."
# think_solution: "Think of the solution, not the problem."
# tip_theory_practice: "In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But in practice, there is. - Yogi Berra"
# tip_error_free: "There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works. - Alan Perlis"
@ -452,6 +427,67 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "lietuvių kalba", englishDescription: "Lith
# infinite_loop_reset_level: "Reset Level"
# infinite_loop_comment_out: "Comment Out My Code"
# game_menu:
# inventory_tab: "Inventory"
# choose_hero_tab: "Restart Level"
# save_load_tab: "Save/Load"
# options_tab: "Options"
# guide_tab: "Guide"
# multiplayer_tab: "Multiplayer"
# inventory_caption: "Equip your hero"
# choose_hero_caption: "Choose hero, language"
# save_load_caption: "... and view history"
# options_caption: "Configure settings"
# guide_caption: "Docs and tips"
# multiplayer_caption: "Play with friends!"
# inventory:
# temp: "Temp"
# choose_hero:
# temp: "Temp"
# save_load:
# granularity_saved_games: "Saved"
# granularity_change_history: "History"
# options:
# general_options: "General Options"
# music_label: "Music"
# music_description: "Turn background music on/off."
# autorun_label: "Autorun"
# autorun_description: "Control automatic code execution."
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# guide:
# temp: "Temp"
# multiplayer:
# multiplayer_title: "Multiplayer Settings"
# multiplayer_toggle: "Enable multiplayer"
# multiplayer_toggle_description: "Allow others to join your game."
# multiplayer_link_description: "Give this link to anyone to have them join you."
# multiplayer_hint_label: "Hint:"
# multiplayer_hint: " Click the link to select all, then press ⌘-C or Ctrl-C to copy the link."
# multiplayer_coming_soon: "More multiplayer features to come!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
# keyboard_shortcuts:
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Keyboard Shortcuts"
# space: "Space"
@ -847,20 +883,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "lietuvių kalba", englishDescription: "Lith
# license: "license"
# oreilly: "ebook of your choice"
# multiplayer_launch:
# introducing_dungeon_arena: "Introducing Dungeon Arena"
# new_way: "The new way to compete with code."
# to_battle: "To Battle, Developers!"
# modern_day_sorcerer: "You know how to code? That's badass. You're a modern-day sorcerer! Isn't about time that you used your magic coding powers to command your minions in epic combat? And we're not talking robots here."
# arenas_are_here: "CodeCombat head-to-head multiplayer arenas are here."
# ladder_explanation: "Choose your heroes, enchant your human or ogre armies, and climb your way over defeated fellow Wizards to reach the top of the laddersthen challenge your friends in our glorious, asynchronous multiplayer coding arenas. If you're feeling creative, you can even"
# fork_our_arenas: "fork our arenas"
# create_worlds: "and create your own worlds."
# javascript_rusty: "JavaScript a bit rusty? Don't worry; there's a"
# tutorial: "tutorial"
# new_to_programming: ". New to programming? Hit our beginner campaign to skill up."
# so_ready: "I Am So Ready for This"
# loading_error:
# could_not_load: "Error loading from server"
# connection_failure: "Connection failed."

View file

@ -353,8 +353,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Bahasa Melayu", englishDescription: "Bahasa
# grid: "Grid"
# customize_wizard: "Customize Wizard"
# home: "Home"
# game_menu: "Game Menu"
# guide: "Guide"
# multiplayer: "Multiplayer"
# restart: "Restart"
# goals: "Goals"
# success: "Success!"
@ -377,12 +377,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Bahasa Melayu", englishDescription: "Bahasa
# victory_review: "Tell us more!"
# victory_hour_of_code_done: "Are You Done?"
# victory_hour_of_code_done_yes: "Yes, I'm finished with my Hour of Code™!"
# multiplayer_title: "Multiplayer Settings"
# multiplayer_link_description: "Give this link to anyone to have them join you."
# multiplayer_hint_label: "Hint:"
# multiplayer_hint: " Click the link to select all, then press ⌘-C or Ctrl-C to copy the link."
# multiplayer_coming_soon: "More multiplayer features to come!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
# guide_title: "Guide"
# tome_minion_spells: "Your Minions' Spells"
# tome_read_only_spells: "Read-Only Spells"
@ -390,30 +384,12 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Bahasa Melayu", englishDescription: "Bahasa
# tome_cast_button_castable: "Cast Spell"
# tome_cast_button_casting: "Casting"
# tome_cast_button_cast: "Spell Cast"
# tome_autocast_delay: "Autocast Delay"
# tome_select_spell: "Select a Spell"
# tome_select_a_thang: "Select Someone for "
# tome_available_spells: "Available Spells"
# hud_continue: "Continue (shift+space)"
# spell_saved: "Spell Saved"
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Key Shortcuts"
# loading_ready: "Ready!"
# tip_insert_positions: "Shift+Click a point on the map to insert it into the spell editor."
@ -423,7 +399,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Bahasa Melayu", englishDescription: "Bahasa
# tip_open_source: "CodeCombat is 100% open source!"
# tip_beta_launch: "CodeCombat launched its beta in October, 2013."
# tip_js_beginning: "JavaScript is just the beginning."
# tip_autocast_setting: "Adjust autocast settings by clicking the gear on the cast button."
# think_solution: "Think of the solution, not the problem."
# tip_theory_practice: "In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But in practice, there is. - Yogi Berra"
# tip_error_free: "There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works. - Alan Perlis"
@ -452,6 +427,67 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Bahasa Melayu", englishDescription: "Bahasa
# infinite_loop_reset_level: "Reset Level"
# infinite_loop_comment_out: "Comment Out My Code"
# game_menu:
# inventory_tab: "Inventory"
# choose_hero_tab: "Restart Level"
# save_load_tab: "Save/Load"
# options_tab: "Options"
# guide_tab: "Guide"
# multiplayer_tab: "Multiplayer"
# inventory_caption: "Equip your hero"
# choose_hero_caption: "Choose hero, language"
# save_load_caption: "... and view history"
# options_caption: "Configure settings"
# guide_caption: "Docs and tips"
# multiplayer_caption: "Play with friends!"
# inventory:
# temp: "Temp"
# choose_hero:
# temp: "Temp"
# save_load:
# granularity_saved_games: "Saved"
# granularity_change_history: "History"
# options:
# general_options: "General Options"
# music_label: "Music"
# music_description: "Turn background music on/off."
# autorun_label: "Autorun"
# autorun_description: "Control automatic code execution."
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# guide:
# temp: "Temp"
# multiplayer:
# multiplayer_title: "Multiplayer Settings"
# multiplayer_toggle: "Enable multiplayer"
# multiplayer_toggle_description: "Allow others to join your game."
# multiplayer_link_description: "Give this link to anyone to have them join you."
# multiplayer_hint_label: "Hint:"
# multiplayer_hint: " Click the link to select all, then press ⌘-C or Ctrl-C to copy the link."
# multiplayer_coming_soon: "More multiplayer features to come!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
# keyboard_shortcuts:
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Keyboard Shortcuts"
# space: "Space"
@ -847,20 +883,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Bahasa Melayu", englishDescription: "Bahasa
# license: "license"
# oreilly: "ebook of your choice"
# multiplayer_launch:
# introducing_dungeon_arena: "Introducing Dungeon Arena"
# new_way: "The new way to compete with code."
# to_battle: "To Battle, Developers!"
# modern_day_sorcerer: "You know how to code? That's badass. You're a modern-day sorcerer! Isn't about time that you used your magic coding powers to command your minions in epic combat? And we're not talking robots here."
# arenas_are_here: "CodeCombat head-to-head multiplayer arenas are here."
# ladder_explanation: "Choose your heroes, enchant your human or ogre armies, and climb your way over defeated fellow Wizards to reach the top of the laddersthen challenge your friends in our glorious, asynchronous multiplayer coding arenas. If you're feeling creative, you can even"
# fork_our_arenas: "fork our arenas"
# create_worlds: "and create your own worlds."
# javascript_rusty: "JavaScript a bit rusty? Don't worry; there's a"
# tutorial: "tutorial"
# new_to_programming: ". New to programming? Hit our beginner campaign to skill up."
# so_ready: "I Am So Ready for This"
# loading_error:
# could_not_load: "Error loading from server"
# connection_failure: "Connection failed."

View file

@ -353,8 +353,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Norsk Bokmål", englishDescription: "Norweg
grid: "Grid"
customize_wizard: "Spesiallag Trollmann"
home: "Hjem"
# game_menu: "Game Menu"
guide: "Guide"
multiplayer: "Flerspiller"
restart: "Start på nytt"
goals: "Mål"
# success: "Success!"
@ -377,12 +377,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Norsk Bokmål", englishDescription: "Norweg
victory_review: "Fortell oss mer!"
victory_hour_of_code_done: "Er du ferdig?"
victory_hour_of_code_done_yes: "Ja, jeg er ferdig med min Time i Koding!"
multiplayer_title: "Flerspillerinnstillinger"
multiplayer_link_description: "Gi denne lenken til de du vil spille med."
multiplayer_hint_label: "Hint:"
multiplayer_hint: " Klikk lenken for å velge alle, så trykker du Apple-C eller Ctrl-C for å kopiere lenken."
multiplayer_coming_soon: "Det kommer flere flerspillsmuligheter!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
guide_title: "Guide"
tome_minion_spells: "Din Minions' Trylleformularer"
tome_read_only_spells: "Kun-Lesbare Trylleformularer"
@ -390,30 +384,12 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Norsk Bokmål", englishDescription: "Norweg
tome_cast_button_castable: "Kast"
tome_cast_button_casting: "Kaster"
tome_cast_button_cast: "Kast Trylleformular"
tome_autocast_delay: "Automatisk Forsinkelse"
tome_select_spell: "Velg et Trylleformular"
tome_select_a_thang: "Velg Noe for å "
tome_available_spells: "Tilgjenglige Trylleformularer"
hud_continue: "Fortsett (trykk shift-mellomrom)"
# spell_saved: "Spell Saved"
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Key Shortcuts"
# loading_ready: "Ready!"
# tip_insert_positions: "Shift+Click a point on the map to insert it into the spell editor."
@ -423,7 +399,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Norsk Bokmål", englishDescription: "Norweg
# tip_open_source: "CodeCombat is 100% open source!"
# tip_beta_launch: "CodeCombat launched its beta in October, 2013."
# tip_js_beginning: "JavaScript is just the beginning."
# tip_autocast_setting: "Adjust autocast settings by clicking the gear on the cast button."
# think_solution: "Think of the solution, not the problem."
# tip_theory_practice: "In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But in practice, there is. - Yogi Berra"
# tip_error_free: "There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works. - Alan Perlis"
@ -452,6 +427,67 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Norsk Bokmål", englishDescription: "Norweg
# infinite_loop_reset_level: "Reset Level"
# infinite_loop_comment_out: "Comment Out My Code"
# inventory_tab: "Inventory"
# choose_hero_tab: "Restart Level"
# save_load_tab: "Save/Load"
# options_tab: "Options"
# guide_tab: "Guide"
multiplayer_tab: "Flerspiller"
# inventory_caption: "Equip your hero"
# choose_hero_caption: "Choose hero, language"
# save_load_caption: "... and view history"
# options_caption: "Configure settings"
# guide_caption: "Docs and tips"
# multiplayer_caption: "Play with friends!"
# inventory:
# temp: "Temp"
# choose_hero:
# temp: "Temp"
# save_load:
# granularity_saved_games: "Saved"
# granularity_change_history: "History"
# options:
# general_options: "General Options"
# music_label: "Music"
# music_description: "Turn background music on/off."
# autorun_label: "Autorun"
# autorun_description: "Control automatic code execution."
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# guide:
# temp: "Temp"
multiplayer_title: "Flerspillerinnstillinger"
# multiplayer_toggle: "Enable multiplayer"
# multiplayer_toggle_description: "Allow others to join your game."
multiplayer_link_description: "Gi denne lenken til de du vil spille med."
multiplayer_hint_label: "Hint:"
multiplayer_hint: " Klikk lenken for å velge alle, så trykker du Apple-C eller Ctrl-C for å kopiere lenken."
multiplayer_coming_soon: "Det kommer flere flerspillsmuligheter!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
# keyboard_shortcuts:
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Keyboard Shortcuts"
# space: "Space"
@ -847,20 +883,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Norsk Bokmål", englishDescription: "Norweg
# license: "license"
# oreilly: "ebook of your choice"
# multiplayer_launch:
# introducing_dungeon_arena: "Introducing Dungeon Arena"
# new_way: "The new way to compete with code."
# to_battle: "To Battle, Developers!"
# modern_day_sorcerer: "You know how to code? That's badass. You're a modern-day sorcerer! Isn't about time that you used your magic coding powers to command your minions in epic combat? And we're not talking robots here."
# arenas_are_here: "CodeCombat head-to-head multiplayer arenas are here."
# ladder_explanation: "Choose your heroes, enchant your human or ogre armies, and climb your way over defeated fellow Wizards to reach the top of the laddersthen challenge your friends in our glorious, asynchronous multiplayer coding arenas. If you're feeling creative, you can even"
# fork_our_arenas: "fork our arenas"
# create_worlds: "and create your own worlds."
# javascript_rusty: "JavaScript a bit rusty? Don't worry; there's a"
# tutorial: "tutorial"
# new_to_programming: ". New to programming? Hit our beginner campaign to skill up."
# so_ready: "I Am So Ready for This"
# loading_error:
# could_not_load: "Error loading from server"
# connection_failure: "Connection failed."

View file

@ -353,8 +353,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Nederlands (België)", englishDescription:
grid: "Raster"
customize_wizard: "Pas Tovenaar aan"
home: "Home"
# game_menu: "Game Menu"
guide: "Handleiding"
multiplayer: "Multiplayer"
restart: "Herstarten"
goals: "Doelen"
# success: "Success!"
@ -377,12 +377,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Nederlands (België)", englishDescription:
victory_review: "Vertel ons meer!"
victory_hour_of_code_done: "Ben Je Klaar?"
victory_hour_of_code_done_yes: "Ja, ik ben klaar met mijn Hour of Code!"
multiplayer_title: "Multiplayer Instellingen"
multiplayer_link_description: "Geef deze url aan iemand om hem/haar te laten meedoen met jou."
multiplayer_hint_label: "Hint:"
multiplayer_hint: " Klik de link om alles te selecteren, druk dan op Apple-C of Ctrl-C om de link te kopiëren."
multiplayer_coming_soon: "Binnenkort komen er meer Multiplayermogelijkheden!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
guide_title: "Handleiding"
tome_minion_spells: "Jouw Minions' Spreuken"
tome_read_only_spells: "Read-Only Spreuken"
@ -390,30 +384,12 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Nederlands (België)", englishDescription:
tome_cast_button_castable: "Uitvoeren"
tome_cast_button_casting: "Aan het uitvoeren"
tome_cast_button_cast: "Spreuk uitvoeren"
tome_autocast_delay: "Spreuk Uitvoeren vertraging"
tome_select_spell: "Selecteer een Spreuk"
tome_select_a_thang: "Selecteer Iemand voor "
tome_available_spells: "Beschikbare spreuken"
hud_continue: "Ga verder (druk shift-space)"
spell_saved: "Spreuk Opgeslagen"
skip_tutorial: "Overslaan (esc)"
editor_config: "Editor Configuratie"
editor_config_title: "Editor Configuratie"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
editor_config_keybindings_label: "Toets instellingen"
editor_config_keybindings_default: "Standaard (Ace)"
editor_config_keybindings_description: "Voeg extra shortcuts toe van de gebruikelijke editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
editor_config_invisibles_label: "Toon onzichtbare"
editor_config_invisibles_description: "Toon onzichtbare whitespace karakters."
editor_config_indentguides_label: "Toon inspringing regels"
editor_config_indentguides_description: "Toon verticale hulplijnen om de zichtbaarheid te verbeteren."
editor_config_behaviors_label: "Slim gedrag"
editor_config_behaviors_description: "Automatisch aanvullen van (gekrulde) haakjes en aanhalingstekens."
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Key Shortcuts"
loading_ready: "Klaar!"
tip_insert_positions: "Shift+Klik een punt op de kaart om het toe te voegen aan je spreuk editor."
@ -423,7 +399,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Nederlands (België)", englishDescription:
tip_open_source: "CodeCombat is 100% open source!"
tip_beta_launch: "CodeCombat lanceerde zijn beta versie in Oktober, 2013."
tip_js_beginning: "JavaScript is nog maar het begin."
tip_autocast_setting: "Verander de autocast instelling door te klikken op het tandwiel naast de cast knop."
think_solution: "Denk aan de oplossing, niet aan het probleem"
tip_theory_practice: "In theorie is er geen verschil tussen de theorie en de praktijk; in de praktijk is er wel een verschil. - Yogi Berra"
tip_error_free: "Er zijn twee manieren om fout-vrije code te schrijven, maar enkele de derde manier werkt. - Alan Perlis"
@ -452,6 +427,67 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Nederlands (België)", englishDescription:
infinite_loop_reset_level: "Level resetten"
infinite_loop_comment_out: "Mijn code weg commentariëren"
# inventory_tab: "Inventory"
# choose_hero_tab: "Restart Level"
# save_load_tab: "Save/Load"
# options_tab: "Options"
# guide_tab: "Guide"
multiplayer_tab: "Multiplayer"
# inventory_caption: "Equip your hero"
# choose_hero_caption: "Choose hero, language"
# save_load_caption: "... and view history"
# options_caption: "Configure settings"
# guide_caption: "Docs and tips"
# multiplayer_caption: "Play with friends!"
# inventory:
# temp: "Temp"
# choose_hero:
# temp: "Temp"
# save_load:
# granularity_saved_games: "Saved"
# granularity_change_history: "History"
# general_options: "General Options"
# music_label: "Music"
# music_description: "Turn background music on/off."
# autorun_label: "Autorun"
# autorun_description: "Control automatic code execution."
editor_config: "Editor Configuratie"
editor_config_title: "Editor Configuratie"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
editor_config_keybindings_label: "Toets instellingen"
editor_config_keybindings_default: "Standaard (Ace)"
editor_config_keybindings_description: "Voeg extra shortcuts toe van de gebruikelijke editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
editor_config_invisibles_label: "Toon onzichtbare"
editor_config_invisibles_description: "Toon onzichtbare whitespace karakters."
editor_config_indentguides_label: "Toon inspringing regels"
editor_config_indentguides_description: "Toon verticale hulplijnen om de zichtbaarheid te verbeteren."
editor_config_behaviors_label: "Slim gedrag"
editor_config_behaviors_description: "Automatisch aanvullen van (gekrulde) haakjes en aanhalingstekens."
# guide:
# temp: "Temp"
multiplayer_title: "Multiplayer Instellingen"
# multiplayer_toggle: "Enable multiplayer"
# multiplayer_toggle_description: "Allow others to join your game."
multiplayer_link_description: "Geef deze url aan iemand om hem/haar te laten meedoen met jou."
multiplayer_hint_label: "Hint:"
multiplayer_hint: " Klik de link om alles te selecteren, druk dan op Apple-C of Ctrl-C om de link te kopiëren."
multiplayer_coming_soon: "Binnenkort komen er meer Multiplayermogelijkheden!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
# keyboard_shortcuts:
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Keyboard Shortcuts"
# space: "Space"
@ -847,20 +883,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Nederlands (België)", englishDescription:
# license: "license"
# oreilly: "ebook of your choice"
introducing_dungeon_arena: "Introductie van Dungeon Arena"
new_way: "17 maart, 2014: De nieuwe manier om te concurreren met code."
to_battle: "Naar het slagveld, ontwikkelaars!"
modern_day_sorcerer: "Kan jij programmeren? Dat is pas stoer. Jij bent een moderne tovenaar! Is het niet tijd dat je jouw magische krachten gebruikt voor het besturen van jou minions in het slagveld? En nee, we praten hier niet over robots."
arenas_are_here: "CodeCombat's kop aan kop multiplayer arena's zijn er."
ladder_explanation: "Kies jouw helden, betover jouw mensen of ogre legers, en beklim jouw weg naar de top in de ladder, door het verslagen van vriend en vijand. Daag nu je vrienden uit in de multiplayer programmeer arena's en verdien eeuwige roem. Indien je creatief bent, kan je zelfs"
fork_our_arenas: "onze arenas forken"
create_worlds: "en jouw eigen werelden creëren."
javascript_rusty: "Jouw JavaScript is een beetje roestig? Wees niet bang, er is een"
tutorial: "tutorial"
new_to_programming: ". Ben je net begonnen met programmeren? Speel dan eerst onze beginners campagne."
so_ready: "Ik ben hier zo klaar voor"
could_not_load: "Fout bij het laden van de server"
connection_failure: "Verbinding mislukt."

View file

@ -353,8 +353,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Nederlands (Nederland)", englishDescription
grid: "Raster"
customize_wizard: "Pas Tovenaar aan"
home: "Home"
# game_menu: "Game Menu"
guide: "Handleiding"
multiplayer: "Multiplayer"
restart: "Herstarten"
goals: "Doelen"
# success: "Success!"
@ -377,12 +377,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Nederlands (Nederland)", englishDescription
victory_review: "Vertel ons meer!"
victory_hour_of_code_done: "Ben Je Klaar?"
victory_hour_of_code_done_yes: "Ja, ik ben klaar met mijn Hour of Code!"
multiplayer_title: "Multiplayer Instellingen"
multiplayer_link_description: "Geef deze url aan iemand om hem/haar te laten meedoen met jou."
multiplayer_hint_label: "Hint:"
multiplayer_hint: " Klik de link om alles te selecteren, druk dan op Apple-C of Ctrl-C om de link te kopiëren."
multiplayer_coming_soon: "Binnenkort komen er meer Multiplayermogelijkheden!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
guide_title: "Handleiding"
tome_minion_spells: "Jouw Minions' Spreuken"
tome_read_only_spells: "Read-Only Spreuken"
@ -390,30 +384,12 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Nederlands (Nederland)", englishDescription
tome_cast_button_castable: "Uitvoeren"
tome_cast_button_casting: "Aan het uitvoeren"
tome_cast_button_cast: "Spreuk uitvoeren"
tome_autocast_delay: "Spreuk Uitvoeren vertraging"
tome_select_spell: "Selecteer een Spreuk"
tome_select_a_thang: "Selecteer Iemand voor "
tome_available_spells: "Beschikbare spreuken"
hud_continue: "Ga verder (druk shift-space)"
spell_saved: "Spreuk Opgeslagen"
skip_tutorial: "Overslaan (esc)"
editor_config: "Editor Configuratie"
editor_config_title: "Editor Configuratie"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
editor_config_keybindings_label: "Toets instellingen"
editor_config_keybindings_default: "Standaard (Ace)"
editor_config_keybindings_description: "Voeg extra shortcuts toe van de gebruikelijke editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
editor_config_invisibles_label: "Toon onzichtbare"
editor_config_invisibles_description: "Toon onzichtbare whitespace karakters."
editor_config_indentguides_label: "Toon inspringing regels"
editor_config_indentguides_description: "Toon verticale hulplijnen om de zichtbaarheid te verbeteren."
editor_config_behaviors_label: "Slim gedrag"
editor_config_behaviors_description: "Automatisch aanvullen van (gekrulde) haakjes en aanhalingstekens."
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Key Shortcuts"
loading_ready: "Klaar!"
tip_insert_positions: "Shift+Klik een punt op de kaart om het toe te voegen aan je spreuk editor."
@ -423,7 +399,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Nederlands (Nederland)", englishDescription
tip_open_source: "CodeCombat is 100% open source!"
tip_beta_launch: "CodeCombat lanceerde zijn beta versie in Oktober, 2013."
tip_js_beginning: "JavaScript is nog maar het begin."
tip_autocast_setting: "Verander de autocast instelling door te klikken op het tandwiel naast de cast knop."
think_solution: "Denk aan de oplossing, niet aan het probleem"
tip_theory_practice: "In theorie is er geen verschil tussen de theorie en de praktijk; in de praktijk is er wel een verschil. - Yogi Berra"
tip_error_free: "Er zijn twee manieren om fout-vrije code te schrijven, maar enkele de derde manier werkt. - Alan Perlis"
@ -452,6 +427,67 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Nederlands (Nederland)", englishDescription
infinite_loop_reset_level: "Level resetten"
infinite_loop_comment_out: "Mijn code weg commentariëren"
# inventory_tab: "Inventory"
# choose_hero_tab: "Restart Level"
# save_load_tab: "Save/Load"
# options_tab: "Options"
# guide_tab: "Guide"
multiplayer_tab: "Multiplayer"
# inventory_caption: "Equip your hero"
# choose_hero_caption: "Choose hero, language"
# save_load_caption: "... and view history"
# options_caption: "Configure settings"
# guide_caption: "Docs and tips"
# multiplayer_caption: "Play with friends!"
# inventory:
# temp: "Temp"
# choose_hero:
# temp: "Temp"
# save_load:
# granularity_saved_games: "Saved"
# granularity_change_history: "History"
# general_options: "General Options"
# music_label: "Music"
# music_description: "Turn background music on/off."
# autorun_label: "Autorun"
# autorun_description: "Control automatic code execution."
editor_config: "Editor Configuratie"
editor_config_title: "Editor Configuratie"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
editor_config_keybindings_label: "Toets instellingen"
editor_config_keybindings_default: "Standaard (Ace)"
editor_config_keybindings_description: "Voeg extra shortcuts toe van de gebruikelijke editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
editor_config_invisibles_label: "Toon onzichtbare"
editor_config_invisibles_description: "Toon onzichtbare whitespace karakters."
editor_config_indentguides_label: "Toon inspringing regels"
editor_config_indentguides_description: "Toon verticale hulplijnen om de zichtbaarheid te verbeteren."
editor_config_behaviors_label: "Slim gedrag"
editor_config_behaviors_description: "Automatisch aanvullen van (gekrulde) haakjes en aanhalingstekens."
# guide:
# temp: "Temp"
multiplayer_title: "Multiplayer Instellingen"
# multiplayer_toggle: "Enable multiplayer"
# multiplayer_toggle_description: "Allow others to join your game."
multiplayer_link_description: "Geef deze url aan iemand om hem/haar te laten meedoen met jou."
multiplayer_hint_label: "Hint:"
multiplayer_hint: " Klik de link om alles te selecteren, druk dan op Apple-C of Ctrl-C om de link te kopiëren."
multiplayer_coming_soon: "Binnenkort komen er meer Multiplayermogelijkheden!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
# keyboard_shortcuts:
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Keyboard Shortcuts"
# space: "Space"
@ -847,20 +883,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Nederlands (Nederland)", englishDescription
# license: "license"
# oreilly: "ebook of your choice"
introducing_dungeon_arena: "Introductie van Dungeon Arena"
new_way: "17 maart, 2014: De nieuwe manier om te concurreren met code."
to_battle: "Naar het slagveld, ontwikkelaars!"
modern_day_sorcerer: "Kan jij programmeren? Dat is pas stoer. Jij bent een moderne tovenaar! Is het niet tijd dat je jouw magische krachten gebruikt voor het besturen van jou minions in het slagveld? En nee, we praten hier niet over robots."
arenas_are_here: "CodeCombat's kop aan kop multiplayer arena's zijn er."
ladder_explanation: "Kies jouw helden, betover jouw mensen of ogre legers, en beklim jouw weg naar de top in de ladder, door het verslagen van vriend en vijand. Daag nu je vrienden uit in de multiplayer programmeer arena's en verdien eeuwige roem. Indien je creatief bent, kan je zelfs"
fork_our_arenas: "onze arenas forken"
create_worlds: "en jouw eigen werelden creëren."
javascript_rusty: "Jouw JavaScript is een beetje roestig? Wees niet bang, er is een"
tutorial: "tutorial"
new_to_programming: ". Ben je net begonnen met programmeren? Speel dan eerst onze beginners campagne."
so_ready: "Ik ben hier zo klaar voor"
could_not_load: "Fout bij het laden van de server"
connection_failure: "Verbinding mislukt."

View file

@ -353,8 +353,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Nederlands", englishDescription: "Dutch", t
grid: "Raster"
customize_wizard: "Pas Tovenaar aan"
home: "Home"
# game_menu: "Game Menu"
guide: "Handleiding"
multiplayer: "Multiplayer"
restart: "Herstarten"
goals: "Doelen"
# success: "Success!"
@ -377,12 +377,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Nederlands", englishDescription: "Dutch", t
victory_review: "Vertel ons meer!"
victory_hour_of_code_done: "Ben Je Klaar?"
victory_hour_of_code_done_yes: "Ja, ik ben klaar met mijn Hour of Code!"
multiplayer_title: "Multiplayer Instellingen"
multiplayer_link_description: "Geef deze url aan iemand om hem/haar te laten meedoen met jou."
multiplayer_hint_label: "Hint:"
multiplayer_hint: " Klik de link om alles te selecteren, druk dan op Apple-C of Ctrl-C om de link te kopiëren."
multiplayer_coming_soon: "Binnenkort komen er meer Multiplayermogelijkheden!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
guide_title: "Handleiding"
tome_minion_spells: "Jouw Minions' Spreuken"
tome_read_only_spells: "Read-Only Spreuken"
@ -390,30 +384,12 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Nederlands", englishDescription: "Dutch", t
tome_cast_button_castable: "Uitvoeren"
tome_cast_button_casting: "Aan het uitvoeren"
tome_cast_button_cast: "Spreuk uitvoeren"
tome_autocast_delay: "Spreuk Uitvoeren vertraging"
tome_select_spell: "Selecteer een Spreuk"
tome_select_a_thang: "Selecteer Iemand voor "
tome_available_spells: "Beschikbare spreuken"
hud_continue: "Ga verder (druk shift-spatie)"
spell_saved: "Spreuk Opgeslagen"
skip_tutorial: "Overslaan (esc)"
editor_config: "Editor Configuratie"
editor_config_title: "Editor Configuratie"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
editor_config_keybindings_label: "Toets instellingen"
editor_config_keybindings_default: "Standaard (Ace)"
editor_config_keybindings_description: "Voeg extra shortcuts toe van de gebruikelijke editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
editor_config_invisibles_label: "Toon onzichtbare"
editor_config_invisibles_description: "Toon onzichtbare (spatie) karakters."
editor_config_indentguides_label: "Toon inspringing regels"
editor_config_indentguides_description: "Toon verticale hulplijnen om de zichtbaarheid te verbeteren."
editor_config_behaviors_label: "Slim gedrag"
editor_config_behaviors_description: "Automatisch aanvullen van (gekrulde) haakjes en aanhalingstekens."
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Key Shortcuts"
loading_ready: "Klaar!"
tip_insert_positions: "Shift+Klik een punt op de kaart om het toe te voegen aan je spreuk editor."
@ -423,7 +399,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Nederlands", englishDescription: "Dutch", t
tip_open_source: "CodeCombat is 100% open source!"
tip_beta_launch: "CodeCombat lanceerde zijn beta versie in Oktober, 2013."
tip_js_beginning: "JavaScript is nog maar het begin."
tip_autocast_setting: "Verander de autocast instelling door te klikken op het tandwiel naast de cast knop."
think_solution: "Denk aan de oplossing, niet aan het probleem"
tip_theory_practice: "In theorie is er geen verschil tussen de theorie en de praktijk; in de praktijk is er wel een verschil. - Yogi Berra"
tip_error_free: "Er zijn twee manieren om fout-vrije code te schrijven, maar enkele de derde manier werkt. - Alan Perlis"
@ -452,6 +427,67 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Nederlands", englishDescription: "Dutch", t
infinite_loop_reset_level: "Level resetten"
infinite_loop_comment_out: "Mijn code weg commentariëren"
# inventory_tab: "Inventory"
# choose_hero_tab: "Restart Level"
# save_load_tab: "Save/Load"
# options_tab: "Options"
# guide_tab: "Guide"
multiplayer_tab: "Multiplayer"
# inventory_caption: "Equip your hero"
# choose_hero_caption: "Choose hero, language"
# save_load_caption: "... and view history"
# options_caption: "Configure settings"
# guide_caption: "Docs and tips"
# multiplayer_caption: "Play with friends!"
# inventory:
# temp: "Temp"
# choose_hero:
# temp: "Temp"
# save_load:
# granularity_saved_games: "Saved"
# granularity_change_history: "History"
# general_options: "General Options"
# music_label: "Music"
# music_description: "Turn background music on/off."
# autorun_label: "Autorun"
# autorun_description: "Control automatic code execution."
editor_config: "Editor Configuratie"
editor_config_title: "Editor Configuratie"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
editor_config_keybindings_label: "Toets instellingen"
editor_config_keybindings_default: "Standaard (Ace)"
editor_config_keybindings_description: "Voeg extra shortcuts toe van de gebruikelijke editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
editor_config_invisibles_label: "Toon onzichtbare"
editor_config_invisibles_description: "Toon onzichtbare (spatie) karakters."
editor_config_indentguides_label: "Toon inspringing regels"
editor_config_indentguides_description: "Toon verticale hulplijnen om de zichtbaarheid te verbeteren."
editor_config_behaviors_label: "Slim gedrag"
editor_config_behaviors_description: "Automatisch aanvullen van (gekrulde) haakjes en aanhalingstekens."
# guide:
# temp: "Temp"
multiplayer_title: "Multiplayer Instellingen"
# multiplayer_toggle: "Enable multiplayer"
# multiplayer_toggle_description: "Allow others to join your game."
multiplayer_link_description: "Geef deze url aan iemand om hem/haar te laten meedoen met jou."
multiplayer_hint_label: "Hint:"
multiplayer_hint: " Klik de link om alles te selecteren, druk dan op Apple-C of Ctrl-C om de link te kopiëren."
multiplayer_coming_soon: "Binnenkort komen er meer Multiplayermogelijkheden!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
# keyboard_shortcuts:
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Keyboard Shortcuts"
# space: "Space"
@ -847,20 +883,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Nederlands", englishDescription: "Dutch", t
# license: "license"
# oreilly: "ebook of your choice"
introducing_dungeon_arena: "Introductie van Dungeon Arena"
new_way: "17 maart, 2014: De nieuwe manier om te concurreren met code."
to_battle: "Naar het slagveld, ontwikkelaars!"
modern_day_sorcerer: "Kan jij programmeren? Dat is pas stoer. Jij bent een moderne tovenaar! Is het niet tijd dat je jouw magische krachten gebruikt voor het besturen van jou minions in het slagveld? En nee, we praten hier niet over robots."
arenas_are_here: "CodeCombat's kop aan kop multiplayer arena's zijn er."
ladder_explanation: "Kies jouw helden, betover jouw mensen of ork-legers, en beklim jouw weg naar de top in de ladder, door het verslagen van vriend en vijand. Daag nu je vrienden uit in de multiplayer programmeer arena's en verdien eeuwige roem. Indien je creatief bent, kan je zelfs"
fork_our_arenas: "onze arenas forken"
create_worlds: "en jouw eigen werelden creëren."
javascript_rusty: "Jouw JavaScript is een beetje roestig? Wees niet bang, er is een"
tutorial: "tutorial"
new_to_programming: ". Ben je net begonnen met programmeren? Speel dan eerst onze beginners campagne."
so_ready: "Ik ben hier zo klaar voor"
could_not_load: "Fout bij het laden van de server"
connection_failure: "Verbinding mislukt."

View file

@ -353,8 +353,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Norwegian Nynorsk", englishDescription: "No
# grid: "Grid"
# customize_wizard: "Customize Wizard"
# home: "Home"
# game_menu: "Game Menu"
# guide: "Guide"
# multiplayer: "Multiplayer"
# restart: "Restart"
# goals: "Goals"
# success: "Success!"
@ -377,12 +377,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Norwegian Nynorsk", englishDescription: "No
# victory_review: "Tell us more!"
# victory_hour_of_code_done: "Are You Done?"
# victory_hour_of_code_done_yes: "Yes, I'm finished with my Hour of Code™!"
# multiplayer_title: "Multiplayer Settings"
# multiplayer_link_description: "Give this link to anyone to have them join you."
# multiplayer_hint_label: "Hint:"
# multiplayer_hint: " Click the link to select all, then press ⌘-C or Ctrl-C to copy the link."
# multiplayer_coming_soon: "More multiplayer features to come!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
# guide_title: "Guide"
# tome_minion_spells: "Your Minions' Spells"
# tome_read_only_spells: "Read-Only Spells"
@ -390,30 +384,12 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Norwegian Nynorsk", englishDescription: "No
# tome_cast_button_castable: "Cast Spell"
# tome_cast_button_casting: "Casting"
# tome_cast_button_cast: "Spell Cast"
# tome_autocast_delay: "Autocast Delay"
# tome_select_spell: "Select a Spell"
# tome_select_a_thang: "Select Someone for "
# tome_available_spells: "Available Spells"
# hud_continue: "Continue (shift+space)"
# spell_saved: "Spell Saved"
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Key Shortcuts"
# loading_ready: "Ready!"
# tip_insert_positions: "Shift+Click a point on the map to insert it into the spell editor."
@ -423,7 +399,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Norwegian Nynorsk", englishDescription: "No
# tip_open_source: "CodeCombat is 100% open source!"
# tip_beta_launch: "CodeCombat launched its beta in October, 2013."
# tip_js_beginning: "JavaScript is just the beginning."
# tip_autocast_setting: "Adjust autocast settings by clicking the gear on the cast button."
# think_solution: "Think of the solution, not the problem."
# tip_theory_practice: "In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But in practice, there is. - Yogi Berra"
# tip_error_free: "There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works. - Alan Perlis"
@ -452,6 +427,67 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Norwegian Nynorsk", englishDescription: "No
# infinite_loop_reset_level: "Reset Level"
# infinite_loop_comment_out: "Comment Out My Code"
# game_menu:
# inventory_tab: "Inventory"
# choose_hero_tab: "Restart Level"
# save_load_tab: "Save/Load"
# options_tab: "Options"
# guide_tab: "Guide"
# multiplayer_tab: "Multiplayer"
# inventory_caption: "Equip your hero"
# choose_hero_caption: "Choose hero, language"
# save_load_caption: "... and view history"
# options_caption: "Configure settings"
# guide_caption: "Docs and tips"
# multiplayer_caption: "Play with friends!"
# inventory:
# temp: "Temp"
# choose_hero:
# temp: "Temp"
# save_load:
# granularity_saved_games: "Saved"
# granularity_change_history: "History"
# options:
# general_options: "General Options"
# music_label: "Music"
# music_description: "Turn background music on/off."
# autorun_label: "Autorun"
# autorun_description: "Control automatic code execution."
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# guide:
# temp: "Temp"
# multiplayer:
# multiplayer_title: "Multiplayer Settings"
# multiplayer_toggle: "Enable multiplayer"
# multiplayer_toggle_description: "Allow others to join your game."
# multiplayer_link_description: "Give this link to anyone to have them join you."
# multiplayer_hint_label: "Hint:"
# multiplayer_hint: " Click the link to select all, then press ⌘-C or Ctrl-C to copy the link."
# multiplayer_coming_soon: "More multiplayer features to come!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
# keyboard_shortcuts:
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Keyboard Shortcuts"
# space: "Space"
@ -847,20 +883,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Norwegian Nynorsk", englishDescription: "No
# license: "license"
# oreilly: "ebook of your choice"
# multiplayer_launch:
# introducing_dungeon_arena: "Introducing Dungeon Arena"
# new_way: "The new way to compete with code."
# to_battle: "To Battle, Developers!"
# modern_day_sorcerer: "You know how to code? That's badass. You're a modern-day sorcerer! Isn't about time that you used your magic coding powers to command your minions in epic combat? And we're not talking robots here."
# arenas_are_here: "CodeCombat head-to-head multiplayer arenas are here."
# ladder_explanation: "Choose your heroes, enchant your human or ogre armies, and climb your way over defeated fellow Wizards to reach the top of the laddersthen challenge your friends in our glorious, asynchronous multiplayer coding arenas. If you're feeling creative, you can even"
# fork_our_arenas: "fork our arenas"
# create_worlds: "and create your own worlds."
# javascript_rusty: "JavaScript a bit rusty? Don't worry; there's a"
# tutorial: "tutorial"
# new_to_programming: ". New to programming? Hit our beginner campaign to skill up."
# so_ready: "I Am So Ready for This"
# loading_error:
# could_not_load: "Error loading from server"
# connection_failure: "Connection failed."

View file

@ -353,8 +353,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Norsk", englishDescription: "Norwegian", tr
grid: "Grid"
customize_wizard: "Spesiallag Trollmann"
home: "Hjem"
# game_menu: "Game Menu"
guide: "Guide"
multiplayer: "Flerspiller"
restart: "Start på nytt"
goals: "Mål"
# success: "Success!"
@ -377,12 +377,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Norsk", englishDescription: "Norwegian", tr
victory_review: "Fortell oss mer!"
victory_hour_of_code_done: "Er du ferdig?"
victory_hour_of_code_done_yes: "Ja, jeg er ferdig med min time i koding!"
multiplayer_title: "Flerspillerinnstillinger"
multiplayer_link_description: "Gi denne lenken til de du vil spille med."
multiplayer_hint_label: "Hint:"
multiplayer_hint: " Klikk lenken for å velge alle, så trykker du Apple-C eller Ctrl-C for å kopiere lenken."
multiplayer_coming_soon: "Det kommer flere flerspillsmuligheter!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
guide_title: "Guide"
tome_minion_spells: "Din Minions' Trylleformularer"
tome_read_only_spells: "Kun-Lesbare Trylleformularer"
@ -390,30 +384,12 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Norsk", englishDescription: "Norwegian", tr
tome_cast_button_castable: "Kast"
tome_cast_button_casting: "Kaster"
tome_cast_button_cast: "Kast Trylleformular"
tome_autocast_delay: "Automatisk Forsinkelse"
tome_select_spell: "Velg et trylleformular"
tome_select_a_thang: "Velg noe for å "
tome_available_spells: "Tilgjenglige Trylleformularer"
hud_continue: "Fortsett (trykk shift+mellomrom)"
# spell_saved: "Spell Saved"
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Key Shortcuts"
# loading_ready: "Ready!"
# tip_insert_positions: "Shift+Click a point on the map to insert it into the spell editor."
@ -423,7 +399,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Norsk", englishDescription: "Norwegian", tr
# tip_open_source: "CodeCombat is 100% open source!"
# tip_beta_launch: "CodeCombat launched its beta in October, 2013."
# tip_js_beginning: "JavaScript is just the beginning."
# tip_autocast_setting: "Adjust autocast settings by clicking the gear on the cast button."
# think_solution: "Think of the solution, not the problem."
# tip_theory_practice: "In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But in practice, there is. - Yogi Berra"
# tip_error_free: "There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works. - Alan Perlis"
@ -452,6 +427,67 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Norsk", englishDescription: "Norwegian", tr
# infinite_loop_reset_level: "Reset Level"
# infinite_loop_comment_out: "Comment Out My Code"
# inventory_tab: "Inventory"
# choose_hero_tab: "Restart Level"
# save_load_tab: "Save/Load"
# options_tab: "Options"
# guide_tab: "Guide"
multiplayer_tab: "Flerspiller"
# inventory_caption: "Equip your hero"
# choose_hero_caption: "Choose hero, language"
# save_load_caption: "... and view history"
# options_caption: "Configure settings"
# guide_caption: "Docs and tips"
# multiplayer_caption: "Play with friends!"
# inventory:
# temp: "Temp"
# choose_hero:
# temp: "Temp"
# save_load:
# granularity_saved_games: "Saved"
# granularity_change_history: "History"
# options:
# general_options: "General Options"
# music_label: "Music"
# music_description: "Turn background music on/off."
# autorun_label: "Autorun"
# autorun_description: "Control automatic code execution."
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# guide:
# temp: "Temp"
multiplayer_title: "Flerspillerinnstillinger"
# multiplayer_toggle: "Enable multiplayer"
# multiplayer_toggle_description: "Allow others to join your game."
multiplayer_link_description: "Gi denne lenken til de du vil spille med."
multiplayer_hint_label: "Hint:"
multiplayer_hint: " Klikk lenken for å velge alle, så trykker du Apple-C eller Ctrl-C for å kopiere lenken."
multiplayer_coming_soon: "Det kommer flere flerspillsmuligheter!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
# keyboard_shortcuts:
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Keyboard Shortcuts"
# space: "Space"
@ -847,20 +883,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Norsk", englishDescription: "Norwegian", tr
# license: "license"
# oreilly: "ebook of your choice"
# multiplayer_launch:
# introducing_dungeon_arena: "Introducing Dungeon Arena"
# new_way: "The new way to compete with code."
# to_battle: "To Battle, Developers!"
# modern_day_sorcerer: "You know how to code? That's badass. You're a modern-day sorcerer! Isn't about time that you used your magic coding powers to command your minions in epic combat? And we're not talking robots here."
# arenas_are_here: "CodeCombat head-to-head multiplayer arenas are here."
# ladder_explanation: "Choose your heroes, enchant your human or ogre armies, and climb your way over defeated fellow Wizards to reach the top of the laddersthen challenge your friends in our glorious, asynchronous multiplayer coding arenas. If you're feeling creative, you can even"
# fork_our_arenas: "fork our arenas"
# create_worlds: "and create your own worlds."
# javascript_rusty: "JavaScript a bit rusty? Don't worry; there's a"
# tutorial: "tutorial"
# new_to_programming: ". New to programming? Hit our beginner campaign to skill up."
# so_ready: "I Am So Ready for This"
# loading_error:
# could_not_load: "Error loading from server"
# connection_failure: "Connection failed."

View file

@ -353,8 +353,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "język polski", englishDescription: "Polish
grid: "Siatka"
customize_wizard: "Spersonalizuj czarodzieja"
home: "Strona główna"
# game_menu: "Game Menu"
guide: "Przewodnik"
multiplayer: "Multiplayer"
restart: "Zacznij od nowa"
goals: "Cele"
# success: "Success!"
@ -377,12 +377,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "język polski", englishDescription: "Polish
victory_review: "Powiedz nam coś więcej!"
victory_hour_of_code_done: "Skończyłeś już?"
victory_hour_of_code_done_yes: "Tak, skończyłem moją Godzinę Kodu."
multiplayer_title: "Ustawienia multiplayer"
multiplayer_link_description: "Przekaż ten link, jeśli chcesz, by ktoś do ciebie dołączył."
multiplayer_hint_label: "Podpowiedź:"
multiplayer_hint: "Kliknij link by zaznaczyć wszystko, potem wciśnij Cmd-C lub Ctrl-C by skopiować ten link."
multiplayer_coming_soon: "Wkrótce więcej opcji multiplayer"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
guide_title: "Przewodnik"
tome_minion_spells: "Czary twojego podopiecznego"
tome_read_only_spells: "Czary tylko do odczytu"
@ -390,30 +384,12 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "język polski", englishDescription: "Polish
tome_cast_button_castable: "Rzuć czar"
tome_cast_button_casting: "Rzucam czar"
tome_cast_button_cast: "Rzucenie czaru"
tome_autocast_delay: "Opóźnienie automatycznego rzucania czaru"
tome_select_spell: "Wybierz czar"
tome_select_a_thang: "Wybierz kogoś do "
tome_available_spells: "Dostępne czary"
hud_continue: "Kontynuuj (Shift + spacja)"
spell_saved: "Czar zapisany"
skip_tutorial: "Pomiń (esc)"
editor_config: "Konfiguracja edytora"
editor_config_title: "Konfiguracja edytora"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
editor_config_keybindings_label: "Przypisania klawiszy"
editor_config_keybindings_default: "Domyślny (Ace)"
editor_config_keybindings_description: "Dodaje skróty znane z popularnych edytorów."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
editor_config_invisibles_label: "Pokaż białe znaki"
editor_config_invisibles_description: "Wyświetla białe znaki takie jak spacja czy tabulator."
editor_config_indentguides_label: "Pokaż linijki wcięć"
editor_config_indentguides_description: "Wyświetla pionowe linie, by lepiej zaznaczyć wcięcia."
editor_config_behaviors_label: "Inteligentne zachowania"
editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autouzupełnianie nawiasów, klamer i cudzysłowów."
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Key Shortcuts"
# loading_ready: "Ready!"
# tip_insert_positions: "Shift+Click a point on the map to insert it into the spell editor."
@ -423,7 +399,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "język polski", englishDescription: "Polish
# tip_open_source: "CodeCombat is 100% open source!"
# tip_beta_launch: "CodeCombat launched its beta in October, 2013."
# tip_js_beginning: "JavaScript is just the beginning."
# tip_autocast_setting: "Adjust autocast settings by clicking the gear on the cast button."
# think_solution: "Think of the solution, not the problem."
# tip_theory_practice: "In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But in practice, there is. - Yogi Berra"
# tip_error_free: "There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works. - Alan Perlis"
@ -452,6 +427,67 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "język polski", englishDescription: "Polish
# infinite_loop_reset_level: "Reset Level"
# infinite_loop_comment_out: "Comment Out My Code"
# inventory_tab: "Inventory"
# choose_hero_tab: "Restart Level"
# save_load_tab: "Save/Load"
# options_tab: "Options"
# guide_tab: "Guide"
multiplayer_tab: "Multiplayer"
# inventory_caption: "Equip your hero"
# choose_hero_caption: "Choose hero, language"
# save_load_caption: "... and view history"
# options_caption: "Configure settings"
# guide_caption: "Docs and tips"
# multiplayer_caption: "Play with friends!"
# inventory:
# temp: "Temp"
# choose_hero:
# temp: "Temp"
# save_load:
# granularity_saved_games: "Saved"
# granularity_change_history: "History"
# general_options: "General Options"
# music_label: "Music"
# music_description: "Turn background music on/off."
# autorun_label: "Autorun"
# autorun_description: "Control automatic code execution."
editor_config: "Konfiguracja edytora"
editor_config_title: "Konfiguracja edytora"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
editor_config_keybindings_label: "Przypisania klawiszy"
editor_config_keybindings_default: "Domyślny (Ace)"
editor_config_keybindings_description: "Dodaje skróty znane z popularnych edytorów."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
editor_config_invisibles_label: "Pokaż białe znaki"
editor_config_invisibles_description: "Wyświetla białe znaki takie jak spacja czy tabulator."
editor_config_indentguides_label: "Pokaż linijki wcięć"
editor_config_indentguides_description: "Wyświetla pionowe linie, by lepiej zaznaczyć wcięcia."
editor_config_behaviors_label: "Inteligentne zachowania"
editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autouzupełnianie nawiasów, klamer i cudzysłowów."
# guide:
# temp: "Temp"
multiplayer_title: "Ustawienia multiplayer"
# multiplayer_toggle: "Enable multiplayer"
# multiplayer_toggle_description: "Allow others to join your game."
multiplayer_link_description: "Przekaż ten link, jeśli chcesz, by ktoś do ciebie dołączył."
multiplayer_hint_label: "Podpowiedź:"
multiplayer_hint: "Kliknij link by zaznaczyć wszystko, potem wciśnij Cmd-C lub Ctrl-C by skopiować ten link."
multiplayer_coming_soon: "Wkrótce więcej opcji multiplayer"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
# keyboard_shortcuts:
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Keyboard Shortcuts"
# space: "Space"
@ -847,20 +883,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "język polski", englishDescription: "Polish
# license: "license"
# oreilly: "ebook of your choice"
introducing_dungeon_arena: "Oto Dungeon Arena"
new_way: "Nowy sposób, by współzawodniczyć dzięki programowaniu."
to_battle: "Do broni, developerzy!"
modern_day_sorcerer: "Wiesz, jak programować? Super. Jesteś współczesnym czarodziejem. Czy nie najwyższy czas, aby użyć swoich mocy, by dowodzić jednostkami w epickiej batalii? I nie mamy tutaj na myśli robotów."
arenas_are_here: "Areny wieloosobowych potyczek CodeCombat właśnie nastały."
ladder_explanation: "Wybierz swoich herosów, ulepsz swą armię ludzi lub ogrów i wespnij się po pokonanych Czarodziejach, by osiągnąć szczyty rankingów - wówczas, wyzwij swoich przyjaciół w naszych wspaniałych, asynchronicznych arenach programowania multiplayer. Jeśli czujesz w sobie moc twórczą, możesz nawet"
fork_our_arenas: "forkować nasze areny"
create_worlds: "i tworzyć swoje własne światy."
javascript_rusty: "JavaScript wyleciała ci z głowy? Nie martw się, czeka na ciebie"
tutorial: "samouczek"
new_to_programming: ". Jesteś nowy w świecie programowania? Zagraj w naszą kampanię dla początkujących, aby zyskać nowe umiejętności."
so_ready: "Już nie mogę się doczekać"
# loading_error:
# could_not_load: "Error loading from server"
# connection_failure: "Connection failed."

View file

@ -353,8 +353,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "português do Brasil", englishDescription:
grid: "Grade"
customize_wizard: "Personalize o feiticeiro"
home: "Início"
# game_menu: "Game Menu"
guide: "Guia"
multiplayer: "Multiplayer"
restart: "Reiniciar"
goals: "Objetivos"
success: "Sucesso!"
@ -377,12 +377,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "português do Brasil", englishDescription:
victory_review: "Diga-nos mais!"
victory_hour_of_code_done: "Terminou?"
victory_hour_of_code_done_yes: "Sim, eu terminei minha Hora da Programação!"
multiplayer_title: "Configurações do Multiplayer"
multiplayer_link_description: "Passe este link para quem você quiser que se una à partida."
multiplayer_hint_label: "Dica:"
multiplayer_hint: " Clique no link para selecionar tudo, então dê Ctrl+C ou ⌘+C para copiar o link. "
multiplayer_coming_soon: "Mais novidades no multiplayer estão chegando!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
guide_title: "Guia"
tome_minion_spells: "Magias dos seus subordinados"
tome_read_only_spells: "Magias não editáveis"
@ -390,30 +384,12 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "português do Brasil", englishDescription:
tome_cast_button_castable: "Lançar"
tome_cast_button_casting: "Conjurando"
tome_cast_button_cast: "Feitiço"
tome_autocast_delay: "Atraso na autoconjuração"
tome_select_spell: "Selecione um Feitiço"
tome_select_a_thang: "Selecione alguém para "
tome_available_spells: "Feitiços Disponíveis"
hud_continue: "Continue (tecle Shift+Space)"
spell_saved: "Feitiço Salvo"
skip_tutorial: "Pular (esc)"
editor_config: "Editor de Configurações"
editor_config_title: "Editor de Configurações"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
editor_config_keybindings_label: "Teclas de Atalho"
editor_config_keybindings_default: "Padrão (Ace)"
editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adicionar atalhos conhecidos de editores comuns."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
editor_config_invisibles_label: "Mostrar Invisíveis"
editor_config_invisibles_description: "Mostrar invisíveis como espaços e tabs."
editor_config_indentguides_label: "Mostrar Linhas de Identação"
editor_config_indentguides_description: "Mostrar linhas verticais para ver a identação melhor."
editor_config_behaviors_label: "Comportamentos Inteligentes"
editor_config_behaviors_description: "Completar automaticamente colchetes, chaves e aspas."
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Key Shortcuts"
loading_ready: "Pronto!"
# tip_insert_positions: "Shift+Click a point on the map to insert it into the spell editor."
@ -423,7 +399,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "português do Brasil", englishDescription:
# tip_open_source: "CodeCombat is 100% open source!"
# tip_beta_launch: "CodeCombat launched its beta in October, 2013."
# tip_js_beginning: "JavaScript is just the beginning."
# tip_autocast_setting: "Adjust autocast settings by clicking the gear on the cast button."
# think_solution: "Think of the solution, not the problem."
# tip_theory_practice: "In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But in practice, there is. - Yogi Berra"
# tip_error_free: "There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works. - Alan Perlis"
@ -452,6 +427,67 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "português do Brasil", englishDescription:
# infinite_loop_reset_level: "Reset Level"
# infinite_loop_comment_out: "Comment Out My Code"
# inventory_tab: "Inventory"
# choose_hero_tab: "Restart Level"
# save_load_tab: "Save/Load"
# options_tab: "Options"
# guide_tab: "Guide"
multiplayer_tab: "Multiplayer"
# inventory_caption: "Equip your hero"
# choose_hero_caption: "Choose hero, language"
# save_load_caption: "... and view history"
# options_caption: "Configure settings"
# guide_caption: "Docs and tips"
# multiplayer_caption: "Play with friends!"
# inventory:
# temp: "Temp"
# choose_hero:
# temp: "Temp"
# save_load:
# granularity_saved_games: "Saved"
# granularity_change_history: "History"
# general_options: "General Options"
# music_label: "Music"
# music_description: "Turn background music on/off."
# autorun_label: "Autorun"
# autorun_description: "Control automatic code execution."
editor_config: "Editor de Configurações"
editor_config_title: "Editor de Configurações"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
editor_config_keybindings_label: "Teclas de Atalho"
editor_config_keybindings_default: "Padrão (Ace)"
editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adicionar atalhos conhecidos de editores comuns."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
editor_config_invisibles_label: "Mostrar Invisíveis"
editor_config_invisibles_description: "Mostrar invisíveis como espaços e tabs."
editor_config_indentguides_label: "Mostrar Linhas de Identação"
editor_config_indentguides_description: "Mostrar linhas verticais para ver a identação melhor."
editor_config_behaviors_label: "Comportamentos Inteligentes"
editor_config_behaviors_description: "Completar automaticamente colchetes, chaves e aspas."
# guide:
# temp: "Temp"
multiplayer_title: "Configurações do Multiplayer"
# multiplayer_toggle: "Enable multiplayer"
# multiplayer_toggle_description: "Allow others to join your game."
multiplayer_link_description: "Passe este link para quem você quiser que se una à partida."
multiplayer_hint_label: "Dica:"
multiplayer_hint: " Clique no link para selecionar tudo, então dê Ctrl+C ou ⌘+C para copiar o link. "
multiplayer_coming_soon: "Mais novidades no multiplayer estão chegando!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
# keyboard_shortcuts:
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Keyboard Shortcuts"
# space: "Space"
@ -847,20 +883,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "português do Brasil", englishDescription:
# license: "license"
# oreilly: "ebook of your choice"
introducing_dungeon_arena: "Introduzindo a Dungeon Arena"
new_way: "O novo meio de competir com código."
to_battle: "Para a Batalha, Desenvolvedores!"
modern_day_sorcerer: "Você sabe como codificar? Isso é incrível. Você é um feiticeiro dos tempos modernos! Não é tempo de usar seus poderes mágicos de codificação para comandar seus lacaios em um combate épico? E não estamos falando de robôs aqui."
arenas_are_here: "As arenas de combatte um contra um do CodeCombat estão aqui."
ladder_explanation: "Escoha seus heróis, encante seus exércitos de humanos ou ogres, e abra seu caminho ao longo de companheiros derrotados para chegar ao topo das escadas, então desafie seus amigos em nossas gloriosas arenas de codificação assíncrona. Se você está se sentindo criativo, você pode até mesmo"
fork_our_arenas: "dar um fork em nossas arenas"
create_worlds: "e criar seus próprios mundos."
javascript_rusty: "está um pouco enferrujado em JavaScript? Não se preocupe; temos um"
tutorial: "tutorial"
new_to_programming: ". Novo à programação? Bata nossa campanha iniciante para aumentar de nível"
so_ready: "Eu Estou Tão Pronto Para Isso"
# loading_error:
# could_not_load: "Error loading from server"
# connection_failure: "Connection failed."

View file

@ -100,12 +100,12 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Português (Portugal)", englishDescription:
for_beginners: "Para Iniciantes"
multiplayer: "Multijogador"
for_developers: "Para Programadores"
# javascript_blurb: "A linguagem da web. Ótima para escrever websites, aplicações da web, jogos HTML5 e servidores."
# python_blurb: "Simples mas poderoso, o Python é uma linguagem de programação ótima para propósitos gerais."
# coffeescript_blurb: "Sintaxe do Javascript mais agradável."
# clojure_blurb: "Um Lisp moderno"
# lua_blurb: "Linguagem para scripts de jogos"
# io_blurb: "Simples mas obscuro"
javascript_blurb: "A linguagem da web. Ótima para escrever websites, aplicações da web, jogos HTML5 e servidores."
python_blurb: "Simples mas poderoso, o Python é uma linguagem de programação ótima para propósitos gerais."
coffeescript_blurb: "Sintaxe do Javascript mais agradável."
clojure_blurb: "Um Lisp moderno"
lua_blurb: "Linguagem para scripts de jogos"
io_blurb: "Simples mas obscuro"
choose_your_level: "Escolha o Seu Nível"
@ -353,8 +353,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Português (Portugal)", englishDescription:
grid: "Grelha"
customize_wizard: "Personalizar Feiticeiro"
home: "Início"
# game_menu: "Game Menu"
guide: "Guia"
multiplayer: "Multijogador"
restart: "Reiniciar"
goals: "Objetivos"
success: "Successo!"
@ -377,12 +377,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Português (Portugal)", englishDescription:
victory_review: "Conte-nos mais!"
victory_hour_of_code_done: "Terminou?"
victory_hour_of_code_done_yes: "Sim, terminei a minha Hora de Código™!"
multiplayer_title: "Definições Multijogador"
multiplayer_link_description: "Dê esta ligação a alguém para se juntar a si."
multiplayer_hint_label: "Dica:"
multiplayer_hint: " Clique na ligação para selecionar tudo. Depois carregue em ⌘-C ou Ctrl-C para copiá-la."
multiplayer_coming_soon: "Mais funcionalidades multijogador em breve!"
multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Inicie sessão ou crie uma conta para ter a sua solução na tabela de classificação."
guide_title: "Guia"
tome_minion_spells: "Feitiços dos Seus Minions"
tome_read_only_spells: "Feitiços Apenas de Leitura"
@ -390,30 +384,12 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Português (Portugal)", englishDescription:
tome_cast_button_castable: "Lançar Feitiço"
tome_cast_button_casting: "A Lançar"
tome_cast_button_cast: "Feitiço Lançado"
tome_autocast_delay: "Atraso de Auto-lançamento"
tome_select_spell: "Selecione um Feitiço"
tome_select_a_thang: "Selecione Alguém para "
tome_available_spells: "Feitiços Disponíveis"
hud_continue: "Continuar (shift-espaço)"
spell_saved: "Feitiço Guardado"
skip_tutorial: "Saltar (esc)"
editor_config: "Configurar Editor"
editor_config_title: "Configurar Editor"
editor_config_level_language_label: "Linguagem para Este Nível"
editor_config_level_language_description: "Define a linguagem de programação para este nível em particular."
editor_config_default_language_label: "Linguagem de Programação Predefinida"
editor_config_default_language_description: "Define a linguagem de programação na qual deseja programar aquando do começo de novos níveis."
editor_config_keybindings_label: "Atalhos do Teclado"
editor_config_keybindings_default: "Predefinição (Ace)"
editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adiciona atalhos de teclado adicionais conhecidos dos editores comuns."
editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Auto-completação em Tempo Real"
editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Mostra sugestões de auto-completação aquando da escrita."
editor_config_invisibles_label: "Mostrar Invisíveis"
editor_config_invisibles_description: "Mostra invisíveis tais como espaços e tabulações."
editor_config_indentguides_label: "Mostrar Guias de Indentação"
editor_config_indentguides_description: "Mostra linhas verticais para se ver melhor a indentação."
editor_config_behaviors_label: "Comportamentos Inteligentes"
editor_config_behaviors_description: "Auto-completa parênteses, chavetas e aspas."
keyboard_shortcuts: "Atalhos do Teclado"
loading_ready: "Pronto!"
tip_insert_positions: "Pressione Shift e Clique num ponto do mapa para inseri-lo no editor de feitiços."
@ -423,7 +399,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Português (Portugal)", englishDescription:
tip_open_source: "O CodeCombat é 100% open source!"
tip_beta_launch: "O CodeCombat lançou o seu beta em outubro de 2013."
tip_js_beginning: "O JavaScript é apenas o começo."
tip_autocast_setting: "Ajuste as definições de auto-lançamento ao clicar na engrenagem no botão lançar."
think_solution: "Pense na solução, não no problema."
tip_theory_practice: "Teoricamente, não há diferença entre a teoria e a prática. Mas na prática, há. - Yogi Berra"
tip_error_free: "Há duas formas de escrever programas sem erros; apenas a terceira funciona. - Alan Perlis"
@ -452,6 +427,67 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Português (Portugal)", englishDescription:
infinite_loop_reset_level: "Reiniciar Nível"
# infinite_loop_comment_out: "Comment Out My Code"
# inventory_tab: "Inventory"
# choose_hero_tab: "Restart Level"
# save_load_tab: "Save/Load"
# options_tab: "Options"
# guide_tab: "Guide"
multiplayer_tab: "Multijogador"
# inventory_caption: "Equip your hero"
# choose_hero_caption: "Choose hero, language"
# save_load_caption: "... and view history"
# options_caption: "Configure settings"
# guide_caption: "Docs and tips"
# multiplayer_caption: "Play with friends!"
# inventory:
# temp: "Temp"
# choose_hero:
# temp: "Temp"
# save_load:
# granularity_saved_games: "Saved"
# granularity_change_history: "History"
# general_options: "General Options"
# music_label: "Music"
# music_description: "Turn background music on/off."
# autorun_label: "Autorun"
# autorun_description: "Control automatic code execution."
editor_config: "Configurar Editor"
editor_config_title: "Configurar Editor"
editor_config_level_language_label: "Linguagem para Este Nível"
editor_config_level_language_description: "Define a linguagem de programação para este nível em particular."
editor_config_default_language_label: "Linguagem de Programação Predefinida"
editor_config_default_language_description: "Define a linguagem de programação na qual deseja programar aquando do começo de novos níveis."
editor_config_keybindings_label: "Atalhos do Teclado"
editor_config_keybindings_default: "Predefinição (Ace)"
editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adiciona atalhos de teclado adicionais conhecidos dos editores comuns."
editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Auto-completação em Tempo Real"
editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Mostra sugestões de auto-completação aquando da escrita."
editor_config_invisibles_label: "Mostrar Invisíveis"
editor_config_invisibles_description: "Mostra invisíveis tais como espaços e tabulações."
editor_config_indentguides_label: "Mostrar Guias de Indentação"
editor_config_indentguides_description: "Mostra linhas verticais para se ver melhor a indentação."
editor_config_behaviors_label: "Comportamentos Inteligentes"
editor_config_behaviors_description: "Auto-completa parênteses, chavetas e aspas."
# guide:
# temp: "Temp"
multiplayer_title: "Definições Multijogador"
# multiplayer_toggle: "Enable multiplayer"
# multiplayer_toggle_description: "Allow others to join your game."
multiplayer_link_description: "Dê esta ligação a alguém para se juntar a si."
multiplayer_hint_label: "Dica:"
multiplayer_hint: " Clique na ligação para selecionar tudo. Depois carregue em ⌘-C ou Ctrl-C para copiá-la."
multiplayer_coming_soon: "Mais funcionalidades multijogador em breve!"
multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Inicie sessão ou crie uma conta para ter a sua solução na tabela de classificação."
keyboard_shortcuts: "Atalhos de Teclado"
space: "Espaço"
@ -847,20 +883,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Português (Portugal)", englishDescription:
# license: "license"
# oreilly: "ebook of your choice"
introducing_dungeon_arena: "Introduzindo a Dungeon Arena"
new_way: "A nova forma de competir com código."
to_battle: "Para o Combate, Programadores!"
modern_day_sorcerer: "Sabe programar? Isso é demais! É um feiticeiro dos tempos modernos! Não estará na altura de usar os seus poderes mágicos de programação para comandar os seus minions em combates épicos? E não estamos a falar de robôs."
arenas_are_here: "As arenas multijogador do CodeCombat estão aqui."
ladder_explanation: "Escolha os seus heróis, enfeitice os seus exércitos de ogres ou de humanos e passe por cima de Feiticeiros derrotados para chegar ao topo da tabela classificativa - depois, compita contra os seus amigos nas nossas arenas de programação multijogador gloriosas. Se se sentir criativo, pode ainda"
fork_our_arenas: "bifurcar as nossas arenas"
create_worlds: "e criar os seus próprios mundos."
javascript_rusty: "O seu JavaScript está um pouco enferrujado? Não se preocupe; existe um"
tutorial: "tutorial"
new_to_programming: ". Novo na programação? Faça a nossa Campanha para Iniciantes para melhorar as suas capacidades."
so_ready: "Estou Mais Que Pronto Para Isto"
could_not_load: "Erro ao carregar do servidor"
connection_failure: "A conexão falhou."

View file

@ -353,8 +353,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "português", englishDescription: "Portugues
grid: "Grade"
customize_wizard: "Personalize o feiticeiro"
home: "Início"
# game_menu: "Game Menu"
guide: "Guia"
multiplayer: "Multiplayer"
restart: "Reiniciar"
goals: "Objetivos"
# success: "Success!"
@ -377,12 +377,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "português", englishDescription: "Portugues
victory_review: "Diga-nos mais!"
victory_hour_of_code_done: "Terminou?"
victory_hour_of_code_done_yes: "Sim, eu terminei minha Hora da Programação!"
multiplayer_title: "Configurações do Multiplayer"
multiplayer_link_description: "Passe este link para quem você quiser que se una à partida."
multiplayer_hint_label: "Dica:"
multiplayer_hint: " Clique no link para selecionar tudo, então dê Ctrl+C ou ⌘+C para copiar o link. "
multiplayer_coming_soon: "Mais novidades no multiplayer estão chegando!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
guide_title: "Guia"
tome_minion_spells: "Magias dos seus subordinados"
tome_read_only_spells: "Magias não editáveis"
@ -390,30 +384,12 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "português", englishDescription: "Portugues
tome_cast_button_castable: "Lançar"
tome_cast_button_casting: "Conjurando"
tome_cast_button_cast: "Feitiço"
tome_autocast_delay: "Atraso na autoconjuração"
tome_select_spell: "Selecione um Feitiço"
tome_select_a_thang: "Selecione alguém para "
tome_available_spells: "Feitiços Disponíveis"
hud_continue: "Continue (tecle Shift+Space)"
# spell_saved: "Spell Saved"
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Key Shortcuts"
# loading_ready: "Ready!"
# tip_insert_positions: "Shift+Click a point on the map to insert it into the spell editor."
@ -423,7 +399,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "português", englishDescription: "Portugues
# tip_open_source: "CodeCombat is 100% open source!"
# tip_beta_launch: "CodeCombat launched its beta in October, 2013."
# tip_js_beginning: "JavaScript is just the beginning."
# tip_autocast_setting: "Adjust autocast settings by clicking the gear on the cast button."
# think_solution: "Think of the solution, not the problem."
# tip_theory_practice: "In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But in practice, there is. - Yogi Berra"
# tip_error_free: "There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works. - Alan Perlis"
@ -452,6 +427,67 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "português", englishDescription: "Portugues
# infinite_loop_reset_level: "Reset Level"
# infinite_loop_comment_out: "Comment Out My Code"
# inventory_tab: "Inventory"
# choose_hero_tab: "Restart Level"
# save_load_tab: "Save/Load"
# options_tab: "Options"
# guide_tab: "Guide"
multiplayer_tab: "Multiplayer"
# inventory_caption: "Equip your hero"
# choose_hero_caption: "Choose hero, language"
# save_load_caption: "... and view history"
# options_caption: "Configure settings"
# guide_caption: "Docs and tips"
# multiplayer_caption: "Play with friends!"
# inventory:
# temp: "Temp"
# choose_hero:
# temp: "Temp"
# save_load:
# granularity_saved_games: "Saved"
# granularity_change_history: "History"
# options:
# general_options: "General Options"
# music_label: "Music"
# music_description: "Turn background music on/off."
# autorun_label: "Autorun"
# autorun_description: "Control automatic code execution."
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# guide:
# temp: "Temp"
multiplayer_title: "Configurações do Multiplayer"
# multiplayer_toggle: "Enable multiplayer"
# multiplayer_toggle_description: "Allow others to join your game."
multiplayer_link_description: "Passe este link para quem você quiser que se una à partida."
multiplayer_hint_label: "Dica:"
multiplayer_hint: " Clique no link para selecionar tudo, então dê Ctrl+C ou ⌘+C para copiar o link. "
multiplayer_coming_soon: "Mais novidades no multiplayer estão chegando!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
# keyboard_shortcuts:
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Keyboard Shortcuts"
# space: "Space"
@ -847,20 +883,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "português", englishDescription: "Portugues
# license: "license"
# oreilly: "ebook of your choice"
# multiplayer_launch:
# introducing_dungeon_arena: "Introducing Dungeon Arena"
# new_way: "The new way to compete with code."
# to_battle: "To Battle, Developers!"
# modern_day_sorcerer: "You know how to code? That's badass. You're a modern-day sorcerer! Isn't about time that you used your magic coding powers to command your minions in epic combat? And we're not talking robots here."
# arenas_are_here: "CodeCombat head-to-head multiplayer arenas are here."
# ladder_explanation: "Choose your heroes, enchant your human or ogre armies, and climb your way over defeated fellow Wizards to reach the top of the laddersthen challenge your friends in our glorious, asynchronous multiplayer coding arenas. If you're feeling creative, you can even"
# fork_our_arenas: "fork our arenas"
# create_worlds: "and create your own worlds."
# javascript_rusty: "JavaScript a bit rusty? Don't worry; there's a"
# tutorial: "tutorial"
# new_to_programming: ". New to programming? Hit our beginner campaign to skill up."
# so_ready: "I Am So Ready for This"
# loading_error:
# could_not_load: "Error loading from server"
# connection_failure: "Connection failed."

View file

@ -353,8 +353,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "limba română", englishDescription: "Roman
grid: "Grilă"
customize_wizard: "Personalizează Wizard-ul"
home: "Acasă"
# game_menu: "Game Menu"
guide: "Ghid"
multiplayer: "Multiplayer"
restart: "Restart"
goals: "Obiective"
# success: "Success!"
@ -377,12 +377,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "limba română", englishDescription: "Roman
victory_review: "Spune-ne mai multe!"
victory_hour_of_code_done: "Ai terminat?"
victory_hour_of_code_done_yes: "Da, am terminat Hour of Code™!"
multiplayer_title: "Setări Multiplayer"
multiplayer_link_description: "Împărtășește acest link cu cei care vor să ți se alăture."
multiplayer_hint_label: "Hint:"
multiplayer_hint: " Apasă pe link pentru a selecta tot, apoi apasă ⌘-C sau Ctrl-C pentru a copia link-ul."
multiplayer_coming_soon: "Mai multe feature-uri multiplayer în curând!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
guide_title: "Ghid"
tome_minion_spells: "Vrăjile Minion-ilor tăi"
tome_read_only_spells: "Vrăji Read-Only"
@ -390,30 +384,12 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "limba română", englishDescription: "Roman
tome_cast_button_castable: "Aplică Vraja"
tome_cast_button_casting: "Se încarcă"
tome_cast_button_cast: "Aplică Vraja"
tome_autocast_delay: "Întârziere Autocast"
tome_select_spell: "Alege o vrajă"
tome_select_a_thang: "Alege pe cineva pentru "
tome_available_spells: "Vrăjile disponibile"
hud_continue: "Continuă (apasă shift-space)"
spell_saved: "Vrajă salvată"
skip_tutorial: "Sari peste (esc)"
editor_config: "Editor Config"
editor_config_title: "Configurare Editor"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
editor_config_keybindings_label: "Mapare taste"
editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adaugă comenzi rapide suplimentare cunoscute din editoarele obisnuite."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
editor_config_invisibles_label: "Arată etichetele invizibile"
editor_config_invisibles_description: "Arată spațiile și taburile invizibile."
editor_config_indentguides_label: "Arată ghidul de indentare"
editor_config_indentguides_description: "Arată linii verticale pentru a vedea mai bine indentarea."
editor_config_behaviors_label: "Comportamente inteligente"
editor_config_behaviors_description: "Completează automat parantezele, ghilimele etc."
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Key Shortcuts"
loading_ready: "Gata!"
tip_insert_positions: "Shift+Click oriunde pe harta pentru a insera punctul în editorul de vrăji."
@ -423,7 +399,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "limba română", englishDescription: "Roman
tip_open_source: "CodeCombat este 100% open source!"
tip_beta_launch: "CodeCombat a fost lansat beta in Octombrie 2013."
tip_js_beginning: "JavaScript este doar începutul."
tip_autocast_setting: "Ajutează setările de autocast apăsând pe rotița de pe buton."
think_solution: "Gândește-te la soluție, nu la problemă."
tip_theory_practice: "Teoretic nu este nici o diferență înte teorie și practică. Dar practic este. - Yogi Berra"
tip_error_free: "Există doar două metode de a scrie un program fără erori; numai a treia funcționează. - Alan Perlis"
@ -452,6 +427,67 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "limba română", englishDescription: "Roman
# infinite_loop_reset_level: "Reset Level"
# infinite_loop_comment_out: "Comment Out My Code"
# inventory_tab: "Inventory"
# choose_hero_tab: "Restart Level"
# save_load_tab: "Save/Load"
# options_tab: "Options"
# guide_tab: "Guide"
multiplayer_tab: "Multiplayer"
# inventory_caption: "Equip your hero"
# choose_hero_caption: "Choose hero, language"
# save_load_caption: "... and view history"
# options_caption: "Configure settings"
# guide_caption: "Docs and tips"
# multiplayer_caption: "Play with friends!"
# inventory:
# temp: "Temp"
# choose_hero:
# temp: "Temp"
# save_load:
# granularity_saved_games: "Saved"
# granularity_change_history: "History"
# general_options: "General Options"
# music_label: "Music"
# music_description: "Turn background music on/off."
# autorun_label: "Autorun"
# autorun_description: "Control automatic code execution."
editor_config: "Editor Config"
editor_config_title: "Configurare Editor"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
editor_config_keybindings_label: "Mapare taste"
editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adaugă comenzi rapide suplimentare cunoscute din editoarele obisnuite."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
editor_config_invisibles_label: "Arată etichetele invizibile"
editor_config_invisibles_description: "Arată spațiile și taburile invizibile."
editor_config_indentguides_label: "Arată ghidul de indentare"
editor_config_indentguides_description: "Arată linii verticale pentru a vedea mai bine indentarea."
editor_config_behaviors_label: "Comportamente inteligente"
editor_config_behaviors_description: "Completează automat parantezele, ghilimele etc."
# guide:
# temp: "Temp"
multiplayer_title: "Setări Multiplayer"
# multiplayer_toggle: "Enable multiplayer"
# multiplayer_toggle_description: "Allow others to join your game."
multiplayer_link_description: "Împărtășește acest link cu cei care vor să ți se alăture."
multiplayer_hint_label: "Hint:"
multiplayer_hint: " Apasă pe link pentru a selecta tot, apoi apasă ⌘-C sau Ctrl-C pentru a copia link-ul."
multiplayer_coming_soon: "Mai multe feature-uri multiplayer în curând!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
# keyboard_shortcuts:
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Keyboard Shortcuts"
# space: "Space"
@ -847,20 +883,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "limba română", englishDescription: "Roman
# license: "license"
# oreilly: "ebook of your choice"
introducing_dungeon_arena: "Prezentăm Dungeon Arena"
new_way: "Noul mod de a concura prin linii de cod."
to_battle: "La luptă, Developers!"
modern_day_sorcerer: "Știi să programezie? Tare. Ești un vrăjitor al noii ere! Nu crezi ca este timpul să îți folosești puterile de programare pentru a conduce în lupte epice minionii tăi? Și nu vorbim despre roboți aici."
arenas_are_here: "Arenele CodeCombat multiplayer 1v1 sunt aici."
ladder_explanation: "Alegeți eroii,vrăjește armatele de orci sau oameni, și croiește-ți drumul luptând și învingând alți Vrăjitori pentru a ajunge în topul clasamentului. Dacă te simți creativ poți chiar să"
fork_our_arenas: "să dai fork la arenele noastre"
create_worlds: "și să îți creezi propriile lumi."
javascript_rusty: "N-ai mai pus mâna pe JavaScript? Nicio problemă; există un"
tutorial: "tutorial"
new_to_programming: ". Nou in tainele programării? Încearcă campania de începători pentru ați dezolvata abilitățile."
so_ready: "Sunt atât de pregătit pentru asta!"
# loading_error:
# could_not_load: "Error loading from server"
# connection_failure: "Connection failed."

View file

@ -27,13 +27,13 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "русский", englishDescription: "Russi
hour: "час"
hours: "часа(ов)"
day: "день"
# days: "days"
days: "дня"
week: "неделя"
# weeks: "weeks"
weeks: "недели(ь)"
month: "месяц"
# months: "months"
months: "месяца"
year: "год"
# years: "years"
years: "лет"
close: "Закрыть"
@ -100,12 +100,12 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "русский", englishDescription: "Russi
for_beginners: "Новичкам"
multiplayer: "Мультиплеер"
for_developers: "Разработчикам"
# javascript_blurb: "The language of the web. Great for writing websites, web apps, HTML5 games, and servers."
# python_blurb: "Simple yet powerful, Python is a great general purpose programming language."
# coffeescript_blurb: "Nicer JavaScript syntax."
# clojure_blurb: "A modern Lisp."
# lua_blurb: "Game scripting language."
# io_blurb: "Simple but obscure."
javascript_blurb: "Язык для Сети. Подходит для написания сайтов, веб-приложений, HTML5-игр и серверов."
python_blurb: "Пусть простой, но мощный, Python - прекрасный язык программирования общего применения."
coffeescript_blurb: "Улучшенный синтаксис JavaScript."
clojure_blurb: "Современный Lisp."
lua_blurb: "Скриптовый язык для игр."
io_blurb: "Простой, но непонятный."
choose_your_level: "Выберите ваш уровень"
@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "русский", englishDescription: "Russi
error_saving: "Ошибка сохранения"
saved: "Изменения сохранены"
password_mismatch: "Пароли не совпадают."
# password_repeat: "Please repeat your password."
password_repeat: "Пожалуйста, повторите пароль."
job_profile: "Профиль соискателя"
job_profile_approved: "Ваш профиль соискателя был одобрен CodeCombat. Работодатели смогут видеть его, пока вы не отметите его неактивным или он не будет изменен в течение четырёх недель."
job_profile_explanation: "Привет! Заполните это, и мы свяжемся с вами при нахождении работы разработчика программного обеспечения для вас."
@ -205,12 +205,12 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "русский", englishDescription: "Russi
done_editing: "Завершить редактирование"
profile_for_prefix: "Профиль для "
profile_for_suffix: ""
# featured: "Featured"
# not_featured: "Not Featured"
featured: "Включает"
not_featured: "Не включает"
looking_for: "Ищет:"
last_updated: "Последнее обновление:"
contact: "Контакты"
# active: "Looking for interview offers now"
active: "Ищу предложения работы в настоящее время"
inactive: "Не ищу предложений работы в настоящее время"
complete: "готово"
next: "Далее"
@ -219,16 +219,16 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "русский", englishDescription: "Russi
next_name: "имя?"
next_short_description: "напишите короткое описание."
next_long_description: "опишите желаемую позицию"
# next_skills: "list at least five skills."
# next_work: "chronicle your work history."
# next_education: "recount your educational ordeals."
# next_projects: "show off up to three projects you've worked on."
# next_links: "add any personal or social links."
# next_photo: "add an optional professional photo."
# next_active: "mark yourself open to offers to show up in searches."
next_skills: "Опишите хотя бы пять своих навыков"
next_work: "Опишите ваш опыт работы"
next_education: "recount your educational ordeals"
next_projects: "Покажите нам три своих проекта"
next_links: "добавьте ссылки на личные сайты или соц. сети"
next_photo: "добавьте необязательное профессиональное фото"
next_active: "пометьте себя как ищущего предложения для отображения поиском."
example_blog: "Блог"
example_personal_site: "Персональный сайт"
# links_header: "Personal Links"
links_header: "Персональные ссылки"
# links_blurb: "Link any other sites or profiles you want to highlight, like your GitHub, your LinkedIn, or your blog."
# links_name: "Link Name"
# links_name_help: "What are you linking to?"
@ -353,8 +353,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "русский", englishDescription: "Russi
grid: "Сетка"
customize_wizard: "Настройки волшебника"
home: "На главную"
# game_menu: "Game Menu"
guide: "Руководство"
multiplayer: "Мультиплеер"
restart: "Перезапустить"
goals: "Цели"
success: "Успешно!"
@ -377,12 +377,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "русский", englishDescription: "Russi
victory_review: "Расскажите нам больше!"
victory_hour_of_code_done: "Вы закончили?"
victory_hour_of_code_done_yes: "Да, я закончил мой Час Кода™!"
multiplayer_title: "Настройки мультиплеера"
multiplayer_link_description: "Дайте эту ссылку кому-нибудь, чтоб он присоединился к вам."
multiplayer_hint_label: "Подсказка: "
multiplayer_hint: "кликните на ссылку, чтобы выделить её, затем нажмите ⌘-С или Ctrl-C, чтобы скопировать."
multiplayer_coming_soon: "Больше возможностей мультиплеера на подходе!"
multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Войдите или создайте аккаунт, чтобы ваше решение оказалось в таблице лидеров."
guide_title: "Руководство"
tome_minion_spells: "Заклинания ваших миньонов"
tome_read_only_spells: "Заклинания только для чтения"
@ -390,30 +384,12 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "русский", englishDescription: "Russi
tome_cast_button_castable: "Читать заклинание"
tome_cast_button_casting: "Заклинание читается"
tome_cast_button_cast: "Заклинание прочитано"
tome_autocast_delay: "Задержка автоматического чтения"
tome_select_spell: "Выбрать заклинание"
tome_select_a_thang: "Выбрать кого-нибудь для "
tome_available_spells: "Доступные заклинания"
hud_continue: "Продолжить (Shift+Пробел)"
spell_saved: "Заклинание сохранено"
skip_tutorial: "Пропуск (Esc)"
editor_config: "Настройки редактора"
editor_config_title: "Настройки редактора"
editor_config_level_language_label: "Язык для этого уровня"
editor_config_level_language_description: "Выберите язык программирования для этого конкретного уровня."
editor_config_default_language_label: "Язык по умолчанию"
editor_config_default_language_description: "Выберите язык программирования который вы хотите использовать когда начинаете новый уровень."
editor_config_keybindings_label: "Сочетания клавиш"
editor_config_keybindings_default: "По умолчанию (Ace)"
editor_config_keybindings_description: "Добавляет дополнительные сочетания, известные из популярных редакторов."
editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Автозаполнение"
editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Отображение вариантов автозаполнения во время печати."
editor_config_invisibles_label: "Показывать непечатные символы"
editor_config_invisibles_description: "Отображение непечатных символов, таких как пробелы или табуляции."
editor_config_indentguides_label: "Показывать направляющие отступов"
editor_config_indentguides_description: "Отображение вертикальных линий для лучшего обзора отступов."
editor_config_behaviors_label: "Умное поведение"
editor_config_behaviors_description: "Автозавершать квадратные, фигурные скобки и кавычки."
keyboard_shortcuts: "Горячие клавиши"
loading_ready: "Готово!"
tip_insert_positions: "Shift+Клик по карте вставит координаты в редактор заклинаний."
@ -423,7 +399,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "русский", englishDescription: "Russi
tip_open_source: "Исходный код CodeCombat открыт на 100%!"
tip_beta_launch: "CodeCombat запустил бета-тестирование в октябре 2013 года."
tip_js_beginning: "JavaScript это только начало."
tip_autocast_setting: "Изменяйте настройки авточтения заклинания, щёлкнув по шестерёнке на кнопке прочтения."
think_solution: "Думайте о решении, а не о проблеме."
tip_theory_practice: "В теории, между практикой и теорией нет разницы. Но на практике есть. - Yogi Berra"
tip_error_free: "Есть два способа писать программы без ошибок; работает только третий. - Alan Perlis"
@ -444,7 +419,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "русский", englishDescription: "Russi
tip_impossible: "Это всегда кажется невозможным, пока не сделано. - Nelson Mandela"
tip_talk_is_cheap: "Слова ничего не стоят. Покажи мне код. - Linus Torvalds"
tip_first_language: "Наиболее катастрофическая вещь, которую вы можете выучить - ваш первый язык программирования. - Alan Kay"
# tip_hardware_problem: "Q: How many programmers does it take to change a light bulb? A: None, it's a hardware problem."
tip_hardware_problem: "В: Сколько программистов нужно, чтобы вкрутить лампочку? О: Нисколько, это проблемы с железом."
time_current: "Текущее:"
time_total: "Максимальное:"
time_goto: "Перейти на:"
@ -452,6 +427,67 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "русский", englishDescription: "Russi
infinite_loop_reset_level: "Сбросить уровень"
infinite_loop_comment_out: "Закомментировать мой код"
# inventory_tab: "Inventory"
# choose_hero_tab: "Restart Level"
# save_load_tab: "Save/Load"
# options_tab: "Options"
# guide_tab: "Guide"
multiplayer_tab: "Мультиплеер"
# inventory_caption: "Equip your hero"
# choose_hero_caption: "Choose hero, language"
# save_load_caption: "... and view history"
# options_caption: "Configure settings"
# guide_caption: "Docs and tips"
# multiplayer_caption: "Play with friends!"
# inventory:
# temp: "Temp"
# choose_hero:
# temp: "Temp"
# save_load:
# granularity_saved_games: "Saved"
# granularity_change_history: "History"
# general_options: "General Options"
# music_label: "Music"
# music_description: "Turn background music on/off."
# autorun_label: "Autorun"
# autorun_description: "Control automatic code execution."
editor_config: "Настройки редактора"
editor_config_title: "Настройки редактора"
editor_config_level_language_label: "Язык для этого уровня"
editor_config_level_language_description: "Выберите язык программирования для этого конкретного уровня."
editor_config_default_language_label: "Язык по умолчанию"
editor_config_default_language_description: "Выберите язык программирования который вы хотите использовать когда начинаете новый уровень."
editor_config_keybindings_label: "Сочетания клавиш"
editor_config_keybindings_default: "По умолчанию (Ace)"
editor_config_keybindings_description: "Добавляет дополнительные сочетания, известные из популярных редакторов."
editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Автозаполнение"
editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Отображение вариантов автозаполнения во время печати."
editor_config_invisibles_label: "Показывать непечатные символы"
editor_config_invisibles_description: "Отображение непечатных символов, таких как пробелы или табуляции."
editor_config_indentguides_label: "Показывать направляющие отступов"
editor_config_indentguides_description: "Отображение вертикальных линий для лучшего обзора отступов."
editor_config_behaviors_label: "Умное поведение"
editor_config_behaviors_description: "Автозавершать квадратные, фигурные скобки и кавычки."
# guide:
# temp: "Temp"
multiplayer_title: "Настройки мультиплеера"
# multiplayer_toggle: "Enable multiplayer"
# multiplayer_toggle_description: "Allow others to join your game."
multiplayer_link_description: "Дайте эту ссылку кому-нибудь, чтоб он присоединился к вам."
multiplayer_hint_label: "Подсказка: "
multiplayer_hint: "кликните на ссылку, чтобы выделить её, затем нажмите ⌘-С или Ctrl-C, чтобы скопировать."
multiplayer_coming_soon: "Больше возможностей мультиплеера на подходе!"
multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Войдите или создайте аккаунт, чтобы ваше решение оказалось в таблице лидеров."
keyboard_shortcuts: "Горячие клавиши"
space: "Пробел"
@ -462,16 +498,16 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "русский", englishDescription: "Russi
skip_scripts: "Пропустить все возможные скрипты."
toggle_playback: "Переключить проигрывание/паузу."
scrub_playback: "Перемотка назад и вперед во времени."
# single_scrub_playback: "Scrub back and forward through time by a single frame."
# scrub_execution: "Scrub through current spell execution."
single_scrub_playback: "Scrub back and forward through time by a single frame."
scrub_execution: "Scrub through current spell execution."
toggle_debug: "Включить отображение отладки."
toggle_grid: "Включить наложение сетки."
# toggle_pathfinding: "Toggle pathfinding overlay."
# beautify: "Beautify your code by standardizing its formatting."
# move_wizard: "Move your Wizard around the level."
toggle_pathfinding: "Включить путевой оверлей.."
beautify: "Приукрасьте свой код стандартизацией его форматирования."
move_wizard: "Перемещайте своего Волшебника по уровню."
av_title: "Админ панель"
av_title: "Панель администрирования"
av_entities_sub_title: "Сущности"
av_entities_users_url: "Пользователи"
av_entities_active_instances_url: "Активные экземпляры"
@ -506,12 +542,12 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "русский", englishDescription: "Russi
back: "Назад"
revert: "Откатить"
revert_models: "Откатить Модели"
# pick_a_terrain: "Pick A Terrain"
# small: "Small"
# grassy: "Grassy"
pick_a_terrain: "Выберите ландшафт"
small: "Маленький"
grassy: "Травянистый"
fork_title: "Форк новой версии"
fork_creating: "Создание форка..."
# randomize: "Randomize"
randomize: "Случайный выбор"
more: "Ещё"
wiki: "Вики"
live_chat: "Онлайн-чат"
@ -803,7 +839,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "русский", englishDescription: "Russi
no_ranked_matches_pre: "Нет оценённых матчей для команды"
no_ranked_matches_post: "! Сыграйте против нескольких противников и возвращайтесь сюда для оценки вашей игры."
choose_opponent: "Выберите противника"
# select_your_language: "Select your language!"
select_your_language: "Select your language!"
tutorial_play: "Пройти обучение"
tutorial_recommended: "Рекомендуется, если вы раньше никогда не играли"
tutorial_skip: "Пропустить обучение"
@ -847,20 +883,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "русский", englishDescription: "Russi
# license: "license"
# oreilly: "ebook of your choice"
introducing_dungeon_arena: "Представляем Арену подземелья"
new_way: "Новый способ соревноваться с помощью кода."
to_battle: "В бой, разработчики!"
modern_day_sorcerer: "Вы знаете, как программировать? Это круто. Вы волшебник наших дней! Разве не время, чтобы вы использовали свои магические силы программирования для управления миньонами в эпичной битве? И мы не говорим здесь роботы."
arenas_are_here: "Мультиплеерные арены CodeCombat на равных уже здесь."
ladder_explanation: "Выбирайте своих героев, зачаровывайте свои армии людей или огров, и взберитесь через поверженных коллег-Волшебников на вершину ладдеров затем бросьте вызов своим друзьям в наших славных, асинхронно-мультиплеерных аренах прогрммирования. Если вы ощущаете себя творческим, можете даже"
fork_our_arenas: "сделать модификации наших арен"
create_worlds: "и создавать свои собственные миры."
javascript_rusty: "Подзабыли JavaScript? Не беспокойтесь; есть"
tutorial: "обучение"
new_to_programming: ". Новичок в программировании? Пройдите нашу кампанию для новичков, чтобы повысить навык."
so_ready: "Я полностью готов(а) для этого"
could_not_load: "Ошибка загрузки с сервера"
connection_failure: "Соединение прервано."
@ -897,7 +919,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "русский", englishDescription: "Russi
level_session: "Ваша сессия"
# opponent_session: "Opponent Session"
article: "Статья"
# user_names: "User Names"
user_names: "Никнеймы"
# thang_names: "Thang Names"
files: "Файлы"
# top_simulators: "Top Simulators"

View file

@ -353,8 +353,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "slovenčina", englishDescription: "Slovak",
# grid: "Grid"
# customize_wizard: "Customize Wizard"
# home: "Home"
# game_menu: "Game Menu"
# guide: "Guide"
# multiplayer: "Multiplayer"
# restart: "Restart"
# goals: "Goals"
# success: "Success!"
@ -377,12 +377,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "slovenčina", englishDescription: "Slovak",
# victory_review: "Tell us more!"
# victory_hour_of_code_done: "Are You Done?"
# victory_hour_of_code_done_yes: "Yes, I'm finished with my Hour of Code™!"
# multiplayer_title: "Multiplayer Settings"
# multiplayer_link_description: "Give this link to anyone to have them join you."
# multiplayer_hint_label: "Hint:"
# multiplayer_hint: " Click the link to select all, then press ⌘-C or Ctrl-C to copy the link."
# multiplayer_coming_soon: "More multiplayer features to come!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
# guide_title: "Guide"
# tome_minion_spells: "Your Minions' Spells"
# tome_read_only_spells: "Read-Only Spells"
@ -390,30 +384,12 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "slovenčina", englishDescription: "Slovak",
# tome_cast_button_castable: "Cast Spell"
# tome_cast_button_casting: "Casting"
# tome_cast_button_cast: "Spell Cast"
# tome_autocast_delay: "Autocast Delay"
# tome_select_spell: "Select a Spell"
# tome_select_a_thang: "Select Someone for "
# tome_available_spells: "Available Spells"
# hud_continue: "Continue (shift+space)"
# spell_saved: "Spell Saved"
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Key Shortcuts"
# loading_ready: "Ready!"
# tip_insert_positions: "Shift+Click a point on the map to insert it into the spell editor."
@ -423,7 +399,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "slovenčina", englishDescription: "Slovak",
# tip_open_source: "CodeCombat is 100% open source!"
# tip_beta_launch: "CodeCombat launched its beta in October, 2013."
# tip_js_beginning: "JavaScript is just the beginning."
# tip_autocast_setting: "Adjust autocast settings by clicking the gear on the cast button."
# think_solution: "Think of the solution, not the problem."
# tip_theory_practice: "In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But in practice, there is. - Yogi Berra"
# tip_error_free: "There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works. - Alan Perlis"
@ -452,6 +427,67 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "slovenčina", englishDescription: "Slovak",
# infinite_loop_reset_level: "Reset Level"
# infinite_loop_comment_out: "Comment Out My Code"
# game_menu:
# inventory_tab: "Inventory"
# choose_hero_tab: "Restart Level"
# save_load_tab: "Save/Load"
# options_tab: "Options"
# guide_tab: "Guide"
# multiplayer_tab: "Multiplayer"
# inventory_caption: "Equip your hero"
# choose_hero_caption: "Choose hero, language"
# save_load_caption: "... and view history"
# options_caption: "Configure settings"
# guide_caption: "Docs and tips"
# multiplayer_caption: "Play with friends!"
# inventory:
# temp: "Temp"
# choose_hero:
# temp: "Temp"
# save_load:
# granularity_saved_games: "Saved"
# granularity_change_history: "History"
# options:
# general_options: "General Options"
# music_label: "Music"
# music_description: "Turn background music on/off."
# autorun_label: "Autorun"
# autorun_description: "Control automatic code execution."
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# guide:
# temp: "Temp"
# multiplayer:
# multiplayer_title: "Multiplayer Settings"
# multiplayer_toggle: "Enable multiplayer"
# multiplayer_toggle_description: "Allow others to join your game."
# multiplayer_link_description: "Give this link to anyone to have them join you."
# multiplayer_hint_label: "Hint:"
# multiplayer_hint: " Click the link to select all, then press ⌘-C or Ctrl-C to copy the link."
# multiplayer_coming_soon: "More multiplayer features to come!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
# keyboard_shortcuts:
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Keyboard Shortcuts"
# space: "Space"
@ -847,20 +883,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "slovenčina", englishDescription: "Slovak",
# license: "license"
# oreilly: "ebook of your choice"
# multiplayer_launch:
# introducing_dungeon_arena: "Introducing Dungeon Arena"
# new_way: "The new way to compete with code."
# to_battle: "To Battle, Developers!"
# modern_day_sorcerer: "You know how to code? That's badass. You're a modern-day sorcerer! Isn't about time that you used your magic coding powers to command your minions in epic combat? And we're not talking robots here."
# arenas_are_here: "CodeCombat head-to-head multiplayer arenas are here."
# ladder_explanation: "Choose your heroes, enchant your human or ogre armies, and climb your way over defeated fellow Wizards to reach the top of the laddersthen challenge your friends in our glorious, asynchronous multiplayer coding arenas. If you're feeling creative, you can even"
# fork_our_arenas: "fork our arenas"
# create_worlds: "and create your own worlds."
# javascript_rusty: "JavaScript a bit rusty? Don't worry; there's a"
# tutorial: "tutorial"
# new_to_programming: ". New to programming? Hit our beginner campaign to skill up."
# so_ready: "I Am So Ready for This"
# loading_error:
# could_not_load: "Error loading from server"
# connection_failure: "Connection failed."

View file

@ -353,8 +353,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "slovenščina", englishDescription: "Sloven
# grid: "Grid"
# customize_wizard: "Customize Wizard"
# home: "Home"
# game_menu: "Game Menu"
# guide: "Guide"
# multiplayer: "Multiplayer"
# restart: "Restart"
# goals: "Goals"
# success: "Success!"
@ -377,12 +377,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "slovenščina", englishDescription: "Sloven
# victory_review: "Tell us more!"
# victory_hour_of_code_done: "Are You Done?"
# victory_hour_of_code_done_yes: "Yes, I'm finished with my Hour of Code™!"
# multiplayer_title: "Multiplayer Settings"
# multiplayer_link_description: "Give this link to anyone to have them join you."
# multiplayer_hint_label: "Hint:"
# multiplayer_hint: " Click the link to select all, then press ⌘-C or Ctrl-C to copy the link."
# multiplayer_coming_soon: "More multiplayer features to come!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
# guide_title: "Guide"
# tome_minion_spells: "Your Minions' Spells"
# tome_read_only_spells: "Read-Only Spells"
@ -390,30 +384,12 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "slovenščina", englishDescription: "Sloven
# tome_cast_button_castable: "Cast Spell"
# tome_cast_button_casting: "Casting"
# tome_cast_button_cast: "Spell Cast"
# tome_autocast_delay: "Autocast Delay"
# tome_select_spell: "Select a Spell"
# tome_select_a_thang: "Select Someone for "
# tome_available_spells: "Available Spells"
# hud_continue: "Continue (shift+space)"
# spell_saved: "Spell Saved"
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Key Shortcuts"
# loading_ready: "Ready!"
# tip_insert_positions: "Shift+Click a point on the map to insert it into the spell editor."
@ -423,7 +399,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "slovenščina", englishDescription: "Sloven
# tip_open_source: "CodeCombat is 100% open source!"
# tip_beta_launch: "CodeCombat launched its beta in October, 2013."
# tip_js_beginning: "JavaScript is just the beginning."
# tip_autocast_setting: "Adjust autocast settings by clicking the gear on the cast button."
# think_solution: "Think of the solution, not the problem."
# tip_theory_practice: "In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But in practice, there is. - Yogi Berra"
# tip_error_free: "There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works. - Alan Perlis"
@ -452,6 +427,67 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "slovenščina", englishDescription: "Sloven
# infinite_loop_reset_level: "Reset Level"
# infinite_loop_comment_out: "Comment Out My Code"
# game_menu:
# inventory_tab: "Inventory"
# choose_hero_tab: "Restart Level"
# save_load_tab: "Save/Load"
# options_tab: "Options"
# guide_tab: "Guide"
# multiplayer_tab: "Multiplayer"
# inventory_caption: "Equip your hero"
# choose_hero_caption: "Choose hero, language"
# save_load_caption: "... and view history"
# options_caption: "Configure settings"
# guide_caption: "Docs and tips"
# multiplayer_caption: "Play with friends!"
# inventory:
# temp: "Temp"
# choose_hero:
# temp: "Temp"
# save_load:
# granularity_saved_games: "Saved"
# granularity_change_history: "History"
# options:
# general_options: "General Options"
# music_label: "Music"
# music_description: "Turn background music on/off."
# autorun_label: "Autorun"
# autorun_description: "Control automatic code execution."
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# guide:
# temp: "Temp"
# multiplayer:
# multiplayer_title: "Multiplayer Settings"
# multiplayer_toggle: "Enable multiplayer"
# multiplayer_toggle_description: "Allow others to join your game."
# multiplayer_link_description: "Give this link to anyone to have them join you."
# multiplayer_hint_label: "Hint:"
# multiplayer_hint: " Click the link to select all, then press ⌘-C or Ctrl-C to copy the link."
# multiplayer_coming_soon: "More multiplayer features to come!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
# keyboard_shortcuts:
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Keyboard Shortcuts"
# space: "Space"
@ -847,20 +883,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "slovenščina", englishDescription: "Sloven
# license: "license"
# oreilly: "ebook of your choice"
# multiplayer_launch:
# introducing_dungeon_arena: "Introducing Dungeon Arena"
# new_way: "The new way to compete with code."
# to_battle: "To Battle, Developers!"
# modern_day_sorcerer: "You know how to code? That's badass. You're a modern-day sorcerer! Isn't about time that you used your magic coding powers to command your minions in epic combat? And we're not talking robots here."
# arenas_are_here: "CodeCombat head-to-head multiplayer arenas are here."
# ladder_explanation: "Choose your heroes, enchant your human or ogre armies, and climb your way over defeated fellow Wizards to reach the top of the laddersthen challenge your friends in our glorious, asynchronous multiplayer coding arenas. If you're feeling creative, you can even"
# fork_our_arenas: "fork our arenas"
# create_worlds: "and create your own worlds."
# javascript_rusty: "JavaScript a bit rusty? Don't worry; there's a"
# tutorial: "tutorial"
# new_to_programming: ". New to programming? Hit our beginner campaign to skill up."
# so_ready: "I Am So Ready for This"
# loading_error:
# could_not_load: "Error loading from server"
# connection_failure: "Connection failed."

View file

@ -353,8 +353,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "српски", englishDescription: "Serbian
grid: "Мрежа"
customize_wizard: "Прилагоди Чаробњака"
home: "Почетна"
# game_menu: "Game Menu"
guide: "Водич"
multiplayer: "Мод за више играча"
restart: "Поновно учитавање"
goals: "Циљеви"
# success: "Success!"
@ -377,12 +377,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "српски", englishDescription: "Serbian
victory_review: "Реци нам више!"
victory_hour_of_code_done: "Јеси ли завршио?"
victory_hour_of_code_done_yes: "Да, завршио сам свој Сат Кода!"
multiplayer_title: "Подешавање мода за више играча"
multiplayer_link_description: "Дај овај линк онима које желиш да ти се придруже."
multiplayer_hint_label: "Мала помоћ"
multiplayer_hint: " Кликни на линк да обележиш све, затим притисни Apple-C или Ctrl-C да копираш линк."
multiplayer_coming_soon: "Стиже још нових карактеристика!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
guide_title: "Водич"
tome_minion_spells: "Чини твојих поданика"
tome_read_only_spells: "Чини које се могу само гледати"
@ -390,30 +384,12 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "српски", englishDescription: "Serbian
tome_cast_button_castable: "Баци"
tome_cast_button_casting: "Бацање"
tome_cast_button_cast: "Баци чини"
tome_autocast_delay: "Размак између аутоматског бацања чини"
tome_select_spell: "Изабери чин"
tome_select_a_thang: "Изабери неког за "
tome_available_spells: "Доступне чини"
hud_continue: "Настави (притисни ентер)"
# spell_saved: "Spell Saved"
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Key Shortcuts"
# loading_ready: "Ready!"
# tip_insert_positions: "Shift+Click a point on the map to insert it into the spell editor."
@ -423,7 +399,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "српски", englishDescription: "Serbian
# tip_open_source: "CodeCombat is 100% open source!"
# tip_beta_launch: "CodeCombat launched its beta in October, 2013."
# tip_js_beginning: "JavaScript is just the beginning."
# tip_autocast_setting: "Adjust autocast settings by clicking the gear on the cast button."
# think_solution: "Think of the solution, not the problem."
# tip_theory_practice: "In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But in practice, there is. - Yogi Berra"
# tip_error_free: "There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works. - Alan Perlis"
@ -452,6 +427,67 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "српски", englishDescription: "Serbian
# infinite_loop_reset_level: "Reset Level"
# infinite_loop_comment_out: "Comment Out My Code"
# inventory_tab: "Inventory"
# choose_hero_tab: "Restart Level"
# save_load_tab: "Save/Load"
# options_tab: "Options"
# guide_tab: "Guide"
multiplayer_tab: "Мод за више играча"
# inventory_caption: "Equip your hero"
# choose_hero_caption: "Choose hero, language"
# save_load_caption: "... and view history"
# options_caption: "Configure settings"
# guide_caption: "Docs and tips"
# multiplayer_caption: "Play with friends!"
# inventory:
# temp: "Temp"
# choose_hero:
# temp: "Temp"
# save_load:
# granularity_saved_games: "Saved"
# granularity_change_history: "History"
# options:
# general_options: "General Options"
# music_label: "Music"
# music_description: "Turn background music on/off."
# autorun_label: "Autorun"
# autorun_description: "Control automatic code execution."
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# guide:
# temp: "Temp"
multiplayer_title: "Подешавање мода за више играча"
# multiplayer_toggle: "Enable multiplayer"
# multiplayer_toggle_description: "Allow others to join your game."
multiplayer_link_description: "Дај овај линк онима које желиш да ти се придруже."
multiplayer_hint_label: "Мала помоћ"
multiplayer_hint: " Кликни на линк да обележиш све, затим притисни Apple-C или Ctrl-C да копираш линк."
multiplayer_coming_soon: "Стиже још нових карактеристика!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
# keyboard_shortcuts:
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Keyboard Shortcuts"
# space: "Space"
@ -847,20 +883,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "српски", englishDescription: "Serbian
# license: "license"
# oreilly: "ebook of your choice"
# multiplayer_launch:
# introducing_dungeon_arena: "Introducing Dungeon Arena"
# new_way: "The new way to compete with code."
# to_battle: "To Battle, Developers!"
# modern_day_sorcerer: "You know how to code? That's badass. You're a modern-day sorcerer! Isn't about time that you used your magic coding powers to command your minions in epic combat? And we're not talking robots here."
# arenas_are_here: "CodeCombat head-to-head multiplayer arenas are here."
# ladder_explanation: "Choose your heroes, enchant your human or ogre armies, and climb your way over defeated fellow Wizards to reach the top of the laddersthen challenge your friends in our glorious, asynchronous multiplayer coding arenas. If you're feeling creative, you can even"
# fork_our_arenas: "fork our arenas"
# create_worlds: "and create your own worlds."
# javascript_rusty: "JavaScript a bit rusty? Don't worry; there's a"
# tutorial: "tutorial"
# new_to_programming: ". New to programming? Hit our beginner campaign to skill up."
# so_ready: "I Am So Ready for This"
# loading_error:
# could_not_load: "Error loading from server"
# connection_failure: "Connection failed."

View file

@ -353,8 +353,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Svenska", englishDescription: "Swedish", tr
grid: "Rutnät"
customize_wizard: "Skräddarsy trollkarl"
home: "Hem"
# game_menu: "Game Menu"
guide: "Guide"
multiplayer: "Flerspelareläge"
restart: "Börja om"
goals: "Mål"
# success: "Success!"
@ -377,12 +377,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Svenska", englishDescription: "Swedish", tr
victory_review: "Berätta mer!"
victory_hour_of_code_done: "Är du klar?"
victory_hour_of_code_done_yes: "Ja, jag är klar med min Hour of Code!"
multiplayer_title: "Flerspelarinställningar"
multiplayer_link_description: "Dela den här länken med alla som du vill spela med."
multiplayer_hint_label: "Tips:"
multiplayer_hint: " Klicka på länken för att välja allt, tryck sedan på Cmd-C eller Ctrl-C för att kopiera länken."
multiplayer_coming_soon: "Fler flerspelarlägen kommer!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
guide_title: "Guide"
tome_minion_spells: "Dina soldaters förmågor"
tome_read_only_spells: "Skrivskyddade förmågor"
@ -390,30 +384,12 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Svenska", englishDescription: "Swedish", tr
tome_cast_button_castable: "Använd besvärjelse"
tome_cast_button_casting: "Besvärjer"
tome_cast_button_cast: "Besvärjelse använd"
tome_autocast_delay: "Autoanvändningsfördröjning"
tome_select_spell: "Välj en förmåga"
tome_select_a_thang: "Välj någon för "
tome_available_spells: "Tillgängliga förmågor"
hud_continue: "Fortsätt (skift+mellanslag)"
spell_saved: "Besvärjelse sparad"
skip_tutorial: "Hoppa över (esc)"
editor_config: "Ställ in redigerare"
editor_config_title: "Redigerarinställningar"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
editor_config_keybindings_label: "Kortkommandon"
editor_config_keybindings_default: "Standard (Ace)"
editor_config_keybindings_description: "Lägger till ytterligare kortkommandon kända från vanliga redigerare."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
editor_config_invisibles_label: "Visa osynliga"
editor_config_invisibles_description: "Visar osynliga tecken såsom mellanrum och nyradstecken."
editor_config_indentguides_label: "Visa indenteringsguider"
editor_config_indentguides_description: "Visar vertikala linjer för att kunna se indentering bättre."
editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart beteende"
editor_config_behaviors_description: "Avsluta automatiskt hakparenteser, parenteser, och citat."
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Key Shortcuts"
# loading_ready: "Ready!"
# tip_insert_positions: "Shift+Click a point on the map to insert it into the spell editor."
@ -423,7 +399,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Svenska", englishDescription: "Swedish", tr
# tip_open_source: "CodeCombat is 100% open source!"
# tip_beta_launch: "CodeCombat launched its beta in October, 2013."
# tip_js_beginning: "JavaScript is just the beginning."
# tip_autocast_setting: "Adjust autocast settings by clicking the gear on the cast button."
# think_solution: "Think of the solution, not the problem."
# tip_theory_practice: "In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But in practice, there is. - Yogi Berra"
# tip_error_free: "There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works. - Alan Perlis"
@ -452,6 +427,67 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Svenska", englishDescription: "Swedish", tr
# infinite_loop_reset_level: "Reset Level"
# infinite_loop_comment_out: "Comment Out My Code"
# inventory_tab: "Inventory"
# choose_hero_tab: "Restart Level"
# save_load_tab: "Save/Load"
# options_tab: "Options"
# guide_tab: "Guide"
multiplayer_tab: "Flerspelareläge"
# inventory_caption: "Equip your hero"
# choose_hero_caption: "Choose hero, language"
# save_load_caption: "... and view history"
# options_caption: "Configure settings"
# guide_caption: "Docs and tips"
# multiplayer_caption: "Play with friends!"
# inventory:
# temp: "Temp"
# choose_hero:
# temp: "Temp"
# save_load:
# granularity_saved_games: "Saved"
# granularity_change_history: "History"
# general_options: "General Options"
# music_label: "Music"
# music_description: "Turn background music on/off."
# autorun_label: "Autorun"
# autorun_description: "Control automatic code execution."
editor_config: "Ställ in redigerare"
editor_config_title: "Redigerarinställningar"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
editor_config_keybindings_label: "Kortkommandon"
editor_config_keybindings_default: "Standard (Ace)"
editor_config_keybindings_description: "Lägger till ytterligare kortkommandon kända från vanliga redigerare."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
editor_config_invisibles_label: "Visa osynliga"
editor_config_invisibles_description: "Visar osynliga tecken såsom mellanrum och nyradstecken."
editor_config_indentguides_label: "Visa indenteringsguider"
editor_config_indentguides_description: "Visar vertikala linjer för att kunna se indentering bättre."
editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart beteende"
editor_config_behaviors_description: "Avsluta automatiskt hakparenteser, parenteser, och citat."
# guide:
# temp: "Temp"
multiplayer_title: "Flerspelarinställningar"
# multiplayer_toggle: "Enable multiplayer"
# multiplayer_toggle_description: "Allow others to join your game."
multiplayer_link_description: "Dela den här länken med alla som du vill spela med."
multiplayer_hint_label: "Tips:"
multiplayer_hint: " Klicka på länken för att välja allt, tryck sedan på Cmd-C eller Ctrl-C för att kopiera länken."
multiplayer_coming_soon: "Fler flerspelarlägen kommer!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
# keyboard_shortcuts:
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Keyboard Shortcuts"
# space: "Space"
@ -847,20 +883,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Svenska", englishDescription: "Swedish", tr
# license: "license"
# oreilly: "ebook of your choice"
introducing_dungeon_arena: "Introducerar grottarenan"
new_way: "Det nya sättet att tävla i kod."
to_battle: "Till slagfältet, utvecklare!"
modern_day_sorcerer: "Du vet hur man kodar? Det är coolt. Du är en modern trollkarl! Är det inte dags att du använde dina magiska kodarkrafter för att leda dina undersåtar i episka strider? Och vi snackar inte om robotar nu."
arenas_are_here: "CodeCombats flerspelararenor är här."
ladder_explanation: "Välj dina hjältar, förtrolla dina människo- eller orch-arméer och klättra över besegrade trollkarlar, för att nå toppen av stegen - och utmana sedan dina vänner i våra ärorika, asynkrona flerspelararenor. Om du känner dig kreativ kan du till och med"
fork_our_arenas: "förgrena våra arenor"
create_worlds: "och skapa dina egna världer."
javascript_rusty: "Är din JavaScript lite rostigt? Oroa dig inte, det finns en"
tutorial: "tutorial"
new_to_programming: ". Ny på programmering? Gå till vår nybörjarkampanj för att öva upp dina färdigheter."
so_ready: "Jag är så redo för det här."
# loading_error:
# could_not_load: "Error loading from server"
# connection_failure: "Connection failed."

View file

@ -353,8 +353,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "ไทย", englishDescription: "Thai", tra
# grid: "Grid"
# customize_wizard: "Customize Wizard"
home: "หน้าแรก"
# game_menu: "Game Menu"
guide: "คู่มือ"
multiplayer: "ผู้เล่นหลายคน"
restart: "เริ่มเล่นใหม่"
goals: "เป้าหมาย"
# success: "Success!"
@ -377,12 +377,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "ไทย", englishDescription: "Thai", tra
# victory_review: "Tell us more!"
victory_hour_of_code_done: "เสร็จหรือยัง?"
# victory_hour_of_code_done_yes: "Yes, I'm finished with my Hour of Code™!"
# multiplayer_title: "Multiplayer Settings"
# multiplayer_link_description: "Give this link to anyone to have them join you."
multiplayer_hint_label: "คำใบ้"
# multiplayer_hint: " Click the link to select all, then press ⌘-C or Ctrl-C to copy the link."
# multiplayer_coming_soon: "More multiplayer features to come!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
# guide_title: "Guide"
# tome_minion_spells: "Your Minions' Spells"
# tome_read_only_spells: "Read-Only Spells"
@ -390,30 +384,12 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "ไทย", englishDescription: "Thai", tra
# tome_cast_button_castable: "Cast Spell"
# tome_cast_button_casting: "Casting"
# tome_cast_button_cast: "Spell Cast"
# tome_autocast_delay: "Autocast Delay"
# tome_select_spell: "Select a Spell"
# tome_select_a_thang: "Select Someone for "
# tome_available_spells: "Available Spells"
# hud_continue: "Continue (shift+space)"
# spell_saved: "Spell Saved"
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Key Shortcuts"
# loading_ready: "Ready!"
# tip_insert_positions: "Shift+Click a point on the map to insert it into the spell editor."
@ -423,7 +399,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "ไทย", englishDescription: "Thai", tra
# tip_open_source: "CodeCombat is 100% open source!"
# tip_beta_launch: "CodeCombat launched its beta in October, 2013."
# tip_js_beginning: "JavaScript is just the beginning."
# tip_autocast_setting: "Adjust autocast settings by clicking the gear on the cast button."
# think_solution: "Think of the solution, not the problem."
# tip_theory_practice: "In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But in practice, there is. - Yogi Berra"
# tip_error_free: "There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works. - Alan Perlis"
@ -452,6 +427,67 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "ไทย", englishDescription: "Thai", tra
# infinite_loop_reset_level: "Reset Level"
# infinite_loop_comment_out: "Comment Out My Code"
# inventory_tab: "Inventory"
# choose_hero_tab: "Restart Level"
# save_load_tab: "Save/Load"
# options_tab: "Options"
# guide_tab: "Guide"
multiplayer_tab: "ผู้เล่นหลายคน"
# inventory_caption: "Equip your hero"
# choose_hero_caption: "Choose hero, language"
# save_load_caption: "... and view history"
# options_caption: "Configure settings"
# guide_caption: "Docs and tips"
# multiplayer_caption: "Play with friends!"
# inventory:
# temp: "Temp"
# choose_hero:
# temp: "Temp"
# save_load:
# granularity_saved_games: "Saved"
# granularity_change_history: "History"
# options:
# general_options: "General Options"
# music_label: "Music"
# music_description: "Turn background music on/off."
# autorun_label: "Autorun"
# autorun_description: "Control automatic code execution."
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# guide:
# temp: "Temp"
# multiplayer_title: "Multiplayer Settings"
# multiplayer_toggle: "Enable multiplayer"
# multiplayer_toggle_description: "Allow others to join your game."
# multiplayer_link_description: "Give this link to anyone to have them join you."
multiplayer_hint_label: "คำใบ้"
# multiplayer_hint: " Click the link to select all, then press ⌘-C or Ctrl-C to copy the link."
# multiplayer_coming_soon: "More multiplayer features to come!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
# keyboard_shortcuts:
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Keyboard Shortcuts"
# space: "Space"
@ -847,20 +883,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "ไทย", englishDescription: "Thai", tra
# license: "license"
# oreilly: "ebook of your choice"
# multiplayer_launch:
# introducing_dungeon_arena: "Introducing Dungeon Arena"
# new_way: "The new way to compete with code."
# to_battle: "To Battle, Developers!"
# modern_day_sorcerer: "You know how to code? That's badass. You're a modern-day sorcerer! Isn't about time that you used your magic coding powers to command your minions in epic combat? And we're not talking robots here."
# arenas_are_here: "CodeCombat head-to-head multiplayer arenas are here."
# ladder_explanation: "Choose your heroes, enchant your human or ogre armies, and climb your way over defeated fellow Wizards to reach the top of the laddersthen challenge your friends in our glorious, asynchronous multiplayer coding arenas. If you're feeling creative, you can even"
# fork_our_arenas: "fork our arenas"
# create_worlds: "and create your own worlds."
# javascript_rusty: "JavaScript a bit rusty? Don't worry; there's a"
# tutorial: "tutorial"
# new_to_programming: ". New to programming? Hit our beginner campaign to skill up."
# so_ready: "I Am So Ready for This"
# loading_error:
# could_not_load: "Error loading from server"
# connection_failure: "Connection failed."

View file

@ -353,8 +353,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Türkçe", englishDescription: "Turkish", t
grid: "Harita Bölmeleri"
customize_wizard: "Sihirbazı Düzenle"
home: "Anasayfa"
# game_menu: "Game Menu"
guide: "Rehber"
multiplayer: "Çoklu-oyuncu"
restart: "Yeniden başlat"
goals: "Hedefler"
# success: "Success!"
@ -377,12 +377,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Türkçe", englishDescription: "Turkish", t
victory_review: "Daha detaylı bilgi verebilirsiniz!"
victory_hour_of_code_done: "Bitirdiniz mi?"
victory_hour_of_code_done_yes: "Evet, Kod Saatimi (Hour of Code) bitirdim!"
multiplayer_title: "Çoklu-oyuncu Ayarları"
multiplayer_link_description: "Size katılmasını arzu ettiğiniz herhangi bir kişiye bu link verebilirsiniz."
multiplayer_hint_label: "İpucu:"
multiplayer_hint: " Kopyalamak için önce linke tıklayın, ardından CTRL+C veya ⌘+C kombinasyonuna basın."
multiplayer_coming_soon: "Daha bir çok çoklu oyuncu özelliği eklenecek!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
guide_title: "Rehber"
tome_minion_spells: "Minyonlarınızın Büyüleri"
tome_read_only_spells: "Salt Okunur Büyüler"
@ -390,30 +384,12 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Türkçe", englishDescription: "Turkish", t
tome_cast_button_castable: "Fırlatılabilir"
tome_cast_button_casting: "Fırlatılıyor"
tome_cast_button_cast: "Fırlat"
tome_autocast_delay: "Otomatik-Fırlatma Gecikmesi"
tome_select_spell: "Bir Büyü Seç"
tome_select_a_thang: "Birini seç..."
tome_available_spells: "Kullanılabilir Büyüler"
hud_continue: "Devam (ÜstKarakter+Boşluk)"
spell_saved: "Büyü Kaydedildi"
skip_tutorial: "Atla (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
editor_config_keybindings_default: "Varsayılan (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Key Shortcuts"
loading_ready: "Hazır!"
# tip_insert_positions: "Shift+Click a point on the map to insert it into the spell editor."
@ -423,7 +399,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Türkçe", englishDescription: "Turkish", t
# tip_open_source: "CodeCombat is 100% open source!"
# tip_beta_launch: "CodeCombat launched its beta in October, 2013."
# tip_js_beginning: "JavaScript is just the beginning."
# tip_autocast_setting: "Adjust autocast settings by clicking the gear on the cast button."
# think_solution: "Think of the solution, not the problem."
# tip_theory_practice: "In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But in practice, there is. - Yogi Berra"
# tip_error_free: "There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works. - Alan Perlis"
@ -452,6 +427,67 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Türkçe", englishDescription: "Turkish", t
# infinite_loop_reset_level: "Reset Level"
# infinite_loop_comment_out: "Comment Out My Code"
# inventory_tab: "Inventory"
# choose_hero_tab: "Restart Level"
# save_load_tab: "Save/Load"
# options_tab: "Options"
# guide_tab: "Guide"
multiplayer_tab: "Çoklu-oyuncu"
# inventory_caption: "Equip your hero"
# choose_hero_caption: "Choose hero, language"
# save_load_caption: "... and view history"
# options_caption: "Configure settings"
# guide_caption: "Docs and tips"
# multiplayer_caption: "Play with friends!"
# inventory:
# temp: "Temp"
# choose_hero:
# temp: "Temp"
# save_load:
# granularity_saved_games: "Saved"
# granularity_change_history: "History"
# general_options: "General Options"
# music_label: "Music"
# music_description: "Turn background music on/off."
# autorun_label: "Autorun"
# autorun_description: "Control automatic code execution."
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
editor_config_keybindings_default: "Varsayılan (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# guide:
# temp: "Temp"
multiplayer_title: "Çoklu-oyuncu Ayarları"
# multiplayer_toggle: "Enable multiplayer"
# multiplayer_toggle_description: "Allow others to join your game."
multiplayer_link_description: "Size katılmasını arzu ettiğiniz herhangi bir kişiye bu link verebilirsiniz."
multiplayer_hint_label: "İpucu:"
multiplayer_hint: " Kopyalamak için önce linke tıklayın, ardından CTRL+C veya ⌘+C kombinasyonuna basın."
multiplayer_coming_soon: "Daha bir çok çoklu oyuncu özelliği eklenecek!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
# keyboard_shortcuts:
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Keyboard Shortcuts"
# space: "Space"
@ -847,20 +883,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Türkçe", englishDescription: "Turkish", t
# license: "license"
# oreilly: "ebook of your choice"
# multiplayer_launch:
# introducing_dungeon_arena: "Introducing Dungeon Arena"
# new_way: "The new way to compete with code."
# to_battle: "To Battle, Developers!"
# modern_day_sorcerer: "You know how to code? That's badass. You're a modern-day sorcerer! Isn't about time that you used your magic coding powers to command your minions in epic combat? And we're not talking robots here."
# arenas_are_here: "CodeCombat head-to-head multiplayer arenas are here."
# ladder_explanation: "Choose your heroes, enchant your human or ogre armies, and climb your way over defeated fellow Wizards to reach the top of the laddersthen challenge your friends in our glorious, asynchronous multiplayer coding arenas. If you're feeling creative, you can even"
# fork_our_arenas: "fork our arenas"
# create_worlds: "and create your own worlds."
# javascript_rusty: "JavaScript a bit rusty? Don't worry; there's a"
# tutorial: "tutorial"
# new_to_programming: ". New to programming? Hit our beginner campaign to skill up."
# so_ready: "I Am So Ready for This"
could_not_load: "Yüklenemiyor"
connection_failure: "Bağlantı hatası."

View file

@ -353,8 +353,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "українська мова", englishDesc
grid: "Решітка"
customize_wizard: "Налаштування персонажа"
home: "На головну"
# game_menu: "Game Menu"
guide: "Посібник"
multiplayer: "Мультиплеєр"
restart: "Перезавантажити"
goals: "Цілі"
# success: "Success!"
@ -377,12 +377,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "українська мова", englishDesc
victory_review: "Розкажіть нам більше!"
victory_hour_of_code_done: "Ви закінчили?"
victory_hour_of_code_done_yes: "Так, я закінчив свою Годину Коду!"
multiplayer_title: "Налаштування мультиплеєра"
multiplayer_link_description: "Поділіться цим посиланням з будь-ким, щоб вони приєдналися до вас."
multiplayer_hint_label: "Підказка:"
multiplayer_hint: "Натисніть на посилання, щоб обрати всіх, та натисніть Apple-C або Ctrl-C, щоб скопіювати посилання."
multiplayer_coming_soon: "Скоро - більше можливостей у мультиплеєрі!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
guide_title: "Посібник"
tome_minion_spells: "Закляття ваших міньонів"
tome_read_only_spells: "Закляття тільки для читання"
@ -390,30 +384,12 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "українська мова", englishDesc
tome_cast_button_castable: "Читати закляття"
tome_cast_button_casting: "Закляття читається"
tome_cast_button_cast: "Закляття прочитано"
tome_autocast_delay: "Затримка автоматичного читання"
tome_select_spell: "Оберіть закляття"
tome_select_a_thang: "Оберіть когось для "
tome_available_spells: "Доступні закляття"
hud_continue: "Продовжити (натисніть shift-space)"
spell_saved: "Закляття збережено"
skip_tutorial: "Пропустити (esc)"
editor_config: "Редактор налашт."
editor_config_title: "Редактор налаштувань"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
editor_config_keybindings_label: "Комбінаційї клавіш"
editor_config_keybindings_default: "За замовчуванням (Ace)"
editor_config_keybindings_description: "Додайте додаткові скорочення відомі Вам із загальних редакторів."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
editor_config_invisibles_label: "Показати приховане"
editor_config_invisibles_description: "Відображення прихованого, такого як відступи та знаки табуляції."
editor_config_indentguides_label: "Показати відступи провідників"
editor_config_indentguides_description: "Відображення вертикальних ліній, щоб краще бачити відстань."
editor_config_behaviors_label: "Розумні привички"
editor_config_behaviors_description: "Автозаповнення дужок, фігурних дужок, та лапок."
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Key Shortcuts"
loading_ready: "Готово!"
tip_insert_positions: "Shift+Натиснути точку на карті, щоб вставити його у редактор заклинань."
@ -423,7 +399,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "українська мова", englishDesc
tip_open_source: "CodeCombat є 100% відкритим кодом!"
tip_beta_launch: "CodeCombat запустив бета версію в жовтні 2013."
tip_js_beginning: "JavaScript є лише початком."
tip_autocast_setting: "Регулюйте параметри автозастосування перемикачем на кнопці скидання."
think_solution: "Думайте про вирішення, а не за поблему."
tip_theory_practice: "В теорії між теорією і практикою немає ніякої різниці. На практиці - є. - Йогі Берра"
tip_error_free: "Є два шляхи написання програм без помилок; але лише третій працює. - Алан Перліс"
@ -452,6 +427,67 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "українська мова", englishDesc
infinite_loop_reset_level: "Почати рівень спочатку"
infinite_loop_comment_out: "Залишити коментарі до мого коду"
# inventory_tab: "Inventory"
# choose_hero_tab: "Restart Level"
# save_load_tab: "Save/Load"
# options_tab: "Options"
# guide_tab: "Guide"
multiplayer_tab: "Мультиплеєр"
# inventory_caption: "Equip your hero"
# choose_hero_caption: "Choose hero, language"
# save_load_caption: "... and view history"
# options_caption: "Configure settings"
# guide_caption: "Docs and tips"
# multiplayer_caption: "Play with friends!"
# inventory:
# temp: "Temp"
# choose_hero:
# temp: "Temp"
# save_load:
# granularity_saved_games: "Saved"
# granularity_change_history: "History"
# general_options: "General Options"
# music_label: "Music"
# music_description: "Turn background music on/off."
# autorun_label: "Autorun"
# autorun_description: "Control automatic code execution."
editor_config: "Редактор налашт."
editor_config_title: "Редактор налаштувань"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
editor_config_keybindings_label: "Комбінаційї клавіш"
editor_config_keybindings_default: "За замовчуванням (Ace)"
editor_config_keybindings_description: "Додайте додаткові скорочення відомі Вам із загальних редакторів."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
editor_config_invisibles_label: "Показати приховане"
editor_config_invisibles_description: "Відображення прихованого, такого як відступи та знаки табуляції."
editor_config_indentguides_label: "Показати відступи провідників"
editor_config_indentguides_description: "Відображення вертикальних ліній, щоб краще бачити відстань."
editor_config_behaviors_label: "Розумні привички"
editor_config_behaviors_description: "Автозаповнення дужок, фігурних дужок, та лапок."
# guide:
# temp: "Temp"
multiplayer_title: "Налаштування мультиплеєра"
# multiplayer_toggle: "Enable multiplayer"
# multiplayer_toggle_description: "Allow others to join your game."
multiplayer_link_description: "Поділіться цим посиланням з будь-ким, щоб вони приєдналися до вас."
multiplayer_hint_label: "Підказка:"
multiplayer_hint: "Натисніть на посилання, щоб обрати всіх, та натисніть Apple-C або Ctrl-C, щоб скопіювати посилання."
multiplayer_coming_soon: "Скоро - більше можливостей у мультиплеєрі!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
# keyboard_shortcuts:
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Keyboard Shortcuts"
# space: "Space"
@ -847,20 +883,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "українська мова", englishDesc
# license: "license"
# oreilly: "ebook of your choice"
# multiplayer_launch:
# introducing_dungeon_arena: "Introducing Dungeon Arena"
# new_way: "The new way to compete with code."
# to_battle: "To Battle, Developers!"
# modern_day_sorcerer: "You know how to code? That's badass. You're a modern-day sorcerer! Isn't about time that you used your magic coding powers to command your minions in epic combat? And we're not talking robots here."
# arenas_are_here: "CodeCombat head-to-head multiplayer arenas are here."
# ladder_explanation: "Choose your heroes, enchant your human or ogre armies, and climb your way over defeated fellow Wizards to reach the top of the laddersthen challenge your friends in our glorious, asynchronous multiplayer coding arenas. If you're feeling creative, you can even"
# fork_our_arenas: "fork our arenas"
# create_worlds: "and create your own worlds."
# javascript_rusty: "JavaScript a bit rusty? Don't worry; there's a"
# tutorial: "tutorial"
# new_to_programming: ". New to programming? Hit our beginner campaign to skill up."
# so_ready: "I Am So Ready for This"
# loading_error:
# could_not_load: "Error loading from server"
# connection_failure: "Connection failed."

View file

@ -353,8 +353,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "اُردُو", englishDescription: "Urdu",
# grid: "Grid"
# customize_wizard: "Customize Wizard"
# home: "Home"
# game_menu: "Game Menu"
# guide: "Guide"
# multiplayer: "Multiplayer"
# restart: "Restart"
# goals: "Goals"
# success: "Success!"
@ -377,12 +377,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "اُردُو", englishDescription: "Urdu",
# victory_review: "Tell us more!"
# victory_hour_of_code_done: "Are You Done?"
# victory_hour_of_code_done_yes: "Yes, I'm finished with my Hour of Code™!"
# multiplayer_title: "Multiplayer Settings"
# multiplayer_link_description: "Give this link to anyone to have them join you."
# multiplayer_hint_label: "Hint:"
# multiplayer_hint: " Click the link to select all, then press ⌘-C or Ctrl-C to copy the link."
# multiplayer_coming_soon: "More multiplayer features to come!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
# guide_title: "Guide"
# tome_minion_spells: "Your Minions' Spells"
# tome_read_only_spells: "Read-Only Spells"
@ -390,30 +384,12 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "اُردُو", englishDescription: "Urdu",
# tome_cast_button_castable: "Cast Spell"
# tome_cast_button_casting: "Casting"
# tome_cast_button_cast: "Spell Cast"
# tome_autocast_delay: "Autocast Delay"
# tome_select_spell: "Select a Spell"
# tome_select_a_thang: "Select Someone for "
# tome_available_spells: "Available Spells"
# hud_continue: "Continue (shift+space)"
# spell_saved: "Spell Saved"
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Key Shortcuts"
# loading_ready: "Ready!"
# tip_insert_positions: "Shift+Click a point on the map to insert it into the spell editor."
@ -423,7 +399,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "اُردُو", englishDescription: "Urdu",
# tip_open_source: "CodeCombat is 100% open source!"
# tip_beta_launch: "CodeCombat launched its beta in October, 2013."
# tip_js_beginning: "JavaScript is just the beginning."
# tip_autocast_setting: "Adjust autocast settings by clicking the gear on the cast button."
# think_solution: "Think of the solution, not the problem."
# tip_theory_practice: "In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But in practice, there is. - Yogi Berra"
# tip_error_free: "There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works. - Alan Perlis"
@ -452,6 +427,67 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "اُردُو", englishDescription: "Urdu",
# infinite_loop_reset_level: "Reset Level"
# infinite_loop_comment_out: "Comment Out My Code"
# game_menu:
# inventory_tab: "Inventory"
# choose_hero_tab: "Restart Level"
# save_load_tab: "Save/Load"
# options_tab: "Options"
# guide_tab: "Guide"
# multiplayer_tab: "Multiplayer"
# inventory_caption: "Equip your hero"
# choose_hero_caption: "Choose hero, language"
# save_load_caption: "... and view history"
# options_caption: "Configure settings"
# guide_caption: "Docs and tips"
# multiplayer_caption: "Play with friends!"
# inventory:
# temp: "Temp"
# choose_hero:
# temp: "Temp"
# save_load:
# granularity_saved_games: "Saved"
# granularity_change_history: "History"
# options:
# general_options: "General Options"
# music_label: "Music"
# music_description: "Turn background music on/off."
# autorun_label: "Autorun"
# autorun_description: "Control automatic code execution."
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# guide:
# temp: "Temp"
# multiplayer:
# multiplayer_title: "Multiplayer Settings"
# multiplayer_toggle: "Enable multiplayer"
# multiplayer_toggle_description: "Allow others to join your game."
# multiplayer_link_description: "Give this link to anyone to have them join you."
# multiplayer_hint_label: "Hint:"
# multiplayer_hint: " Click the link to select all, then press ⌘-C or Ctrl-C to copy the link."
# multiplayer_coming_soon: "More multiplayer features to come!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
# keyboard_shortcuts:
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Keyboard Shortcuts"
# space: "Space"
@ -847,20 +883,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "اُردُو", englishDescription: "Urdu",
# license: "license"
# oreilly: "ebook of your choice"
# multiplayer_launch:
# introducing_dungeon_arena: "Introducing Dungeon Arena"
# new_way: "The new way to compete with code."
# to_battle: "To Battle, Developers!"
# modern_day_sorcerer: "You know how to code? That's badass. You're a modern-day sorcerer! Isn't about time that you used your magic coding powers to command your minions in epic combat? And we're not talking robots here."
# arenas_are_here: "CodeCombat head-to-head multiplayer arenas are here."
# ladder_explanation: "Choose your heroes, enchant your human or ogre armies, and climb your way over defeated fellow Wizards to reach the top of the laddersthen challenge your friends in our glorious, asynchronous multiplayer coding arenas. If you're feeling creative, you can even"
# fork_our_arenas: "fork our arenas"
# create_worlds: "and create your own worlds."
# javascript_rusty: "JavaScript a bit rusty? Don't worry; there's a"
# tutorial: "tutorial"
# new_to_programming: ". New to programming? Hit our beginner campaign to skill up."
# so_ready: "I Am So Ready for This"
# loading_error:
# could_not_load: "Error loading from server"
# connection_failure: "Connection failed."

View file

@ -353,8 +353,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Tiếng Việt", englishDescription: "Vietn
# grid: "Grid"
customize_wizard: "Tùy chỉnh Wizard"
# home: "Home"
# game_menu: "Game Menu"
guide: "Hướng dẫn"
multiplayer: "Nhiều người chơi"
restart: "Khởi động lại"
goals: "Mục đích"
# success: "Success!"
@ -377,12 +377,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Tiếng Việt", englishDescription: "Vietn
# victory_review: "Tell us more!"
# victory_hour_of_code_done: "Are You Done?"
# victory_hour_of_code_done_yes: "Yes, I'm finished with my Hour of Code™!"
# multiplayer_title: "Multiplayer Settings"
# multiplayer_link_description: "Give this link to anyone to have them join you."
# multiplayer_hint_label: "Hint:"
# multiplayer_hint: " Click the link to select all, then press ⌘-C or Ctrl-C to copy the link."
# multiplayer_coming_soon: "More multiplayer features to come!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
# guide_title: "Guide"
# tome_minion_spells: "Your Minions' Spells"
# tome_read_only_spells: "Read-Only Spells"
@ -390,30 +384,12 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Tiếng Việt", englishDescription: "Vietn
# tome_cast_button_castable: "Cast Spell"
# tome_cast_button_casting: "Casting"
# tome_cast_button_cast: "Spell Cast"
# tome_autocast_delay: "Autocast Delay"
# tome_select_spell: "Select a Spell"
# tome_select_a_thang: "Select Someone for "
# tome_available_spells: "Available Spells"
# hud_continue: "Continue (shift+space)"
# spell_saved: "Spell Saved"
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Key Shortcuts"
# loading_ready: "Ready!"
# tip_insert_positions: "Shift+Click a point on the map to insert it into the spell editor."
@ -423,7 +399,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Tiếng Việt", englishDescription: "Vietn
# tip_open_source: "CodeCombat is 100% open source!"
# tip_beta_launch: "CodeCombat launched its beta in October, 2013."
# tip_js_beginning: "JavaScript is just the beginning."
# tip_autocast_setting: "Adjust autocast settings by clicking the gear on the cast button."
# think_solution: "Think of the solution, not the problem."
# tip_theory_practice: "In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But in practice, there is. - Yogi Berra"
# tip_error_free: "There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works. - Alan Perlis"
@ -452,6 +427,67 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Tiếng Việt", englishDescription: "Vietn
# infinite_loop_reset_level: "Reset Level"
# infinite_loop_comment_out: "Comment Out My Code"
# inventory_tab: "Inventory"
# choose_hero_tab: "Restart Level"
# save_load_tab: "Save/Load"
# options_tab: "Options"
# guide_tab: "Guide"
multiplayer_tab: "Nhiều người chơi"
# inventory_caption: "Equip your hero"
# choose_hero_caption: "Choose hero, language"
# save_load_caption: "... and view history"
# options_caption: "Configure settings"
# guide_caption: "Docs and tips"
# multiplayer_caption: "Play with friends!"
# inventory:
# temp: "Temp"
# choose_hero:
# temp: "Temp"
# save_load:
# granularity_saved_games: "Saved"
# granularity_change_history: "History"
# options:
# general_options: "General Options"
# music_label: "Music"
# music_description: "Turn background music on/off."
# autorun_label: "Autorun"
# autorun_description: "Control automatic code execution."
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# guide:
# temp: "Temp"
# multiplayer:
# multiplayer_title: "Multiplayer Settings"
# multiplayer_toggle: "Enable multiplayer"
# multiplayer_toggle_description: "Allow others to join your game."
# multiplayer_link_description: "Give this link to anyone to have them join you."
# multiplayer_hint_label: "Hint:"
# multiplayer_hint: " Click the link to select all, then press ⌘-C or Ctrl-C to copy the link."
# multiplayer_coming_soon: "More multiplayer features to come!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
# keyboard_shortcuts:
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Keyboard Shortcuts"
# space: "Space"
@ -847,20 +883,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Tiếng Việt", englishDescription: "Vietn
# license: "license"
# oreilly: "ebook of your choice"
# multiplayer_launch:
# introducing_dungeon_arena: "Introducing Dungeon Arena"
# new_way: "The new way to compete with code."
# to_battle: "To Battle, Developers!"
# modern_day_sorcerer: "You know how to code? That's badass. You're a modern-day sorcerer! Isn't about time that you used your magic coding powers to command your minions in epic combat? And we're not talking robots here."
# arenas_are_here: "CodeCombat head-to-head multiplayer arenas are here."
# ladder_explanation: "Choose your heroes, enchant your human or ogre armies, and climb your way over defeated fellow Wizards to reach the top of the laddersthen challenge your friends in our glorious, asynchronous multiplayer coding arenas. If you're feeling creative, you can even"
# fork_our_arenas: "fork our arenas"
# create_worlds: "and create your own worlds."
# javascript_rusty: "JavaScript a bit rusty? Don't worry; there's a"
# tutorial: "tutorial"
# new_to_programming: ". New to programming? Hit our beginner campaign to skill up."
# so_ready: "I Am So Ready for This"
# loading_error:
# could_not_load: "Error loading from server"
# connection_failure: "Connection failed."

View file

@ -353,8 +353,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
grid: "格子"
customize_wizard: "自定义向导"
home: "主页"
# game_menu: "Game Menu"
guide: "指南"
multiplayer: "多人游戏"
restart: "重新开始"
goals: "目标"
# success: "Success!"
@ -377,12 +377,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
victory_review: "给我们反馈!"
victory_hour_of_code_done: "你完成了吗?"
victory_hour_of_code_done_yes: "是的, 完成了!"
multiplayer_title: "多人游戏设置"
multiplayer_link_description: "把这个链接告诉小伙伴们,一起玩吧。"
multiplayer_hint_label: "提示:"
multiplayer_hint: " 点击全选,然后按 Apple-C苹果电脑或 Ctrl-C 复制链接。"
multiplayer_coming_soon: "多人游戏的更多特性!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
guide_title: "指南"
tome_minion_spells: "助手的咒语"
tome_read_only_spells: "只读的咒语"
@ -390,30 +384,12 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
tome_cast_button_castable: "发动"
tome_cast_button_casting: "发动中"
tome_cast_button_cast: "发动咒语"
tome_autocast_delay: "自动施法延迟"
tome_select_spell: "选择一个法术"
tome_select_a_thang: "选择人物来 "
tome_available_spells: "可用的法术"
hud_continue: "继续(按 Shift-空格)"
spell_saved: "咒语已保存"
skip_tutorial: "跳过esc"
editor_config: "编辑器配置"
editor_config_title: "编辑器配置"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
editor_config_keybindings_label: "按键设置s"
editor_config_keybindings_default: "默认 (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
editor_config_invisibles_label: "显示隐藏的"
editor_config_invisibles_description: "显示诸如空格或TAB键。"
editor_config_indentguides_label: "显示缩进提示"
editor_config_indentguides_description: "显示一条竖线以使缩进更明显。"
editor_config_behaviors_label: "聪明的行为"
editor_config_behaviors_description: "自动完成括号,大括号和引号。"
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Key Shortcuts"
loading_ready: "载入完成!"
tip_insert_positions: "使用Shift+左键来插入拼写编辑器。"
@ -423,7 +399,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
tip_open_source: "CodeCombat 是 100% 开源的!"
tip_beta_launch: "CodeCombat 开始于 2013的10月份."
tip_js_beginning: "JavaScript 仅仅只是个开始."
# tip_autocast_setting: "Adjust autocast settings by clicking the gear on the cast button."
think_solution: "思考解决方法, 而不是问题."
tip_theory_practice: "在理论研究中,理论和实践之间是没有区别的。但在实践中,它们是有区别的。 - Yogi Berra"
tip_error_free: "有两种方式可以写出没有错误的程序;但是只有第三种方式能让程序达到预期的效果。 - Alan Perlis"
@ -452,6 +427,67 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
infinite_loop_reset_level: "重置等级"
infinite_loop_comment_out: "为我的代码添加注释"
# inventory_tab: "Inventory"
# choose_hero_tab: "Restart Level"
# save_load_tab: "Save/Load"
# options_tab: "Options"
# guide_tab: "Guide"
multiplayer_tab: "多人游戏"
# inventory_caption: "Equip your hero"
# choose_hero_caption: "Choose hero, language"
# save_load_caption: "... and view history"
# options_caption: "Configure settings"
# guide_caption: "Docs and tips"
# multiplayer_caption: "Play with friends!"
# inventory:
# temp: "Temp"
# choose_hero:
# temp: "Temp"
# save_load:
# granularity_saved_games: "Saved"
# granularity_change_history: "History"
# general_options: "General Options"
# music_label: "Music"
# music_description: "Turn background music on/off."
# autorun_label: "Autorun"
# autorun_description: "Control automatic code execution."
editor_config: "编辑器配置"
editor_config_title: "编辑器配置"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
editor_config_keybindings_label: "按键设置s"
editor_config_keybindings_default: "默认 (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
editor_config_invisibles_label: "显示隐藏的"
editor_config_invisibles_description: "显示诸如空格或TAB键。"
editor_config_indentguides_label: "显示缩进提示"
editor_config_indentguides_description: "显示一条竖线以使缩进更明显。"
editor_config_behaviors_label: "聪明的行为"
editor_config_behaviors_description: "自动完成括号,大括号和引号。"
# guide:
# temp: "Temp"
multiplayer_title: "多人游戏设置"
# multiplayer_toggle: "Enable multiplayer"
# multiplayer_toggle_description: "Allow others to join your game."
multiplayer_link_description: "把这个链接告诉小伙伴们,一起玩吧。"
multiplayer_hint_label: "提示:"
multiplayer_hint: " 点击全选,然后按 Apple-C苹果电脑或 Ctrl-C 复制链接。"
multiplayer_coming_soon: "多人游戏的更多特性!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
# keyboard_shortcuts:
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Keyboard Shortcuts"
# space: "Space"
@ -847,20 +883,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
# license: "license"
# oreilly: "ebook of your choice"
introducing_dungeon_arena: "介绍地下城竞技场"
new_way: "用代码竞技的新方式."
to_battle: "去战斗, 开发者们!"
modern_day_sorcerer: "你能编程? 这太牛了。 在这个时代你就是巫师! 还不快用你编码的魔力指挥你的手下投入壮烈的战斗中么? 我们说的可不是和机器战斗哦。"
arenas_are_here: "CodeCombat一个多人对抗的头脑竞技场."
# ladder_explanation: "Choose your heroes, enchant your human or ogre armies, and climb your way over defeated fellow Wizards to reach the top of the laddersthen challenge your friends in our glorious, asynchronous multiplayer coding arenas. If you're feeling creative, you can even"
fork_our_arenas: "派生我的竞技场"
create_worlds: "以及创造我自己的世界."
javascript_rusty: "对JavaScript有点生疏? 没关系,这里有一个"
tutorial: "教程"
new_to_programming: ". 编程新手? 参加我们的新手训练营来提高技能吧."
so_ready: "我准备好了!"
could_not_load: "载入失败"
connection_failure: "连接失败."

View file

@ -353,8 +353,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "繁体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
grid: "格子"
customize_wizard: "自定義巫師"
home: "首頁"
# game_menu: "Game Menu"
guide: "指南"
multiplayer: "多人遊戲"
restart: "重新開始"
goals: "目標"
# success: "Success!"
@ -377,12 +377,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "繁体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
victory_review: "給我們回饋!"
victory_hour_of_code_done: "你完成了嗎?"
victory_hour_of_code_done_yes: "是的,我完成了我的程式碼!"
multiplayer_title: "多人遊戲設定"
multiplayer_link_description: "把這個連結告訴同伴們,一起玩吧。"
multiplayer_hint_label: "提示:"
multiplayer_hint: " 點擊全選,然後按 ⌘-C 或 Ctrl-C 複製連結。"
multiplayer_coming_soon: "請期待更多的多人關卡!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
guide_title: "指南"
tome_minion_spells: "助手的咒語"
tome_read_only_spells: "唯讀的咒語"
@ -390,30 +384,12 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "繁体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
tome_cast_button_castable: "發動"
tome_cast_button_casting: "發動中"
tome_cast_button_cast: "咒語"
tome_autocast_delay: "自動施法延遲"
tome_select_spell: "選擇一個法術"
tome_select_a_thang: "選擇一個人物來施放"
tome_available_spells: "可用的法術"
hud_continue: "繼續 (按 shift-空格)"
spell_saved: "咒語已儲存"
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Key Shortcuts"
# loading_ready: "Ready!"
# tip_insert_positions: "Shift+Click a point on the map to insert it into the spell editor."
@ -423,7 +399,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "繁体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
# tip_open_source: "CodeCombat is 100% open source!"
# tip_beta_launch: "CodeCombat launched its beta in October, 2013."
# tip_js_beginning: "JavaScript is just the beginning."
# tip_autocast_setting: "Adjust autocast settings by clicking the gear on the cast button."
# think_solution: "Think of the solution, not the problem."
# tip_theory_practice: "In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But in practice, there is. - Yogi Berra"
# tip_error_free: "There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works. - Alan Perlis"
@ -452,6 +427,67 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "繁体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
# infinite_loop_reset_level: "Reset Level"
# infinite_loop_comment_out: "Comment Out My Code"
# inventory_tab: "Inventory"
# choose_hero_tab: "Restart Level"
# save_load_tab: "Save/Load"
# options_tab: "Options"
# guide_tab: "Guide"
multiplayer_tab: "多人遊戲"
# inventory_caption: "Equip your hero"
# choose_hero_caption: "Choose hero, language"
# save_load_caption: "... and view history"
# options_caption: "Configure settings"
# guide_caption: "Docs and tips"
# multiplayer_caption: "Play with friends!"
# inventory:
# temp: "Temp"
# choose_hero:
# temp: "Temp"
# save_load:
# granularity_saved_games: "Saved"
# granularity_change_history: "History"
# options:
# general_options: "General Options"
# music_label: "Music"
# music_description: "Turn background music on/off."
# autorun_label: "Autorun"
# autorun_description: "Control automatic code execution."
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# guide:
# temp: "Temp"
multiplayer_title: "多人遊戲設定"
# multiplayer_toggle: "Enable multiplayer"
# multiplayer_toggle_description: "Allow others to join your game."
multiplayer_link_description: "把這個連結告訴同伴們,一起玩吧。"
multiplayer_hint_label: "提示:"
multiplayer_hint: " 點擊全選,然後按 ⌘-C 或 Ctrl-C 複製連結。"
multiplayer_coming_soon: "請期待更多的多人關卡!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
# keyboard_shortcuts:
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Keyboard Shortcuts"
# space: "Space"
@ -847,20 +883,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "繁体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
# license: "license"
# oreilly: "ebook of your choice"
# multiplayer_launch:
# introducing_dungeon_arena: "Introducing Dungeon Arena"
# new_way: "The new way to compete with code."
# to_battle: "To Battle, Developers!"
# modern_day_sorcerer: "You know how to code? That's badass. You're a modern-day sorcerer! Isn't about time that you used your magic coding powers to command your minions in epic combat? And we're not talking robots here."
# arenas_are_here: "CodeCombat head-to-head multiplayer arenas are here."
# ladder_explanation: "Choose your heroes, enchant your human or ogre armies, and climb your way over defeated fellow Wizards to reach the top of the laddersthen challenge your friends in our glorious, asynchronous multiplayer coding arenas. If you're feeling creative, you can even"
# fork_our_arenas: "fork our arenas"
# create_worlds: "and create your own worlds."
# javascript_rusty: "JavaScript a bit rusty? Don't worry; there's a"
# tutorial: "tutorial"
# new_to_programming: ". New to programming? Hit our beginner campaign to skill up."
# so_ready: "I Am So Ready for This"
# loading_error:
# could_not_load: "Error loading from server"
# connection_failure: "Connection failed."

View file

@ -353,8 +353,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "吴语", englishDescription: "Wuu (Simplifi
# grid: "Grid"
# customize_wizard: "Customize Wizard"
# home: "Home"
# game_menu: "Game Menu"
# guide: "Guide"
# multiplayer: "Multiplayer"
# restart: "Restart"
# goals: "Goals"
# success: "Success!"
@ -377,12 +377,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "吴语", englishDescription: "Wuu (Simplifi
# victory_review: "Tell us more!"
# victory_hour_of_code_done: "Are You Done?"
# victory_hour_of_code_done_yes: "Yes, I'm finished with my Hour of Code™!"
# multiplayer_title: "Multiplayer Settings"
# multiplayer_link_description: "Give this link to anyone to have them join you."
# multiplayer_hint_label: "Hint:"
# multiplayer_hint: " Click the link to select all, then press ⌘-C or Ctrl-C to copy the link."
# multiplayer_coming_soon: "More multiplayer features to come!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
# guide_title: "Guide"
# tome_minion_spells: "Your Minions' Spells"
# tome_read_only_spells: "Read-Only Spells"
@ -390,30 +384,12 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "吴语", englishDescription: "Wuu (Simplifi
# tome_cast_button_castable: "Cast Spell"
# tome_cast_button_casting: "Casting"
# tome_cast_button_cast: "Spell Cast"
# tome_autocast_delay: "Autocast Delay"
# tome_select_spell: "Select a Spell"
# tome_select_a_thang: "Select Someone for "
# tome_available_spells: "Available Spells"
# hud_continue: "Continue (shift+space)"
# spell_saved: "Spell Saved"
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Key Shortcuts"
# loading_ready: "Ready!"
# tip_insert_positions: "Shift+Click a point on the map to insert it into the spell editor."
@ -423,7 +399,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "吴语", englishDescription: "Wuu (Simplifi
# tip_open_source: "CodeCombat is 100% open source!"
# tip_beta_launch: "CodeCombat launched its beta in October, 2013."
# tip_js_beginning: "JavaScript is just the beginning."
# tip_autocast_setting: "Adjust autocast settings by clicking the gear on the cast button."
# think_solution: "Think of the solution, not the problem."
# tip_theory_practice: "In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But in practice, there is. - Yogi Berra"
# tip_error_free: "There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works. - Alan Perlis"
@ -452,6 +427,67 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "吴语", englishDescription: "Wuu (Simplifi
# infinite_loop_reset_level: "Reset Level"
# infinite_loop_comment_out: "Comment Out My Code"
# game_menu:
# inventory_tab: "Inventory"
# choose_hero_tab: "Restart Level"
# save_load_tab: "Save/Load"
# options_tab: "Options"
# guide_tab: "Guide"
# multiplayer_tab: "Multiplayer"
# inventory_caption: "Equip your hero"
# choose_hero_caption: "Choose hero, language"
# save_load_caption: "... and view history"
# options_caption: "Configure settings"
# guide_caption: "Docs and tips"
# multiplayer_caption: "Play with friends!"
# inventory:
# temp: "Temp"
# choose_hero:
# temp: "Temp"
# save_load:
# granularity_saved_games: "Saved"
# granularity_change_history: "History"
# options:
# general_options: "General Options"
# music_label: "Music"
# music_description: "Turn background music on/off."
# autorun_label: "Autorun"
# autorun_description: "Control automatic code execution."
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# guide:
# temp: "Temp"
# multiplayer:
# multiplayer_title: "Multiplayer Settings"
# multiplayer_toggle: "Enable multiplayer"
# multiplayer_toggle_description: "Allow others to join your game."
# multiplayer_link_description: "Give this link to anyone to have them join you."
# multiplayer_hint_label: "Hint:"
# multiplayer_hint: " Click the link to select all, then press ⌘-C or Ctrl-C to copy the link."
# multiplayer_coming_soon: "More multiplayer features to come!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
# keyboard_shortcuts:
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Keyboard Shortcuts"
# space: "Space"
@ -847,20 +883,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "吴语", englishDescription: "Wuu (Simplifi
# license: "license"
# oreilly: "ebook of your choice"
# multiplayer_launch:
# introducing_dungeon_arena: "Introducing Dungeon Arena"
# new_way: "The new way to compete with code."
# to_battle: "To Battle, Developers!"
# modern_day_sorcerer: "You know how to code? That's badass. You're a modern-day sorcerer! Isn't about time that you used your magic coding powers to command your minions in epic combat? And we're not talking robots here."
# arenas_are_here: "CodeCombat head-to-head multiplayer arenas are here."
# ladder_explanation: "Choose your heroes, enchant your human or ogre armies, and climb your way over defeated fellow Wizards to reach the top of the laddersthen challenge your friends in our glorious, asynchronous multiplayer coding arenas. If you're feeling creative, you can even"
# fork_our_arenas: "fork our arenas"
# create_worlds: "and create your own worlds."
# javascript_rusty: "JavaScript a bit rusty? Don't worry; there's a"
# tutorial: "tutorial"
# new_to_programming: ". New to programming? Hit our beginner campaign to skill up."
# so_ready: "I Am So Ready for This"
# loading_error:
# could_not_load: "Error loading from server"
# connection_failure: "Connection failed."

View file

@ -353,8 +353,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "吳語", englishDescription: "Wuu (Traditio
grid: "格子"
customize_wizard: "自設定獻路人"
home: "主頁"
# game_menu: "Game Menu"
guide: "指南"
multiplayer: "多人遊戲"
restart: "轉來"
goals: "目標"
# success: "Success!"
@ -377,12 +377,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "吳語", englishDescription: "Wuu (Traditio
victory_review: "搭我裏反應!"
victory_hour_of_code_done: "爾妝下落爻噃?"
victory_hour_of_code_done_yes: "正是, 妝下落爻!"
multiplayer_title: "多人遊戲設定"
multiplayer_link_description: "畀箇個鏈接搭朋友家講,聚隊攪。"
multiplayer_hint_label: "提醒:"
multiplayer_hint: " 點牢全選,再捺 Apple-C蘋果電腦要勿 Ctrl-C 複製鏈接。"
multiplayer_coming_soon: "多人遊戲還多特性!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
guide_title: "指南"
tome_minion_spells: "下手個咒語"
tome_read_only_spells: "只讀個咒語"
@ -390,30 +384,12 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "吳語", englishDescription: "Wuu (Traditio
tome_cast_button_castable: "發動"
tome_cast_button_casting: "徠搭發動"
tome_cast_button_cast: "發動咒語"
tome_autocast_delay: "自動施法延遲"
tome_select_spell: "揀一個法術"
tome_select_a_thang: "揀人來 "
tome_available_spells: "好用個法術"
hud_continue: "接落去(捺 Shift-空格)"
spell_saved: "咒語存起爻"
skip_tutorial: "跳過去Esc"
editor_config: "編寫器設定"
editor_config_title: "編寫器設定"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
editor_config_keybindings_label: "捺鍵設定s"
editor_config_keybindings_default: "默認 (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
editor_config_invisibles_label: "顯示囥起個"
editor_config_invisibles_description: "顯示像空格搭TAB許鍵。"
editor_config_indentguides_label: "顯示縮進提醒"
editor_config_indentguides_description: "顯示一條豎線讓縮進顯眼。"
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
editor_config_behaviors_description: "自動完成括號,大括號搭引號。"
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Key Shortcuts"
loading_ready: "讀取下落!"
tip_insert_positions: "用Shift+濟鍵來嵌進拼寫編寫器。"
@ -423,7 +399,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "吳語", englishDescription: "Wuu (Traditio
tip_open_source: "CodeCombat 是 百分百 開源個!"
tip_beta_launch: "CodeCombat 從 2013年10月起。"
tip_js_beginning: "JavaScript 只是起個頭。"
# tip_autocast_setting: "Adjust autocast settings by clicking the gear on the cast button."
think_solution: "思考解決方法,勿是問題。"
tip_theory_practice: "來理論研究裏向,理論搭實踐弗分個。不過徠實踐裏頭,渠裏是有分個。 - Yogi Berra"
tip_error_free: "有兩種方式寫得出嘸錯個程序;不過佩只第三種方式好讓程序達到预期個效果。 - Alan Perlis"
@ -452,6 +427,67 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "吳語", englishDescription: "Wuu (Traditio
infinite_loop_reset_level: "轉定等級"
infinite_loop_comment_out: "爲我個代碼加註解"
# inventory_tab: "Inventory"
# choose_hero_tab: "Restart Level"
# save_load_tab: "Save/Load"
# options_tab: "Options"
# guide_tab: "Guide"
multiplayer_tab: "多人遊戲"
# inventory_caption: "Equip your hero"
# choose_hero_caption: "Choose hero, language"
# save_load_caption: "... and view history"
# options_caption: "Configure settings"
# guide_caption: "Docs and tips"
# multiplayer_caption: "Play with friends!"
# inventory:
# temp: "Temp"
# choose_hero:
# temp: "Temp"
# save_load:
# granularity_saved_games: "Saved"
# granularity_change_history: "History"
# general_options: "General Options"
# music_label: "Music"
# music_description: "Turn background music on/off."
# autorun_label: "Autorun"
# autorun_description: "Control automatic code execution."
editor_config: "編寫器設定"
editor_config_title: "編寫器設定"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
editor_config_keybindings_label: "捺鍵設定s"
editor_config_keybindings_default: "默認 (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
editor_config_invisibles_label: "顯示囥起個"
editor_config_invisibles_description: "顯示像空格搭TAB許鍵。"
editor_config_indentguides_label: "顯示縮進提醒"
editor_config_indentguides_description: "顯示一條豎線讓縮進顯眼。"
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
editor_config_behaviors_description: "自動完成括號,大括號搭引號。"
# guide:
# temp: "Temp"
multiplayer_title: "多人遊戲設定"
# multiplayer_toggle: "Enable multiplayer"
# multiplayer_toggle_description: "Allow others to join your game."
multiplayer_link_description: "畀箇個鏈接搭朋友家講,聚隊攪。"
multiplayer_hint_label: "提醒:"
multiplayer_hint: " 點牢全選,再捺 Apple-C蘋果電腦要勿 Ctrl-C 複製鏈接。"
multiplayer_coming_soon: "多人遊戲還多特性!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
# keyboard_shortcuts:
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Keyboard Shortcuts"
# space: "Space"
@ -847,20 +883,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "吳語", englishDescription: "Wuu (Traditio
# license: "license"
# oreilly: "ebook of your choice"
introducing_dungeon_arena: "介紹地下城競技場"
new_way: "用代碼競技個新方式。"
to_battle: "趒去打仗,我等開發者!"
modern_day_sorcerer: "爾要得編程?老讚!箇時代爾佩是巫師!還弗快點用爾編碼個魔力指揮爾個下手參軍打仗啊?我裏講個勿是搭機器賭打何!"
arenas_are_here: "CodeCombat一個多人對打個頭腦競技場。"
# ladder_explanation: "Choose your heroes, enchant your human or ogre armies, and climb your way over defeated fellow Wizards to reach the top of the laddersthen challenge your friends in our glorious, asynchronous multiplayer coding arenas. If you're feeling creative, you can even"
fork_our_arenas: "派生我個競技場"
create_worlds: "還有造我自己個世界。"
javascript_rusty: "對JavaScript一粒打生嘸較相干箇搭有一個"
tutorial: "教程"
new_to_programming: "。編程新手?加進我裏新手訓練營裏來提高能力何。"
so_ready: "我準備起爻!"
could_not_load: "讀取失敗"
connection_failure: "連接失敗。"

View file

@ -353,8 +353,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "中文", englishDescription: "Chinese", tra
# grid: "Grid"
# customize_wizard: "Customize Wizard"
# home: "Home"
# game_menu: "Game Menu"
# guide: "Guide"
# multiplayer: "Multiplayer"
# restart: "Restart"
# goals: "Goals"
# success: "Success!"
@ -377,12 +377,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "中文", englishDescription: "Chinese", tra
# victory_review: "Tell us more!"
# victory_hour_of_code_done: "Are You Done?"
# victory_hour_of_code_done_yes: "Yes, I'm finished with my Hour of Code™!"
# multiplayer_title: "Multiplayer Settings"
# multiplayer_link_description: "Give this link to anyone to have them join you."
# multiplayer_hint_label: "Hint:"
# multiplayer_hint: " Click the link to select all, then press ⌘-C or Ctrl-C to copy the link."
# multiplayer_coming_soon: "More multiplayer features to come!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
# guide_title: "Guide"
# tome_minion_spells: "Your Minions' Spells"
# tome_read_only_spells: "Read-Only Spells"
@ -390,30 +384,12 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "中文", englishDescription: "Chinese", tra
# tome_cast_button_castable: "Cast Spell"
# tome_cast_button_casting: "Casting"
# tome_cast_button_cast: "Spell Cast"
# tome_autocast_delay: "Autocast Delay"
# tome_select_spell: "Select a Spell"
# tome_select_a_thang: "Select Someone for "
# tome_available_spells: "Available Spells"
# hud_continue: "Continue (shift+space)"
# spell_saved: "Spell Saved"
# skip_tutorial: "Skip (esc)"
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Key Shortcuts"
# loading_ready: "Ready!"
# tip_insert_positions: "Shift+Click a point on the map to insert it into the spell editor."
@ -423,7 +399,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "中文", englishDescription: "Chinese", tra
# tip_open_source: "CodeCombat is 100% open source!"
# tip_beta_launch: "CodeCombat launched its beta in October, 2013."
# tip_js_beginning: "JavaScript is just the beginning."
# tip_autocast_setting: "Adjust autocast settings by clicking the gear on the cast button."
# think_solution: "Think of the solution, not the problem."
# tip_theory_practice: "In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But in practice, there is. - Yogi Berra"
# tip_error_free: "There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works. - Alan Perlis"
@ -452,6 +427,67 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "中文", englishDescription: "Chinese", tra
# infinite_loop_reset_level: "Reset Level"
# infinite_loop_comment_out: "Comment Out My Code"
# game_menu:
# inventory_tab: "Inventory"
# choose_hero_tab: "Restart Level"
# save_load_tab: "Save/Load"
# options_tab: "Options"
# guide_tab: "Guide"
# multiplayer_tab: "Multiplayer"
# inventory_caption: "Equip your hero"
# choose_hero_caption: "Choose hero, language"
# save_load_caption: "... and view history"
# options_caption: "Configure settings"
# guide_caption: "Docs and tips"
# multiplayer_caption: "Play with friends!"
# inventory:
# temp: "Temp"
# choose_hero:
# temp: "Temp"
# save_load:
# granularity_saved_games: "Saved"
# granularity_change_history: "History"
# options:
# general_options: "General Options"
# music_label: "Music"
# music_description: "Turn background music on/off."
# autorun_label: "Autorun"
# autorun_description: "Control automatic code execution."
# editor_config: "Editor Config"
# editor_config_title: "Editor Configuration"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
# guide:
# temp: "Temp"
# multiplayer:
# multiplayer_title: "Multiplayer Settings"
# multiplayer_toggle: "Enable multiplayer"
# multiplayer_toggle_description: "Allow others to join your game."
# multiplayer_link_description: "Give this link to anyone to have them join you."
# multiplayer_hint_label: "Hint:"
# multiplayer_hint: " Click the link to select all, then press ⌘-C or Ctrl-C to copy the link."
# multiplayer_coming_soon: "More multiplayer features to come!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
# keyboard_shortcuts:
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Keyboard Shortcuts"
# space: "Space"
@ -847,20 +883,6 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "中文", englishDescription: "Chinese", tra
# license: "license"
# oreilly: "ebook of your choice"
# multiplayer_launch:
# introducing_dungeon_arena: "Introducing Dungeon Arena"
# new_way: "The new way to compete with code."
# to_battle: "To Battle, Developers!"
# modern_day_sorcerer: "You know how to code? That's badass. You're a modern-day sorcerer! Isn't about time that you used your magic coding powers to command your minions in epic combat? And we're not talking robots here."
# arenas_are_here: "CodeCombat head-to-head multiplayer arenas are here."
# ladder_explanation: "Choose your heroes, enchant your human or ogre armies, and climb your way over defeated fellow Wizards to reach the top of the laddersthen challenge your friends in our glorious, asynchronous multiplayer coding arenas. If you're feeling creative, you can even"
# fork_our_arenas: "fork our arenas"
# create_worlds: "and create your own worlds."
# javascript_rusty: "JavaScript a bit rusty? Don't worry; there's a"
# tutorial: "tutorial"
# new_to_programming: ". New to programming? Hit our beginner campaign to skill up."
# so_ready: "I Am So Ready for This"
# loading_error:
# could_not_load: "Error loading from server"
# connection_failure: "Connection failed."

View file

@ -22,9 +22,32 @@ module.exports = class Level extends CocoModel = @sortSystems, systemModels
o.thangTypes = (original: tt.get('original'), name: tt.get('name') for tt in supermodel.getModels ThangType)
o.thangTypes = (original: tt.get('original'), name: tt.get('name'), components: tt.get('components') for tt in supermodel.getModels ThangType)
denormalize: (supermodel) ->
o = $.extend true, {}, @attributes
for levelThang in o.thangs
@denormalizeThang(levelThang, supermodel)
denormalizeThang: (levelThang, supermodel) ->
levelThang.components ?= []
thangType = supermodel.getModelByOriginal(ThangType, levelThang.thangType)
configs = {}
for thangComponent in levelThang.components
configs[thangComponent.original] = thangComponent
for defaultThangComponent in thangType.get('components')
if levelThangComponent = configs[defaultThangComponent.original]
# take the thang type default components and merge level-specific component config into it
copy = $.extend true, {}, defaultThangComponent.config
levelThangComponent.config = _.merge copy, levelThangComponent.config
# just add the component as is
levelThang.components.push $.extend true, {}, defaultThangComponent
sortSystems: (levelSystems, systemModels) ->
[sorted, originalsSeen] = [[], {}]
visit = (system) ->

View file

@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ CocoModel = require './CocoModel'
module.exports = class LevelComponent extends CocoModel
@className: 'LevelComponent'
@schema: require 'schemas/models/level_component'
@EquipsID: '53e217d253457600003e3ebb'
urlRoot: '/db/level.component'
set: (key, val, options) ->

View file

@ -78,6 +78,10 @@ module.exports = class SuperModel extends Backbone.Model
getModelByURL: (modelURL) ->
modelURL = modelURL() if _.isFunction(modelURL)
return @models[modelURL] or null
getModelByOriginal: (ModelClass, original) ->
_.find @models, (m) ->
m.get('original') is original and m.constructor.className is ModelClass.className
getModelByOriginalAndMajorVersion: (ModelClass, original, majorVersion=0) ->
_.find @models, (m) ->
@ -166,6 +170,7 @@ module.exports = class SuperModel extends Backbone.Model
@num += r.value
_.defer @updateProgress
@trigger 'resource-loaded', r
onResourceFailed: (r) ->
return unless @resources[r.rid]

View file

@ -174,7 +174,6 @@ LevelThangSchema = c.object {
components: []
id: thang # TODO: figure out if we can make this unique and how to set dynamic defaults
# TODO: split thangType into 'original' and 'majorVersion' like the rest for consistency
thangType: c.objectId(links: [{rel: 'db', href: '/db/thang.type/{($)}/version'}], title: 'Thang Type', description: 'A reference to the original Thang template being configured.', format: 'thang-type')
components: c.array {title: 'Components', description: 'Thangs are configured by changing the Components attached to them.', uniqueItems: true, format: 'thang-components-array'}, ThangComponentSchema # TODO: uniqueness should be based on 'original', not whole thing
@ -239,7 +238,7 @@ _.extend,
icon: {type: 'string', format: 'image-file', title: 'Icon'}
banner: {type: 'string', format: 'image-file', title: 'Banner'}
goals: c.array {title: 'Goals', description: 'An array of goals which are visible to the player and can trigger scripts.'}, GoalSchema
type: c.shortString(title: 'Type', description: 'What kind of level this is.', 'enum': ['campaign', 'ladder', 'ladder-tutorial'])
type: c.shortString(title: 'Type', description: 'What kind of level this is.', 'enum': ['campaign', 'ladder', 'ladder-tutorial', 'hero'])
showsGuide: c.shortString(title: 'Shows Guide', description: 'If the guide is shown at the beginning of the level.', 'enum': ['first-time', 'always'])
c.extendBasicProperties LevelSchema, 'level'

View file

@ -55,6 +55,10 @@ _.extend,
type: 'string'
heroConfig: c.object {},
inventory: c.object()
thangType: c.objectId()
state: c.object {},

View file

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ c = require './../schemas'
module.exports = ThangComponentSchema = c.object {
title: 'Component'
description: 'Configuration for a Component that this Thang uses.'
format: 'thang-component'
format: 'component-reference'
required: ['original', 'majorVersion']
majorVersion: 0

View file

@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ _.extend,
shapes: c.object {title: 'Shapes', additionalProperties: ShapeObjectSchema}
containers: c.object {title: 'Containers', additionalProperties: ContainerObjectSchema}
animations: c.object {title: 'Animations', additionalProperties: RawAnimationObjectSchema}
kind: c.shortString {enum: ['Unit', 'Floor', 'Wall', 'Doodad', 'Misc', 'Mark'], default: 'Misc', title: 'Kind'}
kind: c.shortString {enum: ['Unit', 'Floor', 'Wall', 'Doodad', 'Misc', 'Mark', 'Item'], default: 'Misc', title: 'Kind'}
actions: c.object {title: 'Actions', additionalProperties: {$ref: '#/definitions/action'}}
soundTriggers: c.object {title: 'Sound Triggers', additionalProperties: c.array({}, {$ref: '#/definitions/sound'})},

View file

@ -4,4 +4,21 @@
width: 330px
float: left
padding-left: 10px
padding-right: 10px
padding-right: 10px
width: 50%
height: 175px
float: left
padding-top: 10px
width: 80%
margin: 0 auto
.logo_row img
height: 50px
margin: 7px
text-align: center

View file

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
float: left
float: right
margin: 5px
clear: both
position: absolute
left: 5px
right: 5px
top: 90px
bottom: 0
overflow: scroll

View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View file

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
left: 0
width: 20%
width: 300px
position: absolute
@ -28,25 +28,24 @@
right: 10px
bottom: 0
overflow: scroll
background-color: rgba(128, 64, 255, 0.10)
right: 0
width: 20%
position: absolute
top: 75px
left: 10px
right: 0px
bottom: 0
overflow: scroll
.treema-row .add-button
margin-left: 10px
border-left: 1px solid black
border-right: 1px solid black
right: 20%
left: 20%
right: 0
left: 300px
min-width: 600px
margin-left: 20px
position: absolute
top: 80px
bottom: 0
right: 0
left: 20px
overflow: scroll

View file

@ -1,9 +1,6 @@
&, #level-editor-top-nav
// min-width: 1024px
font-family: helvetica, arial, sans serif
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, a
font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif !important
position: absolute
top: 0px
@ -48,7 +45,7 @@
border-radius: 0
// not sure why bootstrap puts a big negative margin in, but this overrides it
margin-right: 10px
margin-right: 10px !important
float: right
@ -130,9 +127,7 @@
margin-top: -10px
padding-top: 10px
// keeps the editor tabs a certain height
#level-editor-tabs, &#thang-type-edit-view .tab-content
position: absolute
left: 15px
right: 15px

View file

@ -110,6 +110,12 @@ $mobile: 1050px
display: block
display: none
display: block
display: none
@ -210,19 +216,12 @@ $mobile: 1050px
width: 100%
position: relative
text-align: center
position: absolute
width: 100%
height: 100%
background: white
opacity: 0.5
text-align: center
position: absolute
top: 45%
height: 40px
top: 45%
height: 40px

View file

@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
#save-button, #revert-button
float: right
margin-right: 20px
float: right
padding: 5px
& > div.slider-cell
margin-right: 5px
float: right
float: left
position: relative
top: 5px
left: 5px
margin-left: 5px
position: relative
top: 5px
display: none
margin: 5px 0
float: left
width: 120px
display: inline-block
width: 100px
position: relative
top: 3px
#marker-button, #end-button
float: right
margin-right: 10px
position: relative
top: 15px
float: right
width: 400px
border: 1px solid blue
background-color: lightgray
float: left
width: 550px
.treema-row img
max-width: 100%
height: 400px
overflow: scroll
box-sizing: border-box
position: absolute
top: 200px
bottom: 0
background-color: white
border-radius: 4px
border: 1px solid green
max-width: 100%
max-height: 600px
overflow: scroll
clear: both
box-sizing: border-box
margin-bottom: 20px
background: darkseagreen
margin: 2px

View file

@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
float: left
margin: 5px
width: 100px
height: 100px
width: 560px
position: absolute
left: 0
top: 0
bottom: 0
float: left
position: relative
top: 5px
left: 5px
margin-left: 5px
display: none
.treema-row img
max-width: 100%
overflow: scroll
box-sizing: border-box
position: absolute
top: 160px
bottom: 20px
right: 20px
left: 20px
position: absolute
width: 440px
left: 580px
top: 0
bottom: 0
overflow: hidden
& > div.slider-cell
margin-right: 5px
width: 400px
border: 1px solid blue
background-color: lightgray
margin-top: 10px
#marker-button, #end-button
margin: 10px 10px 10px 0
margin: 5px 0
width: 195px
float: left
display: inline-block
width: 180px
position: relative
top: 3px
position: absolute
top: 0px
bottom: 0
background-color: white
border-radius: 4px
position: absolute
top: 0
bottom: 0
left: 0
right: 0
border: 1px solid green
overflow: scroll
background: darkseagreen

View file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
text-decoration: underline

View file

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
margin-top: 0
margin: 0
margin-top: 0
> .nav-tabs
float: left
width: 185px
border-bottom: 0
> .tab-content
padding: 0px 15px
margin-left: 185px
.tab-content > .tab-pane, .pill-content > .pill-pane
display: none
.tab-content > .active, .pill-content > .active
display: block
> .nav-tabs > li
float: none
> a
min-width: 74px
margin-right: 0
margin-bottom: 0
.tabs-left > .nav-tabs
border-right: 1px solid #ddd
> li > a
margin-right: -1px
-webkit-border-radius: 4px 0 0 4px
-moz-border-radius: 4px 0 0 4px
border-radius: 4px 0 0 4px
&:hover, &:focus
border-color: #eee #ddd #eee #eee
> .active a
&, &:hover, &:focus
border-color: #ddd transparent #ddd #ddd
*border-right-color: #fff

View file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
text-decoration: underline

View file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
text-decoration: underline

View file

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
width: 100%
box-sizing: border-box

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show more