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synced 2025-03-24 19:59:53 -04:00
Update es-ES.coffee
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 62 additions and 62 deletions
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "español (ES)", englishDescription: "Spanis
no_ie: "CodeCombat no funciona en Internet Explorer 8 o anteriores. ¡Lo sentimos!" # Warning that only shows up in IE8 and older
no_mobile: "¡CodeCombat no fue diseñado para dispositivos móviles y puede que no funcione!" # Warning that shows up on mobile devices
play: "Jugar" # The big play button that opens up the campaign view.
# play_campaign_version: "Play Campaign Version" # Shows up under big play button if you only play /courses
play_campaign_version: "Juega a la versión camapaña." # Shows up under big play button if you only play /courses
old_browser: "Ay, su navegador es demasiado viejo para ejecutar CodeCombat. ¡Lo sentimos!" # Warning that shows up on really old Firefox/Chrome/Safari
old_browser_suffix: "Lo puede intentar de todos modos, pero probablemente no va a funcionar."
ipad_browser: "Malas noticias: CodeCombat no corre en el navegador de iPad. Buenas noticias: nuestra aplicación para iPad está esperando la aprobación de Apple."
@ -14,29 +14,29 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "español (ES)", englishDescription: "Spanis
for_developers: "Para programadores" # Not currently shown on home page.
or_ipad: "O descargalo para iPad"
# new_home:
# slogan: "The most engaging game for learning programming."
# classroom_edition: "Classroom Edition:"
# learn_to_code: "Learn to code:"
# teacher: "Teacher"
# student: "Student"
# play_now: "Play Now"
# im_a_teacher: "I'm a Teacher"
# im_a_student: "I'm a Student"
# learn_more: "Learn more"
learn_to_code: "Aprende a programar:"
teacher: "Profesor"
student: "Alumno"
play_now: "Juega ahora"
im_a_teacher: "Soy un profesor"
im_a_student: "Soy un alumno"
learn_more: "Aprende más"
# classroom_in_a_box: "A classroom in-a-box for teaching computer science."
# codecombat_is: "CodeCombat is a platform <strong>for students</strong> to learn computer science while playing through a real game."
codecombat_is: "CodeCombat es una plataforma <strong>para que los estudiantes</strong> aprendan ciencia de la computación mientras juegan a un juego real."
# our_courses: "Our courses have been specifically playtested to <strong>excel in the classroom</strong>, even by teachers with little to no prior programming experience."
# top_screenshots_hint: "Students write code and see their changes update in real-time"
# designed_with: "Designed with teachers in mind"
# real_code: "Real, typed code"
# from_the_first_level: "from the first level"
top_screenshots_hint: "Los estudiantes escriben código y ven sus cambios en tiempo real"
designed_with: "Diseñado pensando en los profesores"
real_code: "Real, escribe código"
from_the_first_level: "desde el primer nivel"
# getting_students: "Getting students to typed code as quickly as possible is critical to learning programming syntax and proper structure."
# educator_resources: "Educator resources"
# course_guides: "and course guides"
# teaching_computer_science: "Teaching computer science does not require a costly degree, because we provide tools to support educators of all backgrounds."
# accessible_to: "Accessible to"
# everyone: "everyone"
accessible_to: "Accesible para"
everyone: "todo el mundo"
# democratizing: "Democratizing the process of learning coding is at the core of our philosophy. Everyone should be able to learn to code."
# forgot_learning: "I think they actually forgot that they were actually learning something."
# wanted_to_do: " Coding is something I've always wanted to do, and I never thought I would be able to learn it in school."
@ -122,19 +122,19 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "español (ES)", englishDescription: "Spanis
careers: "Carreras"
facebook: "Facebook"
twitter: "Twitter"
# create_a_class: "Create a Class"
create_a_class: "Crear una clase."
other: "Otros"
# learn_to_code: "Learn to Code!"
# toggle_nav: "Toggle navigation"
# jobs: "Jobs"
# schools: "Schools"
# educator_wiki: "Educator Wiki"
# get_involved: "Get Involved"
# open_source: "Open source (GitHub)"
# support: "Support"
# faqs: "FAQs"
# help_pref: "Need help? Email"
# help_suff: "and we'll get in touch!"
learn_to_code: "¡Aprende a programar!"
toggle_nav: "Cambiar modo de navegación"
jobs: "Trabajos"
schools: "Escuelas"
educator_wiki: "Educator Wiki"
get_involved: "Involúcrate"
open_source: "Código abierto (GitHub)"
support: "Soporte"
faqs: "Preguntas frecuentes"
help_pref: "¿Necesitas aydua? ¡Email"
help_suff: "y nos pondremos en contacto!"
close: "Cerrar"
@ -215,11 +215,11 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "español (ES)", englishDescription: "Spanis
log_in: "Iniciar sesión con contraseña"
required: "Tienes que estar reginstrado antes de poder seguir por aquí."
login_switch: "¿Ya tienes una cuenta?"
# school_name: "School Name and City"
# optional: "optional"
school_name: "Nombre de la escuela y Ciudad"
optional: "opcional"
# school_name_placeholder: "Example High School, Springfield, IL"
# or_sign_up_with: "or sign up with"
# connected_gplus_header: "You've successfully connected with Google+!"
connected_gplus_header: "¡Te has conectado con éxito con Google+!"
# connected_gplus_p: "Finish signing up so you can log in with your Google+ account."
# gplus_exists: "You already have an account associated with Google+!"
# connected_facebook_header: "You've successfully connected with Facebook!"
@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "español (ES)", englishDescription: "Spanis
submit_patch: "Enviar Parche"
submit_changes: "Enviar Cambios"
save_changes: "Guardar cambios"
# required_field: "Required field"
required_field: "Campo requerido"
and: "y"
@ -274,9 +274,9 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "español (ES)", englishDescription: "Spanis
accepted: "Aceptado"
rejected: "Rechazado"
withdrawn: "Retirado"
# accept: "Accept"
# reject: "Reject"
# withdraw: "Withdraw"
accept: "Aceptar"
reject: "Rechazar"
withdraw: "Retirar"
submitter: "Submitter"
submitted: "Enviado"
commit_msg: "Mensaje de Asignación o Commit"
@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "español (ES)", englishDescription: "Spanis
subject: "Asunto"
email: "Correo electrónico"
password: "Password"
# confirm_password: "Confirm Password"
confirm_password: "Confirmar contraseña"
message: "Mensaje"
code: "Código"
ladder: "Clasificación"
@ -314,9 +314,9 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "español (ES)", englishDescription: "Spanis
warrior: "Guerrero"
ranger: "Unidad de combate a distancia"
wizard: "Mago"
# first_name: "First Name"
# last_name: "Last Name"
# username: "Username"
first_name: "Nombre"
last_name: "Apellidos"
username: "Alias"
second: "segundo"
@ -335,13 +335,13 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "español (ES)", englishDescription: "Spanis
years: "años"
# level_complete: "Level Complete"
# completed_level: "Completed Level:"
# course: "Course:"
level_complete: "Nivel compeltado"
completed_level: "Nivel completado:"
course: "Curso:"
done: "Hecho"
# next_level: "Next Level"
# next_game: "Next game"
# show_menu: "Show game menu"
next_level: "Siguiente nivel"
next_game: "Siguiente juego"
show_menu: "Mostrar menú del juego"
home: "Inicio" # Not used any more, will be removed soon.
level: "Nivel" # Like "Level: Dungeons of Kithgard"
skip: "Saltar"
@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "español (ES)", englishDescription: "Spanis
victory_new_item: "Nuevo artículo"
victory_viking_code_school: "Jolínes, el nivel que acabas de pasar era dificil! Si todavía no eres un desarrollador de software, deberías serlo. Acabas de conseguir una aceptación por vía rápida con la Escuela Vikinga de Có, donde tú puedes llevar tus habilidades al siguiente nivel y convertirteen un desarrollador web profesional en 14 semanas."
victory_become_a_viking: "Convertirse en un vikingo"
# victory_no_progress_for_teachers: "Progress is not saved for teachers. But, you can add a student account to your classroom for yourself."
victory_no_progress_for_teachers: "El progreso no se guarda para los profesores. Pero, puedes añadir una cuenta de estudiante a tu clase para ti."
guide_title: "Guía"
tome_cast_button_run: "Correr"
tome_cast_button_running: "Corriendo"
@ -458,14 +458,14 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "español (ES)", englishDescription: "Spanis
tip_free_your_mind: "Tienes que dejarlo ir, Neo. Miedo, dudas e incredulidad. Libera tu mente. - Morpheus"
tip_strong_opponents: "Incluso el más fuerte de los opositores oculta debilidad. - Itachi Uchiha"
tip_paper_and_pen: "Antes de empezar a programar, siempre puedes planificar con papel y lápiz."
# tip_solve_then_write: "First, solve the problem. Then, write the code. - John Johnson"
# tip_compiler_ignores_comments: "Sometimes I think that the compiler ignores my comments."
# tip_understand_recursion: "The only way to understand recursion is to understand recursion."
tip_solve_then_write: "Priero, resuelve el problema. Después, escribe el código. - John Johnson"
tip_compiler_ignores_comments: "A veces pienso que el compilador ignora mis comentarios."
tip_understand_recursion: "La única manera de entender la recursividad, es entendiendo la recursividad."
# tip_life_and_polymorphism: "Open Source is like a totally polymorphic heterogeneous structure: All types are welcome."
# tip_mistakes_proof_of_trying: "Mistakes in your code are just proof that you are trying."
# tip_adding_orgres: "Rounding up ogres."
# tip_sharpening_swords: "Sharpening the swords."
# tip_ratatouille: "You must not let anyone define your limits because of where you come from. Your only limit is your soul. - Gusteau, Ratatouille"
tip_mistakes_proof_of_trying: "Los errores en tú código tan solo son una prueba de que lo estás intentando."
tip_adding_orgres: "Redondeando los ogros."
tip_sharpening_swords: "Afilando las espadas."
tip_ratatouille: "No debes dejar que nadie defina tus límites debido a tu origen. Tu único límite es tu alma. - Gusteau, Ratatouille"
# tip_nemo: "When life gets you down, want to know what you've gotta do? Just keep swimming, just keep swimming. - Dory, Finding Nemo"
# tip_internet_weather: "Just move to the internet, it's great here. We get to live inside where the weather is always awesome. - John Green"
# tip_nerds: "Nerds are allowed to love stuff, like jump-up-and-down-in-the-chair-can't-control-yourself love it. - John Green"
@ -539,7 +539,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "español (ES)", englishDescription: "Spanis
feature5: "Vídeo tutoriales"
feature6: "Soporte electrónico Premium"
feature7: "<strong>Clanes</strong> privados"
# feature8: "<strong>No ads!</strong>"
feature8: "<strong>¡Sin anuncios!</strong>"
free: "Gratis"
month: "mes"
must_be_logged: "Primero debes iniciar sesión. Crea una cuenta o entra a tu cuenta desde el menú."
@ -550,16 +550,16 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "español (ES)", englishDescription: "Spanis
thank_you_months_prefix: "Gracias por apoyarnos estos"
thank_you_months_suffix: "meses."
thank_you: "Gracias por apoyar a CodeCombat."
# sorry_to_see_you_go: "Sorry to see you go! Please let us know what we could have done better."
sorry_to_see_you_go: "¡Lamentamos verte marchar! Por favor, haznos saber que pudimos haacer mejor."
# unsubscribe_feedback_placeholder: "O, what have we done?"
parent_button: "Pregunta a tus padres"
# parent_email_description: "We'll email them so they can buy you a CodeCombat subscription."
parent_email_description: "Le escribiremos para que puedan comprarte una suscripción para CodeCombat."
parent_email_input_invalid: "Correo electrónico inválido."
parent_email_input_label: "Correo electrónico de los padres"
# parent_email_input_placeholder: "Enter parent email"
parent_email_input_placeholder: "Introduzca el email de los padres"
parent_email_send: "Enviar correo"
parent_email_sent: "¡Correo enviado!"
# parent_email_title: "What's your parent's email?"
parent_email_title: "¿Cuál es el email de tus padres?"
parents: "Para Padres"
parents_title: "Queridos padres: Vuestro hijo está aprendiendo a programar. ¿Le ayudáis para que continue?"
parents_blurb1: "Su hijo ha jugado __nLevels__ niveles y ha aprendido conceptos básicos de programación. Ayudadle a mejorar su eficiencia adquiriendo una suscripción para poder seguir programando."
@ -575,8 +575,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "español (ES)", englishDescription: "Spanis
stripe_description: "Suscripción mensual"
stripe_description_year_sale: "Suscripción de 1 año (${{discount}} descuento)" # {change}
subscription_required_to_play: "Necesitas una suscripción para jugar este nivel."
# unlock_help_videos: "Subscribe to unlock all video tutorials."
# personal_sub: "Personal Subscription" # Accounts Subscription View below
unlock_help_videos: "Suscríbete para desbloquear todos los videotutoriales."
personal_sub: "Suscripciones personales" # Accounts Subscription View below
loading_info: "Cargando información de la suscripción..."
managed_by: "Administrado por"
will_be_cancelled: "Será cancelado el"
@ -587,8 +587,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "español (ES)", englishDescription: "Spanis
subscribing: "Suscribiendo..."
current_recipients: "Últimos recibos"
unsubscribing: "Dando de baja..." # {change}
# subscribe_prepaid: "Click Subscribe to use prepaid code"
# using_prepaid: "Using prepaid code for monthly subscription"
subscribe_prepaid: "Haz click en Suscríbete para utilizar un código de prepago"
using_prepaid: "Utilizando código de prepago para suscripción mensual"
choose_hero: "Selecciona tu Heroe"
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