mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 14:04:54 -05:00
buildSchoolGraph script working well
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 46 additions and 29 deletions
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ database = require '../server/commons/database'
mongoose = require 'mongoose'
log = require 'winston'
async = require 'async'
moment = require 'moment'
### SET UP ###
do (setupLodash = this) ->
@ -19,6 +20,8 @@ User = require '../server/users/User'
startDate = new Date 2015, 11, 1
debugging = false
query = dateCreated: {$gt: startDate}, emailLower: {$exists: true}
selection = 'name emailLower schoolName courseInstances clans ageRange dateCreated referrer points lastIP hourOfCode preferredLanguage lastLevel'
User.find(query).select(selection).lean().exec (err, users) ->
@ -26,9 +29,10 @@ User.find(query).select(selection).lean().exec (err, users) ->
log.info "Found #{usersWithSchools.length} users of #{users.length} users registered after #{startDate}."
nextPrompt users
nextPrompt = (users, question) ->
nextPrompt = (users, question, userToSchool, suggestions) ->
# We look for the next top user to classify based on the number of suggestions we can make about what the school name should be.
sortUsers users
unless userToSchool
return console.log('Done.') or process.exit() unless [userToSchool, suggestions] = findUserToSchool users
question ?= formatSuggestions userToSchool, suggestions
prompt question, (answer) ->
@ -41,7 +45,10 @@ nextPrompt = (users, question) ->
return finalizePrompt userToSchool, suggestions, schoolName, users
else if answer.length < 10
console.log "#{answer}? That's kind of short--I don't think school names and locations can be this short. What should it really be?"
return nextPrompt users, "> "
return nextPrompt users, "> ", userToSchool, suggestions
else unless /,.+,/.test answer
console.log "#{answer}? We need the full location (with two commas), like Example High School, Springfield, IL. What should it really be?"
return nextPrompt users, "> ", userToSchool, suggestions
return finalizePrompt userToSchool, suggestions, answer, users
@ -79,7 +86,7 @@ finalizePrompt = (userToSchool, suggestions, schoolName, users) ->
nextPrompt remainingUsers
findNumbers = (answer, max) ->
numbers = (parseInt(d, 10) for d in (' ' + answer + ' ').match(/ (\d+) /g) ? [])
numbers = (parseInt(d, 10) for d in (' ' + answer + ' ').replace(/ /g, ' ').match(/ (\d+) /g) ? [])
ranges = answer.match(/(\d+-\d+)/g) or []
for range in ranges
bounds = (parseInt(d, 10) for d in range.split('-'))
@ -90,12 +97,14 @@ findNumbers = (answer, max) ->
console.log "Incorrect number #{number} higher than max: #{max}"
formatUser = (user) ->
formatUser = (user, relativeToUser) ->
# TODO: replace date string with relative time since signup compared to target user, and actually make suggestions based on students that signed up at almost the same time
_.values(_.pick(user, ['name', 'emailLower', 'ageRange', 'dateCreated', 'lastLevel', 'points', 'referrer', 'hourOfCode'])).join(' ')
props = _.pick(user, ['name', 'emailLower', 'ageRange', 'dateCreated', 'lastLevel', 'points', 'referrer', 'hourOfCode'])
props.dateCreated = if relativeToUser then moment(props.dateCreated).from(relativeToUser.dateCreated) else moment(props.dateCreated).fromNow()
_.values(props).join(' ')
formatSuggestions = (userToSchool, suggestions) ->
suggestionPrompts = ("#{_.str.rpad(i + 1, 3)} #{_.str.rpad(s.schoolName, 50)} #{s.reasons.length} #{if s.reasons.length > 1 then 'Matches' else 'Match'}: #{s.reasons.join(', ')}\tfrom user: #{formatUser(s.user)}" for s, i in suggestions).join('\n')
suggestionPrompts = ("#{_.str.rpad(i + 1, 3)} #{_.str.rpad(s.schoolName, 50)} #{s.reasons.length} #{if s.reasons.length > 1 then 'Matches' else 'Match'}: #{s.reasons.join(', ')}\tfrom user: #{formatUser(s.user, userToSchool)}" for s, i in suggestions).join('\n')
What should the school for this user be?
0 #{_.str.rpad(userToSchool.schoolName, 50)} #{formatUser(userToSchool)}
@ -104,20 +113,24 @@ formatSuggestions = (userToSchool, suggestions) ->
Choose a number, type a name, enter to skip, or q to quit.
> """
checkedTopGroups = {}
findUserToSchool = (users) ->
# We find the top user from the top group that we can make the most reasoned suggestions about what the school name would be.
[bestTarget, bestTargetSuggestions, mostReasons] = [null, [], 0]
[bestTarget, bestTargetSuggestions, mostReasons, bestGroup] = [null, [], 0, null]
for field, groups of topGroups
for nextLargestGroup in groups
for nextLargestGroup in groups when not checkedTopGroups[nextLargestGroup]
possibleTargets = userCategories[field][nextLargestGroup]
schoolNames = _.uniq possibleTargets, 'schoolName'
schoolNames = (t.schoolName for t in _.uniq possibleTargets, 'schoolName')
# TODO: better method to avoid showing users where everyone in the suggestion already has the same school (because we have already done this group)
for schoolName in schoolNames
if _.filter(possibleTargets, schoolName: schoolName).length > 0.5 * possibleTargets.length
alreadyDone = false
for schoolName in schoolNames when schoolName?.length > 10 and /,.+,/.test schoolName # Long enough school name with location info (two commas)
sharedCount = _.filter(possibleTargets, schoolName: schoolName).length
if sharedCount > 0.5 * possibleTargets.length
console.log 'Already done', schoolName, sharedCount, possibleTargets.length, 'for', field, nextLargestGroup
alreadyDone = true
continue if alreadyDone
nSamples = Math.min 15, Math.max(4, Math.floor possibleTargets.length / 20)
console.log 'Checking', nSamples, 'samples of', possibleTargets.length, 'players in the biggest', field, 'group:', nextLargestGroup
if debugging then console.log 'Checking', nSamples, 'samples of', possibleTargets.length, 'players in the biggest', field, 'group:', nextLargestGroup
for i in [0 ... nSamples]
target = possibleTargets[Math.floor i * possibleTargets.length / (nSamples + 1)]
suggestions = findSuggestions target
@ -130,26 +143,28 @@ findUserToSchool = (users) ->
when 'Name' then 30
when 'Referrer' then 20
when 'Domain' then (if getDomain(target) is 'cps.edu' then 1 else 10)
when 'Clans' then 0.1
when 'Clans' then 0.01
), 0
if reasons > mostReasons
bestTarget = target
bestTargetSuggestions = suggestions
mostReasons = reasons
bestGroup = nextLargestGroup
checkedTopGroups[bestGroup] = true
return [bestTarget, bestTargetSuggestions]
findSuggestions = (target) ->
# Look for other users with the same IP, course instances, clans, or similar school names or non-common shared email domains.
suggestions = []
t0 = new Date()
console.log ' Checking suggestions for', target.emailLower, target.schoolName, (new Date()) - t0
if debugging then console.log ' Checking suggestions for', target.emailLower, target.schoolName, (new Date()) - t0
if target.lastIP
for otherUser in (userCategories.lastIP[target.lastIP] ? []) when otherUser isnt target
suggestions.push schoolName: otherUser.schoolName, reasons: ['IP'], user: otherUser
for leagueType in ['courseInstances', 'clans']
console.log ' Now checking', leagueType, (new Date()) - t0
if debugging then console.log ' Now checking', leagueType, (new Date()) - t0
if target[leagueType]?.length
for league in target[leagueType]
for otherUser in (userCategories[leagueType][league] ? []) when otherUser isnt target
@ -159,7 +174,7 @@ findSuggestions = (target) ->
suggestions.push schoolName: otherUser.schoolName, reasons: [reason], user: otherUser
if target.schoolName?.length > 5
console.log ' Now checking schoolName', (new Date()) - t0
if debugging then console.log ' Now checking schoolName', (new Date()) - t0
nameMatches = []
for otherSchoolName in topGroups.schoolName
score = stringScore otherSchoolName, target.schoolName, 0.8
@ -173,7 +188,7 @@ findSuggestions = (target) ->
existingSuggestion.reasons.push reason
suggestions.push schoolName: match, reasons: [reason], user: otherUser
console.log ' Now checking domain', (new Date()) - t0
if debugging then console.log ' Now checking domain', (new Date()) - t0
if domain = getDomain target
for otherUser in (userCategories.domain[domain] ? []) when otherUser isnt target
reason = "Domain"
@ -181,7 +196,7 @@ findSuggestions = (target) ->
existingSuggestion.reasons.push reason
suggestions.push schoolName: otherUser.schoolName, reasons: [reason], user: otherUser
console.log ' Now checking referrer', (new Date()) - t0
if debugging then console.log ' Now checking referrer', (new Date()) - t0
if referrer = getReferrer target
for otherUser in (userCategories.referrer[referrer] ? []) when otherUser isnt target
reason = "Referrer"
@ -189,6 +204,7 @@ findSuggestions = (target) ->
existingSuggestion.reasons.push reason
suggestions.push schoolName: otherUser.schoolName, reasons: [reason], user: otherUser
if debugging then console.log ' Done checking referrer', (new Date()) - t0
suggestions = _.sortBy suggestions, 'schoolName'
suggestions = _.sortBy suggestions, (s) -> -s.reasons.length
return suggestions
@ -226,20 +242,21 @@ typoCache = {}
getDomain = (user) ->
return null unless domain = user.emailLower.split('@')[1]
return null if commonEmailDomainMap[domain]
typo = typoCache[domain]
return null if typo
return domain if typo is false
typo = _.find commonEmailDomains, (commonDomain) -> stringScore(commonDomain, domain, 0.8) > 0.9
typoCache[domain] = Boolean(typo)
return null if typo
# Too slow? Is this actually slow?
#typo = typoCache[domain]
#return null if typo
#return domain if typo is false
#typo = _.find commonEmailDomains, (commonDomain) -> stringScore(commonDomain, domain, 0.8) > 0.9
#typoCache[domain] = Boolean(typo)
#return null if typo
commonReferrersRegex = /(google|bing\.|yahoo|duckduckgo|jobs\.lever|code\.org|twitter|facebook|dollarclick|stumbleupon|vk\.com|playpcesor|reddit|lifehacker|favorite|bnext|freelance|taringa|blogthinkbig|graphism|inside\.com|korben|habrahabr|iplaysoft|geekbrains|playground|ycombinator|github\.com)/
commonReferrersRegex = /(google|bing\.|yahoo|duckduckgo|jobs\.lever|code\.org|twitter|facebook|dollarclick|stumbleupon|vk\.com|playpcesor|reddit|lifehacker|favorite|bnext|freelance|taringa|blogthinkbig|graphism|inside\.com|korben|habrahabr|iplaysoft|geekbrains|playground|ycombinator|github)/
getReferrer = (user) ->
return null unless referrer = user.referrer?.toLowerCase().trim()
referrer = referrer.replace /^https?:\/\//, ''
return null if commonReferrersRegex.test referrer
return classCode if classCode = referrer.match(/\?_cc=(\S+)/)?[1]
return classCode if classCode = referrer.match(/\?_cc=(\S+)$/)?[1]
return null if /codecombat/.test referrer
@ -316,7 +333,7 @@ commonEmailDomains = [
"virgin.net", "wanadoo.co.uk", "bt.com",
# Domains used in Asia
"sina.com", "qq.com", "naver.com", "hanmail.net", "daum.net", "nate.com", "yahoo.co.jp", "yahoo.co.kr", "yahoo.co.id", "yahoo.co.in", "yahoo.com.sg", "yahoo.com.ph",
"sina.com", "qq.com", "naver.com", "hanmail.net", "daum.net", "nate.com", "yahoo.co.jp", "yahoo.co.kr", "yahoo.co.id", "yahoo.co.in", "yahoo.com.sg", "yahoo.com.ph", "yahoo.com.tw"
# French ISP domains
"hotmail.fr", "live.fr", "laposte.net", "yahoo.fr", "wanadoo.fr", "orange.fr", "gmx.fr", "sfr.fr", "neuf.fr", "free.fr",
@ -337,4 +354,4 @@ commonEmailDomains = [
"hotmail.com", "gmail.com", "yahoo.com.mx", "live.com.mx", "yahoo.com", "hotmail.es", "live.com", "hotmail.com.mx", "prodigy.net.mx", "msn.com"
commonEmailDomainMap = {}
commonEmailDomainMap[domain] = true for domain in commonEmailDomainMap
commonEmailDomainMap[domain] = true for domain in commonEmailDomains
Reference in a new issue