2014-11-28 17:49:41 -08:00
ModalView = require 'views/core/ModalView'
2014-11-29 12:46:04 -08:00
template = require 'templates/modal/model-modal'
2014-11-29 17:51:32 -08:00
require 'vendor/treema'
2014-04-15 15:01:54 -07:00
2014-07-17 17:22:26 -07:00
module.exports = class ModelModal extends ModalView
2014-04-15 15:01:54 -07:00
id: 'model-modal'
template: template
2014-06-13 10:11:01 -07:00
plain: true
2014-04-15 15:01:54 -07:00
2014-06-17 15:17:19 -07:00
events: 'click .save-model': 'onSaveModel'
2014-04-15 15:01:54 -07:00
constructor: (options) ->
super options
@models = options.models
for model in @models when not model.loaded
2014-05-14 15:29:55 -07:00
@supermodel.loadModel model, 'source_document'
2014-04-15 15:01:54 -07:00
getRenderData: ->
c = super()
c.models = @models
afterRender: ->
2014-05-14 15:29:55 -07:00
return unless @supermodel.finished()
2014-06-17 15:17:19 -07:00
@modelTreemas = {}
2014-04-15 15:01:54 -07:00
for model in @models
data = $.extend true, {}, model.attributes
schema = $.extend true, {}, model.schema()
treemaOptions =
schema: schema
data: data
2014-04-18 09:53:28 -07:00
readOnly: false
2014-04-15 15:01:54 -07:00
modelTreema = @$el.find(".model-treema[data-model-id='#{model.id}']").treema treemaOptions
@openTastyTreemas modelTreema, model
2014-06-17 15:17:19 -07:00
@modelTreemas[model.id] = modelTreema
2014-04-15 15:01:54 -07:00
openTastyTreemas: (modelTreema, model) ->
# To save on quick inspection, let's auto-open the properties we're most likely to want to see.
delicacies = ['code']
for dish in delicacies
child = modelTreema.childrenTreemas[dish]
if child and dish is 'code' and model.type() is 'LevelSession' and team = modelTreema.get('team')
desserts = {
humans: ['programmable-tharin', 'programmable-librarian']
ogres: ['programmable-brawler', 'programmable-shaman']
for dessert in desserts
2014-06-17 15:17:19 -07:00
onSaveModel: (e) ->
container = $(e.target).closest('.model-container')
model = _.find @models, id: container.data('model-id')
treema = @modelTreemas[model.id]
for key, val of treema.data when not _.isEqual val, model.get key
2014-07-01 10:16:26 +08:00
console.log 'Updating', key, 'from', model.get(key), 'to', val
2014-06-17 15:17:19 -07:00
model.set key, val
for key, val of model.attributes when treema.get(key) is undefined and not _.string.startsWith key, '_'
2014-07-01 10:16:26 +08:00
console.log 'Deleting', key, 'which was', val, 'but man, that ain\'t going to work, now is it?'
2014-09-03 16:14:33 -07:00
#model.unset key
2014-06-17 15:17:19 -07:00
if errors = model.validate()
2014-07-01 10:16:26 +08:00
return console.warn model, 'failed validation with errors:', errors
2014-06-18 12:05:40 -07:00
return unless res = model.patch()
2014-06-17 15:17:19 -07:00
res.error =>
return if @destroyed
2014-07-01 10:16:26 +08:00
console.error model, 'failed to save with error:', res.responseText
2014-06-17 15:17:19 -07:00
res.success (model, response, options) =>
return if @destroyed
2014-08-29 18:02:29 -07:00
destroy: ->
@modelTreemas[model].destroy() for model of @modelTreemas
2014-09-03 16:14:33 -07:00