
252 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2015-09-12 22:01:59 -07:00
Campaign = require 'models/Campaign'
CocoCollection = require 'collections/CocoCollection'
Course = require 'models/Course'
CourseInstance = require 'models/CourseInstance'
Classroom = require 'models/Classroom'
Classrooms = require 'collections/Classrooms'
2015-09-12 22:01:59 -07:00
LevelSession = require 'models/LevelSession'
RootView = require 'views/core/RootView'
template = require 'templates/courses/course-details'
User = require 'models/User'
storage = require 'core/storage'
module.exports = class CourseDetailsView extends RootView
id: 'course-details-view'
template: template
teacherMode: false
singlePlayerMode: false
memberSort: 'nameAsc'
2015-09-12 22:01:59 -07:00
'click .btn-play-level': 'onClickPlayLevel'
'click .btn-select-instance': 'onClickSelectInstance'
'submit #school-form': 'onSubmitSchoolForm'
2015-09-12 22:01:59 -07:00
2015-09-24 17:12:18 -07:00
constructor: (options, @courseID, @courseInstanceID) ->
super options
@ownedClassrooms = new Classrooms()
@ownedClassrooms.fetchMine({data: {project: '_id'}})
@courseID ?= options.courseID
@courseInstanceID ?= options.courseInstanceID
@classroom = new Classroom()
@course = @supermodel.getModel(Course, @courseID) or new Course _id: @courseID
@listenTo @course, 'sync', @onCourseSync
if @course.loaded
2016-02-18 16:44:40 +00:00
@supermodel.loadModel @course
2015-09-12 22:01:59 -07:00
getRenderData: ->
context = super()
context.campaign = @campaign
context.course = @course if @course?.loaded
context.courseInstance = @courseInstance if @courseInstance?.loaded
context.courseInstances = @courseInstances?.models ? []
2015-09-12 22:01:59 -07:00
context.levelConceptMap = @levelConceptMap ? {}
context.noCourseInstance = @noCourseInstance
context.noCourseInstanceSelected = @noCourseInstanceSelected
2015-09-12 22:01:59 -07:00
context.userLevelStateMap = @userLevelStateMap ? {}
context.promptForSchool = @courseComplete and not me.isAnonymous() and not me.get('schoolName') and not storage.load('no-school')
2015-09-12 22:01:59 -07:00
afterRender: ->
if @supermodel.finished() and @courseComplete and me.isAnonymous() and @options.justBeatLevel
# TODO: Make an intermediate modal that tells them they've finished HoC and has some snazzy stuff for convincing players to sign up instead of just throwing up the bare CreateAccountModal
CreateAccountModal = require 'views/core/CreateAccountModal'
@openModalView new CreateAccountModal showSignupRationale: true
2015-09-12 22:01:59 -07:00
onCourseSync: ->
return if @destroyed
2015-09-12 22:01:59 -07:00
# console.log 'onCourseSync'
if me.isAnonymous() and (not me.get('hourOfCode') and not @course.get('hourOfCode'))
@noCourseInstance = true
2015-09-12 22:01:59 -07:00
return if @campaign?
campaignID = @course.get('campaignID')
@campaign = @supermodel.getModel(Campaign, campaignID) or new Campaign _id: campaignID
2015-09-12 22:01:59 -07:00
@listenTo @campaign, 'sync', @onCampaignSync
if @campaign.loaded
2016-02-18 16:44:40 +00:00
@supermodel.loadModel @campaign
2015-09-12 22:01:59 -07:00
onCampaignSync: ->
return if @destroyed
2015-09-12 22:01:59 -07:00
# console.log 'onCampaignSync'
if @courseInstanceID
2015-09-12 22:01:59 -07:00
else unless me.isAnonymous()
2015-09-12 22:01:59 -07:00
@levelConceptMap = {}
for levelID, level of @campaign.get('levels')
@levelConceptMap[levelID] ?= {}
for concept in level.concepts
@levelConceptMap[levelID][concept] = true
if level.type is 'course-ladder'
@arenaLevel = level
loadCourseInstances: ->
@courseInstances = new CocoCollection [], {url: "/db/user/#{}/course_instances", model: CourseInstance, comparator: 'courseID'}
@listenToOnce @courseInstances, 'sync', @onCourseInstancesSync
@supermodel.loadCollection @courseInstances, 'course_instances'
loadAllCourses: ->
@allCourses = new CocoCollection [], {url: "/db/course", model: Course, comparator: '_id'}
@listenToOnce @allCourses, 'sync', @onAllCoursesSync
@supermodel.loadCollection @allCourses, 'courses'
2015-09-12 22:01:59 -07:00
loadCourseInstance: (courseInstanceID) ->
return if @destroyed
2015-09-12 22:01:59 -07:00
# console.log 'loadCourseInstance'
return if @courseInstance?
2015-09-24 17:12:18 -07:00
@courseInstanceID = courseInstanceID
@courseInstance = @supermodel.getModel(CourseInstance, @courseInstanceID) or new CourseInstance _id: @courseInstanceID
2015-09-12 22:01:59 -07:00
@listenTo @courseInstance, 'sync', @onCourseInstanceSync
if @courseInstance.loaded
2016-02-18 16:44:40 +00:00
@courseInstance = @supermodel.loadModel(@courseInstance).model
2015-09-12 22:01:59 -07:00
onCourseInstancesSync: ->
return if @destroyed
2015-09-12 22:01:59 -07:00
# console.log 'onCourseInstancesSync'
if not @courseInstance
# We are loading these to find the one we want to display.
if @courseInstances.models.length is 1
if @courseInstances.models.length is 0
@noCourseInstance = true
@noCourseInstanceSelected = true
2015-09-12 22:01:59 -07:00
onCourseInstanceSync: ->
return if @destroyed
# console.log 'onCourseInstanceSync'
if @courseInstance.get('classroomID')
@classroom = new Classroom({_id: @courseInstance.get('classroomID')})
2016-02-18 16:44:40 +00:00
@supermodel.loadModel @classroom
@singlePlayerMode = @courseInstance.get('name') is 'Single Player'
@teacherMode = @courseInstance.get('ownerID') is and not @singlePlayerMode
@levelSessions = new CocoCollection([], { url: "/db/course_instance/#{}/level_sessions", model: LevelSession, comparator: '_id' })
2015-09-12 22:01:59 -07:00
@listenToOnce @levelSessions, 'sync', @onLevelSessionsSync
@supermodel.loadCollection @levelSessions, 'level_sessions', cache: false
2015-10-27 17:47:48 -07:00
@owner = new User({_id: @courseInstance.get('ownerID')})
2016-02-18 16:44:40 +00:00
@supermodel.loadModel @owner
2015-09-12 22:01:59 -07:00
onLevelSessionsSync: ->
return if @destroyed
2015-09-12 22:01:59 -07:00
# console.log 'onLevelSessionsSync'
2015-09-24 07:28:43 -07:00
@memberStats = {}
2015-09-12 22:01:59 -07:00
@userConceptStateMap = {}
@userLevelStateMap = {}
for levelSession in @levelSessions.models
continue if levelSession.skipMe # Don't track second arena session as another completed level
2015-09-12 22:01:59 -07:00
userID = levelSession.get('creator')
levelID = levelSession.get('level').original
state = if levelSession.get('state')?.complete then 'complete' else 'started'
playtime = parseInt(levelSession.get('playtime') ? 0, 10)
do (userID, levelID) =>
secondSessionForLevel = _.find(@levelSessions.models, ((otherSession) ->
otherSession.get('creator') is userID and otherSession.get('level').original is levelID and isnt
if secondSessionForLevel
state = 'complete' if secondSessionForLevel.get('state')?.complete
playtime = playtime + parseInt(secondSessionForLevel.get('playtime') ? 0, 10)
secondSessionForLevel.skipMe = true
2015-09-24 07:28:43 -07:00
@memberStats[userID] ?= totalLevelsCompleted: 0, totalPlayTime: 0
@memberStats[userID].totalLevelsCompleted++ if state is 'complete'
@memberStats[userID].totalPlayTime += playtime
2015-09-24 07:28:43 -07:00
@userConceptStateMap[userID] ?= {}
2015-09-12 22:01:59 -07:00
for concept of @levelConceptMap[levelID]
@userConceptStateMap[userID][concept] = state
2015-09-24 07:28:43 -07:00
@userLevelStateMap[userID] ?= {}
@userLevelStateMap[userID][levelID] = state
2015-09-12 22:01:59 -07:00
@conceptsCompleted = {}
for userID, conceptStateMap of @userConceptStateMap
for concept, state of conceptStateMap
@conceptsCompleted[concept] ?= 0
if @memberStats[]?.totalLevelsCompleted >= _.size(@campaign.get('levels')) - 1 # Don't need to complete arena
@courseComplete = true
@loadCourseInstances() unless @courseInstances # Find the next course instance to do.
2015-09-12 22:01:59 -07:00
onAllCoursesSync: ->
findNextCourseInstance: ->
@nextCourseInstance = _.find @courseInstances.models, (ci) =>
# Sorted by courseID
ci.get('classroomID') is @courseInstance.get('classroomID') and isnt and ci.get('courseID') >
if @nextCourseInstance
nextCourseID = @nextCourseInstance.get('courseID')
@nextCourse = @supermodel.getModel(Course, nextCourseID) or new Course _id: nextCourseID
2016-02-18 16:44:40 +00:00
@nextCourse = @supermodel.loadModel(@nextCourse).model
else if @allCourses?.loaded
@nextCourse = _.find @allCourses.models, (course) => >
2015-09-12 22:01:59 -07:00
onClickPlayLevel: (e) ->
levelSlug = $('.btn-play-level').data('level-slug')
levelID = $('.btn-play-level').data('level-id')
level = @campaign.get('levels')[levelID]
if level.type is 'course-ladder'
viewClass = 'views/ladder/LadderView'
viewArgs = [{supermodel: @supermodel}, levelSlug]
route = '/play/ladder/' + levelSlug
unless @singlePlayerMode # No league for solo courses
route += '/course/' +
viewArgs = viewArgs.concat ['course',]
route = @getLevelURL levelSlug
viewClass = 'views/play/level/PlayLevelView'
viewArgs = [{courseID: @courseID, courseInstanceID: @courseInstanceID, supermodel: @supermodel}, levelSlug]
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'router:navigate', route: route, viewClass: viewClass, viewArgs: viewArgs
2015-09-12 22:01:59 -07:00
getLevelURL: (levelSlug) ->
onClickSelectInstance: (e) ->
courseInstanceID = $('.select-instance').val()
@noCourseInstanceSelected = false
2015-10-27 17:47:48 -07:00
getOwnerName: ->
return if @owner.isNew()
2015-10-27 17:47:48 -07:00
if @owner.get('firstName') and @owner.get('lastName')
return "#{@owner.get('firstName')} #{@owner.get('lastName')}"
@owner.get('name') or @owner.get('email')
onSubmitSchoolForm: (e) ->
schoolName = @$el.find('#course-complete-school-input').val().trim()
if schoolName and schoolName isnt me.get('schoolName')
me.set 'schoolName', schoolName
else 'no-school', true
getLastLevelCompleted: ->
lastLevelCompleted = null
for levelID in _.keys(@campaign.get('levels'))
if @userLevelStateMap?[]?[levelID] is 'complete'
lastLevelCompleted = levelID
return lastLevelCompleted