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// Add user.courseInstances properties and then add those to session leagues
// Usage:
// mongo <address>:<port>/<database> <script file> -u <username> -p <password>
function uniq(array) {
var u = {}, a = [];
for(var i = 0, l = array.length; i < l; ++i){
if(u.hasOwnProperty(array[i])) {
u[array[i]] = 1;
return a;
function addCourseInstancesToUsers() {
print("Adding courseInstances to users...");
var cursor = db.course.instances.find({$where: "this.members && this.members.length > 1"}, {members: 1});
print("CourseInstances with users found: " + cursor.count());
var courseInstances = cursor.toArray();
var userIDList = [];
courseInstances.forEach(function (courseInstance, courseInstanceIndex) {
userIDList = userIDList.concat(courseInstance.members);
var conditions = {_id: {$in: courseInstance.members}};
var operations = {$addToSet: {courseInstances: courseInstance._id}};
//print('Fetching', JSON.stringify(conditions), 'with operations', JSON.stringify(operations));
//print("... Have this many:", db.users.count(conditions));
var result = db.users.update(conditions, operations, {multi: true});
if (courseInstanceIndex % 100 === 0)
print("Done", courseInstanceIndex, "\tof", courseInstances.length, "course instances.");
print("Done adding course instances to users; now going to add them to sessions for leagues.");
function addCourseInstancesToSessions(userIDList) {
userIDList = uniq(userIDList);
print("Adding courseInstance leagues to sessions for", userIDList.length, "users...");
var cursor = db.users.find({_id: {$in: userIDList}, courseInstances: {$exists: true}}, {courseInstances: 1, name: 1, leagues: 1});
print("Users with courseInstances found: " + cursor.count(), '-- supposed to have:', userIDList.length);
var users = cursor.toArray();
var arenas = [
users.forEach(function (user, userIndex) {
var sessions = db.level.sessions.find({creator: user._id + '', 'level.original': {$in: arenas}, submitted: true}).toArray();
//print("Found sessions", sessions, "for user", user._id, user.name, 'who has courseInstances', user.courseInstances.join(', '));
sessions.forEach(function(session, sessionIndex) {
var leagues = session.leagues || [];
for (var i = 0; i < user.courseInstances.length; ++i) {
var alreadyHave = false;
for (var j = 0; j < leagues.length; ++j)
if (leagues[j].leagueID == user.courseInstances[i])
alreadyHave = true;
if (!alreadyHave)
leagues.push({leagueID: user.courseInstances[i] + '', stats: {standardDeviation: 25 / 3, numberOfWinsAndTies: 0, numberOfLosses: 0, totalScore: 10, meanStrength: 25}});
//print(" Setting leagues to...");
session.leagues = leagues;
if (userIndex % 100 === 0)
print("Done", userIndex, "\tof", users.length, "users.");