# We return a simple numeric hash that will combine to a frame hash
# help us determine whether this frame has changed in resimulations.
hash = 0
thang.hasMoved = true
PropertyDocumentationSchema = c.object{
title: "Property Documentation"
description: "Documentation entry for a property this System will add to its Thang which other Systems
name: "foo"
type: "object"
description: "This System provides a 'foo' property to satisfy all one's foobar needs. Use it wisely."
required: ['name','type','description']
name: {type: 'string',pattern: c.identifierPattern,title: "Name",description: "Name of the property."}
# not actual JS types, just whatever they describe...
type: c.shortString(title: "Type",description: "Intended type of the property.")
description: {type: 'string',description: "Description of the property.",maxLength: 1000}
args: c.array{title: "Arguments",description: "If this property has type 'function', then provide documentation for any function arguments."},c.FunctionArgumentSchema
DependencySchema = c.object{
title: "System Dependency"
description: "A System upon which this System depends."
description: "Which programming language this System is written in."
title: "Code"
description: "The code for this System, as a CoffeeScript class. TODO: add link to documentation
type: "string"
format: "coffee"
title: "JavaScript"
description: "The transpiled JavaScript code for this System"
type: "string"
format: "hidden"
dependencies: c.array{title: "Dependencies",description: "An array of Systems upon which this System depends.","default":[],uniqueItems: true},DependencySchema
propertyDocumentation: c.array{title: "Property Documentation",description: "An array of documentation entries for each notable property this System will add to its Level which other Systems might want to also use.","default":[]},PropertyDocumentationSchema
configSchema: _.extendmetaschema,{title: "Configuration Schema",description: "A schema for validating the arguments that can be passed to this System as configuration.",default: {type: 'object',additionalProperties: false}}
type: "boolean"
title: "Official"
description: "Whether this is an official CodeCombat System."