2016-03-14 12:35:54 -04:00
// Upsert new lead data into Close.io
'use strict';
if (process.argv.length !== 5) {
log("Usage: node <script> <Close.io API key> <Intercom 'App ID:API key'> <mongo connection Url>");
// TODO: update existing leads
// TODO: support multiple contacts per organization
const scriptStartTime = new Date();
const closeIoApiKey = process.argv[2];
const intercomAppIdApiKey = process.argv[3];
const intercomAppId = intercomAppIdApiKey.split(':')[0];
const intercomApiKey = intercomAppIdApiKey.split(':')[1];
const mongoConnUrl = process.argv[4];
const MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient;
const request = require('request');
const earliestDate = new Date();
earliestDate.setUTCDate(earliestDate.getUTCDate() - 10);
log('Finding leads..');
findLeads((err, leads) => {
if (err) {
log(`Num leads ${Object.keys(leads).length}`);
log('Adding Intercom data..');
addIntercomData(leads, (err) => {
if (err) {
log('Updating leads..');
updateLeads(leads, (err, numLeadsCreated) => {
if (err) {
2016-03-14 17:24:18 -04:00
// // TEMP
2016-03-14 12:35:54 -04:00
// for (const email in leads) {
2016-03-14 17:24:18 -04:00
// console.log(email);
// console.log(leads[email]);
// break;
2016-03-14 12:35:54 -04:00
// }
2016-03-14 17:24:18 -04:00
// // TEMP
2016-03-14 12:35:54 -04:00
log(`Num leads created ${numLeadsCreated}`);
log("Script runtime: " + (new Date() - scriptStartTime));
/* Helpers */
class Lead {
constructor(email) {
this.email = email;
addClassroom(classroom) {
this.coco_numClassrooms = this.coco_numClassrooms ? this.coco_numClassrooms + 1 : 1;
if (classroom.members && classroom.members.length) {
this.coco_numStudents = this.coco_numStudents ? this.coco_numStudents + classroom.members.length : classroom.members.length;
addIntercomUser(user) {
if (user && user.id) {
this.intercom_url = `https://app.intercom.io/a/apps/${intercomAppId}/users/${user.id}/`;
addTrialRequest(trialRequest) {
if (trialRequest.properties) {
let location = '';
if (trialRequest.properties.city) location = trialRequest.properties.city;
if (trialRequest.properties.state) location += `${location ? ', ' : ''}${trialRequest.properties.state}`;
if (trialRequest.properties.country) location += `${location ? ', ' : ''}${trialRequest.properties.country}`;
if (location) this['trial_location'] = location;
if (trialRequest.properties.educationLevel) {
this['trial_educationLevel'] = trialRequest.properties.educationLevel.join(', ');
for (const prop in trialRequest.properties) {
if (['educationLevel', 'city', 'state', 'country'].indexOf(prop) >= 0) continue;
this[`trial_${prop}`] = trialRequest.properties[prop];
this.trial_created = trialRequest.created;
this.trial_userID = trialRequest.applicant;
this.userID = trialRequest.applicant;
addUser(user) {
// if (this.userID && !this.userID.equals(user._id)) {
// // console.log(`Trial request user ID mismatch for ${this.email} replacing ${this.userID} with ${user._id}`);
// this.trialUserID = this.userID;
// }
this.userID = user._id;
if (!this.name) {
if (user.firstName && user.lastName) {
this.name = `${user.firstName} ${user.lastName}`;
else if (user.name) {
this.name = user.name;
if (user.firstName) this.coco_firstName = user.firstName;
if (user.lastName) this.coco_lastName = user.lastName;
if (user.name) this.coco_name = user.name;
if (user.gender) this.coco_gender = user.gender;
if (user.lastLevel) this.coco_lastLevel = user.lastLevel;
if (user.role) this.coco_role = user.role;
if (user.schoolName) this.coco_schoolName = user.schoolName;
if (user.stats) this.coco_stats = JSON.stringify(user.stats);
function findLeads(done) {
// Recent trial requests
// Recent users with teacher role
MongoClient.connect(mongoConnUrl, (err, db) => {
if (err) return done(err);
const query = {$and: [{created: {$gte: earliestDate}}, {type: 'course'}]};
db.collection('trial.requests').find(query).toArray((err, trialRequests) => {
if (err) {
return done(err);
const leads = {};
for (const trialRequest of trialRequests) {
const email = trialRequest.properties.email;
if (!leads[email]) leads[email] = new Lead(email);
const query = {$and: [
{dateCreated: {$gte: earliestDate}},
{anonymous: false},
{role: {$in: ['teacher', 'technology coordinator', 'advisor', 'principal', 'superintendent']}}
db.collection('users').find(query).toArray((err, users) => {
if (err) {
return done(err);
const userIDs = [];
const userEmailMap = {};
for (const user of users) {
const email = user.emailLower;
if (!leads[email]) leads[email] = new Lead(email);
userEmailMap[user._id.valueOf()] = email;
const query = {ownerID: {$in: userIDs}};
db.collection('classrooms').find(query).toArray((err, classrooms) => {
if (err) {
return done(err);
for (const classroom of classrooms) {
return done(null, leads);
function addIntercomData(leads, done) {
const leadEmails = Object.keys(leads);
let leadIndex = 0;
function nextUser() {
if (leadIndex < leadEmails.length) {
return getUser(leadEmails[leadIndex++]);
return done();
function getUser(email) {
const options = {
2016-03-14 17:24:18 -04:00
url: `https://api.intercom.io/users?email=${encodeURIComponent(email)}`,
2016-03-14 12:35:54 -04:00
auth: {
user: intercomAppId,
pass: intercomApiKey
headers: {
'Accept': 'application/json'
request.get(options, (error, response, body) => {
if (error) return done(error);
const user = JSON.parse(body);
return nextUser();
function updateLeads(leads, done) {
const leadEmails = Object.keys(leads);
let leadIndex = 0;
let numLeadsCreated = 0;
function nextLead() {
if (leadIndex < leadEmails.length) {
return updateLead(leadEmails[leadIndex++]);
return done(null, numLeadsCreated);
function saveNewLead(email) {
const newLeadData = leads[email];
const name = newLeadData.name || email;
const postData = {
display_name: newLeadData.trial_organization || newLeadData.coco_schoolName ||name,
name: newLeadData.trial_organization || newLeadData.coco_schoolName || name,
contacts: [{
emails: [{email: email}],
name: name
custom: {
lastUpdated: new Date()
if (newLeadData.trialData && newLeadData.trial_phoneNumber) {
postData.contacts[0].phones = [{phone: newLeadData.trial_phoneNumber}];
for (const key in newLeadData) {
postData.custom[key] = newLeadData[key];
const options = {
uri: `https://${closeIoApiKey}:X@app.close.io/api/v1/lead/`,
body: JSON.stringify(postData)
request.post(options, (error, response, body) => {
if (error) return done(error);
const result = JSON.parse(body);
if (result.errors || result['field-errors']) {
console.error(`New lead POST error for ${email}`);
else {
return nextLead();
function updateLead(email) {
2016-03-14 17:24:18 -04:00
const url = `https://${closeIoApiKey}:X@app.close.io/api/v1/lead/?query=email_address:${encodeURIComponent(email)}`;
2016-03-14 12:35:54 -04:00
request.get(url, (error, response, body) => {
if (error) return done(error);
const data = JSON.parse(body);
if (data.total_results === 0) {
return saveNewLead(email);
return nextLead();
function log(str) {
console.log(new Date().toISOString() + " " + str);