2015-11-03 16:41:06 -08:00
app = require 'core/application'
AuthModal = require 'views/core/AuthModal'
CocoCollection = require 'collections/CocoCollection'
Course = require 'models/Course'
CourseInstance = require 'models/CourseInstance'
RootView = require 'views/core/RootView'
template = require 'templates/courses/hour-of-code-view'
utils = require 'core/utils'
2015-11-19 15:26:45 -08:00
LevelSession = require 'models/LevelSession'
Level = require 'models/Level'
ChooseLanguageModal = require 'views/courses/ChooseLanguageModal'
2015-11-20 07:52:35 -08:00
StudentLogInModal = require 'views/courses/StudentLogInModal'
2015-11-20 16:28:28 -08:00
StudentSignUpModal = require 'views/courses/StudentSignUpModal'
2015-11-20 18:22:52 -08:00
auth = require 'core/auth'
2015-11-03 16:41:06 -08:00
module.exports = class HourOfCodeView extends RootView
id: 'hour-of-code-view'
template: template
2015-11-11 09:07:16 -08:00
2015-11-09 16:45:12 -08:00
'click #student-btn': 'onClickStudentButton'
2015-11-19 15:26:45 -08:00
'click #start-new-game-btn': 'onClickStartNewGameButton'
2015-11-20 07:52:35 -08:00
'click #log-in-btn': 'onClickLogInButton'
2015-11-20 18:22:52 -08:00
'click #log-out-link': 'onClickLogOutLink'
2015-11-03 16:41:06 -08:00
2015-11-19 15:26:45 -08:00
initialize: ->
2015-11-09 16:45:12 -08:00
2015-11-19 15:26:45 -08:00
@courseInstances = new CocoCollection([], { url: "/db/user/#{me.id}/course_instances", model: CourseInstance})
@listenToOnce @courseInstances, 'sync', @onCourseInstancesLoaded
@courseInstances.comparator = (ci) -> return ci.get('classroomID') + ci.get('courseID')
@supermodel.loadCollection(@courseInstances, 'course_instances')
2015-11-09 16:45:12 -08:00
2015-11-19 15:26:45 -08:00
onCourseInstancesLoaded: ->
@hourOfCodeCourseInstance = @courseInstances.findWhere({hourOfCode: true})
if @hourOfCodeCourseInstance
@sessions = new CocoCollection([], {
url: "/db/course_instance/#{@hourOfCodeCourseInstance.id}/level_sessions"
model: LevelSession
@sessions.comparator = 'created'
@listenTo @sessions, 'sync', @onSessionsLoaded
@supermodel.loadCollection(@sessions, 'sessions')
onSessionsLoaded: ->
@lastSession = @sessions.last()
if @lastSession
@lastLevel = new Level()
levelData = @lastSession.get('level')
@supermodel.loadModel(@lastLevel, 'level', {
url: "/db/level/#{levelData.original}/version/#{levelData.majorVersion}"
data: {
project: 'name,slug'
2015-11-09 16:45:12 -08:00
setUpHourOfCode: ->
# If we haven't tracked this player as an hourOfCode player yet, and it's a new account, we do that now.
elapsed = new Date() - new Date(me.get('dateCreated'))
2015-11-11 09:07:16 -08:00
if not me.get('hourOfCode') and (elapsed < 5 * 60 * 1000 or me.get('anonymous'))
2015-11-09 16:45:12 -08:00
me.set('hourOfCode', true)
$('body').append($('<img src="https://code.org/api/hour/begin_codecombat.png" style="visibility: hidden;">'))
application.tracker?.trackEvent 'Hour of Code Begin'
2015-11-19 15:26:45 -08:00
onClickStartNewGameButton: ->
# user without hour of code course instance, creates one, starts playing
modal = new ChooseLanguageModal({
logoutFirst: @hourOfCodeCourseInstance?
@listenToOnce modal, 'set-language', @startHourOfCodePlay
continuePlayingLink: ->
ci = @hourOfCodeCourseInstance
2015-11-09 16:45:12 -08:00
2015-11-19 15:26:45 -08:00
startHourOfCodePlay: ->
2015-11-21 11:38:34 -08:00
hocCourseInstance = new CourseInstance()
@listenToOnce hocCourseInstance, 'sync', ->
url = hocCourseInstance.firstLevelURL()
app.router.navigate(url, { trigger: true })
2015-11-19 15:26:45 -08:00
2015-11-20 07:52:35 -08:00
onClickLogInButton: ->
modal = new StudentLogInModal()
2015-11-20 16:28:28 -08:00
modal.on 'want-to-create-account', @onWantToCreateAccount, @
2015-11-20 07:52:35 -08:00
2015-11-20 16:28:28 -08:00
onWantToCreateAccount: ->
modal = new StudentSignUpModal()
2015-11-20 18:22:52 -08:00
onClickLogOutLink: ->
2015-11-19 15:26:45 -08:00