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/ * *
Starting with version 2.0 , this file "boots" Jasmine , performing all of the necessary initialization before executing the loaded environment and all of a project ' s specs . This file should be loaded after ` jasmine.js ` , but before any project source files or spec files are loaded . Thus this file can also be used to customize Jasmine for a project .
If a project is using Jasmine via the standalone distribution , this file can be customized directly . If a project is using Jasmine via the [ Ruby gem ] [ jasmine - gem ] , this file can be copied into the support directory via ` jasmine copy_boot_js ` . Other environments ( e . g . , Python ) will have different mechanisms .
The location of ` boot.js ` can be specified and / or overridden in ` jasmine.yml ` .
[ jasmine - gem ] : http : //github.com/pivotal/jasmine-gem
* /
( function ( ) {
/ * *
* # # Require & amp ; Instantiate
* Require Jasmine 's core files. Specifically, this requires and attaches all of Jasmine' s code to the ` jasmine ` reference .
* /
window . jasmine = jasmineRequire . core ( jasmineRequire ) ;
/ * *
* Since this is being run in a browser and the results should populate to an HTML page , require the HTML - specific Jasmine code , injecting the same reference .
* /
jasmineRequire . html ( jasmine ) ;
/ * *
* Create the Jasmine environment . This is used to run all specs in a project .
* /
var env = jasmine . getEnv ( ) ;
/ * *
* # # The Global Interface
* Build up the functions that will be exposed as the Jasmine public interface . A project can customize , rename or alias any of these functions as desired , provided the implementation remains unchanged .
* /
var jasmineInterface = {
describe : function ( description , specDefinitions ) {
return env . describe ( description , specDefinitions ) ;
} ,
xdescribe : function ( description , specDefinitions ) {
return env . xdescribe ( description , specDefinitions ) ;
} ,
it : function ( desc , func ) {
return env . it ( desc , func ) ;
} ,
xit : function ( desc , func ) {
return env . xit ( desc , func ) ;
} ,
beforeEach : function ( beforeEachFunction ) {
return env . beforeEach ( beforeEachFunction ) ;
} ,
afterEach : function ( afterEachFunction ) {
return env . afterEach ( afterEachFunction ) ;
} ,
expect : function ( actual ) {
return env . expect ( actual ) ;
} ,
pending : function ( ) {
return env . pending ( ) ;
} ,
spyOn : function ( obj , methodName ) {
return env . spyOn ( obj , methodName ) ;
} ,
jsApiReporter : new jasmine . JsApiReporter ( {
timer : new jasmine . Timer ( )
} )
} ;
/ * *
* Add all of the Jasmine global / public interface to the proper global , so a project can use the public interface directly . For example , calling ` describe ` in specs instead of ` jasmine.getEnv().describe ` .
* /
if ( typeof window == "undefined" && typeof exports == "object" ) {
extend ( exports , jasmineInterface ) ;
} else {
extend ( window , jasmineInterface ) ;
/ * *
* Expose the interface for adding custom equality testers .
* /
jasmine . addCustomEqualityTester = function ( tester ) {
env . addCustomEqualityTester ( tester ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Expose the interface for adding custom expectation matchers
* /
jasmine . addMatchers = function ( matchers ) {
return env . addMatchers ( matchers ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Expose the mock interface for the JavaScript timeout functions
* /
jasmine . clock = function ( ) {
return env . clock ;
} ;
/ * *
* # # Runner Parameters
* More browser specific code - wrap the query string in an object and to allow for getting / setting parameters from the runner user interface .
* /
var queryString = new jasmine . QueryString ( {
getWindowLocation : function ( ) { return window . location ; }
} ) ;
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var catchingExceptions = false ; // Setting to false always for CodeCombat, because Jasmine-HTML's reporter doesn't do source maps, and Chrome console does.
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env . catchExceptions ( typeof catchingExceptions === "undefined" ? true : catchingExceptions ) ;
/ * *
* # # Reporters
* The ` HtmlReporter ` builds all of the HTML UI for the runner page . This reporter paints the dots , stars , and x ' s for specs , as well as all spec names and all failures ( if any ) .
* /
var htmlReporter = new jasmine . HtmlReporter ( {
env : env ,
onRaiseExceptionsClick : function ( ) { queryString . setParam ( "catch" , ! env . catchingExceptions ( ) ) ; } ,
getContainer : function ( ) { return $ ( '#testing-area' ) [ 0 ] ; } ,
createElement : function ( ) { return document . createElement . apply ( document , arguments ) ; } ,
createTextNode : function ( ) { return document . createTextNode . apply ( document , arguments ) ; } ,
timer : new jasmine . Timer ( )
} ) ;
/ * *
* The ` jsApiReporter ` also receives spec results , and is used by any environment that needs to extract the results from JavaScript .
* /
env . addReporter ( jasmineInterface . jsApiReporter ) ;
env . addReporter ( htmlReporter ) ;
/ * *
* Filter which specs will be run by matching the start of the full name against the ` spec ` query param .
* /
var specFilter = new jasmine . HtmlSpecFilter ( {
filterString : function ( ) { return queryString . getParam ( "spec" ) ; }
} ) ;
env . specFilter = function ( spec ) {
return specFilter . matches ( spec . getFullName ( ) ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Setting up timing functions to be able to be overridden . Certain browsers ( Safari , IE 8 , phantomjs ) require this hack .
* /
window . setTimeout = window . setTimeout ;
window . setInterval = window . setInterval ;
window . clearTimeout = window . clearTimeout ;
window . clearInterval = window . clearInterval ;
/ * *
* # # Execution
* Replace the browser window 's `onload`, ensure it' s called , and then run all of the loaded specs . This includes initializing the ` HtmlReporter ` instance and then executing the loaded Jasmine environment . All of this will happen after all of the specs are loaded .
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window . runJasmine = function ( ) {
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htmlReporter . initialize ( ) ;
env . execute ( ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Helper function for readability above .
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function extend ( destination , source ) {
for ( var property in source ) destination [ property ] = source [ property ] ;
return destination ;
} ( ) ) ;