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Raw Normal View History

# Each LevelView or Simulator has a God which listens for spells cast and summons new Angels on the main thread to
# oversee simulation of the World on worker threads. The Gods and Angels even have names. It's kind of fun.
# (More fun than ThreadPool and WorkerAgentManager and such.)
{now} = require 'lib/world/world_utils'
World = require 'lib/world/world'
CocoClass = require 'lib/CocoClass'
Angel = require 'lib/Angel'
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
module.exports = class God extends CocoClass
@nicks: ['Athena', 'Baldr', 'Crom', 'Dagr', 'Eris', 'Freyja', 'Great Gish', 'Hades', 'Ishtar', 'Janus', 'Khronos', 'Loki', 'Marduk', 'Negafook', 'Odin', 'Poseidon', 'Quetzalcoatl', 'Ra', 'Shiva', 'Thor', 'Umvelinqangi', 'Týr', 'Vishnu', 'Wepwawet', 'Xipe Totec', 'Yahweh', 'Zeus', '上帝', 'Tiamat', '盘古', 'Phoebe', 'Artemis', 'Osiris', "嫦娥", 'Anhur', 'Teshub', 'Enlil', 'Perkele', 'Chaos', 'Hera', 'Iris', 'Theia', 'Uranus', 'Stribog', 'Sabazios', 'Izanagi', 'Ao', 'Tāwhirimātea', 'Tengri', 'Inmar', 'Torngarsuk', 'Centzonhuitznahua', 'Hunab Ku', 'Apollo', 'Helios', 'Thoth', 'Hyperion', 'Alectrona', 'Eos', 'Mitra', 'Saranyu', 'Freyr', 'Koyash', 'Atropos', 'Clotho', 'Lachesis', 'Tyche', 'Skuld', 'Urðr', 'Verðandi', 'Camaxtli', 'Huhetotl', 'Set', 'Anu', 'Allah', 'Anshar', 'Hermes', 'Lugh', 'Brigit', 'Manannan Mac Lir', 'Persephone', 'Mercury', 'Venus', 'Mars', 'Azrael', 'He-Man', 'Anansi', 'Issek', 'Mog', 'Kos', 'Amaterasu Omikami', 'Raijin', 'Susanowo', 'Blind Io', 'The Lady', 'Offler', 'Ptah', 'Anubis', 'Ereshkigal', 'Nergal', 'Thanatos', 'Macaria', 'Angelos', 'Erebus', 'Hecate', 'Hel', 'Orcus', 'Ishtar-Deela Nakh', 'Prometheus', 'Hephaestos', 'Sekhmet', 'Ares', 'Enyo', 'Otrera', 'Pele', 'Hadúr', 'Hachiman', 'Dayisun Tngri', 'Ullr', 'Lua', 'Minerva']
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
'tome:cast-spells': 'onTomeCast'
'tome:spell-debug-value-request': 'retrieveValueFromFrame'
'god:new-world-created': 'onNewWorldCreated'
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
constructor: (options) ->
2014-02-15 20:38:45 -05:00
options ?= {}
@retrieveValueFromFrame = _.throttle @retrieveValueFromFrame, 1000
# Angels are all given access to this.
@angelsShare =
workerCode: options.workerCode or '/javascripts/workers/worker_world.js' # Either path or function
headless: options.headless # Whether to just simulate the goals, or to deserialize all simulation results
godNick: @nick
workQueue: []
firstWorld: true
world: undefined
goalManager: undefined
worldClassMap: undefined
angels: []
busyAngels: [] # Busy angels will automatically register here.
# ~20MB per idle worker + angel overhead - every Angel maps to 1 worker
angelCount = options.maxAngels ? 2 # How many concurrent Angels/web workers to use at a time
# Don't generate all Angels at once.
_.delay (=> new Angel @angelsShare unless @destroyed), 250 * i for i in [0 ... angelCount]
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
destroy: ->
angel.destroy() for angel in @angelsShare.angels
@debugWorker?.removeEventListener 'message', @onDebugWorkerMessage
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
setLevel: (@level) ->
setGoalManager: (goalManager) -> @angelsShare.goalManager = goalManager
setWorldClassMap: (worldClassMap) -> @angelsShare.worldClassMap = worldClassMap
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
onTomeCast: (e) ->
@createWorld e.spells, e.preload
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
createWorld: (spells, preload=false) ->
console.log "#{@nick}: Let there be light upon #{}!"
angel.abort() for angel in @angelsShare.busyAngels # We really only ever want one world calculated per God.
@angelsShare.workQueue = []
userCodeMap: @getUserCodeMap(spells)
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
level: @level
goals: @angelsShare.goalManager?.getGoals()
headless: @angelsShare.headless
preload: preload
synchronous: not Worker? # Profiling world simulation is easier on main thread, or we are IE9.
angel.workIfIdle() for angel in @angelsShare.angels
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
getUserCodeMap: (spells) ->
userCodeMap = {}
for spellKey, spell of spells
for thangID, spellThang of spell.thangs
(userCodeMap[thangID] ?= {})[] = spellThang.aether.serialize()
#### New stuff related to debugging ####
retrieveValueFromFrame: (args) =>
return if @destroyed
return unless args.thangID and args.spellID and args.variableChain
return console.error "Tried to retrieve debug value with no currentUserCodeMap" unless @currentUserCodeMap
@debugWorker ?= @createDebugWorker()
args.frame ?= @world.age / @world.dt
2014-05-05 16:26:37 -04:00
func: 'retrieveValueFromFrame'
userCodeMap: @currentUserCodeMap
level: @level
goals: @goalManager?.getGoals()
frame: args.frame
currentThangID: args.thangID
currentSpellID: args.spellID
variableChain: args.variableChain
createDebugWorker: ->
worker = new Worker '/javascripts/workers/worker_world.js'
worker.addEventListener 'message', @onDebugWorkerMessage
onDebugWorkerMessage: (event) =>
when 'console-log'
console.log "|#{@nick}'s debugger|",
when 'debug-value-return'
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'god:debug-value-return',
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
onNewWorldCreated: (e) ->
@currentUserCodeMap = @filterUserCodeMapWhenFromWorld
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
filterUserCodeMapWhenFromWorld: (worldUserCodeMap) ->
newUserCodeMap = {}
for thangName, thang of worldUserCodeMap
newUserCodeMap[thangName] = {}
for spellName, aether of thang
shallowFilteredObject = _.pick aether, ['raw', 'pure', 'originalOptions']
newUserCodeMap[thangName][spellName] = _.cloneDeep shallowFilteredObject
newUserCodeMap[thangName][spellName] = _.defaults newUserCodeMap[thangName][spellName],
flow: {}
metrics: {}
errors: []
infos: []
warnings: []
style: {}
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
imitateIE9 = false # (and in
if imitateIE9
window.Worker = null
window.Float32Array = null
# Also uncomment vendor_with_box2d.js in index.html if you want Collision to run and Thangs to move.