2014-06-03 10:14:10 -04:00
log = require ' winston '
2014-06-03 16:54:56 -04:00
mongoose = require ' mongoose '
async = require ' async '
Achievement = require ' ./Achievement '
2014-05-18 10:51:23 -04:00
EarnedAchievement = require ' ./EarnedAchievement '
2014-06-03 16:54:56 -04:00
User = require ' ../users/User '
2014-05-18 10:51:23 -04:00
Handler = require ' ../commons/Handler '
2014-06-03 16:54:56 -04:00
LocalMongo = require ' ../../app/lib/LocalMongo '
2014-05-18 10:51:23 -04:00
class EarnedAchievementHandler extends Handler
modelClass: EarnedAchievement
# Don't allow POSTs or anything yet
hasAccess: (req) ->
2014-06-03 16:54:56 -04:00
req . method is ' GET ' # or req.user.isAdmin()
2014-05-18 10:51:23 -04:00
2014-06-03 10:14:10 -04:00
recalculate: (req, res) ->
2014-06-30 22:16:26 -04:00
onSuccess = (data) => log . debug ' Finished recalculating achievements '
2014-09-30 22:32:11 -04:00
console . log ' req.body.achievements is ' , req . body . achievements
2014-06-08 18:33:06 -04:00
if ' achievements ' of req . body # Support both slugs and IDs separated by commas
2014-09-30 22:32:11 -04:00
achievementSlugsOrIDs = req . body . achievements
2014-06-03 16:54:56 -04:00
EarnedAchievementHandler . recalculate achievementSlugsOrIDs , onSuccess
EarnedAchievementHandler . recalculate onSuccess
2014-06-24 12:14:26 -04:00
@ sendAccepted res , { }
2014-06-03 16:54:56 -04:00
2014-07-03 15:20:06 -04:00
@recalculate: (callbackOrSlugsOrIDs, callback) ->
if _ . isArray callbackOrSlugsOrIDs # slugs or ids
2014-06-04 14:47:32 -04:00
achievementSlugs = ( thing for thing in callbackOrSlugsOrIDs when not Handler . isID ( thing ) )
achievementIDs = ( thing for thing in callbackOrSlugsOrIDs when Handler . isID ( thing ) )
2014-09-30 22:32:11 -04:00
recalculatingAll = false
2014-07-03 15:20:06 -04:00
else # just a callback
callback = callbackOrSlugsOrIDs
2014-09-30 22:32:11 -04:00
recalculatingAll = true
2014-08-15 12:32:58 -04:00
t0 = new Date ( ) . getTime ( )
total = 100000
User . count { anonymous : false } , (err, count) -> total = count
onFinished = ->
t1 = new Date ( ) . getTime ( )
runningTime = ( ( t1 - t0 ) / 1000 / 60 / 60 ) . toFixed ( 2 )
console . log " we finished in #{ runningTime } hours "
callback arguments . . .
2014-06-03 16:54:56 -04:00
filter = { }
filter.$or = [
2014-06-04 14:47:32 -04:00
{ _id: $in: achievementIDs } ,
{ slug: $in: achievementSlugs }
2014-06-03 16:54:56 -04:00
] if achievementSlugs ? or achievementIDs ?
2014-06-08 18:33:06 -04:00
# Fetch all relevant achievements
2014-06-03 16:54:56 -04:00
Achievement . find filter , (err, achievements) ->
2014-08-07 16:03:00 -04:00
callback ? ( err ) if err ?
callback ? ( new Error ' No achievements to recalculate ' ) unless achievements . length
2014-07-24 09:05:26 -04:00
log . info " Recalculating a total of #{ achievements . length } achievements... "
2014-06-08 18:33:06 -04:00
2014-08-14 13:17:44 -04:00
# Fetch every single user. This tends to get big so do it in a streaming fashion.
2014-09-30 22:32:11 -04:00
userStream = User . find ( slug: ' nick ' ) . sort ( ' _id ' ) . stream ( )
2014-08-14 13:17:44 -04:00
streamFinished = false
usersTotal = 0
usersFinished = 0
2014-08-15 12:32:58 -04:00
numberRunning = 0
2014-08-14 13:17:44 -04:00
doneWithUser = ->
++ usersFinished
2014-08-15 12:32:58 -04:00
numberRunning -= 1
userStream . resume ( )
2014-08-14 13:17:44 -04:00
onFinished ? ( ) if streamFinished and usersFinished is usersTotal
userStream . on ' error ' , (err) -> log . error err
userStream . on ' close ' , -> streamFinished = true
userStream . on ' data ' , (user) ->
++ usersTotal
2014-08-15 12:32:58 -04:00
numberRunning += 1
userStream . pause ( ) if numberRunning > 20
2014-08-14 13:17:44 -04:00
# Keep track of a user's already achieved in order to set the notified values correctly
userID = user . get ( ' _id ' ) . toHexString ( )
# Fetch all of a user's earned achievements
EarnedAchievement . find { user: userID } , (err, alreadyEarned) ->
alreadyEarnedIDs = [ ]
previousPoints = 0
2014-09-26 05:28:54 -04:00
previousRewards = heroes: [ ] , items: [ ] , levels: [ ] , gems: 0
2014-08-14 13:17:44 -04:00
async . each alreadyEarned , ( (earned, doneWithEarned) ->
if ( _ . find achievements , (single) -> earned . get ( ' achievement ' ) is single . get ( ' _id ' ) . toHexString ( ) ) # if already earned
alreadyEarnedIDs . push earned . get ( ' achievement ' )
previousPoints += earned . get ' earnedPoints '
2014-09-26 05:28:54 -04:00
for rewardType in [ ' heroes ' , ' items ' , ' levels ' ]
previousRewards [ rewardType ] = previousRewards [ rewardType ] . concat ( earned . get ( ' earnedRewards ' ) ? [ rewardType ] ? [ ] )
previousRewards . gems += earned . get ( ' earnedRewards ' ) ? . gems ? 0
2014-08-14 13:17:44 -04:00
doneWithEarned ( )
2014-09-26 05:28:54 -04:00
) , (err) -> # After checking already achieved
log . error err if err
2014-08-14 13:17:44 -04:00
# TODO maybe also delete earned? Make sure you don't delete too many
newTotalPoints = 0
2014-09-26 05:28:54 -04:00
newTotalRewards = heroes: [ ] , items: [ ] , levels: [ ] , gems: 0
2014-08-14 13:17:44 -04:00
async . each achievements , ( (achievement, doneWithAchievement) ->
isRepeatable = achievement . get ( ' proportionalTo ' ) ?
model = mongoose . modelNameByCollection ( achievement . get ( ' collection ' ) )
return doneWithAchievement new Error " Model with collection ' #{ achievement . get ' collection ' } ' doesn ' t exist. " unless model ?
finalQuery = _ . clone achievement . get ' query '
finalQuery.$or = [ { } , { } ] # Allow both ObjectIDs or hex string IDs
finalQuery . $or [ 0 ] [ achievement . userField ] = userID
finalQuery . $or [ 1 ] [ achievement . userField ] = mongoose . Types . ObjectId userID
model . findOne finalQuery , (err, something) ->
return doneWithAchievement ( ) if _ . isEmpty something
#log.debug "Matched an achievement: #{achievement.get 'name'} for #{user.get 'name'}"
earned =
user: userID
achievement: achievement . _id . toHexString ( )
achievementName: achievement . get ' name '
notified: achievement . _id in alreadyEarnedIDs
if isRepeatable
earned.achievedAmount = something . get ( achievement . get ' proportionalTo ' )
earned.previouslyAchievedAmount = 0
expFunction = achievement . getExpFunction ( )
2014-09-20 18:18:21 -04:00
newPoints = expFunction ( earned . achievedAmount ) * achievement . get ( ' worth ' ) ? 10
2014-08-14 13:17:44 -04:00
2014-09-20 18:18:21 -04:00
newPoints = achievement . get ( ' worth ' ) ? 10
2014-08-14 13:17:44 -04:00
earned.earnedPoints = newPoints
newTotalPoints += newPoints
2014-09-26 05:28:54 -04:00
earned.earnedRewards = achievement . get ( ' rewards ' )
for rewardType in [ ' heroes ' , ' items ' , ' levels ' ]
newTotalRewards [ rewardType ] = newTotalRewards [ rewardType ] . concat ( achievement . get ( ' rewards ' ) ? [ rewardType ] ? [ ] )
newTotalRewards . gems += achievement . get ( ' rewards ' ) ? . gems ? 0
2014-08-14 13:17:44 -04:00
EarnedAchievement . update { achievement : earned . achievement , user : earned . user } , earned , { upsert: true } , (err) ->
doneWithAchievement err
2014-09-26 05:28:54 -04:00
) , (err) -> # Wrap up a user, save points
log . error err if err
2014-09-30 22:32:11 -04:00
#console.log 'User', user.get('name'), 'had newTotalPoints', newTotalPoints, 'and newTotalRewards', newTotalRewards, 'previousRewards', previousRewards
2014-09-26 05:28:54 -04:00
return doneWithUser ( user ) unless newTotalPoints or newTotalRewards . gems or _ . some ( newTotalRewards , (r) -> r . length )
2014-08-15 12:32:58 -04:00
# log.debug "Matched a total of #{newTotalPoints} new points"
# log.debug "Incrementing score for these achievements with #{newTotalPoints - previousPoints}"
2014-09-30 22:32:11 -04:00
pointDelta = newTotalPoints - previousPoints
2014-08-15 12:32:58 -04:00
pctDone = ( 100 * usersFinished / total ) . toFixed ( 2 )
2014-09-30 22:32:11 -04:00
console . log " Updated points to #{ newTotalPoints } ( #{ if pointDelta < 0 then ' ' else ' + ' } #{ pointDelta } ) for #{ user . get ( ' name ' ) or ' ??? ' } ( #{ user . get ( ' _id ' ) } ) ( #{ pctDone } %) "
if recalculatingAll
update = { $set: { points: newTotalPoints , ' earned.gems ' : 0 , ' earned.heroes ' : [ ] , ' earned.items ' : [ ] , ' earned.levels ' : [ ] } }
update = { $inc: { points: pointDelta } }
secondUpdate = { } # In case we need to pull, then push.
2014-09-26 05:28:54 -04:00
for rewardType , rewards of newTotalRewards
2014-09-30 22:32:11 -04:00
updateKey = " earned. #{ rewardType } "
2014-09-26 05:28:54 -04:00
if rewardType is ' gems '
2014-09-30 22:32:11 -04:00
if recalculatingAll
update . $set [ updateKey ] = rewards
update . $inc [ updateKey ] = rewards - previousRewards . gems
2014-09-26 05:28:54 -04:00
2014-09-30 22:32:11 -04:00
if recalculatingAll
update . $set [ updateKey ] = _ . uniq rewards
previousCounts = _ . countBy previousRewards [ rewardType ]
newCounts = _ . countBy rewards
relevantRewards = _ . union _ . keys ( previousCounts ) , _ . keys ( newCounts )
for reward in relevantRewards
[ previousCount , newCount ] = [ previousCounts [ reward ] , newCounts [ reward ] ]
if newCount and not previousCount
update . $addToSet ? = { }
update . $addToSet [ updateKey ] ? = { $each: [ ] }
update . $addToSet [ updateKey ] . $each . push reward
else if previousCount and not newCount
# Might $pull $each also work here?
update . $pullAll ? = { }
update . $pullAll [ updateKey ] ? = [ ]
update . $pullAll [ updateKey ] . push reward
if update . $addToSet ? [ updateKey ] and update . $pullAll ? [ updateKey ]
# Perform the update in two calls to avoid "MongoError: Cannot update 'earned.levels' and 'earned.levels' at the same time"
secondUpdate . $addToSet ? = { }
secondUpdate . $addToSet [ updateKey ] = update . $addToSet [ updateKey ]
delete update . $addToSet [ updateKey ]
delete update . $addToSet unless _ . size update . $addToSet
#console.log 'recalculatingAll?', recalculatingAll, 'so update is', update, 'secondUpdate', secondUpdate
2014-09-26 05:28:54 -04:00
User . update { _id: userID } , update , { } , (err) ->
2014-08-14 13:17:44 -04:00
log . error err if err ?
2014-09-30 22:32:11 -04:00
if _ . size secondUpdate
User . update { _id: userID } , secondUpdate , { } , (err) ->
log . error err if err ?
doneWithUser user
doneWithUser user
2014-08-14 13:17:44 -04:00
2014-06-03 16:54:56 -04:00
2014-05-19 18:24:16 -04:00
module.exports = new EarnedAchievementHandler ( )