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View = require 'views/kinds/CocoView'
add_thangs_template = require 'templates/editor/level/add_thangs'
ThangType = require 'models/ThangType'
CocoCollection = require 'models/CocoCollection'
class ThangTypeSearchCollection extends CocoCollection
url: '/db/thang.type/search?project=true'
model: ThangType
addTerm: (term) ->
@url += "&term=#{term}" if term
module.exports = class AddThangsView extends View
id: "add-thangs-column"
className: 'add-thangs-palette thangs-column'
template: add_thangs_template
startsLoading: false
'keyup input#thang-search': 'runSearch'
constructor: (options) ->
super options
@world = options.world
@thangTypes = @supermodel.getCollection new ThangTypeSearchCollection() # should load depended-on Components, too
@thangTypes.once 'sync', @onThangTypesLoaded
onThangTypesLoaded: =>
return if @destroyed
@render() # do it again but without the loading screen
getRenderData: (context={}) ->
context = super(context)
if @searchModels
models = @searchModels
models = @supermodel.getModels(ThangType)
thangTypes = (thangType.attributes for thangType in models)
thangTypes = _.uniq thangTypes, false, 'original'
thangTypes = _.reject thangTypes, kind: 'Mark'
groupMap = {}
for thangType in thangTypes
groupMap[thangType.kind] ?= []
groupMap[thangType.kind].push thangType
groups = []
for groupName in Object.keys(groupMap).sort()
someThangTypes = groupMap[groupName]
someThangTypes = _.sortBy someThangTypes, 'name'
group =
name: groupName
thangs: someThangTypes
groups.push group
context.thangTypes = thangTypes
context.groups = groups
afterRender: ->
return if @startsLoading
runSearch: (e) =>
if e?.which is 27
term = @$el.find('input#thang-search').val()
return unless term isnt @lastSearch
@searchModels = @thangTypes.filter (model) ->
return true unless term
regExp = new RegExp term, 'i'
return model.get('name').match regExp
@lastSearch = term
onEscapePressed: ->