c.extendNamedPropertiesSpecificArticleSchema# name first
SpecificArticleSchema.properties.body = {type: 'string',title: 'Content',description: "The body content of the article, in Markdown.",format: 'markdown'}
SpecificArticleSchema.displayProperty = 'name'
side = {title: "Side",description: "A side.",type: 'string','enum':['left','right','top','bottom']}
thang = {title: "Thang",description: "The name of a Thang.",type: 'string',maxLength: 30,format:'thang'}
eventPrereqValueTypes = ["boolean","integer","number","null","string"]# not "object" or "array"
EventPrereqSchema = c.object{title: "Event Prerequisite",format: 'event-prereq',description: "Script requires that the value of some property on the event triggering it to meet some prerequisite.","default":{eventProps: []},required: ["eventProps"]},
eventProps: c.array{'default':["thang"],format:'event-value-chain',maxItems: 10,title: "Event Property",description: 'A chain of keys in the event, like "thang.pos.x" to access event.thang.pos.x.'},c.shortString(title: "Property",description: "A key in the event property key chain.")
equalTo: c.object{type: eventPrereqValueTypes,title: "==",description: "Script requires the event's property chain value to be equal to this value."}
notEqualTo: c.object{type: eventPrereqValueTypes,title: "!=",description: "Script requires the event's property chain value to *not* be equal to this value."}
greaterThan: {type: 'number',title: ">",description: "Script requires the event's property chain value to be greater than this value."}
greaterThanOrEqualTo: {type: 'number',title: ">=",description: "Script requires the event's property chain value to be greater or equal to this value."}
lessThan: {type: 'number',title: "<",description: "Script requires the event's property chain value to be less than this value."}
lessThanOrEqualTo: {type: 'number',title: "<=",description: "Script requires the event's property chain value to be less than or equal to this value."}
containingString: c.shortString(title: "Contains",description: "Script requires the event's property chain value to be a string containing this string.")
notContainingString: c.shortString(title: "Does not contain",description: "Script requires the event's property chain value to *not* be a string containing this string.")
containingRegexp: c.shortString(title: "Contains Regexp",description: "Script requires the event's property chain value to be a string containing this regular expression.")
notContainingRegexp: c.shortString(title: "Does not contain regexp",description: "Script requires the event's property chain value to *not* be a string containing this regular expression.")
GoalSchema = c.object{title: "Goal",description: "A goal that the player can accomplish.",required: ["name","id"]},
name: c.shortString(title: "Name",description: "Name of the goal that the player will see, like \"Defeat eighteen dragons\".")
i18n: {type: "object",format: 'i18n',props: ['name'],description: "Help translate this goal"}
id: c.shortString(title: "ID",description: "Unique identifier for this goal, like \"defeat-dragons\".")# unique somehow?
worldEndsAfter: {title: 'World Ends After',description: "When included, ends the world this many seconds after this goal succeeds or fails.",type: 'number',minimum: 0,exclusiveMinimum: true,maximum: 300,default: 3}
howMany: {title: "How Many",description: "When included, require only this many of the listed goal targets instead of all of them.",type: 'integer',minimum: 1}
hiddenGoal: {title: "Hidden",description: "Hidden goals don't show up in the goals area for the player until they're failed. (Usually they're obvious, like 'don't die'.)",'type':'boolean',default: false}
killThangs: c.array{title: "Kill Thangs",description: "A list of Thang IDs the player should kill, or team names.",uniqueItems: true,minItems: 1,"default":["ogres"]},thang
saveThangs: c.array{title: "Save Thangs",description: "A list of Thang IDs the player should save, or team names",uniqueItems: true,minItems: 1,"default":["humans"]},thang
getToLocations: c.object{title: "Get To Locations",description: "Will be set off when any of the \"who\" touch any of the \"targets\"",required: ["who","targets"]},
getAllToLocations: c.array{title: "Get all to locations",description: "Similar to getToLocations but now a specific \"who\" can have a specific \"target\", also must be used with the HowMany property for desired effect",required: ["getToLocation"]},
c.object{title: "",description: ""},
getToLocation: c.object{title: "Get To Locations",description: "TODO: explain",required: ["who","targets"]},
who: c.array{title: "Who",description: "The Thangs who must get to the target locations.",minItems: 1},thang
targets: c.array{title: "Targets",description: "The target locations to which the Thangs must get.",minItems: 1},thang
keepAllFromLocations: c.array{title: "Keep ALL From Locations",description: "Similar to keepFromLocations but now a specific \"who\" can have a specific \"target\", also must be used with the HowMany property for desired effect",required: ["keepFromLocation"]},
leaveOffSides: c.object{title: "Leave Off Sides",description: "Sides of the level to get some Thangs to leave across.",required: ["who","sides"]},
who: c.array{title: "Who",description: "The Thangs which must leave off the sides of the level.",minItems: 1},thang
sides: c.array{title: "Sides",description: "The sides off which the Thangs must leave.",minItems: 1},side
keepFromLeavingOffSides: c.object{title: "Keep From Leaving Off Sides",description: "Sides of the level to keep some Thangs from leaving across.",required: ["who","sides"]},
who: c.array{title: "Who",description: "The Thangs which must not leave off the sides of the level.",minItems: 1},thang
sides: side,{title: "Sides",description: "The sides off which the Thangs must not leave.",minItems: 1},side
collectThangs: c.object{title: "Collect",description: "Thangs that other Thangs must collect.",required: ["who","targets"]},
who: c.array{title: "Who",description: "The Thangs which must collect the target items.",minItems: 1},thang
targets: c.array{title: "Targets",description: "The target items which the Thangs must collect.",minItems: 1},thang
keepFromCollectingThangs: c.object{title: "Keep From Collecting",description: "Thangs that the player must prevent other Thangs from collecting.",required: ["who","targets"]},
who: c.array{title: "Who",description: "The Thangs which must not collect the target items.",minItems: 1},thang
targets: c.array{title: "Targets",description: "The target items which the Thangs must not collect.",minItems: 1},thang
ResponseSchema = c.object{title: "Dialogue Button",description: "A button to be shown to the user with the dialogue.",required: ["text"]},
text: {title: "Title",description: "The text that will be on the button","default":"Okay",type: 'string',maxLength: 30}
channel: c.shortString(title: "Channel",format: 'event-channel',description: 'Channel that this event will be broadcast over, like "level-set-playing".')
event: {type: 'object',title: "Event",description: "Event that will be broadcast when this button is pressed, like {playing: true}."}
buttonClass: c.shortString(title: "Button Class",description: 'CSS class that will be added to the button, like "btn-primary".')
i18n: {type: "object",format: 'i18n',props: ['text'],description: "Help translate this button"}
x: {title: "x",description: "The x coordinate.",type: "number","default":15}
y: {title: "y",description: "The y coordinate.",type: "number","default":20}
SpriteCommandSchema = c.object{title: "Thang Command",description: "Make a target Thang move or say something, or select/deselect it.",required: ["id"],default: {id: "Captain Anya"}},
id: thang
select: {title: "Select",description: "Select or deselect this Thang.",type: 'boolean'}
say: c.object{title: "Say",description: "Make this Thang say a message.",required: ["text"]},
blurb: c.shortString(title: "Blurb",description: "A very short message to display above this Thang's head. Plain text.",maxLength: 50)
mood: c.shortString(title: "Mood",description: "The mood with which the Thang speaks.","enum":["explain","debrief","congrats","attack","joke","tip","alarm"],"default":"explain")
text: {title: "Text",description: "A short message to display in the dialogue area. Markdown okay.",type: "string",maxLength: 400}
sound: c.object{title: "Sound",description: "A dialogue sound file to accompany the message.",required: ["mp3","ogg"]},
preload: {title: "Preload",description: "Whether to load this sound file before the level can begin (typically for the first dialogue of a level).",type: 'boolean',"default":false}
responses: c.array{title: "Buttons",description: "An array of buttons to include with the dialogue, with which the user can respond."},ResponseSchema
i18n: {type: "object",format: 'i18n',props: ['blurb','text'],description: "Help translate this message"}
move: c.object{title: "Move",description: "Tell the Thang to move.",required: ['target'],default: {target: {x: 20,y: 20},duration: 500}},
target: _.extend_.cloneDeep(PointSchema),{title: 'Target',description: 'Target point to which the Thang will move.'}
duration: {title: "Duration",description: "Number of milliseconds over which to move, or 0 for an instant move.",type: 'integer',minimum: 0,default: 500,format: 'milliseconds'}
NoteGroupSchema = c.object{title: "Note Group",description: "A group of notes that should be sent out as a result of this script triggering.",displayProperty: "name"},
name: {title: "Name",description: "Short name describing the script, like \"Anya greets the player\", for your convenience.",type: "string"}
dom: c.object{title: "DOM",description: "Manipulate things in the play area DOM, outside of the level area canvas."},
focus: c.shortString(title: "Focus",description: "Set the window focus to this DOM selector string.")
showVictory: {
title: "Show Victory",
description: "Show the done button and maybe also the victory modal.",
enum: [true,'Done Button','Done Button And Modal']# deprecate true, same as 'done_button_and_modal'
highlight: c.object{title: "Highlight",description: "Highlight the target DOM selector string with a big arrow."},
target: c.shortString(title: "Target",description: "Target highlight element DOM selector string.")
delay: {type: 'integer',minimum: 0,title: "Delay",description: "Show the highlight after this many milliseconds. Doesn't affect the dim shade cutout highlight method."}
offset: _.extend_.cloneDeep(PointSchema),{title: 'Offset',description: 'Pointing arrow tip offset in pixels from the default target.',format: null}
rotation: {type: 'number',minimum: 0,title: "Rotation",description: "Rotation of the pointing arrow, in radians. PI / 2 points left, PI points up, etc."}
sides: c.array{title: "Sides",description: "Which sides of the target element to point at."},{type: 'string','enum':['left','right','top','bottom'],title: "Side",description: "A side of the target element to point at."}
lock: {title: "Lock",description: "Whether the interface should be locked so that the player's focus is on the script, or specific areas to lock.",type: ['boolean','array'],items: {type: 'string',enum: ['surface','editor','palette','hud','playback','playback-hover','level',]}}
letterbox: {type: 'boolean',title: 'Letterbox',description:'Turn letterbox mode on or off. Disables surface and playback controls.'}
playback: c.object{title: "Playback",description: "Control the playback of the level."},
playing: {type: 'boolean',title: "Set Playing",description: "Set whether playback is playing or paused."}
scrub: c.object{title: "Scrub",description: "Scrub the level playback time to a certain point.",default: {offset: 2,duration: 1000,toRatio: 0.5}},
offset: {type: 'integer',title: "Offset",description: "Number of frames by which to adjust the scrub target time.",default: 2}
duration: {type: 'integer',title: "Duration",description: "Number of milliseconds over which to scrub time.",minimum: 0,format: 'milliseconds'}
toRatio: {type: 'number',title: "To Progress Ratio",description: "Set playback time to a target playback progress ratio.",minimum: 0,maximum: 1}
toTime: {type: 'number',title: "To Time",description: "Set playback time to a target playback point, in seconds.",minimum: 0}
toGoal: c.shortString(title: "To Goal",description: "Set playback time to when this goal was achieved. (TODO: not implemented.)")
script: c.object{title: "Script",description: "Extra configuration for this action group."},
duration: {type: 'integer',minimum: 0,title: "Duration",description: "How long this script should last in milliseconds. 0 for indefinite.",format: 'milliseconds'}
skippable: {type: 'boolean',title: "Skippable",description: "Whether this script shouldn't bother firing when the player skips past all current scripts."}
beforeLoad: {type: 'boolean',title: "Before Load",description: "Whether this script should fire before the level is finished loading."}
sprites: c.array{title: "Sprites",description: "Commands to issue to Sprites on the Surface."},SpriteCommandSchema
surface: c.object{title: "Surface",description: "Commands to issue to the Surface itself."},
focus: c.object{title: "Camera",description: "Focus the camera on a specific point on the Surface.",format:'viewport'},
target: {anyOf: [PointSchema,thang,{type: 'null'}],title: "Target",description: "Where to center the camera view."}
isNewDefault: {type:'boolean',format: 'hidden',title: "New Default",description: 'Set this as new default zoom once scripts end.'}# deprecated
highlight: c.object{title: "Highlight",description: "Highlight specific Sprites on the Surface."},
targets: c.array{title: "Targets",description: "Thang IDs of target Sprites to highlight."},thang
delay: {type: 'integer',minimum: 0,title: "Delay",description: "Delay in milliseconds before the highlight appears."}
lockSelect: {type: 'boolean',title: "Lock Select",description: "Whether to lock Sprite selection so that the player can't select/deselect anything."}
sound: c.object{title: "Sound",description: "Commands to control sound playback."},
suppressSelectionSounds: {type: "boolean",title: "Suppress Selection Sounds",description: "Whether to suppress selection sounds made from clicking on Thangs."}
music: c.object{title: "Music",description: "Control music playing"},
description: 'A script fires off a chain of notes to interact with the game when a certain event triggers it.'
required: ["channel"]
'default':{channel: "world:won",noteChain: []}
id: c.shortString(title: "ID",description: "A unique ID that other scripts can rely on in their Happens After prereqs, for sequencing.")# uniqueness?
channel: c.shortString(title: "Event",format: 'event-channel',description: 'Event channel this script might trigger for, like "world:won".')
eventPrereqs: c.array{title: "Event Checks",description: "Logical checks on the event for this script to trigger.",format:'event-prereqs'},EventPrereqSchema
thangType: c.objectId(links: [{rel: "db",href: "/db/thang.type/{($)}/version"}],title: "Thang Type",description: "A reference to the original Thang template being configured.",format: 'thang-type')
components: c.array{title: "Components",description: "Thangs are configured by changing the Components attached to them.",uniqueItems: true,format: 'thang-components-array'},ThangComponentSchema# TODO: uniqueness should be based on "original", not whole thing
LevelSystemSchema = c.object{
title: "System"
description: "Configuration for a System that this Level uses."
majorVersion: {title: "Major Version",description: "Which major version of the System is being used.",type: 'integer',minimum: 0,default: 0,format: "hidden"}
GeneralArticleSchema = c.object{
title: "Article"
description: "Reference to a general documentation article."
original: c.objectId(title: "Original",description: "A reference to the original Article.")#, format: "hidden") # hidden?
majorVersion: {title: "Major Version",description: "Which major version of the Article is being used.",type: 'integer',minimum: 0}#, format: "hidden"} # hidden?
LevelSchema = c.object{
title: "Level"
description: "A spectacular level which will delight and educate its stalwart players with the sorcery of coding."
c.extendNamedPropertiesLevelSchema# let's have the name be the first property
description: {title: "Description",description: "A short explanation of what this level is about.",type: "string",maxLength: 65536,"default":"This level is indescribably flarmy!",format: 'markdown'}
documentation: c.object{title: "Documentation",description: "Documentation articles relating to this level.",required: ["specificArticles","generalArticles"],'default':{specificArticles: [],generalArticles: []}},
specificArticles: c.array{title: "Specific Articles",description: "Specific documentation articles that live only in this level.",uniqueItems: true,"default":[]},SpecificArticleSchema
generalArticles: c.array{title: "General Articles",description: "General documentation articles that can be linked from multiple levels.",uniqueItems: true,"default":[]},GeneralArticleSchema
scripts: c.array{title: "Scripts",description: "An array of scripts that trigger based on what the player does and affect things outside of the core level simulation.","default":[]},ScriptSchema
thangs: c.array{title: "Thangs",description: "An array of Thangs that make up the level.","default":[]},LevelThangSchema
systems: c.array{title: "Systems",description: "Levels are configured by changing the Systems attached to them.",uniqueItems: true,default: []},LevelSystemSchema# TODO: uniqueness should be based on "original", not whole thing
victory: c.object{title: "Victory Screen",default: {},properties: {'body':{type: 'string',format: 'markdown',title: 'Body Text',description: 'Inserted into the Victory Modal once this level is complete. Tell the player they did a good job and what they accomplished!'},i18n: {type: "object",format: 'i18n',props: ['body'],description: "Help translate this victory message"}}}
i18n: {type: "object",format: 'i18n',props: ['name','description'],description: "Help translate this level"}