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CocoView = require 'views/core/CocoView'
template = require 'templates/play/level/duel-stats-view'
ThangAvatarView = require 'views/play/level/ThangAvatarView'
utils = require 'core/utils'
# - if a hero is dead, a big indication that they are dead
# - each hero's current action?
# - if one player is you, an indicator that it's you?
# - indication of which team won (not always hero dead--ties and other victory conditions)
# - army composition or power or attack/defense (for certain levels): experiment with something simple, not like the previous unit list thing
module.exports = class DuelStatsView extends CocoView
id: 'duel-stats-view'
template: template
#'surface:gold-changed': 'onGoldChanged'
'god:new-world-created': 'onNewWorld'
'surface:frame-changed': 'onFrameChanged'
constructor: (options) ->
super options
options.thangs = _.filter options.thangs, 'inThangList'
unless options.otherSession
options.otherSession = get: (prop) -> {
creatorName: $.i18n.t 'ladder.simple_ai'
team: if options.session.get('team') is 'humans' then 'ogres' else 'humans'
heroConfig: options.session.get('heroConfig')
#@teamGold = {}
#@teamGoldEarned = {}
getRenderData: (c) ->
c = super c
c.players = @players = (@formatPlayer team for team in ['humans', 'ogres'])
formatPlayer: (team) ->
p = team: team
session = _.find [@options.session, @options.otherSession], (s) -> s.get('team') is team
p.name = session.get 'creatorName'
p.heroThangType = (session.get('heroConfig') ? {}).thangType or '529ffbf1cf1818f2be000001'
p.heroID = if team is 'ogres' then 'Hero Placeholder 1' else 'Hero Placeholder'
afterRender: ->
for player in @players
@buildAvatar player.heroID, player.team
buildAvatar: (heroID, team) ->
@avatars ?= {}
return if @avatars[team]
thang = _.find @options.thangs, id: heroID
@avatars[team] = avatar = new ThangAvatarView thang: thang, includeName: false, supermodel: @supermodel
@$find(team, '.thang-avatar-placeholder').replaceWith avatar.$el
onNewWorld: (e) ->
@thangs = _.filter e.world.thangs, 'inThangList'
onFrameChanged: (e) ->
update: ->
for player in @players
# etc.
thang = @avatars[player.team].thang
@updateHealth thang
updateHealth: (thang) ->
$health = @$find thang.team, '.player-health'
console.log 'updating health for', thang.id, thang.health, thang.maxHealth, 'with el', $health
$health.find('.health-bar').css 'width', Math.max(0, Math.min(100, 100 * thang.health / thang.maxHealth)) + '%'
utils.replaceText $health.find('.health-value'), Math.round thang.health
$find: (team, selector) ->
@$el.find(".player-container.team-#{team} " + selector)
destroy: ->
avatar.destroy() for team, avatar of @avatars ? {}
#onGoldChanged: (e) ->
# return if @teamGold[e.team] is e.gold and @teamGoldEarned[e.team] is e.goldEarned
# @teamGold[e.team] = e.gold
# @teamGoldEarned[e.team] = e.goldEarned
# goldEl = @$find e.team, '.gold-amount'
# text = '' + e.gold
# if e.goldEarned and e.goldEarned > e.gold
# text += " (#{e.goldEarned})"
# goldEl.text text
# @updateTitle()
#updateTitle: ->
# for team, gold of @teamGold
# if @teamGoldEarned[team]
# title = "Team '#{team}' has #{gold} now of #{@teamGoldEarned[team]} gold earned."
# else
# title = "Team '#{team}' has #{gold} gold."
# @$find(team, '.player-gold').attr 'title', title