2014-09-12 19:33:01 -04:00
SpriteBuilder = require 'lib/sprites/SpriteBuilder'
2014-09-16 18:36:59 -04:00
CocoClass = require 'lib/CocoClass'
WebGLSprite = require './WebGLSprite'
2014-09-17 18:47:25 -04:00
{SpriteContainerLayer} = require 'lib/surface/Layer'
2014-09-16 18:36:59 -04:00
2014-09-17 18:47:25 -04:00
module.exports = class WebGLLayer extends CocoClass
2014-09-16 18:36:59 -04:00
_.extend(WebGLLayer.prototype, Backbone.Events)
2014-09-12 19:33:01 -04:00
actionRenderState: null
needToRerender: false
toRenderBundles: null
willRender: false
2014-09-16 18:36:59 -04:00
buildAutomatically: true
buildAsync: true
2014-09-12 19:33:01 -04:00
defaultActions: ['idle', 'die', 'move', 'move_back', 'move_side', 'move_fore', 'attack']
2014-09-16 18:36:59 -04:00
numThingsLoading: 0
cocoSprites: null
spriteSheet: null
spriteContainer: null
2014-09-12 19:33:01 -04:00
2014-09-17 18:47:25 -04:00
constructor: (@layerOptions) ->
2014-09-17 19:06:23 -04:00
@layerOptions ?= {}
2014-09-17 18:47:25 -04:00
@initializing = true
2014-09-16 18:36:59 -04:00
@spriteSheet = @_renderNewSpriteSheet(false) # builds an empty spritesheet
2014-09-17 18:47:25 -04:00
@spriteContainer = new SpriteContainerLayer(@spriteSheet, @layerOptions)
2014-09-12 19:33:01 -04:00
@actionRenderState = {}
@toRenderBundles = []
2014-09-16 18:36:59 -04:00
@cocoSprites = []
2014-09-17 18:47:25 -04:00
@initializing = false
2014-09-12 19:33:01 -04:00
setDefaultActions: (@defaultActions) ->
renderGroupingKey: (thangType, grouping, colorConfig) ->
key = thangType.get('slug')
if colorConfig?.team
key += "(#{colorConfig.team.hue},#{colorConfig.team.saturation},#{colorConfig.team.lightness})"
key += '.'+grouping if grouping
addCocoSprite: (cocoSprite) ->
2014-09-17 19:49:31 -04:00
cocoSprite.options.resolutionFactor = @resolutionFactor
2014-09-16 18:36:59 -04:00
@cocoSprites.push cocoSprite
# TODO: actually add it as a child
loadThangType: (thangType) ->
if not thangType.isFullyLoaded()
thangType.setProjection null
thangType.fetch() unless thangType.loading
@listenToOnce(thangType, 'sync', @somethingLoaded)
else if thangType.get('raster') and not thangType.loadedRaster
@listenToOnce(thangType, 'raster-image-loaded', @somethingLoaded)
somethingLoaded: (thangType) ->
@loadThangType(thangType) # might need to load the raster image object
for cocoSprite in @cocoSprites
if cocoSprite.thangType is thangType
addDefaultActionsToRender: (cocoSprite) ->
2014-09-17 18:47:25 -04:00
needToRender = false
2014-09-12 19:33:01 -04:00
if cocoSprite.thangType.get('raster')
for action in _.values(cocoSprite.thangType.getActions())
continue unless action.name in @defaultActions
@upsertActionToRender(cocoSprite.thangType, action.name, cocoSprite.options.colorConfig)
2014-09-16 18:36:59 -04:00
2014-09-12 19:33:01 -04:00
upsertActionToRender: (thangType, actionName, colorConfig) ->
groupKey = @renderGroupingKey(thangType, actionName, colorConfig)
2014-09-17 18:47:25 -04:00
return false if @actionRenderState[groupKey] isnt undefined
2014-09-12 19:33:01 -04:00
@actionRenderState[groupKey] = 'need-to-render'
@toRenderBundles.push({thangType: thangType, actionName: actionName, colorConfig: colorConfig})
2014-09-17 18:47:25 -04:00
return true if @willRender or not @buildAutomatically
2014-09-16 18:36:59 -04:00
@willRender = _.defer => @renderNewSpriteSheet()
2014-09-17 18:47:25 -04:00
return true
2014-09-12 19:33:01 -04:00
renderNewSpriteSheet: ->
@willRender = false
2014-09-16 18:36:59 -04:00
return if @numThingsLoading
_renderNewSpriteSheet: (async) ->
async ?= @buildAsync
2014-09-12 19:33:01 -04:00
builder = new createjs.SpriteSheetBuilder()
groups = _.groupBy(@toRenderBundles, ((bundle) -> @renderGroupingKey(bundle.thangType, '', bundle.colorConfig)), @)
for bundleGrouping in _.values(groups)
thangType = bundleGrouping[0].thangType
colorConfig = bundleGrouping[0].colorConfig
actionNames = (bundle.actionName for bundle in bundleGrouping)
args = [thangType, colorConfig, actionNames, builder]
if thangType.get('raw')
if thangType.get('renderStrategy') is 'container'
@renderRasterImage(thangType, builder)
2014-09-16 18:36:59 -04:00
if not _.size(groups)
emptiness = new createjs.Container()
emptiness.setBounds(0, 0, 1, 1)
if async
builder.on 'complete', @onBuildSpriteSheetComplete, @, true, builder
2014-09-17 18:47:25 -04:00
sheet = builder.build()
@onBuildSpriteSheetComplete(null, builder)
return sheet
2014-09-16 18:36:59 -04:00
onBuildSpriteSheetComplete: (e, builder) ->
2014-09-17 18:47:25 -04:00
return if @initializing
@spriteSheet = builder.spriteSheet
oldLayer = @spriteContainer
@spriteContainer = new SpriteContainerLayer(@spriteSheet, @layerOptions)
for cocoSprite in @cocoSprites
for prop in ['scaleX', 'scaleY', 'regX', 'regY']
@spriteContainer[prop] = oldLayer[prop]
if parent = oldLayer.parent
index = parent.getChildIndex(oldLayer)
parent.addChildAt(@spriteContainer, index)
2014-09-17 19:06:23 -04:00
2014-09-17 18:47:25 -04:00
@trigger 'new-spritesheet'
2014-09-12 19:33:01 -04:00
renderContainers: (thangType, colorConfig, actionNames, spriteSheetBuilder) ->
containersToRender = {}
for actionName in actionNames
action = _.find(thangType.getActions(), {name: actionName})
if action.container
containersToRender[action.container] = true
else if action.animation
2014-09-15 18:08:02 -04:00
animationContainers = @getContainersForAnimation(thangType, action.animation)
2014-09-12 19:33:01 -04:00
containersToRender[container.gn] = true for container in animationContainers
spriteBuilder = new SpriteBuilder(thangType, {colorConfig: colorConfig})
for containerGlobalName in _.keys(containersToRender)
containerKey = @renderGroupingKey(thangType, containerGlobalName, colorConfig)
container = spriteBuilder.buildContainerFromStore(containerGlobalName)
2014-09-17 19:49:31 -04:00
frame = spriteSheetBuilder.addFrame(container, null, @resolutionFactor)
2014-09-12 19:33:01 -04:00
spriteSheetBuilder.addAnimation(containerKey, [frame], false)
2014-09-15 18:08:02 -04:00
getContainersForAnimation: (thangType, animation) ->
containers = thangType.get('raw').animations[animation].containers
for animation in thangType.get('raw').animations[animation].animations
containers = containers.concat(@getContainersForAnimation(thangType, animation.gn))
return containers
2014-09-12 19:33:01 -04:00
renderSpriteSheet: (thangType, colorConfig, actionNames, spriteSheetBuilder) ->
actionObjects = _.values(thangType.getActions())
animationActions = []
for a in actionObjects
continue unless a.animation
continue unless a.name in actionNames
spriteBuilder = new SpriteBuilder(thangType, {colorConfig: colorConfig})
animationGroups = _.groupBy animationActions, (action) -> action.animation
for animationName, actions of animationGroups
renderAll = _.any actions, (action) -> action.frames is undefined
scale = actions[0].scale or thangType.get('scale') or 1
mc = spriteBuilder.buildMovieClip(animationName, null, null, null, {'temp':0})
if renderAll
res = spriteSheetBuilder.addMovieClip(mc, null, scale * @resolutionFactor)
frames = spriteSheetBuilder._animations['temp'].frames
framesMap = _.zipObject _.range(frames.length), frames
framesMap = {}
framesToRender = _.uniq(_.flatten((a.frames.split(',') for a in actions)))
for frame in framesToRender
frame = parseInt(frame)
f = _.bind(mc.gotoAndStop, mc, frame)
framesMap[frame] = spriteSheetBuilder.addFrame(mc, null, scale * @resolutionFactor, f)
for action in actions
name = @renderGroupingKey(thangType, action.name, colorConfig)
if action.frames
frames = (framesMap[parseInt(frame)] for frame in action.frames.split(','))
frames = _.values(framesMap).sort()
next = true
next = action.goesTo if action.goesTo
next = false if action.loops is false
spriteSheetBuilder.addAnimation(name, frames, next)
containerActions = []
for a in actionObjects
continue unless a.container
continue unless a.name in actionNames
containerGroups = _.groupBy containerActions, (action) -> action.container
for containerName, actions of containerGroups
container = spriteBuilder.buildContainerFromStore(containerName)
scale = actions[0].scale or thangType.get('scale') or 1
frame = spriteSheetBuilder.addFrame(container, null, scale * @resolutionFactor)
for action in actions
name = @renderGroupingKey(thangType, action.name, colorConfig)
spriteSheetBuilder.addAnimation(name, [frame], false)
renderRasterImage: (thangType, spriteSheetBuilder) ->
unless thangType.rasterImage
console.error("Cannot render the WebGLLayer SpriteSheet until the raster image for <#{thangType.get('name')}> is loaded.")
bm = new createjs.Bitmap(thangType.rasterImage[0])
scale = thangType.get('scale') or 1
frame = spriteSheetBuilder.addFrame(bm, null, scale)
2014-09-16 18:36:59 -04:00
spriteSheetBuilder.addAnimation(@renderGroupingKey(thangType), [frame], false)
setImageObjectToCocoSprite: (cocoSprite) ->
if not cocoSprite.thangType.isFullyLoaded()
# just give a placeholder
sprite = new createjs.Sprite(@spriteSheet)
else if cocoSprite.thangType.get('raster')
sprite = new createjs.Sprite(@spriteSheet)
reg = cocoSprite.getOffset 'registration'
sprite.regX = -reg.x
sprite.regY = -reg.y
prefix = @renderGroupingKey(cocoSprite.thangType, null, cocoSprite.colorConfig) + '.'
2014-09-17 19:49:31 -04:00
sprite = new WebGLSprite(@spriteSheet, cocoSprite.thangType, prefix, @resolutionFactor)
2014-09-16 18:36:59 -04:00
sprite.sprite = cocoSprite
sprite.layerPriority = cocoSprite.thang?.layerPriority ? cocoSprite.thangType.get 'layerPriority'
sprite.name = cocoSprite.thang?.spriteName or cocoSprite.thangType.get 'name'
2014-09-17 18:47:25 -04:00